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严豪健 《天文学进展》2000,18(2):104-113
回顾了作为实用天文学和大地测量学中基本研究课题之一的大气折射函数研究的最新进展;介绍了近几年发展的大气折射母函数方法。对如今广泛地应用在空间测量技术中的几种映射函数,如CfA2.2、MTT等模型作出评述;特别分析了NMF模型的优点和不足之处。还介绍了由大气折射母函数方法引出的大气延迟新连分式映射函数和天文大气折射的映射函数方法,利用VLBI实验中高度截止角与基线长变化的关系和探空气球(radios  相似文献   

回顾了作为实用天学和大地测量学中基本研究课题之一的大气折射映射函数研究的进展。介绍了近几年上海天台发展的大气折射母函数方法,以及由此导出的大气折射解析解。对如今广泛地应用在空间测量技术中的几种映射函数做出评述;分析了NMF模型的优点和不足之处。介绍了由大气折射母函数方法引出的大气延迟新连分式映射函数和天大气折射的映射函数方法。利用VLBI实验中高度截止角与基线长度重复率的关系、探空气球(radiosonde)观测资料、PRARE资料比较了各种映射函数的结果。特别指出了映射函数方法对天大气折射和光学波段测距精度的改进。讨论了大气折射计算中的主要误差源。  相似文献   

映射函数对天文大气折射的改进   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
严豪健 《天文学报》1998,39(2):113-121
本文利用大气折射积分母函数方法,分别给出在射电波段和光学波段上天文大气折射改正的映射函数,并完整地考虑了天文学和空间技术所需要的物理和地球物理因素引入的改正.本文还利用探空气球的资料分析了新天文大气折射改正公式的实际精度;计算结果证明:它在2°高度角时达到5”左右,而在5°高度角时约为1”.我们认为:限制计算精度的主要因素是真实地球大气分布与理论大气模型的区别.  相似文献   

冒蔚  杨磊  铁琼仙 《天文学报》2008,49(2):216-223
通过比较天文大气折射级数表达形式和映射函数表达形式,认为对于一个具体的大气折射模型而言,前者的计算精度不会低于后者,理论推导的级数表达式则因为作了不同的近似,使收敛性较差;经过分析大气折射映射函数的母函数方法,认为这种方法不能体现地球物理和大气物理的特性;通过比较指出,采用某地特定的大气分布所建立的大气折射模型,不是各地都适用的,也不能用来评价其他的大气折射模型;为了提高修正精度,关键问题在于采用有效的方法,在不同方位直接测定瞬时大气折射值,建立本地的随方位而异的大气折射实测模型.  相似文献   

大气折射映射函数研究中的母函数方法大大地提高了对流层大气折射改正的计算精度,进而提供了在近地平时低高度观测的足够高精度大气折射改正计算方法。作为高精度大气折射模型的进一步考虑,有限距离目标,例如小于几百千米高度,可能对大气延迟和天大气折射都能引入额外的改正。本应用了天大气折射一些新定义,以及详细地讨论了一种有限距离目标的大气折射改正的计算模型,其中包含在映射函数中的角自变量从传统的真天顶距到本征天顶距的改变,对大气延迟和天大气折射的模拟计算表明:本结果对小于向百千米的目标在低于10°的观测具有一定的影响。  相似文献   

根据经典天体定位测量受天文大气折射的影响和现代空间大地测量对中性大气折射延迟改正的要求,分析了这些修正没有达到预期精度要求的原因:主要在于不能直接测定天文大气折射;文章针对这些影响量对大气分布模型的依赖性,改正值应随着不同的观测站和不同方位而异的要求,提出了提高这两种改正精度的有效途径:在各观测站不同方位的各天顶距,测定天文大气折射值,分别建立不同方位的大气折射实测模型,并利用实测数据,求解出折射率差和映射函数的参数,建立和采用随着观测站、随着方位而异的折射延迟改正模型。这一新方法的实施,将能在避免采用大气分布模型的情况下,把较低高度角的折射延迟改正精度从现在的米级提高到厘米级,并且把截止高度角压缩到5°以内。文章还论述了在各观测站多方向测定天文大气折射值的可能性。  相似文献   

自从新空间技术问世以来,大气传播误差的研究已经成为提高观测精度的主要课题之一。作为最新大气延迟映射函数0之一的Niell模型(NMF)已经在归算过程中受到重视。利用探空气球资料沿光程数值积分方法并在理论上分析了NMF模型的优点和缺点,认为:Niell利用探空气球资料来建立大气折射映射函数的方法有它的合理因素,例如可以建立一个台站或一个地区的映射函数;但是,即使利用充分多的探空气球资料,要建立高精度的“全球”大气延迟映射函数还存在着很大的困难。  相似文献   

折射延迟改正模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在分析了一些主要的天顸延迟改正模型,并对几种连分式形式的映射函数模型作了归纳后,认为:前者只能都基于大气球对称分布模型,采用差不多相同的各向同性的改正模型,各种映射函数模型的连分式之间,差别仅是形式上的,没有实质性差异。文章利用普尔科沃大气折射表的表列数据作模拟计算,求解折射率差和映射函数的参数证明,可以用天文大气折射定值作模拟处理,得到折射延迟改正模型中的所有参数,并得出结论:映射函数的形式是次要的,随着项数的增加,都能提高模拟精度。文章给出了模拟过程。  相似文献   

根据测定天文大气折射的原理,叙述了利用相应的观测值获得瞬时大气折射测定值和建立大气折射实测模型的途径,并从各种测定值与最后结果之间的关系,指出了这里对数据处理的要求;文章介绍了对测定值进行波长改正和建立折射延迟实测模型的处理方法,分析了改正模型对天文大气折射测定值的分布要求,给出了观测数据随天顶距的增大而加密的分布模型。  相似文献   

严豪健 《天文学进展》1996,14(3):181-191
在文献「1」,综述了对流层大气折射延迟改正的基本概念和研究方法。本文中,介绍了在此领域中的主要研究方向的动态,以及一些最新成果。同时,还评述和分析了这些研究工作的主要特色和将来的发展方向。在本文的第8节,简要地介绍了作者在大气折射研究中的最新进展-大气折射母函数方法。  相似文献   

In this paper we used the method of generator function to gave an improved mapping function of astronomical refraction, separately for optical and radio frequencies. We included a complete consideration of the corrections introduced by the physical and geophysical factors required in astronomy and space techniques. We used sounding balloon data to assess the actual accuracy of our corrected refraction formula. The result is 5″ at elevation 2° and 1″ at elevation 5°. We believe that the main factor that limits the accuracy is departure of the model atmosphere from the real atmosphere.  相似文献   

Through a comparison between the series expression and mapping function expression of the astronomical refraction, we believe that, as far as a specific atmospheric refraction model is concerned, the computational accuracy is not lower in the former than in the latter, and that the convergence is poorer in the theoretically derived series expression, because of the different approximations made. From an analysis of the method of generating function of the atmospheric refraction mapping function it is considered that this kind of method can not embody the characteristics of geophysics and atmospheric physics. It is pointed out from the comparison that the atmospheric refraction model which is constructed by adopting the specific atmospheric distribution of a certain place does not apply to all other places and cannot be used to evaluate the other atmospheric refraction models. For improving the correction accuracy the key lies in the adoption of an effective method by which the instantaneous refraction values at different positions are directly determined to construct a local, position-dependent model of atmospheric refraction observation.  相似文献   

针对空间大地测量技术对中性大气折射延迟改正精度的要求,阐述了折射延迟改正值应随测站和随方位而异的必要性.指出,在尚不能直接测定天文大气折射值的情况下,现有的各种改正模型对大气分布模型的依赖性,不能达到预期的精度和降低观测的截止角.根据云南天文台低纬子午环的特殊结构,和测定大气折射的实践,提出了提高折射延迟改正精度的新方法,即:利用各观测站不同方位从天顶附近直到低地平高度角的天文大气折射实测数据,求解得到折射率差和映射函数的参数,从而建立随测站和随方位而异的大气折射延迟改正模型.这一新方法的实施,将能在不需采用大气分布模型的情况下,把天顶延迟的改正精度提高到1 mm以内,低地平高度角的折射延迟改正精度提高到厘米级,并且把截止高度角压缩到5°以内.  相似文献   

The space geodetic technology requires an accurate model of correction of refraction delay by the neutral atmosphere that varies from one observing station to another, and from one azimuth to the next. It is pointed out that under the present condition the astronomical refraction can not yet be directly determined, any correction model because of its high dependence on the assumed atmospheric distribution, is incapable of achieving the required accuracy or of improving the cut-off altitude. In this paper, based on the special properties of the lower latitude meridian circle at Yunnan Observatory and our experience of determining atmospheric refraction therewith, a new method is proposed for improving the accuracy of refraction delay correction. Namely, the measured data of astronomical refraction of an observing station from near zenith to low altitudes in different azimuths are used to evaluate the refractivities and the parameters of the mapping functions, thereby establishing a model of atmospheric refraction delay correction that varies with the observing station and the azimuth. Since it is unnecessary for the new method to adopt any atmospheric distribution model, application of this new method will improve correction accuracy of refraction delay to better than 1mm at zenith and to centimeters at low altitudes, and improve the cut-off altitude to below 5 degrees.  相似文献   

A new application of astronomical atmospheric refraction in space geodesy is utilized. It is pointed out that in order to meet the high needs of this new application there must be an effective method by means of which the instantaneous value of atmospheric refraction can be directly determined. An atmospheric refraction model fitting in the geographical environment surrounding the observing station is established and then transformed into the neutral atmospheric refraction delay correction model. In this article the necessary conditions for the determination of the value of atmospheric refraction are briefly described. A method for the direct determination of the values of instantaneous atmospheric refraction in various directions and at various zenith distances by taking advantage of the observational principle of the low latitude meridian circle, explored by the Yunnan Observatory, is expounded and the atmospheric refraction observational models built on the basis of stellar spectral type classification in the 4 directions of east, south, west and north and by making use of the observed data are given.  相似文献   

关于大气分布模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简述了大气垂直分布情况和高空探测方法,分析了目前只能采用球对称大气分布模型的原因;论证了随观测站、随方位而异的天文大气折射实测模型和折射延迟改正模型,已经包含了观测站上空大气实际分布的非球对称特性,不必再去寻找或建立随地势而异和随季节而变的大气分布模型,避免了大气分布模型选择不当的影响,从一个方面为提高天文大气折射改正精度和电磁波大气折射延迟改正精度提供了保证。  相似文献   

Because of the influence of atmospheric refraction the astronomical observations of the objects with the angles of elevation below 15° are generally avoided, but for the sake of the complete theoretical research the atmospheric refraction under the condition of lower angles of elevation is still worthy to be analyzed and explored. Especially for some engineering applications the objects with low angles of elevation must be observed sometimes. A new idea for determining atmospheric refraction by utilizing the differential method is proposed. A series of observations of the starry sky at different heights are carried out and by starting from the zenith with a telescope with larger field of view, the derivatives of various orders of atmospheric refraction function at different zenith distances are calculated and finally the actually observed values of atmospheric refraction can be found via numerical integration. The method does not depend upon the strict local parameters and complex precise observational instrumentation, and the observational principle is relatively simple. By the end of 2007 a simply constructed telescope with a larger field of view at Xinglong Observing Station was employed to carry out trial observations. The values of atmospheric refraction at the true zenith distances of 44.8° to 87.5° were obtained from the practical observations based on the differential method, and the feasibility of the method of differential measurement of atmospheric refraction was preliminarily justified. Being limited by the observational conditions, the accuracy of the observed result was limited, the maximal accidental error was about 6” and there existed certain systematic errors. The value of the difference between the result obtained at the zenith distance of 84° and that given in the Pulkovo atmospheric refraction table was about 15”. How to eliminate the cumulative error introduced due to the integration model error is the key problem which needs to be solved in future.  相似文献   

简述了天文大气折射和电磁波中性大气折射延迟的成因,以及不同观测站、不同方位的折射值存在差异的事实;根据测定瞬时天文大气折射、建立本地实测模型的观测原理和要求,分析了长期以来不能直接测定天文大气折射的几个主要障碍,介绍了现已具备的排除这些障碍的必要条件,为建立天文大气折射实测模型,和随观测站、随方位而异的电磁波折射延迟改正模型提供了保证。  相似文献   

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