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Two platform-type carbonate successions of Berriasian to early Valanginian age are exposed in the eastern Circum-Rhodope belt which extends from the Chalkidiki Peninsula to the Thrace region in northern Greece. On the basis of new sedimentological and biostratigraphic results and analysis of published palaeomagnetic data, the Porto Koufos Limestones and Aliki Limestones are interpreted as deposits of a formerly unknown earliest Cretaceous carbonate platform in the Western Tethys realm. This Circum-Rhodope carbonate platform existed in tropical latitudes of the intra-Tethyan domain on the northern shelf area of the small Vardar oceanic basin. It was characterized by limited regional extent, remoteness from land, and short lateral transitions into deeper basin areas. Predominantly skeletal sediments with various microencrusters were produced along with variable amounts of lime mud, marine cements, peloids, intraclasts, aggregate grains, ooids and microbialites. The microfacies analysis of limestones formed around the Berriasian–Valanginian boundary indicates the configuration of a rimmed shelf with restricted lagoon, open lagoon, reef margin, fore-reef and upper slope depositional environments. During the early Valanginian a change from photozoan to heterozoan mode of carbonate production occurred mainly as a result of climate cooling. Deposition continued in protected lagoon, shoal and near-shoal settings implying a ramp-like morphology of the platform. Finally, a shift from skeletal to non-skeletal carbonate deposition took place as a consequence of high seawater carbonate saturation and possibly coeval increase of the marine trophic levels. A major sea level fall and climate cooling were the prime palaeoenvironmental controls that caused decline of the shallow-water carbonate factory and subsequent demise of the Circum-Rhodope carbonate platform in mid-Valanginian time that was followed by a long-term subaerial exposure and karstification which continued at least until the middle Eocene. The new results can be used for correlation with other shallow marine carbonates deposited in the intra-Tethyan domain during the earliest Cretaceous. Also, they appear to be of critical significance to decipher the Mesozoic geodynamic evolution of the Circum-Rhodope belt and adjacent tectonic zones.  相似文献   

The Pelagonian Zone of Greece is the westernmost segment of the Internal Hellenides comprising widespread crystalline basement exposures of granites and orthogneisses. We dated these basement rocks in order to identify the major crust-forming episodes and to understand the evolutionary history of the area. In our study we investigated granites, gneisses, meta-rhyolites and mylonites from the major occurrences of the Pelagonian Zone. We applied single-zircon dating techniques such as Pb–Pb evaporation, conventional U–Pb and SHRIMP. The majority of the basement rocks gave Permo-Carboniferous intrusion ages, thus emphasizing the importance of this crust-forming event for the Internal Hellenides of Greece. Triassic intrusion ages were obtained, however, for a meta-rhyolite from the western Pelagonian Zone and two mylonites from the eastern Pelagonian Zone. These ages are interpreted to reflect magmatism accompanying early rifting that led to the subsequent opening of the Pindos Ocean to the west and the Meliata Ocean to the east of the Pelagonian Zone. The geochronological results demonstrate that the magmatic episodes during which most of the Pelagonian Zone crystalline basement formed are predominantly pre-Alpine in age.  相似文献   

Gabbro and eclogite boudins are preserved within the amphibolites of the composite para- and ortho-gneiss Variscan basement of the Savona Crystalline Massif (Ligurian Briançonnais, Italy). Whole rock trace element patterns, low initial εNd (+5.4 to +8.8) data and trace element analyses on relict igneous clinopyroxene revealed that the mafic rocks were derived from depleted mantle melts, which most likely underwent crustal contamination during emplacement. Gabbros have a cumulus origin controlled by clinopyroxene and plagioclase segregation, whereas the eclogites represent evolved melts. U-Pb and trace element micro-analyses on zircons separated from one amphibolitised gabbro and one eclogite help to constrain coeval ages at ~468 Ma for their igneous protoliths. The occurrence of a few inherited zircons confirms the involvement of a crustal component in the petrogenesis of the mafic rocks. In the eclogite, concordant zircon ages younger than the protolith age testify to metamorphic re-crystallisation (or new growth) from about 420 to 305 Ma. Zircon textures and trace element compositions indicate that eclogite facies metamorphism occurred 392–376 Ma ago. The younger zircon portions yielding a mean Concordia age of 333 ± 7 Ma are related to equilibration or new growth during the post-eclogite, amphibolite-facies equilibration.  相似文献   

Southern Madagascar is the core of a > 1 million km2 Gondwanan metasedimentary belt that forms much of the southern East African Orogen of eastern Africa, Madagascar, southern India and Sri Lanka. Here the Vohibory Series yielded U–Pb isotopic data from detrital zircon cores that indicate that it was deposited in the latest Tonian to late Cryogenian (between ~ 900 and 640 Ma). The deposition of the Graphite and Androyen Series protoliths is poorly constrained to between the late Palaeoproterozoic and the Cambrian (~ 1830–530 Ma). The Vohibory Series protoliths were sourced from very restricted-aged sources with a maximum age range between 910 and 760 Ma. The Androyen and Graphite Series protoliths were sourced from Palaeoproterozoic rocks ranging in age between 2300 and 1800 Ma. The best evidence of the timing of metamorphism in the Vohibory Series is a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 642 ± 8 Ma from 3 analyses of zircon from sample M03-01. A considerably younger 206Pb/238U metamorphic age of 531 ± 7 Ma is produced from 10 analyses of zircon from sample M03-28 in the Androyen Series. This ~ 110 Ma difference in age is correlated with the early East African Orogeny affecting the west of Madagascar along with its type area in East Africa, whereas the Cambrian Malagasy Orogeny affected the east of Madagascar and southern India during the final suturing of the Mozambique Ocean.  相似文献   

Abstract The Paikon Series is considered to be a volcanic arc sequence with a mainly neritic sedimentary sequence and bimodal tholeiitic volcanism of early Mesozoic age. The metamorphic assemblages are syn- to post-kinematic with respect to a pre-Tithonian tectonic phase and range from the lawsonite-chlorite-albite facies through transitional Na-amphibole-greenschist facies to the chlorite sub-zone of the greenschist facies. The metamorphic imprint of the Paikon Series corresponds to a temperature range from less than 330° C to ± 450° C under a total pressure from 3 kbar to 6–7 kbar. The overprinting of these facies on an earlier blueschist assemblage, related either to a subduction zone or to a tectonic overpressure caused by thrusting, is suspected.  相似文献   

王洛娟  郭敬辉  彭澎  刘富 《岩石学报》2011,27(12):3689-3700
大同孤山石榴石基性麻粒岩出露在华北克拉通孔兹岩带与中部带的构造接触部位,以大小不等的透镜体形式产于孔兹岩带内的夕线石榴片麻岩和紫苏二长片麻岩中.根据岩相学观察、矿物化学研究、P-T视剖面图和传统温压计计算结果,揭示孤山石榴石基性麻粒岩经历了4个阶段的变质演化:早期进变质阶段(M1)的主要矿物组合为石榴石核心及其内部包体矿物单斜辉石+角闪石+斜长石+石英+钛铁矿±金红石.反环带斜长石富钠核部记录了早期压力可达11k bar;峰期变质阶段(M2)的矿物组合是石榴石斑晶和基质中的单斜辉石+斜方辉石+斜长石+钛铁矿+石英,记录的温压条件为850~900℃、9~10kbar;峰期后降压阶段(M3)的标志是石榴石外围发育的后成合晶和冠状环,主要有单斜辉石+斜长石、斜方辉石+斜长石和角闪石+斜长石组合,其形成温压条件为760 ~820℃、5~8kbar;晚期低角闪岩相角闪石的生长表明岩石又经历了降温冷却的过程(M4),温度降至690℃以下.石榴石基性麻粒岩记录了含有近等温降压(ITD)阶段的顺时针变质作用P-T轨迹,揭示了阴山地块与鄂尔多斯地块之间俯冲碰撞加厚下地壳的折返过程.石榴石基性麻粒岩的变质锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年得到了两组变质年龄数据,分别为1945±25Ma和1828±36Ma,它们与阴山地块、鄂尔多斯地块碰撞形成孔兹岩带的时代及华北克拉通东、西陆块碰撞形成中部带的时代一致.结合该地区其他研究结果推断,石榴石基性麻粒岩在~ 1.95Ga鄂尔多斯地块与阴山地块碰撞过程中俯冲进入下地壳底部,经历早期的高压麻粒岩阶段,随后缓慢地抬升到下地壳上部;之后在~1.85Ga东、西部陆块碰撞过程中,石榴石基性麻粒岩折返到中上地壳.  相似文献   

长江中下游地区繁昌盆地火山岩成因:锆石Hf-O同位素制约   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
繁昌盆地是长江中下游地区沿江火山盆地之一,目前针对该盆地火山岩的研究相对薄弱,因此本文选择该盆地中分村组流纹岩、赤沙组粗安岩、蝌蚪山组流纹岩为研究对象,结合本课题组前期发表的研究成果,开展锆石原位Hf-O同位素和U-Pb年代学研究,以期深入探讨繁昌盆地火山岩的岩石成因。中分村组流纹岩、赤沙组粗安岩、蝌蚪山组流纹岩的LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb定年结果分别为132.1±1.5Ma、129.1±1.8Ma和129.5±3.3Ma。三组火山岩的εHf(t)值分别为-8.2~-5.8、-6.0~-3.4、-7.4~-2.2,δ18O值分别为6.3‰~7.9‰、7.0‰~7.8‰、6.6‰~8.2‰,从中分村组到赤沙组再到蝌蚪山组εHf(t)、δ18O值逐渐升高。综合分析表明:中分村组、赤沙组、蝌蚪山组火山岩的源区相似,它们是新元古新生地壳熔融形成的岩浆和少量的富集岩石圈地幔部分熔融形成的岩浆混合后经结晶分异形成。从148~133Ma至132~126Ma,本地区经历了俯冲带构造环境至拉张环境的转换,古太平洋板片的俯冲及后撤的转换时间在132Ma左右。  相似文献   

The Mufushan Complex (MFSC), located in northeastern Hunan, is a significant producer of Nb-Ta-Li-Be rare metals in South China. The present study examines the genetic relationship, material provenance, fluid evolution, and metallogeny of the co-developed ore-free pegmatite (OFP) and ore-bearing pegmatite (OBP) in granite-related pegmatite-type Nb-Ta rare-metal deposits in MFSC. Three minerals (columbite-tantalite (coltan), zircon, and monazite) were chosen for analysis. The coltan grains display both primary crystallization structures (crystal homogeneity, oscillatory zonings, and primary growth rims) resulting from equilibrium and disequilibrium reactions due to localized changes in the physicochemical conditions and environment, as well as later replacement structures (alteration rims, patches, irregular zonations, and complex zonations) from metasomatic replacement processes related to hydrothermal fluid activity. The coltan yielded two weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of 138.1 ± 2.1 Ma and 125.3 ± 2.0 Ma corresponding to magmatic and hydrothermal Nb-Ta mineralization ages. For the OFP, zircons also yielded two weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of 138.4 ± 0.8 Ma and 131.5 ± 0.7 Ma, whereas monazite gave a weighted mean U-Pb age 142.9 ± 1.2 Ma. The ages of 142–138 Ma and 131 Ma represent the early and late stages of OFP crystallization and barren pegmatites in the MFSC, respectively. Zircon Lu-Hf isotopic compositions link rare-metal metallogenesis to the Lengjiaxi Group, which was the source material to the Mufushan composite batholith. Calculated εHf(t) values and TDM2 ages from the OFP (?7.6 to ?3.6 and 1676–1418 Ma, respectively) and the OBP (?14.1 to +4.9 and 2976–1548 Ma, respectively) are akin to those of schists and metasandstones of the metasedimentary Lengjiaxi Group. We propose a long-lived (ca. 13-Myr) event involving two metallogenic episodes of Nb-Ta mineralization in the Mufushan region. This study demonstrates the potential of zircon, coltan, and monazite for fingerprinting minerals and classifying the mineralization potential of pegmatite veins.  相似文献   

辽东半岛出露大量片麻状花岗岩,其锆石U-Pb年龄为180~157Ma,该套岩石的最大特点表现在岩石明显经历了早期上盘向NW推覆和后期近EW向伸展作用的韧性改造,然而其变形时代却一直未得到确定。本文以丹东市西南部黑沟二云母二长花岗岩岩体为例,通过激光^40Ar/^39Ar年代学研究探讨该岩体的变形时代。激光^40Ar/^39Ar定年结果表明,黑沟岩体经历的早期推覆、挤压事件发生在~143Ma,而后期地壳伸展作用则发生在121~113Ma,并且该区在早白垩纪期间经历了快速冷却、抬升过程。从而表明在晚侏罗纪-早白垩纪期间(143~113Ma)辽东半岛经历了区域构造体制变革。结合前人大地构造研究成果,本文认为辽东半岛晚侏罗纪-早白垩纪NW向推覆、挤压事件是古太平洋板块向欧亚大陆俯冲作用的结果,而晚期(早白垩纪)的地壳伸展事件是古太平洋板块俯冲作用的转向和变速、华北东部岩石圈较薄以及挤压后地壳松弛等综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

松辽盆地东南缘营城组地层中发育大量的晚中生代火山岩。SHRIMP锆石U-Pb测年表明,火山岩主要形成于117~110Ma,可以划分出早、晚两期,时代上属于早白垩世Albian期-Aptian期。岩石学和地球化学研究表明火山活动早期以酸性喷发为主,晚期则以中基性的玄武粗安岩喷发为主,基本上都属高钾钙碱性系列或亚碱系列,两期火山岩具有演化的亲缘性特征。Sr-Nd同位素研究表明,早、晚两期火山岩是同源岩浆演化的产物,来源于亏损型地幔源区,但演化过程又受到地壳物质不同程度的混染。松辽盆地东南缘火山事件的精确厘定对认识覆盖区晚中生代火山活动序列及邻区岩浆事件的对比具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

New sandstone petrology and petrostratigraphy provide insights on Palaeogene (Middle Eocene to Oligocene) clastics of the Thrace Basin in Greece, which developed synchronously with post‐Cretaceous collision and subsequent Tertiary extension. Sandstone petrofacies are used as a tool to unravel complex geodynamic changes that occurred at the southern continental margin of the European plate, identifying detrital signals of the accretionary processes of the Rhodope orogen, as well as subsequent partitioning related to extension of the Rhodope area, followed by Oligocene to present Aegean extension and wide magmatic activity starting during the Early Oligocene. Sandstone detrital modes include three distinctive petrofacies: quartzolithic, quartzofeldspathic and feldspatholithic. Major contributions are from metamorphic basement units, represented mostly by low to medium‐grade lithic fragments for the quartzolithic petrofacies and high‐grade metamorphic rock fragments for the quartzofeldspathic petrofacies. Volcaniclastic sandstones were derived from different volcanic areas, with a composition varying from dominantly silicic to subordinate intermediate products (mainly rhyolitic glass, spherulites and felsitic lithics). Evolution of detrital modes documents contributions from three key source areas corresponding to the two main crystalline tectonic units: (i) the Variegated Complex (ultramafic complex), in the initial stage of accretion (quartzolithic petrofacies); (ii) the Gneiss–Migmatite Complex (quartzofeldspathic petrofacies); and (iii) the Circum‐Rhodope Belt. The volcaniclastic petrofacies is interbedded with quartzofeldspathic petrofacies, reflecting superposition of active volcanic activity on regional erosion. The three key petrofacies reflect complex provenance from different tectonic settings, from collisional orogenic terranes to local basement uplift and volcanic activity. The composition and stratigraphic relations of sandstones derived from erosion of the Rhodope orogenic belt and superposed magmatism after the extensional phase in northern Greece provide constraints for palaeogeographic and palaeotectonic models of the Eocene to Oligocene western portions of the Thrace Basin. Clastic detritus in the following sedimentary assemblages was derived mainly from provenance terranes of the Palaeozoic section within the strongly deformed Rhodope Massif of northern Greece and south‐east Bulgaria, from the epimetamorphic units of the Circum‐Rhodope Belt and from superposed Late Eocene to Early Oligocene magmatism related to orogenic collapse of the Rhodope orogen. The sedimentary provenance of the Rhodope Palaeogene sandstones documents the changing nature of this orogenic belt through time, and may contribute to a general understanding of similar geodynamic settings.  相似文献   

大别山北缘石炭系作为古生代唯一不变质或轻微变质的沉积地层,记录了其物源信息和古生代的构造演化.针对研究区这一地质特征,本文分析了研究区砂岩的碎屑组分、常量元素、微量元素和稀土元素,以及碎屑锆石的同位素年龄,并据此对物源区的大地构造属性进行了研究.研究区碎屑岩主要以中细粒石英砂岩和长石石英砂岩为主,砂岩的QFL平均值为Q 76.2%,F 15.9%,L7.9%,Q/(F+ L) 4.26;主要元素氧化物平均百分含量SiO263.69%,Al2O3 11.25%,MgO 3.66%,CaO 5.15%,Fe2O3T 6.15%,K2O 1.68%,Na2O 0.68%;部分特征微量元素Th,U,Hf,Sc,Zr,Y平均含量分别为10.78×10-6、2.64×10-6、4.39×10-6、15.67×10-6、166×10-6、25.33×10-6.Rb/Sr,Th/U,La/Y,La/Sc,Th/Sc比值分别为1.49、4.10、14.75、31.92和0.89;稀土元素总量ΣREE平均146.2×10-6(54.11×10-6 ~256.0×10-6),Eu异常0.64,轻稀土略有富集,La/Yb为12.58(3.94~15.42),(La/Yb)N为9.02.锆石年龄测定表明,早石炭世地层中碎屑锆石的年龄主要集中在400 ~500Ma,晚石炭世地层中碎屑锆石年龄主要为900~ 1300Ma,其次为2000~ 2800Ma.上述结果表明大别山北缘石炭系沉积物来源于不同的源区,包括早古生代的大陆岛弧、扬子板块中-新元古代基底以及华北板块古-中元古代基底.  相似文献   

采用颗粒锆石U-Pb定年方法,测得塔里木东北缘库鲁克塔格地区不整合于原兴地塔格群(现双横山组)之下的红卫庄花岗片麻岩结晶年龄为1943±6(2σ)Ma,表明库鲁克塔格地区早前寒武纪结晶基底之上的第一套稳定盖层应为中元古界,与华北长城系相当。在早前寒武纪表壳岩系斜长角闪岩中得到锆石生成年龄为2492±19(2σ)Ma,托格灰色片麻岩锆石结晶年龄为2337±6(2σ)Ma,并同时获得其中可能有2660±2(2σ)Ma、2782±4(2σ)Ma捕获晶年龄。上述年龄新资料表明,以库鲁克塔格地区为代表的塔里木克拉通早前寒武纪基底中可能发育有新太古代岩石,但其主要以残留包体形式分布于托格灰色片麻岩中,以托格灰色片麻岩为主体的早前寒武纪块体可能形成于(新太古代)-古元古代。  相似文献   

We present new geochemical analyses of minerals and whole rocks for a suite of mafic rocks from the crustal section of the Othris Ophiolite in central Greece. The mafic rocks form three chemically distinct groups. Group 1 is characterized by N-MORB-type basalt and basaltic andesite with Na- and Ti-rich clinopyroxenes. These rocks show mild LREE depletion and no HFSE anomalies, consistent with moderate degrees (~15%) of anhydrous partial melting of depleted mantle followed by 30–50% crystal fractionation. Group 2 is represented by E-MORB-type basalt with clinopyroxenes with higher Ti contents than Group 1 basalts. Group 2 basalts also have higher concentrations of incompatible trace elements with slightly lower HREE contents than Group 1 basalts. These chemical features can be explained by ~10% partial melting of an enriched mantle source. Group 3 includes high MgO cumulates with Na- and Ti-poor clinopyroxene, forsteritic olivine, and Cr-rich spinel. The cumulates show strong depletion of HFSE, low HREE contents, and LREE enrichments. These rocks may have formed by olivine accumulation from boninitic magmas. The petrogenesis of the N-MORB-type basalts and basaltic andesites is in excellent agreement with the melting conditions inferred from the MOR-type peridotites in Othris. The occurrence of both N- and E-MORB-type lavas suggests that the mantle generating the lavas of the Othris Ophiolite must have been heterogeneous on a comparatively fine scale. Furthermore, the inferred parental magmas of the SSZ-type cumulates are broadly complementary to the SSZ-type peridotites found in Othris. These results suggest that the crustal section may be genetically related to the mantle section. In the Othris Ophiolite mafic rocks recording magmatic processes characteristic both of mid-ocean ridges and subduction zones occur within close spatial association. These observations are consistent with the formation of the Othris Ophiolite in the upper plate of a newly created intra-oceanic subduction zone. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The Cycladic blueschist belt in the central Aegean Sea has experienced high‐pressure (HP) metamorphism during collisional processes between the Apulian microplate and Eurasia. The general geological and tectonometamorphic framework is well documented, but one aspect which is yet not sufficiently explored is the importance of HP mélanges which occur within volcano‐sedimentary successions. Unresolved issues concern the range in magmatic and metamorphic ages recorded by mélange blocks and the significance of eventual pre‐Eocene HP metamorphism. These aspects are here addressed in a U‐Pb zircon study focusing on the block–matrix association exposed on the island of Syros. Two gneisses from a tectonic slab of this mélange, consisting of an interlayered felsic gneiss‐glaucophanite sequence, yielded zircon 206Pb/238U ages of 240.1 ± 4.1 and 245.3 ± 4.9 Ma, respectively, similar to Triassic ages determined on zircon in meta‐volcanic rocks from structurally coherent sequences elsewhere in the Cyclades. This strongly suggests that parts of these successions have been incorporated in the mélanges and provides the first geochronological evidence that the provenance of mélange blocks/slabs is neither restricted to a single source nor confined to fragments of oceanic lithosphere. Zircon from a jadeitite and associated alteration zones (omphacitite, glaucophanite and chlorite‐actinolite rock) all yielded identical 206Pb/238U ages of c. 80 Ma. Similar Cretaceous U‐Pb zircon ages previously reported for mélange blocks have been interpreted by different authors to reflect magmatic or metamorphic ages. The present study adds a further argument in favour of the view that zircon formed newly in some rock types at c. 80 Ma, due to hydrothermal or metasomatic processes in a subduction zone environment, and supports the interpretation that the Cycladic blueschist belt records both Cretaceous and Eocene HP episodes and not only a single Tertiary HP event.  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks from Serra Branca, Iberian Pyrite Belt, Portugal, consist of calc-alkaline felsic and intermediate rocks. The latter are massive andesites, whereas the former include four dacitic to rhyolitic lithologies, distinguishable on spiderdiagrams and binary plots of immobile elements. Zircon thermometry indicates that two felsic suites may have formed from different magmas produced at distinct temperatures, with only limited fractionation within each suite. Alternatively, all the felsic rocks can be related through fractionation of a single magma if the lower zircon saturation temperature obtained for one suite merely results from Zr dilution, mostly reflecting silicification.

The relatively high magma temperatures at Serra Branca ease the classification of felsic rocks based on their HFSE contents and also indicate volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit favorability. This contrasts with other areas of the Belt that register lower magma temperatures and are subsequently barren. However, magma temperatures may have not been high enough to cause complete melting of refractory phases in which HFSE reside during crustal fusion of an amphibolite protolith, implying difficult discrimination of tectonic environments for the felsic rocks. The intermediate rocks were possibly formed by mixing between basaltic magmas and crustal material, compatible with volcanism in an attenuated continental lithosphere setting.  相似文献   

江南隆起带(安徽段)是中国东部重要的钨钼多金属产地之一,钨钼多金属矿床成矿作用与燕山期中酸性岩浆活动关系密切,钨钼成矿岩体的相关研究已经广泛开展。安徽省地质矿产勘查局322地质队在江南隆起带(安徽省)新发现了西坞口花岗岩型铷矿床。铷成矿岩浆岩的时代、成因和性质仍不清楚。本次工作在详细矿床地质研究的基础上,通过对西坞口花岗斑岩锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年、锆石微量元素和原位Hf同位素分析,厘定了岩体形成时代为141. 7±1. 0Ma,属于江南隆起带(安徽段)燕山期早阶段岩浆活动的产物。西坞口岩体具有高硅(SiO_2=74. 29%~76. 25%)、富碱(ALK=7. 85%~8. 62%)、贫钙(CaO=0. 14%~0. 73%)的特征,∑REE的变化范围为140. 1×10~(–6)~235. 9×10~(–6),LREE/HREE为1. 42~5. 44、(La/Yb)_N为0. 89~4. 49、δEu为0. 02~0. 28,富集Rb、Th、U而亏损Ba、Sr、P、Ti等元素,属于A2型花岗岩。西坞口岩体的ε_(Hf)(t)的变化范围为-6. 7~-1. 3(平均值为-4. 2),t_(DM1)=870~1173Ma(平均值为1025Ma),t_(DM2)=1273~1613Ma(平均值为1457Ma),显示其来源于上溪群浅变质岩的部分熔融。西坞口花岗斑岩具有较高的分异指数(DI=91. 87~95. 57)、锆石的Zr/Hf比值为25. 0,强烈的富集U(5436×10~(–6))和Th(1900×10~(–6)),形成温度为735. 4℃,稀土元素具有明显的四分组效应,以及高Rb背景值,岩体中还发育有绿柱石和锂白云母,具有典型高分异花岗岩特征,这明显不同于江南隆起带(安徽段)内同时期(150~134Ma)的与钨钼矿床形成有关的岩浆岩。通过对比分析,提出江南隆起带(安徽段)仍有同类型高分异花岗岩,具有铷等稀有金属元素矿床成矿潜力。  相似文献   

Here we present new U–Pb and Hf isotopic data for detrital zircons obtained from six samples of late Palaeozoic units from central Jilin Province, Northeast China, and use these data and sedimentary formations to constrain the late Palaeozoic tectonic evolution of the eastern segment of the southern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The majority of the detrital zircons from the six samples are euhedral–subhedral and exhibit oscillatory zoning, indicating a magmatic origin. Zircons from sandstones in the Devonian Wangjiajie and Xiaosuihe formations yield seven main age populations (399, 440, 921, 1648, 1864, 1911, and 2066 Ma) and two minor age populations (384 and 432 Ma), respectively. Zircons from a quartz sandstone in the Carboniferous Luquantun Formation yield four age populations (~332, 363, 402, and 428 Ma), and zircons from quartz sandstones of the Permian Shoushangou, Fanjiatun, and Yangjiagou formations yield age populations of 265, 369, 463, 503, and 963 Ma; 264, 310, 337, 486, and 529 Ma; and 262, 282, 312, 338, 380, 465, and 492 Ma, respectively. These data, together with the ages of magmatic zircons from interbedded volcanics and biostratigraphic evidence, as well as analysis of formations, give rise to the following conclusions. (1) The Wangjiajie and Xiaosuihe formations were deposited in an extensional environment during Middle and Middle–Late Devonian time, respectively. The former was sourced mainly from ancient continental material of the North China Craton with minor contributions from newly accreted crust, while the latter was sourced mainly from newly accreted crust. (2) The Luquantun Formation formed in an extensional environment during early–late Carboniferous time from material sourced mainly from newly accreted crust. (3) The Shoushangou, Fanjiatun, and Yangjiagou formations formed during a period of rapid uplift in the late Permian, from material sourced mainly from newly accreted crust.  相似文献   

佳木斯地块中部桦南隆起区广泛发育古生代-中生代岩浆岩,这些岩石的成因对深入探讨中亚造山带的形成演化具有重要的指示意义。LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年和地球化学测试分析结果表明,研究区广泛分布的片麻状花岗闪长岩形成于中二叠世(267±2Ma),具有I型花岗岩的地球化学特征,表明其岩浆起源可能和俯冲板片产生的熔体有关,形成于岛弧构造环境。而正长花岗岩形成于中三叠世(244±2Ma),地球化学揭示其岩浆起源于下部陆壳物质的部分熔融,具有同碰撞花岗岩的地球化学特点。上述特征表明,研究区在中二叠世处于大陆边缘的构造背景,与古亚洲洋板块俯冲于佳木斯板块之下的构造作用相关,而中三叠世处于同碰撞的构造环境,俯冲此时已经消失,古亚洲洋已经最终闭合,因此三叠纪应该为中亚造山带重要的地质转折期。  相似文献   

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