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Concentrations and enantiomeric profiles for a range of organochlorine compounds are reported in blubber samples from a number of individual killer whales (Orcinus orca) from British and Irish waters. Elevated contaminant levels and enriched isotopic ratios were determined in one individual whale sampled in the Scottish Western Isles compared to the others suggesting marine mammal based dietary influences. The potential application of isotopic ratios to model contaminant uptake, enantioselective enrichment and accumulation is demonstrated. Data are presented which provide information on enantioselective enrichment factors (EFs) for o,p'-DDT, alpha-HCH and toxaphene congeners CHB26 and CHB 50. This dataset further improves the current database on reported levels of a number of contaminants and provides additional background information on potential metabolic processes in killer whales from British and Irish waters.  相似文献   

The North-East Atlantic porbeagle (Lamna nasus) population has declined dramatically over the last few decades and is currently classified as ‘Critically Endangered’. As long-lived, apex predators, they may be vulnerable to bioaccumulation of contaminants. In this study organohalogen compounds and trace elements were analysed in 12 specimens caught as incidental bycatch in commercial gillnet fisheries in the Celtic Sea in 2011. Levels of organohalogen contaminants were low or undetectable (summed CB and BDE concentrations 0.04–0.85 mg kg−1 wet weight). A notably high Cd concentration (7.2 mg kg−1 wet weight) was observed in one mature male, whereas the range observed in the other samples was much lower (0.04–0.26 mg kg−1 wet weight). Hg and Pb concentrations were detected only in single animals, at 0.34 and 0.08 mg kg−1 wet weight, respectively. These contaminant levels were low in comparison to other published studies for shark species.  相似文献   

Muscles of 115 North Pacific albacore (ALB, Thunnus alalunga) and 75 Pacific bigeye tuna (BET, Thunnus obesus), collected from 2001 to 2006, were analyzed. No ALB, but 13 large BET had organic mercury (OHg) concentrations exceeding 1 μg g−1 wet weight. For both ALB and BET, total mercury (THg) and OHg concentrations were significantly and positively correlated with fork length (FL) and body weight. The muscle Hg bioaccumulation rates of BET were higher than those of ALB, particularly in the adult fish. Moreover, the lines had crossover points among the two species that imply the young BET (FL < 110 cm) contains lower muscle Hg concentrations than ALB of the same size. The suggested weekly dietary intake of ALB and small-BET meats is 340 g, and of BET meat it is 150 g for a 60-kg person based on the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) of methylmercury set by the WHO.  相似文献   

This project was carried out to assess the levels and spatial distribution of organochlorine compounds in the coastal marine environment, using mussels as bioindicators to evaluate the coastal water quality. Levels of polychlorobiphenils (PCB), chlorinated pesticides (DDT isomers, HCH isomers, Aldrin, Dieldrin, alfa-Endosulfan, Hexachlorobenzene, Pentachlorobenzene) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were determined in tissues from mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) collected along the Apulia Region coasts (Mediterranean Sea). Results indicate that contamination by organochlorine compounds is higher in mussels sampled in the Ionian Sea than in those from the Adriatic Sea, with PCB levels up to seven times higher in mussels from Ionian than from the Adriatic Sea. Although PCB levels were above the maximum values indicated by both European Community (EC) and National regulation in several sample sites, the PCB concentrations were particularly high in some stations, suggesting that these locations require a much specific attention. Conversely, results on the mussel contamination by PBDEs highlight their ubiquitous environmental distribution, and underline the need to establish the maximum level for these compounds in foodstuff, according to European Regulations.  相似文献   

Concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were measured in 32 species inhabiting the Yellow Sea to assess their bioaccumulation potentials. The concentrations in these samples were lower than those reported for other countries or locations. Relatively high levels of BDE 209 in biota suggest an ongoing source of deca-BDE technical mixing within the Yellow Sea. The accumulation profiles of PCBs were uniform between species, but the concentrations of OCPs and PBDEs varied widely. Pelagic and benthic food-chain components were separated by their δ13C values. Significant positive correlations between δ15N and PCB 153, PCB 138, p,p′-DDE, oxy-chlordane, and trans-nonachlordane were found only for pelagic consumers, indicating that the pelagic food chain is an important bioaccumulation pathway for selected PCB and OCP compounds. The other compounds did not show any biomagnification through benthic and pelagic food chains, suggesting the lower bioaccumulation potentials of these contaminants.  相似文献   

The outer layers of layflat, low density polyethylene plastic tubing (the principal component of semi-permeable membrane devices, SPMDs) were biofouled at a clean site in Hong Kong coastal waters for periods of 1–4 weeks. Following pre-fouling, triolein was added to the SPMDs and, along with control (unfouled) devices, they were exposed to a range of organochlorine pesticides (-HCH, aldrin, p,p-DDT) and PAHs (anthracene, fluoranthene and benzo(a)pyrene) under laboratory conditions. Results showed that the uptake of contaminants by SPMDs was severely reduced by as much as 50% under fouling conditions in comparison to unfouled controls. The ultimate utility of SPMDs as passive monitors is thus reduced, although alternative measures, such as the use of permeability reference compounds may compensate, and allow for realistic evaluations of dissolved environmental concentrations in aquatic environments. However, due to the complexities involved in such procedures––especially as they need to be conducted on a case-by-case basis––the utility of SPMDs appears to be limited for estimates of bioavailability unless necessary calibrations are undertaken within each environment that the sampler is used.  相似文献   

“Southern Resident” killer whales include three “pods” (J, K and L) that reside primarily in Puget Sound/Georgia Basin during the spring, summer and fall. This population was listed as “endangered” in the US and Canada following a 20% decline between 1996 and 2001. The current study, using blubber/epidermis biopsy samples, contributes contemporary information about potential factors (i.e., levels of pollutants or changes in diet) that could adversely affect Southern Residents. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes indicated J- and L-pod consumed prey from similar trophic levels in 2004/2006 and also showed no evidence for a large shift in the trophic level of prey consumed by L-pod between 1996 and 2004/2006. ∑PCBs decreased for Southern Residents biopsied in 2004/2006 compared to 1993–1995. Surprisingly, however, a three-year-old male whale (J39) had the highest concentrations of ∑PBDEs, ∑HCHs and HCB. POP ratio differences between J- and L-pod suggested that they occupy different ranges in winter.  相似文献   

We studied, separately, the effect of the cladocerans Alona glabra and Macrothrix triserialis on the population growth of the rotifer Euchlanis dilatata using three different food types (Chlorella and Scenedesmus, live or dead, offered on a comparable dry weight basis, 3.16 μg C ml−1). Regardless of the presence or absence of competition, E. dilatata cultured using Chlorella (live or dead) showed a higher population growth as compared to Scenedesmus. Compared to heat-killed C. vulgaris, E. dilatata cultured alone and fed on live algae reached higher abundances. Both cladoceran species had an adverse effect on the population growth of Euchlanis, but did not eliminate the rotifers. Of the two cladocerans, M. triserialis had a far more adverse effect on the population densities of E. dilatata as compared to A. glabra. E. dilatata also influenced the population growth of A. glabra and M. triserialis, the former being more adversely affected than the latter. When the egg ratios of E. dilatata were plotted as a function of population density, a significantly inverse relation was obtained only in treatments containing Chlorella but not for other treatments. Statistically the rate of population increase (r) per day of E. dilatata was adversely affected by the diet type and the presence of competing species. The interaction of diet type X competition was also significant. For A. glabra, the presence of E. dilatata and the diet type, but not their interaction, significantly influenced the r. On the other hand for M. triserialis, only the diet type was significant. Our results suggest that the competitive outcome between rotifers and cladocerans was dependent on diet type.  相似文献   

Organohalogen contaminants including PCBs, DDTs, CHLs, HCHs, HCB, PBDEs and HBCDs were determined in striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) found stranded at Gogo-shima (n = 6, 2003) and collected from Taiji (n = 15, 1978-1992) in Japan. All target compounds were significantly detected in all the specimens, indicating ubiquitous contamination of oceanic cetaceans in northwest Pacific Ocean. Examination of body distribution of organohalogens in the six specimens from Gogo-shima showed no significant difference in concentrations among the analyzed tissues, except for brain, which had lower levels possibly due to the existence of blood-brain barrier. For evaluating temporal trends, archived blubber samples of adult male stripped dolphins collected in 1978, 1979, 1986 and 1992 were analyzed. Concentrations of PCBs, DDTs and HCHs did not change significantly during 1978-2003. In contrast, remarkable increasing trends of PBDEs and HBCDs were observed, suggesting growing consumption in Japan and surrounding countries in recent years.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal trends of organic contaminants in sediments along the Korean coast were estimated through a nationwide environmental monitoring program from 2001 to 2007. The concentrations of organic contaminants in sediments along the Korean coast were relatively low or moderate compared with foreign studies. The mean detection frequencies of organic contaminants during the seven years were highest for PAHs and PCDD/Fs, followed by PCBs, DDTs, TBT and HCHs in decreasing order. Based on published sediment quality guidelines, the ecological risks of persistent organic pollutants in sediments along the Korean coast were low, despite exceedances of the ERL at 2-6 sites for DDTs, and the TEL at 9-18 sites for PCDD/Fs. Nonparametric tests to assess temporal trends revealed significant decreasing trends for PCBs and PCDD/Fs at four and three sites, respectively (< 0.05). These results reflect the effects of regulations on the use of those contaminants.  相似文献   

Information on the occurrence of organochlorine compounds (OCs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in marine mammals from Korea is scarce. In this study, OCs and PBDEs were determined in the blubber of 52 finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) from Korean coastal waters. The highest contamination was found for DDTs, followed by PCBs, PBDEs, HCHs, CHLs and HCB. Concentrations of OCs in finless porpoises were lower than those reported worldwide, but PBDE contamination was comparable to other studies, due to ongoing use of PBDE products in Korea. Significant gender-specific differences were found for concentrations and accumulation profiles of OCs and PBDEs, due to maternal transfer and lactation of mature females. The BDEs 49 and 66 comprised 4-16% of total PBDEs in finless porpoises, which seems to be associated with debromination of higher BDEs. The DDT levels in Korean finless porpoises have almost reached the levels associated with immunosuppression in marine mammals.  相似文献   

Analyses of organic and inorganic contaminants in Salton Sea fish   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chemical contamination of fish from the Salton Sea, a quasi-marine lake in Southern California, could adversely impact millions of birds using the Pacific Flyway and thousands of humans using the lake for recreation. Bairdiella icistia (bairdiella), Cynoscion xanthulus (orangemouth corvina), and Oreochromis spp. (tilapia) were sampled from two river mouths and two nearshore areas of the Salton Sea. Muscle tissues were analyzed for a complete suite of 14 trace metals and 53 pesticides. Fish muscle tissues had concentrations of selenium ranging between 1.89 and 2.73 microg/g wet weight. 4,4'-DDE accounted for 94% of the total DDT metabolites. Total DDTs ranged between 17.1 and 239.0 and total PCBs between 2.5 and 18.6 ng/g wet weight. PCB congeners 132, 138, 153, 168, and 180 comprised over 50% of the total PCBs. Given the potential implementation of a commercial fishing at the Salton Sea in the future, the presence of persistent organic pollutants and selenium warrants further research into the effects of these mixtures on fish populations, and on wildlife and humans consuming fish.  相似文献   

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals have been reported in a number of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) populations worldwide. However, due to ethical considerations, these studies have generally been on tissues from deceased and stranded animals. The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of blood samples to estimate the tissue contamination of live C. mydas populations. This study analysed 125 POP compounds and eight heavy metals in the blood, liver, kidney and muscle of 16 C. mydas from the Sea World Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Program, Gold Coast, Australia. Strong correlations were observed between blood and tissue concentrations for a number of POPs and metals. Furthermore, these correlations were observed over large ranges of turtle size, sex and condition. These results indicate that blood samples are a reliable non-lethal method for predicting chemical contamination in C. mydas.  相似文献   

In this study of Ukrainian estuaries, sediments and tissues from the Dnieper and Boh estuaries and Danube Delta on the mainland, Sevastopol and Balaklava Bays on the Crimean Peninsula, and coastal Black Sea along the Crimean Peninsula were collected in 2006. Contaminant analyses included several metals, the hydrophobic organic chemicals (HOCs) polychlorinated biphenyls, several chlorinated pesticides, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. When compared to estuarine sediments globally, the Ukrainian sediments were found to be moderately contaminated. However, several metals, especially mercury, were often shown to be elevated in the tissues of the Ukrainian organisms in comparison to organisms from other estuarine locations. Sediment quality guidelines indicate some of the estuarine sediments could be sufficiently contaminated to cause adverse toxicological effects. This investigation represents the first extensive study of HOC and metal baseline concentrations and distributions in Ukrainian estuaries and seeks to characterize exposures to aquatic organisms living in these systems.  相似文献   

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