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在西藏罗布莎蛇绿岩的豆荚状铬铁矿石及橄榄岩中找到了金刚石,少数金刚石存在有硅酸盐包体。本研究采用X射线衍射中的CCD(电子藕合)探测技术,测得了粒度仅为20 μm左右的包体矿物的粉晶X衍射数据,数据表明该硅酸盐包体有两种,为滑石和蛇纹石。从而说明了西藏罗布莎产于蛇绿岩中的金刚石是天然金刚石,并非“人工合成物”。  相似文献   

天然成因的硅铁合金,通常认为与地幔及陨击事件有关。通过应用新的衍射技术,得到了西藏罗布莎蛇绿岩块豆荚状铬铁矿床中硅铁合金的粉晶X射线衍射数据,确认了合金物相为FeSi_2和FeSi及少量自然硅,确定了物相组合关系。本区硅铁合金具有FeSi→FeSi_2→自然硅的晶出顺序,推测其形成环境中的还原程度依次增高。  相似文献   

西藏罗布莎蛇绿岩铬铁矿中金刚石的研究   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:27  
在西藏罗布莎豆荚状铬铁矿中发现过金刚石,但迄今仍有人因为自己所取的小试样中没有分离出金刚石而否定罗布莎等地金刚石的存在。由于金刚石涉及西藏雅鲁藏布江缝合线和蛇绿岩、铬铁矿成因等问题,笔者重新在罗布莎铬铁矿中取样,经过选矿,又在1500kg样品中选出了25粒金刚石和近70种伴生矿物。这就表明西藏金刚石是的确存在的,而且它和蛇绿岩的铬铁矿同是深部成因的产物。  相似文献   

在西藏罗布莎蛇绿岩块的豆荚状铬铁矿中,存在包裹体矿物镁橄榄石,这些镁橄榄石为无色透明多晶面形成的自形晶,Fo值可达到97-98,具富镁端员组分,选取一代表性颗粒的单晶进行X单晶和衍射分析,表明其为斜方晶系,空间群Pbnm,镁橄榄石晶胞参数,a,b,c以及M1-0和M2-0键长均小于地幔包裹体和一般地幔岩中橄缆中的对应值,测试出的晶胞参数与人工合成镁橄榄石的一致,镁橄榄石具有橄榄石族中已知最小的晶胞参数,据此推断它是在超高压环境下结晶的。  相似文献   

天然金刚石孪晶的X射线衍射与形貌研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
郭起志  于万里 《矿物学报》1992,12(2):127-130,T002
本文利用X射线衍射和形貌术方法研究了辽南天然金刚石孪晶体。发现晶体中存在有孪晶界、位错、生长带和亚结构等多种缺陷。文中对部分位错进行了详细讨论,并确定其特征量;同时还分析各种缺陷的空间分布特点及其与孪晶界面的关系。  相似文献   

西藏罗布莎蛇绿岩豆荚状铬铁矿石中的合金成分   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
从西藏雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩带的罗布莎豆荚状铬铁矿床中 ,揭示出包含 70~ 80种矿物的一个地幔矿物群 ,其中特别引人注意的是含有多种合金。本文报道了已发现的合金类型和它们的化学成分。这些合金矿物主要通过人工重砂选矿提取的 ,少数合金在矿石光片中可以见到。本文报道的部分合金系有 :Ni(Fe) - C- Cr系 ,W-Cr- Co系 ,Al- Fe- L a系 ,Fe- Si- Ti系 ,Ag- Sn- Si系 ,Ni- Ir- Fe系 ,Fe- Pd- Pt系 ,Fe- Ni- C系。这些碳化物、金属硅以及铁合金等表明它们形成于还原环境 ,然而主岩铬铁矿石则形成于氧化环境 ,认为罗布莎铬铁矿是从玻安质岩浆中结晶的。这样合金矿物可能是外来晶体 ;或者它们形成于地核被后来上升的地幔柱带到浅部 ,包在铬铁矿中 ;或者是滞留在地幔中的成核物质后来被铬铁矿捕获。  相似文献   

西藏罗布莎铬铁矿体围岩方辉橄榄岩中的异常矿物   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6  
近些年,我们在西藏罗布莎蛇绿岩型铬铁矿中发现金刚石和柯石英等超高压矿物和异常地幔矿物,成果多次在美国AGU会议上做特邀报告,发表在2007年(Geology)和国内期刊上,并有4个新矿物获得国际新矿物委员会批准.这些成果在国内外引起广泛关注,也引发出一系列新的科学问题,例如,金刚石的赋存状态,物质来源和成因?与其伴随的铬铁矿的成因,与金刚石的关系?两者形成的地质背景、物理化学环境、保存和运移的规律、机制,等等.为了探讨这些问题,我们认为除了研究罗布莎铬铁矿之外,还应该开展铬铁矿的围岩地幔橄榄岩的研究,看看它们中都有什么矿物,与铬铁矿中的矿物究竟存在什么异同以及两者之间的成因联系?为此,我们从西藏罗布莎铬铁矿31号矿体不同高度取回两个各自为1吨重的方辉橄榄岩围岩样品,开展人工重砂矿物的分选.通过矿物成分、激光拉曼和X射线衍射光谱的研究,从中识别出金刚石等50余种矿物.经初步对,认为铬铁矿围岩方辉橄榄岩中发现的矿物组合与铬铁矿中相似,表明两者存在成因上的联系,并可能共同经历了从深部到浅部的地质过程.  相似文献   

随着光源更为全面的应用、探测器及计算技术方面的发展X射线晶体学技术得到了利用电子藕合探测器技术(CCD)对矿物晶体包括对地幔矿物及具有调制结构的矿物晶体结构的测定.开发出电子藕合探测器技术中的甘道菲(Gandolfi)方法。该方法不仅能对单晶样品进行德拜环的测定,而且可大量应用于难以取得单晶颗粒的样品的XRD研究.从而使得处于单晶(具有严格单一的晶体学取向)及粉晶(具有完全随机的晶体学取向)之间过渡类型的晶体的XRD研究成为可能。该方法与粉末衍射图谱的全谱拟合(Rietveld method)法相结合可解决粉晶结构解析和精修问题。  相似文献   

讨论了罗布莎铬铁矿床橄榄石的热力学条件和Ni质量分数等待征,总结出与矿化有关的三个热力学参数:平衡温度(t)、溶解热(△H)和密度(p)。并且确定了其变化范围。探讨了该矿床的成因。研究结果表明,橄榄石的t-△H-p在铬铁矿成矿预测中作为矿物学标型参数来圈定矿体的远景区已基本上满足了勘探和开采的要求。  相似文献   

Diamond was found in podiform chromitites of ophiolite and harzburgite from Luobusha, Tibet. There are silicate inclusions in some diamond grains from this area. In the present work, the CCD (charge coupled detector) technology of X-ray powder diffraction was applied to the study of the inclusion in diamond from the ophiolite of Tibet. Diffraction patterns are obtained even though the inclusion is only 20 μm in crystal size. The results show that the inclusion in diamond consists of talc and clinochrysotile. Therefore, it is clear that the diamond from the ophiolite of Luobusha, Tibet, is natural diamond rather than a synthetic one.  相似文献   

The origin of native Si-Fe alloy mineral is thought to be related with mantle and aerolite. The native Si-Fe alloy minerals from podiform chromites of the Luobusha ophiolite in the Yarlong Zangbo suture zone were examined by a new method for powder-like diffractograms of small single crystals, using an SMART APEX-CCD area-detector X-ray diffractometer. The powder diffraction pattern shows that the minerals are composed of FeSi, FeSi2, β-FeSi2 and native silicon. The association of these minerals suggests that the crystallization order of the mineral may be from early to late FeSi→FeSi2→native silicon, accompanied by gradually increasing deoxidization. Translated from Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica, 2005, 24(5): 453–456 [译自: 岩石矿物学杂志]  相似文献   

We describe the new mineral species titanium,ideally Ti,found in the podiform chromitites of the Luobusha ophiolite in Tibet,People’s Republic of China.The irregular crystals range from 0.1 to 0.6 mm in diameter and form an intergrowth with coesite and kyanite.Titanium is silver grey in colour,the luster is metallic,it is opaque,the streak is grayish black,and it is non-fluorescent.The mineral is malleable,has a rough to hackly fracture and has no apparent cleavage.The estimated Mohs hardness is 4,and the calculated density is 4.503 g/cm3.The composition is Ti 99.23-100.00 wt%.The mineral is hexagonal,space group P63 /mmc.Unit-cell parameters are a 2.950(2),c 4.686(1),V 35.32(5) 3,Z = 2.The five strongest powder diffraction lines [d in(hkl)(I/I0)] are: 2.569(010)(32),2.254(011)(100),1.730(012)(16),1.478(110)(21),and 0.9464(121)(8).The species and name were approved by the CNMNC(IMA 2010–044).  相似文献   

西藏罗布莎豆荚状铬铁矿中发现超高压矿物柯石英   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在西藏雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩带东段的罗布莎豆荚状铬铁矿床中发现典型的超高压矿物柯石英和蓝晶石, 二者呈针柱状交生, 产在一个以TiFe合金成分为主的颗粒(0.7mm× 0.5mm大小) 的最外部.该颗粒从内到外由4层矿物组成, 分别为TiFe合金主体、2 0~ 70 μm宽的自然钛、约10 μm宽的TiSi合金及30~ 5 0 μm宽的柯石英和蓝晶石为主的硅酸岩和氧化物层.主体矿物为高Ti低Fe的TiFe合金, 内部出现由细粒状低Ti高Fe的TiFe合金和自然钛组成的蠕英结构.最外层由柯石英和蓝晶石组成的格架中分布细粒的Si金红石和Ti-Mg -K -Na -Ca氧化物.初步认为TiFe合金从深部高温高压环境往浅部上升过程中, 内部发生局部熔融, 分解出自然Ti, 并在其边部与其他硅酸岩矿物或熔体发生反应, 形成柯石英和蓝晶石.这一过程可能发生在洋脊拉张环境, 由于地幔柱的上涌, 将深部的豆荚状铬铁矿带到浅部, 使得其中包裹的一些高温高压环境下稳定的矿物变得不稳定, 发生熔融和交代反应, 形成新的不平衡的矿物组合.罗布莎柯石英的这种不寻常产出特征说明是在减压过程中形成, 不同于造山带中常见的由板块俯冲增压过程中形成的柯石英   相似文献   

A new mineral species, named naquite(FeSi), is found in the podiform chromitites of the Luobusha ophiolite in Qusong County, Tibet, China. The detailed composition is Fe 65.65, Si 32.57 and Al 1.78 wt%. The mineral is cubic, space group P213. The irregular crystals range from 15 to 50 μm in diameter and form an intergrowth with luobusaite. Naquite is steel grey in color, opaque, with a metallic lustre and gives a grayish-black streak. The mineral is brittle, has a conchoidal fracture and no apparent cleavage. The estimated Mohs hardness is 6.5, and the calculated density is 6.128 g/cm3. Unit-cell parameters are a 4.486 (4) ?, V 90.28 (6) ?3, Z=4. The five strongest powder diffraction lines [d in ? (hkl) (I/I0)] are: 3.1742 (110) (40), 2.5917(111) (43), 2.0076 (210) (100), 1.8307 (211) (65), and 1.1990 (321) (36). Originally called ‘fersilicite’, the species and new name have now been approved by the CNMNC (IMA 2010–010).  相似文献   

2005~2010年期间在西藏罗布莎蛇绿岩铬铁矿中发现了罗布莎矿、曲松矿、雅鲁矿、藏布矿、林芝矿、那曲矿和自然钛7种新矿物。它们分别属于过渡族元素(铁、铬和镍)、钨及钛的硅化物及碳化物和自然元素。这七种新矿物的矿物学数据已在国内外学术刊物发表。本文是对该区发现的金属互化物新矿物进行的摘要和综述。  相似文献   

Diamond formation from metasomatic fluids, rather than from igneous melts, remains controversial but is paramount to our understanding of diamonds' mantle origin(s). Physical and chemical properties of diamonds, their inclusions, and host eclogites from the Mir kimberlite, Yakutia, Russia form the basis for our evaluation of diamond origin. Mir eclogitic diamonds and their multiple inclusions show a definite break in time and temperature between the formation of the core zones and the rims of the diamonds. Extreme changes in chemistry for multiple diamond inclusions (DIs) between the cores and the rims cannot be accounted for by magmatic fractional crystallization. Evidence also exists for large temperature decreases (40° to 140°C) from the cores to the rims of some diamonds. The distinct changes in nitrogen contents and aggregation states from cores to rims of diamonds would appear to reflect different residence times for these portions of the diamonds in the mantle- i.e., formation of cores and rims at vastly different times (e.g., 2 Gy). Many of the mineral-chemical characteristics, including C and N isotopes and N aggregation states of the diamond, can best be explained by crystallization of the diamonds after formation of the eclogite host. This suggests that the formation of the eclogite and the nucleation and growth of some diamonds are not coeval and possibly not cogenetic.

Most diamondiferous eclogite xenoliths probably have never experienced a major magmatic episode (i.e., complete melt stage) after subduction of their crustal protoliths into the mantle. Carbon isotopes in diamond, sulfur isotopes from sulfide DIs, and oxygen isotopes from eclogite minerals all point to crustal protoliths for many eclogites.

All of the factors above, taken as a whole, indicate that many eclogitic diamonds are the result of petrogenesis by metasomatism over a prolonged period of time. Introduction of metasomatic fluids facilitates the precipitation of the diamonds, either in tolo or as rims on previously formed diamonds. Inasmuch as some eclogites are considered to be igneous in origine.g., Group-A eclogites of Taylor and Neal (1989)-it is entirely possible that these eclogites may contain truly igneous diamonds. However, even some of these diamonds may have later metasomatic overgrowths.  相似文献   

西藏罗布莎地幔橄榄岩变形显微构造特征及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐梦婧  金振民 《地质通报》2010,29(12):1795-1803
地幔橄榄岩是罗布莎蛇绿岩的主要组成成分之一,通过显微构造特征可对其变形特征进行分析,确定流变学参数,探讨地幔橄榄岩的变形历史。以蛇纹石化程度较低的二辉橄榄岩和方辉橄榄岩为研究对象,橄榄石位错特征研究显示,本区橄榄石主要发育了低温常见的直线型自由位错,局部可见位错弓弯、位错环、位错壁等高温位错,反映罗布莎地幔橄榄岩变形以低温塑性流变为主,局部经历了高温塑性流变,主导变形机制为位错蠕变。橄榄石自由位错统计结果表明,二辉橄榄岩中的橄榄石自由位错密度为4.422×107/cm2,方辉橄榄岩中的橄榄石为9.137×107/cm2,变形过程中所受差异应力分别为65MPa和93MPa。橄榄石和斜方辉石显微组构测量采用了电子背散射衍射技术(EBSD),分析结果表明,橄榄石均发育A型组构,为浅部地幔常见的组构类型,该结果与金刚石、柯石英等超高压矿物所指示的形成深度不一致。  相似文献   

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