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刘诚  沈永明 《水科学进展》2008,19(6):851-856
水生植物的存在改变了明渠内水流的流动结构,也影响着泥沙的输运。建立三维湍流模型,在水流控制方程中加入植被阻力项和植被密度项来考虑刚性植物对水动力特性和泥沙输运特性的影响。应用该三维数值模型计算了矩形水槽内淹没植被对水流水平时均流速垂向分布的影响、复式明渠边滩栽种挺水植被对水流深度、平均流速分布以及植被岛周围泥沙床面的冲淤变形的影响。数值计算结果与实测结果吻合良好,表明本模型可以有效地描述刚性水生植物对水流泥沙运动的影响。  相似文献   

作为河、湖以及滨海湿地生态系统中必不可少的组成部分,水生植被具有重要的生态服务价值,且许多生态服务价值是通过改变水体动力条件实现的。含植被水流研究不仅可用于科学阐明水生植被的生态环境效应,还能指导河湖生态系统修复及污染治理的工程实践。本文考虑单向明渠流与波浪2种水动力环境,对国内外有关水生植被对水流结构以及泥沙运动影响研究的主要成果进行梳理。单向明渠流条件下,植被对水动力的影响研究主要集中于植被对水流阻力的影响以及冠层内水体的紊动结构与紊动尺度特征;波浪条件下,植被对波高与波浪流速的减弱作用以及冠层内水体的时均与紊动结构特征是研究重点。受水动力条件控制,植被影响下的泥沙运动特征也受到广泛关注,且研究焦点为单向明渠流条件下水生植被对泥沙起动与输移的影响以及波浪条件下植被对床底泥沙再悬浮的影响。  相似文献   

This study examines flow, turbulence and sand suspension over large dunes in Canoe Pass, a distributary channel of the Fraser River delta, Canada. Dune morphology is characterized by a symmetrical shape and steep leeside slopes over 30°. Velocity was measured with an electromagnetic current meter and suspended sand concentration with four optical backscatter (OBS) probes. The general patterns of time-averaged velocity and sand suspension are consistent with previous studies, including an increase in mean velocity and decrease in turbulence intensity and sand concentration with height above the bed, reversed flow with high turbulence intensity and high sand concentrations in the leeside flow separation zone and an increase in near-bed velocity and sand concentration along the stoss side of the dune. Frequency spectra of near-bed velocity and OBS records from leeside separation zones are composed of two distinct frequencies, providing field confirmation of scale relations based on flume experiments. The low-frequency spectral signal probably results from wake flapping and the high-frequency signal from vortex shedding. The wake-flapping frequency predominates outside the separation zone and is linked to turbulent structures that suspend sand. Predictions from a depth-scale Strouhal Law show good agreement with measured wake-flapping frequencies. Cross-correlations of OBS records reveal that turbulent sand suspension structures advect downstream at 23–25° above the horizontal. These advection angles are similar to coherent flow structures measured in flumes and to sand suspension structures visualized over large dunes in the field.  相似文献   

河流管理中含植物水流问题研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
河流管理涵盖灌溉、防洪、河流生态、环境等众多内容,其目的在于保护和恢复河流生态系统的整体生态功能。植物是具有生态功能河流的重要特征,为动物提供了栖息地,是维持河流健康发展的重要因素。由于植物的存在改变了水流运动特性和泥沙及污染物输移规律,含植物水流问题引起了河流管理领域的广泛关注,并且成为河流动力学新的重要的研究课题。回顾了当前国内外河流管理中含植物水流问题研究的主要成果,归纳为水流阻力、紊流结构、泥沙运动和被动标量扩散输移四个方面的研究内容,详细介绍了重要的研究方法、结论和量测手段,讨论了含植物水流问题当前研究存在的不足,并指出今后的研究趋势。  相似文献   

为研究植被环境中床面泥沙起动特性,以天然河道中的植被及沙床为原型,对刚性植被环境中床面形态变化及泥沙起动规律进行了试验研究,并采用单位床面空间平均流速表述植被环境中泥沙的起动流速。研究结果表明,淹没植被条件下动床床面泥沙运动可分为3个阶段,即静止、部分起动及全部起动阶段,定义第3个阶段为刚性植被环境中泥沙起动的标准;推导的淹没刚性植被环境中的泥沙起动流速半经验函数关系式可以表述植被环境中泥沙起动特性,其中植被因子Fv对泥沙起动的影响最明显;植被密度一定时,植株周围冲坑深与空间平均流速成线性关系。研究认为采用植被环境中单位床面空间平均流速表述泥沙起动特性的方法是可行的。  相似文献   

植被影响下坡面侵蚀临界水流能量试验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
坡面侵蚀临界水流能量是反映土壤抗蚀作用强弱的重要特征值.利用人工模拟降雨试验,定量研究了在45mm/h、87 mm/h和127 mm/h降雨强度下、20°陡坡面裸地、草地和灌木地的坡面侵蚀临界水流能量.结果表明,不同植被条件下坡面输沙率随径流切应力、单位水流功率和断面比能的增大而增大,有良好的响应关系.裸地、草地和灌木...  相似文献   

为深入揭示植被覆盖条件下坡面水流结构的内在规律,采用水槽模拟试验,系统研究了植被处于淹没及非淹没工况下淹没度对坡面流水动力学特性的影响。研究结果表明:坡度一定条件下,平均流速和雷诺数与淹没度均成正相关关系;柔性植被覆盖下,水流流型由缓流区过渡到急流区,综合阻力系数随淹没度的增加而减小,刚性植被覆盖条件下水流流型均处于缓流区;综合阻力系数呈单驼峰形式变化;峰值处淹没度为0.9,淹没度对相对摩阻流速的影响与其对阻力系数呈相反变化趋势,基于淹没度的阻力计算经验公式决定系数均达到0.97以上;由于淹没度对各水动力学参数的影响受制于坡度,在坡面水土保持中应根据山区坡度和水深选择适当的植被高度。  相似文献   

为研究沉水植被对水流结构的影响,以苦草为对象,利用实验室水槽实验研究了含淹没水生植被水流时均流速、雷诺应力及紊动能的垂向分布特征。受苦草冠层的影响,时均流速在冠顶以上呈对数分布,且随着流量的增加,冠层倾伏高度降低,对数剖面愈加明显;冠层内部,由于冠层阻流面积在垂向分布上的差异,冠层内时均流速出现逆梯度分布,且在床面附近出现局部流速最大值。雷诺应力在冠顶附近达到最大值,并向水面与床底方向逐渐减小;受逆流速梯度的影响,冠层内部雷诺应力出现负值以及局部最大值。雷诺应力产生的剪切紊动使得紊动能在冠顶处最大,并向水面与床底进行垂向传输;受紊动传输距离的限制,冠层底部以叶片后产生的尾流紊动为主,紊动能较小。  相似文献   

The diffusion equation of suspended sediment concentration in a wide sediment‐laden stream flow is dependent on the vertical gradient of streamwise velocity and the sediment diffusivity. This study aims at investigating the influence of the streamwise velocity laws on the suspended sediment concentration distributions, resulting from the solution of the diffusion equation. Firstly, the sediment concentration distributions are obtained numerically from the solution of the diffusion equation using different velocity laws and compared with the experimental data. It is found that the power‐law approximation produces good computational results for the concentration distributions. The accuracy of using a power‐law velocity model is comparable with the results obtained from other classical velocity laws, namely log‐law, log wake‐law and stratified log‐law. Secondly, a novel analytical solution is proposed for the determination of sediment concentration distribution, where a power‐law, wall‐concentration profile is coupled with a concentration wake function. The power‐law model (for velocity and concentration) is calibrated using the experimental data, and then a generalized wake function is obtained by choosing a suitable law. The developed power‐law model involving the wake function adjusted by an exponent predicts the sediment concentration distributions quite satisfactorily. Finally, a new explicit formula for the suspended‐load transport rate is derived from the proposed theory, where numerical computation of integrals, as needed in the Einstein theory, is avoided.  相似文献   

The links between large‐scale turbulence and the suspension of sediment over alluvial bedforms have generated considerable interest in the last few decades, with past studies illustrating the origin of such turbulence and its influence on flow resistance, sediment transport and bedform morphology. In this study of turbulence and sediment suspension over large sand dunes in the Río Paraná, Argentina, time series of three‐dimensional velocity, and at‐a‐point suspended sediment concentration and particle‐size, were measured with an acoustic Doppler current profiler and laser in situ scattering transmissometer, respectively. These time series were decomposed using wavelet analysis to investigate the scales of covariation of flow velocity and suspended sediment. The analysis reveals an inverse relationship between streamwise and vertical velocities over the dune crest, where streamwise flow deceleration is linked to the vertical flux of fluid towards the water surface in the form of large turbulent fluid ejections. Regions of high suspended sediment concentration are found to correlate well with such events. The frequencies of these turbulent events have been assessed from wavelet analysis and found to concentrate in two zones that closely match predictions from empirical equations. Such a finding suggests that a combination and interaction of vortex shedding and wake flapping/changing length of the lee‐side separation zone are the principal contributors to the turbulent flow field associated with such large alluvial sand dunes. Wavelet analysis provides insight upon the temporal and spatial evolution of these coherent flow structures, including information on the topology of dune‐related turbulent flow structures. At the flow stage investigated, the turbulent flow events, and their associated high suspended sediment concentrations, are seen to grow with height above the bed until a threshold height (ca 0·45 flow depth) is reached, above which they begin to decay and dissipate.  相似文献   

振荡流底层悬沙运动的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
建立了平底振荡流底层立面二维水沙数值模型,利用Smagrionsky(SGS)格子涡模型封闭二维Navier Storkes方程水流运动方程组,控制方程采用SMAC法求解。该模型能较精确地模拟振荡流底层水流流动特性,以及含沙量沿垂线分布和随相位变化的情况,且与水槽实验的实测资料基本吻合。  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary approach was used to analyse the role of pioneer trees (Populus nigra) on bar formation in the modern fluvial system of the River Loire (France). Data were collected on seven plots located on a secondary channel, chosen for their vegetation cover and their sedimentary context. Physical features of vegetation, topographical evolution, sediment grain size and flow velocity were investigated during and after floods between 2001 and 2003. Woody vegetation responds morphologically to fast‐flowing waters and sediment deposition. These adaptations influence the role played by trees on local sedimentary processes. Some morphological types of trees exert a strong influence during flood events by deflecting, reducing or increasing the flow energy. As a consequence, the evolution of bedforms, distribution of sediment grain size and slopes are controlled by the flood type, the morphological context (i.e. high‐ or low‐energy zones), the morphology of the vegetated bar and the characteristics of vegetation. Conceptual models are proposed to account for local processes and evolution of tree groves. The first model, which describes the behaviour of groves during a single flood, underlines the sediment deposition downstream of the trees and the trapping of bedload sediments. During the falling stage of the flood, the reorientation of current streams, constrained by both local bed topography and woody vegetation, induces transverse sediment fluxes. For these water levels, the control exerted by trees on small‐scale sedimentary processes becomes significant. The second model shows the evolution of vegetation bands over several flood events. In particular, it describes the influence of vegetation on the fixing and reworking of bedload sediments during the falling limb of the hydrograph. The coalescence of vegetation‐induced bedforms and the resulting morphological changes increase the deflection power of the vegetated bar, inducing the deposition of finer sediments.  相似文献   

Settling velocities and entrainment thresholds of biogenic sedimentary particles, under unidirectional flow conditions, are derived on the basis of settling tower and laboratory flume experiments. Material consisting predominantly of equant blocks (shell fragments of Cerastoderma edule , density, ρ s=2800 kg m−3) or of mica-like flakes and elongate rods ( Mytilus edulis fragments, ρ s=2720 kg m−3) are used in separate series of experiments. Differences in the measured settling and threshold properties are related primarily to particle shape. The selection of a characteristic length scale for non-spherical grains is investigated by comparing two approaches used to define the grain size ( D ) of the sediment samples: grain settling and sieve analysis that are used to derive data for the threshold criteria, in terms of the Shields and Movability diagrams. The empirical curves effectively predict the threshold conditions for any grain shape, provided that grain size is defined in terms of grain settling velocity. However, a functional distinction is made between the characteristic `hydraulic' grain size, defined by grain settling for grain transport applications, and the actual (physical) grain size defined by sieve analysis.  相似文献   

This paper examines the transport of calcareous sand in unidirectional flow and its prediction through existing sediment transport models. A flume experiment of four sand samples collected on Oahu, Hawaii, provides 29 sets of sediment transport data in the bed-form and suspended transport stages. The measured transport data are compared with direct predictions from four energy-based transport models developed for siliceous particles. Corrections for the grain-size, fall velocity, and critical velocity of calcareous sand based on recent research are applied to the models and the results are compared with the direct calculations and measured data. The comparison illustrates the important role particle shape plays in the transport of calcareous sand. All four sediment transport models give consistent predictions and good agreement with the majority of the measured data. Two of the models respond positively to the corrections in both the bed-form and suspended transport stages indicating that such an approach may provide an interim solution for the transport of calcareous sand.  相似文献   

The partitioning of the total sediment load of a river into suspended load and bedload is an important problem in fluvial geomorphology, sedimentation engineering and sedimentology. Bedload transport rates are notoriously hard to measure and, at many sites, only suspended load data are available. Often the bedload fraction is estimated with ‘rule of thumb’ methods such as Maddock’s Table, which are inadequately field‐tested. Here, the partitioning of sediment load for the Pitzbach is discussed, an Austrian mountain stream for which high temporal resolution data on both bedload and suspended load are available. The available data show large scatter on all scales. The fraction of the total load transported in suspension may vary between zero and one at the Pitzbach, while its average decreases with rising discharge (i.e. bedload transport is more important during floods). Existing data on short‐term and long‐term partitioning is reviewed and an empirical equation to estimate bedload transport rates from measured suspended load transport rates is suggested. The partitioning averaged over a flood can vary strongly from event to event. Similar variations may occur in the year‐to‐year averages. Using published simultaneous short‐term field measurements of bedload and suspended load transport rates, Maddock’s Table is reviewed and updated. Long‐term average partitioning could be a function of the catchment geology, the fraction of the catchment covered by glaciers and the extent of forest, but the available data are insufficient to draw final conclusions. At a given drainage area, scatter is large, but the data show a minimal fraction of sediment transported in suspended load, which increases with increasing drainage area and with decreasing rock strength for gravel‐bed rivers, whereby in large catchments the bedload fraction is insignificant at ca 1%. For sand‐bed rivers, the bedload fraction may be substantial (30% to 50%) even for large catchments. However, available data are scarce and of varying quality. Long‐term partitioning varies widely among catchments and the available data are currently not sufficient to discriminate control parameters effectively.  相似文献   

泥沙影响流速分布规律的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
挟沙水流中泥沙颗粒的存在将影响水流的紊动结构,并进一步影响水流流速分布。采用超声流速仪MicroADV测量挟沙水流的时均流速沿垂线分布,分析了在不同水力条件、不同泥沙条件(包括泥沙浓度及颗粒粒径)下泥沙与水流相互作用对流速沿垂线分布的影响,在此基础上,考虑到现有流速分布公式在实际河道水流流速沿垂线分布中的应用,提出新的指数型流速分布公式形式;并根据实验资料,初步检验了该公式的精度,同时分析了指数型流速公式中系数k和指数m随泥沙浓度s、粒径d以及水力条件的变化规律。结果表明:系数k随泥沙浓度的增加而增大,同时水力条件以及泥沙颗粒粒径同样也影响着k的变化;而指数m随粒径d的增大而减小,随泥沙浓度s的增加而增大。  相似文献   

弯道环流流速与泥沙横向输移研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
根据弯道水流特性,分析了断面环流的运动方程,采用普朗特紊流切应力构架建立了横向水流切应力的形式。通过对掺长形式的分析,给出了断面环流横向水流切应力沿垂线表达式,进一步建立了弯道恒定二元环流的横向流速分布公式。经对比分析与资料验证表明,导出的环流流速分布公式结构简单、合理,与资料有较好的拟合性。同时,利用导出的环流流速分布公式,还研究了弯道水流中泥沙的横向输移问题,建立了便于数值模拟的计算模式。  相似文献   

河网非恒定水沙数学模型研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
建立了能够适用于多种情况的河网非恒定流水沙数学模型。推导提出了河网泥沙方程组的分级解法,提出了适用于河网计算的汊点分沙模式,分析和对比了多种分沙模式的适用性,对河网区域中可蓄水汊点也提出了相应的处理办法。采用汉江杜家台分蓄洪区的资料作了模型的验证和应用。  相似文献   

悬浮泥沙对藻类生长影响的实测与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过对长江下游镇扬段的牛轭湖—内江的泥沙、水质、光强、藻类等进行现场监测和数据分析,探讨了内江悬浮泥沙对水下光强的衰减规律以及对藻类生长的影响。结果表明:内江水体中存在80%以上的粒径小于75μm的微细悬浮颗粒,其中不易沉降的粘土颗粒占到20%~50%左右,枯水期平均含量为40 mg/L,丰水期平均含量为70 mg/L,而藻细胞生物总量基本都在100万个/L以内,其中绿藻、硅藻为优势种。数据分析表明:泥沙对水下光强的衰减遵循指数函数衰减规律,光衰减系数与泥沙含量呈较好的线性相关性,内江的优势种绿藻、硅藻的生物量与泥沙含量呈显著的指数相关。认为,泥沙通过衰减光强间接地抑制藻类繁殖,这一抑制作用可以由泥沙含量和藻细胞密度之间的关系进行定量。  相似文献   

Settling velocities of suspended cohesive sediment in estuaries vary over a range of several orders in magnitude. Variations in the suspended sediment concentration are often considered as the principal cause. Turbulence and the suspended sediment concentration, as well as other factors such as salinity, dissolved organic substances, flocculation ability, and the rate of floc growth affect setting velocities. A laterally–averaged finite difference model for hydrodynamics and cohesive sediment transport is developed and applied in the Tanshui River estuary, Taiwan. The model has been calibrated and verified with water surface elevation, longitudinal velocity, salinity, and cohesive sediment measured. The overall performance of the model is in qualitative agreement with the available data. The model is used to investigate the influence of settling velocity on cohesive sediment transport dynamics. The simulation indicates that the turbidity maximum zone is near Kuan–Du. When settling velocities increase the surface cohesive sediment concentration at Kuan–Du station trends to decrease and bottom cohesive sediment concentration increases. Both surface and bottom cohesive sediment concentrations decrease at Taipei Bridge and Pa–Ling Bridge. This implies that suspended sediment advected seaward and deposited. There is consequently a net seaward flux of suspended sediment near surface, and a net landward flux near the bed.  相似文献   

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