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Back-scattering from rough sea surface with foams   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTION Eleetromagnetie baek一seattering from randomly rough surfaee driven by wind,and funetion-al dePendenee on wind sPeed and direetion,and the eharaeteristie Parameters of sea surfaee havebeen interested in the ocean remote sensing.One of the approaehes to eleetromagnetie seatteringfrom randomly rough surfaee 15 the Kirehhoff approximation(KA),and the geometrie opties 50-lution in high frequeney 15 used by the stationary phase method(Bass and Fueks,1979) .TheKA solution 15 val…  相似文献   

Kelvin wake is one of the common wakes generated by moving ships and contains rich information about ships. In this paper, free wave elevations of Kelvin wake are calculated based on the Michell thin ship theory combined with a point source perturbation model. The probability density function of sea surface slopes is introduced to calculate the specular reflection of sunlight and skylight and the refraction of scattered light underwater. Satellite-detected Kelvin wakes are then simulated by adding surface specular reflectance and water-leaving reflectance. Simulation results agree well with satellite measurements. The specular reflection of sunlight is the decisive factor affecting the features of Kelvin wakes according to the simulation results. The main factors that influence the specular reflection of sunlight, such as the incident direction and observation direction, ship parameters, and background environment, are discussed. This study is helpful for wake detection and provides a preliminary theoretical method for the retrieval of ship information.  相似文献   

We analyze the statistical structure of the data of remote sensing of the fields of surface temperature and the concentration of chlorophyll in the northwest part of the Black Sea with an aim to apply the method of optimal interpolation to the restoration of the maps of these fields according to the restricted amounts of data. We determine the scales of smoothing for the selection of the random components of the fields and estimate their difference from the statistical model uniform and isotropic over the space correlation coefficients. The functions of spectral densities are constructed along various sections and the best intervals of discretization of the fields required to perform the optimal interpolation with given accuracy are determined. It is shown that the construction of the maps of fields under the conditions of controlled accuracy of reconstruction of their values remains possible even if the amounts of the input satellite data are significantly decreased. We consider a procedure of evaluation of the best possible amounts of data required for the use of the method of optimal interpolation. Some examples of application of this procedure to the data of remote sensing of the fields of surface temperature and the concentration of chlorophyll are presented.  相似文献   

卫星遥感海面高度数据在渔场分析中的应用综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宋婷婷  樊伟  伍玉梅 《海洋通报》2013,32(4):474-480
通过对卫星测高数据进行分析,结合国内外有关海面高度数据在海洋渔场分析方面应用的文献,着重分析了海面高 度数据与常规海洋外界环境因子之间的关系,概括了海面高度数据对海洋渔场资源变化的影响,并综述了西方渔业发达国家 利用测高数据采用直接和间接方法在海洋渔场环境分析及渔情预报方面的研究应用与进展,最后指出我国海面高度数据在渔 场分析方面的应用现状以及存在的问题,并基于国外情况,对我国今后使用卫星测高数据在渔场方面的应用研究提出了几点 建议。  相似文献   

海面盐度(sea surface salinity,SSS)是研究海洋变化及其气候效应重要的物理量,对海洋生态环境、海洋可持续发展至关重要.为了提高海面盐度反演精度,本文通过对SMAP卫星L波段微波辐射计测量的亮温数据进行海面盐度反演研究,考虑风、浪等影响海面粗糙度的环境因子对Klein-Shift模型(简称K-S模型...  相似文献   

The results of radiometric remote simultaneous field measurements of the temperature and radiation capacity of the upper layer of the sea-surface temperature film 0.2 mm thick are presented. The measurements were conducted in the presence of wind waves and were characterized by an increased accuracy, which was achieved owing to the use of measurements of the intensity of radio radiation from the surface illuminated by radiation of a specified varying power. In our experiment, this illumination was provided by the radio radiation of the atmosphere, whose radiance temperature varies significantly, depending on the frequency at the slope of the absorption band of molecular oxygen (52.5–56 GHz). As a result, the radiation capacity and temperature of the skin layer were determined from the correlation dependence between the radiance temperatures of the surface and atmosphere measured by a radiometer-spectrometer in a number of channels separated in frequency. The radiance temperatures of the sea and atmosphere were measured at four frequencies of the 5-mm spectral range (53–55 GHz) on a vertical polarization. For absolute measurements, a calibration method was developed on the basis of a blackbody disk and two reflecting mirrors with the same solid angles. The measured values of the radiation capacity are variable and substantially smaller than the theoretical values determined by the models accepted for the permittivity of water and sea roughness. A possible cause of this can be the change of the permittivity of water in a thin surface layer of the temperature film (0.2 mm) due to the concentration of gases dissolved in water and surface-active substances within this layer.  相似文献   

The results of in situ measurements of the characteristics of intrinsic microwave radiation from the sea surface are presented. The studies were carried out on the oceanographic platform of the Experimental Department of Marine Hydrophysical Institute during the summer–fall periods for 3 years, which made it possible to accumulate a significant amount of information on the change in the radiation intensity of under different meteorological conditions. Attention is primarily focused on the construction of wind-radiation dependences and their steepness analysis based on the measurement data obtained by a radiometer-polarimeter with a central frequency of received radiation equal to 37.7 GHz. The results are compared with the previous experimental studies and the model estimates of this effect.  相似文献   

This paper shows the results of a detailed reprocessing of aeromagnetic data, obtained by the downward projection to the seabed. The area of interest is centered over the Tyrrhenian Basin, whose bathymetric–topographic lay-out is characterized by a somewhat irregular trend. The origin of the intense depth variations depends on the Tyrrhenian structural setting, that is associated with the presence of several tectonic lineaments, seamounts or volcanic islands. The data were characterized by good quality and dense sampling, but they have been reprocessed in order either to solve some problems in the original compilation, and to reduce the distortion of the geomagnetic anomaly field caused by the difference of distance between the survey level and the magnetic source. The reprocessed magnetic map is proposed as an effective analysis tool for the Tyrrhenian area that is characterized by high susceptibility lithotypes. Downward projection of the aeromagnetic data by BTM algorithm increases the definition of the anomalous magnetic signal without distortions in the geometric pattern of the field, thus showing a more stable and effective association between the magnetic anomalies and their geological sources. This effect is particularly true for high frequency anomalies that are directly comparable after the topographic projection because the depth filtering effect is attenuated. Moreover, the BTM method has been applied for the first time to a regional scale survey that shows substantial advantages because no fictitious anomalies in the high frequency sector of the spectrum were generated. This has been a typical effect of the traditional downward projection methods widely used before. The final result is a BTM anomaly map that is able to show the structural connections between the geological magnetic sources of the Tyrrhenian Sea area.  相似文献   

We have studied the influence of a roughed sea surface and the dispersion of photons over pathlengths on the time characteristics of a pulsed oceanologic airborne lidar. We have derived equations describing the first two temporal moments of a return signal for two types of lidar (a lidar with an isotropic receiver directional pattern and a lidar with an extremely narrow receiver pattern). It is shown that the delay of the return signal and its effective width depend substantially on both the characteristics of the lidar itself and on the parameters of the sea-surface roughness and inherent optical properties.  相似文献   

The influence of inhomogeneities of surface currents on the intensity of breaking wind waves is considered and a model for the relation between whitecap contrasts and the tensor of current gradients is developed. The imagery of typical patterns of ocean currents is discussed. The results of field observations supporting this model are given.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

基于随机森林的香港海域海表盐度遥感反演模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于随机森林反演海盐的算法模型,基于研究海域的实测数据,分析并筛选出与海表盐度敏感性较高的影响因子(总氮、悬浮固体、温度),利用2003-2008年共6期ASTER影像数据,从中提取、计算敏感因子的光谱参数,结合相应实测盐度,作为模型的原始数据集,运用R语言构建随机森林算法对数据进行训练,将训练得到的随机森林用于海表盐度的预测。结果显示,预测值与实测值之间平均相对误差较小,吻合度高,R2均在0.85以上,多数达0.95以上。研究表明,基于多因子参数的随机森林反演海表盐度是可行且高效的。  相似文献   

以2007年1月到2010年12月的MODIS Aqua CHL-a Level 2海表水色产品为基础数据,获得南海北部海域海表叶绿素a浓度的月平均影像集,基于影像集数据的时空相关性利用DIEOF(Data Interpolating Empirical Orthogonal Functions)方法重构其缺失数据。通过分析重构前后数据变化、验证重构结果的时空特征、计算模型精度指标等对重构结果进行评价。研究结果表明:DIEOF方法重构的MODIS海表叶绿素a影像,能够体现研究区海表叶绿素a的时空变化特征,重构结果的复相关系数R2可达到0.98,平均绝对误差MAE小于0.01;该方法重构过程中无需先验信息,易操作,能够有效重构大面积成片缺失或缺失比例较高的影像。  相似文献   

为了研究起伏海面对雷电电磁传播的影响,本文利用Barrick表面阻抗理论和Wait近似算法,采用改进二维分形海面模型模拟起伏海面,利用数值模式,分析起伏海面的雷电电磁传播特征,并进一步讨论了起伏海面对时差法闪电定位系统定位精度的影响。结果表明:起伏海面对垂直电场和磁场的峰值的影响不显著,但会引起波形的上升期时间的延长,浪高越大,影响越明显;随着观测距离的增加,雷电垂直电场波形的上升时间逐渐变长;风速的变化与雷电垂直电场波形的上升时间成正比;由于海面起伏引起雷电电磁场波形在传播中的变化会影响基于时差法闪电定位系统的定位精度,定位误差可达几至十几公里。  相似文献   

A discussion of the influence of sea roughness and spatial atmospheric inhomogeneities on the precision of satellite microwave radiometric measurements of the atmospheric parameters is presented. The two-scale model for microwave radiation of the ruffled sea surface without foam and spray is confirmed by experimental measurements. Investigations of the brightness temperature fluctuations of the clear and cloudy atmosphere are made using aircraft experimental measurements at the wavelengths 0.8 and 1.35 cm. Calculations of the radiation averaged over a satellite antenna footprint are carried out on the basis of these results and of well-known results of optical and infrared measurements. It is shown that sea roughness and the nonuniformity of clouds may result in errors in the integrated atmosphere water vapor and cloud liquid water content determination by satellite two-wavelength (0.8 and 1.35 cm) radiometric measurements up to 30 and 70 percent, respectively.  相似文献   

太阳耀光是来自粗糙海面的直接太阳反射光,其强度与海面粗糙度密切相关,而海面粗糙度主要受海面风场影响。因此,包含太阳耀光信息的光学遥感影像在海洋动力过程和海面风速探测中具有积极意义。本文利用2016年2月到2017年3月期间成像的25幅Terra卫星MISR(Multi-angle Imaging Spectro Radiometer)传感器的多角度遥感影像,分别提取了太阳的高度角和方位角、正视和后视影像的卫星观测角、方位角等信息,校正获得正视和后视影像的太阳耀光辐射强度,进一步反演海表面粗糙度信息,进而计算海面风速。最后利用ECMWF(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts)的模式风速数据与反演获得的风速结果进行对比验证。结果表明,两者的相关系数较高(R=0.745),均方根误差和平均绝对偏差值分别为1.514 m·s-1和1.319 m·s-1。初步实验结果表明,利用MISR多角度光学遥感影像估算海表面风速是可行性的。  相似文献   

Satellite derived sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll data are used to characterise the period of upwelling during a cruise on which two Lagrangian drift experiments were conducted off the Iberian Atlantic coast in August 1998. During the cruise there was a prolonged period of equator-ward winds which favour upwelling; three distinct maxima were observed in the meteorological data interspersed with periods of relaxation. The SST and chlorophyll imagery show upwelling to be active with distinct offshore filaments that are cooler and of higher chlorophyll concentration than the surrounding oceanic water; these filaments represent an important cross-shelf transport mechanism. A front detection methodology has been applied to satellite images and suggests that these filaments are distinct, long-lived features, characterised by enhanced primary production.  相似文献   

田炜  任新成  黄保瑞 《海洋通报》2011,30(2):227-233
运用微扰法研究了平面电磁波入射随机粗糙面的电磁散射问题,得到了具有A.K.Fung海谱的粗糙海面散射截面的数学表达式,进一步得出了不同极化状态下散射系数的计算公式.通过数值计算得到了双站和单站两种情形下散射系数随散射角、风速、入射波频率变化的曲线,讨论了粗糙面高度起伏均方根、海水温度、风速、入射波频率对散射系数的影响,...  相似文献   

本文利用2011年8月至2014年3月Aquarius卫星盐度产品结合Argo等实测盐度资料,探讨了孟加拉湾海表盐度的季节及年际变化特征。结果显示,Aquarius与Argo盐度呈显著线性正相关,总体较Argo盐度值低,偏差为-0.13,其中在孟加拉湾北部海域负偏差值比南部海域更大,分别为-0.28和-0.10。Aquarius卫星与Argo浮标在表层盐度观测深度上的差别是造成此系统偏差的主因。Aquarius盐度资料清晰显示了孟加拉湾海表盐度具有明显的季节变化特征,包括阿拉伯海高盐水的入侵引起湾南部海域盐度的变化以及湾北部淡水羽分布范围的季节性迁移等主要特征。此外,分析还揭示了2011(2012)年春季整个湾内出现异常高盐(低盐)现象。研究表明,2010(2011)年湾北部夏季降雨减少(增加)导致该海域海水盐度偏高(偏低),并通过表层环流向南输运引起次年春季湾内表层盐度出现异常高盐(低盐)现象,春季风应力旋度正(负)距平通过影响盐度垂直混合过程对同期表层盐度异常高盐(低盐)变化也有影响。  相似文献   

The frequency spectrum of surface elevations in the presence of wind waves is well known. On this basis, one can estimate the frequency spectrum of vertical velocities in sea-surface waves. Owing to liquid incompressibility, the spectrum of horizontal velocities should have the same frequency dependence. The use of the dispersion equation for waves on the surface of a heavy liquid allows one to obtain to the spatial spectrum of velocities. Therefore, one can estimate the spatial structure function of the velocity field. For short waves and large depths, the structure function increases as r 1/2, where r is the distance between the points of observations. For long waves and shallow depths h, this increase is proportional to r. The coefficient of turbulent mixing K(r) of pollution spots of size r on the sea surface is now estimated as the product of the spot size and the rms difference of velocities. As a result, depending on r and h, the exponent in the r n dependence of K(r) may vary between 1.25 and 1.5. This outcome provides an explanation for a scatter in the values of the exponent n, a phenomenon that has been observed by many experimentalists.  相似文献   

This paper deals with surface slicks, their nature, and causes of formation in context of the development of remote detection methods and investigation of dynamic processes in the ocean and at the air–ocean interface. A simplified formalism is introduced for slick–sea surface contrast formation which takes into account the upward sea radiation and qualitatively explains in situ measurement results. The results of a detection of slicks on the coastal water surface are also described, which, together with the simplified formalism suggested, provide optimal experimental conditions for slick–sea surface contrast measurements; i.e., the contrast of the P component of reflected radiation is measured at viewing angles close to the horizon.  相似文献   

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