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Coastal upwelling in the northern California Current varies seasonally, with downwelling in winter and upwelling in summer, resulting in pronounced variability in hydrography, nutrients, phytoplankton biomass, and species composition. Winter was characterized by moderate concentrations of nitrate and silicate (averages of 10 and 18 μM, respectively) and low concentrations of chlorophyll a (Chl a). During the upwelling season, concentrations of the same nutrients ranged from near 0 μM to approximately 27 and 43 μM and Chl a 0.5?<?x?<?15 μg L?1. During autumn, upwelling weakened and nutrient concentrations were reduced, but large phytoplankton blooms continued to occur. Variations in hydrography, nutrients, and phytoplankton also occurred within the upwelling season due to alternation of the winds between northerly (active upwelling) and southerly (relaxation of upwelling), on a 5- to 10-day time scale. Eleven blooms were observed, most of which occurred near the end of active upwelling events and during relaxation of upwelling. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination of species composition of the microplankton revealed four distinct communities: a winter community, early upwelling and late upwelling season communities, and an autumn community. Diatoms (Asterionellopsis glacialis, Eucampia zodiacus, and several Chaetoceros, Thalassiosira, and Pseudo-nitzschia species) dominated early in the upwelling season, averaging 80 % of the phytoplankton biomass, and dinoflagellates dominated near the end of the upwelling season, averaging 68 % of the phytoplankton biomass. Dinoflagellates formed two monospecific blooms—Prorocentrum gracile in late summer and Akashiwo sanguinea in autumn. Changes in community composition were correlated with bottom temperature and salinity (representing seasonal variability) and sea surface salinity (representing within-season event-scale variability in upwelling).  相似文献   

We focus on the question of whether high phytoplankton production events observed in a United States Pacific Northwest estuary consist of estuarine species blooms fueled by oceanic nutrient input or reflect offshore oceanic blooms that have advected into the estuary. Our approach is to use certain phytoplankton species as indicators associated with water mass origin, either estuarine or oceanic, to help resolve this question in Willapa Bay, Washington. We used species analysis and primary production data from 10 selected dates in May–September of 1998 and 1999, representing periods of high through low productivity. Out of 108 phytoplankton species identified from Willapa Bay, nine were selected and tested as indicators of oceanic species, six as estuarine, and two as surf zone. Our test results demonstrated the oceanic and estuarine species to be satifactory indicators of source waters. The prevalence of these species indicators in our samples revealed that the highest primary production and the appearance ofPseudo-nitzschia spp. were associated with oceanic intrusions of phytoplankton biomass into Willapa Bay. While the largest blooms were oceanic in origin, numerous medium-sized production events were from either oceanic, surf zone, or estuarine sources, indicating a complex situation.  相似文献   

Macrozooplankton and micronekton are intermediaries linking lower trophic levels (e.g., phytoplankton and mesozooplankton) to higher ones (e.g., fishes and birds). These organisms have not been extensively studied in the San Francisco Estuary (SFE), California. The objective of this study was to determine the distribution and abundance of macrozooplankton and micronekton in the SFE and to describe how these vary seasonally, interannually, and regionally in relation to environmental variables. Water column macrozooplankton and micronekton were sampled monthly from September 1997 to December 2000 at 6 stations spanning North, Central, and South Bays using a Methot Trawl. The macrozo oplankton and micronekton in the lower SFE were dominated by 4 fishes and 7 invertebrates that comprised 98% of the total catch. Correspondence analyses revealed 4 groups of species that exhibited similar patterns of distribution and abundance. The assemblages changed between the wet and dry seasons and with distance from the coastal ocean. Based on abundance patterns, the dominant taxa in the lower SFE can be classified as: organisms spawned from common members of neritic assemblages that use mostly North Bay and that are abundant during the dry season (Clupea pallasi, Spirinchus thaleichthys, Porichthys notates); estuarine-dependent organisms with broad distributions in the estuary year-round (Crangon franciscorum, Crangon nigricauda, Engraulis mordax); resident species remaining within the estuary but occurring mostly in South Bay during the wet season (Palaemon macrodactlyus, Synidotea laticauda, Neomysis kadiakensis); and gelatinous species (Pleurobrachia bachei, Polyorchis spp.) occuring in all three bays with a single peak in abundance in December and January in North and South Bays. The variation in distribution, abundance, and composition of macrozooplankton and micronekton was related to life history strategies, distance from the coastal ocean, and season.  相似文献   

The composition of the zooplankton community in a macrotidal (8 m tidal range), tropical estuarine system (Darwin Harbour, Australia; 12o28′ S, 130o50′ E) was studied over a 2 year period with the goal of describing biodiversity and determining the environmental factors that have the greatest impact on community structure. Most (82–84%) of the >73 μm plankton was composed of copepod nauplii and copepodites, and plankton samples taken with larger, coarser meshed (150 and 350 μm) nets did not contain significant numbers of larger (non-copepod) organisms. In all, 32 copepod species were recorded, with small euryhaline marine copepod species such as Parvocalanus crassirostris, Bestiolina similis and Oithona aruensis dominating the zooplankton. Plankton abundances ranged between 30,000 and 110,000 m−3, and there were significant year (2003 > 2004), season (wet > dry) and site differences (inner harbour sites > outer harbour sites), but negligible diurnal differences. Multivariate analyses identified three sample groups: (1) middle and outer harbour sites, (2) inner harbour and river sites and (3) the river site during the wet seasons. Middle and outer harbour stations were characterised by a diverse mixture of coastal copepods, whereas inner harbour and river sites were dominated by P. crassirostris and O. aruensis. During the wet season, there was a distinct copepod community within the Blackmore River, dominated by Acartia sinjiensis, Oithona nishidai and Pseudodiaptomus spp. Environmental variables (nutrients and chlorophyll a) were correlated with salinity, which had the strongest influence on community structure. There was a significant drop in species richness from harbour to river sites. Small copepods of the families Paracalanidae and Oithonidae dominate tide-dominated Australian tropical estuaries, whereas copepods belonging to the family Centropagidae (such as Gladioferens spp.) appear to be characteristic of wave-dominated estuaries in southern Australia.  相似文献   

Environmental factors that influence annual variability and spatial differences (within and between estuaries) in eelgrass meadows (Zostera marine L.) were examined within Willapa Bay, Washington, and Coos Bay, Oregon, over a period of 4 years (1998–2001). A suite of eelgrass metrics were recorded annually at field sites that spanned the estuarine gradient from the marine-dominated to mesohaline region of each estuary. Plant density (shoots m?2) of eelgrass was positively correlated with summer estuarine salinity and inversely correlated with water temperature gradients in the estuaries. Eelgrass density, biomass, and the incidence of flowering plants all increased substantially in Willapa Bay, and less so in Coos Bay, over the duration of the study. Warmer winters and cooler summers associated with the transition from El Niño to La Niña ocean conditions during the study period corresponded with this increase in eelgrass abundance and flowering. Large-scale changes in climate and nearshore ocean conditions may exert a strong regional influence on eelgrass abundance that can vary annually by as much as 700% in Willapa Bay. Lower levels of annual variability observed in Coos Bay may be due to the stronger and more direct influence of the nearshore Pacific Ocean on the Coos Bay study sites. The results suggest profound effects of climate variation on the abundance and flowering of eelgrass in Pacific Northwest coastal estuaries.  相似文献   

Material transfer between estuaries and the nearshore zone has long been of interest, but information on the processes affecting Pacific Northwest estuaries has lagged behind other areas. The west coast of the U.S. is a region of seasonally variable upwelling that results in enhanced phytoplankton production in the nearshore zone. We examined estuarine-nearshore links over time by measuring physical oceanographic variables and chlorophylla concentration from an anchor station in South Slough, Oregon. Data was collected during 24-h cruises conducted at approximately weekly intervals during summer 1996 and spring 1997. The results demonstrate that the physical oceanography of this estuarine site was strongly influenced by the coastal ocean. Marine water reached the estuarine site on every sampled tide, and chlorophylla was clearly advected into the estuary with this ocean water. In contrast, phytoplankton concentrations were comparatively reduced in the estuarine water. There were, however, large fluctuations in the import of chlorophyll over the course of the summer. These variations likely reflect upwelling-generated phytoplankton production in the coastal ocean and subsequent cross-shelf transport to the estuary. Suspension feeding organisms in South Slough likely depend on the advection of this coastally-derived phytoplankton. The large allochthonous chlorophyll input measured for this system appears dissimilar from most estuaries studied to date. Previous investigations have focused on the outwelling and inwelling of materials in estuaries. We must now consider the influence of coastal upwelling and downwelling processes on estuarine material exchange.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of the Chesapeake Bay outflow plume on the coastal ocean, nutrient concentrations and climatology were evaluated in conjunction with nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) uptake rates during a 3-year field study. Sixteen cruises included all seasons and captured high- and low-flow freshwater input scenarios. Event-scale disturbances in freshwater flow and wind speed and direction strongly influenced the location and type of plume present and thus the biological uptake of N and C. As expected, volumetric primary productivity rates did not always correlate with chlorophyll a concentrations, suggesting that high freshwater flow does not translate into high productivity in the coastal zone; rather, high productivity was observed during periods where recycling processes may have dominated. Results suggest that timing of meteorological events, with respect to upwelling or downwelling favorable conditions, plays a crucial role in determining the impact of the estuarine plume on the coastal ocean.  相似文献   

Understanding of the role of oceanic input in nutrient loadings is important for understanding nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics in estuaries adjacent to coastal upwelling regions as well as determining the natural background conditions. We examined the nitrogen sources to Yaquina Estuary (Oregon, USA) as well as the relationships between physical forcing and gross oceanic input of nutrients and phytoplankton. The ocean is the dominant source of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphate to the lower portion of Yaquina Bay during the dry season (May through October). During this time interval, high levels of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (primarily in the form of nitrate) and phosphate entering the estuary lag upwelling favorable winds by 2 days. The nitrate and phosphate levels entering the bay associated with coastal upwelling are correlated with the wind stress integrated over times scales of 4–6 days. In addition, there is a significant import of chlorophyll a to the bay from the coastal ocean region, particularly during July and August. Variations in flood-tide chlorophyll a lag upwelling favorable winds by 6 days, suggesting that it takes this amount of time for phytoplankton to utilize the recently upwelled nitrogen and be transported across the shelf into the estuary. Variations in water properties determined by ocean conditions propagate approximately 11–13 km into the estuary. Comparison of nitrogen sources to Yaquina Bay shows that the ocean is the dominant source during the dry season (May to October) and the river is the dominant source during the wet season with watershed nitrogen inputs primarily associated with nitrogen fixation on forest lands.  相似文献   

Analysis of heavy-mineral distribution in modern sediments of Willapa Bay, Washington, indicates a dominance of two mineralogic assemblages, one with approximately equivalent amounts of hornblende, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene, the other dominated by clinopyroxene. The hornblende-orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene suite is derived from the Columbia River, which discharges into the ocean a short distance south of the bay. The clinopyroxene suite is restricted in modern sediments to sands in rivers flowing into the bay from the east. The heavy-mineral distributions suggest that sand discharged from the Columbia River, borne north by longshore transport, and carried into the bay by tidal currents accounts for most of the sand within the interior of Willapa Bay.Three heavy-mineral assemblages are present in the surrounding Pleistocene deposits; two of these are identical to the modern assemblages described above. These heavy-mineral assemblages reflect the relative influence of tidal and fluvial processes on the Late Pleistocene deposits; their relative influences are consistent with those inferred on the basis of sedimentary structures and stratigraphic relations in about two-thirds of the samples examined. The anomalies can be explained by recycling of sand from older deposits. The persistence of the two heavy-mineral assemblages suggests that the pattern of estuarine sedimentation in Late Pleistocene deposits closely resembled that of the modern bay.The third heavy-mineral suite, dominated by epidote, occurs in a few older Pleistocene units. On the north side of the bay, the association of this suite with southwest-directed foresets in crossbedded gravel indicates derivation from the northeast, perhaps from an area of glacial outwash. The presence of this suite in ancient estuarine sands exposed on the east side of the bay suggests that input from this northerly source may have intermittently dominated bay deposition in the past.  相似文献   

A bioenergetics model was developed and applied to questions of habitat use and migration behavior of nonindigenous European green crab (Carcinus maenas) in Willapa Bay, Washington, USA. The model was parameterized using existing data from published studies on the ecology and physiology ofC. maenas and allied brachyuran crabs., Simulations of the model were run describing four scenarios of habitat use and behavior during a 214-d simulation period (April–October) including crabs occupying mid littoral habitat, high littoral habitat, sublittoral habitat, and sublittoral habitat but undertaking intertidal migrations. Monthly trapping was done along an intertidal gradient in Willapa Bay to determine the actual distribution of crabs for the same time interval as the simulation period, and model results were compared to the observed pattern. Model estimates suggest no intrinsic energetic incentive for crabs to occupy littoral habitats since metabolic costs were c. 6% higher for these individuals than their sublittoral counterparts. Crabs in the littoral simulations were also less efficient than sublittoral crabs at converting consumed energy into growth. Monthly trapping revealed thatC. maenas are found predominantly in mid littoral habitats of Willapa Bay and there is no evidence of resident sublittoral populations. The discrepancy intimates the significance of other factors, including interspecific interactions, that are not incorporated into the model but nonetheless increase metabolic demand. Agonistic encounters with native Dungeness crabs (Cancer magister) may be chief among these additional costs, andC. maenas may largely avoid interactions by remaining in littoral habitats neglected by native crabs, such as meadows of nonindigenous smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora). AdultC. maenas in Willapa Bay may occupy tidal elevations that minimize such encounters, and metabolic costs, while simultaneously maximizing submersion time and foraging opportunities.  相似文献   

The Pomeranian Bay is a coastal region fed by the Oder River, one of the seven largest Baltic rivers, whose waters flow through a large and complex estuarine system before entering the bay. Nutrients (NO3 , NO2 , NH4 +, Ntot, PO4 3−, Ptot, DSi), chlorophylla concentrations, oxygen content, salinity, and temperature were measured in the Pomeranian Bay in nine seasonally distributed cruises during 1993–1997. Strong spatial and temporal patterns were observed and they were governed by: the seasonally variable riverine water-nutrient discharges, the seasonally variable uptake of nutrients and their cycling in the river estuary and the Bay, the character of water exchange between the Pomeranian Bay and the Szczecin Lagoon, and the water flow patterns in the Bay that are dominated by wind-driven circulation. Easterly winds resulted in water and nutrient transport along the German coastline, while westerly winds confined the nutrient rich riverine waters to the Polish coast and transported them eastward beyond the study area. Two water masses, coastal and open, characterized by different chemical and physical parameters and chla content were found in the Bay independently of the season. The role of the Oder estuary in nutrient transformation, as well as the role of temperature in transformation processes is stressed in the paper. The DIN:DIP:DSi ratio indicated that phosphorus most probably played a limiting role in phytoplankton production in the Bay in spring, while nitrogen did the same in summer. During the spring bloom, predominated by diatoms, the DSi:DIN ratio dropped to 0.1 in the coastal waters and to 0.6 in the open bay waters, pointing to silicon limitation of diatom growth, similar to what is being observed in other Baltic regions.  相似文献   

A dramatic increase in prevalence of the recently discovered bopyrid isopod parasite, Orthione griffenis, likely introduced in the 1980s from Asia to the Pacific coast of North America, coincided with the 2002 collapse of a population of its burrowing mud shrimp host, Upogebia pugettensis, in Willapa Bay, Washington that had been stable since monitoring began in 1988. An examination of whether O. griffenis infections were sufficient to cause this decline and other recently noted U. pugettensis population collapses in Pacific Coast estuaries was conducted. O. griffenis prevalence was the highest in large reproductive-sized female shrimp and caused an estimated average 68% loss of U. pugettensis reproduction in Yaquina Bay, Oregon over a 5-year period. O. griffenis prevalence fluctuated from year to year, but trends were similar in all estuaries sampled. Uninfected shrimp transplanted back into locations from which they had disappeared acquired the parasite, suggesting that O. griffenis is extremely effective at finding its host even in estuaries with very low host density. Since both U. pugettensis and O. griffenis have pelagic larval stages, their population dynamics are also influenced by coastal nearshore oceanography and estuarine recruitment success. Coastwide lack of estuarine recruitment appears to coincide with declines in density of a co-occurring thalassinid shrimp, Neotrypaea californiensis, but cannot alone explain U. pugettensis population collapses. Although patterns observed to date could be explained by the presence of either a native or introduced parasitic castrator, assumptions of a resilient co-evolved host–parasite relationship do not apply for introduced species, so continued efforts to follow the spatial extent and consequences of the O. griffenis–U. pugettensis host–parasite relationship are warranted.  相似文献   

We investigated the occurrence of behaviors that maximize predator avoidance and seaward transport in estuarine decapod zoeae by collecting larvae from discrete depths in a partially mixed estuary, Willapa Bay, Washington, USA, and relating their abundance and vertical distribution to a suite of environmental variables. Abundances of first zoeae of Neotrypaea californiensis and Pinnotheridae were associated with tidal phase, diel phase, and water height. Both taxa were most abundant during ebb tides, and abundances increased with water height, suggesting behaviors that enhanced seaward transport. Additionally, N. californiensis were both shallower and more abundant at night, indicative of behaviors to avoid visual predators. Our results suggest that both tidal transport and predator avoidance are important and sometimes interactive selective forces shaping larval decapod behavior.  相似文献   

Tillamook Bay, Oregon, is a drowned river estuary that receives freshwater input from 5 rivers and exchanges ocean water through a single channel. Similar to other western United States estuaries, the bay exhibits a strong seasonal change in river discharge in which there is a pronounced winter maximum and summer minimum in precipitation and runoff. The behavior of major inorganic nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen, and silica) within the watershed is examined over seasonal cycles and under a range of river discharge conditions for October 1997–December 1999. Monthly and seasonal sampling stations include transects extending from the mouth of each river to the mouth of the estuary as well as 6–10 sites upstream along each of the 5 major rivers. Few studies have examined nutrient cycling in Pacific Northwest estuaries. This study evaluates the distributions of inorganic nutrients to understand the net processes occurring within this estuary. Based upon this approach, we hypothesize that nutrient behavior in the Tillamook Bay estuary can be explained by two dominant factors: freshwater flushing time and biological uptake and regeneration. Superimposed on these two processes is seasonal variability in nutrient concentrations of coastal waters via upwelling. Freshwater flushing time determines the amount of time for the uptake of nutrients by phytoplankton, for exchange with suspended particles, and for interaction with the sediments. Seasonal coastal upwelling controls the timing and extent of oceanic delivery of nutrients to the estuary. We suggest that benthic regeneration of nutrients is also an important process within the estuary occurring seasonally according to the flushing characteristics of the estuary. Silicic acid, nitrate, and NH4 + supply to the bay appears to be dominated by riverine input. PO4 −3 supply is dominated by river input during periods of high river flow (winter months) with oceanic input via upwelling and tidal exchange important during other times (spring, summer, and fall months). Departures from conservative mixing indicate that internal estuarine sources of dissolved inorganic phosphorus and nitrogen are also significant over an annual cycle.  相似文献   

An experimental in situ microcosm study was conducted in the tropical lagoon La Mancha (Gulf of Mexico) to determine whether or not nutrient limitation occurs and to examine the direct effect of an inorganic nutrient pulse on the phytoplankton community structure. The phytoplankton community response to the addition of four treatments with different combinations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and silica (Si) (+N-NH4 +, +P-PO4 ?, +Si-SO3, and N:P16) showed that phytoplankton was N-limited as indicated by an increase in phytoplankton biomass (i.e., chlorophyll a) (range, 8–34 mg m?3) during the dry season in two consecutive years (2006 and 2007). Picophytoplankton abundance significantly increased in the +N treatment (145.46 103 cells L?1), while microphytoplankton reached a maximum abundance (68.38 103 cells L?1) in the N:P16 treatment. Phytoplankton composition changed from a community initially dominated by dinoflagellates (e.g., Prorocentrum spp.) to another dominated by diatoms (Thalassiosira and Nitzschia longissima) in the N:P16 treatment. The +N treatment significantly increased Synechococcus sp. growth rates (1.3 divisions per day) (picocyanobacteria). Biomarker pigments measured in the experimental microcosms confirmed observed changes in phytoplankton groups. Our results reveal that La Mancha lagoon is a N-limited coastal system during the dry season and provides evidence of the temporal species successional patterns and mechanisms regulating the phytoplankton community response to nutrient enrichment pulses in this already eutrophic coastal lagoon.  相似文献   

Larval and juvenile Japanese temperate bass (Lateolabrax japonicus) samples were collected from a wide range of spatial gradients (covering a distance of approximately 30 km) in Chikugo estuary, Ariake Bay, Japan over a period of 8 yr (1997–2004) in order to observe changes in diet. Gut contents were studied by separating, identifying, counting, and estimating the dry weight of prey organisms. Copepod samples were collected during each cruise to observe the numerical composition, abundance, and biomass in the estuary. Considerable spatial and temporal variations were observed in copepod distributions in ambient water and the diets of the fish. Two distinctly different copepod assemblages were identified in the estuary: One in the upper estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM), dominated by a single speciesSinocalanus sinensis and the other in the lower estuary consisting of a multispecies assemblage, dominated byOithona davisae, Acartia omorii, Paracalanus parvus, andCalanus sinicus. The gut content composition of the fish in the upper estuary was dominated byS. sinensis, while in the lower estuary, it consisted ofP. parvus, O. davisae, andA. omorii. Within the size group analyzed (13.0–27.0 mm SL), the smaller individuals were found to feed on a mixed diet composed of smaller prey. The diets gradually shifted to bigger prey composed predominantly ofS. sinensis for larger size groups. Greater proportions of empty guts were recorded in the smaller individuals and dropped with increasing fish size. Higher dry biomass of copepods in the environment, as well as higher dry weights of gut contents, were recorded in the upper estuary, indicating that the upper estuarine ETM areas are important nursery grounds for the early life stages of the Japanese temperate bass. The early life stages of the Japanese temperate bass are adapted to use the upstream nursery grounds and ascending to the nursery areas to useS. sinensis is one of the key survival strategies of the Japanese temperate bass in the Chikugo estuary.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between variation in origin of organic matter and benthic secondary production in a shallow, macrotidal estuary on the United States Pacific Northwest coast, Willapa Bay, Washington. Spatial variation in energy sources and benthic productivity were investigated at both local (vertical height and cross-bank components) and regional (sites within the bay) scales. We determined the stable carbon isotope ratios of oysters (Crassostrea gigas) to evaluate marine versus terrestrial energy sources, compared growth rates of oysters, and made time series measurements of physical variablest at estuarine channel and intertidal stations. The stable carbon isotope ratios of oysters ranged from ?22‰ in inner portions of the estuary to ?18‰ near the mouth and oysters grown on the substrate surface were enriched in δ13C relative to those grown in the water column. These patterns are consistent with terrigenous inputs away from the estuary mouth and benthic microalgae in the diets of on-bottom oysters. The highest oyster growth was found at an inner estuary site where riverine inputs are relatively high and coincided, with high ammonium in the water column. However, for most sites in Willapa Bay, oyster growth actually declined away from the estuary mouth. Reducing the time available for feeding by transplanting oysters higher in the intertidal zone had significant negative effects on growth(e.g., a reduction of 27–35% over 0.5 m). Despite the fact that oysters grown on-bottom had access to different resources than those in the water column, their growth was slower at amy given tidal elevation, which may be due to on-bottom competition with other suspension feeders, boundary layer effects, or interference from turbidity. In a practical sense, oyster growers have been adjusting to allochthonous energetic support of food webs in Willapa Bay for more than a century, because they have traditionally moved oysters from southern parts of the bay where recruitment is relatively high to beds where market-size oysters can be grown closer to the mouth. This study provides mechanistic support for these practices and suggests that climatic events on a variety of temporal scales (Pacific Decadal Oscillation, upwelling events) could have economic consequences for aquaculture.  相似文献   

Submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) communities have undergone declines worldwide, exposing them to invasions from non-native species. Over the past decade, the invasive species Hydrilla verticillata has been documented in several tributaries of the lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia. We used annual aerial mapping surveys from 1998 to 2007, integrated with spatial analyses of water quality data, to analyze the patterns and rates of change of a H. verticillata-dominated SAV community and relate them to varying salinity and light conditions. Periods of declining SAV coverage corresponded to periods where salinities exceeded 7 and early growing season (April to May) Secchi depths were <0.4 m. Increases were driven by the expansion of H. verticillata along with several other species into the upper estuary, where some areas experienced an 80% increase in cover. Field investigations revealed H. verticillata dominance to be limited to the upper estuary where total suspended solid concentrations during the early growing season were <15 mg l−1 and salinity remained <3. The effect of poor early growing season water clarity on annual SAV growth highlights the importance of water quality during this critical life stage. Periods of low clarity combined with periodic salinity intrusions may limit the dominance of H. verticillata in these types of estuarine systems. This study shows the importance of the use of these types of biologically relevant episodic events to supplement seasonal habitat requirements and also provides evidence for the potential important role of invasive species in SAV community recovery.  相似文献   

A physical-biological-chemical model (PBCM) is used for investigating the seasonal cycle of air-sea carbon flux and for assessing the effect of the biological processes on seasonal time scale in the Arabian Sea (AS) and Bay of Bengal (BoB), where the surface waters are subjected to contrasting physical conditions. The formulation of PBCM is given in Swathi et al (2000), and evaluation of several ammonium-inhibited nitrate uptake models is given in Sharada et al (2005). The PBCM is here first evaluated against JGOFS data on surface pCO2 in AS, Bay of Bengal Process Studies (BoBPS) data on column integrated primary productivity in BoB, and WOCE Il data on dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and alkalinity (ALK) in the upper 500 meters at 9°N in AS and at 10°N in BoB in September–October. There is good qualitative agreement with local quantitative discrepancies. The net effect of biological processes on air-sea carbon flux on seasonal time scale is determined with an auxiliary computational experiment, called the abiotic run, in which the biological processes are turned off. The difference between the biotic run and abiotic run is interpreted as the net effect of biological processes on the seasonal variability of chemical variables. The net biological effect on air-sea carbon flux is found to be highest in southwest monsoon season in the northwest AS, where strong upwelling drives intense new production. The biological effect is larger in AS than in BoB, as seasonal upwelling and mixing are strong in AS, especially in the northeast, while coastal upwelling and mixing are weak in BoB.  相似文献   

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