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冲绳海槽地区地球物理场特征及地壳结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用冲绳海槽地区最新的调查资料,系统地总结和分析了冲绳海槽地区地震波场、重力场、磁力场、热流场的特征,通过居里面的反演和莫霍界面的计算,结合编绘的图件对该地区的居里面深度和莫霍面深度的分布特征进行了研究。居里面的深度为4~15 km,莫霍面深度在4~28 km之间,综合分析以往OBS的调查结果和地震资料解释成果,对该地区的深部地壳结构进行了探讨。  相似文献   

南海是西太平洋地区规模最大且具有代表性的边缘海盆地之一。经过近几十年的研究积累,尤其是通过实施5个国际大洋钻探航次(1999–2018年)与国家自然科学基金委“南海深海过程演变”重大研究计划(2011–2019年),我国科学家获得了大量宝贵的第一手资料,取得了一系列创新进展与重大突破,标志着南海海洋地质与地球物理研究正走向国际前沿。重要研究成果包括:(1)新提出南海是“板缘张裂”盆地,与经典的大西洋型陆缘模式不同;(2)大洋钻探首次获取了基底玄武岩样品,结合中国在南海首次深拖地磁测量实验,精确测定了南海海盆玄武岩年龄,揭示南海海盆从东向西分段扩张;(3)大洋钻探结果发现南海陆缘岩石圈减薄之初岩浆迅速出现,未发现缓慢破裂造成的蛇纹岩出露;(4)发现南海扩张结束后仍存在大量岩浆活动,可能受控于多种构造与地幔因素;(5)地球化学证据与地球动力学模拟都显示南海岩浆的形成受到周边俯冲带的影响。目前我国的海洋地球科学正在进入崭新的发展阶段,有望以南海为基点,开始拓展到周边大洋,通过主导大型研究计划以及建设我国大洋钻探平台,以提升我国在南海、西太平洋与印度洋海洋地质科学研究的实质性影响力与引领地位。  相似文献   

雅浦俯冲带北段和马里亚纳俯冲带西南端均受加罗林岛脊俯冲影响,但是二者的地球物理特征存在显著差异。通过分析雅浦俯冲带北段和马里亚纳俯冲带的地球物理特征,对比了二者之间的海底地形、重力异常、地震活动和应力场等特征。结果表明:(1)雅浦海沟北段外缘发育垒堑构造带,马里亚纳海沟西南端加罗林岛脊俯冲区域水深明显变浅,加罗林岛脊俯冲最前端形成凹角。(2)雅浦岛弧北段和马里亚纳岛弧西南端加罗林岛脊俯冲区域高布格异常值反映了强烈的构造侵蚀可能导致火山弧地壳缺失,岛弧之下高密度物质上涌。(3)雅浦俯冲带北段和马里亚纳俯冲带西南端地震活动性弱并且缺乏高震级地震,说明加罗林海脊岛脊的俯冲阻塞降低了俯冲带的构造活动性。马里亚纳俯冲带西南端存在少量的中源地震,表明该区域板片俯冲深度比雅浦俯冲带北段更深。(4)马里亚纳俯冲带西南端的地震存在更多的走滑分量,与加罗林板块的倾斜俯冲、加罗林岛脊的倾斜碰撞有关。(5)加罗林岛脊相对于海沟走向的俯冲角度是造成雅浦俯冲带北段和马里亚纳俯冲带西南端的地球物理特征存在差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

文中详细研究了当前世界上最典型的海底观测网的建设发展规模、形式、设备类型以及我国海底观测网的发展现状,并对国内外海底观测网的发展趋势进行总结。对日本、加拿大、美国及欧洲的海底观测网进行了设备级研究,对我国台湾地区、东海、南海的海底观测网现状进行了研究,并讨论了国外先进观测网对我国的海底观测网建设的借鉴意义。文中总结出海底观测网发展的整体趋势为:单节点网络加速验证新型设备及传感器的水下能力;区域尺度网络用于加速多学科发展并提升灾害预警能力;而浮标平台网络作为补充,铺设在远海区域以降低阶段建设成本。  相似文献   

海底观测网络是推动海洋科学技术发展,了解地球环境系统的重要基础,也是帮助人类了解海洋从而促进全球经济发展的重要方法。文章回顾了各国在海底观测系统发展过程中的研究计划和建设情况;介绍了当前各国海底观测网络及其投入业务应用后,在多学科综合观测、多网络交互融合、数据交换利用以及海洋科学应用等方面的发展方向,对我国海底观测探测网络建设,深海新型传感器发展,海底观测网标准化体系完善等方向进行了分析展望。  相似文献   

海底观测网因其实时、长期、连续、高精度时钟同步及原位等优势而逐渐成为人类研究海洋的新型平台,建设规模和应用水深都在不断扩大。海底观测网系统建设中,深水设备的精准定点布放及湿插拔作业是施工的难点。针对国内海底观测网精准定位布放作业存在的困难和问题,结合国内现有施工条件,提出一种大深度海底设备精准定点布放安装方法,实现南海深海海底观测网试验系统深水设备精准定位布放与ROV湿插拔作业,对未来大规模海底观测网及其它深水工程中设备的精准定点布放和安装,具有参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) of the central Pacific is one of the few regions in the world’s oceans that are still lacking full coverage of reliable identifications of seafloor spreading anomalies. This is mainly due to the geometry of the magnetic lineations’ strike direction sub-parallel to the Earth’s magnetic field vector near the equator resulting in low amplitude magnetic anomalies, and the remoteness of the region which has hindered systematic surveying in the past. Following recently granted research licenses for manganese nodules in the CCZ by the International Seabed Authority, new magnetic data acquired with modern instrumentation became available which combined with older underway data make the identification of seafloor spreading anomalies possible for large parts of the CCZ and adjacent areas. The spreading rates deduced from the seafloor spreading patterns show a sharp increase at the end of Chron 21 (47.5 Ma) which corresponds to the age of the bend in the Hawaii-Emperor seamount chain and an associated plate tectonic reorganisation in the Central Pacific. An accurate map of crustal ages for the central-eastern Pacific based on our anomaly picks may provide a basis for improved plate tectonic reconstructions of the region.  相似文献   

The southwestern part of the Scotia Sea, at the corner of the Shackleton Fracture Zone with the South Scotia Ridge has been investigated, combining marine magnetic profiles, multichannel seismic reflection data, and satellite-derived gravity anomaly data. From the integrated analysis of data, we identified the presence of the oldest part of the crust in this sector, which tentative age is older than anomaly C10 (28.7 Ma). The area is surrounded by structural features clearly imaged by seismic data, which correspond to gravity lows in the satellite-derived map, and presents a rhomboid-shaped geometry. Along its southern boundary, structural features related to convergence and possible incipient subduction beneath the continental South Scotia Ridge have been evidenced from the seismic profile. We interpret this area, now located at the edge of the south-western Scotia Sea, as a relict of ocean-like crust formed during an earlier, possibly diffuse and disorganized episode of spreading at the first onset of the Drake Passage opening. The successive episode of organized seafloor spreading responsible for the opening of the Drake Passage that definitively separated southern South America from the Antarctic Peninsula, instigated ridge-push forces that can account for the subduction-related structures found along the western part of the South Scotia Ridge. This seafloor accretion phase occurred from 27 to about 10 Ma, when spreading stopped in the western Scotia Sea Ridge, as resulted from the identification of the marine magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   

Tsunami hazard in the Makran Subduction Zone (MSZ), off the southern coasts of Iran and Pakistan, was studied by numerical modeling of historical tsunami in this region. Although the MSZ triggered the second deadliest tsunami in the Indian Ocean, among those known, the tsunami hazard in this region has yet to be analyzed in detail. This paper reports the results of a risk analysis using five scenario events based on the historic records, and identifies a seismic gap area in western Makran off the southern coast of Iran. This is a possible site for a future large earthquake and tsunami. In addition, we performed numerical modeling to explain some ambiguities in the historical reports. Based on the modeling results, we conclude that either the extreme run-up of 12–15 m assigned for the 1945 Makran tsunami in the historical record was produced by a submarine landslide triggered by the parent earthquake, or that these reports are exaggerated. The other possibility could be the generation of the huge run-up heights by large displacements on splay faults. The results of run-up modeling reveal that a large earthquake and tsunami in the MSZ is capable of producing considerable run-up heights in the far field. Therefore, it is possible that the MSZ was the source of the tsunami encountered by a Portuguese fleet in Dabhul in 1524.  相似文献   

海底的淡水喷泉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法国“宁弗埃·沃特”公司首次从位于地中海底的喷泉中采集到了淡水。这个喷泉的名称叫莫尔托拉,位于距明多那城400m的水深36m处,其涌水量为100L/s。类似的喷泉自古有之,至今已发现1000余处。引水工程系统由覆盖喷泉的金属“郁金香”和以弯管与其相连,是直径为6m的容器。后者漂浮在海面上(公司打算以后安装输水管道通至岸上)。“郁金香”安置在坚固的锚上,并用拉紧的缆绳固定起来以防被水冲倒。它具有翻转的漏斗状,高10m,直径2m,在其顶部有调节涌水量的由有机玻璃制成的球。在设计中最困难的是选择最佳的管道直径,为的是一方面不吸入咸的海…  相似文献   

Swath bathymetry data and seismic reflection profiles have been used to investigate details of the deformation pattern in the area offshore southwestern Taiwan where the Luzon subduction complex encroaches on the passive Chinese continental margin. Distinctive fold-and-thrust structures of the convergent zone and horst-and-graben structures of the passive margin are separated by a deformation front that extends NNW-ward from the eastern edge of the Manila Trench to the foot of the continental slope. This deformation front gradually turns into a NNE–SSW trending direction across the continental slope and the Kaoping Shelf, and connects to the frontal thrusts of the mountain belt on land Taiwan. However, the complex Penghu submarine canyon system blurs the exact location of the deformation front and nature of many morphotectonic features offshore SW Taiwan. We suggest that the deformation front offshore SW Taiwan does not appear as a simple structural line, but is characterized by a series of N–S trending folds and thrusts that terminate sequentially in an en-echelon pattern across the passive Chinese continental slope. A number of NE–SW trending lineaments cut across the fold-and-thrust structures of the frontal accretionary wedge and exhibit prominent dextral displacement indicative of the lateral expulsion of SW Taiwan. One of the prominent lineaments, named the Yung-An lineament, forms the southeastern boundary of the upper part of the Penghu submarine canyon, and has conspicuous influence over the drainage pattern of the canyon  相似文献   

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