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求震源机制P波初动解的格点尝试概率法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
考虑到P波初动数据在震源球面上分布的不均匀性对节面解的可能影响,不用矛盾符号所占比例的大小作为选择可取节面解的标准,而是将震源球面分成许多小块,再确定有P波初动数字的小块为正号区或负号区的概率,最后以全部有数据小块的平均概率的高低作为选择解答的标准。用此改进方法重新测定了徐纪仁等(Xu et.al,,1988)发表的青藏高原地区99个地震的震源机制解,从中筛选出了20个可信的解答。  相似文献   

由地震分布丛集性给出断层参数的一种新方法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
由于大范围内地质构造的复杂性和介质的非均匀性,发震断层面的几何形态一般十分复杂.如果大地震的破裂过程涉及多个断层的活动,则发震断层并非是单一断层平面,而是多个断层面的组合.利用地震空间位置分布丛集性,即震源点成丛位于断层面附近的假设,结合稳健扩充算法和主成分分析给出一种可以重构活断层网络三维空间结构的新方法.该方法每次从震源点集中处开始,利用假设检验扩充子断层面,并得到多个子断层面.接着按震源点属于最近断层面的准则把各子断层面内的震源点进行竞争,并根据一定假设合并和删除一些子断层面,最后用主成分分析确定每个子断层面参数.于是可根据地震事件目录给出一组矩形区域来描述断层面网络结构,其中每个矩形断层面由其位置、走向和倾角确定.通过计算机模拟发现,新方法可成功地重建模拟地震目录的断层面,最后用于南加州1992年6月28日发生的Landers地震部分余震目录中,得到各个子断层面参数与已知地质破裂或隐伏断层相当一致.  相似文献   

The main shock of the West-Bohemian earthquake swarm, Czechoslovakia, (magnitudem=4.5, depthh=10 km) exhibits an irregular areal distribution of macroseismic intensities 6° to 7° MSK-64. Four lobes of the 6° isoseismal are found and the maximum observed intensity is located at a distance of 8 km from the instrumentally determined epicentre. This distribution can be explained by the energy flux of the directS wave generated by a circular source, the hypocentral location and focal mechanism of which are taken from independent instrumental studies. The theoretical intensity, which is assumed to be logarithmically proportional to the integrated squared ground-motion velocity (i.e.,I=const+log v 2 (t)dt), fits the observed intensity with an overall root-mean-square error less than 0.5°. It is important that the present intensity data can also be equally well explained by the isotropic source. The fit was attained by means of a horizontally layered model though large fault zones and an extended sedimentary basin suggest a significant lateral heterogeneity of the epicentral region. The results encourage a broader application of the simple modelling technique used.  相似文献   

与波形反演方法相比,相对幅值法在利用短周期地震波反演震源机制时不需要高分辨率的地球模型,因此更适合于低震级地震事件的震源机制反演.本文以Pearce的传统相对幅值法为基础,引入一种新目标函数以量化特定震源机制解模型的直达P波与地表反射pP和sP波的理论相对幅值与实际观测之间的不吻合程度,由此提高了相对幅值法的容错能力.利用改进的相对幅值法,反演了吉尔吉斯斯坦伊赛克湖地区震级分别为mb4.9和mb3.8的两次天然地震震源断层面解.对于较大的地震,利用5个远震台阵上观测的pP/P和sP/P相对幅值得到的震源断层面解,与哈佛大学的CMT断层面解非常接近;对于哈佛大学没有给出CMT解的较小地震,利用同样方法得到的震源断层面解的走向与震中位置处主要断层的走向一致,而且利用该断层面解可以拟合和解释区域台站上的长周期波形和P波初动方向.最后,为了说明相对幅值法在地下核爆炸地震事件识别中的应用,利用改进的相对幅值法分析了朝鲜2006年10月9日核试验的远震P波波形,发现没有断层面解与远震台站上的P波波形特征相吻合.  相似文献   

姚琪  王辉  刘杰  王海涛  张微  杨文  赵静  姜祥华 《地球物理学报》2023,66(10):4162-4175



杨宜海  范军  花茜  高见  王朝亮  周鲁  赵韬 《地球物理学报》2017,60(10):4098-4104

搜集了四川地震台网的波形资料,采用全波形反演2017年8月8日九寨沟M7.0地震序列震源机制解.反演结果显示,九寨沟主震矩震级为MW6.36,震源深度为22 km,节面Ⅰ走向为150°,倾角为80°,滑动角为-20°;节面Ⅱ走向为244°,倾角为70°,滑动角为-169°.余震主要分布在14~22 km深度范围内,震源机制以走滑型为主,其中正断型地震2个,逆冲型地震2个,走滑型地震24个,混合型地震8个.断层面优势方向为SSE向,与塔藏断裂和虎牙断裂走向基本一致,但与塔藏断裂最南段存在明显差异.倾角变化集中在60°~80°,滑动角主要分布在0°附近,表明九寨沟地震序列主要受SSE走向、近似直立的左旋走滑断层控制.P轴优势方位为SEE向,仰角主要分布在30°以内,与区域应力场基本一致.震源区的机制类型和应力状态均存在空间分段差异.本文推测此次九寨沟M7.0地震序列可能发生在虎牙断裂向北延伸的隐伏断裂上,但不排除地震引起了塔藏断裂南段和虎牙断裂以北隐伏断裂同时破裂的可能.


应力时空演化揭示出的汶川地震前亚失稳过程   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文



在日本西南的板内地区发现了最大主应力轴(σ1)方位角的空间变化。根据大量精确震源机制进行应力反演推测,沿日本海岸地震带的口。轴方位角取向为N110°E~N130°E,而在周边地区几乎为东西方向,即N90°E~N100°E。沿南海海沟内陆板块的地壳浅部广泛观测到东西方向的最大水平压应力。然而,在该地震带上仅观测到WNW-ESE方向的最大水平应力。用该地震带之下下地壳中的无震断层或延性断层带的形变解释了该地震带内及其周围应力场的这种空间变化。  相似文献   

朱航  刘杰  陈天长 《地震》2006,26(2):1-11
发生在同一震源区的两个地震, 当地震之间的距离远小于地震到台站之间的距离时, 同一个台站的直达P波、 S波零频观测谱值之比与其辐射图型因子之比线性相关, 而辐射图型因子取决于震源机制解的几何特性。 利用同一震源区两次事件的相同台站的波形记录计算谱振幅相关系数, 该系数可认为是震源机制异同的归一化的数值描述; 据此对地震序列事件进行聚类分组以及计算序列事件的滑动平均相关系数时序曲线。 对2001年雅江和2003年大姚强震序列, 以及2002年漾濞和2003年洱源小震序列进行分析的研究结果表明: ① 强震序列与小震序列的滑动平均相关系数时序曲线形态存在明显差异; ② 某些强震序列的初期震源机制有从散乱到一致的过程。 分析认为, 孕震应力场的应力强度对孕震区内地震的破裂方向有明显的约束作用。  相似文献   




确定震源深度的PTD方法及其应用   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:10  
根据对不同台站间初至到时作变换后的时差来计算地震的深度,利用该方法计算了华东地区182 ̄1992年底能定出深度的地震,并作了相应的误差分析,按中国分区速度结构,编制出各区的深度-走时差表,并举例说明该表的用法。  相似文献   

Altogether 83 events were recorded clearly by all the 8 sub-seismometric stations of the telemetrered seismic network in the Xinfengjiang area during the period from October 1st 1983 to April 30th 1987. Based upon the difference of the initial motion of P waves, the authors divided the 83 earthquakes into 37 pattens. Combining similar pattens, we have got 5 types of focal mechanism solutions. The recent tectonic stress field of the Xinfengjiang region is discussed. The characteristics of the stress axis and the nodal planes are different from which our predecessors got earlier; but the present results is similar to which put forward by the authors in 1981. This paper shows that the tectonic stress field is clearly characterized by a compression in the N-S direction. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica 13. 462–476, 1991.  相似文献   

Following Burg's algorithm, we develop a new mathematical method of estimating the impulse response of a linear system. Since no data-invariant time window is used in this method, the estimated impulse response gives us reliable information on both the amplitude and the phase spectra of the system.The method is applied to laboratory data to investigate the dynamical response of rock specimens. The experimental results show that the waveform distortion with travel distance may well be described by a standard viscoelastic solid model. However, they also show that there is an additional factor of attenuation which is independent of the frequency and therefore not accompanied by any velocity dispersion.  相似文献   

汶川MS8.0地震余震震源机制时空分布特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用CAP波形反演方法,获取了汶川MS8.0地震序列中312个具有较高信噪比波形资料的4级以上余震的震源机制解和震源深度. 基于震源深度空间分布与震源机制时空分布,分析了主震后余震区断层行为特征与应力场时空变化,并对龙门山断裂带中北段的发震断层面几何形态进行了初步探讨. 获得的主要认识如下:(1)余震震源深度分布存在显著的空间分段差异. 绵竹以西的余震区南段与平武以东的北段余震深度范围大于中段(绵竹-平武段),但深度小于5 km的5级以上超浅源地震主要分布在明显偏离龙门山断裂带走向的理县NW向分支与余震区北端NNE向分支,而中段余震主要分布在7~19 km深度. (2)余震机制类型存在明显的时空差异. 余震区中段逆冲型地震占绝对优势,理县NW向分支余震则以走滑型为主,机制类型随时间变化不显著. 沿龙门山断裂带走向的余震区南段,早期(2008年8月底前)逆冲型地震比例高于走滑型、晚期走滑型地震比例显著升高并超过逆冲型;而余震区北段早期走滑型地震占绝对优势、晚期逆冲型地震比例大幅上升且超过走滑型. 南、北两段余震机制类型比例的显著变化,可能是余震区两端断层调整性运动的表现. (3)节面走向及P轴方位优势方向均存在显著的空间差异. 南段NWW向P轴方位与区域应力场一致,中段及理县NW向分支P轴优势方向NEE,而北段具NWW和NEE两个优势方向,这种差异反映了余震活动除了受区域应力场控制外,还受到主震引发的局部应力场的控制. 节面走向的多方位分布则反映不同走向的构造参与了主震后的余震活动. (4)沿龙门山断裂带走向,余震区南段具深部缓倾角、浅部高倾角的铲形断面特征;中段深部倾角均值较稳定、浅部倾角均值随深度减小而增大;北段倾角均值相对稳定,显示其断面几何形态相对简单. 上述不同区段倾角均值随深度的变化揭示龙门山断裂带中北段断层面几何形态复杂.  相似文献   

一个关于临界地城的临界区域判别的方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Jones  DV 杨文政 《地震》2000,20(4):28-38
由临界地震的概念和外推Bowman等人关于孕育未来的地震半径的思想,发展出一个临界圆重叠方法来地寻找未来强震的临界区域位置,模拟实验的对比检验表明这种方法是有效的,使用主震前一定时间内地震目录,这个方法能找出临界区域,而未来震中位置将位于临界区域内或其边缘。使用新西兰和中国新疆南部的中强震目录检验,该方法可以在震前较准确地定位出强城的临界区域位置,使用中国1995年至1999年8月的小震目录,给出  相似文献   

The Departments of Civil Engineering and Geophysics of the University of Chile, together with international institutions, deployed strong-motion stations in the northern Chile seismic gap. These instruments recorded the June 23, 2001 M w = 8.4 earthquake that occurred in Southern Peru. This earthquake exhibited at stiff deep soil sites in northern Chile, relatively large maximum accelerations although the recording stations are located more than 400 km away from the epicentral region and 200 km from the southern edge of the rupture. Typical accelerations at these distances are in the order of 0.30 g, consIDerably larger than those expected from recently presented attenuation formulae. Frequency and Wavelet Decomposition of the signals are presented from which the evolution of the amplitude, as a function of selected frequency bands, is analyzed. Typical Central Frequency varies from 3 to 4.8 Hz for horizontal records and 4.5 to 9.5 Hz for vertical records. Ninety five percent of the record energy is concentrated below 11 Hz. Evolution of energy for bands higher than the average record frequency is relatively smooth, and for low frequency, the energy shows abrupt changes as a function of time. The sudden changes are associated to dominant large amplitude motions observed in most of the records. The high frequency content of the motion observed for this earthquake is correlated with the heterogeneities of the interplate contact. To statically characterize the energy evolution with time a smooth three-parameter envelope adjusted for each frequency band is used, therefore, comparison is possible and results could be applied for synthesis studies.  相似文献   

一个关于临界地震的临界区域判别的方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
由临界地震的概念和外推Bowman等人关于孕育未来地震半径的思想,发展出一个临界圆重叠方法来寻找未来强震的临界区域位置.模拟实验的对比检验表明这种方法是有效的 .使用主震前一定时间内地震目录,这个方法能找出临界区域,而未来震中位置将位于临界区域内或其边缘.使用新西兰和中国新疆南部的中强震目录检验,该方法可以在震前较准确地定位出强震的临界区域位置.使用中国1995年至1999年8月的小震目录,给出1999年8 月以后中国未来强震临界区域的分布,而1999年8月以后至2000年6月16日(截稿日期) 在中国(除西藏地区外)所发生的5.0级以上的地震几乎均位于所给出的临界区域内.  相似文献   

An approach for simulating near-fault ground motion was presented by combining the finite fault model with a numerical algorithm, named investigated lump method presented in this paper for wave propagation. The investigated lumps are constructed from the auxiliary quadrilateral grids. The dynamic equilibrium equations of a typical investigated lump have been derived and obtained by integrating the stresses along the contour of the investigated lump. The stresses are calculated using the constitutive relations and the interpolation techniques. The investigated lump method is then implemented using the equilibrium equations of investigated lumps and the calculations of stresses alternately in time domain. The stability criterion of the algorithm has been given. Comparisons with the discrete wave-number method solutions for predicting the ground motions at the Pacoima Dam during the San Fernando earthquake show the validity of the method presented in this paper for simulating near-field ground motions. A finite fault source model has been implemented in the algorithm here. The source parameters given by Wald et al. (1996) [18] are applied to synthesize the ground motions at three stations during the 1994 Northridge earthquake. The simulating results qualitatively match to the corresponding ground motion records. The studies demonstrated that the approach presented in this paper is an effective tool for the numerical simulation of near-fault ground motion.  相似文献   

A simple method is presented for the computation of theoretical models of the macroseismic field, approximately valid close to the epicentre of a weak crustal earthquake. It is assumed that the intensity is logarithmically proportional to the energy flux of a complete directS wave. A circular source is used, whose energy-flux directivity is weak and thus simply predictable. The focal mechanism influences the solution through standard far-field double-couple radiation patterns. For the wave propagation in the layered crust the ray method is used, and a simple absorption correction is applied. Conversion coefficients at the earth's surface are included. To speed up repeated computations of the theoretical macroseismic fields for varying focal mechanisms, the ray quantities are computed (and stored) separately. This makes the program fast and simple enough even for routine applications on small microcomputers, whenever observed macroseismic fields, focal mechanisms, and hypocentre locations need joint interpretation.  相似文献   

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