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C.M. Appleyard  K.S. Viljoen  R. Dobbe 《Lithos》2004,77(1-4):317-332
Previous studies of diamonds from Finsch have shown that eclogitic inclusions are rare at Finsch and that the eclogitic garnet and clinopyroxenes are iron and manganese-rich. In order to expand the current database of information, 93 eclogitic diamonds were selected for this study. Eight diamonds were polished into plates for cathodoluminescence studies and infrared examination of diamond growth and 31 diamonds were cracked to retrieve inclusions. The eclogitic garnets analysed in this study are enriched in Fe and are relatively depleted in Ca and Mg relative to worldwide data. FeO contents for garnet range from 15 to 27 wt.% and MnO contents reach a maximum value of 1.6 wt.%. The eclogitic clinopyroxenes have relatively high FeO contents, up to 14.8 wt.% and K2O contents are low (<0.4 wt.%). Three non-touching garnet–clinopyroxene mineral pairs produce equilibration temperatures of 1138–1179 °C at an assumed pressure of 50 kb. No Type II diamonds were found during this study, all diamonds are of Type IaAB. Total nitrogen contents of Type IaAB diamonds range from 11 to 1520 ppm, with variable aggregation states (up to 84% nitrogen aggregated as B-defects). Distinct infrared characteristics suggest that the Finsch kimberlite sampled either more than one mantle source region of similar age but differing temperature, or two different populations of diamonds with different ages. The diamonds provide evidence of changing mantle conditions during crystallisation. Continuous diamond growth is illustrated by the presence of regular octahedral growth zones, although in some diamonds cubic growth is noted. One diamond shows evidence of platelet degradation, suggesting exposure to high temperatures and/or shearing stresses.  相似文献   

The carbon isotopic composition of 66 inclusion-containing diamonds from the Premier kimberlite, South Africa, 93 inclusion-containing diamonds and four diamonds of two diamond-bearing peridotite xenoliths from the Finsch kimberlite, South Africa was measured. The data suggest a relationship between the carbon isotopic composition of the diamonds and the chemical composition of the associated silicates. For both kimberlites similar trends are noted for diamonds containing peridotite-suite inclusions (P-type) and for diamonds containing eclogite-suite inclusions (E-type): Higher δ13C P-type diamonds tend to have inclusions lower in SiO2 (ol), Al2O3 (opx, gt), Cr2O3, MgO, Mg(Mg + Fe) (ol, opx, gt) and higher in FeO (ol, opx, gt) and CaO (gt). Higher δ13C E-type diamonds tend to have inclusions lower in SiO2, Al2O3 (gt, cpx), MgO, Mg(Mg + Fe) (gt), Na2O, K2O, TiO2 (cpx) and higher in CaO, Ca(Ca + Mg) (gt, cpx).Consideration of a number of different models that have been proposed for the genesis of kimberlites, their xenoliths and diamonds shows that they are all consistent with the conclusion that in the mantle, regions exist that are characterized by different mean carbon isotopic compositions.  相似文献   

K. J. Fraser  C. J. Hawkesworth   《Lithos》1992,28(3-6):327-345
Major, trace element and radiogenic isotope results are presented for a suite of hypabyssal kimberlites from a single pipe, at the Finsch Mine, South Africa. These are Group 2 kimberlites characterised by abundant phlogopite ± serpentine ± diopside; they are ultrabasic (SiO2 < 42 wt.%%) and ultrapotassic (K2O/Na2O > 6.9) igneous rocks, they exhibit a wide range in major element chemistry with SiO2 = 27.6−41.9 wt. % and MgO = 10.4−33.4 wt. %. (87Sr/86Sr)i=0.7089 to 0.7106, εNd is −6.2 to −9.7 and they have unradiogenic (207Pb/204Pb)i contents which ensure that they plot below the Pb-ore growth curve. They have high incompatible and compatible element contents, a striking positive array between Y and Nb which indicates that garnet was not involved in the within suite differentiation processes, and a negative trend between K/Nb and Nb contents which suggests that phlogopite was involved. In addition, some elements exhibit an unexpected order of relative incompatibility for different trace elements which suggests that the intra-kimberlite variations are not primarily due to variations in the degree of partial melting. The effects of fractional crystallization are difficult to establish because for the most part they have been masked by the entrainment of 50–60% mantle peridotite. Thus, the Finsch kimberlites are interpreted as mixtures of a melt component and entrained garnet peridotite, with no evidence for significant contamination with crustal material. The melt component was characterised by high incompatible element contents, which require both very small degrees of partial melting, and source regions with higher incompatible element contents than depleted or primitive mantle. Since the melt component was the principal source of incompatible elements in the kimberlite magma, the enriched Nd, Sr and Pb isotope ratios of the kimberlite are characteristic of the melt source region. The melt fractions were therefore derived from ancient, trace elements enriched portions of the upper mantle, most probably situated within the sub-continental mantle lithosphere, and different from the low 87Sr/86Sr garnet peridotite xenoliths found at Finsch. Within the sub-continental mantle lithosphere old, incompatible element enriched source regions for the kimberlite melt fraction are inferred to have been overlain by depleted mantle material which became entrained in the kimberlite magma.  相似文献   

Two xenoliths of garnet harzburgite from the Finsch kimberlite, South Africa, have been found to contain diamond. One of the xenoliths has mineral compositions typical of low-T coarse textured garned peridotites, whereas minerals in the other are similar but not identical to most peridotite-suite minerals included in diamonds, especially in the low-CaO content of garnet. Geothermobarometric calculations show both xenoliths equilibrated at temperatures above 1,100°C and pressures>55 kbar, which is near the low-pressure end of the range of equilibration conditions for diamond-free garnet lherzolites and garnet harzburgites from Finsch. The chemistries of the minerals in the two rocks are distinctly different to most of the mineral inclusions in Finsch diamonds. This, as well as the different 13C compositions between xenolith diamonds (-2.8 to-4.6) and diamonds in the kimberlite (generally<-4.3) suggest different origins or sources for the diamonds.  相似文献   

146Sm–142Nd and 147Sm–143Nd systematics were investigated in garnet inclusions in diamonds from Finsch (S. Africa) and Hadean zircons from Jack Hills (W. Australia) to assess the potential of these systems as recorders of early Earth evolution. The study of Finsch inclusions was conducted on a composite sample of 50 peridotitic pyropes with a Nd model age of 3.3 Ga. Analysis of the Jack Hills zircons was performed on 790 grains with ion microprobe 207Pb/206Pb spot ages from 3.95 to 4.19 Ga. Finsch pyropes yield 100 × ?142Nd = ? 6 ± 12 ppm, ?143Nd = ? 32.5, and 147Sm/144Nd = 0.1150. These results do not confirm previous claims for a 30 ppm 142Nd excess in South African cratonic mantle. The lack of a 142Nd anomaly in these inclusions suggests that isotopic heterogeneities created by early mantle differentiation were remixed at a very fine scale prior to isolation of the South African lithosphere. Alternatively, this result may indicate that only a fraction of the mantle experienced depletion during the first 400 Myr of its history. Analysis of the Jack Hills zircon composite yielded 100 × ?142Nd = 8 ± 10 ppm, ?143Nd = 45 ± 1, and 147Sm/144Nd = 0.5891. Back-calculation of this present-day ?143Nd yields an unrealistic estimate for the initial ?143Nd of ? 160 ?-units, clearly indicating post-crystallization disturbance of the 147Sm–143Nd system. Examination of 146,147Sm–142,143Nd data reveals that the Nd budget of the Jack Hills sample is dominated by non-radiogenic Nd, possibly contained in recrystallized zircon rims or secondary subsurface minerals. This secondary material is characterized by highly discordant U–Pb ages. Although the mass fraction of altered zircon is unlikely to exceed 5–10% of total sample, its high LREE content precludes a reliable evaluation of 146Sm–142Nd systematics in Jack Hills zircons.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2009,15(4):644-662
The integration of new and published geochronologic data with structural, magmatic/anatectic and pressure–temperature (P–T) process information allow the recognition of high-grade polymetamorphic granulites and associated high-grade shear zones in the Central Zone (CZ) of the Limpopo high-grade terrain in South Africa. Together, these two important features reflect a major high-grade D3/M3 event at ~ 2.02 Ga that overprinted the > 2.63 Ga high-grade Neoarchaean D2/M2 event, characterized by SW-plunging sheath folds. These major D2/M2 folds developed before ~ 2.63 Ga based on U–Pb zircon age data for precursors to leucocratic anatectic gneisses that cut the high-grade gneissic fabric. The D3/M3 shear event is accurately dated by U–Pb monazite (2017.1 ± 2.8 Ma) and PbSL garnet (2023 ± 11 Ma) age data obtained from syntectonic anatectic material, and from sheared metapelitic gneisses that were completely reworked during the high-grade shear event. The shear event was preceded by isobaric heating (P = ~ 6 kbar and T = ~ 670–780 °C), which resulted in the widespread formation of polymetamorphic granulites. Many efforts to date high-grade gneisses from the CZ using PbSL garnet dating resulted in a large spread of ages (~ 2.0–2.6 Ga) that reflect the polymetamorphic nature of these complexly deformed high-grade rocks.  相似文献   

The integration of new and published geochronologic data with structural, magmatic/anatectic and pressure–temperature (P–T) process information allow the recognition of high-grade polymetamorphic granulites and associated high-grade shear zones in the Central Zone (CZ) of the Limpopo high-grade terrain in South Africa. Together, these two important features reflect a major high-grade D3/M3 event at ~ 2.02 Ga that overprinted the > 2.63 Ga high-grade Neoarchaean D2/M2 event, characterized by SW-plunging sheath folds. These major D2/M2 folds developed before ~ 2.63 Ga based on U–Pb zircon age data for precursors to leucocratic anatectic gneisses that cut the high-grade gneissic fabric. The D3/M3 shear event is accurately dated by U–Pb monazite (2017.1 ± 2.8 Ma) and PbSL garnet (2023 ± 11 Ma) age data obtained from syntectonic anatectic material, and from sheared metapelitic gneisses that were completely reworked during the high-grade shear event. The shear event was preceded by isobaric heating (P = ~ 6 kbar and T = ~ 670–780 °C), which resulted in the widespread formation of polymetamorphic granulites. Many efforts to date high-grade gneisses from the CZ using PbSL garnet dating resulted in a large spread of ages (~ 2.0–2.6 Ga) that reflect the polymetamorphic nature of these complexly deformed high-grade rocks.  相似文献   

The Venetia kimberlites in the Northern Province of South Africa sampled diamonds from the lithosphere underlying the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt. Given the general correlation of diamond-bearing kimberlites with old stable cratons, this tectonic setting is somewhat anomalous and, therefore, it is desirable to characterise the diamonds in terms of their infrared characteristics. A suite of diamonds of known paragenesis from the Venetia mine spans a large range of nitrogen concentrations from less than the detection limit to 1,355 ppm. Diamond nitrogen contents are, on average, higher in the eclogitic diamond population relative to the websteritic and peridotitic diamonds. Nitrogen aggregation states are variable, ranging from almost pure type IaA diamond (poorly aggregated nitrogen) to pure type IaB diamond (highly aggregated nitrogen). On a nitrogen aggregation diagram two distinct groups can be identified based on nitrogen content and nitrogen aggregation state. These are a minor population of diamonds with nitrogen contents generally higher than 500 ppm and nitrogen aggregation states of less than 40% IaB, and another, dominant population that is characterised by higher and more variable nitrogen aggregation. The unusually aggregated nature of the majority of the diamonds analysed is unique to Venetia relative to other intrusives on the Kaapvaal-Kalahari craton, but is similar to aggregation states observed for diamonds from other craton margin or adjacent mobile belt settings such as the Argyle lamproite and the George Creek kimberlite. This could be a consequence of diamond mantle residence at mantle temperatures higher than the norm for other kimberlites from the interior of cratons. Deformation of the mantle, associated with dynamic processes such as orogenesis or subduction, might also be responsible for accelerating the rate of nitrogen aggregation in these diamonds. Low numbers of diamonds with degradation of platelets at the Venetia kimberlite, relative to diamonds from the Argyle lamproite, indicate that deformation was at a significantly lower level. The comparatively low value of diamonds from Argyle (at approximately US8/carat) as opposed to Venetia (US8/carat) as opposed to Venetia (US90/carat) is in large part because of the very high abundance of brown diamonds at Argyle. Therefore, it is apparent that deformational history of the mantle in which the diamonds were resident prior to or during sampling by the host may have an important role to play in the profitability of a primary diamond deposit. The apparently consistent association of diamonds with unusually aggregated nitrogen with kimberlites, or lamproites intruded into craton margin or mobile belt settings suggests that it may be possible to recognise such contributory sources in alluvial diamond deposits, through the study of the infrared characteristics of the diamonds. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer Link server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00410-002-0385-2  相似文献   

Seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle provides important constraints on mantle dynamics, continental evolution and global tectonics and is believed to be produced by the flow-induced lattice-preferred orientation (LPO) of olivine. Recent experimental studies at high pressure and temperature have suggested that the LPO of olivine is affected by pressure in addition to water and stress. However, there has been no report yet for the pressure-induced LPO of natural olivine because samples from the deep upper mantle are rare and often unsuitable for study due to ambiguous foliation and lineation. Here we show evidence of the pressure-induced LPO of natural olivine in diamond-bearing garnet peridotites from Finsch, South Africa. We found that the [010] axes of olivine are aligned subnormal to foliation and that the [001] axes are aligned subparallel to lineation, which is known as B-type LPO of olivine. The equilibrium pressure of the samples, as estimated using geobarometer, was greater than 4 GPa, indicating that the samples originated from a depth greater than ∼120 km. In addition, FTIR spectroscopy of the olivine showed that the samples are dry, with a water content of less than 90 ± 20 ppm H/Si (5.5 ± 1.2 ppm wt. H2O). These data suggest that the samples are the first natural examples of olivine displaying B-type LPOs produced due to high pressure under dry condition. Our data indicate that the trench-parallel seismic anisotropy observed in many subduction zones in and below subducting slabs at depths greater than ∼90 km under dry condition may be attributed to the pressure-induced olivine fabrics (B-type LPO) and may be interpreted as the entrainment of the sub-lithospheric mantle in the direction of subduction rather than anomalous trench-parallel flow.  相似文献   

D. Phillips  J.W. Harris  K.S. Viljoen 《Lithos》2004,77(1-4):155-179
Silicate and oxide mineral inclusions in diamonds from the geologically and historically important De Beers Pool kimberlites in Kimberley, South Africa, are characterised by harzburgitic compositions (>90%), with lesser abundances from eclogitic and websteritic parageneses. The De Beers Pool diamonds contain unusually high numbers of inclusion intergrowths, with garnet+orthopyroxene±chromite±olivine and chromite+olivine assemblages dominant. More unusual intergrowths include garnet+olivine+magnesite and an eclogitic assemblage comprising garnet+clinopyroxene+rutile. The mineral chemistry of the De Beers Pool inclusions overlaps that of most worldwide localities. Peridotitic garnet inclusions exhibit variable CaO (<5.8 wt.%) and Cr2O3 contents (3.0–15.0 wt.%), although the majority are harzburgitic with very low calcium concentrations (<2 wt.% CaO). Eclogitic garnet inclusions are characterised by a wide range in CaO (3.3–21.1 wt.%) with low Cr2O3 (<1 wt.%). Websteritic garnets exhibit intermediate compositions. Most chromite inclusions contain 63–67 wt.% Cr2O3 and <0.5 wt.% TiO2. Olivine and orthopyroxene inclusions are magnesium-rich with Mg-numbers of 93–97. Olivine inclusions in chromite exhibit the highest Mg-numbers and also contain elevated Cr2O3 contents up to 1.0 wt.%. Peridotitic clinopyroxene inclusions are Cr-diopsides with up to 0.8 wt.% K2O. Eclogitic and websteritic clinopyroxene inclusions exhibit overlapping compositions with a wide range in Mg-numbers (66–86).

Calculated temperatures for non-touching inclusion pairs from individual diamonds range from 1082 to 1320 °C (average=1197 °C), whereas pressures vary from 4.6 to 7.7 GPa (average=6.3 GPa). Touching inclusion assemblages are characterised by equilibration temperatures of 995 to 1182 °C (average=1079 °C) and pressures of 4.2–6.8 GPa (average=5.4 GPa). Provided that the non-touching inclusions represent equilibrium assemblages, it is suggested that these inclusions record the conditions at the time of diamond crystallisation (1200 °C; 3.0 Ga). The lower average temperatures for touching inclusions are attributed to re-equilibration in a cooling mantle (1050 °C) prior to kimberlite eruption at 85 Ma. Pressure estimates for touching garnet–orthopyroxene inclusions are also skewed towards lower values than most non-touching inclusions. This apparent difference may be an artefact of the Al-exchange geobarometer and/or the result of sampling bias, due to limited numbers of non-touching garnet–orthopyroxene inclusions. Alternatively pressure differences could be caused by differential uplift in the mantle or possibly variations in thermal compressibility between diamond and silicate inclusions. However, thermodynamic modelling suggests that thermal compressibility differences would cause only minor changes in internal inclusion pressures (<0.2 GPa/100 °C).  相似文献   

Mineral inclusions in diamonds from the Sputnik kimberlite pipe, Yakutia   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The Sputnik kimberlite pipe is a small “satellite” of the larger Mir pipe in central Yakutia (Sakha), Russia. Study of 38 large diamonds (0.7-4.9 carats) showed that nine contain inclusions of the eclogitic paragenesis, while the remainder contain inclusions of the peridotitic paragenesis, or of uncertain paragenesis. The peridotitic inclusion suite comprises olivine, enstatite, Cr-diopside, chromite, Cr-pyrope garnet (both lherzolitic and harzburgitic), ilmenite, Ni-rich sulfide and a Ti-Cr-Fe-Mg-Sr-K phase of the lindsleyite-mathiasite (LIMA) series. The eclogitic inclusion suite comprises omphacite, garnet, Ni-poor sulfide, phlogopite and rutile. Peridotitic ilmenite inclusions have high Mg, Cr and Ni contents and high Nb/Zr ratios; they may be related to metasomatic ilmenites known from peridotite xenoliths in kimberlite. Eclogitic phlogopite is intergrown with omphacite, coexists with garnet, and has an unusually high TiO2 content. Comparison with inclusions in diamonds from Mir shows general similarities, but differences in details of trace-element patterns. Large compositional variations among inclusions of one phase (olivine, garnet, chromite) within single diamonds indicate that the chemical environment of diamond crystallisation changed rapidly relative to diamond growth rates in many cases. P-T conditions of formation were calculated from multiphase inclusions and from trace element geothermobarometry of single inclusions. The geotherm at the time of diamond formation was near a 35 mW/m2 conductive model; that is indistinguishable from the Paleozoic geotherm derived by studies of xenoliths and concentrate minerals from Mir. A range of Ni temperatures between garnet inclusions in single diamonds from both Mir and Sputnik suggests that many of the diamonds grew during thermal events affecting a relatively narrow depth range of the lithosphere, within the diamond stability field. The minor differences between inclusions in Mir and Sputnik may reflect lateral heterogeneity in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

C. M. BELL 《Sedimentology》1981,28(3):321-329
Sandstones of the uppermost Witteberg Group in the Cape fold belt of South Africa exhibit unusual and distinctive soft-sediment deformation structures. These structures include folds, axial planar cleavage and micro-fold lineations. Interfering fold patterns and intersecting sets of lineations are indicative of repeated deformation. The sandstones are immediately overlain by glacial and proglacial sediments of the Carboniferous Dwyka Group, indicating that the deformation was related to glaciation. Possible environments of deformation include: (a) subglacial dragging of unconsolidated material, (b) subaqueous slumping beyond the limit of floating ice, and (c) englacial deformation of material incorporated by freezing into the base of the glacier.  相似文献   

The Kuruman Kimberlite Province is comprised of 16 small pipes and dikes and contains some of the oldest known kimberlites (>1.6 Ga). In this study, 12 intrusions are subdivided into three groups with distinct petrology, age, and geochemical and isotopic compositions: (1) kimberlites with groundmass perovskites defining a Pb–Pb isochron age of 1787 ± 69 Ma, (2) orangeite with a U–Pb perovskite age of 124 ± 16 Ma, and (3) ultramafic lamprophyres (aillikite and mela-aillikite) with a zircon U–Pb age of 1642 ± 46 Ma. The magma type varies across the Province, with kimberlites in the east, lamprophyres in the west and orangeite and ultramafic lamprophyres to the south. Differences in the age and petrogenesis of the X007 orangeite and Clarksdale and Aalwynkop aillikites suggest that these intrusions are probably unrelated to the Kuruman Province. Kimberlite and orangeite whole-rock major and trace element compositions are similar to other South African localities. Compositionally, the aillikites typically lie off kimberlite and orangeite trends. Groundmass mineral chemistry of the kimberlites has some features more typical of orangeites. Kimberlite whole-rock Sr and Nd isotopes show zoning across the Province. When the kimberlites erupted at ~1.8 Ga, they sampled a core volume (ca 50 km across) of relatively depleted SCLM that was partially surrounded by a rim of more metasomatized mantle. This zonation may have been related to the development of the adjacent Kheis Belt (oldest rocks ~2.0 Ga), as weaker zones surrounding the more resistant core section of SCLM were more extensively metasomatized.  相似文献   

The complex of antiquity guides testifying to the origin of diamonds from Precambrian sources is discussed. The tectonic setting of diamond placers related to Precambrian sources is characterized. It is emphasized that identification of ancient diamonds is important for the forecasting of their primary sources.  相似文献   

Ultrahigh-temperature quartz-sapphirine granulite xenoliths in the post-Karoo Lace kimberlite, South Africa, comprise mainly quartz, sapphirine, garnet and sillimanite, with rarer orthopyroxene, antiperthite, corundum and zinc-bearing spinel; constant accessories are rutile, graphite and sulphides. Comparison with assemblages in the experimentally determined FMAS and KFMASH grids indicates initial equilibration at >1040 °C and 9–11  kbar. Corona assemblages involving garnet, sillimanite and minor cordierite developed on a near-isobaric cooling P–T  path as both temperature and, to a lesser extent, pressures decreased. Garnet-orthopyroxene Fe-Mg exchange thermometers record temperatures of only 830–916 °C. These estimates do not indicate the peak metamorphic conditions but instead reflect the importance of post-peak Fe-Mg exchange during cooling. Correction of mineral Fe-Mg compositions for this exhange using a convergence approach of Fitzsimons & Harley (1994 ) leads to retrieved P–T  estimates from garnet-orthopyroxene thermobarometry ( c . 1000 °C and 10.5±0.7  kbar) that are consistent with the petrogenetic grid constraints. U-Pb dating of a single zircon grain gives an age of 2590±83  Ma, interpreted as the age of the metamorphic event. Protolith major and trace element chemistries of the xenoliths differ from sapphirine-quartzites typical of the Napier Complex (Antarctica) but are comparable to less siliceous, high Cr and Ni, sapphirine granulites reported from several ultrahigh temperature granulite terranes.  相似文献   

Garnets have been discovered, placed against fracture shelve surfaces posterior to the solidification of a trachy-pantelleritic dome-flow of the Fantale volcano (Shoa, Ethiopia). Their physical characteristics and their chemical composition, obtained by microprobe analysis allow us to lable them as andradite.By their habitus an their composition they can be related to the recently described garnets of Menoyre (Cantal, France).The meaning of their fumarolitic-origin is discussed.
Résumé Des cristaux de grenat ont été découverts, situés sur les plans de fracture postérieurs à la solidification d'un dôme-coulée de trachyte pantelleritique du Volcan Fantale (Shoa, Ethiopie).Leurs propriétés physiques et leur composition, donnée par analyse à la microsonde ont permis de préciser qu'il s'agit d'Andradite. Ils peuvent être rapprochés par leur gisement et leur composition, des grenats décrits récemment à Menoyre (Cantal, France).La signification de leur origine fumerollienne est discutée.

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