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Riverine carbon flux is an important component of the global carbon cycle. The spatial and temporal variations of organic and inorganic carbon were examined during both dry and wet seasons in the Yellow River estuary. Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the Yellow River during dry seasons were higher than those during wet seasons. The effective concentrations of DOC (CDOC*) were higher than the observed DOC at zero salinity. This input of DOC in the Yellow River estuary was due to sediment desorption processes in low salinity regions. In contrast to DOC, the effective concentrations of DIC were 10% lower than the DIC measured at freshwater end, and the loss of DIC was caused by CaCO3 precipitation in low salinity region. Particulate organic carbon (POC) and particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) contents of the particles stabilized to constant values (0.5%±0.05% and 1.8%±0.2%, respectively) within the turbidity maximum zone (TMZ) and showed no noticeable seasonal variations. A rapid drop of PIC and rise of POC occurred simultaneously outside the TMZ due to an intense dilution of riverine inorganic-rich particles being transported into a pool of aquatic organic-poor particles outside the TMZ. Annually, the Yellow River transported 6.95×105 t of DIC, 0.64×105 t of DOC, 78.58×105 t of PIC and 2.29×105 t of POC to the sea.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION River systems are the major linkage between the land and the ocean, not only transporting carbon from terres- trial environment to the ocean, but also exchanging CO2 with the atmosphere, actively involved in the global car- bon biogeochemical cycle (RICHEY et al., 2002; COLE and CARACO, 2001). The inorganic carbon, mainly o- riginating from soil CO2, carbonate minerals and atmo- sphericCO2,constitutedthegreatpart(about 60%) ofthe riverine carbon exported to the ocean…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONEstuariescompriseamajorbiogeochemicalinterfaceconnectingthelandandthesea (Man toura,1 987) .Thebehaviorandfateofaparticularriver bornesubstanceintroducedintoanestuaryisdeterminedtoalargeextentbythebiogeochemicalpropertiesofthesubstanceaswellasp…  相似文献   

Concentrations of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) were documented in 1996–1997 at 4 different trophic state stations in Donghu Lake, a typical shallow eutrophic lake along the Changjiang River's middle reaches. The mean concentrations of DOC were 15.11±3.26, 15.19±4.24, 14.27±3.43, and 13.31±3.30 mg/L in Station I, II, III, and IV, respectively. The DOC concentrations of the studied area were very similar to that in other lakes along the Changjiang River's middle reaches. The POC mean of the whole lake was 5.01 mg/L due to the large amount of organic detritus of both allochthonous and autochthonous origin. Significant linear relationship was found between POC and chlorophyll a at all 4 stations, which presumably reflect that phytoplankton, its exudates and its metabolic products were the main contributors to the POC pool in the water column. The slope of such linear relationship at Station IV was significantly steeper than that at Station I, II and III. In addition, the DOC/POC ratios (mean value: 4.40) indicated that the organic detritus was the most important component of the particulate organic matter; in other works, next to organic detritus, phytoplankton dominated the particulate organic matter in Donghu Lake. Project 39770146, 39430101 supported by NSFC and the State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology, affiliated to the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

Data on the distribution of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) were obtained from two cruises in the North Yellow Sea (NYS) and off the Qingdao Coast (QC) in October, 2007. Carbonate parameters were calculated. The concentrations of DIC are from 1.896–2.229 mmolL−1 in the NYS and from 1.939–2.032 mmolL−1 off the QC. In the southwest of the NYS, DIC in the upper layers decreases from the north of the SP (Shandong Peninsula) shelf to the center of the NYS; whereas in the lower layers DIC increases from the north of the SP shelf to the center of the NYS and South Yellow Sea. In the northeast of the NYS, DIC in all layers increases from the YR (Yalu River) estuary to the centre of the NYS. The distribution of DIC in NYS can be used as an indicator of Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM). Air-sea CO2 fluxes were calculated using three models and the results suggest that both the NYS and the QC waters are potential sources of atmospheric CO2 in October.  相似文献   

A whole year analysis of riverine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in the Xijiang River (XJR), South China, showed that the mean riverine DOC concentration (1.24 mg L-1) in the XJR was notably lower than the averaged value (5.75 mg L-1) of the global riverine DOC concentration in several major rivers. There is an inconspicuous monthly fluctuation of the DOC signal in the XJR, but on a semi-yearly time scale, however, the riverine DOC concentration had significant difference between hydrological...  相似文献   

Water samples were collected in the coastal area of the Changjiang Estuary on four cruises from August 2002 to May 2003. The seasonal variations of dissolved inorganic arsenic (DIAs) distributions were analyzed. The results showed that the distributions of DIAs were mainly influenced by Water (KSSW). The concentration of the total dissolved the terrestrial input and the intrusion of the Kuroshio Subsurface inorganic arsenic (TDIAs) decreased consecutively from winter to summer, while it increased in autumn. The distributions of TDIAs showed some relationships with salinity and suspended particulate matter (SPM). The relationships between DIAs speciation (including arsenite [ As( Ⅲ ) ] and arsenate [ As( Ⅴ ) ]), biological activity and the availabilities of the phosphate were investigated in the study area for the cruise August 2002. The ratio of As (Ⅲ)/TDIAs increased with the decrease of phosphate concentrations. In the bottom water, the As( Ⅲ )/TDIAs ratio decreased with the increasing of N/P. The concentration of TDIAs decreased 28.7% approximately after the occurrence of harmful algal blooms (HAB) because of the uptake of arsenate by algae. Further study is needed about the arsenic source/sink relationships in their vertical or horizontal profiles and the uptake mechanism during the occurrence of harmful algal blooms.  相似文献   

Incubation experiments are carried out to study the exchange rates of dissolved inorganic nutrients including silicate, phosphate, ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate (^vSiO3-Si,^vPO4-P, ^vNH4-N, ^vNO2-N and ^vNO3-N) at the sediment-water interface in the Jiaozhou Bay. Major factors influencing the exchange rates are discussed in detail, which include the dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations in porewater (Cpw), water and clay contents, and grain size of the sediments (CH2O, Cclay and GSsed). The results may provide insight into the dynamics of nutrient transport and the environmental capacity of nutrients in Jiaozhou Bay, and should be beneficial to solving the problems caused by excessive nutrient input this area.  相似文献   

Mangrove-derived dissolved organic matter(DOM) has an important effect on estuarine and coastal area on a large scale.In order to improve the understanding of origin,composition,and fate of DOM in mangrove-fringed estuarine and coastal areas,dissolved humic substances(DHS) were isolated from one mangrove pore-water sample and one near-shore seawater sample downstream the mangrove pore-water site in the eastern coast of Hainan Island,South China.Fulvic acids,humic acids and XAD-4 fractions were obtained from the two water samples by using a two-column array of XAD-8 and XAD-4 resins.Chemical and spectroscopic methods were used to analyze the features of these DHS.Compared to the mangrove pore-water DHS,the near-shore seawater DHS were found rich in 13 C with lower C/N ratios and more aliphatic compounds and carbohydrates,but less aromatic structures and carboxyl groups.As for the three fractions of the two DHS,XAD-4 fractions contain more aliphatics,carbohydrates,carboxyl groups,and enrich in 13 C with respect to both fulvic and humic acids.Photo-oxidation transformation and contribution from marine-derived DOM were considered as the main reasons resulted in the difference in compositional features for these DHS in this study.  相似文献   

Incubation experiments are carried out to study the exchange rates of dissolved inorganic nutrients including silicate, phosphate, ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate (vSiO3-Si, vPO4-P, vNH4-N, vNO2-N and vNO3-N) at the sediment-water interface in the Jiaozhou Bay. Major factors influencing the exchange rates are discussed in detail, which include the dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations in porewater (Cpw), water and clay contents, and grain size of the sediments (CH2O, Cclay and GSsed). The results may provide insight into the dynamics of nutrient transport and the environmental capacity of nutrients in Jiaozhou Bay, and should be beneficial to solving the problems caused by excessive nutrient input this area.  相似文献   

Investigation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) at 12 stations in Yantal Sishili Bay in May, August, and November of 1997 and March and May of 1998 showed that DOC concentrations varied from 1.14 mg/L to 5.35 mg/L; that the average values at all staticrLs ineach entise varied from 1.52 mg/L to 2.12 mg/L; that POC concentrafions varied from 0.049 mg/L to 1.411mg/L; and averaged 0.159 mg/L to 0.631 mg/L in each cruise. Horizontal distribution of DOC was influ-enced by factors such as continental input, organism activity, temperature, aquieulture environment, etc. The higher POC concentration occurred along the coast. The vertical distribution of DOC and POC changed obviously in spring and summer, but not obviously in autumn and winter. DOC concentration was highest in summer and POC in spring; both were lowest in winter. The seasonal change of DOC was con-sistent with primary productivity seasonal variation, and that of POC was consistent with ehlorophyll-a sea-sanal variation. The seasonal change trend of the C/N ratio of dissolved organic matter was obvious, but the C/N ratio of particulate organic matter had no such trend.  相似文献   

Biologically utilizable dissolved organic compounds, including dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved carbohydrates (DCHO) and dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) were analyzed in filtered surface seawater samples collected at 19 stations in Jiaozhou Bay, China, on June 3, 2007. In these samples, concentrations of DOC, dissolved free carbohydrates (DFCHO), dissolved combined carbohydrates (DCCHO), total dissolved carbohydrates (TDCHO) and total dissolved free amino acids (TDFAA) ranged from 141.7 to 191.1 μmol C/L, 1.98 to 18.18 μmol C/L, 5.04 to 24.90 μmol C/L, 14.52 to 30.36 μmol C/L, and 1.83 to 11.89 μmol C/L, respectively. As a major component of the dissolved carbohydrates, the concentrations of DCCHO were about three times higher than those of DFCHO. Three major constituents of the DFAA were threonine (23.0±5.7 mol%), glutamic acid (16.6±3.2 mol%) and arginine (9.1±3.3 mol%). Based on the composition of DFAA, a molar C:N ratio of 3.60±0.75 in DFAA was derived, indicating longer carbon chains in the amino acids. DCCHO (8.1%) was the most abundant fraction of DOM in most samples, followed by DFCHO (4.8%) and TDFAA (2.7%). These DOM concentrations displayed a decreasing trend from the coast to the central region. Significant correlations were found between the DCCHO and DFCHO concentrations (r=-0.724, n=19, P<0.001) and the DCCHO and TDCHO concentrations (r=0.506, n=19, P=0.027).  相似文献   

Based on survey data from April to May 2009, distribution and its influential factors of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) over the continental slopes of the Yellow Sea (YS) and East China Sea (ECS) are discussed. Influenced by the Changjiang (Yangtze) River water, alongshore currents, and the Kuroshio current off the coast, DIN concentrations were higher in the Changjiang River estuary, but lower (<1 μmol/L) in the northern and eastern YS and outer continental shelf area of the ECS. In the YS, the thermocline formed in spring, and a cold-water mass with higher DIN concentration (about 11 μmol/L) formed in benthonic water around 123.2°E. In Changjiang estuary (around 123°E, 32°N), DIN concentration was higher in the 10 m layer; however, the bottom DIN concentration was lower, possibly influenced by mixing of the Taiwan Warm Current and offshore currents.  相似文献   

Inorganic carbon utilization in the non-calcifying marine microalgae,Nannochloropsis oculata, Phaeodactylum tricornutum andPorphyridium purpureum was compared with high- and low-calcifying strains ofEmiliania huxleyi grown in artificial seawater medium aerated with either air (0.03% V/V CO2) or CO2-free air. For high-calcifying strain ofE. oculata andP. tricornutem, similar growth patterns were observed in air-and CO2-free air-grown cultures.P. purpureum showed a less final cell density in CO2-free air than in air-grown culture. However, low-calcifying strain ofE. huxleyi was able to grow only in air-grown culture, but not in CO2-free air-grown culture. Measurements of alkalinity, pH, concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and free CO2 showed different patterns of DIC utilization. WithN. oculata, P. tricornutum andP. purpureum the pattern of DIC utilization was characterized by an increase of pH and a decrease of DIC but a constant alkalinity in the cultures aerated with air or CO2-free air, suggesting that bicarbonate utilization was concomitant with an efflux of OH. Both alkalinity and pH were maintained rather constant in air-grown culture of low-calcifying strain ofE. huxleyi, suggesting that diffusive entry of CO2 could meet the requirement of DIC for its photosynthesis and growth. High-calcifying strain ofE. huxleyi, however, showed a pattern of decrease of alkalinity and DIC but an almost constant pH, indicating that bicarbonate was the major form of inorganic carbon utilised by this organism and bicarbonate uptake is unlikely to be accompanied by an efflux of OH. The final pH values reached byN. oculata, P. tricornutum andP. purpureum in a closed system were 10.75, 10.60 and 9.85 respectively, showing that bicarbonate utilisation is concomitant with an efflux of OH. While the final pH of 8.4 in high-calcifyingE. huxleyi suggests that bicarbonate utilization was not accompanied by an efflux of OH. Contribution No. 3557 from the Institue of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This work was supported by NERC grant GRE3/7853 U. K. and partly supported by Bio-Engineering Center, SSTC 96-C01-05-01.  相似文献   

Sediment carbon sequestration plays an essential role in mitigating atmospheric CO2 increases and the subsequently global greenhouse effect. To clarify the late Quaternary strata and carbon burial records in Yellow River delta(YRD), detailed analysis of benthic foraminifera, total carbon(TC), organic carbon(Corg), sedimentary characteristics and moisture contents of sediments, was performed on core ZK3, 30.3 m in length and obtained from YRD in 2007. Eight depositional units(designated U1-U8 in ascending order) were identified. A comprehensive analysis method of historical geography and sedimentary geology was used to determine the precise depositional ages of the modern Yellow River delta(MYRD), from which pre-MYRD ages were deduced. The results indicates that the maximum burial rates of TC, inorganic carbon(IC) and Corg occurred in the delta front(U5), and the minimum in the shallow sea(U3). Remarkable high sedimentation rates in the MYRD are responsible for burial efficiency of carbon, with an average rate of Corg burial reaching 2087±251 g(m2 yr)-1, and that of IC reaching 13741±808 g(m2 yr)-1, which are much higher than those of other regions with high contents of Corg. Therefore, YRD has a significant burial efficiency for carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

lareODUcrIONThetotalcarbondi0xideisandriportantparametrforestirnatingthespatiotem0ralinorganiccarbontransport,andanthropogeniccarb0ndi0xideincreasesintheoonn.Ap~coulomericednique(MethodG0fASTMD5l3-82)formeasuringDICinanwaterdevelopedbyJohnsonetal.(l985)istheshipkoardmehodchosenfortheglobeocanicinofganiccarb0nsurveyt0bemadeinconjunCtionwiththeW0riddrinCirmlationExperirnentWorklHydrographicProgram(WOCEWHP)andtheJointGobal~nFluxStudy(JGOFS)program(Catherine,G.etal.,l993).Thecruxof…  相似文献   

Based on the results of the National Survey of Peat Resources(1983-1985) and the investigation results on the peatlands of China,the storage and density of the organic carbon in the peatlands of China were estimated.The total organic carbon storage(OCS) of the peatlands in China,including bare peatlands and buried peatlands,are 1.503 × 109 t,unevenly distributed over 30 provincial level administrative units and 16 climatic zones.Peatland organic carbon storage(POCS) in Sichuan(6.45 × 108 t) and Yunnan provinces(2.91 × 108 t) is the highest,accounting for 62.29% of the total POCS.Humid zone of plateau has the highest POCS of 7.14 × 108 t,especially in the Zoigê Plateau,where the POCS is 6.30 × 108 t,accounting for 41.92% of the total POCS of China.The organic carbon density(OCD) of the peatlands in China mostly ranges from 80 kg/m3 to 140 kg/m3,and the range of the maximum is 270-360 kg/m3,and the minimum is less than 80 kg/m3.Divided by the Yanshan Mountain,Taihang Mountains and Hengduan Mountains,the peatland oganic carbon density(POCD) is lower on the northwestern side than that on the southeastern side.Jiangxi Province has the highest POCD due to the ancient buried peatlands.The OCD of the bare peatlands is mostly in the range of 60-150 kg/m3,and that of the buried peatlands is more than 100 kg/m3.In the bare peatlands,the OCD generally increases from the surface layer to the below surface layer,and then decreases with the depth.Although the peatlands area in China is small,the OCS per unit area is far higher than the other soil types,so peatlands protection can effectively mitigate climate change.  相似文献   

For some hundred surface sediment samples from five cores taken in two cruises near the Huanghe River Estuary, total phosphorus (TP (.inorganic phosphorus (IP (and organic phosphorus (OP)were determined.On the average, 527×10-6, 455×10~6 and 72×10-6 were found for TP,IP and OP for the surface sediments taken in the two cruises. The distribution of OP and IP was controlled by the sample particle size: OP content increased with the decreasing of the sample particle size, while the maximal value of IP was found in the silt fraction due to the existence of apatite in our samples. Vertical distributions reflected well the channel change of the Huanghe River. Results from the multiple regressions between the three forms of phosphorus and the percentages of different particle size agreed well with the analytical data.  相似文献   

The urban population and urbanized land in China have both increased markedly since the 1980s. Urban and suburban developments have grown at unprecedented rates with unknown consequences for ecosystem functions. In particular, the effect of rapid urbanization on the storage of soil carbon has not been studied extensively. In this study, we compared the soil carbon stocks of different land use types in Beijing Municipality. We collected 490 top-soil samples (top 20 cm) from urban and suburban sites within the Sixth Ring Road of Beijing, which cover approximately 2400 km2, and the densities of soil organic carbon (SOC), soil inorganic carbon (SIC), and total carbon (TC) were analyzed to determine the spatial distribution of urban and suburban soil carbon characteristics across seven land use types. The results revealed significant differences in soil carbon densities among land use types. Additionally, urban soil had significantly higher SOC and SIC densities than suburban soil did, and suburban shelterbelts and productive plantations had lower SIC densities than the other land use types. The comparison of coefficients of variance (CVs) showed that carbon content of urban topsoil had a lower variability than that of suburban topsoil. Further findings revealed that soil carbon storage increased with built-up age. Ur- ban soil built up for more than 20 years had higher densities of SOC, SIC and TC than both urban soil with less than 10 years and sub- urban soil. Correlation analyses indicated the existence of a significantly negative correlation between the SOC, SIC, and TC densities of urban soil and the distance to the urban core, and the distance variable alone explained 23.3% of the variation of SIC density and 13.8% of the variation of TC density. These results indicate that SOC and SIC accumulate in the urban topsoil under green space as a result of the conversion of agricultural land to urban land due to the urbanization in Beijing.  相似文献   

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