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Measurements of erythemal irradiance have been carried out continuously at Belsk since May 1975. We present a homogenization procedure of the UV time series for the period of 1976–2008. Long-term oscillations discovered in the homogenized data set agree with those extracted from the reconstructed UV data for all-sky and clear-sky conditions. The UV climatology was established and the UV variability was determined. Positive UV trends were found for the period of 1976-2008 in the annual mean (5.6±0.9% per decade), in the seasonal mean for the warm subperiod of the year (April–October, 5.5±1.0% per decade), and in monthly means (∼2–9% per decade). A satisfactory agreement between the trend extracted from the homogenized ground-based data and that found in satellite UV data for Belsk (1979–2008) supports the reliability of satellite trend analyses over wider areas during snowless periods.  相似文献   

The properties of rock resitivity were studied under pressure, particularly with “stress reversal”, a procedure in which the pressure applied was increased and decreased. It was observed that, 1) With pressure increasing, the main feature of resistivity change was increase-steady-decrease for high-saturation rock samples (saturation 70–100%). But the main feature for low-saturation samples was different. 2) In 10 out of 11 cases of “stress reversal” for high-saturation samples the resistivity droped (about 2%). Such drop could explain the anomalies in geoelectricity terms, which are commonly observed before earthquakes in China. 3) It was also observed shortly before rock failure that, a) the resistivity drops more dramatically (about 20%) during “stress reversal” period, which is much more than ordinary drops. b) these drops occurred not only during stress decrease but also during stress increase. c) Resistivity exhibits anisotropy: the resistivity along different directions may differ by 10%. These three features may indicate that the rock is nearing failure, while ordinary resistivity drops are only connected with “stress reversal” and may not mean the imminence of rock failure. 4) Resistivity increase was observed during the “stress reversal” period for low-saturation rock samples. The results mentioned above were explained with the effect of water flowing in and out of the cracks of rock. The temporary factors which yield a reduction of the maximum main stress, may enhence the possibility of earthquake occurrence.  相似文献   

According to variations of 137Cs and clay contents, 44 flood couplets were identified in a profile of reservoir deposit with a vertical length of 28.12 m in the Yuntaishan Gully. Couplet 27 at the middle of the profile had the highest average 137Cs content of 12.65 Bq kg-1, which indicated the 1963s' deposits, then 137Cs content decreased both downward and upward in the profile. The second top and bottom couplets had average 137Cs contents of 2.15 Bq kg-1 and 0.92 Bq kg-1, respectively. By integrated analysis of reservoir construction and management history, variations of 137Cs contents over the profile, sediment yields of flood couplets and rainfall data during the period of 1958-1970, individual storms related to the flood couplets were identified. 44 floods with a total sediment yield of 2.36×104 m3 occurred and flood events in a year varied between 1 and 10 times during the period of 1960-1970. 7-10 flood events occurred during the wet period of 1961-1964 with very wet autumn, while only 1-2 events during the dry period of 1965-1969. Average annual specific sediment yield was 1.29×104 t km-2 a-1 for the Yuntaishan Gully during the period of 1960-1970, which was slightly higher than 1.11 ×104 t km-2 a-1 for the Upper Yanhe River Basin above the Ganguyi Hydrological Station and slightly lower than 1.40 ×104 t km-2 a-1 for the nearby Zhifang Gully during the same period. Annual specific sediment yields for the Yuntaishan Gully were correlated to the wet season's rainfalls well.  相似文献   

Results are reported from a detailed study of central Kamchatka seismicity for the period 1962–1997 based on a modification of the traditional approach. The approach involves (a) a detailed structure of the seismic region that recognizes the Kronotskii and Shipunskii geoblocks and two further blocks, the continental slope, and the offshore portion, (b) a study of variations in the rate of M = 3.0–7.2 earthquakes and the amount of seismic energy released at depths of 0–50 and 51–100 km, (c) a study of seismicity variability, and (d) separate estimates of the recurrence of crust-mantle earthquakes (depths 0–50 km) and mantle events (51–100 km). As a result, apart from corroborating the fact of a quiescence preceding the December 5, 1997 Kronotskii earthquake (M 7.9), we also found that a relationship exists between its beginning and the position of the earthquake-generating region relative to the mainshock epicenter. The quiescence dominates the seismic process during the pre-mainshock period and is characterized by a decreased rate of earthquakes (the first feature) and a decreased amount of seismic energy release (the second feature). Based on the first feature, we found that the quiescence started in 1987 throughout the entire depth range (0–100 km) in both parts of the Kronotskii geoblock close to the rupture zone of the eponymous earthquake. As to the Shipunskii geoblock, which is farther from the rupture zone, the quiescence began in the mantle of the inner area first (1988) and somewhat later at depths of 0–50 km within the continental slope (1989). By the second feature, the quiescence began at shallower depths in the inner area of the Kronotskii geoblock at the same time and later on (a year later) in the mantle (1988). Under the continental slope of the trench in the Shipunskii geoblock the shallower quiescence also began in 1987, while it was 3 years late in the inner zone (1990) and involved the earthquake-generating earth volume at depths of 0–100 km. These data are identical with or sufficiently close to the estimate for the beginning of this quiescence using a circular area of radius 150 km that combines the Kronotskii and Shipunskii geoblocks by the RTL method (1990).  相似文献   

We have analyzed variations in the near-surface atmospheric electric field (Ez) normalized to their daily averages that were simultaneously observed in different high-latitude regions at moderate geomagnetic activity (Kp ∼ 3). The Ez data were measured under fair weather conditions at the Vostok Antarctic research station (Φ′ = −83.5°) in the southern polar cap and at the Hornsund Arctic observatory (Φ′ = 74.0°) on Svalbard close to the polar boundary of the auroral oval in the Northern Hemisphere. It is established that variations in the atmospheric electric field in the polar cap region at the Vostok station are controlled (the correlation coefficient R ∼ 0.7–0.9) by variations in the overhead ionospheric potential. The situation at the Hornsund observatory is more complicated. During intervals when Hornsund occurred below the westward electrojet, the correlation was typically positive with R ∼ 0.60–0.85; however, while this observatory was in the region of the eastern electrojet, the correlation could be negative with R ∼ 0.7–0.8. Normally, during such periods, the westward electrojet was detected polarwards of Hornsund while, according to the SuperDARN radar data, the observatory was located below the negative vortex of the polar ionospheric convection.  相似文献   

The influence of temperature (25–400 °C) on the variations of mechanical, acoustic, electric and electromagnetic precursors of rock failure has been shown experimentally. The most significant variations were detected in the principal parameters of the acoustic and electromagnetic emissions whose impulse energy underwent a fast growth. However, the general character of hierarchical evolution stages of micro and macrofailure was practically unchanged. This has been confirmed by the so-called concentration parameter of rupture, which is theoretically calculated and checked in experiments; its space-time variations preceding the occurrence and progression of macrofailure are slightly depending on the rock temperature effect. This has been shown through the convolution of some physical precursors in a complex parameter whose variation showed an approaching of macrofailure, which remains slightly influenced by changes in temperature. Our results are interpreted in relation to physics of superficial earthquakes and precursors.  相似文献   

According to the fact that the Xinfengjiang reservoir earthquakes are caused mainly by water seepage, this paper using the data ofM s⩾2. 0 earthquakes, studies the hydraulic diffusivity of the mainshock zone by the expansion of the distribution area of epicenters. It is indicated thatin-situ hydraulic diffusivity during the preshock activity of the Xinfengjiang reservoir region was about 6. 2 m2/s. However, after the main shock, thein-situ hydraulic diffusivity in the main shock region increased by fifty percent, that is to say, to 9. 7 m2/s. During the long period after main shock occurrence thein-situ hydraulic diffusivity was affected by significant anisotropy of the medium and fluctuation of water level. No regularity can be found. In addition, we compare the diffusivity found by experiment with rock samples collected with thein-situ hydraulic diffusivity estimated. It is shown that the diffusivity of rock samples with fractures is about the same as the diffusivity estimatedin-situ. However, the diffusivity of whole rock samples is 3 orders of magnitudes smaller than that estimatedin-situ. Finally, we discuss the limits on the method by the expansion of distribution area of epicenters in the study of reservoir induced seismicity. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 364–371, 1991. This subject is sponsored by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The Tehri Dam is located in a seismotectonically active region in the Indian Himalayan belt. This 260.5 m high dam has a live water storage of 2615 × 106 m3 and is capable of generating crustal deformation corresponding to water fluctuation. Filling of the reservoir started in October 2005. Seismic data around the dam between 2000 and 2010 shows that seismicity is corresponding to drawdown levels of the reservoir rather than to higher water levels. GPS data at twelve local benchmarks were collected from 2006 to 2008 during filling and drawdown reservoir levels. The velocity vectors show ground motion to be between ~0.69–1.50 mm in the different filling-drawdown cycles with reference to the permanent station at Ghuttu. The motion appears to be inwards into the reservoir when the reservoir is filled and outwards when the reservoir is drained. This ground motion corresponds to elastic deformation and rebound due to effect of the oscillating water levels.  相似文献   

The youngest dacitic Plinian eruption in west-central Nicaragua, forming the 18 km3 Chiltepe Tephra (CT), occurred about nineteen hundred years ago at Apoyeque stratovolcano, which dominates the Chiltepe volcanic complex 15 km north of the capital Managua, where the CT is 2 m thick. We have traced the CT from its proximal facies at the crater rim, through the medial facies in the lowlands around Apoyeque, and to the distal facies up to 550 km offshore in the Pacific. While medial and distal facies consist of widespread Plinian fall deposits, the proximal facies reveals the complexity of this eruption, which we divide into four phases (I–IV). Interaction of rising magma with a pre-existing crater lake generated the phreatomagmatic opening phase I of the eruption, which produced ash fall with accretionary lapilli. Phase II marked a rapid change to persistent magmatic activity that yielded several large Plinian eruptions, declining through a period of unstable eruption conditions, followed by a short hiatus. Phase III began with unstable conditions, probably as a result of eastward migration and widening of the vent, leading to a second period of Plinian eruptions with three major events reaching magma discharge rates five times larger than those of phase II. Phase III again declined through unstable eruption conditions before magmatic activity terminated. Numerous explosions in the shallow hydrothermal system during the final phase IV resulted in the formation of a phreatic tuff ring on the rim of Apoyeque crater. The white, highly-vesicular, dacitic CT pumice contains plagioclase (An45–68), orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and minor hornblende, apatite and titanomagnetite phenocrysts. A very subordinate fraction of gray pumice has the highest crystal content, the least evolved bulk-rock, but the most evolved matrix-glass composition. The CT dacite has two unusual compositional features: (1) all white dacite has the same melt (matrix-glass) composition such that variations in bulk-rock compositions (64–68 wt% SiO2) simply reflect different phenocryst contents of 10–35%, interpreted as the result of gradual phenocryst settling in the magma chamber. (2) Abundant olivine crystals with a bimodal distribution in Mg# (modes at Mg# = 0.75 and Mg# = 0.8) are dispersed throughout the erupted dacite. These are clearly out of equilibrium with the dacitic melt and are interpreted as xenocrysts derived from the basaltic Nejapa-Miraflores volcanic lineament that intersects the Chiltepe volcanic complex and was contemporaneously active. Thermobarometric estimates place the dacitic CT magma reservoir in the upper crust (<250 MPa), with a temperature of about 890°C and about 5 wt% water dissolved in the melt. Comparing water and chlorine contents with respective solubility models suggests that volatile degassing began in the magma reservoir and triggered the CT eruption. From the vertical compositional variation pattern of the CT we deduce that the conduit tapped the magma chamber not at the top but from the side, at some deeper level, and that subsequent magma withdrawal was governed by both variations in discharge rate and possible upward migration and/or widening of the conduit entrance.  相似文献   

As a result of the long-term observations lead in region of Kola Peninsula, connection between character of variations of the ozone content in a stratosphere of Arctic regions and behavior and structure of a winter polar vortex is established. During winter seasons with well developed cyclone and duration of stable existence not less than 1.5–2 months were observed extremely low ozone number density at heights 20–25 km connected, apparently, with its chemical destruction. On the other hand, during disturbances of the vortex, accompanied strong stratospheric warming, was registered almost double increase of ozone amount in a high-altitude interval from 20 up to 40 km. Comparison of results of ground-based microwave monitoring of an ozone layer to data of the satellite instrument EOS MLS installed on satellite AURA is lead. In most cases comparison has shown satisfactory within the limits of an error of measurements coincidence of results. However in conditions of atmospheric disturbances when arose significant spatial heterogeneity, the discrepancy of results of comparison was marked. The possible reasons which cause the detected disagreement in results are discussed.  相似文献   

The Ridracoli Dam has been operating since 1981. Around the reservoir ISMES installed and operated for 10 years a seismic network, now reduced to a 3-D station. Earthquakes were recorded with completeness from magnitude 0.8 onwards. In the same period, all the parameters relevant to the dam and the environment were measured. This provided a complete data base for RIS studies, unique in its kind in Italy. The main findings of the analyses performed are the following:
  1. The filling of the reservoir has not influenced the seismicity of the area for most significant events (M L>3.5).
  2. Lesser seismicity around the reservoir seems to be correlated with water level in the reservoir, but also shows to be dependent on regional seismicity.
  3. b value shows a slight increase with time. This may indicate an increase in rock fracturing, which is known to precede the disappearing of Type II RIS.

首先讨论龙滩库区水库蓄水与地震活动之间的关系,发现龙滩水库诱发地震特征十分明显,地震共分5丛呈丛集分布.利用库区架设的24个固定和流动台站记录的数字记录资料,在研究得到龙滩库区非弹性衰减和台站场地响应的基础上,精确测定得到了该地区总共1616个ML≥0.1级地震的震源参数,比较了水库诱发地震与构造地震震源参数特征的差异,得到了以下主要结论:1)龙滩水库地震活动与水库蓄水关系密切,不同蓄水阶段5丛的地震活动状态不同,局部断裂构造发育以及岩石透水性能影响着地震活动对蓄水过程的响应.2)龙滩水库诱发地震的地震矩M0随震级ML的增大而增大,两者之间存在较好的线性关系,统计关系为LogM0=1.07 ML+10.17.应力降与地震大小之间的关系和Nuttli的板内地震为增加应力降(ISD)模型的结果比较吻合,统计关系为LogΔσ=0.71 ML-2.89.3)龙滩水库地区地震辐射能量和地震视应力均随震级的增大而增大,后者意味着大地震是比小地震更高效率的地震能量辐射体.4)总体上不同丛地震应力降水平存在差异.地震应力降空间分布上与库水深度有较好的一致性,即库水深的区域应力降水平高.5)与同震级的构造地震相比,水库诱发地震的应力降值比前者明显偏低,大约小10倍.这可能是由于水库蓄水造成地下介质孔隙压力增大或者水的润滑作用,从而导致在一个比较低的构造应力情况下发生水库诱发地震.  相似文献   

高锡铭 《地震学报》1984,6(3):304-312
水库蓄水后,水体质量荷载引起地基岩石介质产生静力学形变效应.发生地震的水库,由于震源区岩石介质扩容,也会引起地基岩石介质的形变.本文同时考虑了这两种效应.水体质量荷载的静力学形变总效应包括:荷载引起的地基岩石介质的静态弹性形变,质量引起的重力等位面形变以及静态弹性形变所引起的重力等位面形变.岩石介质扩容效应在一定阶段会引起地基岩石介质的膨胀隆起,这种隆起形变同样也引起重力场变化.采用上述模型分析了丹江水库的水准测量成果,确定了该地区地基岩石介质的 Lame 常数,分析了地面垂直形变与地震的关系,从而认为使用该模型分析蓄水后库区的地面的垂直形变,可以为预报水库区地震提取必要的信息.   相似文献   

The last 2000 years are an important time span both for IGBP-PAGES and CLIVAR of WCRP. One of the main aims of these projects is to obtain high-resolution records of global change, such as that stored in ice cores, tree rings, speleothems, corals, lakes, marine records, etc., and then use these data to make sound estimates for future global change. To accomplish these projects, we first need to obtain high-resolution geological records and proxies for climatic/environ- mental changes. …  相似文献   

The ecology of phytoplankton reservoir communities plays a pivotal role in their management and in the development of inland fisheries in the water scarce semi-arid regions of Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. The hydrological conditions characterizing these reservoirs include infrequent rainfall and high evaporative loses. The phytoplankton assemblages in tropical climate are structured primarily on dry and wet cycles, not the annual temperature and light regime. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the ecological aspects of phytoplankton communities from three reservoirs during the period of July 2003–June 2004, which include atypical summer rainfall and reservoir overflow. The environmental data broadly divided into two categories, stress factors and disturbance factors. The stress factors deals with the impact of high particulate organic matter and low dissolved oxygen concentrations and disturbance factors, linked to water level fluctuation through flushing and reservoir drawdown, and these events are associated with the phytoplankton assemblages. Results indicated that the three distinct hydroperiods determined the structure of phytoplankton and chlorophyll levels and limited the presence and relative abundance of cyanobacterial species. Phytoplankton succession accompanied changes in clear and turbid water phase represented by the alternate dominance between diatoms and chlorophytes. Inundation and complete filling of reservoir stimulated “s” and “r” strategists species (<20 um) of unicellular and some colonial members of chlorophytes and cryptomonads in highly turbid water environment, and “c” strategist species in rest of the wet period following disturbance gradients. Statistical analysis elicited a significant relationship between particulate organic matter and relative abundance of smaller chlorophytes, which was deemed as stress factor. The flushing and reservoir drawdown indicate disturbance gradient and as a consequence high diversity. Furthermore, a substantial reduction in chlorophyll levels was registered in turbid water phase is related to the reduction of light penetration and re-suspension of sediments. Considering these results, it can be suggested that the well-managed reservoir drawdown can possibly maintain an environment free of eutrophication and cyanobacterial dominance.  相似文献   

The effect of the solar eclipse that occurred on August 1, 2008, on the level of the natural electro-magnetic emission signals in the ELF-VLF range, simultaneously observed at Kamchatka and in Yakutsk, and the variations in the amplitude and phase of signals from the VLF radiostations, registered in Yakutsk, has been considered. The VLF radiostations in Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, and Khabarovsk successively emitted signals at frequencies of 11 905, 12 649, and 14 880 Hz. Based on the observations of the signals from these radiostations, it has been established that the signal amplitudes and phases increased by 3–5% and 30°–45° when the signals crossed the lunar shadow region. The synchronous registration of the ELF-VLF noise emission indicated that a bay-like increase and the following decrease in the emission to the background level was observed at both receiving points during the eclipse from ∼1000 to 1130 UT. This effect was registered at frequencies of 0.6–5.6 kHz in Yakutsk and at lower (30–200 Hz) and higher (2.5–11 kHz) frequencies at Kamchatka. In this case the noise emission intensity maximum was observed when the lunar shadow maximally approached the registration point. At higher frequencies, the emission maximum was observed simultaneously at both points (at 1100 UT) but with a delay relative to the maximum at lower frequencies. The possible causes of the appearance of the solar eclipse effects in the natural ELF-VLF emission are considered.  相似文献   

The seismological data in the area of induced seismicity in the region of the Nurek reservoir are analyzed. The analysis is based on the developed database for the earthquakes that occurred from 1955 to 1989 and is aimed at finding the regularities in the variations of the parameters of the transitional seismic regime caused by filling a reservoir. These parameters include the b-value—the slope of the graph of the Gutenberg–Richter frequency–magnitude relationship, the fractal dimension d of the set of the epicenters, and fracture cycle parameter q = αb ? d, where coefficient α determines the ratio between the magnitude and source size M = α log l + β. It is shown that during the filling of a reservoir, these parameters undergo statistically reliable variations: at the initial stages, the b-value increases, the fractal dimension of the set of epicenters decreases, and the fracture cycle parameter q grows and becomes positive in the middle of the time interval of reservoir filling. After a reservoir is filled, these parameters recover their background values. The aftershock sequences of the three strongest earthquakes—before, in the beginning, and in the middle of the reservoir filling period—are studied. It is confirmed that the Omori parameter p for the aftershock sequences during filling is smaller than for the earthquake before filling. Based on the dynamics of the studied parameters, it is conjectured that the relaxation time of the transitional seismic regime after the emergence of induced seismicity is about 10 years.  相似文献   

 The purpose of this work was to study jointly the volcanic-hydrothermal system of the high-risk volcano La Soufrière, in the southern part of Basse-Terre, and the geothermal area of Bouillante, on its western coast, to derive an all-embracing and coherent conceptual geochemical model that provides the necessary basis for adequate volcanic surveillance and further geothermal exploration. The active andesitic dome of La Soufrière has erupted eight times since 1660, most recently in 1976–1977. All these historic eruptions have been phreatic. High-salinity, Na–Cl geothermal liquids circulate in the Bouillante geothermal reservoir, at temperatures close to 250  °C. These Na–Cl solutions rise toward the surface, undergo boiling and mixing with groundwater and/or seawater, and feed most Na–Cl thermal springs in the central Bouillante area. The Na–Cl thermal springs are surrounded by Na–HCO3 thermal springs and by the Na–Cl thermal spring of Anse à la Barque (a groundwater slightly mixed with seawater), which are all heated through conductive transfer. The two main fumarolic fields of La Soufrière area discharge vapors formed through boiling of hydrothermal aqueous solutions at temperatures of 190–215  °C below the "Ty" fault area and close to 260  °C below the dome summit. The boiling liquid producing the vapors of the Ty fault area has δD and δ18O values relatively similar to those of the Na–Cl liquids of the Bouillante geothermal reservoir, whereas the liquid originating the vapors of the summit fumaroles is strongly enriched in 18O, due to input of magmatic fluids from below. This process is also responsible for the paucity of CH4 in the fumaroles. The thermal features around La Soufrière dome include: (a) Ca–SO4 springs, produced through absorption of hydrothermal vapors in shallow groundwaters; (b) conductively heated, Ca–Na–HCO3 springs; and (c) two Ca–Na–Cl springs produced through mixing of shallow Ca–SO4 waters and deep Na–Cl hydrothermal liquids. The geographical distribution of the different thermal features of La Soufrière area indicates the presence of: (a) a central zone dominated by the ascent of steam, which either discharges at the surface in the fumarolic fields or is absorbed in shallow groundwaters; and (b) an outer zone, where the shallow groundwaters are heated through conduction or addition of Na–Cl liquids coming from hydrothermal aquifer(s). Received: 9 November 1998 / Accepted: 15 July 1999  相似文献   

The characteristics of dayside auroras during the large (16–24 nT) positive values of the IMF B z component, observed on January 14, 1988, during the interaction between the Earth’s magnetosphere and the body of the interplanetary magnetic cloud, have been studied based on the optical observations on Heiss Island. A wide band of diffuse red luminosity with an intensity of 1–2 kilorayleigh (kR) was observed during 6 h in the interval 1030–1630 MLT at latitudes higher than 75° CGL. Rayed auroral arcs, the brightness of which in the 557.7 nm emission sharply increased to 3–7 kR in the postnoon sector immediately after the polarity reversal of the IMF B y component from positive to negative, were continuously registered within the band. Bright auroral arcs were observed at the equatorward edge of red luminosity. It has been found out that the red auroral intensity increases and the band equatorward boundary shifts to lower latitudes with increasing solar wind dynamic pressure. However, a direct proportional dependence of the variations in the auroral features on the dynamic pressure variations has not been found. It has been concluded that the source of bright discrete auroras is located in the region of the low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL) on closed geomagnetic field lines. The estimated LLBL thickness is ∼3 R e . It has been concluded that the intensity of the dayside red band depends on the solar wind plasma density, whereas the position of the position equatorward boundary depends on the dynamic pressure value and its variations.  相似文献   

A pronounced increase in seismicity started in and around Longtan reservoir, southwestern China after October 1, 2006 when it began the impoundment, and by the end of May 14, 2010, about 3,233 earthquakes with ?0.6?≤?M L?≤?4.2 had been located. This seismicity which occurred in five clusters mainly concentrated in the areas where few earthquakes had occurred before the first filling. There were four water filling periods in the Longtan reservoir, and the observed reservoir-induced seismicity (RIS) shows a strong correlation with the filling cycles. After the first filling, there appears to be an instant undrained response due to an elastic response to the reservoir load in the third and fourth cluster. Then, this seismicity is followed by a delayed, drained response due to pore pressure diffusion, with the seismicity migrating outwards in one or more directions in the second and third filling period. The seismic diffusivity (α s) we estimated is about 4.54?×?105?cm2/s. The activity levels in the five clusters are different due to differences in the structures and permeabilities of the faults. The delayed seismic response to the filling in the third cluster was due to the combined effects of the lack of local fault intersecting the reservoir and lower permeability of the rock. The b value we obtained for reservoir-induced events was significantly different and higher than that of pre-impoundment natural tectonic earthquakes in the Longtan reservoir. The results of relocated earthquakes based on double difference earthquake location algorithm showed that their focal depths were mainly shallower than about 10 km and the distribution of relocated RIS in four clusters had no relation with these intersecting faults in the Longtan reservoir except the fifth cluster. All these characteristics of RIS in the Longtan reservoir indicate that they may relate to the coupled poroelastic response that includes both pore pressure diffusion and an undrained response, but the pore pressure diffusion and the water permeation appear to play a more important role on inducing the earthquakes in Longtan reservoir.  相似文献   

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