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The Bragg Crystal Spectrometer (BCS) is one of the instruments which makes up the scientific payload of the SOLAR-A mission. The spectrometer employs four bent germanium crystals, views the whole Sun and observes the resonance line complexes of H-like Fexxvi and He-like Fexxv, Caxix, and Sxv in four narrow wavelength ranges with a resolving power (/) of between 3000 and 6000. The spectrometer has approaching ten times better sensitivity than that of previous instruments thus permitting a time resolution of better than 1 s to be achieved. The principal aim is the measurement of the properties of the 10 to 50 million K plasma created in solar flares with special emphasis on the heating and dynamics of the plasma during the impulsive phase. This paper summarizes the scientific objectives of the BCS and describes the design, characteristics, and performance of the spectrometers.After the launch the name of SOLAR-A has been changed to YOHKOH.Tragically Professor K. Tanaka died on January 2, 1990.  相似文献   

太阳成像光谱探测是诊断太阳大气磁场和热力学参数的主要手段. 傅里叶变换太阳光谱仪(Fourier Transform Solar Spectrometer, FTSS)具有宽波段的优势, 是当前中红外高分辨率太阳光谱探测的最佳选择. FTSS通过采集目标辐射等光程差干涉图, 反演获得光谱图, 等光程差采样的间隔决定了反演光谱波长范围. 因此从FTSS宽波段光谱观测对不同等光程差采样间隔需求出发, 基于现场可编程门阵列(Field Programmable Gate Array, FPGA)技术, 采用全数字分频、倍频方案, 设计了一套宽波段FTSS等光程差采样系统. 采用分布式余数补偿方法, 有效解决了在参考激光干涉信号倍频过程中, 输出采样信号在输出信号周期间误差累积问题, 并降低了输出采样信号的误差及非均匀性; 经功能仿真及实验测试, 系统在200Hz--50kHz频率范围内, 频率误差delta $<$ 0.04%, 可有效满足FTSS的300nm--25μm宽波段的光谱观测数据采集需求, 为后续可见和红外波段FTSS的研制奠定了技术基础.  相似文献   

The SOLAR-A spacecraft is to be launched by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan (ISAS) in August, 1991. As a successor of HINOTORI, this mission is dedicated principally to the study of solar flares, especially of high-energy phenomena observed in the X- and gamma-ray ranges. The SOLAR-A will be the unique space solar observatory during the current activity maximum period (1989–1992). With a coordinated set of instruments including hard X-ray and soft X-ray imaging telescopes as well as spectrometers with advanced capabilities, it will reveal many new aspects of flares and help better understand their physics, supporting international collaborations with ground-based observatories as well as theoretical investigations. An overview of this mission, including the satellite, its scientific instruments, and its operation, is given in this paper. Also the scientific objectives are briefly discussed.After the launch the name of SOLAR-A has been changed to YOHKOH.  相似文献   

The Soft X-ray Telescope for the SOLAR-A mission   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) of the SOLAR-A mission is designed to produce X-ray movies of flares with excellent angular and time resolution as well as full-disk X-ray images for general studies. A selection of thin metal filters provide a measure of temperature discrimination and aid in obtaining the wide dynamic range required for solar observing. The co-aligned SXT aspect telescope will yield optical images for aspect reference, white-light flare and sunspot studies, and, possibly, helioseismology. This paper describes the capabilities and characteristics of the SXT for scientific observing.After the launch the name of SOLAR-A has been changed to YOHKOH.  相似文献   

The Hard X-ray Telescope (HXT) is a Fourier-synthesis imager; a set of spatially-modulated photon count data are taken from 64 independent subcollimators and are Fourier-transformed into an image by using procedures such as the maximum entropy method (MEM) or CLEAN. The HXT takes images of solar flares simultaneously in four energy bands, nominally 15 (or 19)–24, 24–35, 35–57, and 57–100 keV, with an ultimate angular resolution as fine as 5 arc sec and a time resolution 0.5 s. Each subcollimator has a field of view wider than the solar disk. The total effective area of the collimator/detector system reaches 70 cm2, about one order of magnitude larger than that of the HINOTORI hard X-ray imager. Thanks to these improvements, HXT will for the first time enable us to take images of flares at photon energies above 30 keV. These higher-energy images will be compared with lower-energy ones, giving clues to the understanding of nonthermal processes in solar flares, i.e., the acceleration and confinement of energetic electrons. It is of particular importance to specify the acceleration site with regard to the magnetic field figuration in a flaring region, which will be achieved by collaborative observations between HXT and the Soft X-ray Telescope on board the same mission.After the launch the name of SOLAR-A has been changed to YOHKOH.  相似文献   

介绍了一种采用锁相环技术(PLL)产生高稳定度正弦信号的宽频带频率合成器方案,在该系统中采用锁相环频率合成器芯片ADF4360-7设计锁相环电路.简要分析了该芯片的工作原理,并给出了频率合成器的电路参数.通过该系统实现的宽频带本振信号的输出频率范围达到500 MHz~1 GHz.  相似文献   

随着人类空间活动的急剧增加,同步轨道资源已变得十分稀缺。为此人们采用了多星共位技术,来充分挖掘同步轨道资源。多星共位中,由于卫星存在位置漂移的情况,安全问题成为维护卫星正常工作必须考虑的问题之一。考虑到同步卫星的轨道特性,常采用三程测距的方式对卫星进行测轨,而且需要较长时间的测轨弧段。连线干涉测量可以获得高精度的差分相位时延,这对卫星在垂直视线方向上构成了很强的约束。给出了连线干涉测量系统设计及测量数据处理方法,并对测量中的关键技术与设备特性、测量数据精度进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

The RHESSI Spectrometer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Smith  D.M.  Lin  R.P.  Turin  P.  Curtis  D.W.  Primbsch  J.H.  Campbell  R.D.  Abiad  R.  Schroeder  P.  Cork  C.P.  Hull  E.L.  Landis  D.A.  Madden  N.W.  Malone  D.  Pehl  R.H.  Raudorf  T.  Sangsingkeow  P.  Boyle  R.  Banks  I.S.  Shirey  K.  Schwartz  Richard 《Solar physics》2002,210(1-2):33-60
RHESSI observes solar photons over three orders of magnitude in energy (3 keV to 17 MeV) with a single instrument: a set of nine cryogenically cooled coaxial germanium detectors. With their extremely high energy resolution, RHESSI can resolve the line shape of every known solar gamma-ray line except the neutron capture line at 2.223 MeV. High resolution also allows clean separation of thermal and non-thermal hard X-rays and the accurate measurement of even extremely steep power-law spectra. Detector segmentation, fast signal processing, and two sets of movable attenuators allow RHESSI to make high-quality spectra and images of flares across seven orders of magnitude in intensity. Here we describe the configuration and operation of the RHESSI spectrometer, show early results on in-flight performance, and discuss the principles of spectroscopic data analysis used by the RHESSI software.  相似文献   

The primary scientific objectives of the Hard X-Ray Burst Spectrometer (HXRBS) to be flown on the Solar Maximum Mission are as follows: (1) To determine the nature of the mechanisms which accelerate electrons to 20–100 keV in the first stage of a solar flare and to > 1 MeV in the second stage of many flares; and (2) to characterize the spatial and temporal relation between electron acceleration, storage and energy loss throughout a solar flare.Measurements of the spectrum of solar X-rays will be made in the energy range from 20 to 260 keV using an actively-shielded CsI(Na) scintillator with a thickness of 0.635 cm and a sensitive area of 71 cm2. Continuous measurements with a time resolution of 0.128 s will be made of the 15-channel energy-loss spectrum of events in this scintillator in anticoincidence with events in the CsI(Na) shield. Counting-rate data with a time resolution as short as 1 ms will also be available from a limited period each orbit using a 32K-word circulating memory triggered by a high event rate.In the first year after launch, it is expected that approximately 1000 flares will be observed above the instrument sensitivity threshold, which corresponds to a 20–200 keV X-ray flux of 2 × 10–1 photons (cm2 s)–1 lasting for at least one second.  相似文献   

The Ultraviolet Spectrometer and Polarimeter (UVSP) on the Solar Maximum Mission spacecraft is described, including the experiment objectives, system design, performance, and modes of operation. The instrument operates in the wavelength range 1150–3600 Å with better than 2 arc sec spatial resolution, raster range 256 × 256 arc sec2, and 20 mÅ spectral resolution in second order. Observations can be made with specific sets of 4 lines simultaneously, or with both sides of 2 lines simultaneously for velocity and polarization. A rotatable retarder can be inserted into the spectrometer beam for measurement of Zeeman splitting and linear polarization in the transition region and chromosphere.Currently at MMTO, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 85721, U.S.A.  相似文献   

We present the two-stage method used to calibrate the electron spectrometer (ELS), part of the plasma spectrometer (CAPS) on board the Cassini spacecraft currently in orbit around Saturn. The CAPS-ELS is a top-hat electrostatic analyser designed to measure electron fluxes between 0.5 eV and 26 keV. The on-ground calibration method described here includes the production of photoelectrons, which are energised and passed into the CAPS-ELS in a purpose designed calibration facility. Knowledge of the intensity of these incident electrons and the subsequent instrument output provides an on-ground calibrated geometric factor. Comparative studies of physical quantities such as plasma density and electron differential flux calculated using on-ground calibration factor with the quantities deduced from the wave experiment and high energy electron detector provide in-flight calibration. The results of this are presented together with a comparison of the experimentally calibrated values with simulated calibration values.  相似文献   

The C1XS X-ray Spectrometer on Chandrayaan-1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer (C1XS) is a compact X-ray spectrometer for the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Chandrayaan-1 lunar mission. It exploits heritage from the D-CIXS instrument on ESA's SMART-1 mission. As a result of detailed developments to all aspects of the design, its performance as measured in the laboratory greatly surpasses that of D-CIXS. In comparison with SMART-1, Chandrayaan-1 is a science-oriented rather than a technology mission, leading to far more favourable conditions for science measurements. C1XS is designed to measure absolute and relative abundances of major rock-forming elements (principally Mg, Al, Si, Ca and Fe) in the lunar crust with spatial resolution ?25 FWHM km, and to achieve relative elemental abundances of better than 10%.  相似文献   

The EUV Imaging Spectrometer for Hinode   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on Hinode will observe solar corona and upper transition region emission lines in the wavelength ranges 170?–?210 Å and 250?–?290 Å. The line centroid positions and profile widths will allow plasma velocities and turbulent or non-thermal line broadenings to be measured. We will derive local plasma temperatures and densities from the line intensities. The spectra will allow accurate determination of differential emission measure and element abundances within a variety of corona and transition region structures. These powerful spectroscopic diagnostics will allow identification and characterization of magnetic reconnection and wave propagation processes in the upper solar atmosphere. We will also directly study the detailed evolution and heating of coronal loops. The EIS instrument incorporates a unique two element, normal incidence design. The optics are coated with optimized multilayer coatings. We have selected highly efficient, backside-illuminated, thinned CCDs. These design features result in an instrument that has significantly greater effective area than previous orbiting EUV spectrographs with typical active region 2?–?5 s exposure times in the brightest lines. EIS can scan a field of 6×8.5 arc?min with spatial and velocity scales of 1 arc?sec and 25 km?s?1 per pixel. The instrument design, its absolute calibration, and performance are described in detail in this paper. EIS will be used along with the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) and the X-ray Telescope (XRT) for a wide range of studies of the solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

Keck's Long Wavelength Spectrometer (LWS), is the facility instrument used for imaging and spectroscopy in the wavelength range of 3–28 μm at the Keck Observatory. LWS uses an 128 × 128 Si:As blocked impurity band (BIB) array manufactured by the Boeing Corporation. This paper discusses the method used for optimizing the detector's operating parameters at a temperature of 8.5 K and bias voltage of 1.2 V. A process for characterizing detective quantum efficiency of BIB detectors is also presented. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We describe here an ongoing upgrade to the legacy Ooty Radio Telescope (ORT). The ORT is a cylindrical parabolic cylinder 530 m × 30 m in size operating at a frequency of 326.5 (or z~3.35 for the HI 21-cm line). The telescope has been constructed on a North–South hill slope whose gradient is equal to the latitude of the hill, making it effectively equatorially mounted. The feed consists of an array of 1056 dipoles. The key feature of this upgrade is the digitization and cross-correlation of the signals of every set of 4-dipoles. This converts the ORT into a 264 element interferometer with a field-of-view of 2°×27.4°cos(δ). This upgraded instrument is called the Ooty Wide Field Array (OWFA). This paper briefly describes the salient features of the upgrade, as well as its main science drivers. There are three main science drivers viz. (1) observations of the large scale distribution of HI in the post-reionization era, (2) studies of the propagation of plasma irregularities through the inner heliosphere and (3) blind surveys for transient sources. More details on the upgrade, as well as on the expected science uses can be found in other papers in this special issue.  相似文献   

The SMall Explorer for Solar Eruptions (SMESE) is a small satellite being developed jointly by China and France. It is planed to launch around the next solar maximum year (∼ 2011) for observing simultaneously the two most violent types of eruptive events on the sun (the coronal mass ejection (CME) and the solar flare) and investigating their relationship. As one of the 3 main payloads of the small satellite, the high energy burst spectrometer (HEBS) adopts the upto- date high-resolution LaBr3 scintillation detector to observe the high-energy solar radiation in the range 10 keV—600 MeV. Its energy resolution is better than 3.0% at 662 keV, 2-fold higher than that of current scintillation detectors, promising a breakthrough in the studies of energy release in solar flares and CMEs, particle acceleration and the relationship between solar flares and CMEs.  相似文献   

《Solar physics》1995,162(1-2):233-290
The Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer is designed to probe the solar atmosphere through the detection of spectral emission lines in the extreme ultraviolet wavelength range 150 – 800 . By observing the intensities of selected lines and line profiles, we may derive temperature, density, flow and abundance information for the plasmas in the solar atmosphere. Spatial and temporal resolutions of down to a few arcseconds and seconds, respectively, allow such studies to be made within the fine-scale structure of the solar corona. Futhermore, coverage of large wavelength bands provides the capability for simultaneously observing the properties of plasmas across the wide temperature ranges of the solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

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