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Women, science and identity: interviews with female physical geographers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clare Madge  Anna Bee 《Area》1999,31(4):335-348
Summary Interviews with female physical geographers show that although the significance of gender in influencing a woman's position and identity in physical geography is contested, gender still remains an important social relation that structures the personal relations, institutional practices and material outcomes of academic physical geography.  相似文献   

港资北移与粤港经济一体化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域经济一体化已成为全球经济发展大趋势,一些经济一体化集团正逐步向政治协同化和军事一体化演进,将深刻地影响21世纪全球经济社会发展格局,在中国华南地区,港资北移推动了粤港经济垂直一体化,也造成了香港制造业空心化和粤港产业同构化,随着香港传统劳动密体型产业转移接近尾声,两地经济垂直一体化的动力正在消退,从资本流动视角,文章提出构建新的合作平台,通过两地联合设立发展基金,风险投资基金,为科技开发,传统产业技术改造和共同发展高新技术产业提供资金支持,共同推动粤港经济进入水平一体化的合作发展新阶段。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(7):756-778
Hong Kong is a city with very high densities and low per capita space standards, given its wealth. Most people live in very small apartments in high-rise buildings. Drawing on a survey of more than 2,000 interviewees, this study explores household mobility and changes in consumption of residential space in Hong Kong. Space standards have increased for most households, although increases are small in absolute terms. Distinct from much of the international experience, changes in space consumption of movers appear to be driven mostly by the fundamental limits of household living arrangements under the tight space standards of Hong Kong. Household circumstances and the life-cycle effect also play a role. However, the aggregate level of space consumption is influenced by economic, social, and ecological factors more than the immediate circumstances of individual households.  相似文献   

The soil properties of a vegetation chronosequence in Hong Kong involving a grassland, a 22-year mixed woodland, a 52-year forest and two graduation 150-year old climax ( feng shui ) forests were examined. The objectives were to test the three hypotheses: (1) there are no significant differences in soil chemical properties between different climax forests, (2) exotic species are inferior to native species in soil amelioration; and (3) organic carbon, nitrogen and cation nutrients tend to accumulate in the soils during successional development of the vegetation. The results show that the soils along the vegetation chronosequence are strongly acidic in reaction, contained moderate to high levels of organic carbon, high exchangeable acidity, and low levels of mineral nitrogen (NH⊂4⊂> and NO⊂3⊂), available phosphorus and cation nutrients. All the three hypotheses are rejected. While the feng shui forests differed markedly in soil properties, exotic species were superior to native species in augmenting soil organic carbon, mineral nitrogen and exchangeable Ca. There was no accumulation of organic carbon, nitrogen and cation nutrients with ecological succession, due to the influence of patchy fire, species composition, parent materials and distance from the sea.  相似文献   

I.IntroductionIthaslongbeenrecognizedthatroadacidentsaretheresultofthecombinedefectsofbehavioral,technologicalandenvironmenta...  相似文献   

Despite being subtropical, Hong Kong, in both Hollywood and Hong Kong films of the 1950s and 1960s, is often filmically represented as tropical. This subtle climatic elision, I argue, holds a particular political valence that varies according to filmic tradition. In Hollywood narratives, Hong Kong's tropicality is a means to exoticize and, ultimately, marginalize the realities of the local. It is a way to turn Hong Kong's physical presence into an absence. In Hong Kong films in that same cold war environment, the relative blandness of the city is an attempt to realign its film industry with the free nations of Southeast Asia. For Hong Kong films, the strategy of tropicalization was thus a means to turn away from China and redefine Hong Kong as part of a network of capitalist, modern, overseas Chinese cities located in the sunny tropics of Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Extreme temperature days for the period from 1947 to 1998 in Hong Kong were investigated. Significant decreasing trends of both warm and cold days were discovered. Warm days were more variable than cold days. It is found that extreme days were less persistent in the last decade. In winter, cold days were related to the intensified Siberian anticyclone bringing a cold, polar air mass and Northeast monsoon to south China, while zonal flow would create more frequent warm days. In summer, apart from the influence of tropical cyclones to the east or southeast of Hong Kong, the effect of strong and persistent southerly flow was another prominent factor producing extreme temperature days.  相似文献   

Geoparks have been established around the world with the major objective of protecting significant geoheritage features and reinforcing geoconservation ideas and support through educating visitors. Understanding visitors' perception of geoheritage can inform educational and conservation endeavors. This study used the visitor-employed photography (VEP) method to unravel visitor perception of geoheritage and associated natural and cultural features in the recently designated Hong Kong Global Geopark of China (HKGP). Participants were asked to take photographs of scenes with an effect on their experience in the HKGP and to elaborate in a logbook the chosen subject, reason of choice, and effect on their travel experience. Aimed at capturing real-time and organic experiences, it was found that geoheritage plays a major role in HKGP visits. Visitors develop strong emotional connections with nature through appreciating and learning about prominent features of both small and landscape scales. However, a mismatch was found between visitor belief or incorrect geological or geomorphological knowledge with inherently strong enthusiasm in deciphering the science behind geoheritage. The findings permit development of a new approach of geopark interpretation, commencing with aesthetic and emotional connections with geoheritage features. Modification of fixed on-site provisions and guiding services directed at visitor interests can better spread geoheritage knowledge and reinforce geoconservation ideas. Modeling after overseas practices, a park ranger system, audio guide devices and smart phone applications are essential to achieve meritorious geopark management, appreciation, and enjoyment.  相似文献   

考察香港经济发展的历史过程,文章将其房地产业的发展划分为起步、升温、繁荣与低迷4个阶段;分析了香港房地产业在经济中占据的地位、房地产的重点开发地区、主要开发类型等特点;探讨了影响房地产发展的经济因素、人口因素以及外部环境因素,并预测了房地产业未来的发展趋势:私人住宅和商业楼宇仍将是香港房地产业消费热点,环境优美的地区仍是投资热点地区,房产价格近期内难以上扬。  相似文献   

文彤  张玉林  梁祎 《热带地理》2020,40(5):775-785
面对全球化所带来的地方与无地方现象,现有研究更多地关注资本、权力所代表的强权阶级,忽视了普通大众弱势群体的作用。针对这一问题,文章采用质性研究方法围绕中外游客对香港地方饮食在线评论文本展开内容分析。研究发现:1)游客的体验评价显示,无论是饮食产品的推陈出新、就餐环境的多元装饰,还是餐厅服务的内容形式,香港饮食文化都表现出中西融合的全球化特征,在保留传统特质的基础上也吸纳了外部文化形成创新,甚至衍生为新的地方特色产品,两者的共存与转换不仅说明地方和无地方的互相包容与促进,还呈现出两者对于全球化的反作用,地方性从而在内外不断的互动过程中呈现出新的文化内涵。2)人的主体因素在全球化过程中扮演着重要角色,不同于强权阶级借助资本、权力等因素施加影响,以游客为代表的普通大众弱势群体通过消费选择对资本、权力产生主体凝视的力量作用,引发其对地方与无地方元素的营造,这是“全球意义的地方”得以形成的关键。  相似文献   

许志桦  刘开智 《地理学报》2019,74(2):253-265
全球化时代城市问题越来越多的以尺度问题的形式出现,尺度理论为分析城市发展背后的各种动力及其影响提供了新的视角。回归后,特区政府如何与位于不同尺度上的地域组织相互作用,进行尺度重组,是探究香港城市发展与管治的关键问题。本文考察广深港高速铁路香港段从项目构想、方案设计,到咨询及申请拨款的全过程,识别这个过程所涉及的不同尺度的作用者,分析他们的作用方式及作用结果。研究表明,回归后,特区政府主动向上尺度重组以拓展香港发展的腹地,政府间的制度性合作是其尺度重组的重要方式。同时,香港逐渐成长的市民社会是参与城市发展尺度重组的重要力量,地方行动者运用尺度政治从多个尺度建构话语和采取行动,对特区政府的方案进行抗议并引发整个社会的讨论。对香港的案例分析可加深对体制转型背景下地域组织尺度重组的认识,丰富尺度重组的理论内涵;也有助于国家客观地了解香港,为制定合理的政策提供科学依据。此外,内地市民社会逐步萌芽成长,案例中特区政府与香港市民社会互动的经验与教训可为内地政府提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the movement of entrepreneurs from Hong Kong within the context of whether Chinese culture predisposes them to become entrepreneurs: that the type of business relations and networks that the Chinese employ is in some way distinct from those of other groups because of Confucianism and unique ‘Asian values’. This interpretation is found severely wanting. Entrepreneurs are seen to be but one type of migrant from China and Hong Kong, and there are significant differences within Chinese migrant groups. We need to move away from vague cultural explanations to consider the context in which migrant groups find themselves before a satisfactory analytical framework for ethnic entrepreneurship can be constructed. The case of entrepreneurs moving to Canada is taken to illustrate recent policy changes and the impact of entrepreneurs on destination economies.  相似文献   

香港岛地区滑坡灾害的时空分布模式   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
李军  周成虎  许增旺 《山地学报》2001,19(3):248-252
香港岛是香港特别行政区开发程度最高的区域,人工滑坡及自然滑坡时常发生。滑坡灾害在时间和空间的分布受多种因素的影响并呈现出一定的规律性,本文利用GEO发布的近十多年的滑坡资料对香港岛地区滑坡灾害的时间、空间和时空分布模式进行了分析。  相似文献   

分析了赴香港上市内地企业的空间分布、时间格局、行业格局以及所有制结构特征,并采用计量模型对赴香港上市企业分布格局的影响因素进行探讨。研究表明:赴香港上市的内地企业数量呈现波动式增长,总部主要分布在东部沿海地区,京津冀、长三角以及珠三角地区集聚特征明显;香港成为内地金融和房地产类企业海外上市的主要目的地;赴港上市的国有企业比重不断下降,民营企业逐步成为香港上市企业的主体。回归模型结果显示:赴香港上市企业总部分布受到集聚经济、距离、制度等因素影响,城市的经济规模、金融业发展水平、交通便捷性、信息化与通讯能力越强,到香港距离越近,城市行政级别越高,赴港上市企业则越多;此外,距离因素对民企的影响更为显著,国企的空间分布则主要受制度因素的影响。  相似文献   

<正>Koon-kwai WONG(Ed·):Hong Kong,Macao and the Pearl River Delta:A Geographical Survey.Pp·386,Hong Kong(Hong Kong Educational Publishing Co.),E-mail:sales@hkep.com;2009.ISBN 978-988-200-475-7  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):162-184
Port competition at both the regional and global scales results in port concentration and deconcentration, respectively. Whereas a number of recent studies interpret such phenomena as the effects of global forces such as containerization, few researchers have investigated local forces, such as the evolving relationships between urban policy and port growth. This study compares how two global hub port cities in the Asia-Pacific region, Hong Kong and Singapore, have sustained their port functions while transforming into major economic centers. Entropy indexes are calculated by district based on service industries related to port activities between 1993 and 2004. The results show the influences of port competition, lack of space, and congestion on changes in port-related activities. We conclude that cross-border integration is a main differentiating factor in the evolution of these hub port cities.  相似文献   

本文在回顾总结了香港经济发展的社会经济模式和产业经济模式,并分析其形成的条件,在此基础上提出了大连要实现建设北方香港的战略目标以及为实现这一目标的战略决策。  相似文献   

The universal scale of apparent temperature (AT) and clo, a unit measuring the amount of clothing insulation required to maintain comfort, were used to examine the weather stress in Hong Kong. Hourly AT and clo values were computed using hourly air temperature, wind speed, vapour pressure and cloud cover data from 1980 to 1994. Results of both AT and clo reflected highly corresponding changes of thermal stress. It is found that the most stressful time in winter and summer occurred in the early morning and afternoon, and cool weather and tropical ensembles were required to surmount the extreme weather stress respectively. A greater percent of time with severe heat stress than those with extreme cold stress was discovered. These results also indicated that clo is a more informative weather stress index than AT since it provides both the thermal stress and clothing requirements to sustain comfort.  相似文献   

香港与深圳土地集约利用对比研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
秦鹏  陈健飞 《地理研究》2011,30(6):1129-1136
土地集约利用区域差异与对比研究的成果,对于改变土地经济运行方式、提高土地资源利用效率、减少土地粗放利用、实施土地节约集约利用政策有积极意义.本文以香港和深圳为例,采用遥感数据与统计数据,提取了两地土地利用信息和社会经济统计信息,建立土地集约利用定量分析数据库;依据土地集约利用的内涵,构建土地集约利用评价指标体系,对深圳...  相似文献   

The successful country parks programme in Hong Kong has attracted a heavy patronage and caused widespread degradation in recreational sites. Visitor impacts were studied in six camp sites representing three levels of use. Most changes in vegetation and soil, evaluated in absolute and relative terms, were statistically significant. Trampling resulted in loss of vegetation cover, and reduction in plant height and root biomass. Species composition shifted in response to increasing usage towards domination by a few trampling-resistant grasses (monocots) at the expense of sensitive woody dicots. The loss of vegetation and litter cover contributed to soil compaction, increases in bulk density, penetration resistance and bare soil cover, and decreases in void ratio and organic matter content. Structural damage led to reduction in water storage and infiltration rate. These effects have management implications with respect to the design and rehabilitation of sites to enhance durability and to relieve the excessive recreational burden.  相似文献   

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