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《Urban geography》2013,34(2):165-176
In Amsterdam, a large number of rental units were converted to condominiums during the 1970s. Local housing officials observed this process with alarm and tried (in vain) to put an end to conversion. Given the tight housing market, they feared that a decrease in the number of available rental units would impede a fair distribution of housing. They also assumed that proper maintenance of the dwellings would not take place. But their arguments were not based on a solid evaluation. Recent research results demonstrate that sub-markets exist within the condominium sector, and that in each of these the effects of conversion are different. While this study identifies problems at the lower end of the market, the conversion of more expensive units coincides with an improved matching of households and dwellings and with an upgrading of the housing stock.  相似文献   

近30年冀鲁豫农业村落民宅景观演化过程与机理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在冀鲁豫三省选择3个不同特征的村落作详细案例,结合对其他村落的实地踏查,采用照片对比、平面示意图分析、访谈、问卷调查和统计分析等研究方法,比较分析了近30年来该区域农业村落民宅景观的演化过程和机理。研究发现:30年来冀鲁豫农业村落的民宅景观经历了4个阶段的演化过程。民宅外观形态、样式、建筑材料与技术逐步现代化、去地方化,与泥土和自然的关系逐渐疏离。民宅内部格局的农业生产空间在经历了恢复和重组后逐渐弱化,生活空间的地位则持续提升,并逐步实现按代际、活动和性别的专门化和分隔化。家庭人口学特征是民宅演变代类差异产生的重要动力,家庭经济收入与民宅演变代类之间具有一定的相关性,人口流动对民宅演变代类差异的产生具有较明显作用。  相似文献   


Studies dealing with characteristics of housing and settlement have been based almost entirely on field observation or aerial photographs. However, this report uses information from the Department of Census and Statistics of Ceylon to plot the distribution of dwellings with specific construction material characteristics for Ceylon, thus indicating an aspect of rural housing characteristics and settlement. Use of dwelling construction materials such as mud, clay, stone, brick, cadjan, and thatch can be related to physical characteristics of the area involved, availability of building materials, and level of living and culture of the inhabitants. Cost of construction material must also be considered. If similar housing data, but more complete and of greater scope, were available from the census of every nation, much could be achieved rapidly in the geography of settlement.  相似文献   

王洋  岳晓丽  张虹鸥 《地理研究》2022,41(2):480-493
城市居民购房与租房的居住选择倾向及其机制存在差异,但当前对租房方面的研究仍显不足。鉴于此,本文构建城市租房户居住选择过程中“好房子、好位置、低租金”不可兼得的“不可能三角”理论框架及其基本理论模型,这为研究租房户居住选择倾向提供了一个新的视角。以广州都市区1328个社区为案例,得出广州都市区的租房户比例呈现核心区低,中心城区和近郊区较高的空间分异格局,并呈现显著的空间关联特征。构建广州都市区租房户居住选择倾向因素指标体系,该体系由租金水平、住房自身条件和区位条件三大类9个指标构成。通过空间误差模型分析表明,广州都市区租房户倾向于居住在低租金水平和房龄较新的社区,且被动选择租住在住房建筑面积较小、住房内部设施较差、日常生活便利性较差的社区中。该结论可丰富和完善中国特大城市居民租房选择理论,为特大城市租赁住房政策制定提供决策参考。  相似文献   

为揭示中国特大城市住房市场中,不同购房群体在住房价格空间特征上的差异,论文对购房人群的户籍归属地进行划分,以“本地—外来”的视角分别刻画了长沙本地与外来(长沙户籍与非长沙户籍)2类购房者房价格局的时空演进。采取动态空间滞后特征模型(STAR-Hedonic)分析了区位、景观、邻里等因素对2类购房者房价的影响。研究发现:(1)长沙外来购房者房价梯度下降更快,空间更平滑。(2)长沙房价空间一江两岸双中心的总体格局逐步成型。传统CBD五一广场对城市房价的重要性在下降,但是对本地人房价梯度和价格弹性程度维持较高水平,副中心梅溪湖新城对外来人群房价的影响因子的提升幅度更大。(3)外来购房者对住宅品质和邻近配套有更高的支付倾向。(4)楼市的繁荣期和调控期,周边交易价格对2类购房者的影响程度不同。论文从功能需求、主观因素、政策区别和经济动机4个方面探究了2类购房者房价空间分异的成因。在“房住不炒”背景下,关注不同人群房价空间演进和影响因素的变化趋势,有助于特大城市房地产市场“精准调控”的实施。  相似文献   

Stray, Kristen Fredrik: Små og mellomstore industribedrifter i Oslo indre by. Problemer, konflikter og tiltak i byfornyelsen. Geografisk Tidsskrift 83: 42–48, May 1., 1983.

In 1977 the City Council of Oslo passed an act of city renewal. 18 renewal districts in the inner part of Oslo were chosen. These areas with houses and housing facilities of low quality consist of a mixture of dwellings and economic activities of industry and trade. This paper deals with the problems and conflicts one meets when bringing through a renewal programme of housing and environmental improvements that cause restrictions to future economic activities or force firms to move out.  相似文献   

转型时期我国城镇居民主要通过市场竞争机制和科层分配体制来获取个人住房,获取稀缺的住房资源的途径和机会的差异在一定程度上反映了住房不平等和社会分化。处于体制转型时期的中国城镇,制度、市场和家庭因素等多重因素相互交织,共同影响中国城镇居民住房选择。以覆盖全国88 个城镇的《中国综合社会调查(CGSS)》(2005 年城镇部分) 调查资料为基础,本文分析了转型背景下中国城镇居民住房类型分化及其影响因素,研究发现:改革 开放30 多年以来,中国城镇的住房自有率大幅度提高,其主要原因从1998 年前的公房房改政策向1998 年后住房市场化政策转变。家庭生命周期、家庭收入、户籍、单位性质、职业等变 量显著影响住房选择,体现市场与制度对住房资源分配的双重影响。经济发达地区由于住房资源紧缺、住房价格高,居民住房承受能力差异较大,工作单位性质、户籍和家庭生命周期变量对住房选择的影响更显著。随着住房市场化进一步发展和住房制度改革的逐步深入,地方政府应逐步放宽社会住房的享受标准,尤其是户籍限制条件;开发商应更关注社会经济快 速转型背景下的家庭结构变化及其对居住偏好的影响。  相似文献   

转型期广州市生命历程与住房产权转换   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘望保  闫小培 《地理研究》2010,29(6):1117-1128
作为家庭生命历程中的重要事件,住房产权转换与家庭特征变化、个人与工作单位的关系以及区域住房市场环境变化紧密相关。采取事件史分析方法,将住房产权转换与个体生命历程中的重要事件关联起来,分析住房产权转换的影响因素。对住房产权转换的持续期的研究发现,处于租房状态下的住户改变产权状态的愿望较强,但产权一旦进入自有状态,居民改变产权的愿望就会降低;从住房产权的生存时间来看,最终向全部产权转变的生存时间最长,其次是向资助产权的转变,最短的是向租房产权转变;通过建立COX’s比例风险模型分析发现,家庭生命周期变化和组织变量对住房产权转换的影响都非常显著,说明在中国特殊背景下,住房产权的转换不仅与家庭基本特征变化密切有关,还与个人单位的基本特征密切相关,这正是转型时期计划体制和市场分配体制双重力量相互作用的结果。  相似文献   

北京经济适用房布局特征及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20 世纪90 年代,中国开始实施经济适用住房政策。然而,在政策的实施过程中,由于不合理的布局,经济适用住房并没有切实解决中低收入家庭的住房问题。学者们通过研究发现,大多数经济适用住房被安排在城市边缘地区,缺乏配套公共设施。目前,相关研究较多关注经济适用住房的空间布局及其引发的社会问题,少有学者关注影响经济适用住房布局的因素。因此,本文试图从地方政府的视角解答影响经济适用住房布局的因素。研究提出假设,地方政府受到土地财政收入的驱动,将经济适用住房项目布置在对土地收益损失最小的地方,同时兼顾政策实施过程中的拆迁压力、住房市场结构以及公共交通便利性等。在假设基础上,对北京经济适用住房空间布局的时空特征进行分析,并构建经济适用住房布局的影响因素模型。结果发现:1999-2009 年间北京经济适用住房建设速度放慢,同时呈现向五环以外扩散及向某些点集聚的趋势;模型结果证实土地价格是政府在落实经济适用住房项目时考虑的重要因素。  相似文献   

中国城乡居民幸福感的差异及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年上海世界博览会提出“城市让生活更美好”。然而,当前对城乡居民幸福感的实证研究得出了不同的结论。本研究认为,城市并不必然会带来更美好的生活,而是更好的城市让生活更幸福。为此,本研究运用多层次线性回归模型,基于2014年中国劳动力动态调查(CLDS)数据对中国城乡居民的幸福感及其影响因素进行了分析。结果显示,中国城市居民的幸福感整体上高于乡村居民,这种差异主要源于城乡居民的生活水平、生活环境和生活节奏等方面的差异。因此,要实现“城市让生活更美好”的目标,需要在城市化的过程中不断提升城乡居民的获得感、推动城市住房政策改革、进一步加快城乡公共服务一体化进程、实现以家庭为单位的新型市民化模式以及推行更为健全的劳动政策。  相似文献   

In comparison to other advanced economies, the rise of people living alone in Japan has been late and rapid, with singletons now accounting for almost half of all households in major cities. The normative and structural frameworks surrounding standard family-household formation, however, remain formidable, reducing life-course opportunities for non-family formers. This paper considers the household and housing pathways being negotiated by younger-adults living independently. In addition to various secondary data sources, we draw on qualitative interviews with 35 individuals from 28 Tokyo households in addressing manifestations of, and resistance to, atomisation and individualisation in the Japanese context. Our analysis focuses on meanings and practices of homemaking among renters and buyers in the growing sector of single-person dwellings, as well as the recent emergence of commercial shared housing . This analysis provides a contrast to discourses surrounding the “singles boom” and “the growing appeal of living alone” in Western cities.  相似文献   

转型期广州市居住迁移影响因素于户籍之间的比较   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
刘望保  闫小培 《地理研究》2007,26(5):1055-1066
住房制度改革以来,中国城市居住迁移率大规模增加,成为城市重构和社会空间分异的基础动力。利用生命历程理论,通过家庭问卷调查,本文使用事件史模型动态地模拟了居住迁移,并比较外来人口与本地人口居住迁移影响因素的差异。整体来看,1980年以来年均居住迁移率呈上升趋势,外来人口的年均居住迁移率要比本地人口高。住房性质、婚姻变化、工作变动、居住区位和年份等变量都显著影响居住迁移,反映了住房制度改革、住房市场和分配环境、家庭生命周期等因素对居住迁移的影响;但影响程度户籍间的差异明显,工作地区位的变动导致通勤成本的变化是外来人口居住迁移的最显著影响因子,而家庭生命周期和住房特征变量是本地人口居住迁移的最显著影响变量,反映了两者之间的本质差别。居住区位对本地人口的居住迁移影响显著,内圈层居民的迁移率相对较低,而居住区位变量对外来人口的影响相对较弱。  相似文献   

国内外生命历程与居住选择研究回顾和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1970年代后生命历程分析成为贯穿居住选择微观研究的核心方法。住房权属选择和居住流动是西方居住选择微观研究的主要内容。西方研究大多为应用生命历程观念将住房权属转换和居住流动决策与家庭生命历程和住房市场中的重要诱因联系起来,发现家庭特征、家庭生命周期变化和住房市场环境等都是居住选择的重要影响因素。对比西方的研究,中国城市居住选择微观研究非常缺乏,一些研究发现除了家庭特征和住房市场特征外,政府和工作单位的影响非常大。  相似文献   

Over the last thirty years, nonmetropolitan regions across the United States have experienced volatile population shifts ranging from rapid growth to persistent decline. Several authors have suggested that the age structure of the population may contribute to these population trends. In the 1970s, the older baby boomers were entering labor and housing markets, while the younger boomers were enrolling in nonmetropolitan colleges and universities. By the 1980s, this large cohort was aging into a different stage in the life course. This article examines metropolitan and nonmetropolitan population shifts during the 1970s and 1980s within an age‐cohort framework. Using Public Use Microsample data from 1980 and 1990, the analysis explores relationships between housing market, labor market, place characteristics, and the migration flows of different age cohorts. The analysis focuses on cohort‐specific in‐migration to two regions: New England and the Four Corners states of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. The results are consistent with a life‐course understanding of migration behavior, especially during the late 1970s, with older cohort shifts directed towards nonmetropolitan destinations and younger cohort shifts more influenced by labor and housing‐market variables. The results further demonstrate a large potential for future nonmetropolitan population growth, yet these growth experiences are likely to be regionally differentiated. These results have important policy implications for nonmetropolitan regions.  相似文献   

住房制度改革背景下广州市居民居住偏好研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
住房制度改革以前,国家控制着住房的供应,人们没有选择住房的自由。改革后,家庭越来越依靠市场来满足其住房需求,个人购买商品房的比例得以提高。择居自由度的增加意味着住房消费个体差异的扩大,居民住房偏好成为住房市场健康发展的重要影响因素,分析住房市场化下居民住房偏好及其影响因素有重要意义。采取表述性偏好正交实验设计和联合统计分析方法,对处在改革前沿的广州市居民住房偏好及其影响因素进行分析。结果表明:在居民住房选择中,居住区位和小区特征比住房本身更重要;居住小区特征中,居民最关注住房所在区域,老城区越秀和东山和城市新中心天河区成为居民偏爱之地,但不同收入家庭区域偏好有所差异,高收入阶层明显偏好于新中心区天河区,而低收入阶层却更热衷于老城区;住房价格和居室朝向是重要影响因素,居民明显表现出对低价格住房和南向居室的偏好;除此之外,相对较重要的因素还有小区治安、交通和生活便利程度;而房屋类型、房屋布局和物业管理重要性相对较小,但高收入阶层明显比低收入阶层看重物业管理。  相似文献   

Over the past 10 years Sydney has experienced a remarkable wave of economic prosperity and growth, partly due to its developing role as a regionally significant global city. Through this period, maintaining the quality of life in the city has been regarded as particularly important. Yet traditional accounts of the global city have stressed quality-of-life features of the inner city. In this paper I examine the implications of the prosperity of global Sydney for the quality of life of western Sydney, paying particular attention to environmental amenity and the affordability of housing. The paper argues, first, that growth in the Sydney region has depended upon continued growth in western Sydney. It highlights key instances in which residents have resisted developments associated with this growth and regarded as major threats to the environmental amenity of the region. Second, the paper argues that the prosperity of Sydney, combined with changes to government policy, have impacted upon the supply of affordable rental housing in western Sydney. This is particularly significant in the case of public housing. Managing growth in the city will require attention to managing quality-of-life issues in the metropolis as a whole.  相似文献   

北京居民生活满意度的多层级定序因变量模型分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
传统经济学视角出发的个体生活满意度研究往往忽略了数据的嵌套性,多层级模型更适用于地理学中分析不同层级地理单元特征对个体生活满意度的影响。采用多层级定序因变量模型,以北京为例,研究居民生活满意度在城市内部街道和居住小区尺度内的异质性,并研究了高层级地理空间单元的属性特征对居民生活满意度的影响。结果表明,生活满意度在居住小区层级的异质性远高于街道层级,个体自身的社会经济属性对个体的生活满意度有显著影响,总的来说,高收入、老年人、北京户口居民的生活满意度更高。除个体属性特征以外,居住小区的类型是影响生活满意度的重要因素,商品房小区居民的满意度显著高于保障房和单位房小区居民。  相似文献   

Rural hollowing is a recent geographic phenomenon that has received significant attention in China, which is experiencing rapid urbanization. It has led to the wasteful use of rural land resources, and imposed obstacles on the optimization of land use and coordinated urban-rural development. Rural hollowing has various forms of manifestation, which refers to the neglect and vacancy of rural dwellings, both of which can lead to damage and ultimate abandonment of rural dwellings. Damaged dwellings have different degrees of destruction, ranging from slight, moderate to severe. The evolutive process of rural hollowing in general has five stages, i.e., emergence, growth, flourishing, stability, and decline. Based on the combination of both regional economic development level and its physiographic features, the types of rural hollowing can be categorised as urban fringe, plain agricultural region, hilly agricultural region, and agro-pastoral region. Especially, the plain agricultural region is the most typical one in rural hollowing, which shows the spatial evolution of rural hollowing as a “poached egg” pattern with a layered hollow core and solid shape. Furthermore, the driving forces behind rural hollowing are identified as the pull of cities and push of rural areas. In particular, this paper identifies contributors to rural hollowing that include rural depopulation in relation to rapid urbanisation and economic change, land ownership and land use policy, and institutional barriers.  相似文献   

尹上岗  马志飞  李在军 《地理研究》2021,40(6):1701-1715
中国住宅租赁市场与住宅买卖市场的不对称发展,使住宅租金与住宅价格过度偏离,不利于住宅市场的健康发展,从住宅售租比视角切入住宅研究对解决“住有所居”问题具有重要意义。以长三角三省一市县级单元为研究区域,利用LISA时间路径和时空跃迁等方法,分析2008—2018年长三角住宅售租比的时空格局及演化特征,运用地理探测器模型探究住宅价格与住宅租金的驱动因素,进而提炼售租比演变的影响规律及效应。研究发现:① 长三角住宅售租比呈快速上涨态势,售租比及其涨幅总体呈现出由东至西、由南至北递减的空间格局。② 长三角售租比空间结构具有较强的稳定性、依赖性和整合性,其中稳定性由东至西呈减弱态势,路径依赖和锁定特征逐渐强化。③ 经济、社会、人口和预期因素对住宅价格和住宅租金的影响依次降低,各特征变量对住宅价格和住宅租金相对影响程度基本一致。④ 经济增长的稳定性使住宅售租比空间格局具有较强的固化效应,人口流动作用下产生传导效应,社会因素的影响具有保障作用,预期因素作用下使住宅市场具有较多的投机性。  相似文献   

边艳  周春山  胡锦灿 《热带地理》2020,40(5):832-842
以2014年广州市中产阶层聚居区24个街道、50个社区进行的问卷调查和深度访谈资料为数据源,从住房需求意愿与区位选择方面分析了广州中产阶层住房选择,并运用多元Logistic回归分析法对其影响因素进行研究。研究发现:1)广州市中产阶层住房区位选择表现出明显的“向中心城区”性;2)现居住现状(人均住房面积、现小区区位、现小区建成年代、现居住时间)、家庭生命周期(年龄、家庭规模、子女数量)和经济水平(家庭年总收入、个人年总收入、私家车拥有量)等因素对中产阶层住房需求意愿具有显著影响;3)家庭生命周期(年龄、家庭规模)、个体因素(教育程度、户籍地)等要素对中产阶层住房区位选择具有显著影响。4)制度因素、区位因素和个体因素共同影响着广州市中产阶层住房区位选择。  相似文献   

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