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The trophic relationships of the phytoplankton and zooplankton in the Vistula Lagoon in 2008?C2010 were investigated. In the current period, the lagoon is an eutrophic water body with summer blooms of blue-green algae. The trophic level of the Vistula Lagoon influences both the composition and quantitative characteristics of the communities of phytoplankton and zooplankton and the trophic relationships between them. In the analyzed period, the consumption of phytoplankton by the zooplankton on the average in the growing season was 28%, which is 1.5 times higher than in the late 1970s. The high grazing pressure of the zooplankton on the phytoplankton reduces its biomass, production, and the intensity of the blooming by the blue-green algae in the Vistula Lagoon.  相似文献   

Expected seasonal variations in methane concentrations and diffusive fluxes from surficial sediments into near-bottom waters were investigated in autumn 2012 and winter 2013 in the Curonian and Vistula lagoons of the Baltic Sea, expanding on earlier findings for summer 2011. Methane concentrations in bottom sediments (upper ca. 2 cm) generally ranged from ca. 1 to 1,000 μmol/dm3, and in near-bottom waters from ca. 0 to 1 μmol/l. Highest concentrations were found in the Curonian Lagoon, plausibly explained by the influence of freshwater conditions and finer-grained, organic-rich sediments. Vistula Lagoon methane concentrations and fluxes are dampened by periodic saline water inflow from the open sea, intensifying sulphate reduction. Calculated diffusive methane fluxes from the upper sediment layer (usually 0–5 cm, i.e. excluding any fluffy layer) into near-bottom waters were highest—2.48 mmol/(m2 day)—in clayey silts of the Curonian Lagoon in autumn (September) 2012, contrasting strongly with the minimum value of 0.002 mmol/(m2 day) observed there in February 2013 under ice-covered conditions. Seasonal and even weekly variations in methane dynamics can be largely explained by two main drivers, i.e. wind and temperature, operating at various spatiotemporal scales via, for example, wind wave-induced resuspension of bottom sediments, and involving regional weather patterns including autumnal low-pressure zones over the Gulf of Gdansk.  相似文献   

A field experiment on the nature of rip currents was conducted on the Dutch coast, which differs from previous rip current study sites because it is a wind-sea dominated environment with mostly obliquely incident waves and tidally-driven longshore currents. During the experiment three distinct flow patterns, obtained with GPS tracked drifter instruments, were observed: (1) a locally governed circulation cell, (2) an offshore current that is deflected shore parallel outside the surf zone and (3) a meandering longshore current. The transition from rip currents (flow patterns 1 and 2) to meandering longshore currents (flow pattern 3) occurred gradually within the tidal cycle with longshore currents prevalent at mid to high tide. Rip currents at this site appeared at depressions in the surf zone bar and typically occurred when the water level fell below NAP (equivalent to MSL), even in the presence of obliquely incident waves and tidally driven longshore currents. Hindcast simulations of the drifter experiments were performed with the numerical model XBeach and showed good agreement with field observations. The model was subsequently used to investigate the influence of tidal water level fluctuations, longshore currents and obliquely incident waves on rip currents.Rip currents were initiated when the water level dropped below a specific threshold with the magnitude of the rip current associated with the water level. The strength of the tidal current and its orientation with respect to the incident waves governed the offshore extent and orientation of the rip current. In contrast to other studies that suggest that rip currents solely occur under shore normal (or slightly oblique waves), in this study both observations and numerical model simulations indicate that rip currents can exist under large angles of wave incidence, when the rip channel is sufficiently wide and the wave height is small.  相似文献   

Coupled modeling of currents and wind waves in the Kerch Strait   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a numerical model of the dynamics of the Kerch Strait allowing one to perform the coordinated analysis of the fields of currents and wind waves. The model includes the spectral wave module and the hydrodynamic block of currents. The influence of waves on the currents is taken into account in the hydrodynamic block both via the surface and bottom tangential stresses and via the radiation stresses. In order to take into account the inverse influence of currents upon the waves, we use the fields of currents and sea level from the hydrodynamic block in the wave module. The specific features of the structure of currents and wind waves in the strait are studied for the typical wave situations. The results of the coupled and separate simulation are compared and the importance of taking into account the mechanisms of interaction between waves and currents in the analysis of the dynamic processes in the strait is demonstrated. __________ Translated from Morskoi Gidrofizicheskii Zhurnal, No. 5, pp. 3–20, September–October, 2007.  相似文献   

The series of long-term observations of synoptic-scale currents obtained by instrumental measurements at the moorings in the Gotland Basin of the Baltic Sea are analyzed. The results of the statistical analysis of the currents reveal their wave structure. The characteristics of the low-frequency waves received on the basis of the cross-spectral analysis show that, in the range of periods from 2 to 20 days, they propagated in the southwestern, southeastern, and northwestern directions with phase speeds of 0.02–2.08 m/s and have lengths from 28 to 431 km. It is suggested that the distinguished wavelike perturbations of the synoptic-scale currents are related to topographic waves. The analysis of the meteorological conditions and the results of the numerical hydrodynamic modeling of the Baltic Sea free low-frequency fluctuations led us to conclude that the most possible mechanism of the generation of the intense wave-like oscillations of synoptic-scale currents in the Gotland Basin is the resonance between the anemobaric forces and the relatively slow-moving anticyclones over the open Baltic Sea and the eigenmode of the basin.  相似文献   

The “weak-interaction” approximation is used to investigate the role of wind waves in tidal dynamics. The resulting expression for the drag coefficient in the wave-affected tidal flow is incorporated into the QUODDY-4 three-dimensional finite-element hydrothermodynamic model, and the thus modified model is used to calculate the K 1 diurnal tide in the Pechora Basin-White Sea subsystem. It is shown that, depending on a combination of local and nonlocal factors, wind waves can cause opposite variations in the amplitudes and phases of tidal oscillations of the level. Local factors control variations in the tidal regime nearly in the entire water area of the subsystem under consideration, apart from the eastern part of the Pechora Basin, the outlet from the White Sea Throat, and Dvina Bay. In the aforementioned areas, the tidal regime changes are due either to the displacement of the nearest amphidromy or to other nonlocal factors resulting from the reorganization of the fields of tidal characteristics. It is also shown that the variations in tidal characteristics induced by wind waves vary within a fairly wide range and that allowance for the interaction of wind waves and tides improves the agreement between calculated and observed values of the amplitudes and phases of tidal oscillations of the level.  相似文献   

The results of an aircraft-ship experiment on the spatial variability of parameters of two-dimensional spectra of wind waves are discussed. The observed fields of wave parameters are compared with equations for wave refraction in the currents.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

In 2002–2008, seasonal (April–November) monitoring of the phytoplankton in the Russian part of the Curonian Lagoon at five fixed sites was performed. A total of 91 Cyanobacteria, 100 Bacillariophyta, 280 Chlorophyta, 21 Cryptophyta, and 24 Dinophyta species were found. Six potentially toxic species of cyanobacteria: Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Anabaena sp., Microcystis aeruginosa, M. viridis, M. wesenbergii, and Planktothrix agardhii dominated the phytoplankton biomass and caused water blooms. The seasonal average phytoplankton biomass ranged from 30 to 137 g/m3. The cyanobacteria’s biomass varied from 10 to 113 g/m3 forming 30–82% of the total with a mean of 50%. With the aid of genetic markers (microcystin (mcy) and nodularin synthetases), six variants of the microcystin-producing gene mcyE from the genus Microcystis were identified. Due to the intensive and lengthy blooms of potentially toxic and toxigenic cyanobacteria, the environmental conditions in the Curonian Lagoon appear unfavorable. The water should be monitored for cyanotoxins with analytical methods in order to determine if the area is safe for recreational use.  相似文献   

A model of Holocene evolution for the coastal zone is discussed using the example of the geological-geomorphological structure of the Vistula spit. The conclusion is drawn that there is a significant role played by the aeolian factor in the formation of the studied area. The entire spit, excluding beaches, the near-gulf terrace, and several remnants of the ancient deltaic plain, is mostly composed by aeolian sands. One of these remnants is found in the near-gulf part of the spit near Cape Vysokii.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) was performed for a region of the Southeast Baltic in order to compare data on the spatial distribution of velocity and bottom sediments. Special attention was focused on the influence of western and northeastern winds, which generate intense quasi-geostrophic currents can may cause very high velocities in the near bottom layer, which results in the elution of bottom sediments and transport of their fine fractions. An abrupt change in wind velocity intensifies the effect of elution due to generation of inertial internal waves that penetrate into the bottom layer. The spatial distributions of the velocity in the surface and near bottom layers are compared with data on bottom sediments. It turned out that areas with the highest velocities that formed under the effect of western and northeastern winds in most cases coincide with areas where bottom sediments are represented by coarse-grain fractions of gravel and sands.  相似文献   

We investigated population dynamics, growth and feeding of an omnivorous mysid, Paramysis lacustris, performing seasonal horizontal migrations in the Curonian Lagoon. In autumn, increased predation pressure and deteriorated feeding conditions, due to zooplankton and phytoplankton decline in the open water, forces mysids to migrate to the shoreline, where large amounts of decaying submersed vegetation occur at the end of plant growth season. Using stable isotope analysis and mixing models, we evaluated relative importance of decaying submersed macrophytes, lagoon phytoplankton and mesozooplankton in the diet of mysids during this period. In September–November, mysids actively grew and produced three cohorts. Specific growth rates of adults (10.9 ± 1.9 mm) and subadults (6 ± 0.5 mm) were 3 and 9% DW d−1, respectively, resulting in population somatic production of 36 g DW m−2. Both δ15N and δ13C of mysids varied in concert with those in suspended and bottom particulate organic matter (POM) and mesozooplankton. The mixing models estimated that 45% of mysid diets were composed of bottom POM originated from the decaying macrophyte Potamogeton perfoliatus, 45% by suspended POM largely consisting of phytoplankton, while mesozooplankton contributed less than 10% of the diet. This diet composition differs from that in summer, when mysids rely mostly on zooplankton and phytoplankton. Therefore, mysid horizontal migrations and their ability to efficiently utilize littoral detritus improve the efficiency of macrophyte detritus transfer up the food chain and inshore/offshore habitat coupling in the Curonian Lagoon.  相似文献   

Sea level changes in the Baltic Sea are dominated by internal, short-term variations that are mostly caused by the ephemeral nature of atmospheric conditions over the Baltic area. Tides are small and their influence decreases from western parts of the Baltic Sea to the Baltic Proper. Superimposed to the large short-term sea level changes (up to few decimeters from day to day) are seasonal and interannual variations (centimeters to decimeters). This study focuses on the comparison of sea surface heights obtained from observations and from a high resolution oceanographic model of the Baltic Sea. From this comparison, the accuracy of the modeled sea surface variations is evaluated, which is a necessary precondition for the further use of the oceanographic model in geodetic applications. The model reproduces all observed Baltic sea level variations very reliably with an accuracy of 5 to 9 cm (rms) for short-term variations (up to 2 months) and 8 cm (rms) for long-term variations (>2 months). An additional improvement of the model can be attained by including long-period sea level variations of the North Sea. The model performs well also in the case of extreme sea level events, as is shown for a major storm surge that occurred at the southern coast of the Baltic Sea in November 1995.  相似文献   

Interest in Colombia’s offshore industry has increased over the past years. Therefore a detailed characterization of extreme wind and waves, in terms of return periods, numbers of events and its duration during the annual cycle, is needed. Two sets of high-resolution data are used in the statistical extreme value analysis (EVA). The significant wave height data (0.125°, 6 h) are from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA-Interim reanalysis available for the past 35 years (1979–2014). Surface winds (0.25°, 6 h) from the Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform Ocean Surface Wind Vector Analyses (CCMP) of NASA/GSFC/NOAA (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) are available for the past 24 years (1987–2011). Three well-known methods are applied to the data: the Block Maxima (BM), the Peak-Over-Threshold (POT) and the Method of Independent Storm (MIS). Several probabilistic models (Gumbel, Generalized Extreme Value, Weibull and Pareto) are evaluated for the BM and different threshold values for the POT and MIS. The results show that waves can reach up to 3.8 m and winds can be as strong as 31 m/s when considering the 50–100-year return periods. However, the wave model could underestimate values by up to one meter; hence, there is a probability of higher values in the region. Seasonally, most extreme events occur during the dry season (December–March) and during the Mid-Summer-Drought (MDS) or Veranillo months (June–July). Local conditions, including the reinforcement of the Caribbean Low Level Jet (CLLJ) and the occurrence of cold atmospheric fronts, are important drivers of extreme metoceanic variability. The total number of extreme wind events varied spatially and temporally from 15 to 65 and the mean duration from 15 to 25 h. A total number of extreme wave events ranging from <10 to 80 were computed during the annual cycle in the areas of interest, with a mean duration of less than 40 h.  相似文献   

The St. Petersburg Baltic eutrophication model (SPBEM) is used to assess the ecological condition of the sea under possible changes in climate and nutrient loads in the 21st century. According to model estimates, in the future climate water quality will worsen, compared to modern conditions. This deterioration is stronger in the climate warming scenario with a stronger change in future near-surface air temperature. In the considered scenarios of climate change, climate warming will lead to an increase in the area of anoxic and hypoxic zones. Reduction of nutrient loading, estimated in accordance with the Baltic Sea Action Plan, will only be able to partially compensate for the negative effects of global warming.  相似文献   

Resuspension of bottom sediments by waves and tidal currents was investigated in three characteristic environments of middle Chesapeake Bay (shallow platform, deep platform, and main channel). In the shallow near shore platform wind waves frequently resuspended significant amounts of sediment, some of which was transported offshore. In both the shallow and adjacent deep platform regions, tidal currents were too weak (<20 cm cm/sec) to resuspend bottom sediments. In the main channel, peak current velocities were substantially stronger (40 cm/sec), but were still not competent to erode the bottom. The stability of the bottom in this area is related to the activities of the benthic organisms which are influenced by seasonal anoxia. University of Maryland Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies (CEES) Contribution No. 1572.  相似文献   

Long-term hourly data from 35 tide gauge stations, including 15 stations in the Gulf of Finland, were used to examine tidal sea level oscillations of the Baltic Sea. High-resolution spectral analysis revealed the well-defined fine structure of tidal peaks with diurnal peaks at most stations being higher than semidiurnal. At some stations (e.g., Narva, Daugava, and Wladyslawowo), high frequency radiational tidal peaks with periods multiple of the solar day (3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 cpd) were detected; the respective oscillations are supposed to be caused by seabreeze winds. Harmonic analysis of tides for individual yearly sea level series followed by vector averaging over the entire observational period was used to estimate the amplitudes and phases of 16 tidal constituents. The maximum tidal oscillations of 17–19 cm were found to be observed in the Gulf of Finland and, first of all, in Neva Bay (in the head of the gulf). Diurnal or mixed diurnal tides are predominant in almost the entire Baltic Sea. The comparison of the observed tides with those theoretically computed showed that the existing numerical models of the main tidal harmonics generally quite accurately reproduce the structure of the tides in the Baltic Sea except for some regions of the Gulf of Bothnia.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》1987,21(3):213-227
Filtered water from the Baltic Sea was analysed for uranium concentration and 234U/238U activity ratio with alpha-ray spectrometry. The uranium concentration shows a strong correlation to salinity, the correlation coefficient being close to 0.98. Consequently, the uranium concentration increases from 0.15 μg kg−1 in the northern part, dominated by fresh water, to above 1.0 μg kg−1 in the Belt Sea. However, the data also show that dissolved uranium is not strictly conservative in the Baltic. In deeper intermittently anoxic basins of the Baltic Proper, the element is removed from the water phase and incorporated into the sediment. This is most evident in the Gotland Deep, which has been anoxic below 200 m depth since 1979.  相似文献   

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