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青藏高原北缘地区上地幔P波速度结构 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文利用长周期P波波形资料,通过拟合理论地震图的方法研究了青藏高原北缘东侧区和西侧区的上地幔P波速度结构。结果表明,在这两个区域的上地幔结构中均存在P波低速层,且盖层的厚度较薄,在405km和670km深处均有P波速度的一级间断面。在670km深处这两个地区的速度结构仍有差异。 相似文献
通过拟合15°—30°内的长周期P波走时及波形资料,得到了华南地区上地幔P波速度结构模型SC.研究结果表明,在华南地区的上地幔内无低速层存在,在405km和660km深度处仃一级间断面存在,速度跳跃分别为5.7%和4.6%.通过与欧洲西部上地幔模型K8,欧洲西北部上地幔模型S8和西藏地区上地幔模型QX8比较,我们发现各个构造区P波速度的过渡区是一致,但间断面的绝对深度不一样. 相似文献
采用2015—2018年南加州地区密集分布的宽频带地震台站记录的505个近震事件,利用AIC准则拾取了35 600个初至P波到时,应用FMTOMO软件进行走时层析成像,获得了该地区0~40 km深度的三维P波地壳速度结构,其分辨率达0.5°×0.5°×5 km。不同深度的速度结构表明:南加州地区P波速度不仅随深度的变化而变化,且该地区地壳具有明显的横向不均匀性。反演结果显示:中地壳以上的速度结构与地壳岩层和断层系统密切相关,下地壳以下的速度结构存在大范围低速区,呈现横向不均匀性。 相似文献
本文应用Aki等的三维反演方法,反演了中国东部地区大尺度上地幔三维P波速度结构,其中采用了300个远震事件在所研究区域(100°—125°E,20°—45°N)的50多个台站的P波到时残差。结果表明:(1)中国东部地区上地幔横向不均匀性至少深达680公里,其中40—400公里范围内的结构具有共同特点,仍保持有地表大地构造的痕迹,400公里深度以下,不均匀性逐渐减小,地表构造痕迹消失。(2)存在一条北北东走向的深层构造带将中国东部地区分成两部分,西部速度稳定、偏高,东部速度复杂,低速高速随深度变化而交替出现。 相似文献
用多重反射 P 波的走时研究了中国西北和中亚地区下部上地幔 P 波的速度结构的横向不均匀特征.其方法为用 WKBJ 法计算出70年代发生于中国大陆地区的7个大地震的 P波和 PP 波的理论地震图,而后求出其与观测波形的 PP 波减 P 波的走时残差.该残差值反映了震中至台站路径中点附近的上地幔速度结构.结果表明:位于苏联中亚地区的俄罗斯高原,图兰高原及西伯利亚高原西部地区下面的上地幔速度结构与加拿大地遁的情况相近;而中国西北部的褶皱带及苏联的中亚褶皱系统,哈萨克褶皱带下面的上地幔的 P 波速度较低.表明上地幔速度结构与地质构造有关. 相似文献
利用中国台湾地震台网1992-2004年间记录到的P波和S波到时数据,使用地震层析成像方法联合反演了台湾及邻近地区地壳上地幔的P波速度和Vp/Vs波速比结构。与已有结果相比,采用的球坐标系有限差分算法适合于地壳波速结构强烈不均匀的情况,能够提高走时计算和三维射线追踪的准确程度,而联合反演得到的P波速度、Vp/Vs波速比及其重新定位后的地震分布为揭示壳幔结构的横向变化和深部特征提供了更多约束。结果表明:在地壳浅表层,沉积盆地和造山带具有明显不同的波速特征,沉积盆地P波速度偏低、Vp/Vs波速比偏高,造山带P波速度偏高、Vp/Vs波速比偏低;台东纵谷作为欧亚大陆和菲律宾海板块的碰撞缝合带,Vp/Vs波速比明显偏高,并延伸至中、下地壳和上地幔,反映了岩石破裂、部分熔融和流体活动对壳幔深部物质的影响;台湾东北部琉球岛弧附近的P波速度、Vp/Vs波速比和重新定位后的地震分布勾画出了菲律宾海板块俯冲至欧亚大陆下方的形态,高速的海洋俯冲板片及板片上方P波低速和高Vp/Vs波速比的特征一直延伸至80km;沿着东西向的纵向波速剖面,地壳厚度在中央山脉东侧达到60km左右,并呈现向东倾的趋势,反映出欧亚大陆板块的向东俯冲和挤压使造山带中下地壳物质变形增厚。 相似文献
收集了中国东北地区159个固定地震台2011年1月至2012年6月和27个流动地震台2011年1月至2011年6月间的垂向连续记录,根据噪声成像方法得到研究区(105°E-135°E, 39°N-52°N)较短周期(8~30 s)的瑞雷波群速度和相速度频散资料,再结合该区已有的天然地震长周期瑞雷波(36~145 s)的群速度频散资料,我们反演得到了中国东北地区200 km以浅深度范围内的三维壳幔S波速度结构,并得到了该区的岩石圈厚度分布图.结果表明:研究区中、下地壳S波速度结构的横向分布,在重力梯度带两侧有很大的不同,以东地区显示为大范围的高速,以西地区则呈现为大面积的低速;松辽盆地下方岩石圈地幔表现为显著的高速,岩石圈地幔底界面深度可能在90~100 km,薄的岩石圈盖层暗示东北地区的岩石圈可能发生了减薄;郯庐大断裂下方呈现出大范围的比较显著的低速特征,断裂下方上地幔顶部可能有热物质活动. 相似文献
本文是1986年古雷—石城剖面及嵩口—宜城剖面深地震测深资料的初步研究结果。 对古雷—石城的纵剖面资料,分析了震相特征,共识别出五个波组:P_2、P_3~0、P_4~0、P_5~0及P_n(P_n~0)。通过对波的走时反演,正演拟合和理论地震图方法等计算,得到了该区地壳与上地幔结构模型。 古雷—石城地区地壳具有多层结构,并可划分为上、中、下三层。古雷炮点给出的厚度分别为1.0km、15.7km、12.8km,地壳平均速度为6.29km/s,深度为29.5km,上地幔顶面P_n波速度为7.83km/s。石城炮点给出厚度分别为1.8km、18.3km、12.4km。地壳平均速度为6.29km/3,深度为32.4km,土地幔顶面P_n速度为8.00km/s。 在中地壳下部存在一低速层,其厚度为2.8km,速度为5.85km/s。根据其它研究结果,初步判断低速层介质是半熔融物质组成。 测区内横向变化比较强烈。从东向西有长乐—诏安、政和—海丰和邵武—河源三个大断裂穿过该区,并且都深切至莫霍面;在漳州盆地之下莫霍面隆起约3km,戴云山区下莫霍面凹陷近2km;永安—梅州莫霍面隆起接近3km。莫霍面分布显示出从东南向西北逐渐加深。 宜城—连城—嵩口非纵剖面显示了莫霍面在两处有明显断错,错距约2km邵。表明昭武—河源断裂是切割莫霍面的深大断裂。 相似文献
川滇地区地壳上地幔三维速度结构研究 总被引:95,自引:22,他引:95
根据云南和四川地震台网174个台站记录的4625个区域地震初至P波和S波走时资料,并结合其它深部地球物理资料,确定了川滇地区地壳上地幔三维速度结构.在上地壳速度异常分布中,四川盆地为正异常,川西高原为负异常,龙门山断裂带为正、负异常的边界.龙门山断裂、鲜水河断裂以及红河断裂等,在下地壳和上地幔的速度异常中仍显示出构造分界特征,说明它们可能穿透了莫霍界面.腾冲火山区和攀西构造带在50km深度上呈现负速度异常,与上地幔温度和物质组成的差异相联系.川滇地区地壳结构的总体特征是:地壳和上地幔的低平均速度,地壳厚度变化剧烈,地壳和(或)上地幔存在高导层、高热流值.这些同印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞的构造背景有关.川滇菱形块体在地壳内总体上为正常或正异常速度,而其边界的深大走滑断裂存在负速度异常,它有助于地壳块体沿断裂的侧向挤出.在主要的地震带上,中下地壳的负速度异常与地震活动性相关.多数强烈地震发生在具有正速度异常或正常速度分布的上中地壳深度上,而其下方则通常是负速度异常带. 相似文献
We use 146 422 P-wave arrival times from 6 347 local earthquakes recorded by the Southern California SeismicNetwork to determine a detailed three-dimensional P-wave velocity structure at 0~35 km depth. We have takeninto account the Moho depth variations, which were obtained by seismological methods. Checkerboard tests sug-gest that our inversion results are reliable. Our models provide new information on regional geological structuresof Southern California. At shallow depths P-wave velocity structure correlates with surface geological features andexpresses well variations of surface topography of the mountains and basins. The velocity structure at each layer ischaracterized by block structures bounded by large faults. Ventura Basin, Los Angeles Basin, Mojave Desert, Pen-insular Ranges, San Joaquin Valley, Sierra Nevada, and Salton Trough show respectively all-round block. SanAndreas Fault becomes an obvious boundary of the region. To its southwest, the velocity is higher, and there arestrong heterogeneity and deeper seismicity; but to its northeast, the velocity is lower and shows less variation thanto the southwest, the seismicity is shallower. To investigate the effect of the Moho geometry we conducted inver-sions for two cases: one for flat Moho geometry, another for a Moho with lateral depth variations. We found thatthe topography of the Moho greatly affects the velocity structure of the middle and lower crust. When the Mohotopography is considered, a more reasonable tomographic result can be obtained and the resulting 3-D velocitymodel fits the data better. 相似文献
利用中国数字化地震台网(CDSN)11个台站和IRIS在中国周边的12个数字地震台站的长周期瑞利面波资料,根据面波群速度层析成像方法反演得到的10~92s周期范围内的25个中心周期的群速度分布资料,用光滑约束的遗传算法反演得到了中国大陆及其邻域的地壳上地幔横波三维速度结构;给出了沿北纬30、38两条东西向剖面和沿东径90、120两条南北向剖面的地壳上地幔横波速度结构,并在4个不同深度的水平切片上展示了中国大陆及邻域的横波速度分布图象. 相似文献
渭河断陷及邻近地区莫霍界面速度图象 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
根据陕西省及邻省地震台网的地震记录,利用地震及工矿爆破的首波走时,采用地震层析技术,重建了渭河断陷及邻近地区的莫霍界面速度图象。并对速度横向不均匀性及其与地质构造、地震活动的关系进行了探讨 相似文献
Dabie Orogen has a series of special tectonic and geological features which make it important to the study of the tectonic evolution of mainland China and East Asia. The distribution of high pressure/ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks discovered on the surface, the specific location of a series of deep and shallow sutures in the collisional convergence collage, and the seismogenic environment of shallow earthquakes attract many scientists continuously to study the interesting Dabie Orogen.
In this paper, we used waveform records of 200 broadband seismic stations deployed by China Digital Seismograph Network and vertical component records of 21 mobile seismic stations located in the Dabie-Tanlu orogenic zone and its surrounding areas. Based on seismic ambient noise tomography, we have obtained the phase velocity distributions of Rayleigh surface wave with the periods between 8~40s, with the resolution higher than 50km. The high velocity anomalies are observed on the Hong'an-Tongbo region in the images of 8~16s phase velocity, which decreases with increasing periods. These high velocity anomalies are in consistence with the ultra-high pressure(UHP)metamorphic rocks of the region. It leads us an estimation of the extension of UHP metamorphic rocks at various depths. The distribution of these anomalies found in phase velocity maps of 8s to 16s indicates that the estimated depth is up to~20km. The horizontal distribution forms a heart shape, which is narrower on western side and wider on the eastern side. It is very much consistent with the surface observations. The whole shape is similar to a cone that laterally extends its wings on the southwest. It indicates that the high-pressure/ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks had experienced quick exhumation after they broke and formed a drag at the tail, and the residual area formed by the fast exhumation was likely to be invaded by magma. We agree that it has experienced complex structural history, such as stretching, magmatic emplacement and tectonic extrusion, resulting in the high-pressure/UHP metamorphic rocks finally exhuming on the surface with the structural pattern of narrower on the western margin and wider on the eastern margin in the Hong'an-Tongbo area.
The significant phase velocity difference from the period of 8s to 35s on both sides of the southern Tanlu fault zone enables us to infer that the Tanlu fault zone is a deep and huge fault, and the entire crust of the eastern zone of Dabie was cut by the Tanlu fault zone. It demonstrates that the Dabie block is separated from the northern Subei Basin and southern Yangtze blocks, which forms a seismogenic environment suitable for the generation of small-to-intermediate earthquakes in this region. Most of earthquakes in Anhui and adjacent provinces are distributed in those areas where the phase velocities changed dramatically, which are in consistence with the small faults of the upper crust in shallow layers of the Dabie-Tanlu orogenic belt. The shallow-source earthquakes mainly occur in velocity contrast regions, as demonstrated by the short period images. Earthquakes distribution and velocity maps show that the possible distribution of tiny faults of the upper crust can be roughly inferred from the geological structure. It helps to understand the seismogenic environment and seismic hazard in the Dabie areas. We conclude that the shallower faults with different velocity on either side of this region are still seismically active. These results have important significance for understanding the tectonic activity of the research areas.More detail work and further discussion are needed on the velocity structure of the Dabie orogen. 相似文献
In this paper,an inversion has been made of 3D S-wave velocity structure of crust and upper mantle in the northern China and its adjacent areas from long and middle period Rapleigh wave data respectively.The results show that the lateral inhomogeneity is very evident in crust,the characteristics of the active tectonics areshown in many district,but the leteral change of uppe mantle velocity structure has been lessened relatively.The crustal thickness In the studied region increases gradually from eastto west.The crustal average veloclty distribution framework corresponds with the distribution of the crustal thickness.The abrupt variation belt of crustal thickness and average velocity are basically identical with the distribution tendency of gradient belts of Bouguergr avity anomaly.From the value variation,the identity of Bouguer gravity anomaly and crustal thickness distribution is much higher than that of gravity anomaly and average velocity.Therefore,we candetermine that the fluctuation of Moho discontinuity is the main factor controlling Bouguer gravity anomaly. 相似文献