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On the basis of the dispersion relation of magnetotelluric response functions (MTRF), a filter coefficient algorithm has been
made, with which the corresponding impedance phase data can be estimated using a set of apparent resistivity data. The tests
of theoretical models and observed magnetotelluric (MT) data show that this algorithm is effective. Comparing the impedance
phase estimated using dispersion relation with the observed phase, it can be checked whether the dispersion relation between
the observed apparent resistivities and phase data was satisfied. The use of phase data corrected using the dispersion relation
in the joint inversion for MT impedance is advantageous to obtain more reliable inversion results. The problems on the one-dimensional
joint inversion for the (MT) apparent resistivity and the apparent resistivity of the frequency electromagnetic sounding (FEMS)
with horizontal electric dipole, whose observed frequency bands are linked up each other, are studied. The observed data of
two kinds of electromagnetic (EM) methods at two sites are used to inverse, the comparison with the drilling data show the
results are more reliable. To supply the phase data of FEMS using the dispersion relation, for the apparent resistivity-phase
data and impedance real part-imaginary part apparent resistivities of two kinds of EM methods the imitated MT joint inversions
are made, and more similar results also are obtained.
The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition of Acta Seismologica Sinica, 15, 91–96, 1993.
The projects sponsored by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation. 相似文献
四川二滩水库地震遥测台网自运行以来,记录了库区发生的力马,田湾-金河和马鹿塘三次地震序列,主震震级分别为3.2,4.0和2.6级,利用工业爆破和天然地震资料,计算了该区域的P波和S波地壳分层速度模型,以此模型为基础,采用参考时间平均值法和数值性能极好的单纯形空间迭代寻优定位方法,修定为了这三个序列的震源位置,得到精度一般小于0.3km,最大不超过0.5km的精确解,最后,利用定位结果,求解了田湾序 相似文献
A normal electromagnetic field of the high-frequency horizontal electric dipole is analyzed with allowance for the displacement currents in the earth and air. The components of the field are calculated by the method of partial integration for nonsmooth behavior of the integrand. The boundary between the quasistationary and wave zone of the source is established according to the results of calculations. The effects arising in the wave zone due to the displacement currents in the air are considered. The results of the calculations are confirmed by field experiments. 相似文献
The field of the vertical electric dipole (VED) immersed in the heterogeneous conductive halfspace (sea) is analyzed in time domain. In the near field of the source, the amplitudes of the electric and magnetic components of the field are proportional to power 3/2 and power 5/2 of the conductivity of the medium, respectively. After termination of the transmitter pulse, all the VED components decay with time as ~1/ t 5/2. The possibility of applying the VED field for estimating the electrical properties of the offshore geological sections is demonstrated. 相似文献
In 2006–2007, researchers of the IO RAS conducted seismological observations in the Baltic Sea and western Kaliningrad region with the use of ocean-bottom and land-based autonomous seismic stations. According to maps of general seismic zoning of the territory of Russia, the Kaliningrad region is aseismic. However, a series of seismic phenomena with magnitudes of about 5 and sources located near the Bay of Gdansk coast occurred here in September 2004. The total duration of the IO RAS seismological observations in five areas of the region under investigation was more than 200 days. The analysis of seismic records of the IO RAS network located sources of two local weak earthquakes with magnitudes M L = 3.4–3.5, which indicates that the seismic process in the western part of the Kaliningrad region continues and the region is far from being seismically stable. 相似文献
沿穿过古浪大震震中区乐都—武威—白马岗北北东方向约340 km长的剖面,进行了16个测点的大地电磁探测.使用Robust技术处理观测数据,分析了视电阻率、阻抗相位、Swift二维偏离、最佳电性主轴方位角等参数,并采用NLCG二维反演技术对TE和TM两种模式的数据进行了二维反演模拟.结果表明:大通山—大坂山、西海原、皇城—双塔、龙首山和北大山5条断裂为明显的电性边界,其中西海原、皇城—双塔、龙首山和北大山断裂由西南向东北依次变浅变缓并在深部收敛于壳内低阻层上.沿剖面上地壳的电性构造较中下地壳的复杂,上地壳自西南向东北可分为中祁连隆起、北祁连褶皱带、冷龙岭隆起、武威盆地、潮水盆地和北大山隆起6个构造单元样式,显示与地表地质调查一致的构造格局;而在中、下地壳,武威盆地、潮水盆地和北大山隆起为一体,都属于阿拉善地块.中祁连和阿拉善地块电性成层性好,存在西南深、东北浅的壳内低阻层,北祁连褶皱带和冷龙岭隆起带电性结构复杂,高、低电阻体相间.1927年古浪地震震中区西南侧和上方区域的电阻率为高电阻率区,下方和东北侧区域为低电阻率区,处于电性结构明显呈台阶状陡变的地带,表明古浪地震是一次与断坡作用有关的地震. 相似文献
Among the components of normal dipole fields useful in high-frequency electric prospecting, the electric components E and E
of the normal field of the horizontal electric dipole are considerably complicated in structure. By checking these values
by means of computer mathematics in combination with the development of the classical (dynamical) theory of interference soundings,
the above expressions alluded to in geophysical literature were shown to contain considerable errors. The present paper is
devoted to this question. 相似文献
We detected a severe haze process in Guangzhou area with lidar and microwave radiometer, performed an inversion to get boundary layer height by wavelet covariance transform, and analyzed the correlation between meteorological factors of boundary layer and visibility from the perspective of dynamical and thermodynamic structures. Our results indicate that the boundary layer height shows significant daily changes, consistent with ground visibility variation. During the cleaning process, the boundary layer height exceeded 1 km; during severe haze, the height was only 500 m. Temperature gradient of 50–100 m, which was 30 h lag, was remarkably correlated with visibility, with the correlation coefficient of 0.77. High layer visibility(255 m) and low layer stability were significantly anticorrelation, and the maximum anticorrelation coefficient was up to-0.76 in cleaning days and-0.49 in haze days. In the related boundary layer meteorological factors, surface ventilation coefficient was linearly correlated with ground visibility, with the greatest correlation coefficient of 0.88. The correlation coefficients of boundary layer height, ground wind velocity, relative humidity and ground visibility were 0.76, 0.67, and-0.77, respectively. There was a strong correlation between different meteorological factors. The dominant meteorological factor during this haze process was surface ventilation coefficient. In the area without boundary layer height sounding, ground visibility and wind velocity could be used to estimate boundary layer height. 相似文献
广东河源新丰江水库位于华南典型断层上,自1959年水库蓄水以来,库区地震活动性明显增强,并发生了6.1级触发地震.然而我们对其地下结构的了解还远远不够,对库区地震的研究也因此存在很多不确定性.为了研究库区浅层地下结构,我们在2015年初在新丰江库区人字石断裂周边布设了42个短周期地震仪的密集地震台网.台间距大约为100~500 m,时间跨度为1个月.我们对获得的每个台站的连续信号分段进行处理,并对任意台站对的信号进行互相关和叠加处理,恢复所有台站对间的经验格林函数(EGF).然后利用多次滤波分析方法测量瑞利波群速度频散曲线,并反演该区域的群速度分布和三维剪切波速度结构.我们的结果表明,对于这样比较密集的台站间距,高频(0.2~1.2 s)频散信号基本可以得到很好的恢复,且该频段信号对浅层地下结构(< 1 km)较为敏感.剪切波速度分布表明该区域人字石断裂位置出现明显的低速分布,并且低速区在断裂南端向两侧延伸,有可能代表与人字石断裂交错的小断裂区域.同时,人字石断裂把该区域划分成了东西两部分,两侧整体上呈现高速异常,与地表山丘相吻合.我们的结果得到了新丰江人字石断裂附近的近地浅层的小尺度精细速度结构,为进一步理解该区域的构造以及地震发生提供了重要依据. 相似文献
利用雅砻江流域地震台网2011年8月1日至2014年12月31日期间及四川省地震台网1个地震台站2008年5月1日至2015年8月31日期间记录的地震观测波形资料,采用剪切波分裂分析得到了四川锦屏水库地区中上地壳各向异性参数,即快剪切波偏振方向和慢剪切波时间延迟.结果显示,研究区内台站的快波优势偏振方向存在明显的局部特征,左侧4个台站的快波优势偏振方向与区域主压应力方向比较一致,右侧台站优势偏振方向各异.研究发现,台站MLI的快波偏振方向变化与水库水位的变化具有很好的相关性,在2013年7月,水库水位急剧升高到约1800 m后,台站的快波偏振方向也发生了90°变化,这是一种被称为90°翻转(90°-flip)的现象.蓄水导致的应力增加(以及可能的渗水)产生的高孔隙压影响了剪切波分裂特征. 相似文献
龙滩水库2006年10月蓄水以来,库区地震活动频繁,这可能是原有构造地震的进一步活动,也可能是水库诱发地震。因此,有必要对龙滩水库蓄水后发生的地震性质进行判断。本文根据国内外已发生水库诱发地震震例资料和以往经验,结合龙滩库区具体情况,利用定性判断法和概率统计法对龙滩库区地震性质进行验证和判断,结果认为:龙滩库区蓄水后发生的地震属诱发地震。 相似文献
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica - Были выведены... 相似文献
In this study, we assessed the relationship between the occurrence of the invasive water hyacinth ( Eichhornia crassipes) and water quality properties as well as macroinvertebrate diversity in a tropical reservoir, situated in western Ecuador. Macroinvertebrates and physico-chemical water quality variables were sampled at 32 locations (during the dry season of 2013) in both sites covered and non-covered by water hyacinth in the Daule-Peripa reservoir. The results indicated that, in terms of water quality, only turbidity was significantly different between sampling sites with and without water hyacinth (Mann–Whitney U-test, p < 0.01). The habitat suitability model showed that water hyacinth was present at sites with a low turbidity. The percentage water hyacinth cover increased with decreasing turbidity. The Biological Monitoring Working Party-Colombia score and the Margalef diversity index were significantly higher (Mann–Whitney U-test, p < 0.01) at sampling sites where water hyacinth was present compared to water hyacinth absent sites. However, there were no significant differences in the Shannon–Wiener index, Evenness index and Simpson index between the sampling sites with and without water hyacinth. Our results suggest that water hyacinth cover was an important variable affecting the diversity of macroinvertebrates in the Daule-Peripa reservoir, with intermediate levels of water hyacinth cover having a positive effect on the diversity of macroinvertebrates. Information on the habitat suitability of water hyacinth and its effect on the physico-chemical water quality and the macroinvertebrate community are essential to develop conservation and management programs for large tropical reservoirs such as the Daule-Peripa reservoir and the Guayas river basin, where water resources are being at high risk due to expansion of agricultural and industrial development activities. 相似文献
利用2004年8月16 日-2008年5月11日双差精定位后的地震S波资料,采用衰减层析成像方法对紫坪铺水库区域地壳Qs进行动态衰减成像,反演得到了该区的Qs动态演化特征.以1个月为步长、1年为窗长,计算了紫坪铺水库地区不同大小区域按月滑动的平均Qs值,统计了不同震级范围按月滑动的地震频次,并分别与水位进行了对比分析.研究结果表明,水位首次快速加载后,紫坪铺水库低Qs值区域范围扩大,Qs值下降,水库西南区、东北区、库区中段、东北岸Qs值的变化较为明显.紫坪铺水库不同大小区域按月滑动的平均Qs值随蓄水时间的增加、水位的升高而减小,库区中段Qs值下降最为剧烈.水库蓄水增强了该区的地震活动性,对ML0.0-2.0的小震活动影响较为显著. 相似文献
地震构造层位的解释精度对砂砾岩油藏的预测起关键性作用.本文以夏子街油田夏18-36区块砂砾岩扇体油藏的构造和层位解释为例,研究砂砾岩油藏地震精细解释技术.研究中采用快速地震扫描、相干体分析、精细层位标定、构造样式及断裂组合分析相结合的工作思路,在地震资料品质中偏差先天不足条件下,实现了全工区200余口井的井震统一.运用多种解释方法综合印证来提高砂砾岩油藏的解释精度,为油藏参数的反演和储层预测及注水生产奠定了坚实的基础. 相似文献
高频电磁测深法是一种利用天然高频电磁场作为场源的电磁勘探方法,具有高分辨率和相对直流电法较深的勘探深度的特点,特别适合中浅层地热和地下水勘探。本文介绍了一个应用高频电磁测深评价地下热水资源的一个成功实例。野外数据采集采用了高频电磁测深系统MT-U5A,采用远参考技术,以保证数据采集质量。高频电磁测深资料二维反演成像处理结果较好地描述了地下热水的空间分布范围,为查明该区的地下热水的来源提供了较有利的证据。 相似文献
High-frequency electromagnetic sounding is an electromagnetic exploration method using the natural high-frequency electromagnetic field as a field source. It has higher resolution and greater depth penetration than the direct current method and is especially fit for geothermal energy exploration and low- and mid-level groundwater detection. We introduce a successful application of high-frequency electromagnetic sounding for evaluating geothermal water resources. The high frequency electromagnetic system (MT-USA with a frequency range from 10 KHz to 1 Hz) is first applied to sample field data from China. A remote reference station is used to assure sampled data quality. We then perform 2D inversion image processing with the electrical method data. The results basically indicate the spatial distribution of underground geothermal water and provide favorable clues to finding the sources of the subsurface geothermal water in this area. 相似文献
The results of experimental studies of variations in the Doppler frequency shift at a vertical radio path caused by partial solar eclipses are presented. Eclipses were observed near Kharkov in 1999?C2008. The eclipse phase varied from 0.24 to 0.78. It is shown that the eclipses caused sign-changing variations in the Doppler frequency shift, deformations of the Doppler spectra, and also quasi-periodic changes in the Doppler frequency shift. This was manifested in changes in the electron concentration, generation of wave processes, and plasma motions caused by the eclipses. 相似文献
利用体积分方程法模拟电偶源激发时均匀导电半空间频率域三维电磁响应.讨论了张量格林函数的计算,对于需要计算三重积分的张量格林函数电荷项一次部分,应用一种差分近似的方法求解,这种方法在保证计算精度的同时更加便于计算机实现;采用二次剖分的算法解决了计算张量格林函数时的奇异值问题;计算含有贝塞尔函数的积分项时,利用一种结合连分式展开的高斯求积代替常规的快速汉克尔变换方法,在确保正确计算的同时提高了计算精度. 相似文献