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岩石生热率是研究地球内热的一个重要的参数。本文根据自然伽马与岩石生热率的关系,利用盆地4口钻井的自然伽马测井曲线,计算出桑托斯盆地主要岩石或矿物及地层的生热率。本文统计了2964个自然伽马测井数据值,主要岩石或矿物的生热率从大到小依次为:泥岩、砂岩、页岩、玄武岩、石灰岩、硬石膏和盐岩;盆地地层的生热率随深度增加显著降低,生热率体现出受控于岩性变化的特征。以S1井为例,根据岩石生热率和热流的关系,计算出盆地中各个组的生热率,Marambaia组、Itajai-Acu组、Itanhaem组、Ariri组、Guaratiba群、Camboriu组生热率分别是1.36±0.16μW/m3、1.52±0.15μW/m3、1.30±0.3μW/m3、0.46±0.18μW/m3、0.64±0.23μW/m3、0.37±0.07μW/m3,盆地沉积地层产生的热量占表层大地热流的13.62%,因此沉积地层具有一定的产热潜力,对区域有机质的成熟度有一定的影响。建立了岩石圈分层生热模型,其中地壳热流贡献为15.38mW/m2,占表层大地热流的30.76%,地幔热流贡献值为34.62mW/m2,地壳和地幔的热流比例为0.44,具有“冷壳热幔”的特征。 相似文献
在深水勘探活动中 ,断裂分区对原油体系的风险因子有重要意义。我们的新构造模型将注重与油气的分布、成熟及运移有关的风险 ,这些油气分布在坎普斯及桑托斯盆地富含早白垩纪湖相原油体系内。坎普斯是巴西油气最丰富的盆地。据有关资料 ,该地区已探明的石油地质储量为 2 1 60× 1 0 6 m3,约占巴西总石油储量的78% ;而该地区已探明的天然气地质储量为2 66× 1 0 9m3,约占巴西总天然气储量的 43 %。相比之下 ,桑托斯盆地的勘探程度较差 ,该区已探明的石油地质储量为 1 .0 0× 1 0 6 m3,天然气地质储量为 4.8× 1 0 9m3。坎普斯及桑托斯盆地的… 相似文献
巴西盐下湖相碳酸盐岩是现今海外油气勘探的热点领域, 但中国关于该类储层特征的研究相对薄弱。通过综合应用岩心、薄片、物性测试等资料, 系统研究了储层岩石类型、储集空间类型、储层物性特征、成岩作用类型及其对物性的影响情况。研究表明微生物灰岩和生物碎屑灰岩是盆地的主要储层类型, 其中微生物灰岩由叠层石和鲕粒灰岩互层组成, 生物碎屑灰岩由贝壳灰岩组成。盐下微生物灰岩储层的孔隙类型以溶孔、晶间孔、粒间孔等次生孔隙和受过改造的原生孔隙为主; 生物碎屑灰岩储层的孔隙类型以铸模孔、溶孔、溶洞及晶间孔为主。盐下湖相碳酸盐岩储层整体物性较好, 具有中-高孔渗特征; 白云岩化和溶蚀作用是改善盐下湖相碳酸盐岩储层的主要成岩作用类型, 储层主要处于中成岩阶段, 少量处于早成岩阶段。 相似文献
为了揭示反转构造的成藏特征,系统总结了反转构造的类型特征、构造样式及形成机制,并对桑托斯盆地的勘探实例开展了分析。研究表明,正反转构造是一种重要的含油气圈闭,其发育演化与所受的挤压应力强度相关,在轻微、中等反转阶段,主要发育挠曲褶皱反转构造,在强烈和全部反转阶段,主要表现为断层强烈逆冲反转,发育断层相关型构造;反转构造是区域构造事件的响应,热体制变化和区域构造体制变化是2种主要的构造反转动力机制。正反转构造具有近源供烃,断裂-裂缝等运移通道发育以及圈闭可靠、规模大等特征,油气“生-汇-聚”时空匹配关系良好,是一种重要的油气藏类型。 相似文献
巴西东缘桑托斯盆地是近年来油气勘探的热点地区之一,其盐上碎屑岩系油气主要分布于晚白垩世森诺曼-土伦期、科尼亚克-马斯特里赫特期和古近纪等3个期次的地层中。基于区域沉积背景分析,通过调研盆地周缘水系发育及物源供给特征,利用现有的钻井、地震、测井及分析化验数据等,对盐上3个砂岩储层发育期次的主要沉积特征及其演化规律进行系统分析。研究表明,晚白垩世森诺曼-土伦沉积期在桑托斯盆地南部主要以浅海-半深海泥质沉积为主,在盆地中北部发育小规模三角洲及浊积水道;晚白垩世科尼亚克-马斯特里赫特沉积期,区域抬升导致物源供应充足,在浅水陆架区,发育多支大规模三角洲沉积,并持续向海进积,在陆坡区主要发育海底扇,具有“早期水道为主、晚期朵叶为主”的特点,深水区的盐岩起限制作用;古近纪沉积期,受区域水系迁移影响,物源供应减弱,整体以泥质沉积为主,三角洲规模明显萎缩,在深水区发育小型朵叶(或水道化朵叶)。 相似文献
Velha组为研究区主力含油层位,区域古地貌控制了沉积相带和储层的分布。同时,古地貌的起伏影响同生期的成岩作用,也间接控制了储层的品质。通过岩心、测井和地震资料综合分析,综合利用印模法、残余厚度法,结合压实校正进行不同岩性的厚度恢复,对目标区块Barra Velha组沉积期的古地貌进行恢复,平面上将古地貌划分为古构造深水区、古构造斜坡—洼地区、古构造次高地及古构造高地。在古地貌的平面分区特征分析的基础上,结合沉积特征和同生期的暴露环境,进行沉积和储层研究,识别研究区优质储层发育区。 相似文献
巴西深水油气勘探不断取得成功,已成为全球常规油气的主要增长点。在过去的10年间,巴西新发现了100多个油气田,超过5×108 t的原油从巴西深水含油气盆地中采出,已占到全球常规油气储量增长的30%。系统梳理了巴西深水含油气盆地的石油地质特征,同时研究对比坎波斯和桑托斯盆地油气成藏模式,研究表明:这2个盆地都拥有盐上层系和盐下层系2种成藏模式,坎波斯盆地发育3套烃源岩、4套储层,盐上层系的勘探重点为盆地内东部蒸发岩不连续或较薄区域的浊积砂岩体,盐下层系应寻找盆地中央隆起带周缘发育背斜和断块构造的有利圈闭;桑托斯盆地发育2套烃源岩、3套储层,圣保罗高地之上构造高部位的湖相碳酸盐岩为未来盐下层系的有利勘探目标,盐上层系的勘探方向为盆地内西部盐岩薄层和过渡盐区。 相似文献
The Argo data are used to calculate eddy(turbulence)heat transport(EHT)in the global ocean and analyze its horizontal distribution and vertical structure.We calculate the EHT by averaging all the v′,T′profiles within each 2×2 bin.The velocity and temperature anomalies are obtained by removing their climatological values from the Argo"instantaneous"values respectively.Through the Student’s t-test and an error evaluation,we obtained a total of 87%Argo bins with significant depth-integrated EHTs(D-EHTs).The results reveal a positive-and-negative alternating D-EHT pattern along the western boundary currents(WBC)and Antarctic Circumpolar Current(ACC).The zonally-integrated D-EHT(ZI-EHT)of the global ocean reaches 0.12 PW in the northern WBC band and–0.38 PW in the ACC band respectively.The strong ZI-EHT across the ACC in the global ocean is mainly caused by the southern Indian Ocean.The ZI-EHT in the above two bands accounts for a large portion of the total oceanic heat transport,which may play an important role in regulating the climate.The analysis of vertical structures of the EHT along the 35 N and45 S section reveals that the oscillating EHT pattern can reach deep in the northern WBC regions and the Agulhas Return Current(ARC)region.It also shows that the strong EHT could reach 600 m in the WBC regions and 1 000 m in the ARC region,with the maximum mainly located between 100 and 400 m depth.The results would provide useful information for improving the parameterization scheme in models. 相似文献
Weina Zhao Zhiqiang Wu Fanghui Hou Xunhua Zhang Tianyao Hao Hanjoon Kim Yanpeng Zheng Shanshan Chen Huigang Wang 《海洋学报(英文版)》2023,42(2):104-119
The South Yellow Sea basin is filled with Mesozoic–Cenozoic continental sediments overlying pre-Palaeozoic and Mesozoic–Palaeozoic marine sediments. Conventional multi-channel seismic data cannot describe the velocity structure of the marine residual basin in detail, leading to the lack of a deeper understanding of the distribution and lithology owing to strong energy shielding on the top interface of marine sediments. In this study, we present seismic tomography data from ocean bottom seismogra... 相似文献
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the nonlinear ship roll motion equation and the main parameters that induce ship capsizing in beam seas, estimate the survival probability of a ferry in random seas and to find out a risk assessment method for the ship’s intact stability. A single degree of freedom (1-DOF) dynamic system of ship rolling in beam seas is investigated and the nonlinear differential equation is solved in the time domain by the fourth order Runge-Kutta algorithm. The survival probability of a ferry in beam seas is investigated using the theory of “safe basin”. The survival probability is calculated by estimating erosion of “safe basin” during ship rolling motion by Monte Carlo simulations. From the results it can be concluded that the survival probability of a ship in beam sea condition can be predicted by combining Monte Carlo simulations and the theory of “safe basin”. 相似文献
基于Argo历史观测的南海海盆尺度中层流场研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对南海海域海流环境复杂、中层实测数据量少的现状,本文基于2006-2016年布放在南海海域的114个Argo剖面浮标的卫星定位等信息,采用基于背景流和惯性流外推的最小二乘方法,获取南海海域1 200 m深中层流场信息,并采用Divand变分插值的方法形成网格化季节流场。结果表明:(1)针对南海中层(1 200 m)流场,单个Argo浮标可以刻画出具体的中尺度结构,如越南沿岸的反气旋涡,半径约为120 km,最大流速约为9.6 cm/s,平均流速为5.3 cm/s;(2) Argo网格化流场表明海盆尺度中层流场南海南部为反气旋环流结构,北部为气旋式环流,同时在吕宋海峡口存在从南海至太平洋的水体交换;(3)将该流场信息与HYCOM和YoMaHa'07两种资料对比,吻合度较高,与HYCOM再分析资料的偏差分布趋近于正态分布,海流的东西向分量的均方根误差为3.28 cm/s,南北向分量的均方根误差为3.26 cm/s。总体而言,利用Argo轨迹资料能够有效地反演出南海地区海盆尺度的中层环流特征。 相似文献
宁波长街缢蛏遗传结构的RAPD分析 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
利用RAPE)技术对宁波长街自然群体和养殖群体缢蛏【Sinonovacula constricta(Lamarck)】的遗传背景进行了比较研究。21个引物共扩增出121条清晰可辨的RAPE)标记,大小在250--2500bp之间,分别统计上述位点,得到两群体各遗传参数。结果表明,养殖环境对其影响较小,两者问遗传距离仅为0.0497,近交系数(Fst)为0.0735,有效繁殖个体数(Ncm)为3.1514;两者平均遗传杂合度比较却发现养殖群体略大于野生群体。与其他的水产动物研究结果不同。作者推测上述结果与养殖缢蛏苗种来自天然采苗、无累代养殖和养殖区饵料较自然海区丰富等因素有关。 相似文献
在夏季风爆发前孟加拉湾会出现季节性暖池,在季风爆发后它则快速消失。本文利用RAMA浮标阵列中孟加拉湾中部浮标的观测资料,通过进行混合层热收支诊断,对2008年孟加拉湾春季暖池的生消过程进行了分析。结果表明:热通量项主导了暖池的生成和消亡过程,它在暖池生成期表现为强加热效应,而在暖池消亡期变为强冷却效应;垂向卷夹的冷却作用在暖池生成阶段比较突出;温度平流项的冷却作用在冬季较强。对热通量项的进一步分析表明:短波辐射平均热效应在暖池生成期高达0.32℃/d,而在暖池消亡期降低一半,这是使热通量项在两个时期有不同表现的根本原因;潜热通量在各阶段的平均冷却效应基本保持不变,都在-0.14℃/d左右;长波辐射的冷却效应在暖池生成期比较显著,一定程度上减缓了海温的上升速度;感热通量的热效应相对较小。 相似文献
The Upper Cretaceous Mukalla coals and other organic-rich sediments which are widely exposed in the Jiza-Qamar Basin and believed to be a major source rocks, were analysed using organic geochemistry and petrology. The total organic carbon (TOC) contents of the Mukalla source rocks range from 0.72 to 79.90% with an average TOC value of 21.50%. The coals and coaly shale sediments are relatively higher in organic richness, consistent with source rocks generative potential. The samples analysed have vitrinite reflectance in the range of 0.84–1.10 %Ro and pyrolysis Tmax in the range of 432–454 °C indicate that the Mukalla source rocks contain mature to late mature organic matter. Good oil-generating potential is anticipated from the coals and coaly shale sediments with high hydrogen indices (250–449 mg HC/g TOC). This is supported by their significant amounts of oil-liptinite macerals are present in these coals and coaly shale sediments and Py-GC (S2) pyrograms with n-alkane/alkene doublets extending beyond nC30. The shales are dominated by Type III kerogen (HI < 200 mg HC/g TOC), and are thus considered to be gas-prone.One-dimensional basin modelling was performed to analysis the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion history of the Mukalla source rocks in the Jiza-Qamar Basin based on the reconstruction of the burial/thermal maturity histories in order to improve our understanding of the of hydrocarbon generation potential of the Mukalla source rocks. Calibration of the model with measured vitrinite reflectance (Ro) and borehole temperature data indicates that the present-day heat flow in the Jiza-Qamar Basin varies from 45.0 mW/m2 to 70.0 mW/m2 and the paleo-heat flow increased from 80 Ma to 25 Ma, reached a peak heat-flow values of approximately 70.0 mW/m2 at 25 Ma and then decreased exponentially from 25 Ma to present-day. The peak paleo-heat flow is explained by the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea Tertiary rifting during Oligocene-Middle Miocene, which has a considerable influence on the thermal maturity of the Mukalla source rocks. The source rocks of the Mukalla Formation are presently in a stage of oil and condensate generation with maturity from 0.50% to 1.10% Ro. Oil generation (0.5% Ro) in the Mukalla source rocks began from about 61 Ma to 54 Ma and the peak hydrocarbon generation (1.0% Ro) occurred approximately from 25 Ma to 20 Ma. The modelled hydrocarbon expulsion evolution suggested that the timing of hydrocarbon expulsion from the Mukalla source rocks began from 15 Ma to present-day. 相似文献
开采天然气水合物对缓解世界能源危机、解决中国天然气资源短缺问题具有重要现实意义。降压法是开采天然气水合物一种较为简单、安全、有效的方法,但是目前对水合物饱和度较高条件下的降压分解特性缺乏深入认识。在多孔介质(石英砂)体系开展了天然气水合物的生成与分解实验,研究了3种不同水合物饱和度(38.1%、42.1%、46.4%)条件下的水合物降压分解特性,分解压力分别为2 MPa和3 MPa。实验结果表明:2 MPa对应的产气速率较高,但是模拟储层温度会降至冰点以下,在实际水合物开采中会引起冰堵,阻碍水合物进一步分解。当分解压力为3 MPa时,在0~2 h内,随着水合物饱和度增加,产气速率减小;从2 h到水合物分解结束,水合物饱和度越高,产气速率越高;在降压阶段,不同饱和度水合物的储层温度(T1、T2、T3)快速下降且最低温度相似;在恒压阶段,不同饱和度水合物的储层温度开始回升,水合物饱和度越高,储层温度波动越大,并且恢复至实验设定温度需要的时间越长。研究结果将为水合物试采过程防止冰堵现象发生、提高气体回收率提供重要的理论参考。 相似文献
Abstract Two mathematical models of different complexity were used to study transverse dispersion and surface heat transfer in the lower Waikato River. A simple analytical streamtube model (HPLUME) gave adequate temperature predictions in a reach where the channel was fairly regular but performed poorly where there were extensive shallows. In the latter reach, a two‐dimensional numerical model (SYSTEM21) gave good temperature and flow predictions once properly calibrated. Model calibration proved to be difficult in the Waikato River because the natural river temperature varied significantly along the channel. A search method was developed to estimate both the transverse dispersion and surface heat exchange coefficients from measured plume temperature profiles based on the observation that transverse variations in natural temperature were small. This method was used to calibrate SYSTEM21 in two separate reaches. Coefficient estimates were sensitive to measurement errors and slight departures in homogeneity of natural temperature and it would be desirable to corroborate the estimates of Ez using dye tests. In the upper reach, the average transverse dispersion coefficient was Ez/hu? = 1 which is high but within the range of published values. A sharp bend and buoyant spreading contributed to the high Ez value. Ez increased with river flow because both h and u? increase with flow. In the lower reach, Ez/hu? = 0.1 which is lower than expected but islands may have affected the model calibration. The surface heat exchange coefficient averaged K = 84–167 W m?2 s?1 °C?1 which falls within the range of published values. No significant relationship could be found between surface heat exchange coefficient and meteorological variables. 相似文献