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The results of simultaneous observations of oscillations in the chromosphere, transition region, and corona above nine sunspots are presented. The data are obtained through coordinated observing with the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory — SOHO and the Transition Region And Coronal Explorer — TRACE. Oscillations are detected above each umbra. The power spectra show one dominant frequency corresponding to a period close to 3 min. We show that the oscillations in the sunspot transition region can be modeled by upwardly propagating acoustic waves. In the corona the oscillations are limited to small regions that often coincide with the endpoints of sunspot coronal loops. Spectral observations show that oscillations in the corona contribute to the observed oscillations in the TRACE 171 Å channel observations. We show that a recent suggestion regarding a connection between sunspot plumes and 3-min oscillations conflicts with the observations. 相似文献
The Milne problem is solved numerically for a magnetized semi-infinite electron atmosphere in the case where the magnetic field is directed along the normal to the medium. The calculated angular distribution, degree of linear polarization, and positional angle of inclination of the plane of polarization of the emerging radiation are given in tables for a number of values of the Faraday rotation parameter and for degrees of intrinsic optical absorption, q=0, 0.2, and 0.4. It is assumed that the magnetic field B106 G, so that scattering in the optical range is purely Thomson scattering. 相似文献
We examine the influence of nonadiabatic effects on the modes of an isothermal stratified magnetic atmosphere. The present investigation is a continuation of earlier work by Hasan and Christensen-Dalsgaard (1992) and Banerjee, Hasan, and Christensen-Dalsgaard (1995, 1996), where the interaction of various elementary modes in a stratified magnetized atmosphere was studied in the purely adiabatic limit. The inclusion of radiative dissipation based on Newton's law of cooling demonstrates the importance of this effect in the study of magnetoatmospheric waves. We analyze the physical nature of magnetoacoustic gravity (or MAG) oscillations in the presence of Newtonian cooling and find that the eigenfrequency curves in the diagnostic diagram, as in the previous analysis, undergo avoided crossings. However, the qualitative nature of the mode interaction is strongly influenced by radiative dissipation, which leads to strong mode damping in the avoided-crossing regions. We demonstrate this effect for the interaction between the Lamb mode and a magnetic mode. Our results could be important in the analysis of waves in flux tubes on the Sun. 相似文献
We have obtained the temporal correlation function, Q(t), from time sequences of Caii K filtergrams and Dopplergrams from Antarctica, Taiwan Oscillation Network (TON) and Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). Q(t) gives the time evolution of the pattern under examination, supergranulation in this case. It has been found that Q(t) shows oscillatory signals of both 5-min and long-term periods. The 5-min oscillations are suppressed by averaging the images over 10 min. An exponential decay curve which represents the lifetime trend of supergranules, is fitted to Q(t) and subtracted out. The Q(t) residuals thus obtained contain the oscillatory component and are then subjected to a periodogram analysis. Significant periodicities in the range of 1.4–10 hours have been noted. The causes of these oscillations are not fully known at present, but the instrumental and atmospheric factors can be ruled out, pointing to solar origin. Various possibilities are discussed. Some of the observed periodicities may be considered as probable candidates for long-term oscillations in the Sun, such as the elusive gravity modes. 相似文献
Observations of quiescent filaments show fine-scale structures, suggesting that they can be composed of small-scale threads
or fibrils. Here, we study the oscillations of group of periodic fibrils in a Cartesian geometry using Bloch's theorem. The
periodic array of fibrils provides a bridge between the seemingly different oscillations of a finite number of fibrils and
the oscillations of an homogeneous prominence. Our results show that fine structure plays an important role and cannot be
neglected. The filling factor can be used to obtain reliable estimates of periods. Also, the presence of the fibrils introduces
a fine-scale modulation in the spatial structure of the global oscillations. 相似文献
导出在Saa有挠引力模型下慢旋转磁中子星电磁场所满足的方程,并研究其外部解,得出如下结论:其一,选规范.A^0=0,电磁场存在某种形式的特解;其二,选规范A^0≠0,电磁场根本不存在此特解.故可通过观测中子星外部电磁场的形式判断挠率是否存在. 相似文献
A web-based, interactive system for the remote processing of imaging data sets (i.e., EUV, X-ray, and microwave) and the automated interactive detection of wave and oscillatory phenomena in the solar atmosphere
is presented. The system targets localized, but spatially resolved, phenomena such as kink, sausage, and longitudinal propagating
and standing waves. The system implements the methods of Periodmapping for pre-analysis, and Pixelized Wavelet Filtering for
detailed analysis of the imaging data cubes. The system is implemented on the dedicated data-processing server , which is situated at the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Irkutsk, Russia. Input data in the .sav, .fits, or .txt formats can be submitted via the local and/or global network (the Internet). The output data can be in the png, jpeg, and binary formats, on the user’s request. The output data are periodmaps; narrowband amplitude, power, phase and correlation
maps of the wave’s sources at significant harmonics and in the chosen spectral intervals, and mpeg movies of their evolution. The system was tested by the analysis of the EUV and microwave emission from the active region
NOAA 10756 on 4 May 2005 observed with TRACE and the Nobeyama Radioheliograph. The similarity of the spatial localization
of three-minute propagating waves, near the footpoint of locally open magnetic-field lines determined by the potential-field
extrapolation, in both the transition region and the corona was established. In the transition region the growth of the three-minute
amplitude was found to be accompanied by the decrease in the line-of-sight angle to the wave-propagation direction. 相似文献
Bianchi Type I magnetized string cosmological model following the techniques used by Letelier and Stachel, is investigated.
To get a determinate model, we assume a condition ∊ = λ (geometric string) where ∊ is the rest energy density, λ the string
tension density and expansion (θ) is proportional to eigen value σ1
1 of shear tensor (σ
), which leads to A = ℓ (BC)
where A, B, C are metric potentials and ℓ and n are constants. The behaviour of the model in presence and absence of magnetic field is discussed. The physical and geometrical
aspects of the model are also discussed. 相似文献
Bianchi Type I magnetized Cosmological model for perfect fluid distribution is investigated. The magnetic field is due to
an electric current produced along x-axis. The distribution consists of an electrically neutral perfect fluid with an infinite electrical conductivity. To get
a determinate solution, a supplementary conditionA = BC between metric potentials is used. The behaviour of the model in presence and absence of magnetic field is also discussed.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
A radiative–conductive model for the vertical thermal structure of Pluto's atmosphere is developed with a non-LTE treatment of solar heating in the CH43.3 μm and 2.3 μm bands, non-LTE radiative exchange and cooling in the CH47.6 μm band, and LTE cooling by CO rotational line emission. The model includes the effects of opacity and vibrational energy transfer in the CH4molecule. Partial thermalization of absorbed solar radiation in the CH43.3 and 2.3 μm bands by rapid vibrational energy transfer from the stretch modes to the bending modes generates high altitude heating at sub-microbar pressures. Heating in the 2.3 μm bands exceeds heating in 3.3 μm bands by approximately a factor of 6 and occurs predominantly at microbar pressures to generate steep temperature gradients ∼10–20 K km−1forp> 2 μbar when the surface or tropopause pressure is ∼3 μbar and the CH4mixing ratio is a constant 3%. This calculated structure may account for the “knee” in the stellar occultation lightcurve. The vertical temperature structure in the first 100 km above the surface is similar for atmospheres with Ar, CO, and N2individually as the major constituent. If a steep temperature gradient ∼20 K km−1is required near the surface or above the tropopause, then the preferred major constituent is Ar with 3% CH4mixing ratio to attain a calculated ratio ofT/(= 3.5 K amu−1) in agreement with inferred values from stellar occultation data. However, pure Ar and N2ices at the same temperature yield an Ar vapor pressure of only ∼0.04 times the N2vapor pressure. Alternative scenarios are discussed that may yield acceptable fits with N2as the dominant constituent. One possibility is a 3 μbar N2atmosphere with 0.3% CH4that has 106 K isothermal region (T/= 3.8 K amu−1) and ∼8 K km−1surface/tropopause temperature gradient. Another possibility would be a higher surface pressure ∼10 μbar with a scattering haze forp> 2 μbar. Our model with appropriate adjustments in the CH4density profile to Triton's inferred profile yields a temperature profile consistent with the UVS solar occultation data (Krasnopolsky, V. A., B. R. Sandel, and F. Herbert 1992.J. Geophys. Res.98, 3065–3078.) and ground-based stellar occultation data (Elliot, J. L., E. W. Dunham, and C. B. Olkin 1993.Bull. Am. Astron. Soc.25, 1106.). 相似文献
The radial and the non-radial (l=2) modes of oscillation of a gaseous polytrope with a toroidal magnetic field are examined using a variational principle. It is found that the frequencies of oscillation of the radial mode and the Kelvin mode (l=2) decrease due to the presence of the magnetic field. The shift in the frequency of the Kelvin mode may be split up into two parts, viz. the shift in frequency due to the magnetic field on the unperturbed sphere [(12)m, say] and the shift in frequency due to the distortion of the structure by the magnetic field [(12)s, say]. In the first order calculations using one parameter trial function, it is found that (12)m is indeed positive but is overweighed by a negative (12)s. In the second order calculations using a trial function with two variational parameters, we find that the general behaviour of (12)m and (12)s is unchanged but that (12)m becomes negative for polytropic indicesn1.5.In Appendix I we study the effect of a small rotation and toroidal magnetic field on the structure of a polytrope. It is found that the resulting configuration is a prolate spheroid, a sphere or an oblate spheroid according as
respectively. Here
denotes the magnetic energy andT the kinetic energy due to rotation andq is a constant which depends on the polytropic indexn. The values ofq are given in Table I. 相似文献
Temporal variations of a solar pore were observed at the ground based Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT) on Tenerife and with the satellite TRACE. At the VTT Stokes I and V of the iron line at 1.56μm originating in the deep photosphere, was measured. TRACE delivered UV images at 170 nm which show chromospheric continuum. In a part of the pore we find oscillations of the magnetic field in the 5 minute range. Velocities derived from shifts of the Stokes V profiles show 5 minutes everywhere in the pore, but the coherence of magnetic field and velocities is low. The intensity at 170 nm varies with 3 minutes, and for a part of the whole time series additionally with 4 minutes. 相似文献
R. G. Giovanelli 《Solar physics》1972,27(1):71-79
Observations have been made in H of the vertical velocity distribution in a sunspot. Over the umbra the pattern consists of structures of scale-size 2–3. The velocity distribution undergoes oscillations with a period of about 165 s and typical amplitude ±3 km s–1, but the pattern breaks down after one or two cycles because the period of oscillation varies typically by ±20 s from place to place. Transverse waves develop in the outer 0.1 of the umbral radius and propagate outwards with a velocity of about 20 km s–1, becoming gradually invisible by or before the outer penumbral boundary; the amplitude is about ±1 km s–1 at the umbra-penumbra border.The penumbral waves are believed to be basically of the Alfvén type, with 3 × 10–8 g cm–3. The umbral oscillations presumably represent gravity waves. In both cases the fluxes are inadequate by two orders of magnitude to account for the sunspot energy deficit. 相似文献
利用12万组大气阻力资料,对DTM-1994模式进行改造,获得了一个新的大气模式,该模式的特点是:1.利用2阶周日峰效应,代替了原来模式中的复杂的周日效应表达式,减少了模式参数(少于50个),并使模式参数均具有明确的物理意义,2.分清了模式的主要参数和次要参数,在主要参数中,又分清了利用了阻力资料可以改进的参数和可能改不好的参数.3.与MSIS-1990和DTM-1994模式相比,其互差可以被接受,说明使用卫星阻力资料可以进行大气模式动态改正,不仅能测定大气总密度,并且能测定大气的分密度,4.与卫星轨道相比较,改进有显优于MSIS-1990模式,在120km轨道附近,改进模式密度比MSIS-1990模式大10%,同时我们在卫星陨落期预报中发现,MSIS-1990模式密度比实际大气密度小9%,这说明改进模式的密度与实际大气的密度基本接近。 相似文献
An investigation is presented on the very low-frequency electrostatic drift waves due to the motion of the plasma particles in the combined effect of the static magnetic field and the inhomogeneous particle distribution in a dusty plasma using the Vlasov-kinetic model of plasmas. These modes arise and are driven unstable due to the equilibrium diamagnetic currents of heavier species of the dusty plasma. The implications of these modes to the structure formations in astrophysical situations have also been pointed out. [PACS Numbers: 52.25.Vy, 52.35.Fp, 52.35.- g, 52.35.Lv] 相似文献