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梁旭东  王斌 《气象学报》2007,65(2):261-271
单多普勒雷达风场反演技术对于扩大多普勒雷达的应用范围具有重要的作用.在传统的反演技术中,VAD和VAP技术操作简单,原理清晰,具有一定的实用价值.本文在提出\  相似文献   

单部多普勒雷达反演三维风场涡度—散度方法的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
涡度-散度反演三维风场的方法是在反演二维风场的涡度-散度方法基础上发展得到的。其基本做法是将垂直方向的涡度方程适当简化,结合涡度和散度的定义,再以连续方程为约束,计算出风场三个方向的分量以及涡度,散度,从而反演到三维风矢量场。初步的试验资料检验结果表明,它是一种具有实用前景的三维风场反演方法。2000年,作者考虑了降水粒子的下落速度对垂直速度的影响,将该方法进一步完善。  相似文献   

该文提出用单部多普勒天气雷达距离高度扫描(RHI)的探测资料,从大气运动连续方程出发,在实际流场的二维假设下,反演雷达探测区域内的垂直剖面流场结构。通过个例试验表明,反演结果比较合理。该方法可供多普勒天气雷达探测研究应用。  相似文献   

笛卡儿坐标系的双多普勒天气雷达三维风场反演技术   总被引:27,自引:9,他引:27  
周海光  张沛源 《气象学报》2002,60(5):585-593
文中研究了笛卡尔坐标系下双多普勒天气雷达三维风场反演技术 ,提出了包括雷达原始资料的预处理 ,空间插值以及可靠性检验的新方法 ,提高了反演结果的可信度和精确度。使用模拟的双多普勒雷达体扫资料进行了反演试验 ,结果表明 :本文的方法能够比较真实地反映风场的三维结构 ,可以用于真实风场的反演。  相似文献   

利用安装在南京气象学院的天气多普勒雷达收集到的雷达资料,分析了在江淮流域大暴雨后期静止锋附近风场的中尺度结构特征。结果表明:静止锋附近的近地面层为冷平流,往上为暖平流。低层吹东北风,随着高度增大,风速减小,在2km高度附近风速最小,以后转为西南风,并反映出水平风场中存在垂直切变。  相似文献   

刘婷婷  苗春生  张亚萍  翟丹华  邓承之  牟容 《气象》2014,40(12):1530-1538
利用多普勒天气雷达四维变分同化方法反演了2010和2013年重庆市两次西南涡内的局地强降水不同高度水平风场,分析了易发生局地强降水区域的局地环流特征。结果表明:风场反演能较准确地给出低空急流、低层辐合和局地气旋性涡旋的位置及演变情况,辐合线演变及低空急流的强度和移向对强降水有指示意义;局地气旋性涡旋越深厚,局地强降水的强度和范围越大;不同高度的气旋性涡旋耦合,可能有利于急流的加强和水汽输送。  相似文献   

用非线性近似方法反演单多普勒雷达风场   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了近年来由单多普勒雷达观测反演风场的各种方法。这些方法大部分基于线性假设,因此风场的非线性交化经常影响反演结果,使得反演的风场误差增大。我们提出一种以非线性近似理论为基础的反演方法,该方法主要考虑了风场分片光滑的特点并充分利用了雷达的径向风场数据。我们把该方法应用到1998年淮河能量与水循环实验的两个个例中。通过同双多普勒雷达观测的结果比较,发现该方法能反演较高分辨率和淮确性的水平风场,反演的垂直风场也比较合理。  相似文献   

IVAP和扩展VAP技术是在常用的VAD和VAP技术基础上发展起来的单Doppler雷达风场反演技术.在IVAP和扩展VAP技术基础上,进一步改进IVAP技术,将IVAP技术反演假定从局地均匀扩展到局地风速均匀、风向随方位角线性变化,进而提高IVAP技术的反演能力.使用涡旋流场试验表明,改进后的IVAP技术对于风速稳定,而风向变化的风场的反演能力有明显提高.由于改进后的IVAP技术保持了IVAP技术反演时可不对原始资料进行平滑预处理,对于小尺度扰动具有滤波作用,其应用更为广泛.  相似文献   

以单多普勒雷达观测资料反演冷锋流场的试验   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对一次欧洲冷锋过程单多普勒雷达立体扫描资料的实例计算来考察用VAD(VelocityAzimuthDisplay)方法反演锋面在垂直剖面图上的风场和用VAP(VelocityAzimuthProcessing)方法反演水平风场的可能性。反演结果不仅显著展示了锋面两侧的风向切变,而且也展示出气团内部风场中存在的中尺度结构。由于VAP方法对距离圈上多普勒速度随方位的变化非常敏感(多普勒速度的脉动)  相似文献   

多普勒雷达风场反演VAP方法的资料预处理   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
在分析了三类单多普勒雷达反演风场方法的基础上, 认为VAP方法是近期内可望在业务中应用的方法, 并指出VAP方法的关键是能否将原始资料中的中-U及以上尺度的风场信息过滤出来, 以消除中-V尺度以下风场信息对反演结果的影响.为此提出了二维区域滑动低通滤波方法对资料进行预处理.此外还对VAP方法的风速计算公式进行了改进以减小计算误差.  相似文献   

Some traditional methods, such as the velocity-azimuth display (VAD) and the velocity-azimuth processing (VAP), have been widely usedto retrieve the 3-D wind field from single-Doppler radar data because of their relative conceptual and practical simplicity. The advantage of VAD is that it is not affected by small-scale perturbations of the radial wind along the azimuth, to which the VAP method is very sensitive. Nevertheless, the spatial resolution of the VAD method is very poor compared to the VAP method. We show, in this study, that these two retrieval methods are actually related with each other and they are two special applications of a retrieval function based on the azimuthal uniform-wind assumption for a given azimuthal interval [θ1, θ2]. When using this retrieval function to retrieve wind fields, the azimuthal interval used in retrieval can be adjusted according to the requirement of smoothness or resolution. The larger (smaller) the azimuthal interval is, the coarser (finer) the horizontal resolution of retrieved wind field is, and the more insensitive (sensitive) the retrieval method is to small-scale perturbations. Because the full information within the azimuthal interval [θ1, θ2],instead of the information at two terminal points only, i.e., azimuths θ1 and θ2, is used to retrieve the wind fields, this method is referred to as the integrating VAP (IVAP) method, wherein the horizontal wind field is retrieved by using the Doppler velocity over the part of circumference, delimited by the given azimuthal interval times the scan radius. By contrast,the VAP method uses only the velocities at two terminal points of the given azimuthal interval. Therefore, the IVAP method has a filtering function, and the filtering rate can be controlled by adjusting the azimuthal interval. The filter such as that used in the pre-processing of the VAP method is no longer necessary for the IVAP method. When the retrieval azimuthal interval is as large as a whole circumference, the IVAP becomes the VAD. On the other hand, if only two neighboring azimuthal data are used, the IVAP becomes the VAP. The frequency response function of IVAP indicates that the IVAP method can filter out shortwaves, and a larger azimuthal interval leads to stronger filtering ability, therefore a smoother retrieved wind field. The shortwave filter function of the IVAP method is tested by an ideal experiment wherein the radar observations are artificially created by a uniform flow superposed with random disturbances. The VAP and IVAP methods are used in wind retrieval, respectively, and give different results for different azimuthal intervals (i.e., 6°, 12°, 24°, and 48°). Because the VAP method is sensitive to small disturbances, the retrieved winds have larger errors for all different azimuthal intervals. However, the retrieved wind by the IVAP method has smaller errors when the azimuthal interval is larger due to its shortwave filter function. An experiment for an idealized linear wind field is also carried out to demonstrate the effect of the retrieval azimuthal interval on the IVAP method. The results show that a short interval gives the retrieval close to the “true" wind field with a linear distribution. When increasing the interval, the retrieval is smoothed and can represent only the mean wind field.  相似文献   

多种单多普勒雷达风场反演方法对比试验   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
周海光  张沛源 《气象》2000,26(5):13-16
采用典型风场资料对 4种单多普勒天气雷达风场反演方法进行了对比试验 ,这4种方法是 VAP方法 ,涡度 -散度法 ,简单伴随函数方法 ,动力方程组求解方法。试验结果表明 ,不同风场应采用不同反演方法。  相似文献   

用非线性近似方法反演单多普勒雷达风场(英)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
回顾了近年来由单多普勒雷达观测反演风场的各种方法。这些方法大部分基于线性假设,因此风场的非线性变化经常影响反演结果,使得反演的风场误差增大。我们提出一种以非线性近似理论为基础的反演方法,该方法主要考虑了风场分片光滑的特点并充分利用了雷达的径向风场数据。我们把该方法应用到1998年淮河能量与水循环实验的两个个例中。通过同双多普勒雷达观测的结果比较,发现该方法能反演较高分辨率和准确性的水平风场,反演的垂直风场也比较合理。  相似文献   

VAD技术三种仰角策略反演风场的比较和应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
对不同天气情况的资料分别采用单仰角VAD方法和多仰角VAD方法进行风场反演,比较了这两种算法的反演结果,提出了融合两种方法优点的自适应仰角取样方法,并进行反演比较,结果表明:单仰角和多仰角策略各有所长,采用自适应仰角取样策略结合两种方法优点,在某些场合下可以获得更有参考价值的VAD反演结果。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a variational assimilation technique for the retrieval of wind fields from Doppler radar data. The assimilated information included both the radial velocity (RV) and the movement of radar echo. In this assimilation technique, the key is transforming the movement of radar echo to a new radar measuring variable- "apparent velocity" (AV). Thus, the information of wind is added, and the indeterminacy of recovering two-dimensional wind only by AV was overcome effectively by combining RV with AV. By means of CMA GRAPES-3Dvar and CINRAD data, some experiments were performed. The results show that the method of retrieval of wind fields is useful in obtaining the construction of the weather system.  相似文献   

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