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Liu  Yang  Zheng  Jun-Jie  Zhao  X.  You  Lingyun 《Acta Geotechnica》2023,18(2):1093-1110
Acta Geotechnica - Electro-osmotic consolidation is taken as a valid and practical approach for soft ground improvement, and it is of vital significance to study the consolidation behaviour of...  相似文献   

三轴试验是获取土体强度和应力变形特性的一个重要室内试验手段。三轴试验中,排水固结阶段试样的孔压消散及固结完成情况是非常重要的两个核心要素,它是进行后续剪切试验的基础和依据。基于等应变假设,推导了土体三轴剪切试验排水固结过程的解析解,以用于分析整个排水固结过程的孔压消散和固结完成程度。针对室内三轴固结排水(CD)试验,利用所推导的解析解对其排水固结过程的孔压和固结度进行了验算对比。结果表明,解析解计算得到的固结度和孔压消散曲线与室内三轴剪切试验的相应曲线吻合得较好,说明解析解可应用于三轴剪切试验排水固结过程分析。  相似文献   

Presented and discussed in this paper is an exact analytical solution of the nonhomogeneous partial differential equation governing the conventional one‐dimensional consolidation under haversine repeated loading. The derived analytical solution to the 1D consolidation equation is compared with the numerical solution of the same consolidation problem via FEM. The series solution takes into account the frequency of repeated loading through a dimensionless time factor T0. The paper reveals that an increase in the frequency of imposed repeated haversine loading (a decrease in period of repeated loading) causes an increase in the number of cycles required to achieve the steady state, whereas the effect of frequency on the maximum excess pore water pressure at the bottom of a clay layer with permeable top and impermeable bottom for the range of frequencies studied is generally insignificant. The effective stress at the bottom of the clay deposit with permeable top and impermeable bottom increases with time but with some fluctuations without changing the sign. These fluctuations become more pronounced for increasing values of T0. An increase in T0 also causes an increase in maximum effective stress. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

考虑桩体固结变形的散体材料桩复合地基固结解析计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵明华  刘敦平  张玲 《岩土力学》2010,31(2):483-488
将单个散体材料桩截面和单桩影响范围内的桩周土截面作为一个研究单元考虑,由固结过程中孔隙水排出量等于单元体体积减小量,并引入平均超孔隙水压力的概念,考虑桩体的固结变形,推得散体材料桩复合地基的固结方程。通过等应变假设和初始边界条件,由分离变量法对该固结方程进行求解,得到了桩体和桩间土的平均超孔隙水压力、平均固结度、复合地基整体固结度。通过某工程实例计算,将计算结果与已有解析解进行了比较分析。当散体材料桩复合地基的井径比较大时,两者计算结果十分相近;当井径比较小时,两者差别较大。  相似文献   

低应变下变阻抗薄壁管桩动力响应频域解析解   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
丁选明  刘汉龙 《岩土力学》2009,30(6):1793-1798
管桩低应变完整性检测时,桩顶一点受到瞬态集中荷载的作用,其动力响应问题是一个三维波动问题。基于三维波动理论,建立了任意段变阻抗薄壁管桩动力响应的计算模型和波动方程,结合初边值条件,采用Laplace变换法求得了该波动方程的频域解析解,采用Fourier逆变换求得了时域响应。将计算结果与三维有限元结果进行了对比分析,解析解的计算结果和三维有限元结果较为接近,两者在入射波峰、缺陷反射峰和桩底反射峰处都较为吻合,两种方法位移响应曲线基本相同。给出了桩顶不同点的动力响应,并探讨了高频干扰问题。对变截面桩和变模量桩的动力响应特性进行了分析。  相似文献   

The 1D consolidation of unsaturated multi-layered soil is studied based on the theory proposed by Fredlund and Hasan, and an analytical solution for a typical boundary condition is obtained by assuming all material parameters remain constant during consolidation. In the derivation of the analytical solution, the eigenfunction and eigenvalue for the multi-layered problem are first derived through the transfer matrix method. Then, by using the method of undetermined coefficients and the orthogonal relation of the eigenfunction, the analytical solution is obtained. The present method is applicable to various types of boundary conditions. Finally, numerical examples are provided to investigate the consolidation behavior of unsaturated multi-layered soil.  相似文献   

碎石桩复合地基非线性固结解析解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卢萌盟  谢康和  王玉林  蔡新 《岩土力学》2010,31(6):1833-1840
通过引入土体的e-lgσ和e-lgk对数模型,考虑了土体固结过程中压缩模量非线性增长和渗透系数非线性减小的特征,给出了一种碎石桩复合地基非线性固结解析解,并对复合地基的非线性固结性状进行了分析。结果表明,按应力和按变形定义的两种固结度不相等,按变形定义的固结度一般大于按应力定义的固结度;当压缩指数小于渗透指数时,不考虑土体的非线性特征会低估地基的固结度,而当压缩指数大于渗透指数时,不考虑土体的非线性则会高估地基的固结度;对于按应力定义的固结度来说,当压缩指数小于渗透指数时,随着附加应力的增大,地基固结速度加快,而当压缩指数大于渗透指数时,附加应力增大,地基固结减慢;对于按变形定义的固结度来说,不论压缩指数大于还是小于渗透指数,附加应力增大,地基固结速度总是加快。  相似文献   

石北啸  杨燕伟  谢荣星  吴辛 《岩土力学》2013,34(10):2835-2840
考虑了混凝土芯砂石桩复合地基中砂石桩的环形排水通道、砂石桩体内的径、竖向渗流和土体施工扰动,并采用桩土共同分担荷载的初始条件,得到了混凝土芯砂石桩复合地基固结问题的控制方程,给出了控制方程的解答;并分别给出了复合地基按应力和按变形定义的总平均固结度,分析了砂石桩桩体渗透系数、芯桩与砂石桩直径比对地基固结性状的影响。结果表明:对于混凝土芯砂石桩复合地基按应力定义的固结度与按变形定义的固结度表达式不同;地基的固结随着砂石桩桩体渗透系数增加而加快;砂石桩直径一定的情况下,固结速率随芯桩直径增大先增大后减小。最后对本文解和以往的两种解做了比较,与以往解相比本文解能够同时考虑环形通道和桩土荷载分担,给出的固结度介于以往的两种解之间。  相似文献   

After the application of a Laplace–Hankel transform, the governing equations of Biot’s consolidation are solved analytically by using the eigenvalue approach. Then the analytical layer-element of a single soil layer can be obtained in the transformed domain by synthesizing the generalized displacements and stresses, which are both expressed by six arbitrary constants. The elements of the analytical layer-element only contain negative exponential functions, which leads to a considerable improvement in computation efficiency and stability. The global stiffness matrix equation of multilayered soils is further obtained by assembling the interrelated layer-elements, and the actual solution is achieved by numerical inversion of the Laplace–Hankel transform after the solution in the transformed domain is obtained. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the accuracy of this method and to study the influence of the layered soil properties and time history on the consolidation behavior.  相似文献   

底部抽真空预压法砂井地基固结解析解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张福海  陈雷  郭帅杰  任朋勋 《岩土力学》2014,35(10):2787-2793
基于谢康和等应变条件砂井地基固结理论和Hansbo砂井固结理论,考虑底部抽真空预压法加固方法中真空作用面位于固结土层底部的实际边界条件,推导出忽略竖向渗流情况下的底部真空预压加固地基固结方程解析解答。根据超孔压固结方程形成过程以及其解析解表达式,分析其与一般负压径向固结解答的区别。通过室内模型试验实测数据与解析模型计算结果的对比表明,不同位置处孔压和固结度计算值与实测结果吻合较好,从而验证了该模型的合理性,同时运用该模型也可有效验证已有关于底部抽真空室内模拟及现场原位试验结果。底部抽真空轴对称固结解析解可为底部抽真空技术的实际工程应用提供基础性的理论支持,推动底部抽真空技术的大规模推广应用。  相似文献   

General approximate analytical solutions are developed for one-dimensional consolidation with consideration of the threshold gradient under a time-dependent loading. A comparison is made between the present solution and some available numerical solutions for a particular case, and the results show that the approach employed in this article is reasonable. The influence of the threshold gradient and the loading period on consolidation behaviour is investigated, and the results show that the moving boundary of seepage moves downward gradually. The greater the threshold gradient is, the slower the boundary moves. The excess pore pressure will not be completely dissipated at the end of consolidation, and the larger the threshold gradient is, the greater the residual excess pore pressure is. The average degree of consolidation considering the threshold gradient defined by settlement is different from that defined by pore pressure. Moreover, the greater the threshold gradient is, the larger the average degree of consolidation in terms of strain, whereas the smaller the average degree of consolidation in terms of stress. It is also shown that the longer the loading period is, the longer the time moving boundary takes to reach the bottom of the layer, and the greater the average degree of consolidation is.  相似文献   

谢康和  余坤  童磊  王坤 《岩土力学》2011,32(10):2944-2950
针对现有竖向排水井地基固结解析理论对影响区一律采用圆形等效假定的缺陷,研究了影响区真实形状为正六边形的按梅花形布置的竖向排水井地基的固结问题。通过建立新固结方程和引入新的边界条件,并考虑土体水平渗透系数变化,得到了相应的解析解。对于土体水平渗透系数的3种变化模式,分别给出了各种模式下的特殊解。在此基础上,分析了3种模式下3个主要的无量纲参数对地基固结性状的影响,并比较了计算结果和现有理论结果。分析结果表明,影响区和涂抹扰动区范围越大,固结越慢;土体的最大与最小水平渗透系数之比越小,固结越快;在相同条件下,考虑扰动区渗透系数线性变化的模式2固结最快,而假定扰动区渗透系数不变的模式1的解与现有理论解相当接近,验证了现有竖向排水井地基固结解析理论中对影响区采用圆形等效假定的合理性  相似文献   

Probabilistic domain decomposition is proposed as a novel method for solving the two-dimensional Maxwell’s equations as used in the magnetotelluric method. The domain is split into non-overlapping sub-domains and the solution on the sub-domain boundaries is obtained by evaluating the stochastic form of the exact solution of Maxwell’s equations by a Monte-Carlo approach. These sub-domains can be naturally chosen by splitting the sub-surface domain into regions of constant (or at least continuous) conductivity. The solution over each sub-domain is obtained by solving Maxwell’s equations in the strong form. The sub-domain solver used for this purpose is a meshless method resting on radial basis function-based finite differences. The method is demonstrated by solving a number of classical magnetotelluric problems, including the quarter-space problem, the block-in-half-space problem and the triangle-in-half-space problem.  相似文献   

秦康  卢萌盟  蒋斌松 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z2):223-231
砂井联合水泥土桩复合地基是一种新型的复合地基加固技术,既可以加快软土地基固结时间,又可以增强软土地基的强度。针对该组合型复合地基的布桩特点,该类复合地基可以简化成以水泥土搅拌桩为中心的轴对称固结模型,并假定孔隙水沿径向渗流到砂井体内的流量等同于砂井体内排出的水量,考虑砂井的涂抹效应,推导出该类型下砂井联合水泥土搅拌桩复合地基固结方程。根据实际工程荷载多数单级施加和地基附加应力呈梯形分布的特点,得出了砂井联合水泥土桩复合地基固结解析解。通过对单级荷载情况下的复合地基固结解析解的退化,得出了瞬时施加荷载下的解析解。最后分别针对井径比、加荷历时、桩-土模量比、砂井渗透系数等影响因素,对复合地基固结性状进行了分析。该解答对提高此类复合地基的设计和计算水平有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

蔡燕燕  王海  戚志博  关云飞 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z1):639-645
混凝土芯砂石桩(CCSG)桩复合地基是一种新型多元复合地基。通过引入地基土体的e-lgσ和e-lgk对数模型,考虑地基土体固结过程中压缩模量和渗透系数非线性变化的特征,推导出基于等应变假设的CCSG桩复合地基非线性固结解析解,且现有的考虑土体非线性的砂井固结解和碎石桩复合地基固结解均是文中解的特例。根据该解析解得到桩土模量比、土体压缩指数与渗透指数比、荷载增量等无量纲参数变化时,CCSG桩复合地基的固结度曲线。分析结果表明,按应力和按变形定义的两种固结度不相等,通常按变形定义的固结速度较快;土体压缩模量和渗透系数的非线性变化对固结影响较大。最后通过和由实测数据获得的固结度曲线对比,验证了解析解的正确性。  相似文献   

This paper introduces an exact analytical solution for governing flow equations for one‐dimensional consolidation in unsaturated soil stratum using the techniques of eigenfunction expansion and Laplace transformation. The homogeneous boundary conditions adopted in this study are as follows: (i) a one‐way drainage system of homogenous soils, in which the top surface is considered as permeable to air and water, whereas the base is an impervious bedrock; and (ii) a two‐way drainage system where both soil ends allow free dissipation of pore‐air and pore‐water pressures. In addition, the analytical development adopts initial conditions capturing both uniform and linear distributions of the initial excess pore pressures within the soil stratum. Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues are parts of the general solution and can be obtained based on the proposed boundary conditions. Besides, the Laplace transform method is adopted to solve the first‐order differential equations. Once equations with transformed domain are all obtained, the final solutions, which are proposed to be functions of time and depth, can be achieved by taking an inverse Laplace transform. To verify the proposed solution, two worked examples are provided to present the consolidation characteristics of unsaturated soils based on the proposed method. The validation of the recent results against other existing analytical solutions is graphically demonstrated. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Composite ground improved by partially penetrated impervious columns consists of a reinforced zone and an underlying stratum. Based on the axisymmetric consolidation model, the governing equations for the average excess pore water pressure were developed within the surrounding soil and the underlying untreated soil. The corresponding solutions were given on the basis of the consolidation theory of a double-layer subsoil ground, and the overall average degree of consolidation of the composite ground was obtained. The accuracy of the proposed solution was examined by FEM. The proposed solution and FEM results show a good match. A parametric analysis of consolidation behavior of the composite ground was then investigated. The results indicate that the consolidation rate of the composite ground strongly depends on the penetration ratio of the impervious columns (ratio of column length to soil thickness) in the way that the higher the ratio, the faster the consolidation rate. In addition, an increasing area replacement ratio of an impervious column decreases the consolidation rate. The consolidation rate of the composite ground decreases with the increasing of the constrained modulus ratio of an impervious column to its surrounding soil for a lower penetration ratio, while it increases with the increasing of the constrained modulus ratio for a higher penetration ratio.  相似文献   

This note presents an analytical solution to one-dimensional consolidation in unsaturated soils with a finite thickness under confinement in the lateral direction and vertical loading varying exponentially with time. The boundary conditions are that the top surface is permeable to water and air and the bottom is impermeable to water and air. The transfer relationship between the state vectors at the top surface and any depth is gained by applying the Laplace transform and Cayley-Hamilton mathematical methods to the governing equations of water and air, Darcy’s law and Fick’s law. The excess pore-air and pore-water pressures and settlement in the Laplace-transformed domain are obtained by using the Laplace transform with the initial and boundary conditions. By performing the inverse Laplace transforms, the analytical solutions of the excess pore-air and pore-water pressures at any depth and settlement are obtained in the time domain.  相似文献   

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