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A geo-environmental evaluation for urban land-use planning often requires a large amount of spatial information. Geographic information systems (GIS) are capable of managing large amounts of spatially related information, providing the ability to integrate multiple layers of information and to derive additional information. A GIS-aid to the geo-environmental evaluation for urban land-use planning is illustrated for the urban area of Lanzhou City and its vicinity in Northwest China. This evaluation incorporates topography, surficial and bedrock geology, groundwater conditions, and historic geologic hazards. Urban land-use is categorized according to the types of land-use and projects planned, such as high-rise building, multi-storey building, low-rise building, waste disposal, and natural conservation. Multi-criteria analysis is performed to evaluate development suitability of the geo-environment for each category, according to appropriately measured and weighted factors. A suitability map for each category is developed using an algorithm that combines factors in weighted linear combinations. It is demonstrated that the GIS methodology has high functionality for geo-environmental assessment.  相似文献   

The new antillocaprinid rudist bivalve Parasarcolites sohli sp. nov. is described from the Maastrichtian rocks of Puerto Rico (El Rayo Formation) and Jamaica (Sunderland Inlier). The species shows that all tubes, one of the diagnostic features of the genus, arise by the development of flanges on costae to roof over the intercostal space between adjacent costae. This is the first time that this feature has been unequivocally shown in an antillocaprinid rudist and suggests that tubes in other antillocaprinid rudists arose in a similar way. The species occurs in early Maastrichtian deposits of Puerto Rico and Jamaica, and represents a potential marker species in future biostratigraphic studies.  相似文献   

The study was conducted in the rapidly expanding city of Mekelle located in the northern part of Ethiopia, East Africa. An integrated approach including geomorphological, geological and engineering geological, geotechnical and hydrogeological methods were used to characterize the natural urban environment to be used as a baseline for protection and rational planning of development. Conventional field observation, test pits and drilled boreholes were used to collect soil, rock and water samples and standard laboratory procedures were applied. The results revealed that the main geologic constraints to sustainable development of the city are active erosion, instability of slopes, flood hazard, cyclic/alternating hard and weak rock layers, high swelling–shrinkage soils, shallow and unconfined groundwater with variable composition and high susceptibility to corrosion and pollution. It is recommended to avoid development and expansion of the city in areas of steep land forms, at the foot of steep slopes and in areas covered by black alluvial soil deposits. Development of a systematic multidisciplinary database aided by GIS, with continuous monitoring and updating is also highly recommended and will be useful for further refined geotechnical microzonation. It is the authors’ belief that this study highlights the basic constraints and hazards the city is facing, and provides baseline information and awareness to the city planners, decision makers, geo-environmentalists, engineers and the community for future expansion and rehabilitation plans and to tackle the existing hazards.  相似文献   

Foraminifera can be used to determine the source(s) of carbonate sediment and the directions of sediment transport in shallow, coastal lagoons such as Frank Sound on the south-central coast of Grand Cayman. These determinations, based on the distribution of foraminiferal assemblages and ‘tracer species’ (numerically abundant species that live in known physiographic units and/or ecological conditions), show that the lagoonal sediments are a mixture of grains that originated in the lagoon and forereef. The variable proportions of these foraminifera throughout the lagoon reflects the dynamic processes that control lagoonal sedimentation. Amphistegina gibbosa, Discorbis rosea, and Asterigerina carinata lived in the forereef environment. The fact that these ‘tracer species’ are found throughout Frank Sound and in the beach sands, shows that they were transported across the reef crest and the lagoon. Abrasion-resistant Archaias angulatus, a‘tracer species’ indicative of a lagoonal setting, forms up to 50% of foraminiferal assemblages found in the lagoonal sediments. Preferential winnowing of small tests from these populations indicates sorting under high energy conditions. The vertical distribution of the forereef and lagoonal foraminifera in the sediment blanket that covers the floor of Frank Sound indicates that these processes are temporally persistent. Transportation of forereef foraminifera into and around the lagoon and sorting of the lagoonal foraminifera cannot take place under ‘normal’ conditions when the tranquil lagoon is characterized by weak currents. Storms and/or hurricanes, however, generate short-lived high-energy events that can move and sort the sediment and foraminifera. At the height of a storm, water and sediment are moved over the reef and then piled and held onshore by the onshore winds and the constant flow of water over the reef and across the lagoon. These currents can mix some of the lagoonal and forereef sediments. As a storm wanes, however, the ‘piled water’ flows offshore via strong rip currents that pass into the ocean through the channels which transect the reef. These currents winnow and/or strip sediment from the lagoon and may transport lagoonal sediments into the forereef area. As a result, residual lagoonal sediment is commonly characterized by larger and abrasion-resistant foraminifera.  相似文献   

This article presents a sedimentological and geotechnical study of the surficial sediments in the Segura River valley (SE Spain). We formulate an engineering-geological model consisting of four zones, each characterized by its geotechnical properties and by various geotechnical problems (namely low bearing capacity, significant ground settlement and liquefaction of sandy sediments). The model quantifies the geotechnical properties and potential problems in each zone. It serves as a useful tool for preliminary geotechnical investigations. The model also enables a better design of field surveys as well as optimal selection of geotechnical investigation techniques for future civil engineering works.  相似文献   

Brian Jones 《Sedimentology》2020,67(4):1844-1878
Phosphatic limestones on the west end of Little Cayman, at an elevation of 3 to 4 m above sea level and ca 320 to 550 m inland of the coast, lie on top of a phytokarst surface that defines the upper boundary of the Pedro Castle Formation (Pliocene). These phosphatic limestones are formed of phosphatic lithoclasts, detrital phosphate grains, coated grains (glaebules), composite coated grains, biofragments and phosphate rafts that are held in a matrix that is formed of micrite, calcite cement, and non-crystalline masses formed of P, Al, Si and Fe. The phosphate in these limestones is primarily hydroxylapatite, whereas the overlying soils, found in some areas, are formed of hydroxylapatite, crandallite and minor amounts of boehemite, kaolinite and quartz. Textures in the lithoclasts and detrital phosphate grains indicate that they were derived from older insular phosphates that that were largely removed by mining in 1890 to 1895. The coated grains (glaebules) typically have nuclei formed of a detrital phosphate grains that are encased by non-crystalline cortical laminae that are composed primarily of Al with their variable red colour reflecting the variable Fe content. The phosphatic limestones developed in a low-lying coastal area where the guano produced by a large seabird colony that was close to or mixed with terra rossa and marine carbonates that were washed onshore during storms/hurricanes. The Al, Fe, Si and rare earth elements found in the phosphatic limestones came from the terra rossa. Critically, this study documents the complex depositional regimes and diagenetic processes that can exist at the interface of marine carbonates, coastal phosphates and terrestrial soils as sea-level fluctuations control phases of sediment accumulation that were periodically interrupted by periods of non-deposition.  相似文献   

Groundwater control for construction purposes: a case study from Kuwait   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the major rehabilitation projects in Kuwait during the 1990s was improvement of the wastewater treatment plant at Jahra, a town 30 km north of Kuwait City. The project incorporates construction of a pumping station to collect the sewage via a network of sewer lines throughout the city. Groundwater occurs 4 m below the ground surface and construction specifications required lowering the groundwater table by 16 m to the foundation grade, 20 m below the ground surface. Open excavation with four stage well point system of dewatering was selected to ensure dry foundation conditions; but the system failed to lower the groundwater table down to the desired depth. Review of site investigation records and recalculation of field hydraulic conductivity resulted in design changes, augmenting the well point system with a number of deep wells and sumps to lower the water table down to the foundation grade. The paper discusses subsurface conditions and presents an analysis of the cause of failure of the well point system. The actual hydraulic conductivity proved to be several folds higher than the calculated one that was determined using Hazen’s formula. It was found that use of Hazen’s formula led to serious underestimation of field hydraulic conductivity. It is advised not to use such formulas without thorough investigation and proper interpretation of borehole data.  相似文献   

An increasing number of rapidly growing urban areas in Asia are becoming more vulnerable to seismic hazards in their development process. However, local authorities rarely integrate seismic risk into the procedure of emergency and land-use planning. This article explores the question of whether seismic risks for urban areas are increasing or diminishing over time, while trends such as population growth and land development in hazard-prone areas increase the potential for loss in disasters. The net effects of such urbanization factors are examined through the use of simulation models that estimate building inventory and seismic loss changes. Seismic losses are modeled for a comparative analysis under the same hypothetical earthquake events hitting at different points in a city area’s long-term development. A case study of seismic risk assessments is illustrated by the Hsinchu City, Taiwan. Results of a prospective analysis indicate that, for the same seismic events, overall risk is expected to increase due to a forecast 2.9 % growth in building inventory. This increment in loss is largely attributed to a large amount of initial buildings predicted to be developed into commercial and industrial uses. However, the spatial pattern of risk would change slightly; particularly, the southeastern, eastern, and some older core areas would be the most vulnerable and risky both at current and future time periods. The approach here enables city planners to incorporate seismic risk analysis into predisaster emergency and land-use planning to encourage risk-reduction strategies.  相似文献   

Nitrogen oxides (NO x ) are involved in acid rain and ozone formation, as well as destruction. NO x are climate-relevant trace gases in the atmosphere. Atmospheric NO x originate from anthropogenic emissions (mainly combustion processes). NO from natural processes derives from thunderstorms and soil microbial processes. They may play a crucial role in soil?Catmosphere feedback processes. This study aims to investigate NO x -emissions from soils under different land use, geographical and meteorological conditions. NO x -emissions were quantified in both field and laboratory experiments with a closed static chamber. Disturbed soil samples have been used for laboratory experiments. A climate chamber was used to regulate soil temperature of the samples. Field experiments showed that NO-soil emissions strongly depend on soil temperature. NO-emissions from a soil under meadow showed significant daily variations, unlike soil below spruce forest. Peak emission values were 18???g NO?CN?m?2?h?1 above meadow and 1.3???g NO?CN?m?2?h?1 under forest canopy. In addition, NO-emissions of meadow and forest soil were studied in a climate chamber, enhanced by an additional experiment with agricultural soil. These experiments revealed strong exponential correlations of NO-emissions and soil temperature. Maximum values reached above 400???g NO?CN?m?2?h?1 from agricultural soils at soil temperatures above 50°C. This study shows that soil NO-emissions strongly depend on temperature, vegetation type and geographical position. Consequently, NO-emissions may have a positive feedback effect on climate change.  相似文献   

A multipurpose engineering geological map of a natural heritage site including inland and offshore areas has been compiled to provide information on many aspects for land use optimization, sustainable development and environmental protection. The mapping approach was based on data provided by conventional onland field works, marine remote sensing survey and aerial photo interpretation. These data sources were integrated into a GIS platform allowing reliable mapping solutions. The geological formations encountered were grouped into individual geotechnical units according to uniformity in lithological character, while the seabed sub-bottom structure was also obtained through several seafloor thematic map compilation. Shoreline variability and evolution for a long time period (1945–2008) were also investigated and mapped. The synergistic use of the results deducted from those disciplinary surveys is finally presented in a single engineering geological map covering the onshore and offshore area.  相似文献   

Cities have a negative impact on the quality of shallow groundwater. Many of Lithuania's urban residents drink water from dug wells. Moreover, polluted shallow groundwater contaminates deeper aquifers of fresh drinking water. Therefore, this situation should be controlled and managed, as far as possible. In order to evaluate the quality of shallow groundwater in an urban area and to create an optimal monitoring system, an original methodology for groundwater mapping has been proposed. It resembles the GIS (geographical information system) technologies. The set of maps, laid one over another, consists of the following: (1) urbanization map, (2) geological-hydrogeological map, (3) groundwater chemistry map, (4) resulting groundwater chemistry factorial analysis map, and (5) pollution and pollutant transport map. The data obtained from studies on dug and geotechnical wells have been used for compilation of the maps. The system for shallow groundwater monitoring in the city with an area of 70 sq km and a population of 140,000 is proposed to consist of about 30 monitoring wells and several dug wells.  相似文献   

Derbyshire, E. and Mellors, T.W., 1988. Geological and geotechnical characteristics of some loess and loessic soils from China and Britain: a comparison. Eng. Geol., 25: 135–175.

Loess and loessic deposits cover some 630,000 km2 of the surface of mainland China, the Loess Plateau of Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia being the type region of this formation. Loess thickness generally exceeds 100 m over large areas of the Loess Plateau, the maximum recorded thickness being 335 m in eastern Gansu Province near the city of Lanzhou.

In Britain loess and loessic deposits form part of a group of materials collectively known as “brickearth”. They occur predominantly as sporadic accumulations in the southeast of England and rarely attain a thickness of more than four metres.

Despite their geographical separation, the deposits from China and Britain have a remarkable similarity in some of their physical and geotechnical characteristics. Samples from both locations have been examined and tested in the laboratory and the results are presented. The scope of the testing programme involved mineralogical analyses, soil microfabric studies using a scanning electron microscope, index testing including plasticity, grading and density measurements and the investigation of the compressibility characteristics of the soils with particular reference to their susceptibility to collapse.

A soil structure model based on scanning electron microscope studies is presented and discussed in relation to the perceived mode of formation of the soils and their postdepositional history.  相似文献   

The wavelength of stationary water‐surface waves and their associated antidune bedforms are related to the mean velocity and depth of formative flow. In past published sand‐bed flume experiments, it was found that lens structures were preserved during antidune growth and change, and the dimension of the lenses was empirically related to antidune wavelength, and thus could be used to estimate flow velocity and depth. This study is the first to compare observations of formative flow conditions and resulting sedimentary structures in a natural setting, testing the previously published relationship at a field‐scale. Trains of stationary and upstream migrating water‐surface waves were prevalent during the flash flood in October 2012 in the Belham Valley, Montserrat, West Indies. Wave positions and wavelengths were assessed at 900 sec intervals through the daylight hours of the event within a monitored reach. The wave data indicate flow depths up to 1·3 m and velocity up to 3·6 m sec?1. Sedimentary structures formed by antidune growth and change were preserved in the event deposit. These structures include lenses of clast‐supported gravel and massive sand, with varying internal architecture. The lenses and associated low‐angle strata are comparable to sand‐bed structures formed from stationary and upstream migrating waves in flume experiments, confirming the diagnostic value of these structures. Using mean lens length in the event deposit underestimated peak flow conditions during the flood and implied that the lenses were preserved during waning flow.  相似文献   

Once overlooked or scorned for its purportedly “unscientific” and culturally contextual nature, local knowledge has recently become a key ingredient in conservation and development planning in developing countries. However, this abrupt shift in the conceptualization and assumed utility of local knowledge has not received widespread theoretical attention. In addition, the literature on local knowledge is dominated by discussions of the scientific and applied merits of local epistemologies, and little theorization has been devoted to the explicitly spatial and social contexts that inform the encounters between local and scientific knowledge. This article draws on Michel Foucault's notions of subjectification, surveillance, and subjugated knowledge to analyze the liberatory potential of local knowledge through its embodiment in spatially situated subjects. The article builds on a case study in Trinidad, focusing on the subjectification of local fishermen through constructions of local knowledge, and the ways in which this subjectification was reversed and employed in the performance of resistance and intracommunal conflicts.  相似文献   

In northern parts of Iran such as the Alborz Mountain belt, frequent landslides occur due to a combination of climate and geologic conditions with high tectonic activities. This results in millions of dollars of financial damages annually excluding casualties and unrecoverable resources. This paper evaluates the landslide susceptible areas in Central Alborz using the probabilistic frequency ratio (PFR) model and Geo-information Technology (GiT). The landslide location map in this study has been generated based on image elements interpreted from IRS satellite data and field observations. The display, manipulation and analysis have been carried out to evaluate layers such as geology, geomorphology, soil, slope, aspect, land use, distance from faults, lineaments, roads and drainages. The validation group of actual landslides and relative operation curve method has been used to increase the accuracy of the final landslide susceptibility map. The area under the curve evaluates how well the method predicts landslides. The results showed a satisfactory agreement of 91% between prepared susceptibility map and existing data on landslide locations.  相似文献   

Glas  H.  Jonckheere  M.  Mandal  A.  James-Williamson  S.  De Maeyer  P.  Deruyter  G. 《Natural Hazards》2017,88(3):1867-1891
Natural Hazards - Flood risk assessments and damage estimations form integral parts of the disaster risk management in Jamaica, owing its vulnerability to hydrometeorological hazards. Although...  相似文献   

Organic matter is an important factor that cannot be neglected when considering global carbon cycle. New data including organic matter geochemistry at the small watershed scale are needed to elaborate more constrained carbon cycle and climatic models. The objectives are to estimate the DOC and DIC yields exported from small tropical watersheds and to give strong constraints on the carbon hydrodynamic of these systems. To answer these questions, we have studied the geochemistry of eleven small watersheds around Basse-Terre volcanic Island in the French West Indies during different hydrological regimes from 2006 to 2008 (i.e. low water level versus floods). We propose a complete set of carbon measurements, including DOC and DIC concentrations, δ13C data, and less commonly, some spectroscopic indicators of the nature of organic matter. The DOC/DIC ratio varies between 0.07 and 0.30 in low water level and between 0.25 and 1.97 during floods, indicating that organic matter is mainly exported during flood events. On the light of the isotopic composition of DOC, ranging from ? 32.8 to ? 26.2‰ during low water level and from ? 30.1 to ? 27.2‰ during floods, we demonstrate that export of organic carbon is mainly controlled by perennial saprolite groundwaters, except for flood events during which rivers are also strongly influenced by soil erosion. The mean annual yields ranged from 2.5 to 5.7 t km? 2 year? 1 for the DOC and from 4.8 to 19.6 t km? 2 year? 1 for the DIC and exhibit a non-linear relationship with slopes of watersheds. The flash floods explain around 60% of the annual DOC flux and between 25 and 45% of the DIC flux, highlighting the important role of these extreme meteorological events on global carbon export in small tropical volcanic islands. From a carbon mass balance point of view the exports of dissolved carbon from small volcanic islands are important and should be included in global organic carbon budgets.  相似文献   

Mt. Misery volcano, near the northern end of the Lesser Antilles island arc, produced late Quaternary airfall layers that have different dispersal patterns. These are controlled by: a) the style of explosive activity which determined the heights of the eruption columns and b) a layered atmospheric system with contrasted bipolar wind directions at different altitudes. Isopach and isopleth maps are given for 10 eruptions belonging to the Mansion Series (>41, 730–1, 750 yrs. B.P.). Basaltic strombolian-type scoria-fall deposits were dispersed mainly by surface/lower tropospheric winds to the NW and W. In contrast green and brown andesitic sub-plinian and plinian falls with higher eruption columns were dispersed to the SE and E by upper tropospheric winds. Thinly laminated phreatomagmatic ashes within the Mansion Series are again dispersed to the NW and controlled by surface winds.The green andesite layers most commonly contain microvesicular, angular clasts due to some limited interaction of magma and external water which partly drove these eruption columns. These deposits also contain carbonized wood up to 11 km from the vent. Vegetation is thought to have been ignited by large juvenile bombs of dense green and esite which have been measured up to 15 cm at 8 km from the vent.
Zusammenfassung Der Vulkan Mt. Misery im Norden des Inselbogens der Kleinen Antillen hat im späten Quartär Aschelagen hervorgebracht, die unterschiedliche Verteilungsmuster aufweisen. Diese werden bestimmt durch a) die Art der Explosionen, die die Höhe der Eruptionssäulen bestimmte und b) durch das geschichtete atmosphärische System mit gegenläufigen bipolaren Windrichtung in verschiedenen Windrichtungen. Es werden Isopachen-Isoplethen-Karten für 10 Ausbrüche dargestellt, die zu den Mansion-Serien (>41, 730-1, 750 Jahre B.P.) gehören. Basaltische Schlackenlagen vom Stromboli-Typ wurden hauptsächlich durch Oberflächen- bis untertroposphärische Winde nach Nordwesten und Westen verteilt. Im Gegensatz dazu vertrifteten grüne und braune andisitische subplinische und plinische Aschen aus höheren Eruptionssäulen nach SE und E durch Winde der oberen Troposphäre. Dünn laminierte phreatomagmatische Aschen innerhalb der Mansion-Serie wurden wiederum nach NW ausgebreitet durch oberflächennahe Winde. Die grünen Andesitlagen enthalten besonders häufig schaumige, eckige Komponenten, bedingt durch die Interaktion von Magma und Oberflächenwasser, die teilweise diese Eruptionssäulen beeinflußt hat. Diese Ablagerungen enthalten außerdem verkohltes Holz bis 11 km Entfernung vom Ausbruchszentrum. Es ist anzunehmen, daß die Vegetation durch große juvenile Bomben von dichtem, grünem Andesit verbrannt ist, die bis zu 15 cm ø in 8 km Entfernung vom Ausbruchszentrum beobachtet wurden.

Résumé Le volcan Misery, situé dans la partie N de l'arc des petites Antilles a donné lieu, au cours du Quaternaire, au dépôt de couches de cendres, dont la dispersion s'est opérée de diverses manières. Cette dispersion est fonction: a) du style de l'activité explosive du volcan, dont dépend la hauteur de la colonne de projections; b) du système stratifié de l'atmosphère caractérisé par des vents dont la direction varie avec l'altitude. Des cartes d'isopaques et d'isoplethes ont été établies pour 10 éruptions de la série Mansion (>41, 790–1, 750 ans B.P.). Des scories basaltiques de type strombolien ont été dispersées principalement vers le NW et l'W par des vents de surface ou de la basse troposphère. Par contre, des produits andésitiques verts et bruns de type plinien et subplinien, provenant de colonnes d'éruption élevées, ont été dispersés vers le SE et l'E par des vents de la troposphère supérieure. Des cendres finement stratifiées, d'origine phréatomagmatique montrent une dispersion vers le NW provoquée par des vents de surface.Les dépôts andésitiques verts renferment couramment des fragments elastiques, microvésiculaires, anguleux, témoins de l'interaction du magma et des eaux de surface, responsable en partie de la hauteur des colonnes d'éruption. Les mêmes dépôts contiennent du bois carbonisé jusqu'à 11 km du cratère. On pense que la végétation a été incendiée par de grosses bombes d'andésite verte de forte densité, dont la dimension atteint encore 15 cm à 8 km du cratère.

Mt. Misery , . : ) , , ) . - 10- , (>41,7301,750 ..). - . , - . - . , , . 11 . , 15 , 8 .

The Late Oligocene oyster Hyotissa antiguensis (Brown) is locally common in the Antigua Formation of Hughes Point, eastern Antigua, Lesser Antilles; it was not commonly bored at that time. Its valves and shells are robust, and reworked into the shallow water near-shore environment in Antigua; it could potentially be incorporated into younger rocks. Its neoichnology includes clues that would facilitate identification of these oysters as reworked fossils. The suite of modern borings found in these specimens includes common Caulostrepsis taeniola Clarke, Gastrochaenolites isp. cf. G. turbinatus Kelly and Bromley and Entobia isp., and rare Oichnus simplex Bromley and Rogerella? isp. The latter three taxa are limited to oyster shell substrates. Of the common ichnotaxa, Caulostrepsis and Gastrochaenolites are particularly prominent in limestone clasts and limestone cemented to oyster shells, which would be an indicator of reworking if found in a post-Oligocene lithified deposit. Caulostrepsis and Gastrochaenolites are relatively less common in oyster shells and valves, and in many specimens are seen to terminate against the shell. Entobia is the only common boring limited to the shell substrate. The fidelity of preservation of modern borings is also superior in limestone clasts. This suite of borings is comparable with those found in the Neogene of the Antillean region.  相似文献   

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