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Sensitivity kernels for finite-frequency surface waves 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Synthesis of seismic surface waves 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
N. J. Kerry 《Geophysical Journal International》1981,64(2):425-446
Summary. The reflection method is used to produce complete sets of Rayleigh wave dispersion curves in a given phase velocity—frequency window for horizontally stratified media, including modes of very high numerical order, and theoretical surface wave seismograms are then synthesized.
The difficulties encountered when attempting to complete large numbers of dispersion curves are discussed. Particular problems arise from models with a low-velocity zone, when curves in a certain portion of the dispersion diagram split into two families, the crustal and the channel modes. The reflection method provides a convenient framework in which to examine this phenomenon heuristically and so devise a method to overcome the difficulties.
Seismograms are produced by mode summation and it is found that body-wave behaviour, as well as surface-wave features can be synthesized. The effect of truncating the mode series at a number comparable with the number of modes used in previous studies is examined. It is found that although the S -coda at longer ranges is not adversely affected, the arrivals attributable to body-waves are severely distorted. This must call into question the validity of synthetic seismograms generated by summation of only a few modes. 相似文献
The difficulties encountered when attempting to complete large numbers of dispersion curves are discussed. Particular problems arise from models with a low-velocity zone, when curves in a certain portion of the dispersion diagram split into two families, the crustal and the channel modes. The reflection method provides a convenient framework in which to examine this phenomenon heuristically and so devise a method to overcome the difficulties.
Seismograms are produced by mode summation and it is found that body-wave behaviour, as well as surface-wave features can be synthesized. The effect of truncating the mode series at a number comparable with the number of modes used in previous studies is examined. It is found that although the S -coda at longer ranges is not adversely affected, the arrivals attributable to body-waves are severely distorted. This must call into question the validity of synthetic seismograms generated by summation of only a few modes. 相似文献
Kiyoshi Yomogida 《Geophysical Journal International》1985,82(3):511-533
Summary. Asymptotic ray theory is applied to surface waves in a medium where the lateral variations of structure are very smooth. Using ray-centred coordinates, parabolic equations are obtained for lateral variations while vertical structural variations at a given point are specified by eigenfunctions of normal mode theory as for the laterally homogeneous case. Final results on wavefields close to a ray can be expressed by formulations similar to those for elastic body waves in 2-D laterally heterogeneous media, except that the vertical dependence is described by eigenfunctions of 'local' Love or Rayleigh waves. The transport equation is written in terms of geometrical-ray spreading, group velocity and an energy integral. For the horizontal components there are both principal and additional components to describe the curvature of rays along the surface, as in the case of elastic body waves. The vertical component is decoupled from the horizontal components. With complex parameters the solutions for the dynamic ray tracing system correspond to Gaussian beams: the amplitude distribution is bell-shaped along the direction perpendicular to the ray and the solution is regular everywhere, even at caustics. Most of the characteristics of Gaussian beams for 2-D elastic body waves are also applicable to the surface wave case. At each frequency the solution may be regarded as a set of eigenfunctions propagating over a 2-D surface according to the phase velocity mapping. 相似文献
3-D linearized scattering of surface waves and a formalism for surface wave holography 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
Roel Snieder 《Geophysical Journal International》1986,84(3):581-605
Summary. Scattering of surface waves by lateral heterogeneities is analysed in the Born approximation. It is assumed that the background medium is either laterally homogeneous, or smoothly varying in the horizontal direction. A dyadic representation of the Green's function simplifies the theory tremendously. Several examples of the theory are presented. The scattering and mode conversion coefficients are shown for scattering of surface waves by the root of an Alpine-like crustal structure. Furthermore a 'great circle theorem'in a plane geometry is derived. A new proof of Snell's law is given for surface wave scattering by a quarter-space. It is shown how a stationary phase approximation can be used to simplify the Fourier synthesis of the scattered wave in the time domain. Finally a procedure is suggested to do 'surface wave holography'. 相似文献
Long-period surface waves and mantle boundary undulations 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
We present a complete ray theory for the calculation of surface-wave observables from anisotropic phase-velocity maps. Starting with the surface-wave dispersion relation in an anisotropic earth model, we derive practical dynamical ray-tracing equations. These equations allow calculation of the observables phase, arrival-angle and amplitude in a ray theoretical framework. Using perturbation theory, we also obtain approximate expressions for these observables. We assess the accuracy of the first-order approximations by using both theories to make predictions on a sample anisotropic phase-velocity map. A comparison of the two methods illustrates the size and type of errors which are introduced by perturbation theory. Perturbation theory phase and arrival-angle predictions agree well with the exact calculation, but amplitude predictions are poor. Many previous studies have modelled surface-wave propagation using only isotropic structure, not allowing for anisotropy. We present hypothetical examples to simulate isotropic modelling of surface waves which pass through anisotropic material. Synthetic data sets of phase and arrival angle are produced by ray tracing with exact ray theory on anisotropic phase-velocity maps. The isotropic models obtained by inverting synthetic anisotropic phase data sets produce deceptively high variance reductions because the effects of anisotropy are mapped into short-wavelength isotropic structure. Inversion of synthetic arrival-angle data sets for isotropic models results in poor variance reductions and poor recovery of the isotropic part of the anisotropic input map. Therefore, successful anisotropic phase-velocity inversions of real data require the inclusion of both phase and arrival-angle measurements. 相似文献
Jing Yao Alan T. Murray 《International journal of geographical information science》2013,27(5):883-897
Field-based continuous representation in a geographical information system (GIS) has long been important for describing complex spatially distributed phenomena, such as population, precipitation, air pollution, temperature elevation and land cover. Though theoretical knowledge and properties of continuous distributions can be employed, such surfaces are generally approximated or abstracted in practice due to a lack of complete information. That is, such surfaces are based on finite spatial samples, which is a practical necessity with regard to the infinite underlying attribute variability. These approximated surfaces are then used in various spatial analyses, yet impacts are not well understood. This article will examine theoretical properties and errors that result in practice when approximated continuous surfaces are relied on in spatial analysis. 相似文献
Multiple scattering of surface waves from discrete obstacles 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Leslie B. Sills 《Geophysical Journal International》1978,54(2):319-348
Summary. The problem of the scattering of harmonic SH waves by an arbitrary surface irregularity in an otherwise semi-infinite elastic, homogeneous, isotropic two-dimensional half-space is examined in this study in order to ascertain the effect of topography on this type of seismic ground motion and to develop a useful scheme which can realistically handle arbitrary two-dimensional topography. Three geometric models are considered: a semicircular hill which is of academic interest; a mountain with a Gaussian shape which utilizes realistic dimensions and the combination of a ridge and a depression that models a region in Sylmar, California.
A singular Fredholm integral equation of the second kind for the displacement at the free surface is developed and solved numerically. In the case of the semicircular hill, horizontal ground motion can be more than twice that occurring in the case of smooth topography. The mountain simulated by a Gaussian profile experiences at its crest amplifications for certain angles of incidence and de-amplifications for other angles of incidence, as well as displacements whose amplitudes vary slowly with frequency on the side of the mountain which is in the same direction as the incident waves. The ridge-depression combination which is approximated by a sixth-order polynomial actually experienced shattered earth at its ridge crest during the San Fernando, California earthquake of 1971. This amplification is also exhibited by the results of the analysis which, predicts amplifications of over 75 per cent at the top of the ridge for waves arriving on the same side as the ridge. 相似文献
A singular Fredholm integral equation of the second kind for the displacement at the free surface is developed and solved numerically. In the case of the semicircular hill, horizontal ground motion can be more than twice that occurring in the case of smooth topography. The mountain simulated by a Gaussian profile experiences at its crest amplifications for certain angles of incidence and de-amplifications for other angles of incidence, as well as displacements whose amplitudes vary slowly with frequency on the side of the mountain which is in the same direction as the incident waves. The ridge-depression combination which is approximated by a sixth-order polynomial actually experienced shattered earth at its ridge crest during the San Fernando, California earthquake of 1971. This amplification is also exhibited by the results of the analysis which, predicts amplifications of over 75 per cent at the top of the ridge for waves arriving on the same side as the ridge. 相似文献
G. Laske 《Geophysical Journal International》1995,123(1):245-259
In the current generation of global dispersion maps of surface waves, the long-wavelength structure seems to be very well determined. There is general agreement in the patterns of global phase velocity anomalies up to harmonic degree 16. However, the shorter-wavelength structure varies significantly between published maps, and it appears that this part of the models depends strongly on the inversion technique and on the data set of surface-wave dispersion (usually phase measurements). Polarization data depend on the lateral gradient of phase velocity and hence are more sensitive to shorter-wavelength structure than phase data; thus, including these data should enhance resolution. In this paper, I demonstrate that polarization data of long-period surface waves (80 s), as a function of frequency, can be reliably measured using a multitaper technique. the resulting off-great-circle arrival angles of the surface-wave packets are relatively easy to interpret within a ray-theoretical framework. Our data base of three-component recordings is now large enough to provide useful constraints on global dispersion maps, particularly on the shorter-wavelength parts. Apart from the phase velocity model itself, a possible misorientation of the horizontal components at each station is included in a non-linear inversion as an additional independent model parameter. This gives a significant improvement in the fit to the data. Misorientations of more than 3° are probable for at least four of the 37 stations investigated. 相似文献