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Meiofauna composition was investigated for six field sites, including polluted and non-polluted sites, within two regions (Auckland and Bay of Plenty) during winter (July-August 2004) in the North Island of New Zealand. Physico-chemical parameters were measured during the sampling period and meiofauna distribution and abundance were compared with these measured parameters. Analysis of meiofauna abundance indicated that foraminiferans, nematodes and ostracods were the taxa that contributed to the variability between field sites within the Auckland region. However, no clear taxa dominance was seen in the Bay of Plenty region. Comparison of meiofauna abundance and physico-chemical parameters was done using multivariate analysis (PRIMER). However, no clear relationships between the parameters were observed in any field site in either region. The Shannon-Weiner index of diversity did not show any clear differentiation between polluted and non-polluted field sites. Therefore, from the present study, the taxa or physico-chemical parameters used could not effectively characterise pollution at the investigated field sites.  相似文献   

背角无齿蚌滤食对营养盐和浮游藻类结构影响的模拟   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
利用微型生态系统研究背角无齿蚌(Anodonta woodiana)高密度养殖情况下对微型生态系统水柱中不同形态氮磷浓度和浮游藻类群落结构的影响,结果显示蚌的高强度滤食:(1)减少微型生态系统中悬浮态氮的含量,明显增加厂水柱中的溶解性氮、磷含量,但是对总氮、总磷和正磷酸盐含量没有显著影响;(2)显著减少所有浮游藻类的数量和生物量,提高水体透明度,同时迅速改变微型生态系统中浮游藻类的群落结构,降低了微囊藻等蓝藻的数量及其所占的相对百分比,而绿藻所占的比例迅速上升;(3)导致微型生态系统的生态结构发生了显著变化,上行效应(Bottom-up effects)在浮游藻类与营养盐的关系方面发生了变化,实验组水柱中氮、磷含量与浮游藻类的相关关系显著降低;(4)并不能有效降低微型生态系统的富营养水平.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to establish potential indicators of fish farming pollution in muddy substrate, by means of meiofauna, and to test whether the effect of the fish farm is more important to determine the meiofauna community than the seasonal environmental conditions. Sampling was performed in spring, after several months of light feeding, and in summer, at high food supply. Samples were collected in three directions at various distances from the floating cages. Harpacticoid copepods and kinorhynchs, whose abundance decreased under the cages, were put forward as indicator taxa. However, harpacticoid copepods were sensitive to fish farm only, while kinorhynchs showed responsiveness to fish farm and to seasonal environmental conditions. Total meiofauna density was dependent on season sensu stricto. The nMDS clearly showed a ‘cage community’ and ‘control community’ in both sampling occasions; therefore it is a good tool for impact assessment.  相似文献   

Ferric iron reduction was studied in a pilot-scale enclosure experiment for passive biological remediation of an acidic mine pit lake in Lusatia, Germany. The metabolic properties of prokaryotes involved in Fe(III) reduction may be important for the outcome of biological remediation, as chemolithotrophic Fe(III) reduction can counteract the desired pH increase, but heterotrophic Fe(III) reduction will provide the necessary Fe(II) for precipitation of sulfide minerals following sulfate reduction. Therefore, vertical profiles of sediment parameters related to iron and sulfur cycling were determined in conjunction with viable counts of different ferric iron-reducing micro-organisms using selective media. Findings were compared to an untreated reference site. The addition of organic matter stimulated ferric iron reduction and sulfate reduction in the enclosure and led to elevated pH and accumulations of ferrous iron and reduced sulfur compounds. Numbers of neutrophilic heterotrophic Fe(III) reducers increased during treatment, those of acidophilic heterotrophic Fe(III) reducers remained similar, and those of acidophilic chemolithotrophic Fe(III) reducers decreased. Zones of ferric iron-reducing activity corresponded well with microbial depth profiles; however, viable counts of neutrophilic or acid-tolerant Fe(III) reducers must have been underestimated based on the corresponding observed activity levels. Ferric iron reduction by chemolithotrophic acidophiles seemed to be of minor importance, so a lowering of pH values due to Fe(III) reducing activity is unlikely.  相似文献   

The importance of characterizing the ecohydrological interactions in natural, damaged/drained, and restored bogs is underscored by the importance of peatlands to global climate change and the growing need for peatland restoration. An understudied aspect of peatland ecohydrology is how shallow lateral flow impacts local hydrological conditions and water balance, which are critical for peatland restoration success. A novel method is presented using microcosms installed in the field to understand the dynamics of shallow lateral flow. Analysis of the difference in water table fluctuation inside and outside the microcosm experimental areas allowed the water balance to be constrained and the calculation of lateral flow and evapotranspiration. As an initial demonstration of this method, a series of four microcosm experiments were set up in locations with differing ecological quality and land management histories, on a raised bog complex in the midlands of Ireland. The timing and magnitude of the lateral flow differed considerably between locations with differing ecological conditions, indicating that shallow lateral flow is an important determining factor in the ecohydrological trajectory of a recovering bog system. For locations where Sphagnum spp. moss layer was present, a slow continuous net lateral input of water from the upstream catchment area supported the water table during drought periods, which was not observed in locations lacking Sphagnum. Consistent with other studies, evapotranspiration was greater in locations with a Spaghnum moss layer than in locations with a surface of peat soil.  相似文献   

In recent years, dredged material has become regarded as a potential resource and used to create and/or improve intertidal habitats (i.e., beneficial use). This paper presents the results of a sampling programme to investigate the long-term (42 months post-recharge) macro- and meiofaunal recolonisation processes of a beneficial use scheme in south-east England. While univariate indices of community structure indicated that the scheme’s meiofaunal community was never significantly different from that of a nearby reference area, such attributes for macrofauna were continually significantly below those of the reference area, although this was not the case for all reference stations. Multivariate analyses revealed that macro- and meiofaunal community structures were always significantly different from those of the reference communities. We discuss the factors responsible for these observations and propose that assessing recovery of a beneficial use scheme should be undertaken using pre-defined criteria in addition to comparisons with a reference site.  相似文献   

Disposal of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent into sea, a typical anthropogenic disturbance, may influence many environmental factors and change the coastal microbial community structure. In this study, by setting up coastal sediment microcosms perturbed by WWTP effluent, the changes of microbial community structure under different degree of disturbances were investigated. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) were used to analyzed the biomass and biodiversity. High throughput sequencing analysis was used to identify the classification of the microorganisms. Our study suggested that low ratio of WWTP effluent may stimulate dominant species, which increase the biomass but decrease the biodiversity; while high ratio of WWTP effluent may depress all species, which decrease the biomass but increase the biodiversity. In other words, the impact was dose-dependent. The changes of microbial community structure may provide a metric for water environmental assessment and pollution control.  相似文献   

The diversity and species richness of total meiofauna, Harpacticoida and Oligochaeta in relation to depth and other environmental variables were studied at nine stations and in two profundal depth zones in Lake Päijänne which includes both oligotrophic and eutrophicated or organically loaded areas.Diversity was on average higher in the upper part of the profundal zone than at maximum depths. This may show that the greater temporal stability in temperature at greater depths does not surpass the effect of the lower temporal stability in oxygen content. The productivity factor may be a more important reason for the bathymetric difference in diversity than the stability factor. Diversity in the lower profundal zone shows a negative correlation with variables indicating pollution while in the upper profundal zone a positive one with those variables, thus emphasizing the importance of the production factor in determining diversity in the upper profundal. Diversity was higher within the oligochaetes than within the harpacticoids, which may imply that oligochaetes have a longer evolutionary history as part of the lacustrine benthic system.Of the environmental variables, phytoplankton biomass had the highest influence on total diversity in the lower profundal zone, oxygen being next in importance. The sedimentation of organic matter was most important in the upper part of the profundal zone, where oxygen did not have any significant effect on diversity. Some explaining factors determining bathymetric diversity differences are discussed in relation to the theoretical expectations.  相似文献   

The effects of floating macroalgae (250 g DW m−2) on photoautotrophic microbenthos were studied in a flow-through mesocosm with a parallel mesocosm without macroalgae serving as Control. Vertical microprofiles of O2 at the sediment-water interface showed a immediate and complete suppression of photosynthetic activity of microphytobenthos (MPB) under the macroalgal canopy, resulting in a shift of benthic metabolism from autotrophic to heterotrophic. MPB abundance and chlorophyll a content decreased and a change from a diatom-dominated to cyanobacteria-dominated community was observed. Inorganic nitrogen nutrients´ concentrations increased in the porewater as a result of the inhibition of MPB nutrient demand, leading to an increase in net ammonification and anaerobic consumption rates. No organic matter transfer from macroalgae to the sediment was detected, resulting in a net consumption of the carbon and nitrogen stored in the sediment. In consequence, sediment was progressively impoverished in nitrogen, reducing sediment nutrient regeneration.  相似文献   

Microcosm tests were conducted to investigate the effects of the estrogenic substances nonylphenol (NP) and 17α‐ethinylestradiol (EE) on aquatic ecosystems. Maximum concentrations of 9 to 120 μg L—1 NP resp. 49 to 724 ng L—1 EE were induced by controlled release. The controlled release method allows the establishment of a continuous concentration course. The microcosms proved to run robustly with abiotic conditions close to natural. They developed biocenosis with similar characteristics as in natural ecosystems and, considering their given level of complexity, they can be used to describe possible risks for the environment. Both tested chemicals unveiled the potential to affect the plankton communities in the tested concentration range. NP exposure caused a reduction of Cladocera and Copepoda abundances and disturbed the phytoplankton structure. A NOECcommunity of 30 μg L—1 was calculated. In the first EE study, a flood in the lake where the microcosm water was collected caused additional stress and thereby a high variability, both between the microcosms and in each microcosm over time. Probably therefore the only effect found was a reduction of Copepoda abundance. In a second EE study Cladocera and Copepoda abundances were reduced, from which the phytoplankton benefited. Although a final interpretation is difficult for results of microcosm tests, there are indications that the found effects of EE and perhaps also NP may be caused at least partially by endocrine disruptive activity.  相似文献   

 Experimental studies have been performed to evaluate pre-explosive water–melt mixes with respect to explosive volcanic molten–fuel–coolant interaction (MFCI), i.e., phreatomagmatic explosion. Remolten ultrabasic volcanic rock was used as a magma simulant. Measurement of the explosion intensity was used to determine optimal premixing conditions. A well-defined optimal range was found for the hydrodynamic mixing energy (differential flow speed of 4.2 m/s), as well as for the water/melt mass ratio (0.03 to 0.04) under experimental conditions. The mass flux of water had a minor influence on the explosion intensity. Additionally, transparent mixing experiments with silicon oil and inked water were carried out. They indicate a direct dependence of the pre-explosive water-melt interface area on the explosion intensity. The experimental results show that the contact conditions of water and melt required for explosive MFCI may easily be established in natural volcanic systems. Thus, explosive MFCI is a probable mechanism of explosive volcanism. Received: 23 July 1996 / Accepted: 16 December 1996  相似文献   

Noriyoshi  Tsuchiya  Nobuo  Hirano 《Island Arc》2007,16(1):6-15
Abstract   Hydrothermal experiments of dissolution of granite and quartz with pure water up to 600°C and 60 MPa were carried out in order to evaluate chemical reaction under sub- and supercritical conditions. The supercritical region beyond the critical point for water has been inferred to be a homogeneous state, which does not correspond to either a true liquid phase, or a true vapor phase. Results of dissolution experiments of granite and quartz in a supercritical state (artificially defined as higher pressures and temperatures than the critical point), show this fluid can be subdivided into two apparent phases comprising a 'liquid-like' region and a 'vapor-like' region. Chemical phenomena with respect to dissolution reactions in the 'liquid-like' region are more similar to those of subcritical water, whilst those reactions in the 'vapor-like' region even in the supercritical state are considered to be weak. The critical point of various kinds of geofluids, composed of solutions in the H2O-CO2-NaCl system was experimentally determined using a visible type autoclave. Chemical reaction diversity, depending on location of the critical point for a given solution and apparent phase boundary in terms of chemical reaction within the supercritical state, was recognized by hydrothermal experiments.  相似文献   

以鄱阳湖流域上游铀尾矿库周边水体为研究对象,在研究铬(Cr)污染程度的基础上,采用水文地球化学模拟软件PHREEQC计算Cr各不同赋存形态的浓度,讨论不同条件下Cr形态的变换规律以及健康风险评价,对研究水体中Cr生物有效性具有实际意义.结果表明:铀尾矿区排放水、渗滤水、浅层地下水中Cr浓度均未超出相关标准值.水体中Cr主要赋存形态大多为Cr(Ⅲ)的水解产物Cr(OH)2+和Cr(OH)2+. pH和电子活度(pe)共同影响Cr在水体中的赋存形态,当pH=3~5时,以CrF2+为优势离子;当pH>5时,随pH递增,pe值对Cr赋存形态的影响增加,pe值增大,Cr(Ⅲ)水解产物浓度逐渐减少,而Cr(Ⅵ)氧化产物逐渐增加.浅层地下水中的Cr不会对人体产生致癌风险和非致癌风险,但当p H、pe变化时,Cr致癌风险系数均高于ICRP和USEPA推荐的最大可接受值.由于Cr(Ⅵ)的毒性远强于Cr(Ⅲ),故应密切关注水体中pe与pH值,避免污染加重.  相似文献   

基于鹤岗地震台阵勘选数据,分析各子台记录的矿震和天然地震的频谱特征,从各子台频谱一致性角度对观测场地进行评估;采用希尔伯特—黄变换(Hilbert-Huang,简称HHT)方法,分析矿震和天然地震的时频特征。结果显示:勘选记录的地震频谱特征与已有研究一致,各子台特征也较一致,该勘选场地适合建设台阵;由经验模态分解(EMD)后的本征模态函数(IMF)分量可以明显识别出矿震面波,矿震和天然地震的HHT谱的时频特征有明显区别。  相似文献   

鲫(Carassius auratus)是我国各类淡水水体的优势鱼类之一.作为底栖杂食性鱼类,一方面,鲫可以通过排泄和扰动沉积物影响湖泊营养和光照水平,通过"上行效应"促进浮游植物生长;另一方面,鲫也可以捕食浮游动物,通过"下行控制"影响藻类生长以及营养盐循环.对于浅水湖泊,两种途径对于生态系统影响的相对重要性仍有待研究.本研究设计了一个两因素户外中宇宙实验,通过在沉积物表面添加隔网的方式,比较两种情况下(能、否接触沉积物),鲫对水体浊度、营养盐和浮游生物生物量的影响.实验在16个大型钢化玻璃桶(400 L)中进行,持续36 d(2019年8月6日—9月11日).研究结果表明:1)在能接触沉积物的条件下,鲫显著促进了沉积物再悬浮,表现为水体的总悬浮物(TSS)和无机悬浮物(ISS)浓度大幅升高;水体的光衰减系数(Kd)增加,总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)浓度明显升高; 2)在不能接触沉积物的条件下,鲫对水体悬浮物(TSS和ISS)浓度和Kd的影响不明显,但是显著降低了水体TN和TP浓度; 3)在两种情况下,鲫对浮游植物叶绿素a浓度以及浮游动物生物量的影响均不显著.本研究表明鲫只有在能够接触沉积物的条件下,才会显著提高水体浊度和营养水平.因此,在缺乏沉水植被的浅水湖泊中,鲫扰动沉积物产生的"上行效应"可能是其对生态系统产生负面影响的主要途径.  相似文献   

After the termination of phosphogypsum discharges to the Huelva estuary (SW Spain), a unique opportunity was presented to study the response of a contaminated environmental compartment after the cessation of its main source of pollution. The evolution over time of uranium concentrations in the estuary is presented to supply new insights into the decontamination of a scenario affected by Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) discharges. The cleaning of uranium isotopes from the area has not taken place as rapidly as expected due to leaching from phosphogypsum stacks.An in-depth study using various techniques of analysis, including 234U/238U and 230Th/232Th ratios and the decreasing rates of the uranium concentration, enabled a second source of uranium contamination to be discovered. Increased uranium levels due to acid mine drainage from pyrite mines located in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain) prevent complete uranium decontamination and, therefore, result in levels nearly twice those of natural background levels.  相似文献   

金属矿床采掘过程围岩失稳状态的声发射监测实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
冯巨恩  吴超 《地球物理学报》2005,48(6):1460-1465
本文以声发射技术在岩土工程中的应用为基础,结合国内外的研究成果,对小铁山矿脉内采准工程中采准和回采巷道的稳定性进行了实时监测,确定了不同岩性的稳固性、开挖后的松动范围和巷道的合理支护方式及支护时间. 从岩石应力和声发射次数与能量的关系出发,通过实测一定时期内巷道的声发射特征,对比相应的破坏形式,确定了巷道开挖后破坏形式和声发射的关系,为脉内采准工程合理性和地压控制措施提供了理论指导, 同时也证明了声发射监测技术在岩矿地下开挖工程地压活动监测中的有效性.  相似文献   

Fish survival, tag retention and tag loss were evaluated in pond experiments and described by linear regression equations. Tagging of fish had no significant influence on their survival. However, loss of tags caused strong differences between actual fish survival and the survival rate e–z estimated on recovered tags. Mathematical functions were derived to correct tag loss. Values of those functions depend upon the type of tag and time after tagging. The B-type of tagging, which approximated the Swedish Carlin method, appeared to be most effective. The rate of tag loss was independent of the fish species (common carp, tench) used in the experiments.  相似文献   

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