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The ecological quality of 127 stations from six Adriatic coastal lagoons was assessed using a suite of biotic indices: H', d, 1-lambda', Delta(*), Delta(+), W, AMBI, BOPA and FINE. The analysis indicated the difficulties in deriving and using the existing indices from benthic communities in highly variable environmental conditions in coastal lagoons. Different metrics rendered different results: the use of H' resulted in the classification of all stations as "Moderate/Poor/Bad", whereas BOPA classified the majority of the stations as "Good/High". Using Delta(+), most of the stations resulted as "Not anthropogenically impacted", while the W-statistics gave 82 stations as "Undisturbed" and 45 as "Moderately/Grossly disturbed". AMBI classified 55 stations as "High/Good" and 72 as "Moderate/Poor/Bad", whereas those were 32 and 95 with FINE, respectively. The latter, which was developed just for Italian coastal lagoons, was the most conservative among the indices studied. Yet, it showed the highest correlation with the species/abundance matrix. Using indices developed for coastal waters in lagoons can give the distorted indication that the water body is degraded, when it might be just a natural, low diversity, high abundance community, i.e. a lagoonal community. Moreover, the outcome of the use of a certain index has a financial dimension such that lagoons misclassified as being "poor status" will then require expensive remediation measures. For the lagoons studied, there is probably an adequate quality and quantity of benthic data available for making management decisions, but this study highlights the limits of the existing indices for lagoonal ecosystems. The challenge for the next future is to couple long term conservation of the natural environment with the highly productive activities carried out in lagoonal ecosystems.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrates play a key role in freshwater lentic and lotic ecosystems. The macroinvertebrate benthic community of a shallow Mediterranean lake (Lake Pamvotis, NW Greece) was studied. The benthic assemblage was sampled monthly at five sites during a period of 1 year (Apr. 1998–Mar. 1999). In addition hypolimnetic water quality variables were monitored over the same period at each site.

The aim of the study was (a) to describe the intra-annual and spatial variability in benthic communities, (b) to relate possible community changes to environmental conditions and (c) to evaluate the responses of the lake's ecological status on community indices.

The benthic fauna of Lake Pamvotis was found to be very limited with a total of 10 species belonging to five taxonomic groups. The oligochaete community comprised 80% of the total benthic fauna with Potamothrix bavaricus as a new record for the Lake Pamvotis and Potamothrix hammoniensis, being the dominant benthic species represented more than 61% of the total benthic fauna. Chironomus plumosus was the most abundant chironomid species contributing with about 6% of the total benthic fauna, and Chaoborus flavicans with 19% was the important dipteran. Almost all benthic species showed the same intra-annual seasonal pattern, with peak population densities during spring and early summer except P. hammoniensis which predominated during the whole sampling period. Dissolved oxygen and temperature seemed to be the main environmental factors affecting community indices.

Benthic communities are affected by human disturbances in Lake Pamvotis shifting their composition to more tolerant taxa, reflecting also the eutrophic to hypertophic character of the lake.  相似文献   

This work evaluates four indices that have been used for benthic macroinvertebrate ecological quality classification in the Mediterranean Sea. Our study was based on the data obtained from the participation of Greece and Cyprus in the Mediterranean Geographical Intercalibration group. The indices AMBI, M-AMBI, MEDOCC and BENTIX were applied to the available benthic species data, and the succession of the ecological groups along the graded values of each index was plotted. The level of agreement among methods was calculated, and the performance of each method in estimating ecological quality status was evaluated. AMBI, based on the Atlantic model, and its derivative M-AMBI overestimated the statuses, while MEDOCC showed the best level of agreement with BENTIX. BENTIX gives equal weight to tolerant and opportunistic species groups, which correlates them more closely than the other indices and makes BENTIX the most sensitive in detecting ecological disturbances in the Eastern Mediterranean basin, where tolerant and opportunistic groups seem to play an equally important role in the response of benthic communities to stressors.  相似文献   

The assessment of estuaries based on benthic communities is widely used to determine impacts caused by human pressure and is one of the required tools for the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). Our study compared multimetric approaches (B-IBI and TICOR) to assess the benthic condition of three Portuguese estuaries (Mondego, Tejo, and Mira rivers) with different levels of natural and human induced stress. Benthic community condition was classified into quality status categories of the WFD and compared for consistency with a priori status categories based upon physical-chemical criteria. Both multimetric indices discriminated equally well between locations classified above or below the good status category but were unable to provide good separation between other quality classes (high/good, moderate, poor/bad). Metrics included in these indices are greatly affected by natural stress and we recommend the development of habitat-specific thresholds to increase the discriminatory ability of any benthic condition index.  相似文献   

The present study focused on the use of benthic invertebrate communities to assess the ecological quality of a Portuguese estuary characterized by strong seasonal changes and with eutrophication problems. Seasonal benthic samples were collected during a flood year and the methodology proposed by the WFD Portuguese group was used to classify benthic assemblages into five different quality classes. Factor analysis was applied to classify stations based on their physical-chemical status. Different classifications were obtained with different indices and among seasons and there was low agreement between indices and index-season interactions. Diversity indices were better correlated to eutrophication related variables than AMBI and ABC method. Predictable responses of benthic indices to anthropogenic stress symptoms were stronger during the dry period.  相似文献   

The ecological quality status (EcoQ) of intertidal mudflats constrained by Pacific oyster farming was assessed by single (H’, AMBI, BENTIX and BOPA) and multimetric (M-AMBI and average score) index approaches in the Pertuis Charentais (SW France). Fifteen sampling stations were monitored seasonally for sedimentological features and macrozoobenthos in 2004. Sediments affected by oyster biodeposits showed organic matter enrichment, and sediments from off-bottom culture sites had higher organic matter contents and lower redox potentials than sediments from on-bottom culture sites. Biotic indices consistently registered responses of macrozoobenthos to organic enrichment but there was only partial agreement between single index-derived EcoQs. The average score was better than M-AMBI and single indices for determining EcoQs. Accordingly, oyster farming alters intertidal macrozoobenthic assemblages moderately, and off-bottom cultures cause more disturbance than on-bottom cultures. Hydrodynamics and seasons may interact with culture practices in smothering/strengthening biodeposition-mediated effects through dispersal/accumulation of biodeposits.  相似文献   

The need to assess the environmental status of marine and coastal waters according to the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) encouraged the design of specific biotic indices to evaluate the response of benthic communities to human-induced changes in water quality. In the present study three of these indices, the traditional Shannon Wiener Index (H') and the more recently published AMBI (AZTI' Marine Biotic Index) and BQI (Benthic Quality Index), were tested along a salinity gradient in the southern Baltic Sea. The comparison of the three indices demonstrates that in the southern Baltic Sea the ecological quality (EcoQ) classification based on macrozoobenthic communities as indicator greatly depends on the biotic index chosen. We found a significant positive relation between species number, H', BQI and salinity resulting in EcoQ status of "Bad", "Poor" or "Moderate" in areas with a salinity value below 10 psu. The AMBI was less dependent on salinity but appear to partly overestimate the EcoQ status. Presently none of these biotic indices appear to be adjusted for application in a gradient system as given in the southern Baltic Sea. A potential approach describing how to overcome this limitation is discussed.  相似文献   

The 1991 Gulf oil spill heavily impacted the coastal areas of the Saudi waters of the Arabian Gulf and recent studies have indicated that even 15 years after the incident, macrobenthos had not completely recovered in the sheltered bays in the affected region such as, Manifa Bay. This study investigates the community conditions of macrobenthos in the open waters in one of the impacted areas, Al-Khafji waters, about 14 years after the spill. Diversity measures and community structure analyses indicate a healthy status of polychaete communities. The BOPA index reveals that oil sensitive amphipods were recolonized in the study area. This confirms that the benthic communities of the oil spill impacted area had taken only <14 years to recover in the open waters of the impacted areas. The study also reveals the existence of three distinct polychaete communities along the depth and sediment gradients.  相似文献   

In recent times many benthic indices have been proposed to assess the ecological quality of marine waters worldwide. In this study we compared single metrics and multi-metric methods to assess coastal and transitional benthic status along human pressure gradients in five distinct environments across Europe: Varna bay and lake (Bulgaria), Lesina lagoon (Italy), Mondego estuary (Portugal), Basque coast (Spain) and Oslofjord (Norway). Hence, 13 single metrics (abundance, number of taxa, and several diversity and sensitivity indices) and eight of the most common indices used within the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) for benthic assessment were selected: index of size spectra (ISS), Benthic assessment tool (BAT), Norwegian quality index (NQI), Multivariate AMBI (M-AMBI), Benthic quality index (BQI), (Benthic ecosystem quality index (BEQI), Benthic index based on taxonomic sufficiency (BITS), and infaunal quality index (IQI). Within each system, sampling sites were ordered in an increasing pressure gradient according to a preliminary classification based on professional judgement. The different indices are largely consistent in their response to pressure gradient, except in some particular cases (i.e. BITS, in all cases, or ISS when a low number of individuals is present). Inconsistencies between indicator responses were most pronounced in transitional waters (i.e. IQI, BEQI), highlighting the difficulties of the generic application of indicators to all marine, estuarine and lagoonal environments. However, some of the single (i.e. ecological groups approach, diversity, richness) and multi-metric methods (i.e. BAT, M-AMBI, NQI) were able to detect such gradients both in transitional and coastal environments, being these multi-metric methods more consistent in the detection than single indices. This study highlights the importance of survey design and good reference conditions for some indicators. The agreement observed between different methodologies and their ability to detect quality trends across distinct environments constitutes a promising result for the implementation of the WFD’s monitoring plans. Moreover, these results have management implications, regarding the dangers of misclassification, uncertainty in the assessment, use of conflicting indices, and testing and validation of indices.  相似文献   

The assessment of ecological status of marine fish communities required by the marine strategy framework directive (MSFD) emphasises the need for fish-based ecological indices in marine waters. In this study we adapt five estuarine multimetric indices to the marine environment and apply them in three types of substrates, analysing the metrics responsible for the obtained patterns of ecological status. The results show inefficiency of the community degradation index (CDI) and the biological health index (BHI) in ecological status assessment and disagreement between the estuarine biotic integrity index (EBI), the estuarine fish community index (EFCI) and the transitional fish classification index (TFCI). Analysis of individual metrics suggests lack of representativeness and consideration for the particularities of each substrate’s typical fish communities. None of the tested indices were efficient on the marine environment, urging the need for new marine indices that account for differences between types of substrate and depth.  相似文献   

Three coastal and three lagoonal sites located in Greece (Eastern Mediterranean) were selected to test and intercalibrate classification methods developed for benthic invertebrates ecological quality assessments. These methods were developed for the purposes of the European Water Framework Directive which is a European legislation adopted for the protection and improvement of the coastal and transitional waters. However, through testing these methods, this work addresses in general the issue of determining and comparing the ecological status of the coastal and transitional macrobenthic communities in Eastern Mediterranean ecosystems. Among methods tested were the biotic indices AMBI and BENTIX, the multivariate method M-AMBI and the biomass size structure index ISD in lagoonal sites only. ISD index is a rather new method developed especially for transitional ecosystems and in this contribution its performance is intercalibrated with the other benthic classification metrics. Comparison and intercalibration of the indices results in assessing the ecological quality status (EQS) are presented graphically and statistically performing the Kappa analysis. Results of the comparison and the indices' performance are evaluated based on the knowledge of the sites' environmental condition and baseline studies. Based on an extended dataset of coastal and transitional ecosystems benthic invertebrates, an evaluation of each index performance and effectiveness is attempted through an insight and comparative analysis of each methods' structure and design. Results showed that in these Eastern Mediterranean coastal sites the BENTIX index seems to give a more biologically relevant classification and gives a higher confidence level regarding the classification compared to the other indices. In the coastal areas AMBI showed a tendency for the "good" class classification, while the factorial M-AMBI gave more consistent results with the BENTIX. In the lagoonal sites the biotic indices tested were not proved efficient enough and the biomass based ISD index proved more appropriate for these ecosystems. AMBI showed the highest agreement with the ISD which is due to the better performance of this index in the slightly and moderately polluted lagoons, compared to the other indices. However, AMBI failed to classify the polluted lagoon, in which case the BENTIX gave a more relevant classification.  相似文献   

Shallow water bays located in the western Arabian Gulf experience harsh environmental conditions. Some of these bays, including Manifa-Tanajib Bay System (MTBS), were also exposed to the 1991 oil pollution event. This study investigates the status of the macrobenthos in MTBS during 2006. This bay system is characterized by very shallow inner bays with elevated salinity and temperature compared to the rest of the bay area. As a result mainly of the hyper salinity, the inner bay communities are distinct from the outer bay communities. Overall, fairly high species richness with several rare species was observed. High Shannon-Wiener diversity values and ABC plots indicated the healthy status of the polychaete communities, while BOPA index indicated slightly polluted status in 20% of the stations. The oil sensitive amphipods were not completely re-colonized in 20% of the stations, even after 15 years of recovery from the 1991 oil spill.  相似文献   

Several biotic indices have been proposed for the assessment of the ecological status of benthic macroinvertebrates in marine waters, although none have been generally accepted. When it comes to assessing highly stressed natural environments, such as estuaries, the controversy and uncertainty is much higher than for any given normal index. In this article, we test the behavior and suitability of different biotic indices proposed under the perspective of the Water Framework Directive (S, H, AMBI, M-AMBI, BQI, W-statistic, Taxonomic distinctness) for the assessment of estuaries in northern Spain. The low species richness and dominance of a few tolerant species in the characteristic community of these estuaries presented a challenge to the application of the biotic indices tested. Combined approaches that integrate different aspects of water quality and ecosystem functionality could increase the reliability of the ecological assessment of these transitional waters.  相似文献   

The potential of four benthic indices (AMBI/M-AMBI, BENTIX, BITS) was assessed in Italian coastal transitional ecosystems. The community composition showed a strong dominance of lagoonal, tolerant species, and out of more of 400 species found, only about 40 taxa were dominant. The full agreement of the four indices on an undegraded (Good or better) or degraded (Moderate or worse) status occurred only in 32.3% of stations. This study evidenced that BENTIX is inappropriate for eutrophic Adriatic lagoons, and that in such environments M-AMBI classification is actually too much dependent on diversity and richness, and seems unable to capture some peculiarities of benthic assemblages in transitional waters. AMBI and BITS gave similar classifications despite the different level of taxonomic identification needed. The unmodified use of these indices might impair accurate assessment of ecological quality status and decision-making on the managers’ point of view.  相似文献   

Benthic macroinvertebrates communities are the most consistently emphasized biotic component of aquatic ecosystems and are one of the biological indicators required for assessment by the European Water Framework Directive. In this context, several indices based on these communities have been developed in order to assess ecological quality of estuarine systems. In the present work we used AMBI, M-AMBI, BENTIX and BAT to distinguish ecological status of five small estuarine systems of the Portuguese south and southwest coasts. Although indices outputs did not differ between systems and sampling seasons, results indicated that the metrics in which these indices are based could differentiate community structures as a result of two main gradients that force these communities: the natural variability, and the anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

In the context of the application of WFD, a scientific debate is growing about the applicability of biotic indices in coastal and transitional waters. In the present work, the question about the discriminating power of different biotic indices and the relationships with the structure and functioning of the macrobenthic community in a transitional environment is discussed. A time series of samples collected during the last 70 years in the lagoon of Venice, reflecting different environmental conditions (a sort of 'pristine state' in 1935, the distrophic crisis in 1988 and subsequent modifications in 1990, the invasion by an alien species and the developing of high impacting fishery in 1999) has been used. The comparison of results obtained by applying different biotic indices, such as AMBI, Bentix and BOPA, shows differences in the discriminating power of indices and a general overestimation of environmental conditions. Discrepancies between environmental status as indicated by biotic indices and the structure and functioning of the benthic community have been highlighted.  相似文献   

The importance of establishing the ecological quality of estuarine systems has been widely acknowledged and led to the development of several fish community-based multimetric indices. Nevertheless, a question rose about the accuracy of these tools when natural disturbance is acting upon the organization of the systems’ communities. Four multimetric indices were used to examine their ability to differentiate the ecological status of five small estuarine systems (southern Portugal), and also to test if they reflected the level of anthropogenic pressures. Fish assemblages from Mira, Odeceixe and Aljezur (in the Southwest coast), Gilão and Bensafrim (in the South coast) estuaries were sampled seasonally for one year, and anthropogenic sources of pressure were identified and quantified. We found that although the applied indices provided information on ecological condition differentiation among systems, they are unable to explain different classes of ecological status in systems with equivalent pressure levels.  相似文献   

Polychaete/amphipod ratio revisited   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we reexamine the opportunistic polychaete/amphipod ratio, modifying it to allow estuarine and coastal communities to be divided into the five classes suggested by the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). The resulting biological index, called the BOPA index, considers the total number of individuals collected in the samples, the frequency of opportunistic polychaetes, and the frequency of amphipods (except the genus Jassa). After comparing this new index to AMBI and BENTIX, two other indices that have been proposed in the literature, we tested it in two situations involving soft-bottom communities in the English Channel (Bay of Morlaix and Bay of Seine). Our results show that the BOPA index is simple to use. Amphipods and opportunistic polychaetes (21 species, nine genus and two families from the AZTI list for a total of 3459 taxa) are easy to identify, providing that both the number of these organisms in a sample and the total number of individuals collected (independent of the sampling surface) is known. The BOPA is appropriate for use in the poorest communities whose total number of individuals exceeds 20 individuals.  相似文献   

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