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Although rainfall is assumed spatially uniform in conventional hydrological modelling for rainfall–runoff simulations, moving storms have been shown to have substantial influence on flow hydrographs. In this study, criteria for attainment of the equilibrium discharge from watersheds subjected to moving storms were examined. Non-linear numerical kinematic-wave models were developed to simulate runoff from an overland plane and from a V-shaped catchment. Dimensional analysis was applied to obtain the independent variables to be used as control factors in performing a series of numerical tests. The results indicate that, for storms moving downstream, runoff can attain equilibrium discharge even though the storm length is shorter than the watershed length and the rainfall duration is less than the time to equilibrium of the watershed for stationary uniform storms. The phenomenon of attainment of equilibrium discharge from watersheds subjected to moving storms is contradictory to conventional hydrologic design, which assumes the storm duration must equal the time to equilibrium to attain the maximum discharge. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于地球动力学的构造-热演化方法是沉积盆地热史研究的重要方法之一.本文以江汉盆地宜随大剖面为例,采用平衡剖面方法对叠合盆地复杂、漫长的演化历史进行构造恢复,采用多期有限拉张-挤压应变速率法进行古热流反演,最后得到盆地的古地温场.由此,建立了构造恢复—盆地基底热流反演—岩石圈尺度温度结构—沉积盆地尺度温度结构的多期伸展、挤压模型的热模拟方法流程,实现了岩石圈尺度的热模拟与盆地尺度的热模拟相结合.  相似文献   

地震断层作用下埋地管线的反应分析   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
本文在王汝梁分析方法的基础上,提出一种物理概念明确、简单实用而又保证其精确度的计算方法。在该方法中作某些简化便可退化到Newmark-Hall或Kennedy方法上。本文还找到一个无量纲的物理量,它与管子与断层的夹角、断层的错距、管子的直径、壁厚和管土间的摩擦系数有关,其物理意义为管截面内轴向应变与弯曲应变的比值,当它在个范围内变化时,管中应变以弯曲应变为主,当它在另一个范围内变化时,管中应变轴向应变为主。  相似文献   

对地磁九倍法的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
地磁九倍法是没有道理的,在地磁地震可能前兆的探讨过程中,应加强科学性。地磁场的变化绝不都是地震所引起的。  相似文献   

In order to study the overall deformation of geotechnical model conveniently, the worksite of landslide bridge foundation reinforced by the front and rear row anti-slide piles in Chenglan railway was taken as an example. On the basis of shaking tabe test of a 1/40 reduced scale model, the landslide deformation caused by vibration waves was monitored through burying self-made phosphor bronze strips in soil. Combined with the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the bending strain points on the phosphor bronze strips, the digital matrix was converted by applying Renka Cline random matrix generation method, and the two-dimensional contour plots were drawn based on it. The results showed that the two-dimensional contour plots reflected the basic law of landslide deformation reasonably, and it revealed the evolution process of landslide deformation and failure. The research conclusions were consistent with the test phenomenon, which met the basic requirements of overall deformation analysis of landslide model. This proposed method can monitor multiple cross sections and was practical for model test.  相似文献   

磁暴期间热层大气密度变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于CHAMP卫星资料,分析了2002—2008年267个磁暴期间400 km高度大气密度变化对季节、地方时与区域的依赖以及时延的统计学特征,得到暴时大气密度变化的一些新特点,主要结论如下: 1)两半球大气密度绝对变化(δρa)结果在不同强度磁暴、不同地方时不同.受较强的焦耳加热和背景中性风共同作用,在北半球夏季,中等磁暴过程中夜侧和大磁暴中,夏半球的δρa强于冬半球;由于夏季半球盛行风环流造成的扰动传播速度快,北半球夏季日侧30°附近大气,北(夏)半球到达峰值的时间早于南(冬)半球.而可能受半球不对称背景磁场强度所导致的热层能量输送率影响,北半球夏季强磁暴和中磁暴个例的日侧,南半球δρa强于北半球;春秋季个例中日侧30°附近大气,北半球先于南半球1~2 h达到峰值. 2)受叠加在背景环流上的暴时经向环流影响,春秋季暴时赤道大气密度达到峰值的时间最短,日/夜侧大气分别在Dstmin后1 h和2 h达到峰值.至点附近夜侧赤道大气达到峰值时间一致,为Dstmin后3 h;不同季节日侧结果不同,在北半球冬季时赤道地区经过更长的时间达到峰值. 3)日侧赤道峰值时间距离高纬度峰值时间不受季节影响,为3 h左右.在春秋季和北半球冬季夜侧,赤道大气密度先于高纬度达到峰值,且不同纬度大气密度的峰值几乎无差别,表明此时低纬度存在其他加热源起着重要作用.  相似文献   

Summary At least in case of semidiurnal tides, theirmotions contain most of their relative angular momentum. There are other periodic currents in the ocean with cycles of months to years which may influence the Earth's rotation within such time scales. These currents are mainly due to seasonal or climatic variations of the wind stress and the water mass distribution in the oceans. The main question is: how much of the oceanic angular momentum is temporarily stored within the oceans and what is the time scale of the transfer to the solid Earth. As an example, we have estimated the phase and the amplitude of the angular momentum which is stored in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Its phase resembles the one of the whole observed semiannual discrepancy in the angular momentum budget of the solid Earth plus the atmosphere; the amplitudes are comparable.
Der Antarktische Ringstrom und sein Einfluß auf die Erdrotation
Zusammenfassung Zumindest im Fall der halbtägigen Gezeiten der Ozeane enthalten derenBewegungen den größten Teil ihres variablen Drehimpulses. Andere periodische Meeresströmungen mit Perioden von Monaten bis Jahren könnten die Erdrotation ebenfalls beeinflussen. Solche Strömungen werden vor allem durch jahreszeitliche oder klimatische Veränderungen der Schubspannung des Windes und der Wasserstände verursacht. Die Hauptfrage ist jedenfalls diese: Wieviel Drehimpuls ist in jeder Phase in den Ozeanen gespeichert, und in welcher Zeit wird er mit der festen Erde ausgetauscht. Als Beispiel haben wir Phase und Amplitude des Drehimpulses abgeschätzt, der im Antarktischen Ringstrom enthalten ist. Diese Werte wurden mit den entsprechenden der Diskrepanz verglichen, die in der Bilanz feste Erde plus Atmosphäre offen bleibt. Die Phasen stimmen gut überein, und die Amplituden sind vergleichbar.

Le courant circumpolaire antarctique et son influence sur la rotation de la terre
Résumé Au moins dans le cas des marées semi-diurnes lesmouvements des océans «contiennent» la plus grande partie de la variabilité de la quantité de moment angulaire de la terre. D'autres courants océaniques périodiques dont la période varie du mois à l'année peuvent aussi avoir une influence sur la rotation de la terre. De tels courants sont avant tout provoqués par des variations saisonnières ou climatiques de la tension superficielle due aux vents et des niveaux d'eau dans les océans. La question principale est en tout cas la suivante: quelle est à chaque phase la quantité de moment angulaire stockée dans les océans et en combien de temps est-elle échangée avec la masse solide de la terre. A titre d'exemple, nous avons évalué la phase et l'amplitude de la quantité de moment angulaire stockée dans le courant circumpolaire antarctique. Ces valeurs furent comparées aux valeurs correspondantes de l'anomalie qui subsiste dans le bilan terre solide plus atmosphère. Les phases sont concordantes et les amplitudes sont comparables.

可控震源定向照明方法的仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
当野外噪声很强,即使使用组合震源地震也无法获得满意信噪比的地震数据时,本文提出了一种基于可控震源阵列的定向照明控制方法,采用该方法可形成定向地震波.通过仿真研究合成了8激震器可控震源阵列分别采用简单组合及定向照明技术得到的单炮地震记录,可以看出采用合适的延时参数,定向照明单炮地震记录的反射波信噪比高于组合地震情况.定量的计算结果表明,实验条件下采用0.89 ms延时参数,各反射波信噪比分别提高了10.19 dB,3.23 dB和1.02 dB.由此可见,可控震源定向照明地震技术是一种提高原始地震资料信噪比的有效方法.  相似文献   

对电离层暴进行有效预报具有很重要的实际应用价值,但目前这一工作还存在着许多方面有待改进.本文假设电离层扰动的季节性规律占主导地位,借鉴Kutiev and Muhtarov构建修正Kp指数表示地磁活动的方法,建立了一个适用于中纬地区Yakutsk单台站电离层暴预报的线性经验模型.检验表明,该模型对Yakutsk站夏季和春秋季电离层扰动的预测效果明显优于IRI中的STORM模型,模型改善度平均可达35%左右;能很好地反映磁暴连续发生的情况下δfoF2分阶段下降的形态;能反映出一定的电离层正相扰动及其持续时间,但是正扰动的预报精度有待进一步提高.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地是我国最大的内陆盆地,作为稳定地块,被周围许多深大断裂所围限.王琪等(2000)基于天山及塔里木地区多年的GPS观测结果,认为塔里木盆地整体上作为刚性块体,相对于稳定的西伯利亚地块作顺时针旋转,其内部变形较小或基本不变形.赵俊猛等(2008)应用人工地震和天然地震等综合地球物理探测方法,获得青藏高原壳幔组成、...  相似文献   

Summary The object of the paper is to investigate the effect of gravity on steady-state response to moving loads on the free-plane boundary of a semi-infinite isotropic elastic solid medium. The classical equations of motion for the propagation of elastic waves in a solid medium have been modified by Biot's theory of initial stress by supposing the force of gravity to create a type of initial stress of hydrostatic nature.  相似文献   

Permafrost and fire are important regulators of hydrochemistry and landscape structure in the discontinuous permafrost region of interior Alaska. We examined the influence of permafrost and a prescribed burn on concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and other solutes ( , Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, Na+) in streams of an experimentally burned watershed and two reference watersheds with varying extents of permafrost in the Caribou–Poker Creeks Research Watershed in interior Alaska. The low‐permafrost watershed has limited permafrost (3%), the high‐permafrost watershed has extensive permafrost (53%), and the burn watershed has intermediate permafrost coverage (18%). A three end‐member mixing model revealed fundamental hydrologic and chemical differences between watersheds due to the presence of permafrost. Stormflow in the low‐permafrost watershed was dominated by precipitation and overland flow, whereas the high‐permafrost watershed was dominated by flow through the active layer. In all watersheds, organic and groundwater flow paths controlled stream chemistry: DOC and DON increased with discharge (organic source) and base cations and (from weathering processes) decreased. Thawing of the active layer increased soil water storage in the high‐permafrost watershed from July to September, and attenuated the hydrologic response and solute flux to the stream. The FROSTFIRE prescribed burn, initiated on 8 July 1999, elevated nitrate concentrations for a short period after the first post‐fire storm on 25 July, but there was no increase after a second storm in September. During the July storm, nitrate export lagged behind the storm discharge peak, indicating a flushing of soluble nitrate that likely originated from burned soils. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The 3D structure of the Mygdonian sedimentary basin (N. Greece) is investigated. The aim of this study is to propose a 3D model of this sedimentary structure that can later be used to model the seismic records currently being obtained by the permanent accelerograph network operating in the area. This model builds on previous efforts and incorporates new data. The geometry and dynamic properties of the soil layers were inverted using data from microtremor array measurements, seismic refraction profiles, boreholes, and geotechnical investigations. Phase-velocity dispersion curves of Rayleigh waves were determined at 27 sites in the basin using the spatial autocorrelation method (SPAC) introduced by Aki [1]. S-wave velocity profiles were inverted from these dispersion curves and the whole valley structure was interpolated using our new results and all previously available data. The proposed 3D model describes the geometry and shear-wave velocities of the Mygdonian and pre-Mygdonian sedimentary systems, and the top bedrock surface. Our results indicate that this 3D model correctly reflects the geometry and dynamic properties of the sedimentary layers. The case of Euroseistest, where the subsoil structure is the result of bringing together many disparate data, could be used as an example for similar alluvial basins throughout the world, where usually only scarce data is available.  相似文献   

莺东斜坡带速度分析方法研究及速度影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
莺歌海盆地是一个有勘探潜力的盆地,尤其是莺东斜坡带附近有良好勘探前景.但是由于研究区位于莺东斜坡带附近,因此构造解释具有相当的难度,尤其是由时间解释转化为构造解释有难度,需要有一个准确的速度来进行时深转换.基于此原因,本文首先介绍了速度谱拾取过程中的一些难点及解决方法;其后是速度分析取得的成果,通过DepthTeam形成速度体,从点、面、体三个不同角度证明了速度谱拾取过程中速度的准确性以及速度体的实用性;最后对单井和地层的速度进行了统计分析,总结了本区影响速度变化的主要因素.  相似文献   


A general linearized wave equation for a stratified rotating fluid is derived and applied to obtain a dispersion relation for waves of short latitudinal extent in a thin shell of fluid. Long period wave solutions in three ocean models are compared: (1) for a stratified ocean with both components of the rotation vector; (2) for a stratified ocean without the horizontal component of rotation, and finally, (3) for a homogeneous ocean without horizontal rotation. The inclusion of the horizontal component of the Earth's rotation is found to have no noticeable effect on the dispersion relation of long period waves; its only influence is the introduction of a vertical phase shift in the motions. The origin of this phase shift is found in the tendency of the motions to satisfy the Taylor-Proudman theorem. The phase shift is of possible oceanographic relevance only for bottom-trapped buoyancy waves in a relatively weak stratification. The differences between the three ocean models are also discussed with the help of graphs of the numerically integrated dispersion relations. The relative influences of shell thinness and stratification in inhibiting the influence of the horizontal component of the earth's rotation are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

提出了两个假设:在第1自振频率计算中,体外筋预拉力增量产生的弯矩图等效为梁第1振型的比例图,忽略了体外筋对其他自振频率的效应。这两个假设改进了文献[5]中的体外筋预拉力增量与梁跨中位移成正比的假设。建立了体外预应力梁的动力平衡方程,解得梁的振型和自振频率。与文献[5]中的分析方法相比,由于假设更为合理,计算结果也更准确,与数值解吻合良好。计算结果表明:文献[5]方法低估了体外筋对第1自振频率的效应;随着体外筋面积和偏心距的增加,梁的自振频率也随之增加。  相似文献   




Anexplicitfiniteelement-finitedifference methodforanalyzingtheeffectofvisco-elastic local topography on the earthquake motion...  相似文献   

提出用样条有限点法计算拱的横向振动和纵向振动的最小频率。用3次B样条函数的线性组合模拟拱自振时的位移振型函数,根据Hamilton原理推导出了拱结构自由振动频率方程。通过实例验证了样条有限点法计算效率高、精度高、计算格式简单,较有限元法具有很大优越性。计算分析了轴向变形对横向振动最小频率的影响,提出了临界矢跨比的概念。考虑轴向变形时不仅频率系数的大小发生了变化,同时它的变化规律也与原来不同。当结构的矢跨比小于临界矢跨比时,横向振动最小频率较不计轴向变形时减小,随着矢跨比的增大逐渐增大;当结构的矢跨比大于临界矢跨比时,横向振动最小频率较不计轴向变形时增大,随着矢跨比的增大逐渐减小。由此给出了目前广泛使用的横向振动最小频率曲线的适用范围,同时建立了纵向振动频率计算用曲线。  相似文献   

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