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The Weinberg relation (which connects the Hubble constantH to the mass of a typical elementary particle) is an empirical relation hitherto unexplained. I suggest an explanation based on the Zel'dovich energy tensor of vacuum in a Robertson-Walker universe with constant deceleration parameter,q = const. This model leads to
  1. the Weinberg relation,
  2. a varying cosmological term Λ scaling asH 2,
  3. a varying gravitational constantG scaling asH,
  4. a matter creation process throughout the universe at the rate 10?47 g s?1 cm3,
  5. a deceleration parameter in the range -1 to 1/2, which allows a horizon-free universe and makes the lawG/H = constant, consistent with the Viking lander data on the orbit of planet Mars.

Celebrating the diamond jubilee of the Physics Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad, India, we look back over the last six decades in solar physics and contemplate on the ten outstanding problems (or research foci) in solar physics:
  1. The solar neutrino problem
  2. Structure of the solar interior (helioseismology)
  3. The solar magnetic field (dynamo, solar cycle, corona)
  4. Hydrodynamics of coronal loops
  5. MHD oscillations and waves (coronal seismology)
  6. The coronal heating problem
  7. Self-organized criticality (from nanoflares to giant flares)
  8. Magnetic reconnection processes
  9. Particle acceleration processes
  10. Coronal mass ejections and coronal dimming
The first two problems have been largely solved recently, while the other eight selected problems are still pending a final solution, and thus remain persistent Challenges for Solar Cycle 24, the theme of this jubilee conference.  相似文献   

This paper is primarily concerned with the questions of models and the mechanisms of radio emission for pulsars, the polarization of this radiation and related topic. For convenience and to provide a more complete picture of the problems involved, a short summary of the data on pulsars is also given. Besides the introduction, the paper contains the following sections:
  1. Some Facts about Pulsars.
  2. The Astrophysical Nature of Pulsars.
  3. Coherent Mechanisms of Radio Emission from Pulsars.
  4. Models of Pulsars: Magnetic, Pulsating White Dwarfs and Neutron Stars.
  5. The Polarization of the Radio Emission from Pulsars.
  6. A Synthesized Model of Pulsars — Magnetic, Pulsating and Rotating Neutron Stars.
  7. Concluding Remarks.

An analysis of the data concerning high-velocity stars from Eggen's catalogue aimed at a determination of the approximate slope of the mass function for the spherical component of our Galaxy, and at estimating the local circular velocity, as well as the local rotation velocity, as by-products, has been performed. Our conclusions are that:
  1. A linear dependence of the mass on the radius is very likely;
  2. the value of the limiting radius is most likely equal to (40±10) kpc;
  3. the two local velocities are approximately equal to each other, being both equal to (230±30) km s?1;
  4. the local escape velocity appears to be most likely equal to (520±30) km s?1;
  5. the total mass of a corona, obtained in this way, is (5±1)×1011 M .

The properties of rapidly changing inhomogeneities visible in the H and K lines above sunspot umbrae are described. We find as properties for these ‘Umbral Flashes’:
  1. A lifetime of 50 sec. The light curve is asymmetrical, the increase is faster than the decrease in brightness.
  2. A diameter ranging from the resolution limit up to 2000 km.
  3. A tendency to repeat every 145 sec.
  4. A ‘proper motion’ of 40 km/sec generally directed towards the penumbra.
  5. A Doppler shift of 6 km/sec.
  6. A magnetic field of 2100 G.
  7. A decrease in this field of 12 G/sec. This decrease is probably related to the flash motion.
  8. At any instant an average of 3–5 flashes in a medium-sized umbra. A weak feature often persists in the umbra after the flash. This post-flash structure initially shows a blue shift, but 100–120 sec after the flash, it shows a rapid red shift just before the flash repeats.

Information about space distribution is collected for selected classes of evolving stars in the globular cluster M13. After a rigorous elimination of field stars, three samples are examined, corresponding to the red giant stage (G), the blue (B) and the yellow (YG) parts of the horizontal branch. It is shown that results are easy to understand in terms of:
  1. A substantial mass loss in the H-shell burning stage;
  2. Evolution along the horizontal branch from the blue side to the red one;
  3. A mixing in the observed giant branch of two populations with sensible differences in masses.
Theoretical interpretations are briefly discussed with reference to the reliability and usefulness of this type of investigation.  相似文献   

Large number of microwave antennas of size and surface accuracy appropriate for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) have not been manufactured previously. To minimize total cost, the design needs to be much more carefully considered and optimized than would be affordable for a small number of antennas. The required surface area requires new methods of manufacture and production-line type assembly to be considered. A blend of past antenna construction technology, creativity, and new technology is needed to provide the best possible telescope for the proposed SKA science goals. The following key concepts will be discussed with respect to reflector antennas and many supporting photographs, figures and drawings will be included.
  • Surface and supporting structure – comparison of panels with a one-piece shell as produced by hydroforming.
  • Combined reflector and mount geometry – performance/cost materially governed by this geometry which must be optimized for SKA requirements which are significantly different from typical communications antennas
  • Types of fully steerable mounts – king post, turntable bearing and wheel and track
  • Pointing accuracy – factors effecting cost, non-repeatable and repeatable errors
  • Axis drive concepts – traction devices, gears, screws, etc.
  • Life cycle costs – maintenance and power costs must be considered
  • Synergistic design – all of the above factors must be considered together with the wideband feed and receiver system to optimize the whole system
  •   相似文献   

    The jet/grain model proposed by Ramatyet al. (1984, hereafter abbreviated as RKL) for production of the narrow gamma-ray lines reported from SS433 is examined and shown to be untenable on numerous grounds. Most importantly:
    1. The huge Coulomb collisional losses (W c?2×1041 erg s?1) from the jet, which would necessarily accompany non-thermal production of the gamma rays, demands a jet acceleration/collimation process acting over a very long range and with a power at least 102 times the Eddington limit for any stellar object.
    2. There is a collisional thick target limit (irrespective of jet mass) to the gamma ray yield per interstellar proton. Consequently, the gamma-ray data demand an improbably high interstellar density (?109 cm?3).
    3. For the grains to be kept cool enough (?3000 K) to survive the heating rateW c either by radiation or jet expansion would demand a ‘jet’ wider than its length and so inconsistent with narrow lines. In the case of radiative cooling, the resultant IR flux would exceed the observed values by a factor ?104.
    4. Light scattered on the jet grain mass required would be highly polarized, contrary to observations, unless the jet was optically thick to grains, again precluding their radiative cooling.
    5. To avoid unacceptable precessional broadening of the gamma-ray lines demands an emitting jet length ?0.5 days atv=0.26c. This increases the necessary mass loss rate by a factor ?10 over the values obtained by RKL who assumed a 4-day ‘flare’.
    6. The model also predicts rest energy gamma-ray lines which are not observed.

    Four consecutive years of a quasi-continuous survey of the solar Lα line are presented. Absolute calibration and aging correction are evaluated producing higher quality measurements which are:
  • -the total Lα flux,
  • -the central Lα flux,
  • -the blue wing flux at 0.33 Å from the center,
  • -the slope of the blue wing at the same location.
  • Empirical laws are deduced from this large amount of data giving a relation between these different parameters and the flux integrated over the whole line. Furthermore, other empirical laws are obtained between the total Lα flux and two solar activity indices. These relations give a possibility of evaluating the solar Lα flux even when no observation is available and, as previously found by Prinz (1974), show that to a first approximation the solar Lα flux is composed of a quiet and of an active component. The active component changes with the 27 days period; the quiet one with the 11 yr solar cycle.  相似文献   

    The Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) gave us the highest EUV spatial resolution and the Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectrometric Imager (RHESSI) gave us the highest hard X-ray and gammaray spectral resolution to study solar flares. We review a number of recent highlights obtained from both missions that either enhance or challenge our physical understanding of solar flares, such as:
    1. Multi-thermal Diagnostic of 6.7 and 8.0 keV Fe and Ni lines
    2. Multi-thermal Conduction Cooling Delays
    3. Chromospheric Altitude of Hard X-Ray Emission
    4. Evidence for Dipolar Reconnection Current Sheets
    5. Footpoint Motion and Reconnection Rate
    6. Evidence for Tripolar Magnetic Reconnection
    7. Displaced Electron and Ion Acceleration Sources.

    Observations of longitudinal and transversal fields and of radial velocities in the magnetic ‘knots’ close to a sunspot were made with the help of Sayan Observatory magnetograph with spatial resolution 1″.2 x 1″.8. The analysis led to following conclusions:
    1. The magnetic field in the knots is mainly vertical. The mean inclination of the magnetic-field vector to the vertical direction is equal to 26°.
    2. The phenomenon of darkening is connected with essentially vertical fields and brightening in the faculae with the horizontal fields on the sun.
    3. An inverse relation between the value of darkening and the inclination of the field vector to the vertical direction and a direct relation on the longitudinal magnetic-field strength exist for the magnetic knots.
    4. The magnetic knots in the active region are located in the Hα flocculi near the line where the radial velocity is changing sign in the photosphere.

    In this paper we review the drift theory of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields. No new physical interpretations are added to this classical topic, but through an alternative, simplified derivation of the guiding centre velocity, several complexities are eliminated and possible misconceptions of the theory are clarified. It is shown that:
    1. The curvature/gradient drift velocity in the magnetic field, averaged over a particle distribution function is to lowest order in the direction of?×B/B 2, while the average particle velocity is in the direction ofB×? P withP the scalar particle pressure.
    2. These drift directions are correct for first-order expansions of the particle distribution function, and only second-order or higher expansions change these directions.
    3. The?×B/B 2 drift, which is the standard gradient plus curvature drift, and which is usually considered as a ‘single particle’ drift, need not be ‘reconciled’ with theB×? P, or ‘macroscopic, collective’ drift, as is often asserted in the literature. They are in fact related per definition and we show how.
    4. When viewed in fixed momentum intervals (p,p+dp), the so-called Compton-Getting factor enters into the electric field (E×B)/B 2 drift term.
    5. The results are independent of the scale length of variation ofE andB, in contrast to existing drift theory. We discuss the implications of this result for three important cases.

    In order to establish some regularities or variations in the distribution of widths and intensities of the coronal line profiles λ 5303 and λ 6374 depending upon the solar activity, a statistical analysis was made for more than 3000 profiles (the data covering the period 1966–1972). The following results obtained:
    1. The distribution of coronal line profile widths changes depending upon the solar activity phase.
    2. The character of the relation between the intensities and widths varies with variation of the solar activity phase.

    Coordinates of polar faculae have been measured and processed using daily photoheliograms of the Kislovodsk Station of the Pulkovo observatory with the final goal of studying their latitude distribution during the solar cycles 20–21. The results obtained are as follows:
    1. The first polar faculae emerge immediately after the polarity inversion of the solar magnetic field at the latitudes from 40° to 70° with the average ?-55°.
    2. The zone of the emergence of polar faculae migrates poleward during the period between the neighbouring polarity inversions of the solar magnetic field. This migration is about 20° for 8 years, which corresponds to a velocity of 0.5 m s-1.
    3. The maximum number of polar faculae was reached at the activity minimum (1975–1976).
    4. The last polar faculae were observed in the second half of 1978 at the latitudes from 70° to 80°.

    Shock remagnetization is a significant mode of alteration of the intensity and direction of magnetization in planetary crustal rocks subjected to the dynamic and thermochemical effects associated with meteorite impact. Shock remagnetization will take place almost instantaneously during and following the transient shock episode, and over longer times depending on residual temperature effects associated with shock heating and the production of impact melt. Remagnetization will follow certain demagnetization effects. The following transitions and residual effects will result in remagnetization of planetary crustal material:
    1. First order reversible crystallographic transitions in bodycentered cubic iron-nickel alloys.
    2. Second order Curie temperature transitions in face-centered cubic iron-nickel alloys.
    3. Shock induced uniaxial anisotropy due to magnetoelasstic coupling of magnetic vectors to the shock wave.
    4. Shock melting of iron containing silicates.
    5. Subsolidus reduction and FeO decomposition.
    6. Partial ther moremanence due to post-shock temperature.
    7. Total thermoremanence due to post-shock temperature.
    8. Production of a superparamagnetic distribution of iron which is sensitive to surface temperature fluctuation.
    9. Thermal effects in metal and alloy phases.
    Lunar breccia and soil samples are generally more reduced than crystalline rocks and some of th's reduction is subsolidus probably associated with the transient thermal effects due to meteorite impact in teh porous reglith.  相似文献   

    A clarification and discussion of the energy changes experienced by cosmic rays in the interplanetary region is presented. It is shown that the mean time rate of change of momentum of cosmic rays reckoned for a fixed volume in a reference frame fixed in the solar system is 〈p〉 =p V·G/3 (p=momentum,V is the solar wind velocity andG=cosmic-ray density gradient). This result is obtained in three ways:
    1. by a rearrangement and reinterpretation of the cosmic-ray continuity equation;
    2. by using a scattering analysis based on that of Gleeson and Axford (1967);
    3. by using a special scattering model in which cosmic-rays are trapped in ‘magnetic boxes’ moving with the solar wind.
    The third method also gives the rate of change of momentum of particles within a moving ‘magnetic box’ as 〈pad = ?p ?·V/3, which is the adiabatic deceleration rate of Parker (1965). We conclude that ‘turnaround’ energy change effects previously considered separately are already included in the equation of transport for cosmic rays.  相似文献   

    Image processing performed on a series of photographs of the superluminal Seyfert galaxy, 3C 120, shows the outer optical disc to consist of fragmented segments generally pointing toward the centre. One long arm of peculiar, separated knots comes off to the W and SW. A peculiar companion is seen along the line of the NW radio jet. In the interior, optical jets are detected which are aligned along the direction of the outer radio jets. A region of the sky 45 ×; 25 degrees around 3C120 is investigated. It is found that:
    1. A nebulous filament about 3/4 degree in length points to 3C 120.
    2. Hydrogen clouds of redshiftz = ?130 and ?210 km s?1 are situated at 3 and 1 degrees on either side of 3C 120.
    3. Eleven low-surface-brightness galaxies with 4500 <z < 5300 km s?1 fall within a radius of 8 degrees.
    4. Seven quasars withz ? 1.35 and radio fluxesS b ? 0.3 fall within a radius of 10 degrees.
    It is concluded that the concentration of these objects in the vicinity of this unique, active galaxy has a negligible chance of being accidental and that all those objects of diverse redshift are at the same nearby distance. This smaller distance reduces the supposed superluminal motions in 3C 120 to quite precedented ejection velocities.  相似文献   

    1. The exotic system H 3 ++ (which does not exist without magnetic field) exists in strong magnetic fields:
      1. In triangular configuration for B≈108–1011?G (under specific external conditions)
      2. In linear configuration for B>1010?G
    2. In the linear configuration the positive z-parity states 1σ g , 1π u , 1δ g are bound states
    3. In the linear configuration the negative z-parity states 1σ u , 1π g , 1δ u are repulsive states
    4. The H 3 ++ molecular ion is the most bound one-electron system made from protons at B>3×1013?G
    Possible application: The H 3 ++ molecular ion may appear as a component of a neutron star atmosphere under a strong surface magnetic field B=1012–1013?G.  相似文献   

    The following physical parameters have been computed for the Jovian atmosphere between 270 and ?300 km: (1) Pressure, (2) Density, (3) Speed and sound, (4) Number density, (5) Density scale. It has considered that the top of the clouds is at 0 km. For the calculations of these parameters we have used:
    1. for the altitudes 270-0 km data from Voyager I and II.
    2. for the altitudes ?300–0 km data from Voyager II and spectroscopic observations.

    A typical concentric ellipse multiple-arch system was observed in the solar corona during the February 4, 1962 eclipse in New Guinea. The following results have been obtained from analysis of a white-light photograph taken by N. Owaki (see Owaki and Saito, 1967a).
    1. The arches are composed of four equidistant components, elliptical in shape, and almost concentric with a prominence at the common center of the ellipses.
    2. The prominence and arch system appears to be the lower region of a helmet-shaped streamer.
    3. The widths of the arches are observed to increase with height.
    4. Analysis was made in the light of three models for the coronal structures that could lead to the observed arches: (a) rod-like concentrations of electrons; (b) tunnel-shaped elliptical shells of electrons; and (c) dome-like ellipsoidal shells of electrons. Electron densities are derived for the models, and the dome-like model is excluded as a possibility for arch systems exhibiting a coronal cavity.
    5. The scale height in the arch-streamer region is found to be almost the same as that of the K-corona, suggesting equal temperatures, density distributions, etc. in each region.
    6. There is a dark space (a coronal cavity) between the innermost arch and the prominence. The brightness of this cavity is 1/5 that of the adjacent arch. It is 3% brighter than the background corona of the arch-streamer system.
    7. A comparison is made between the deficiency of electrons in the coronal cavity and the excess of electrons in the prominence. It is found that the ratio of the excess to the deficiency lies between 0.9 and 40.
    8. A comparison between the electron efflux from the ‘leaky magnetic bottle’ possibly formed by rod-shaped coronal arches and the electron influx into those arches from the chromosphere leads us to the conclusion that the rod model is probably valid and that spicules appear to be an adequate supply for the electrons observed in the arches. The tunnel model may be valid, but in that case spicules are probably not the sources of the electrons observed in coronal arches.

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