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The offshore and coastal geomorphology of southwest Greenland records evidence for the advance and decay of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum. Regional ice flow patterns in the vicinity of Sisimiut show an enlarged ice sheet that extended southwestwards on to the shelf, with an ice stream centred over Holsteinsborg dyb. High level periglacial terrain composed of blockfield and tors is dated to between 101 and 142 ka using 26Al and 10Be cosmogenic exposure ages. These limit the maximum surface elevation of the Last Glacial Maximum ice sheet in this part of southwest Greenland to ca 750–810 m asl, and demonstrate that terrain above this level has been ice free since MIS 6. Last Glacial Maximum ice thickness on the coast of ca 700 m implies that the ice sheet reached the mid to outer continental shelf edge to form the Outer Hellefisk moraines. Exposure dates record ice surface thinning from 21.0 to 9.8 ka, with downwasting rates varying from 0.06 to 0.12 m yr−1. This reflects strong surface ablation associated with increased air temperatures running up to the Bølling Interstadial (GIS1e) at ca 14 ka, and later marine calving under high sea levels. The relatively late retreat of the Itilleq ice stream inland of the present coastline is similar to the pattern observed at Jakobshavn Isbræ, located 250 km north in Disko Bugt, which also retreated from the continental shelf after ca 10 ka. We hypothesise that the ice streams of West Greenland persisted on the inner shelf until the early Holocene because of their considerable ice thickness and greater ice discharge compared with the adjacent ice sheet.  相似文献   

We present a new time‐slice reconstruction of the Eurasian ice sheets (British–Irish, Svalbard–Barents–Kara Seas and Scandinavian) documenting the spatial evolution of these interconnected ice sheets every 1000 years from 25 to 10 ka, and at four selected time periods back to 40 ka. The time‐slice maps of ice‐sheet extent are based on a new Geographical Information System (GIS) database, where we have collected published numerical dates constraining the timing of ice‐sheet advance and retreat, and additionally geomorphological and geological evidence contained within the existing literature. We integrate all uncertainty estimates into three ice‐margin lines for each time‐slice; a most‐credible line, derived from our assessment of all available evidence, with bounding maximum and minimum limits allowed by existing data. This approach was motivated by the demands of glaciological, isostatic and climate modelling and to clearly display limitations in knowledge. The timing of advance and retreat were both remarkably spatially variable across the ice‐sheet area. According to our compilation the westernmost limit along the British–Irish and Norwegian continental shelf was reached up to 7000 years earlier (at c. 27–26 ka) than the eastern limit on the Russian Plain (at c. 20–19 ka). The Eurasian ice sheet complex as a whole attained its maximum extent (5.5 Mkm2) and volume (~24 m Sea Level Equivalent) at c. 21 ka. Our continental‐scale approach highlights instances of conflicting evidence and gaps in the ice‐sheet chronology where uncertainties remain large and should be a focus for future research. Largest uncertainties coincide with locations presently below sea level and where contradicting evidence exists. This first version of the database and time‐slices (DATED‐1) has a census date of 1 January 2013 and both are available to download via the Bjerknes Climate Data Centre and PANGAEA ( www.bcdc.no ; http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.848117 ).  相似文献   

Historic Hg mining in the Cache Creek watershed in the Central California Coast Range has contributed to the downstream transport of Hg to the San Francisco Bay-Delta. Different aspects of Hg mobilization in soils, including pedogenesis, fluvial redistribution of sediment, volatilization and eolian transport were considered. The greatest soil concentrations (>30 mg Hg kg−1) in Cache Creek are associated with mineralized serpentinite, the host rock for Hg deposits. Upland soils with non-mineralized serpentine and sedimentary parent material also had elevated concentrations (0.9–3.7 mg Hg kg−1) relative to the average concentration in the region and throughout the conterminous United States (0.06 mg kg−1). Erosion of soil and destabilized rock and mobilization of tailings and calcines into surrounding streams have contributed to Hg-rich alluvial soil forming in wetlands and floodplains. The concentration of Hg in floodplain sediment shows sediment dispersion from low-order catchments (5.6–9.6 mg Hg kg−1 in Sulphur Creek; 0.5–61 mg Hg kg−1 in Davis Creek) to Cache Creek (0.1–0.4 mg Hg kg−1). These sediments, deposited onto the floodplain during high-flow storm events, yield elevated Hg concentrations (0.2–55 mg Hg kg−1) in alluvial soils in upland watersheds. Alluvial soils within the Cache Creek watershed accumulate Hg from upstream mining areas, with concentrations between 0.06 and 0.22 mg Hg kg−1 measured in soils 90 km downstream from Hg mining areas. Alluvial soils have accumulated Hg released through historic mining activities, remobilizing this Hg to streams as the soils erode.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(5-7):437-444
A long-standing debate regarding the reconstruction of former ice sheets revolves around the use of relative weathering of landscapes, i.e., the assumption that highly weathered landscapes have not been recently glaciated. New cosmogenic isotope measurements from upland bedrock surfaces and erratics along the northeastern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) shed light on this debate. 10Be and 26Al concentrations from three perched erratics, yielding cosmogenic exposure ages of 17–11 ka, are much lower than those measured in two unmodified, highly weathered tors upon which they lie, which yield cosmogenic exposure ages of >60 ka. These findings suggest that non-erosive ice covered weathered upland surfaces along the northeastern margin of the LIS during the last glacial maximum. These data challenge the use of relative weathering to define the margins of Pleistocene ice sheets. The juxtaposition of non-erosive ice over upland plateaus and erosive ice in adjacent fiords requires strong gradients in basal thermal regimes, suggestive of an ice-stream mode of glaciation.  相似文献   

Victoria Island lies at the north-western limit of the former North American (Laurentide) Ice Sheet in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and displays numerous cross-cutting glacial lineations. Previous work suggests that several ice streams operated in this region during the last (Wisconsinan) glaciation and played a major role in ice sheet dynamics and the delivery of icebergs into the Arctic Ocean. This paper produces the first detailed synthesis of their behaviour from the Last Glacial Maximum through to deglaciation (~21–9.5 cal ka BP) based on new mapping and a previously published radiocarbon-constrained ice sheet margin chronology. Over 70 discrete ice flow events (flow-sets) are ‘fitted’ to the ice margin configuration to allow identification of several ice streams ranging in size from large and long-lived (thousands of years) to much smaller and short-lived (hundreds of years). The reconstruction depicts major ice streams in M'Clure Strait and Amundsen Gulf which underwent relatively rapid retreat from the continental shelf edge at some time between ~15.2 and 14.1 cal ka BP: a period which encompasses climatic warming and rapid sea level rise (meltwater pulse-1a). Following this, overall retreat was slower and the ice streams exhibited asynchronous behaviour. The Amundsen Gulf Ice Stream continued to operate during ice margin retreat, whereas the M'Clure Strait Ice Stream ceased operating and was replaced by an ice divide within ~1000 years. This ice divide was subsequently obliterated by another short-lived phase of ice streaming in M'Clintock Channel ~13 cal ka BP. The timing of this large ice discharge event coincides with the onset of the Younger Dryas. Subsequently, a minor ice divide developed once again in M'Clintock Channel, before final deglaciation of the island shortly after 9.5 cal ka BP. It is concluded that large ice streams at the NW margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, equivalent in size to the Hudson Strait Ice Stream, underwent major changes during deglaciation, resulting in punctuated delivery of icebergs into the Arctic Ocean. Published radiocarbon dates constrain this punctuated delivery, as far as is possible within the limits imposed by their precision, and we note their coincidence with pulses of meltwater delivery inferred from numerical modelling and ocean sediment cores.  相似文献   

Ice streams are the fast-flowing zones of ice sheets that can discharge a large flux of ice. The glaciated western Svalbard margin consists of several cross-shelf troughs which are the former ice stream drainage pathways during the Pliocene–Pleistocene glaciations. From an integrated analysis of high-resolution multibeam swath-bathymetric data and several high-resolution two-dimensional reflection seismic profiles across the western and northwestern Svalbard margin we infer the ice stream flow directions and the deposition centres of glacial debris that the ice streams deposited on the outer margin. Our results show that the northwestern margin of Svalbard experienced a switching of a major ice stream. Based on correlation with the regional seismic stratigraphy as well as the results from ODP 911 on Yermak Plateau and ODP 986 farther south on the western margin of Spitsbergen, off Van Mijenfjord, we find that first a northwestward flowing ice stream developed during initial northern hemispheric cooling (starting ~2.8–2.6 Ma). A switch in ice stream flow direction to the present-day Kongsfjorden cross-shelf trough took place during a glaciation at ~1.5 Ma or probably later during an intensive major glaciation phase known as the ‘Mid-Pleistocene Revolution’ starting at ~1.0 Ma. The seismic and bathymetric data suggest that the switch was abrupt rather than gradual and we attribute it to the reaching of a tipping point when growth of the Svalbard ice sheet had reached a critical thickness and the ice sheet could overcome a topographic barrier.  相似文献   

Ascertaining the location of palaeo‐ice streams is crucial in order to produce accurate reconstructions of palaeo‐ice sheets and examine interactions with the ocean–climate system. This paper reports evidence for a major ice stream in Amundsen Gulf, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Mapping from satellite imagery (Landsat ETM+) and digital elevation models, including bathymetric data, is used to reconstruct flow‐patterns on southwestern Victoria Island and the adjacent mainland (Nunavut and Northwest Territories). Several flow‐sets indicative of ice streaming are found feeding into the marine trough and cross‐cutting relationships between these flow‐sets (and utilising previously published radiocarbon dates) reveal several phases of ice stream activity centred in Amundsen Gulf and Dolphin and Union Strait. A large erosional footprint on the continental shelf indicates that the ice stream (ca. 1000 km long and ca. 150 km wide) filled Amundsen Gulf, probably at the Last Glacial Maximum. Subsequent to this, the ice stream reorganised as the margin retreated back along the marine trough, eventually splitting into two separate low‐gradient lobes in Prince Albert Sound and Dolphin and Union Strait. The location of this major ice stream holds important implications for ice sheet–ocean interactions and specifically, the development of Arctic Ocean ice shelves and the delivery of icebergs into the western Arctic Ocean during the late Pleistocene. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The volume of Antarctic ice at the Last Glacial Maximum is a key factor for calculating the past contribution of melting ice sheets to Late Pleistocene global sea level change. At present, there are large uncertainties in our knowledge of the extent and thickness of the formerly expanded Antarctic ice sheets, and in the timing of their release as meltwater into the world’s oceans. This paper reviews the four main approaches to determining former Antarctic ice volume, namely glacial geology, glacio-isostatic studies, glaciological modelling, and ice core analysis and attempts to reconcile these to give a ‘best estimate’ for ice volume. In the Ross Sea there was a major expansion of grounded ice at the Last Glacial Maximum, accounting for 2.3–3.2 m of global sea level. At some time in the Weddell Sea a large grounded ice sheet corresponding to c. 2.7 m of global sea level extended to the shelf break. However, this ice expansion has not yet been confidently dated and may not relate to the Last Glacial Maximum. Around East Antarctica there was thickening and advance offshore of ice in coastal regions. Ice core evidence suggests that the interior of East Antarctica was either close to its present elevation or thinner during the last glacial so the effect of East Antarctica on sea level depends on the net balance between marginal thickening and interior thinning. Suggested East Antarctic contributions vary from a 3–5.5 m lowering to a 0.64 m rise in global sea level. The Antarctic Peninsula ice sheet thickened and extended offshore at the Last Glacial Maximum, with a sea level equivalent contribution of c. 1.7 m. Thus, the Antarctic ice sheets accounted for between 6.1 and 13.1 m of global sea level fall at the Last Glacial Maximum. This is substantially less than has been suggested by most previous studies but the maximum figure matches well with one modelling estimate. The timing of Antarctic deglaciation is not well known. In the Ross Sea, terrestrial evidence suggests deglaciation may have begun at c. 13,000 yr BP1 but that grounded ice persisted until c. 6,500 yr BP. Marine evidence suggests the western Ross Sea was deglaciated by c. 11,500 yr BP. Deglaciation of the Weddell Sea is poorly constrained. Grounded ice in the northern Antarctic Peninsula had retreated by c. 13,000 yr BP, and further south deglaciation occurred sometime prior to c. 6,000 yr BP. Many parts of coastal East Antarctica apparently escaped glaciation at the LGM, but in those areas that were ice-covered deglaciation was underway by 10,000 yr BP. With existing data, the timing of deglaciation shows no firm relation to northern hemisphere-driven sea level rise. This is probably due partly to lack of Antarctic dating evidence but also to the combined influence of several forcing mechanisms acting during deglaciation.  相似文献   

Ice sheets are the only components of Earth’s climate system that can self-destruct. This paper presents the quantitative force balance for bottom-up modeling of ice sheets, as first presented qualitatively in this journal as a way to quantify ice-bed uncoupling leading to self-destruction of ice sheets (Hughes, 2009a). Rapid changes in sea level and climate can result if a large ice-sheet self-destructs quickly, as did the former Laurentide Ice Sheet of North America between 8100 and 7900 BP, thereby terminating the last cycle of Quaternary glaciation. Ice streams discharge up to 90 percent of ice from past and present ice sheets. A hypothesis is presented in which self-destruction of an ice sheet begins when ubiquitous ice-bed decoupling, quantified as a floating fraction of ice, proceeds along ice streams. This causes ice streams to surge and reduce thickness by some 90 percent, and height above sea level by up to 99 percent for floating ice, so the ice sheet undergoes gravitational collapse. Ice collapsing over marine embayments becomes floating ice shelves that may then disintegrate rapidly. This floods the world ocean with icebergs that reduce the ocean-to-atmosphere heat exchange, thereby triggering climate change. Calving bays migrate up low stagnating ice streams and carve out the accumulation zone of the collapsed ice sheet, which prevents its recovery, decreases Earth’s albedo, and terminates the glaciation cycle. This sequence of events may coincide with a proposed life cycle of ice streams that drain the ice sheet. A first-order treatment of these life cycles is presented that depends on the longitudinal force balance along the flowbands of ice streams and gives a first approximation to ice-bed uncoupling at snapshots during gravitational collapse into ice shelves that disintegrate, thereby removing the ice sheet. The stability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet is assessed using this bottom-up approach.  相似文献   

The eastern margin of the Variscan belt in Europe comprises plate boundaries between continental blocks and terranes formed during different tectonic events. The crustal structure of that complicated area was studied using the data of the international refraction experiments CELEBRATION 2000 and ALP 2002. The seismic data were acquired along SW–NE oriented refraction and wide-angle reflection profiles CEL10 and ALP04 starting in the Eastern Alps, passing through the Moravo-Silesian zone of the Bohemian Massif and the Fore-Sudetic Monocline, and terminating in the TESZ in Poland. The data were interpreted by seismic tomographic inversion and by 2-D trial-and-error forward modelling of the P waves. Velocity models determine different types of the crust–mantle transition, reflecting variable crustal thickness and delimiting contacts of tectonic units in depth. In the Alpine area, few km thick LVZ with the Vp of 5.1 km s− 1 dipping to the SW and outcropping at the surface represents the Molasse and Helvetic Flysch sediments overthrust by the Northern Calcareous Alps with higher velocities. In the Bohemian Massif, lower velocities in the range of 5.0–5.6 km s− 1 down to a depth of 5 km might represent the SE termination of the Elbe Fault Zone. The Fore-Sudetic Monocline and the TESZ are covered by sediments with the velocities in the range of 3.6–5.5 km s− 1 to the maximum depth of 15 km beneath the Mid-Polish Trough. The Moho in the Eastern Alps is dipping to the SW reaching the depth of 43–45 km. The lower crust at the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif is characterized by elevated velocities and high Vp gradient, which seems to be a characteristic feature of the Moravo-Silesian. Slightly different properties in the Moravian and Silesian units might be attributed to varying distances of the profile from the Moldanubian Thrust front as well as a different type of contact of the Brunia with the Moldanubian and its northern root sector. The Moho beneath the Fore-Sudetic Monocline is the most pronounced and is interpreted as the first-order discontinuity at a depth of 30 km.  相似文献   

Few well‐dated records of the deglacial dynamics of the large palaeo‐ice streams of the major Northern Hemisphere ice sheets are presently available, a prerequisite for an improved understanding of the ice‐sheet response to the climate warming of this period. Here we present a transect of gravity‐core samples through Trænadjupet and Vestfjorden, northern Norway, the location of the Trænadjupet – Vestfjorden palaeo‐ice stream of the NW sector of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet. Initial ice recession from the shelf break to the coastal area (~400 km) occurred at an average rate of about 195 m a−1, followed by two ice re‐advances, at 16.6–16.4 ka BP (the Røst re‐advance) and at 15.8–15.6 ka BP (the Værøy re‐advance), the former at an estimated ice‐advance rate of 216 m a−1. The Røst re‐advance has been interpreted to be part of a climatically induced regional cold spell while the Værøy re‐advance was restricted to the Vestfjorden area and possibly formed as a consequence of internal ice‐sheet dynamics. Younger increases in IRD content have been correlated to the Skarpnes (Bølling – Older Dryas) and Tromsø – Lyngen (Younger Dryas) Events. Overall, the decaying Vestfjorden palaeo‐ice stream responded to the climatic fluctuations of this period but ice response due to internal reorganization is also suggested. Separating the two is important when evaluating the climatic response of the ice stream. As demonstrated here, the latter may be identified using a regional approach involving the study of several palaeo‐ice streams. The retreat rates reported here are of the same order of magnitude as rates reported for ice streams of the southern part of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet, implying no latitudinal differences in ice response and retreat rate for this ~1000 km2 sector of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet (~60–68°N) during the climate warming of this period.  相似文献   

We report new ages on glaciofluvial (outwash) sediment from a large upland in northern Lower Michigan—the Grayling Fingers. The Fingers are cored with > 150 m of outwash, which is often overlain by the (informal) Blue Lake till of marine isotope stage (MIS) 2. They are part of an even larger, interlobate upland comprised of sandy drift, known locally as the High Plains. The ages, determined using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) methods, indicate that subaerial deposition of this outwash occurred between 25.7 and 29.0 ka, probably associated with a stable MIS 2 ice margin, with mean ages of ca. 27 ka. These dates establish a maximum-limiting age of ca. 27 ka for the MIS 2 (late Wisconsin) advance into central northern Lower Michigan. We suggest that widespread ice sheet stabilization at the margins of the northern Lower Peninsula, during this advance and later during its episodic retreat, partly explains the thick assemblages of coarse-textured drift there. Our work also supports the general assumption of a highly lobate ice margin during the MIS 2 advance in the Great Lakes region, with the Fingers, an interlobate upland, remaining ice-free until ca. 27 ka.  相似文献   

T. Hughes   《Quaternary Science Reviews》2009,28(19-20):1831-1849
Three facts should guide ice-sheet modeling. (1) Ice height above the bed is controlled by the strength of ice-bed coupling, reducing ice thickness by some 90 percent when coupling vanishes. (2) Ice-bed coupling vanishes along ice streams that end as floating ice shelves and drain up to 90 percent of an ice sheet. (3) Because of (1) and (2), ice sheets can rapidly collapse and disintegrate, thereby removing ice sheets from Earth's climate system and forcing abrupt climate change. The first model of ice-sheet dynamics was developed in Australia and applied to the present Antarctic Ice Sheet in 1970. It treated slow sheet flow, which prevails over some 90 percent of the ice sheet, but is the least dynamic component. The model made top-down calculations of ice velocities and temperatures, based on known surface conditions and an assumed basal geothermal heat flux. In 1972, Joseph Fletcher proposed a six-step research strategy for studying dynamic systems. The first step was identifying the most dynamic components, which for Antarctica are fast ice streams that discharge up to 90 percent of the ice. Ice-sheet models developed at the University of Maine in the 1970s were based on the Fletcher strategy and focused on ice streams, including calving dynamics when ice streams end in water. These models calculated the elevation of ice sheets based in the strength of ice-bed coupling. This was a bottom-up approach that lowered ice elevations some 90 percent when ice-bed coupling vanished. Top-down modeling is able to simulate changes in the size and shape of ice sheets through a whole glaciation cycle, provided the mass balance is treated correctly. Bottom-up modeling is able to produce accurate changes in ice elevations based on changes in ice-bed coupling, provided the force balance is treated correctly. Truly holistic ice-sheet models should synthesize top-down and bottom-up approaches by combining the mass balance with the force balance in ways that merge abrupt changes in stream flow with slow changes in sheet flow. Then discharging 90 percent of the ice by ice streams mobilizes 90 percent of the area so ice sheets can self-destruct, and thereby terminate a glaciation cycle.  相似文献   

Geomorphological mapping of North Harris provides evidence for the former existence of 10 glaciers with a total area of ca 35 km2. A Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stadial age (ca 12.9–11.5 kyr BP) for this glacial episode is inferred from glacier configuration, landsystems dominated by hummocky recessional moraines, and relationships with Lateglacial periglacial phenomena. Equilibrium line altitudes (ELAs) of 150–289 m were calculated for individual glaciers. ELA variability mainly reflects differences in snow-contributing area. The area-weighted mean ELA (204 m) is consistent with a northwards decline in ELAs along the western seaboard of the British Isles of 69.5 m (100 km)−1, equivalent to a northwards ablation-season temperature decrease of 0.42 °C (100 km)−1. This latitudinal temperature gradient implies a mean July sea-level temperature of ca 7.2 °C for the coldest part of the stade, roughly 6 °C lower than at present. Sea-level precipitation at the time of the LLS glacial maximum is inferred to have been between ca 1970±200 and 2350±200 mm yr−1, implying that LLS precipitation was up to 25% greater than now. Patterns of recessional moraines indicate that the glaciers remained close to climatic equilibrium as they retreated to their sources, though moraine belts implying near-stationary or readvancing ice margins on flat valley floors are separated by moraine-free zones indicating uninterrupted retreat. Calculation of ELAs for ‘residual’ glaciers in former source areas suggests that summer warming of 1.0 °C would have resulted in shrinkage of the glaciers to their sources.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(7-8):862-875
High resolution, multi-proxy records of ice-rafted debris (IRD) flux and provenance in the NE Atlantic detail the development, variability and decline of marine margins of the last glacial circum-North Atlantic ice sheets. Coupled lithological identification, Sr and Nd isotopic composition and 40Ar/39Ar ages of individual hornblende grains reduce ambiguity as to IRD potential source region, allowing clear differentiation between Laurentide (LIS), Icelandic and British (BIS) ice sheet sources (the Icelandic and BIS are collectively referred to as the NW European ice sheet, NWEIS). A step-wise increase in the flux of IRD to the core site at ∼26.5 ka BP documents BIS advance and glaciation of Ireland. Millennial-scale variability of the BIS at a ∼2 ka periodicity is inferred through clusters of pulsed IRD fluxes throughout the late glacial (26.5–10 ka BP). Combination of these European IRD events and the ∼7 ka periodicity of LIS instability is thought to account for quasi-synchronicity of the NWEIS and LIS IRD pulses at Heinrich event (H) 2 and H1, previously suggested to represent the possible involvement of the NWEIS in the initiation of H events. Furthermore, the lack of extensive NWEIS marine margin is inferred prior to H3 (31.5 ka BP), such that no ‘European precursor’ event is associated with either H5 or H4. This suggests that ‘precursor events’ were not directly implicated in the collapse of the LIS, and the persistent instabilities of the BIS that are clustered at a 2 ka periodicity are incompatible with the concept that both H events and their ‘precursors’ are independent responses to a common underlying trigger.  相似文献   

The Yueshan mineral belt is geotectonically located at the centre of the Changjiang deep fracture zone or depression of the lower Yangtze platform. Two main types of ore deposits occur in the Yueshan orefield: Cu–Au–(Fe) skarn deposits and Cu–Mo–Au–(Pb–Zn) hydrothermal vein-type deposits. Almost all deposits of economic interest are concentrated within and around the eastern and northern branches of the Yueshan dioritic intrusion. In the vicinity of the Zongpu and Wuhen intrusions, there are many Cu–Pb–Zn–Au–(S) vein-type and a few Cu–Fe–(Au) skarn-type occurrences.Fluid inclusion studies show that the ore-forming fluids are characterised by a Cl(S)–Na+–K+ chemical association. Hydrothermal activity associated with the above two deposit types was related to the Yueshan intrusion. The fluid salinity was high during the mineralisation processes and the fluid also underwent boiling and mixed with meteoric water. In comparison, the hydrothermal activity related to the Zongpu and Wuhen intrusions was characterised by low salinity fluids. Chlorine and sulphur species played an important role in the transport of ore-forming components.Hydrogen- and oxygen-isotope data also suggest that the ore-forming fluids in the Yueshan mineral belt consisted of magmatic water, mixed in various proportions with meteoric water. The enrichment of ore-forming components in the magmatic waters resulted from fluid–melt partitioning. The ore fluids of magmatic origin formed large Cu–Au deposits, whereas ore fluids of mixed magmatic-meteoric origin formed small- to medium-sized deposits.The sulphur isotopic composition of the skarn- and vein-type deposits varies from − 11.3‰ to + 19.2‰ and from + 4.2‰ to + 10.0‰, respectively. These variations do not appear to have been resulted from changes of physicochemical conditions, rather due to compositional variation of sulphur at the source(s) and by water–rock interaction. Complex water–rock interaction between the ore-bearing magmatic fluids and sedimentary wall rocks was responsible for sulphur mixing. Lead and silicon isotopic compositions of the two deposit types and host rocks provide similar indications for the sources and evolution of the ore-forming fluids.Hydrodynamic calculations show that magmatic ore-forming fluids were channelled upwards into faults, fractures and porous media with velocities of 1.4 m/s, 9.8 × 10− 1 to 9.8 × 10− 7 m/s and 3.6 × 10− 7 to 4.6 × 10− 7 m/s, respectively. A decrease of fluid migration velocity in porous media or tiny fractures in the contact zones between the intrusive rocks and the Triassic sedimentary rocks led to the deposition of the ore-forming components. The major species responsible for Cu transport are deduced to have been CuCl, CuCl2, CuCl32− and CuClOH, whereas Au was transported as Au2(HS)2S2−, Au(HS)2, AuHS and AuH3SiO4 complexes. Cooling and a decrease in chloride ion concentration caused by fluid boiling and mixing were the principal causes of Cu deposition. Gold deposition was related to decrease of pH, total sulphur concentration and fO2, which resulted from fluid boiling and mixing.Geological and geochemical characteristics of the two deposit types in the Yueshan mineral belt suggest that there is a close genetic relationship with the dioritic magmatism. Geochronological data show that the magmatic activity and the mineralisation took place between 130 and 136 Ma and represent a continuous process during the Yanshanian time. The cooling of the intrusions and the mineralisation event might have lasted about 6 Ma. The cooling rate of the magmatic intrusions was 80 to 120 °C my− 1, which permitted sufficient heat supply by magma to the ore-forming system.  相似文献   

Groundwaters and surface water in the Shihongtan sandstone-hosted U ore district, Xinjiang, NW China, were sampled and analyzed for their major-, and trace element concentrations and oxygen, hydrogen, boron and strontium isotope compositions in order to assess the possible origins of the waters and water–rock interactions that occurred in the deep aquifer system. The waters in the study district have been grouped into three hydrochemical facies: Facies 1, potable spring-water, is a pH neutral (7.0), Na–Ca–HCO3 type water with low total dissolved solids (TDS; 0.2 g/l, fresh) and has δ18O of − 8.3‰, δD of − 48.2‰,δ11B of 1.5‰, and 87Sr/86Sr of 0.70627. Facies 2 groundwaters are mildly acidic to mildly alkaline (pH of 6.5–8.0, mean 7.3), Na–Ca–Mg–Cl–SO4 type waters with moderate TDS (8.2 g/l–17.2 g/l, mean 9.3 g/l, brackish) and haveδ18O values in the − 5.8‰ to − 9.3‰ range (mean − 8.1‰), δD values in the − 20.8‰ to − 85.5‰ range (mean − 47.0‰),δ11B values in the + 9.5‰ to + 39.1‰ range (mean + 17.1‰), and 87Sr/86Sr values in the 0.70595 to 0.70975 range (mean 0.70826). Facies 3, Aiting Lake water, is a mildly alkaline (pH = 7.4), Na–Ca–Mg–Cl–SO4 type water with the highest TDS (249.1 g/l, brine) and has δ18O of − 2.8‰, δD of − 45.8‰,δ11B of 21.2‰, and 87Sr/86Sr of 0.70840. The waters from the study district show a systematic increase in major, trace element and TDS concentrations and δ11B values along the pathway of groundwater migration which can only be interpreted in terms of water–rock interaction at depth and strong surface evaporation. The hydrochemical and isotopic data presented here confirm that the groundwaters in the Shihongtan ore district are the combined result of migration, water–rock interaction and mixing of meteoric water with connate waters contained in sediments.  相似文献   

The Cobre–Babilonia vein system formed during a single major hydrothermal stage and is part of the Taxco district in Guerrero, southern Mexico. Homogenization and ice melting temperatures range from 160 to 290 °C and from − 11.6 to − 0.5 °C, respectively. We determined an approximate thermal gradient of 17 to 20 °C per 100 m using fluid inclusions. A thermal peak marked by the 290 °C isotherm is interpreted as a major feeder channel to the veins. The highest content of Zn + Pb in ore coincides with the 220 and 240 °C isotherms. Salinities of mineralizing fluids range from 0.8 to 15.6 wt.% NaCl equiv, and are distributed in two populations that can be related with barren or ore-bearing vein sections, with 0.8 to 6 wt.% NaCl equiv and 7 to 15.6 wt.% NaCl equiv, respectively. δ13C and δ18O water values from calcite from the Cobre–Babilonia vein system and the Esperanza Vieja and Guadalupe mantos range − 5.4‰ to − 10.4‰ and 9.9‰ to 13.4‰, respectively. δ34S values range from 0‰ to 3.2‰ and − 0.7‰ to − 4.3‰ in sphalerite, − 4‰ to 0.9‰ in pyrite, and − 1.4‰ to − 5.5‰ in galena. Both fluid inclusion and stable isotope data are compatible with magmatic and meteoric sources for mineralizing fluids. Also, sulfur isotope compositions suggest both magmatic and sedimentary sources for sulfur.  相似文献   

We present results from a suite of forward transient numerical modelling experiments of the British and Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS), consisting of Scottish, Welsh and Irish accumulation centres, spanning the last Glacial period from 38 to 10 ka BP. The 3D thermomechanical model employed uses higher-order physics to solve longitudinal (membrane) stresses and to reproduce grounding-line dynamics. Surface mass balance is derived using a distributed degree-day calculation based on a reference climatology from mean (1961–1990) precipitation and temperature patterns. The model is perturbed from this reference state by a scaled NGRIP oxygen isotope curve and the SPECMAP sea-level reconstruction. Isostatic response to ice loading is computed using an elastic lithosphere/relaxed asthenosphere scheme. A suite of 350 simulations were designed to explore the parameter space of model uncertainties and sensitivities, to yield a subset of experiments that showed close correspondence to offshore and onshore ice-directional indicators, broad BIIS chronology, and the relative sea-level record. Three of these simulations are described in further detail and indicate that the separate ice centres of the modelled BIIS complex are dynamically interdependent during the build up to maximum conditions, but remain largely independent throughout much of the simulation. The modelled BIIS is extremely dynamic, drained mainly by a number of transient but recurrent ice streams which dynamically switch and fluctuate in extent and intensity on a centennial time-scale. A series of binge/purge, advance/retreat, cycles are identified which correspond to alternating periods of relatively cold-based ice, (associated with a high aspect ratio and net growth), and wet-based ice with a lower aspect ratio, characterised by streaming. The timing and dynamics of these events are determined through a combination of basal thermomechanical switching spatially propagated and amplified through longitudinal coupling, but are modulated and phase-lagged to the oscillations within the NGRIP record of climate forcing. Phases of predominant streaming activity coincide with periods of maximum ice extent and are triggered by abrupt transitions from a cold to relatively warm climate, resulting in major iceberg/melt discharge events into the North Sea and Atlantic Ocean. The broad chronology of the modelled BIIS indicates a maximum extent at ~20 ka, with fast-flowing ice across its western and northern sectors that extended to the continental shelf edge. Fast-flowing streams also dominate the Irish Sea and North Sea Basin sectors and impinge onto SW England and East Anglia. From ~19 ka BP deglaciation is achieved in less than 2000 years, discharging the freshwater equivalent of ~2 m global sea-level rise. A much reduced ice sheet centred on Scotland undergoes subsequent retrenchment and a series of advance/retreat cycles into the North Sea Basin from 17 ka onwards, culminating in a sustained Younger Dryas event from 13 to 11.5 ka BP. Modelled ice cover is persistent across the Western and Central Highlands until the last remnant glaciers disappear around 10.5 ka BP.  相似文献   

Palaeo-ice sheets are important analogues for understanding contemporary ice sheets, offering a record of ice sheet behaviour that spans millennia. There are two main approaches to reconstructing palaeo-ice sheets. Empirical reconstructions use the available glacial geological and chronological evidence to estimate ice sheet extent and dynamics but lack direct consideration of ice physics. In contrast, numerically modelled simulations implement ice physics, but often lack direct quantitative comparison with empirical evidence. Despite being long identified as a fruitful scientific endeavour, few ice sheet reconstructions attempt to reconcile the empirical and model-based approaches. To achieve this goal, model-data comparison procedures are required. Here, we compare three numerically modelled simulations of the former British–Irish Ice Sheet with the following lines of evidence: (a) position and shape of former margin positions, recorded by moraines; (b) former ice-flow direction and flow-switching, recorded by flowsets of subglacial bedforms; and (c) the timing of ice-free conditions, recorded by geochronological data. These model–data comparisons provide a useful framework for quantifying the degree of fit between numerical model simulations and empirical constraints. Such tools are vital for reconciling numerical modelling and empirical evidence, the combination of which will lead to more robust palaeo-ice sheet reconstructions with greater explicative and ultimately predictive power.  相似文献   

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