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海草贝克喜盐草(Halophila beccarii)由于体型小,其重要性一直被忽视,且近海氮负荷增加导致其处于加速退化状态。目前贝克喜盐草对铵毒害的生理响应尚不清楚。基于室内模拟实验,设置了四种铵态氮梯度(对照; 25、50和100μmol·L-1),结合叶绿素荧光技术、非损伤微测技术和靶向代谢组学,探讨了铵态氮加富对贝克喜盐草光合作用、叶绿素、叶肉细胞铵离子流速、谷氨酰胺合成酶活性以及营养成分的影响。结果表明,贝克喜盐草叶片的最大相对电子传递速率呈现低铵态氮加富>中铵态氮加富>对照>高铵态氮加富的变化趋势,高铵态氮加富显著降低了最大相对电子传递速率和光能利用效率,进而减少碳库用于铵态氮的同化。同时,铵态氮加富显著增加了铵离子内流流速和谷氨酰胺合成酶活性,把过多的铵同化成氨基酸。但是,铵态氮加富却降低了氨基酸成分,这可能是由于氨基酸被用来合成有机物如关键次生代谢物,以进一步调节和适应铵毒害作用。因此,适度的铵营养盐增加可促进贝克喜盐草的光合作用和生长,而高浓度的铵营养盐则对贝克喜盐草产生毒害作用。  相似文献   

研究了不同浓度Cd2 (0.05、0.5和5mg·L-1)对凡纳滨对虾Litopeneaus vannamei血清中的总一氧化氮合成酶(NOS)、诱导型一氧化氮合成酶(iNOS)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性的影响.结果表明,镉胁迫促使总NOS活力升高依剂量而异,中(0.5mg·L-1)、低(0. 05mg·L-1)剂量组凡纳滨对虾血清中总NOS活力在24-48h显著高于对照组,而高剂量组(5mg·L-1)在12-48h血清中总NOS活力与对照组相比无显著差别; iNOS活力变化趋势与总NOS活力相似,但中、低剂量组之间iNOS活性无显著差异.镉胁迫促使凡纳滨对虾血清中SOD活力短暂升高,但高剂量在24-48h对SOD活力呈明显的抑制效应.  相似文献   

为建立软骨藻酸(DA)的免疫检测法,本研究采用活泼酯法将DA与载体蛋白KLH(BSA)偶联形成完全免疫抗原(包被抗原),并通过紫外光谱扫描证明偶联成功与否。用完全免疫抗原DA-KLH对新西兰白兔进行免疫,间接ELISA法测定血清效价。实验结果表明偶联成功,经过19周免疫后血清效价达到1:1600,纯化后获得效价为1:800的多克隆抗体,同时也间接证明了合成的完全抗原具有免疫原性,为以后建立免疫分析法奠定了基础。  相似文献   

非还原性二糖海藻糖及其代谢物是调控植物生长发育和逆境响应的信号分子。本研究以大型海藻龙须菜(Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis)为对象,从基因转录、蛋白和酶活性3个水平探讨了海藻糖合成酶——海藻糖-6-磷酸合成酶(TPS)对高温、高盐及渗透胁迫的响应。龙须菜中4条TPS序列均具有TPS家族保守结构域(Glyco-transf-20)和TPP家族保守结构域(Trehalose-PPase),且属于Class I亚家族。在转录水平上,高盐胁迫主要促进了TPS1、TPS2和TPS4基因的表达,而渗透胁迫则总体抑制了TPS1、TPS2和TPS3基因的表达。在高盐胁迫48 h时, TPS1蛋白含量升高到对照组的2.03倍。在高温和高盐胁迫24 h时, TPS活性升高,而在高盐胁迫48 h及渗透胁迫条件下酶活性降低。可见海藻糖-6-磷酸合成酶参与了龙须菜抗高温和高盐胁迫的应答,但对渗透胁迫不敏感。该研究为提高龙须菜抗逆性及培育抗逆龙须菜品种提供了参考。  相似文献   

收集不同发育时期的斑马鱼胚胎,制备DIG标记的TS反义RNA探针,采用整体原位杂交方法研究胸苷酸合成酶(TS)基因在斑马鱼胚胎发育各期的时空表达状况.结果表明,在所取样的各个阶段,TS基因均有转录,但其部位不同,中囊胚过渡前后mRNA显现的部位仅存在于受精卵的动物极,10hpf时存在于整个胚胎的外围,至24hpf后集中...  相似文献   

用分离于病(死)牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus L.)的一种新病原弧菌——秦皇岛弧菌(Vibrio qinhuangdaora sp.nov.)的代表菌株(HQ010712-1株),分别制备全菌(OK)及热处理(121℃作用1h)的菌体(O)免疫原,强化免疫接种家兔制备相应抗血清,对供试12株秦皇岛弧菌进行了血清型检定,结果表明均存在同种的K抗原和同种的O抗原(血清同源),其中O抗原具有强免疫原性、K抗原的免疫原性弱但具有强O凝集抑制作用;以相应OK抗血清为第一抗体,以标准的羊抗兔IgG荧光抗体为第二抗体,对12株秦皇岛弧菌的纯培养物及用代表菌株(HQ010712-1)人工感染病死牙鲆的肝组织进行了间接荧光抗体染色,结果显示了特异的荧光反应。  相似文献   

为确定杂交鳢(Channa argus×C. maculate)弹状病毒卵黄抗体效价水平消减规律并验证抗体对病毒的中和能力,采用杂交鳢弹状病毒灭活疫苗免疫蛋鸡,使用醋酸-醋酸钠-辛酸法制备卵黄抗体,建立间接ELISA检测方法以监测卵黄抗体产生过程抗体水平消减情况,以中和试验评估卵黄抗体中和杂交鳢弹状病毒效果。结果显示, ELISA检测方法 最佳条件为抗原包被浓度0.5×105.8 TCID50/0.1 mL, 37℃包被2 h, 37℃封闭2 h。与大口黑鲈蛙虹彩病毒卵黄抗体、SPF蛋黄提取物、免疫前蛋黄提取物以及MBC空细胞均无交叉反应。以S/N(sample/negative)>2.1且敏感性最高为标准确定阳性、阴性样品。卵黄抗体于首免后28 d产生效价,四免后达到最高水平,效价为1︰25 600,平台期可持续40~60 d,通过中和抗体检测结果证明平台期内抗体中和效价在免疫周期内最高,约为46.3。通过ELISA检测方法对卵黄抗体产生规律进行监测,通过中和检测方法评估卵黄抗体中和病毒效果。高滴度卵黄抗体具有被开发为新型抗杂交鳢弹状...  相似文献   

应用杂交瘤单克隆抗体技术制备10株分泌抗牙鲆免疫球蛋白单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞。利用单抗2H4,通过间接酶联免疫法(ELISA)对牙鲆血清中抗淋巴囊肿病毒(LCDV)特异性抗体进行了检测。结果表明:无外观症状的牙鲆血清中特异性抗体水平很低(平均OD值为0.092),个别鱼体偏高,证明已感染LCDV,处于潜伏期;患淋巴囊肿病且症状显现的牙鲆血清中特异性抗体水平升高(平均OD值为0.165),患淋巴囊肿病后处于恢复期的牙鲆抗体水平最高(平均OD值为0.231);健康牙鲆接种LCDV灭活疫苗后,特异性抗体水平显著升高。  相似文献   

通过制备针对东海原甲藻细胞破碎物的多克隆和单克隆抗体,建立了基于双抗体酶联免疫分析定量检测东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)的检测方法。利用该方法对单一藻种、混合藻种和现场样品中的东海原甲藻进行检测的结果与镜检结果相一致,最低检测限度为1×103 cells/m L。该方法的建立对中国近海赤潮暴发的实时监控具有重要意义。  相似文献   

以单点系泊的FPSO为研究对象,Matlab软件为计算工具,在百年一遇的极限海况下,采用频域和时域方法对FPSO的气隙进行了数值模拟。针对频域计算结果,预报FPSO在不同浪向下的上浪危险点,并基于时域和频域计算结果,比较FPSO的气隙预报的差异。分析表明:频域方法能够用来快速预测气隙危险点的位置,但是会相对低估各个上浪分析点处的气隙高度值,而且无法考虑风标效应,频域方法无法模拟FPSO在实际环境中真实的气隙变化过程,这会高估在横浪下的FPSO的危险性。  相似文献   

Short-term wave design approach of marine structures, using nonlinear time domain simulations, is a design procedure that is recognized by various modern standard codes. One of the most challenging points of this approach is the evaluation of the characteristic extreme values for response parameters used in the design check equations. The most straightforward and recommended way to evaluate a response characteristic value is by fitting an extreme value probability distribution to the N-sample of extreme values extracted from N independent time domain simulations with duration equal to the short-term period indicated by the code, which is usually taken as 3 h. However, this procedure would not be practical for some types of marine structures, such as risers and mooring lines, under numerous design load cases and demanding huge finite element models. A more feasible approach would be to assess the response extreme value distribution using only a single short-term time domain simulation with duration shorter than 3 h. But reduced time simulations always introduce some additional statistical uncertainty into the extreme values estimates. This paper discusses a workable way of properly taking into account the statistical uncertainty associated with the simulation length in the assessment of a characteristic short-term extreme response value based on a single time series.  相似文献   

在时域内建立了单锚腿系泊系统在风、浪、流联合作用下动力响应的计算方法。在分析波浪荷载时,使用了设计波法和非线性Stokes五阶波,并由经验公式求出了船舶的风、流荷载作用力。系统的动力初始条件由准静态方法求得。由静态方法得到系泊力后,使用了四阶Runge-Kutta方法求解船舶的运动时历,并作为立管和浮筒动力计算的边界条件。由二维梁柱单元和集中质量法构建了立管和浮简的数学模型,立管的运动方程用Wilson-θ法求解。模拟计算结果和试验结果进行了比较,吻合得较好,表明本方法能够用于计算单锚腿系泊系统的动力响应。  相似文献   

The diversity of modular polyketide synthase (PKS) genes in sediments of Ardley Island in Antarctica, was studied by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Phylogenetic analysis of 14 amino acid (AA) sequences indicates that the identified ketosynthase (KS) domains were clustered with those from diverse bacterial groups, including Cyanobacteria, γ-Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, and some unidentified microorganisms from marine sponge, bryozoan and other environmental samples. The obtained KS domains showed 43%-81% similarity at the AA level to reference sequences in GenBank. Six identified KS domains showed diverse sequences of the motif (VQTACSTS) that was used to identify the hybrid PKS/nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) enzyme complex, and formed a new branch. These results reveal a high diversity and novelty of PKS genes in antarctic sediments.  相似文献   

随机波浪下Truss Spar平台垂荡运动时域分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
研究Truss Spar平台在随机波浪下的垂荡运动特性。采用ITTC双参数谱,考虑绕射作用,数值计算了平台所受的随机波浪力。利用已有的水动力试验和数值模拟结果及Morison方程,估计了Truss Spar平台垂荡方向的附加质量和粘滞阻尼大小。考虑非线性阻尼和瞬时波面的影响,运用Runge-Kutta数值迭代算法,比较了不同随机波浪参数对平台运动响应的影响,特别是波浪特征周期接近垂荡固有周期时。结果表明,当波浪特征周期接近平台垂荡固有周期时,平台产生大幅垂荡运动,频域的运动分析结果比时域结果偏小。  相似文献   

The dynamic analysis of a deepwater floating structure is complicated by the fact that there can be significant coupling between the dynamics of the floating vessel and the attached risers and mooring lines. Furthermore, there are significant nonlinear effects, such as geometric nonlinearities, drag forces, and second order (slow drift) forces on the vessel, and for this reason the governing equations of motion are normally solved in the time domain. This approach is computationally intensive, and the aim of the present work is to develop and validate a more efficient linearized frequency domain approach. To this end, both time and frequency domain models of a coupled vessel/riser/mooring system are developed, which each incorporate both first and second order motions. It is shown that the frequency domain approach yields very good predictions of the system response when benchmarked against the time domain analysis, and the reasons for this are discussed. It is found that the linearization scheme employed for the drag forces on the risers and mooring lines yields a very good estimate of the resulting contribution to slow drift damping.  相似文献   

This paper shows that a proposal for implementing all possible two-operator positive-operator-value measurements of single spin qubit can be obtained via introducing another spin qubit as ancilla. The realization process is accomplished from the free evolution of the Heisenberg XX model by considering nearest-neighbour spin interaction. A controlled-NOT gate, which is a significant operator for this scheme is also constructed and the generalisation to multiple-operator is considered finally.  相似文献   

The blade frequency noise of non-cavitation propeller in a uniform flow is analyzed in time domain. The unsteady loading (dipole source) on the blade surface is calculated by a potential-based surface panel method. Then the time- dependent pressure data is used as the input for Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings formulation to predict the acoustics pressure. The integration of noise source is performed over the true blade surface rather than the nothickness blade surface, and the effect of hub can be considered. The noise characteristics of the non-cavitation propeller and the numerical discretization forms are discussed.  相似文献   

Numerical solutions for the hydroelastic problems of bodies are studied directly in the time domain using Neumann–Kelvin formulation. In the hydrodynamic part of problem, the exact initial boundary value problem is linearized using the free stream as a basis flow, replaced by the boundary integral equation applying Green theorem over the transient free surface Green function. The resultant boundary integral equation is discretized using quadrilateral elements over which the value of the potential is assumed to be constant and solved using the trapezoidal rule to integrate the memory or convolution part in time. In the structure part of the problem, the finite element method is used to solve the hydroelastic problem. The Mindlin plate as a bending element, which includes transverse shear effect and rotary inertia effect are used. The present numerical results show acceptable agreement with experimental, analytical, and other published numerical results.  相似文献   

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