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Summary The periods, the maximum absolute displacement amplitudes and the maximum particle velocities of the surface waves, propagating in the weathered layer are investigated. Dependences of the parameters under discussion on the distance r (km) between sites and shot points are expressed for distances from 3.6 to 38.6 km by the functions: T(s)=0.40r 0.30 , A max (m)==502.73r –1.93 and v max (mm s –1)=7.95 r –2.22.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es werden die Grundgleichungen der Ionisations-Neutralisationsbilanz in derE-Schicht präzisiert und auf die Notwendigkeit der Berücksichtigung des Einflusses der lokalen ionisierenden Strahlungsquellen auf der Sonnenscheibe, der dynamischen ionosphärischen Vorgängen und der Veränderungen des äquivalenten Rekombinationskoeffizienten hingewiesen. Ferner wird eine Methodik zur Bestimmung der charakteristischen Grössen der Ionisations-Rekombinationsbilanz (q 0m ,q d, ) dargelegt. Zu dem Zweck werden die Messergebnisse aus der Periode der Sonnenfinsternis von zwei unweit voneinander gelegenen Ionosphärenstationen verwendet. Die Methodik wird auf die während der totalen Sonnenfinsternis am 15. Februar 1961 auf den Ionosphärenstationen in Sofia und Nesebar erhaltenen Ergebnisse angewandt. Für den Rekombinationskoeffizienten werden Werte zwischen 0,63·10–7 cm3sec–1 und 2,32·10–7 cm3sec–1 und für die Elektronenproduktion unter dem Einfluss der ionisierenden Strahlung von der homogenen Sonnenscheibeq 0m 1700 cm–3sec–1 erhalten.
Summary The basic equations for the ionisation-neutralisation balance in theE layer have been shown the necessity to take in account the influence of the local ionisation sources on the disk of the sun, the dynamic ionospheric processes and the variations in the equivalent recombination coefficient. The method for determining the characteristic quantities of the ionisation-recombination balance (q 0m ,q d, ) has been exhibited for this purpose are used measurement data from two ionospheric stations located not far from each other, in the period of the solar eclips on 15 February, 1961. The quantity of the recombination coefficient lay between 0.63×10–7 sec–1 cm3 and 2.32×10–7 sec–1 cm3; the electron production under the action of the ionising radiation of the homogen disk showsq 0m 1700 sec–1 cm–3.

A unified model is proposed for explaining the frequency dependent amplitude attenuation and the coda wave excitation on the basis of the single scattering process in the randomly inhomogeneous lithosphere. Adopting Birch's law and a direct proportion between density and wave velocity, we statistically describe the inhomogeneous medium by one random function characterized by the von Karman autocorrelation function. We calculate the amplitude attenuation from the solid angle integral of scattered wave energy on the basis of the Born approxiimation after subtracting the travel-time fluctuation effect caused by slowly varying velocity inhomogeneities. This subtraction is equivalent to neglect energy loss by scattering within a cone around the forward direction. The random inhomogeneity of the von Karman autocorrelation function of order 0.35 with the mean square fractional fluctuation of 7.2×10–3 1.3×10–2 and the correlation distance of 2.15.1 km well explains observed backward scattering coefficientg and the ratioQ P –1 /Q S –1 , and observed and partially conjecturedQ S –1 for frequencies between 0.5 Hz and 30 Hz.  相似文献   

Summary To clarify the ionization equilibrium near the ground, simultaneous measurements of the rate of ion pair production (q), the concentrations of small ions (n) and condensation nuclei (Z), and the diffusion coefficient of condensation nuclei (D) were carried out at several stations in the central area of Japan. The total rate of ion pair production (q) was estimated fromq=q(Rn)+q(Tn)+q()+q(+CR). The value ofq was estimated as 10J to 20J. The mean life () and the effective attachment coefficient () of small ions were also estimated at each station. Correlations amongn, Z, q, andD were also studied. If we take the variation ofD into consideration, the correlation was expressed by the simple formula;q=n Z. The dependence of upon size of nuclei (2r) were also measured, and was found to correlate well withD orr.  相似文献   

Summary The surface thermal flux of the continental margins of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea is interpreted on the basis of a 1-D instantaneous pure shear stretching model of the lithosphere in terms of three components: the background heat flowing out from the asthenosphere (38 mW m–2), the transient contribution depending on the rift age and extension amount (35 mW m–2 at the most), and the contribution due to the radiogenic elements of the lithosphere. The radiogenic component is estimated at the continental margins of the Ligurian-Provençal basin and Valencia trough, and in the surrounding mainland areas by means of available data of surface heat generation from Variscan Corsica, Maures-Estérel and the Central Massif along with a geophysical-petrological relationship between heat production and seismic velocity. The lithosphere radiogenic heat contribution ql decreases with the thinning factor according to the exponential law: ql() = a exp(-b), in which factor b is greater for that part of the lithosphere below the uppermost 10 km. Considering also the heat generated by radioactive isotopes in sediments, the stable Variscan lithosphere produces an average thermal flux of 30 mW m–2 which decreases by about one half where the lithosphere is thinned by one third. Although the surface heat generation is 2·1 – 3·3 µW m–3 in the Maures-Estérel massif — excepting small outcrops of dioritic rocks with lower heat production — and 1·8 µW m–3 for most of Corsica, the radiogenic heating within the lithosphere for such areas is nearly the same and does not explain the higher heat flux of the Corsica margin. This asymmetric thermal pattern with surface heat flux which is 10 – 15 mW m–2 higher than predictions is probably of upper mantle origin, or can be ascribed to penetrative magmatism.  相似文献   

This paper provides a complete generalization of the classic result that the radius of curvature () of a charged-particle trajectory confined to the equatorial plane of a magnetic dipole is directly proportional to the cube of the particles equatorial distance () from the dipole (i.e. 3). Comparable results are derived for the radii of curvature of all possible planar chargedparticle trajectories in an individual static magnetic multipole of arbitrary order m and degree n. Such trajectories arise wherever there exists a plane (or planes) such that the multipole magnetic field is locally perpendicular to this plane (or planes), everywhere apart from possibly at a set of magnetic neutral lines. Therefore planar trajectories exist in the equatorial plane of an axisymmetric (m = 0), or zonal, magnetic multipole, provided n is odd: the radius of curvature varies directly as n=2. This result reduces to the classic one in the case of a zonal magnetic dipole (n = 1). Planar trajectories exist in 2m meridional planes in the case of the general tesseral (0 < m < n) magnetic multipole. These meridional planes are defined by the 2m roots of the equation cos[m()–nm)] = 0, where nm = (1/m) arctan (hnm/gnm); gnm and hnm denote the spherical harmonic coefficients. Equatorial planar trajectories also exist if (nm) is odd. The polar axis ( = O,) of a tesseral magnetic multipole is a magnetic neutral line if m > I. A further 2m(nm) neutral lines exist at the intersections of the 2m meridional planes with the (nm) cones defined by the (nm) roots of the equation Pnm(cos ) = 0 in the range 0 < 9 < , where Pnm(cos ) denotes the associated Legendre function. If (nm) is odd, one of these cones coincides with the equator and the magnetic field is then perpendicular to the equator everywhere apart from the 2m equatorial neutral lines. The radius of curvature of an equatorial trajectory is directly proportional to n=2 and inversely proportional to cos[m(–)]. Since this last expression vanishes at the 2m equatorial neutral ines, the radius of curvature becomes infinitely large as the particle approaches any one of these neutral lines. The radius of curvature of a meridional trajectory is directly proportional to rn+2, where r denotes radial distance from the multiple, and inversely proportional to Pnm(cos )/sin . Hence the radius of curvature becomes infinitely large if the particle approaches the polar magnetic neutral ine (m > 1) or any one of the 2m(nm) neutral ines located at the intersections of the 2m meridional planes with the (nm) cones. Illustrative particle trajectories, derived by stepwise numerical integration of the exact equations of particle motion, are pressented for low-degree (n 3) magnetic multipoles. These computed particle trajectories clearly demonstrate the non-adiabatic scattering of charged particles at magnetic neutral lines. Brief comments are made on the different regions of phase space defined by regular and irregular trajectories.Also Visiting Reader in Physics, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QH, UK  相似文献   

Two seismic wave attenuation factors, scatteringattenuation Q s -1 and intrinsicabsorption Q i -1 are measured using theMultiple Lapse Time Window (MLTW) analysis method forthree different frequency bands, 1–2, 2–4, and 4–8 Hz.Data from 54 temporally deployed seismic stationslocated in northern Chile are used. This methodcompares time integrated seismic wave energies withsynthetic coda wave envelopes for a multiple isotropicscattering model. In the present analysis, the waveenergy is assumed to decay with distance in proportionto1/GSF·exp(- (Q s -1+Q i -1r/v), where r, and v are the propagationdistance, angular frequency and S wave velocity,respectively, and GSF is the geometricalspreading factor. When spatial uniformity of Q s -1, Q i -1 and v isassumed, i.e. GSF = 4r 2, theestimates of the reciprocal of the extinction length,L e -1 (= (Q s -1+Q i -1)·/v), are 0.017,0.012 and 0.010 km-1, and those of the seismicalbedo, B 0 (= Q s -1/ (Q s -1+Q i -1)), are 0.48, 0.40and 0.34 for 1–2, 2–4 and 4–8 Hz, respectively, whichindicates that scattering attenuation is comparable toor smaller than intrinsic absorption. When we assumea depth dependent velocity structure, we also findthat scattering attenuation is comparable to orsmaller than intrinsic absorption. However, since thequantitative estimates of scattering attenuationdepend on the assumed velocity structure (strength ofvelocity discontinuity and/or Moho depth), it isimportant to consider differences in velocitystructure models when comparing attenuation estimates.  相似文献   

Scattering of seismic waves can be shown to have a frequency dependenceQ –1 3–v if scattering is produced by arrays of inhomogeneities with a 3D power spectrumW 3D(k) k –v. In the earth's crust and upper mantle the total attenuation is often dominated by scattering rather than intrinsic absorption, and is found to be frequency dependent according toQ –1 , where –1<–0.5. IfD 1 is the fractal dimension of the surface of the 3D inhomogeneities measured on a 2D section, then this corresponds respectively to 1.5<D 11.75, since it can be shown that =2(D 1–2). Laboratory results show that such a distribution of inhomogeneities, if due to microcracking, can be produced only at low stress intensities and slow crack velocities controlled by stress corrosion reactions. Thus it is likely that the earth's brittle crust is pervaded by tensile microcracks, at least partially filled by a chemically active fluid, and preferentially aligned parallel to the maximum principal compressive stress. The possibility of stress corrosion implies that microcracks may grow under conditions which are very sensitive to pre-existing heterogeneities in material constants, and hence it may be difficult in practice to separate the relative contribution of crack-induced heterogeneity from more permanent geological heterogeneities.By constrast, shear faults formed by dynamic rupture at critical stress intensities produceD 1=1, consistent with a dynamic rupture criterion for a power law distribution of fault lengths with negative exponentD. The results presented here suggest empirically thatD 1-1/2(D+1), thereby providing the basis for a possible framework to unify the interpretation of temporal variations in seismicb-value (b-D/2) and the frequency dependence of scattering attenuation ().This is PRIS contribution 046.  相似文献   

During 1986 planktonic primary production and controlling factors were investigated in a small (A0 = 11.8 · 103 m2, Zmax = 11.5 m) meromictic kettle lake (Mittlerer Buchensee). Annual phytoplankton productivity was estimated to ca 120 gC · m–2 · a–1 (1,42 tC · lake–1 · a–1). The marked thermal stratification of the lake led to irregular vertical distributions of chlorophylla concentrations (Chla) and, to a minor extent, of photosynthesis (Az). Between the depths of 0 to 6 m low Chla concentrations (< 7 mg · m–3) and comparatively high background light attenuation (kw = 0,525 m–1, 77% of total attenuation due to gelbstoff and abioseston) was found. As a consequence, light absorption by algae was low (mean value 17,4%) and self-shading was absent.Because of the small seasonal variation of Chla concentrations, no significant correlation between Chla and areal photosynthesis (A) was observed. Only in early summer (June–July) biomass appears to influence the vertical distribution of photosynthesis on a bigger scale. Around 8 m depth, low-light adapted algae and phototrophic bacteria formed dense layers. Due to low ambient irradiances, the contribution of these organisms to total primary productivity was small. Primary production and incident irradiance were significantly correlated with each other (r2 = 0.68). Although the maximum assimilation number (Popt) showed a clear dependence upon water temperature (Q10 = 2.31), the latter was of minor importance to areal photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Geopotential values W of the mean equipotential surfaces representing the mean ocean topography were computed on the basis of four years (1993 - 1996) TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data: W = 62 636 854.10m 2 s –2 for the Pacific (P), W = 62 636 858.20m 2 s –2 for the Atlantic (A), W = 62 636 856.28m 2s–2 for the Indian (I) Oceans. The corresponding mean separations between the ocean levels were obtained as follows: A – P = – 42 cm, I– P = – 22 cm, I – A = 20 cm, the rms errors came out at about 0.3 cm. No sea surface topography model was used in the solution.  相似文献   

Radio waves undergo angular scattering when they propagate through a plasma with fluctuating density. We show how the angular scattering coefficient can be calculated as a function of the frequency spectrum of the local density fluctuations. In the Earths magnetosheath, the ISEE 1–2 propagation experiment measured the spectral power of the density fluctuations for periods in the range 300 to 1 s, which produce most of the scattering. The resultant local angular scattering coefficient can then be calculated for the first time with realistic density fluctuation spectra, which are neither Gaussian nor power laws. We present results on the variation of the local angular scattering coefficient during two crossings of the dayside magnetosheath, from the quasi-perpendicular bow shock to the magnetopause. For a radio wave at twice the local electron plasma frequency, the scattering coefficient in the major part of the magnetosheath is b(2fp) 0.5–4 × 10–9 rad2/m. The scattering coefficient is about ten times stronger in a thin sheet (0.1 to IRE) just downstream of the shock ramp, and close to the magnetopause.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a Rn222 survey in wells of the Larderello geothermal field (Italy) and observed considerable variations in concentrations. Simple models show that flow-rate plays an important part in the Rn222 content of each well, as it directly affects the fluid transit time in the reservoirs. Rn222 has been sampled from two wells of the Serrazzano area during flow-rate drawdown tests. The apparent volume of the steam reservoir of each of these two wells has been estimated from the Rn222 concentration versus flow-rate curves.List of symbols Q Flow-rate (kg h–1) - Decay constant of Rn222 (=7.553×10–3 h–1) - Porosity of the reservoir (volume of fluid/volume of rock) - 1 Density of the fluid in the reservoir (kg m–3) - 2 Density of the rock in the reservoir (kg m–3) - M Stationary mass of fluid filling the reservoir (kg). - E Emanating power of the rock in the reservoir (nCi kg rock –1 h–1). - P Production rate of Rn222 in the reservoir: number of atoms of Rn222 (divided by 1.764×107) transferred by the rock to the mass unit of fluid per unit time (nCi kg fluid –1 h–1). - N Specific concentration of Rn222 in the fluid (nCi kg–1) - Characteristic time of the steam reservoir at maximum flow-rate (=M/Q)  相似文献   

Janle  P.  Meissner  R. 《Surveys in Geophysics》1986,8(2):107-186
Geo-scientific planetary research of the last 25 years has revealed the global structure and evolution of the terrestrial planets Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The evolution of the terrestrial bodies involves a differentiation into heavy metallic cores, Fe-and Mg-rich silicate mantles and light Ca, Al-rich silicate crusts early in the history of the solar system. Magnetic measurements yield a weak dipole field for Mercury, a very weak field (and local anomalies) for the Moon and no measurable field for Venus and mars. Seismic studies of the Moon show a crust-mantle boundary at an average depth of 60 km for the front side, P- and S-wave velocities around 8 respectively 4.5 km s–1 in the mantle and a considerable S-wave attenuation below a depth of 1000 km. Satellite gravity permits the study of lateral density variations in the lithosphere. Additional contributions come from photogeology, orbital particle, x-and -ray measurements, radar and petrology.The cratered surfaces of the smaller bodies Moon and Mercury have been mainly shaped by meteorite impacts followed by a period of volcanic flows into the impact basins until about 3×109 yr before present. Mars in addition shows a more developed surface. Its northern half is dominated by subsidence and younger volcanic flows. It even shows a graben system (rift) in the equatorial region. Large channels and relics of permafrost attest the role of water for the erosional history. Venus, the most developed body except Earth, shows many indications of volcanism, grabens (rifts) and at least at northern latitudes collisional belts, i.e. mountain ranges, suggesting a limited plate tectonic process with a possible shallow subduction.List of Symbols and Abbreviations a=R e mean equatorial radius (km) - A(r, t) heat production by radioactive elements (W m–3) - A, B equatorial moments of inertia - b polar radius (km) - complex amplitude of bathymetry in the wave number (K) domain (m) - C polar moment of inertia - C Fe moment of inertia of metallic core - C Si moment of inertia of silicate mantle - C p heat capacity at constant pressure (JK–1 mole) - C nm,J nm,S nm harmonic coefficients of degreen and orderm - C/(MR e 2 ) factor of moment of inertia - d distance (km) - d nondimensional radius of disc load of elastic bending model - D diameter of crater (km) - D flexural rigidity (dyn cm) - E Young modulus (dyn cm–2) - E maximum strain energy - E energy loss during time interval t - f frequency (Hz) - f flattening - F magnetic field strength (Oe) (1 Oe=79.58A m–1) - g acceleration or gravity (cms–2) or (mGal) (1mGal=10–3cms–2) - mean acceleration - g e equatorial surface gravity - complex amplitude of gravity anomaly in the wave number (K) domain - g free air gravity anomaly (FAA) - g Bouguer gravity anomaly - g t gravity attraction of the topography - G gravitational constant,G=6.67×10–11 m3kg–1s–2 - GM planetocentric gravitational constant - h relation of centrifugal acceleration (2 R e ) to surface acceleration (g e ) at the equator - J magnetic flux density (magnetic field) (T) (1T=109 nT=109 =104G (Gauss)) - J 2 oblateness - J nm seeC nm - k (0) (zero) pressure bulk modulus (Pa) (Pascal, 1 Pa=1 Nm–2) - K wave number (km–1) - K * thermal conductivity (Jm–1s–1K–1) - L thickness of elastic lithosphere (km) - M mas of planet (kg) - M Fe mass of metallic core - M Si mass of silicate mantle - M(r) fractional mass of planet with fractional radiusr - m magnetic dipole moment (Am2) (1Am2=103Gcm3) - m b body wave magnitude - N crater frequency (km–2) - N(D) cumulative number of cumulative frequency of craters with diameters D - P pressure (Pa) (1Pa=1Nm–2=10–5 bar) - P z vertical (lithostatic) stress, see also z (Pa) - P n m (cos) Legendre polynomial - q surface load (dyn cm–2) - Q seismic quality factor, 2E/E - Q s ,Q p seismic quality factor derived from seismic S-and P-waves - R=R 0 mean radius of the planet (km) (2a+b)/3 - R e =a mean equatorial radius of the planet - r distance from the center of the planet (fractional radius) - r Fe radius of metallic core - S nm seeC nm - t time and age in a (years), d (days), h (hours), min (minutes), s (seconds) - T mean crustal thickness from Airy isostatic gravity models (km) - T temperature (°C or K) (0°C=273.15K) - T m solidus temperature - T sideral period of rotation in d (days), h (hours), min (minutes), s (seconds), =2/T - U external potential field of gravity of a planet - V volume of planet - V p ,V s compressional (P), shear (S) wave velocity, respectively (kms–1) - w deflection of lithosphere from elastic bending models (km) - z, Z depth (km) - z (K) admittance function (mGal m–1) - thermal expansion (°C–1) - viscosity (poise) (1 poise=1gcm–1s–1) - co-latitude (90°-) - longitude - Poisson ratio - density (g cm–3) - mean density - 0 zero pressure density - m , Si average density of silicate mantle (fluid interior) - average density of metallic core - t , top density of the topography - density difference between crustal and mantle material - electrical conductivity (–1 m–1) - r , radial and azimuthal surface stress of axisymmetric load (Pa) - z vertical (lithostatic) stress (seeP z ) - II second invariant of stress deviation tensor - latitude - angular velocity of a planet (=2/T) - ages in years (a), generally 0 years is present - B.P. before present - FAA Free Air Gravity Anomaly (see g - HFT High Frequency Teleseismic event - LTP Lunar Transient Phenomenon - LOS Line-Of-Sight - NRM Natural Remanent Magnetization Contribution No. 309, Institut für Geophysik der Universität, Kiel, F.R.G.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll pigments (CHL), primary productivity (PP) and particulate nitrogen (Np) in relation to several environmental factors were monitored during planktonic colonization of an aquaculture pond (Layo, Côte d'Ivoire). How interactions between the organisms are established in an initially azoic environment were investigated. From March, 15 (D1) to March, 31 (D16), the system transformation went through three stages. First, a precolonization by heterotrophic microbial community from D1 to D2 (Np < 1 m maximum at D2: 243 mg m–2; CHL around 0). Then, a pioneer microalgal community developped from D3 to D7 (maximum CHL on D6: 19 mg m–2; PP: 1.0 g C m–2 d–1) with a significant contribution of picoplankton (CHL and PP < 3 m: 33 and 23% of the total, respectively). Finally, a second microalgal colonization was noticed from D9 to D12 (maximum CHL: 55 mg m–2, PP: 2.8 g C m–2 d–1), largely dominated by nanoplankton (CHL and PP > 3 m: 95 and 99% of the total, respectively). Overall, photosynthetic activity appeared to be closely linked to algal biomass. The study of autotrophic biomass and activity in different size classes in relation to the other parameters allowed us to precise the origin of the biomass fluctuations. The first bloom appeared to be controlled by selective grazing on small algae. The second algal development ended when N requirement represented at least 69% of N supply (in the N — NH4 form). This control was enhanced by the appearance of rotifers, leading to a more complex equilibrium.  相似文献   

This study deals with the methodical aspects of k –2(Bernard et al., 1996) kinematic strong motions modelling: (1) it is shown how to incorporate the k-dependent rise time for 2D fault geometry in the strong motion synthesis according to the representation theorem, (2) it is suggested how to produce realistic k –2 slip models including asperity(ies), (3) modifications are introduced concerning the typeof used slip velocity function and the corner wave number in the slip distribution. High frequency effects of these generalized models are discussed.It is shown that, assuming the rise time proportional to the spatial slip wavelength at high wave numbers, the spectral decay of displacement at frequencies higher than the corner frequency is given just by the decay ofthe slip distribution spectrum, regardless of the type of slip velocity function. It is shown numerically that this model provides -squared source spectrum even in a vicinity of a 2D normal fault buried in 1D structure, which is an agreement with previous studies.  相似文献   

Measurements of F-region electron density and temperature at Millstone Hill are compared with results from the IZMIRAN time-dependent mathematical model of the Earths ionosphere and plasmasphere during the periods 16–23 March and 6–12 April 1990. Each of these two periods included geomagnetically quiet intervals followed by major storms. Satisfactory agreement between the model and the data is obtained during the quiet intervals, provided that the recombination rate of O+(4S) ions was decreased by a factor of 1.5 at all altitudes during the nighttime periods 17–18 March, 19–20 March, 6–8 April and 8–9 April in order to increase the NmF2 at night better to match observations. Good model/data agreement is also obtained during the storm periods when vibrationally excited N2 brings about factor-of-2-4 reductions in daytime NmF2. Model calculations are carried out using different expressions for the O+ – O collision frequency for momentum transfer, and the best agreement between the electron-density measurements and the model results is obtained when the CEDAR interim standard formula for the O+ – O collision frequency is used. Deviations from the Boltzmann distribution for the first five vibrational levels of NI were calculated. The calculated distribution is highly non-Boltzmann at vibrational levels j > 2, and the Boltzmann distribution assumption results in the increase of 10–30% in calculated NmF2 during the storm-time periods. During the March storm at solar maximum the model results obtained using the EUVAC solar flux model agree a little better with the observations in comparison with the EUV94 solar flux model. For the April storm period of moderate solar activity the EUV94X model results agree better with the observations in comparison to the EUVAC model.  相似文献   

Summary The variations of the initialh E s height are investigated in the solar cycle 1957–1968, deriving the regressive dependency:h E s =121.4–6·10–2 R referring to the median monthly values at a solar zenith angle =75°. The similar variations ofh E s (R) during the day and night are interpreted as a domination of the sporadic layer formation from a redistribution of the day-time ionization and secondary participation of nightly ionizing sources. The analogous cyclich E s andh E variations confirm this conclusion while the seasonal variations in the state of the sporadic layer show outlined dynamical effects. The comparatively not big cyclic variation in the spatial state of theE-region are considered to confirm the predominating ionizing action of the ultraviolet range (933–1038 Å) in the lower part of theE-region, while the soft X-radiation influences mainly the near maximum part of this region.  相似文献   

The assumption that volcanic tremor may be generated by deterministic nonlinear source processes is now supported by a number of studies at different volcanoes worldwide that clearly demonstrate the low-dimensional nature of the phenomenon. We applied methods based on the theory of nonlinear dynamics to volcanic tremor events recorded at Sangay volcano, Ecuador in order to obtain more information regarding the physics of their source mechanism. The data were acquired during 21–26 April 1998 and were recorded using a sampling interval of 125 samples s–1 by two broadband seismometers installed near the active vent of the volcano. In a previous study Johnson and Lees (2000) classified the signals into three groups: (1) short duration (<1 min) impulses generated by degassing explosions at the vent; (2) extended degassing chugging events with a duration 2–5 min containing well-defined integer overtones (1–5 Hz) and variable higher frequency content; (3) extended degassing events that contain significant energy above 5 Hz. We selected 12 events from groups 2 and 3 for our analysis that had a duration of at least 90 s and high signal-to-noise ratios. The phase space, which describes the evolution of the behavior of a nonlinear system, was reconstructed using the delay embedding theorem suggested by Takens. The delay time used for the reconstruction was chosen after examining the first zero crossing of the autocorrelation function and the first minimum of the Average Mutual Information (AMI) of the data. In most cases it was found that both methods yielded a delay time of 14–18 samples (0.112–0.144 s) for group 2 and 5 samples (0.04 s) for group 3 events. The sufficient embedding dimension was estimated using the false nearest neighbors method which had a value of 4 for events in group 2 and was in the range 5–7 for events in group 3. Based on these embedding parameters it was possible to calculate the correlation dimension of the resulting attractor, as well as the average divergence rate of nearby orbits given by the largest Lyapunov exponent. Events in group 2 exhibited lower values of both the correlation dimension (1.8–2.6) and largest Lyapunov exponent (0.013–0.022) in comparison with the events in group 3 where the values of these quantities were in the range 2.4–3.5 and 0.029–0.043, respectively. Theoretically, a nonlinear oscillation described by the equation ++g(x)=fcost can generate deterministic signals with characteristics similar to those observed in groups 2 and 3 as the values of the parameters ,,f, are drifting, causing instability of orbits in the phase space.  相似文献   

The TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) satellite altimeter data from January 1, 1993 to January 3, 2001 (cycles 11–305) was used for investigating the long-term variations of the geoidal geopotential W 0 and the geopotential scale factor R 0 = GM÷W 0 (GM is the adopted geocentric gravitational constant). The mean values over the whole period covered are W 0 = (62 636 856.161 ± 0.002) m2s-2, R 0 = (6 363 672.5448 ± 0.0002) m. The actual accuracy is limited by the altimeter calibration error (2–3 cm) and it is conservatively estimated to be about ± 0.5 m2s-2 (± 5 cm). The differences between the yearly mean sea surface (MSS) levels came out as follows: 1993–1994: –(1.2 ± 0.7) mm, 1994–1995: (0.5 ± 0.7) mm, 1995–1996: (0.5 ± 0.7) mm, 1996–1997: (0.1 ± 0.7) mm, 1997–1998: –(0.5 ± 0.7) mm, 1998–1999: (0.0 ± 0.7) mm and 1999–2000: (0.6 ± 0.7) mm. The corresponding rate of change in the MSS level (or R 0) during the whole period of 1993–2000 is (0.02 ± 0.07) mm÷y. The value W 0 was found to be quite stable, it depends only on the adopted GM, and the volume enclosed by surface W = W 0. W 0 can also uniquely define the reference (geoidal) surface that is required for a number of applications, including World Height System and General Relativity in precise time keeping and time definitions, that is why W 0 is considered to be suitable for adoption as a primary astrogeodetic parameter. Furthermore, W 0 provides a scale parameter for the Earth that is independent of the tidal reference system. After adopting a value for W 0, the semi-major axis a of the Earth's general ellipsoid can easily be derived. However, an a priori condition should be posed first. Two conditions have been examined, namely an ellipsoid with the corresponding geopotential which fits best W 0 in the least squares sense and an ellipsoid which has the global geopotential average equal to W 0. It is demonstrated that both a-values are practically equal to the value obtained by the Pizzetti's theory of the level ellipsoid: a = (6 378 136.7 ± 0.05) m.  相似文献   

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