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Precambrian fluvial systems, lacking the influence of rooted vegetation, probably were characterised by flashy surface runoff, low bank stability, broad channels with abundant bedload, and faster rates of channel migration; consequently, a braided fluvial style is generally accepted. Pre-vegetational braided river systems, active under highly variable palaeoclimatic conditions, may have been more widespread than are modern, ephemeral dry-land braided systems. Aeolian deflation of fine fluvial detritus does not appear to have been prevalent. With the onset of large cratons by the Neoarchaean–Palaeoproterozoic, very large, perennial braided river systems became typical. The c. 2.06–1.88 Ga Waterberg Group, preserved within a Main and a smaller Middelburg basin on the Kaapvaal craton, was deposited largely by alluvial/braided-fluvial and subordinate palaeo-desert environments, within fault-bounded, possibly pull-apart type depositories.

Palaeohydrological data obtained from earlier work in the Middelburg basin (Wilgerivier Formation) are compared to such data derived from the correlated Blouberg Formation, situated along the NE margin of the Main basin. Within the preserved Blouberg depository, palaeohydrological parameters estimated from clast size and cross-bed set thickness data, exhibit rational changes in their values, either in a down-palaeocurrent direction, or from inferred basin margin to palaeo-basin centre. In both the Wilgerivier and Blouberg Formations, calculated palaeoslope values (derived from two separate formulae) plot within the gap separating typical alluvial fan gradients from those which characterise rivers (cf. [Blair, T.C., McPherson, J.G., 1994. Alluvial fans and their natural distinction from rivers based on morphology, hydraulic processes, sedimentary processes, and facies assemblages. J. Sediment. Res. A64, 450–489.]). Although it may be argued that such data support possibly unique fluvial styles within the Precambrian, perhaps related to a combination of major global-scale tectono-thermal and atmospheric–palaeoclimatic events, a simpler explanation of these apparently enigmatic palaeoslope values may be pertinent. Of the two possible palaeohydrological formulae for calculating palaeoslope, one provides results close to typical fluvial gradients; the other formula relies on preserved channel-width data. We suggest that the latter will not be reliable due to problematic preservation of original channel-widths within an active braided fluvial system. We thus find no unequivocal support for a unique fluvial style for the Precambrian, beyond that generally accepted for that period and discussed briefly in the first paragraph.  相似文献   

Microanalytical studies of basement rocks below the Athabasca sandstone basin indicate that monazite is the dominant uranium-bearing mineral in the study area. Drill core samples of hydrothermally altered basement show that monazite is commonly altered to a Th–silicate phase, and uranium has been significantly mobilized. On average, 75% of the uranium bound to monazite is leached out during monazite alteration. In contrast, no substantial mobilization of uranium from detrital minerals (e.g. zircon) has yet been observed in the Athabasca sandstones. It is suggested that hydrothermal alteration of granitic rocks (especially potassic pegmatoids and potassic orthogneisses) of the sub-Athabasca basement, represents the most important uranium source for the unconformity-type deposits. Received: 3 December 1999 / Accepted: 24 May 2000  相似文献   

The importance of geochronology in the study of mineral deposits in general, and of unconformity-type uranium deposits in particular, resides in the possibility to situate the critical ore-related processes in the context of the evolution of the physical and chemical conditions in the studied area. The present paper gives the results of laser step heating 40Ar/39Ar dating of metamorphic host-rock minerals, pre-ore and syn-ore alteration clay minerals, and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS) U/Pb dating of uraninite from a number of basement- and sediment-hosted unconformity-related deposits in the Athabasca Basin, Canada. Post-peak metamorphic cooling during the Trans-Hudson Orogen of rocks from the basement occurred at ca 1,750 Ma and gives a maximum age for the formation of the overlying Athabasca Basin. Pre-ore alteration occurred simultaneously in both basement- and sandstone-hosted mineralizations at ca 1,675 Ma, as indicated by the 40Ar/39Ar dating of pre-ore alteration illite and chlorite. The uranium mineralization age is ca 1,590 Ma, given by LA-ICP-MS U/Pb dating of uraninite and 40Ar/39Ar dating of syn-ore illite, and is the same throughout the basin and in both basement- and sandstone-hosted deposits. The mineralization event, older than previously proposed, as well as several fluid circulation events that subsequently affected all minerals studied probably correspond to far-field, continent-wide tectonic events such as the metamorphic events in Wyoming and the Mazatzal Orogeny (ca 1.6 to 1.5 Ga), the Berthoud Orogeny (ca 1.4 Ga), the emplacement of the McKenzie mafic dyke swarms (ca 1.27 Ga), the Grenville Orogeny (ca 1.15 to 1 Ga), and the assemblage and break-up of Rodinia (ca 1 to 0.85 Ga). The results of the present work underline the importance of basin evolution between ca 1.75 Ga (basin formation) and ca 1.59 Ga (ore deposition) for understanding the conditions necessary for the formation of unconformity-type uranium deposits. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Precambrian fluvial deposits have been traditionally described as architecturally simple, forming shallow and wide braidplains with sheet‐like geometry. The varied architecture and morphodynamics of the 1·6 Ga Ellice Formation of Elu Basin, Nunavut, Canada, are examined from detailed studies of section and planform exposures along coastal platforms and stepped cliffs. The Ellice Formation overlies older Proterozoic sandstones and Archean crystalline rocks, recording sedimentation in fluvial, aeolian, coastal and nearshore‐marine environments. The fluvial deposits display palaeoflow towards the west/north‐west, while overlying shallow‐marine deposits record transgression towards the east/south‐east. The Ellice Formation displays dispersed palaeoflow at its base, and also at higher stratigraphic levels, where fluvial and aeolian deposits are associated. Elsewhere, mainly unimodal palaeoflow points to extensive low‐sinuosity fluvial deposition. Within the terrestrial deposits, fluvial, fluvial–aeolian and coastal architectural elements are recognized. Fluvial elements comprise cross‐bedded sandstone and minor conglomerate, exhibiting an overall fining‐upward trend with associated decrease in preservation, dimension and amalgamation of channel bodies. These motifs are interpreted to portray a shift in depositional environment from proximal trunk rivers to distal alluvial plains. Low‐sinuosity fluvial elements are the most common, and include major channel bodies, elongate side bars and mid‐channel bars with well‐developed scroll topography. High‐sinuosity channel‐bar complexes exhibit upbar‐flow rotation and yield evidence of bar expansion coupled with rotation and translation. Fluvial–aeolian elements are composed of aeolian dunes juxtaposed with isolated channel bodies and bank‐attached bars. Minor mixed fluvial–aeolian sheets record local deposition in unconfined settings (possibly floodbasins) or inter‐distributary highlands. Finally, coastal elements comprise small deltaic complexes composed of sand‐rich distributary‐channel bodies feeding heterolithic mouth bars. Overall, the sedimentary record of the Ellice Formation demonstrates an example from the Precambrian where alluvium was locally characterized by a higher geomorphic variability than previously recognized.  相似文献   

The East European Platform is underlain by Archaean and Proterozoic complexes of the East European Craton. In the southwest these are locally exposed in the Ukrainian Shield and the Voronezh Massif on either side of the ca. 2000 km long ESE-striking late Palaeozoic Pripyat–Dniepr–Donets rift. Evaluation with Landsat imagery of 1 : 1,000,000 scale published maps of the Precambrian complexes [Zaritsky, A.I., Galetsky, L.S. (Eds.), 1992. Geology and Metallogeny of the Southwest of the East-European Platform Map Series, 1 : 1,000,000, Ukrainian State Committee on Geology and Utilization of Mineral Resources, Kiev.] is largely obstructed by a cover of post-Palaeozoic sediments and soils of variable thickness. This obstruction is aggravated by an almost continuous patchwork of farmlands. However, analysis of the current drainage patterns in the Dniepr River basin and surrounding regions reveals a spatial coincidence of numerous stream courses and watersheds with previously inferred steep, transcrustal discontinuities of most probably Precambrian age.Transcrustal dislocations constituted important pathways for heat and fluids as is indicated by the distribution of a large proportion of assumed Early Proterozoic hydrothermal iron and gold deposits along them. This distribution is underpinned by the spatial coincidence of mineralization and elongate areas of highly irregular magnetization attributed to uneven distribution of hydrothermal magnetite in banded iron formation. In view of the extent of these dislocations, both vertically and laterally, the generation of hydrothermal fluid flow, emplacement of mantle-sourced magma and associated mineral potential away from banded iron formation complexes is likely. A second group of gold deposits, of Archaean age, is known to occur in association with still recognizable volcanic edifices in greenstone complexes. It is not known if and to what extent such Archaean gold deposits are related to these major transcrustal discontinuities. The kinematics and dynamics of these dislocations and pathways appear largely unknown and deserve high-priority investigation. The geological longevity of the transcrustal dislocation framework till the present day inferred from the current drainage systems is corroborated, however, by repeated regional topographical levelling surveys.  相似文献   

华北克拉通前寒武纪BIF铁矿研究:进展与问题   总被引:11,自引:18,他引:11  
研究表明,BIF铁矿在华北克拉通的分布具有一定规律性.大规模BIF铁矿主要发育在绿岩带分布区的鞍山-本溪、冀东、霍邱-舞阳、五台、鲁西和固阳等地;华北克拉通时代最古老的BIF形成于古太古代,最年轻BIF形成于古元古代早期,但BIF铁矿的峰期为新太古代晚期(2.52 ~2.56Ga);BIF铁矿类型可划分为阿尔戈马型和苏比利尔湖型两类,但华北以晚太古代绿岩带中的阿尔戈马型为主,仅吕梁的古元古代袁家村铁矿具典型苏比利尔湖型铁矿特征.根据BIF在绿岩带序列中的产出部位和岩石组合关系,可将华北BIF划分为:1)斜长角闪岩(夹角闪斜长片麻岩)-磁铁石英岩组合;2)斜长角闪岩-黑云变粒岩-云母石英片岩-磁铁石英岩组合;3)黑云变粒岩(夹黑云石英片岩)-磁铁石英岩组合;4)黑云变粒岩-绢云绿泥片岩-黑云石英片岩-磁铁石英岩组合;5)斜长角闪岩(片麻岩)-大理岩-磁铁石英岩组合等5种类型.华北克拉通BIF形成时代与早前寒武纪岩浆活动的时间基本一致(2.5~2.6Ga),但与华北克拉通陆壳增生的峰期(2.7~2.9Ga)有一定偏差,其原因可能与新太古代晚期华北克拉通构造-热事件十分强烈有关.华北克拉通新太古代BIF大多形成于岛弧环境,但局部地区(如固阳)BIF铁矿可能形成于深部有地幔柱叠加的岛弧环境.华北克拉通BIF富矿主要有三种类型:原始沉积、受后期构造-热液叠加改造和古风化壳等,但总体不发育富铁矿,国外发育的风化壳型富铁在我国甚为少见.本文认为在探讨BIF铁矿类型时,需要从绿岩带发育序列进行综合判别.阿尔戈马型铁矿一般产于克拉通基底(绿岩带)环境,苏比利尔湖型铁矿一般形成于稳定克拉通上的海相沉积盆地或被动大陆边缘.华北克拉通BIF铁矿地球化学研究结果表明,BIF铁矿无Ce负异常且Fe同位素为正值,从而暗示铁矿沉淀的环境为低氧或缺氧环境,而铕正异常可能指示BIFs为热水沉积成因,其机制可能为海水对流循环从新生镁铁质-超镁铁质洋壳中淋滤出F(e)和Si等元素,在海底排泄沉淀成矿,而条带状构造的形成可能归咎于成矿流体的脉动式喷溢.但对于BIF铁矿的物质来源、成矿条件和机制、富铁矿成因、华北克拉通不发育苏比利尔湖型铁矿的原因等方面,仍需深入研究.  相似文献   

藏南亚东地区前寒武纪结晶岩系以往统称为“聂拉木群”。本次研究发现该结晶岩系可划分为上、下两部分,二者之间原始接触关系为角度不整合。下部结晶岩系为本次新建的“亚东岩群”,其岩石组合为:下部为多种片麻岩夹少量细粒石英岩和黑云片岩;中部为多种混合岩;上部为多种片麻岩夹少量变粒岩、石英岩和片岩。不同部位的片麻岩和混合岩中含辉石岩、高压麻粒岩等“暗色”包体。研究表明,亚东岩群为角闪岩相─高角闪岩相变质作用的产物,经历了多期深部构造层次的韧性变形,与“聂拉木群”显著不同。因此,认为“聂拉木群”代表喜马拉雅地区全部“前寒武系”是值得商榷的。  相似文献   

文章在分析扬子地块西南缘与前寒武纪铜多金属矿床成矿特征及与有关的重大地质事件的基础上,研究了区域成矿作用与重大地质事件的响应,划分了区域金属成矿系列,较详细地论述了主要成矿系列的组成及成矿规律,总结了扬子地块西南缘前寒武纪铜多金属矿床及成矿系列。认为本区成矿作用属于多期次成矿,至少可以分为前期预富集作用及两次大的成矿作用(古元古代成矿作用和中元古代成矿作用),以及若干个小的成矿作用;1.7Ga—1.5Ga、1.1Ga—1.0Ga、中新生代是3次规模、强度较大的铜矿成矿作用,形成了研究区内规模较大的诸多铜多金属矿床。  相似文献   

杨敏之 《矿床地质》1982,1(2):15-27
晋北前寒武纪地层层位划分、地层层序、基本构造特征等方面,前人已做过较多的工作。本文在五台、吕梁、雁北前寒武纪含铁岩系、铁矿床区域地质、矿区地质和地球化学工作基础上,从地质发展史、铁矿成矿物质来源、地壳物质演化上,确定了晋北前寒武纪铁矿床类型、铁矿床组合、成矿系列,讨论了晋北铁矿成矿区的划分和找矿方  相似文献   


识别前寒武纪地质单元对了解松嫩地块物质组成和前寒武纪构造演化过程具有重要的科学意义。本文对出露于松嫩地块西缘龙江地区的花岗质岩石和乌兰浩特地区的斜长角闪岩进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素和Hf同位素分析。石英二长岩和二长花岗岩形成年龄分别为2480±12Ma和2544±23Ma,样品中存在~2.6Ga的继承锆石以及~2.0Ga的变质锆石,形成时代为新太古代;多数锆石εHf(t)>0,二阶段模式年龄为2793~3019Ma,少量锆石εHf(t)<0,二阶段模式年龄为3012~3138Ma,锆石Hf同位素特征表明松嫩地块西缘龙江地区存在新-中太古代的地壳生长事件,且在岩浆演化过程中受到中太古代古老地壳的混染。乌兰浩特斜长角闪岩存在2544±15Ma的继承锆石,形成年龄为2042±29Ma,形成时代为古元古代;多数锆石的εHf(t)>0,二阶段模式年龄为2301~3015Ma,少量锆石εHf(t) < 0,二阶段模式年龄为2647~3073Ma,锆石Hf同位素特征表明乌兰浩特地区存在古元古代中期-中太古代的地壳生长事件,且在岩浆演化过程中受到新太古代古老地壳的混染。综合区域研究成果,松嫩地块西缘龙江-乌兰浩特地区存在~1.8Ga、~2.0Ga、~2.5Ga和~2.7Ga四期岩浆事件以及古元古代中期-新太古代晚期和新-中太古代的地壳生长事件,其构造岩浆热事件与华北克拉通及全球古老大陆地壳增生时限一致。


中国东部前寒武纪铅锌矿资源分布广泛,目前已探明储量的前寒武纪铅锌矿床有51处,其中超大型矿床1处,特大型矿床3处,大型矿床7处,中型矿床12处,其余为小型.这类矿床主要形成于中新元古代的裂谷系和裂谷系边缘的不同地质构造单元,其分布受构造控制,集中分布于华北陆块北缘东、中、西段元古宙裂谷系和扬子陆块西侧康滇地轴震旦系裂谷带东侧的边缘活动带,并以华北陆块北缘为主;成矿作用总体受火山-沉积-变质作用控制,具层控性;成矿时代有从北向南变新的趋势.根据矿床围岩的不同,可把矿床主要分为VHMS、Sedex、 MVT三大类型,其中以Sedex型最为重要,规模也最大.  相似文献   

藏北纳木错西缘前寒武纪辉长岩变质变形年代学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
前寒武纪辉长岩出露于纳木错西缘逆冲推覆构造带中。辉长岩经历了早期角闪岩相变质和韧性推覆、晚期绿片岩相变质和脆性推覆。早期变形的斜长角闪质糜棱岩中变质矿物角闪石、斜长石和石榴石的 Rb-Sr等时线年龄为173±10Ma;角闪石~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar坪年龄和等时线年龄均显示174Ma的变质和变形年龄。受晚期构造-热事件的影响,斜长石的~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar坪年龄和等时线年龄分别为109Ma和110 Ma。综合上述结果,可以确定前寒武纪辉长岩早期角闪岩相变质作用的年龄是173~174 Ma,可能与羌塘地块和拉萨地块初始碰撞引起的深层次的韧性剪切变形有关;晚期绿片岩相变质作用年龄是109~110 Ma,指示了碰撞造山晚期的冲断构造变形时代。两期变质变形年龄的确定对研究羌塘地块与拉萨地块碰撞过程具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The Beaverlodge district in northern Saskatchewan is known for “vein-type” uranium mineralization. Most of the uranium deposits are spatially related to major structures, and hosted by ca. 3.2–1.9 Ga granitic rocks (and albitite derived from them) and by ca. 2.33 Ga Murmac Bay Group amphibolite, all of which are unconformably overlain locally by deformed but unmetamorphosed redbeds of the ca. 1.82 Ga Martin Group, and by the flat-lying ca. 1.75–1.5 Ga Athabasca Group. The uranium mineralization is mainly hosted in fault rocks (breccias) and carbonate ± quartz ± albite veins, referred to as breccia-style and vein-style mineralization, respectively, with the latter being the focus of this study. Most of the mineralized veins occur in the basement rocks, although some crosscut the Martin Group. This study examines the field, petrographic, fluid inclusion and C-O isotope characteristics of mineralized and non-mineralized veins from 19 deposits/occurrences as well as from the Martin Group, with an aim to better understand the mineralizing environment and processes.The coexistence of liquid-dominated (L + V), vapour-dominated (V + L) and vapour-only (V) fluid inclusions within individual fluid inclusion assemblages (FIAs) in the veins suggests fluid immiscibility and heterogeneous trapping. The L + V inclusions with the lowest homogenization temperatures (Th) within individual FIAs are interpreted to represent homogeneous trapping of the liquid phase, which yield Th values from 78° to 330 °C (mainly 100° to 250 °C), and salinities from 0.2 to 30.8 wt.% NaCl equivalent. Mass spectrometric analysis of bulk fluid inclusions shows that the volatiles are dominated by H2O (average 97.2 mol%), with minor amounts of CO2, CH4, H2, O2, N2, Ar and He. Fluid pressures were estimated to be < 200 bars based on the inference of fluid immiscibility, fluid temperatures of 100° to 250 °C, and low concentrations of non-aqueous volatiles (< 3 mol%). The δ18OVPDB and δ13CVPDB of carbonate minerals associated with mineralization range from − 20.5 to − 8.9‰ and − 10.1 to − 0.9‰, respectively. The δ18OVSMOW values of the parent fluids calculated using the Th values range from − 9.6 to + 17.0‰, with the majority from 0 to + 5.0‰. O isotopes of paired equilibrium quartz and calcite, analyzed by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), yield temperatures from 161° to 248 °C, which are consistent with the fluid inclusion data.The new fluid inclusion and stable isotope data are inconsistent with a metamorphic or magmatic-hydrothermal model as proposed in some previous studies (for breccia-style and vein-style mineralization), but rather support a model in which the vein-type uranium mineralization took place at relatively low temperature (100° to 250 °C) and shallow (< 2 km) conditions, with fluid pressure fluctuating between hydrostatic and sub-hydrostatic regimes, possibly related to episodic faulting. The mineralizing fluids were mainly sourced from the Martin Lake Basin, and uraninite was precipitated as a result of mixing between this basin-derived fluid and fluids carrying reducing agents (Fe2 +, CH4) derived from the basement, although fluid-rock reactions and fluid immiscibility may have also played a role.  相似文献   

Recent sedimentary history of natural environmental change and anthropogenic influence in an ephemeral river catchment has been reconstructed using selected major and trace elements, element ratios, and their different geochemical phases (Tessier sequential extraction methods), pollen, and grain size combined with 210Pb- and 137Cs-dating method in marsh sedimentary cores. Attempts were made to use selected element ratios with different geochemical phases—residual phase of Ti, Al, V, Cr, Ni, Rb, K, Sr, and Ba; mobile Sr and Ba—combined with 210Pb- and 137Cs-chronology to interpret certain time information of environmental changes saved within the marsh sediments. Results indicate that there were two marked humid periods during 1850–1860 ad and 1890–1920 ad, and sand storm activities prevailed during 1920–1930 ad. After about 1900 ad, soil erosion has increased with the extensive agricultural activities in the Huolin River catchments, and further intensified after 1950s. After 1980, soil erosion has become even more intense, which is consistent with the reinforcement of human activities, the drastic loss of vegetation cover in the upstream lands, especially, the exploitation of the open cast coalmine in the upstream of Huolin River at that time. Influenced by the inundation of the Huolin River, the heavy metal pollution historical trends in Xianghai marsh wetland could be roughly divided into three periods by analysis of sediment enrichment factor (KSEF) and the index of geoaccumulation (I geo):1760–1880 ad, 1880–1980 ad, and 1980–now. Human activities accelerate the inputs of heavy metal, which leads to degradation of the marsh. This study also investigated on source of marsh sediments (by Ti/Al), redox condition [by V/Cr and V/(V + Ni)], and salinization indicators (by Sr/Ba and Rb/K). The results demonstrate that sources of sediments and redox conditions were partly similar for both riparian and depressional marshes. Besides, some differences in degree of salinization between two types of marsh were also identified, especially after 1880.  相似文献   

The regional landscape of the Salado depression is related to weathering, eolian and fluvial processes generated under different climatic conditions. Although during most of the Holocene the climatic conditions were warm and humid, previously, a vast plain dominated by deflation processes and enhanced by weathering processes was developed in an arid environment. Fluvial deposits produced afterwards are continuous and lithologically homogeneous, which allows differentiation and characterization of the entire stratigraphic sequence. The stratigraphic units of this area, closely related to the paleoclimatic conditions, are recognized and characterized. Three lithostratigraphic units of fluvial origin (Members) and two paleosols have been differentiated. The first ones were grouped in the Luján Formation. Some of the units are related to other ones previously recognized in this area (La Chumbiada Member and La Pelada Geosol), but others have no similarity or relationship with previously known units (Gorch and Puente Las Gaviotas Members, and Frigorífico Belgrano Geosol). Radiocarbon ages suggest that the fluvial sequences were deposited after the glacial maximum, corresponding to MIS 1, except for the basal levels of the lower member which is late Late Pleistocene. Although the general paleoclimatic conditions were related to warm and humid climate, events related to water deficits were also recognized, which could be related to the Younger Dryas, the middle Holocene and the late Holocene.  相似文献   

在华北克拉通北缘达茂旗地区, 近东西向分布前寒武纪基底, 前人根据岩石组合特征将其划为色尔腾山岩群, 但缺乏年代学依据。通过岩石学、LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄及其微量元素地球化学、锆石Lu-Hf同位素等研究对达茂旗地区前寒武纪基底岩石组合、形成时代、物质来源进行讨论。研究表明, 达茂旗地区前寒武纪基底由色尔腾山岩群和古元古代变质侵入岩构成。色尔腾山岩群由黑云斜长片麻岩、大理岩组成, 形成时间为2009~2142 Ma, 属古元古代。古元古代存在2期侵入岩, 分别为1992~1999 Ma、1920 Ma。达茂旗地区在约2.6 Ga、2009~2142 Ma分别发生过陆壳增生作用, 并受到古老陆壳物质混染, 1999~1992 Ma的碱长花岗岩与石英闪长岩为新生陆壳重熔产物, 可能受到古老陆壳物质混染; 1920 Ma的黑云母二长花岗岩为古老陆壳重熔产物。这些认识为进一步研究华北克拉通北缘前寒武纪构造发展演化提供了更多依据。  相似文献   

邓兴梁  舒良树  朱文斌  马东升  王博 《岩石学报》2008,24(12):2800-2808
本文分析了发生在塔里木北缘兴地断裂带的多期构造—岩浆演化特征。在此基础上,对三件前寒武纪火成岩样品进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年,对兴地断裂带韧性变形构造进行了运动学分析。研究表明,兴地断裂带至少经历了4期地质构造演化; 其中,前寒武纪有两期。第一期发生在前南华纪,以强烈的挤压褶皱、韧性剪切变形和岩浆活动为特色; 第二期发生在南华纪—震旦纪,以广泛发育的双峰式火成岩、复式岩流和基性岩墙群为特征,伴随大规模冰川作用和地壳沉陷,对应Rodinia超大陆的裂解。LA-ICP-MS法锆石U-Pb年龄测定表明,辉长岩中的俘获锆石保留了3114±20Ma、2509±42Ma、1916±36Ma等多期古构造演化和岩浆活动信息,揭示研究区深部存在一个中-新太古代和古元古代的基底。双峰式火成岩测年数据证实,区内在820~800Ma(花岗岩脉,798±7Ma; 辉长辉绿岩墙,816±15Ma)发生过强烈的裂谷—岩浆活动。根据构造交切关系,兴地断裂带发生过两期前南华纪韧性变形;变形时代尚不清楚。运动学分析表明,第一期为朝北逆冲的推覆变形,第二期为右旋走滑变形。南华纪以来,区域变质和韧性变形微弱,为韧脆性变形。  相似文献   

文飞  田忠华 《岩石学报》2021,37(2):619-635



Detrital iron deposits (DID) are located adjacent to the Precambrian bedded iron deposit (BID) of Joda near the eastern limb of the horseshoe-shaped synclinorium, in the Bonai–Keonjhar belt of Orissa. The detrital ores overlie the Dhanjori Group sandstone as two isolated orebodies (Chamakpur and Inganjharan) near the eastern and western banks of the Baitarani River, respectively. The DID occur as pebble/cobble conglomerates containing iron-rich clasts cemented by goethite. Mineralogy, chemistry and lamination of these clasts are similar to that found in the nearby BID ores. Enrichment of trace and rare-earth elements in the DID relative to the BID is attributed to their concentration during the precipitation of cementing material. The detrital iron orebodies formed when Proterozoic weathering processes eroded pre-existing BID outcrops located on the Joda Ranges, and the resulting detritus accumulated in the paleochannels. In situ dissolution in association with abundant organic material produced Fe-saturated groundwater, which re-precipitated as goethite within the aggraded channel to cement the detritals. Growth of microplaty hematite in the goethite matrix suggests some level of subsequent burial metamorphism.  相似文献   

内蒙古大青山地区早前寒武纪变质地层的组成及特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
内蒙古大青山地区是华北克拉通北缘早前寒武纪变质杂岩发育地区,也是高级变质地层发育地区。多年来,对该区早产寒武纪变质地层的组成和划分一直存在着争议。近几年来,作者以相同或相似的岩性组合为基本填图单位,以变形变质作用特征的研究为主线,结合岩浆活动作用,原岩建造等方面的研究,通过对内蒙古大青山地区的6幅、:5万区域地质调查,提出自该区早前寒武纪变质地层自下而上可划分为古太古代兴和岩群,中太古代乌拉山岩群和古元古代美岱召岩群3个岩群,并进一步划分为8个岩组。其中兴和岩群和乌拉山岩群均遭受了麻粒岩相-高角闪岩相条件下的多期强烈的变形变质作用改造,并相互参差交错地工生在一起。详细地构造解析结果表明,兴和岩群和乌拉山岩群均遭受到一期下地壳麻粒岩相环境下的近水平剪切变形和高角闪岩相条件下的近南北向和近东西向纵向构造置换作用的改造。早期近水平剪切导致乌拉山岩群的各个地层单元以透镜状岩片叠置于兴和岩群之上,后期纵向构造置换作用导致兴和岩群和乌拉山岩群的不同地层单元沿现存叶理相互穿插,造成以现存叶理为标志的“假互层”或“假夹层”。美岱召岩群为一套浅变质的碎屑沉积岩系,仅遭受绿片岩相变质,变形特征也不同于乌拉山岩群,其以角度不整合覆盖在由乌拉山岩群,兴和岩群及侵入其中变质深成岩组成的高级变质杂岩之上。  相似文献   

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