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We investigate the behaviour of dissipative accreting matter close to a black hole, as this provides important observational features of galactic and extragalactic black hole candidates. We find a complete set of global solutions in the presence of viscosity and synchrotron cooling. We show that advective accretion flow can have a standing shock wave and the dynamics of the shock is controlled by the dissipation parameters (both viscosity and cooling). We study the effective region of the parameter space for standing as well as oscillating shock. We find that the shock front always moves towards the black hole as the dissipation parameters are increased. However, viscosity and cooling have opposite effects in deciding the solution topologies. We obtain two critical cooling parameters that separate the nature of the accretion solution.  相似文献   

We study the dynamical structure of a cooling dominated rotating accretion flow around a spinning black hole. We show that non-linear phenomena such as shock waves can be studied in terms of only three flow parameters, namely the specific energy     , the specific angular momentum (λ) and the accretion rate     of the flow. We present all possible accretion solutions. We find that a significant region of the parameter space in the     plane allows global accretion shock solutions. The effective area of the parameter space for which the Rankine–Hugoniot shocks are possible is maximum when the flow is dissipation-free. It decreases with the increase of cooling effects and finally disappears when the cooling is high enough. We show that shock forms further away when the black hole is rotating compared to the solution around a Schwarzschild black hole with identical flow parameters at a large distance. However, in a normalized sense, the flow parameters for which the shocks form around the rotating black holes are produced shocks closer to the black hole. The location of the shock is also dictated by the cooling efficiency in that higher the accretion rate     , the closer is the shock location. We believe that some of the high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations may be due to the flows with higher accretion rate around the rotating black holes.  相似文献   

Accretion flows having positive specific energy are known to produce outflows and winds which escape to a large distance. According to Two Component Advective Flow (TCAF) model, centrifugal pressure dominated region of the flow just outside the black hole horizon, with or without shocks, acts as the base of this outflow. Electrons from this region are depleted due to the wind and consequently, energy transfer rate due to inverse Comptonization of low energy photons are affected. Specifically, it becomes easier to cool this region and emerging spectrum is softened. Our main goal is to show spectral softening due to mass outflow in presence of Compton cooling. To achieve this, we modify Rankine-Hugoniot relationships at the shock front when post-shock region suffers mass loss due to winds and energy loss due to inverse Comptonization. We solve two-temperature equations governing an accretion flow around a black hole which include Coulomb exchange between protons and electrons and other major radiative processes such as bremsstrahlung and thermal Comptonization. We then compute emitted spectrum from this post-shock flow. We also show how location of standing shock which forms outer boundary of centrifugal barrier changes with cooling. With an increase in disc accretion rate \((\dot{m}_{d})\) , cooling is enhanced and we find that the shock moves in towards the black hole. With cooling, thermal pressure is reduced, and as a result, outflow rate is decreased. We thus directly correlate outflow rate with spectral state of the disc.  相似文献   

Viscous Keplerian discs become sub-Keplerian close to a black hole since they pass through sonic points before entering into it. We study the time evolution of polytropic viscous accretion discs (both in one- and two-dimensional flows) using smoothed particle hydrodynamics. We discover that for a large region of the parameter space spanned by energy, angular momentum and polytropic index, when the flow viscosity parameter is less than a critical value, standing shock waves are formed. If the viscosity is very high then the shock wave disappears. In the intermediate viscosity, the disc oscillates very significantly in the viscous time-scale. Our simulations indicate that these centrifugally supported high density regions close to a black hole play an active role in the flow dynamics, and consequently, the radiation dynamics.  相似文献   

Using mathematical formalism borrowed from dynamical systems theory, a complete analytical investigation of the critical behaviour of stationary flows in low angular momentum axisymmetric black hole accretion, provides significant insight about the nature of the phase trajectories corresponding to transonic accretion in the steady state, without taking recourse to any explicit numerical method commonly reported in the literature on multi-transonic black hole accretion discs and related astrophysical phenomena. Investigation of an accretion process around a non-rotating black hole, forming different geometrical configurations of the flow structure under the influence of various pseudo-Schwarzschild potentials, reveals that the general profile of the parameter space divisions describing multi-critical accretion, is roughly equivalent for various flow geometries. However, a mere variation of the polytropic index of the flow cannot map a critical solution from one flow geometry to another, since the numerical domain of the parameter space responsible for producing multi-critical accretion does not undergo a continuous transformation in multi-dimensional parameter space. The stationary configuration used to demonstrate the aforementioned findings is shown to be stable under time-dependent linearised perturbations for all kinds of flow geometries, driven by any pseudo-Schwarzschild potential, and using a standard equation of state. Finally, the structure of the acoustic metric corresponding to the propagation of the linear perturbation is discussed for various flow geometries used.  相似文献   

We study the radiation properties of an accretion disc around a rotating black hole. We solve the hydrodynamic equations and calculate the transonic solutions of accretion disc in the presence of shocks. Then we use these solutions to generate the radiation spectrum in the presence of radiative heating and cooling processes. We present the effect of spin parameter of the black hole on the emitted radiation spectrum. In addition, attention has also been paid to the variation in energy spectral index with Kerr parameter and accretion rate. We find that spectral index becomes harder as the spin parameter changes from negative (accretion disc is counter-rotating with respect to the black hole spin) to a positive value. Finally, we compute and compare the spectral characteristics due to a free-fall flow and a transonic flow. We notice significant differences in high energy contributions from these two solutions.  相似文献   

Standing, propagating or oscillating shock waves are common in accretion and winds around compact objects. We study the topology of all possible solutions using the pseudo-Kerr geometry. We present the parameter space spanned by the specific energy and angular momentum and compare it with that obtained from the full general relativity to show that the potential can work satisfactorily in fluid dynamics also, provided the polytropic index is suitably modified. We then divide the parameter space depending on the nature of the solution topology. We specifically study the nature of the standing Rankine–Hugoniot shocks. We also show that as the Kerr parameter is increased, the shock location generally moves closer to the black hole. In future, these solutions can be used as guidelines to test numerical simulations around compact objects.  相似文献   

Matter accreting onto black holes suffers a standing or oscillating shock wave in much of the parameter space. The post-shock region is hot, puffed up and reprocesses soft photons from a Keplerian disc to produce the characteristic hard tail of the spectrum of accretion discs. The post-shock torus is also the base of the bipolar jets. We study the interaction of these jets with the hard photons emitted from the disc. We show that radiative force can accelerate outflows but the drag can limit the terminal speed. We introduce an equilibrium speed υeq as a function of distance, above which the flow will experience radiative deceleration.  相似文献   

In this paper, perturbations of an accretion disk by a star orbiting around a black hole are studied. We report on a numerical experiment, which has been carried out by using a parallel-machine code originally developed by Dönmez (2004). An initially steady state accretion disk near a non-rotating (Schwarzschild) black hole interacts with a “star”, modeled as an initially circular region of increased density. Part of the disk is affected by the interaction. In some cases, a gap develops and shock wave propagates through the disk. We follow the evolution for order of one dynamical period and we show how the non-axisymetric density perturbation further evolves and moves downwards where the material of the disk and the star become eventually accreted onto the central body. When the star perturbs the steady state accretion disk, the disk around the black hole is destroyed by the effect of perturbation. The perturbed accretion disk creates a shock wave during the evolution and it loses angular momentum when the gas hits on the shock waves. Colliding gas with the shock wave is the one of the basic mechanism of emitting the X-rays in the accretion disk. The series of supernovae occurring in the inner disk could entirely destroy the disk in that region which leaves a more massive black hole behind, at the center of galaxies.  相似文献   

The secular evolution of the purely general relativistic low angular momentum accretion flow around a spinning black hole is shown to exhibit hysteresis effects. This confirms that a stationary shock is an integral part of such an accretion disc in the Kerr metric. The equations describing the space gradient of the dynamical flow velocity of the accreting matter have been shown to be equivalent to a first order autonomous dynamical systems. Fixed point analysis ensures that such flow must be multi-transonic for certain astrophysically relevant initial boundary conditions. Contrary to the existing consensus in the literature, the critical points and the sonic points are proved not to be isomorphic in general, they can form in a completely different length scales. Physically acceptable global transonic solutions must produce odd number of critical points. Homoclinic orbits for the flow possessing multiple critical points select the critical point with the higher entropy accretion rate, confirming that the entropy accretion rate is the degeneracy removing agent in the system. However, heteroclinic orbits are also observed for some special situation, where both the saddle type critical points of the flow configuration possesses identical entropy accretion rate. Topologies with heteroclinic orbits are thus the only allowed non-removable degenerate solutions for accretion flow with multiple critical points, and are shown to be structurally unstable. Depending on suitable initial boundary conditions, a homoclinic trajectory can be combined with a standard non-homoclinic orbit through an energy preserving Rankine-Hugoniot type of stationary shock, and multi-critical accretion flow then becomes truly multi-transonic. An effective Lyapunov index has been proposed to analytically confirm why certain class of transonic flow cannot accommodate shock solutions even if it produces multiple critical points.  相似文献   

着重评述了含激波吸积理论的发展历史和研究现状, 介绍了在伪牛顿势以及严格广义相对论框架下, 对等温和绝热两种不同的流体模型中可能发生的R- H 激波、等温激波等各种不同激波的解析和数值模拟研究, 包括激波发生的参数空间、不同流体参数( 比能量和比角动量) 下激波发生的位置、强度以及耗散的能量。这些研究结果表明, 在理想流体近似下, 黑洞吸积流中必定会产生激波。此外, 还介绍了含激波吸积理论在活动星系核方面的应用。对黑洞吸积理论简单讨论, 评述了含激波吸积理论与ADAF 吸积理论的关系, 着重评述了目前对于ADAF 中是否会发生激波这一存在很大争议的问题。  相似文献   

We introduce a novel formalism to investigate the role of the spin angular momentum of astrophysical black holes in influencing the behavior of low angular momentum general relativistic accretion. We propose a metric independent analysis of axisymmetric general relativistic flow, and consequently formulate the space and time dependent equations describing the general relativistic hydrodynamic accretion flow in the Kerr metric. The associated stationary critical solutions for such flow equations are provided and the stability of the stationary transonic configuration is examined using an elegant linear perturbation technique. We examine the properties of infalling material for both prograde and retrograde accretion as a function of the Kerr parameter at extremely close proximity to the event horizon. Our formalism can be used to identify a new spectral signature of black hole spin, and has the potential of performing the black hole shadow imaging corresponding to the low angular momentum accretion flow.  相似文献   

We explore the global structure of the accretion flow around a Schwarzschild black hole where the accretion disc is threaded by toroidal magnetic fields. The accretion flow is optically thin and advection dominated. The synchrotron radiation is considered to be the active cooling mechanism in the flow. With this, we obtain the global transonic accretion solutions and show that centrifugal barrier in the rotating magnetized accretion flow causes a discontinuous transition of the flow variables in the form of shock waves. The shock properties and the dynamics of the post-shock corona are affected by the flow parameters such as viscosity, cooling rate and strength of the magnetic fields. The shock properties are investigated against these flow parameters. We further show that for a given set of boundary parameters at the outer edge of the disc, accretion flow around a black hole admits shock when the flow parameters are tuned for a considerable range.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the study of sonic points and shocks in stationary, axially symmetric, isothermal flows around a Kerr black hole. We first show the dependence of the location of the sonic point with the flow's angular momentum for different isothermal sound speeds. With our selected shock jump conditions, we then discuss the properties of the shock, including the location and the strength. The ambiguity regarding the shock locations is removed by stability analysis. We also find some differences between the shock in isothermal flows and that in adiabatic flows. Subject headings: accretion, accretion disks-black hole physics-hydrodynamics-relativity-shock waves.  相似文献   

In the present communication of our series of papers dealing with the accretion flows in the pseudo-Kerr geometry, we discuss the effects of viscosity on the accretion flow around a rotating black hole. We find the solution topologies and give special attention to the solutions containing shocks. We draw the parameter space where standing shocks are possible and where the shocks could be oscillating and could produce quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) of X-rays observed from black hole candidates. In this model, the extreme locations of the shocks give the upper limits of the QPO frequencies  (νQPO)  which could be observed. We show that both the viscosity of the flow and the spin of the black hole a increase the QPO frequency while, as expected, the black hole mass reduces the QPO frequencies. Our major conclusion is that the highest observed frequency gives a strict lower limit of the spin. For instance, a black hole exhibiting  νQPO∼ 400  and  700 Hz  must have the spin parameters of   a > 0.25  and  >0.75  , respectively, provided viscosity of the flow is small. We discuss the implications of our results in the light of observations of QPOs from black hole candidates.  相似文献   

Stationary, multi-transonic, integral solutions of hydrodynamic axisymmetric accretion onto a rotating black hole have been compared for different geometrical configurations of the associated accretion disc structures described using the polytropic as well as the isothermal equations of state. Such analysis is performed for accretion under the influence of generalised post Newtonian pseudo Kerr black hole potential. The variations of the stationary shock characteristics with black hole spin have been studied in details for all the disc models and are compared for the flow characterised by the two aforementioned equations of state. Using a novel linear perturbation technique it has been demonstrated that the aforementioned stationary solutions are stable, at least upto an astrophysically relevant time scale. It has been demonstrated that the emergence of the horizon related gravity like phenomena (the analogue gravity effects) is a natural consequence of such stability analysis, and the corresponding acoustic geometry embedded within the transonic accretion can be constructed for the propagation of the linear acoustic perturbation of the mass accretion rate. The analytical expression for the associated sonic surface gravity κ has been obtained self consistently. The variations of κ with the black hole spin parameter for all different geometric configurations of matter and for various thermodynamic equations of state have been demonstrated.  相似文献   

We have studied shock in magnetized accretion flow/funnel flow in case of neutron star with bremsstrahlung cooling and cyclotron cooling. All accretion solutions terminate with a shock close to the neutron star surface, but at some regions of the parameter space, it also harbours a second shock away from the star surface. We have found that cyclotron cooling is necessary for correct accretion solutions which match the surface boundary conditions.  相似文献   

We discuss a special case of formation of axisymmetric shocks in the accretion flow of ideal gas on to a Schwarzschild black hole: when the total energy of the flow is negative. The result of our analysis enlarges the parameter space for which these steady shocks are exhibited in the accretion of gas rotating around relativistic stellar objects. Since Keplerian discs have negative total energy, we guess that, in this energy range, the production of the shock phenomenon might be easier than in the case of positive energy. So our outcome reinforces the view that sub-Keplerian flows of matter may significantly affect the physics of the high energy radiation emission from black hole candidates. We give a simple procedure to obtain analytically the position of the shocks. The comparison of the analytical results with the data of one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) axisymmetric numerical simulations confirms that the shocks form and are stable.  相似文献   

用标准的龙格-库塔法求解描述黑洞吸积流的基本方程组,没有引入任何附加的能量转移机制和外边界条件,结果表明在强粘滞情况下标准薄盘可以向径移主导吸积流转变。  相似文献   

The power of jets from black holes is expected to depend on both the spin of the black hole and the structure of the accretion disc in the region of the last stable orbit. We investigate these dependencies using two different physical models for the jet power: the classical Blandford–Znajek (BZ) model and a hybrid model developed by Meier. In the BZ case, the jets are powered by magnetic fields directly threading the spinning black hole while in the hybrid model, the jet energy is extracted from both the accretion disc as well as the black hole via magnetic fields anchored to the accretion flow inside and outside the hole's ergosphere. The hybrid model takes advantage of the strengths of both the Blandford–Payne and BZ mechanisms, while avoiding the more controversial features of the latter. We develop these models more fully to account for general relativistic effects and to focus on advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) for which the jet power is expected to be a significant fraction of the accreted rest mass energy.
We apply the models to elliptical galaxies, in order to see if these models can explain the observed correlation between the Bondi accretion rates and the total jet powers. For typical values of the disc viscosity parameter  α∼ 0.04 –0.3  and mass accretion rates consistent with ADAF model expectations, we find that the observed correlation requires   j ≳ 0.9  ; that is, it implies that the black holes are rapidly spinning. Our results suggest that the central black holes in the cores of clusters of galaxies must be rapidly rotating in order to drive jets powerful enough to heat the intracluster medium and quench cooling flows.  相似文献   

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