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Bathymetry of the seafloor in the area in front of Ras El Bar coast, the characters of the seafloor sediments and the effects of protective structures on seafloor bathymetry were examined. Seafloor depths in front of Ras El Bar seawall ranged between 2 and 4 m. These depths, coupled with wave climate, result in waves breaking directly onto the wall and exerting high, dynamic pressures on the area at the structure’s toe. The sandy seafloor in front of the wall has been scoured. Sea water has undermined the wall causing removal of sediment, destabilization of its slope and the whole face of the wall has slipped. Toe protection in the form of a rocky apron is required to prevent such damage. West of the seawall, the constructed breakwater system has affected the bathymetry of the seafloor in the area. Shoaling and submerged spits have been formed in the shadow of each breakwater unit. The gaps between the breakwater units have attained deep depths and steep slopes. Scours and steep slopes adjacent to the head of the breakwater units have been recorded. Seaward of the breakwater system, deeper depths and gentle slopes characterize the seafloor. Offshore–onshore current and sediment movements toward the northeast is inferred from the configuration of the bottom contour lines.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the types, distribution and origin, of recent sand dunes in the coastal sector extending between El Burullus Lake and the Damietta Nile River branch, Egypt. Sand samples were studied for grain size distribution and mineralogical composition. It has been found that most of the dunes in the study area have been subjected to deterioration and removal due to the construction of summer resort buildings and making the international coastal highway. The remnant constitutes a belt of foredunes on the shore of Baltium extending westward to Burg El Burullus village.The dunes origin is interpreted as the result of coastal drifting and the subsequent transport of the former Sebennitic Nile branch sediments eastward by the predominant longshore current and by Aeolian processes. The blown sand grains accumulated to form a belt of coastal sand dunes with longitudinal and crescentic forms. Urbanization of the coast has severely altered the landscape. Gaps and damaged dunes are included within the dune belt. The dunes natural cycle of advance and retreat is upset and attains its destruction phase. The consequences of its destruction are numerous and lead to hazardous impacts on the shoreline, coastal building and the nearby international highway.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the impacts resulting from the construction of two large-scale detached breakwater systems on the Nile delta coast of Egypt at Baltim and Ras El Bar beaches (~18.3 km shoreline length). The two protective systems were installed in a water depth of between 3 and 4 m and consist of 17 units in total (each ~250 m long). A comprehensive monitoring program spanning the years 1990 to 2002 was implemented and included beach-nearshore profiles, grain size distribution of seabed sand and information related to the background coastal processes. Evaluation of these systems concentrates on the physical impacts on coastal morphodynamics, mitigation and their design implications. The beach and nearshore sedimentation (erosion/accretion patterns) and grain texture of seabed sediment in the study areas have been substantially disrupted due to the interruption of longshore transport by the shore-parallel detached breakwaters. Rate of shoreline and seabed changes as well as alongshore sediment volume have been substantially affected, resulting in accretion in the breakwater landward sides (tombolo or salient) followed by downdrift erosion. The preconstruction beach erosion at Baltim (–5 m/year) and at Ras El Bar (–6 m/year) has been replaced, respectively, by the formation of sand tombolo (35 m/year) and salient (9 m/year). On the other hand, beach erosion has been substantially increased in the downdrift sides of these protective systems, being –20 m/year at Baltim and –9 m/year at Ras El Bar. Further seaward, the two protective systems at Baltim and Ras El Bar have accumulated seabed sand at maximum rates of 30 and 20 cm/year and associated with downdrift erosion of –45 and –20 cm/year, respectively. Strong gyres and eddies formed in the breakwater gabs have drastically affected swimmers and subsequently caused a significant number of drownings each summer, averaging 35 and 67 victims/year at Baltim and Ras El Bar beaches, respectively. This study provides baseline information needed to help implement mitigation measures for these breakwater systems.  相似文献   

Types, distribution, and origin of recent sand dunes between Rosetta and Idku, in the western sector of the Nile Delta, Egypt were investigated. Sand samples from the dunes, beach, and seafloor were studied for grain size distribution and mineralogical composition. It has been found that most of the dunes in the study area have been subjected to deterioration and removal due to the construction of buildings and the International Coastal Highway. The remnant constitutes a damaged belt of foredunes that extends from El Bouseily village to the west of Idku town. The dune’s origin is interpreted to be the result of coastal drifting and the subsequent transport of sediments of the former Canopic Nile branch eastward by the predominant longshore current and by aeolian processes. The blown sand grains accumulated to form a belt of coastal sand dunes of original longitudinal and crescentic forms. Urbanization of the coast has severely altered the landscape. The study area is considered vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and the expected rise in sea level. The outcome of potential sea level rise is serious; erosion problems are expected to be exacerbated and vast areas from land and property would be lost. Thus, protection and preservation the remaining dunes in the study area are vital requirements for shore protection.  相似文献   

Landsat enhanced thematic mapper imagery (ETM) of 2002 and aerial photography of 1955, combined with published charts and field observations were used to interpret coastal changes in the zone between Kitchener drain and Damietta spit in the northeastern Nile delta, previously recognized as a vulnerable zone to the effects of any sea level rise resulting from global warming. The interpretation resulted in recognition of several changes in nine identified geomorphological land types: beach and coastal flat, coastal dunes, agricultural deltaic land, sabkhas, fish farms, Manzala lagoon, saltpans, marshes and urban centers. Reclamation of vast areas of the coastal dunes and of Manzala lagoon added about 420 km2 to the agricultural deltaic land. About 48 km2 of backshore flats, marshes, salt pans and Manzala lagoon have been converted to productive fish farms. The main urban centers have expanded; nearly 12.1 km2 have been added to their areas, and new urban centers (Damietta harbor and the New Damietta city) with total area reach of ~35.3 km2 have been constructed at the expense of vast areas of Manzala lagoon, coastal dunes, and backshore flats. As a consequence of human activities, the size of Manzala lagoon has been reduced to more than 65%. Shoreline changes have been determined from beach profile survey (1990–2000), and comparison of 1955 aerial photographs and ETM satellite image of 2002 reveal alongshore patterns of erosion versus accretion. The short-term rate of shoreline retreat (1990–2000) has increased in the downdrift side of Damietta harbor (≃14 m/year), whereas areas of accretion exist within the embayment of Gamasa and in the shadow of Ras El Bar detached breakwaters system, with a maximum shoreline advance of ~15 m/year. A sandy spit, 12 km long, has developed southeast of Damietta promontory. These erosion/accretion patterns denote the natural processes of wave-induced longshore currents and sediment transport, in addition, the impact of man-made coastal protection structures.  相似文献   

The sea level rise has its own-bearing on the coastal recession and hydro-environmental degradation of the River Nile Delta. Attempts are made here to use remote sensing to detect the coastal recession in some selected parts and delineating the chemistry of groundwater aquifers and surface water, which lie along south-mid-northern and coastal zone of the Nile Delta. Eight water samples from groundwater monitoring wells and 13 water samples from surface water were collected and analyzed for various hydrochemical parameters. The groundwater samples are classified into five hydrochemical facies on Hill-Piper trilinear diagram based on the dominance of different cations and anions: facies 1: Ca–Mg–Na–HCO3–Cl–SO4 type I; facies 2: Na–Cl–HCO3 type II; facies 3: Na–Ca–Mg–Cl type III, facies 4: Ca–Na–Mg–Cl–HCO3 type IV and facies 5: Na–Mg–Cl type V. The hydrochemical facies showed that the majority of samples were enriched in sodium, bicarbonate and chloride types and, which reflected that the sea water and tidal channel play a major role in controlling the groundwater chemical composition in the Quaternary shallow aquifers, with a severe degradation going north of Nile Delta. Also, the relationship between the dissolved chloride (Cl, mmol/l), as a variable, and other major ion combinations (in mmol/l) were considered as another criterion for chemical classification system. The low and medium chloride groundwater occurs in southern and mid Nile Delta (Classes A and B), whereas the high and very high chloride (classes D and C) almost covers the northern parts of the Nile Delta indicating the severe effect of sea water intrusion. Other facets of hydro-environmental degradation are reflected through monitoring the soil degradation process within the last two decades in the northern part of Nile Delta. Land degradation was assessed by adopting new approach through the integration of GLASOD/FAO approach and Remote Sensing/GIS techniques. The main types of human induced soil degradation observed in the studied area are salinity, alkalinity (sodicity), compaction and water logging. On the other hand, water erosion because of sea rise is assessed. Multi-dates satellite data from Landsat TM and ETM+ images dated 1983 and 2003 were used to detect the changes of shoreline during the last two decades. The obtained results showed that, the eroded areas were determined as 568.20 acre; meanwhile the accreted areas were detected as 494.61 acre during the 20-year period.  相似文献   

The variation during 15 years in the shoreline along the North Sinai coast has been determined by analysing TM and ETM true colour Landsat images from 1986 to 2001. The analyses identified erosion and accretion patterns along the coast. The shoreline has advanced west of El Bardawil inlet1, El Bardawil inlet2, and El Arish Harbour, where the wave-induced littoral transport has been halted by jetty construction and beach growth rates are 20,681, 69,855 and 20,160 m2/year, respectively. On the downdrift side of the constructed jetties to the east, the shoreline is retreating and beaches erode at rates of −71,710, −69,968, and −11,760 m2/year, respectively. Sedimentological analyses of beach sediment samples have indicated selective transport of heavy minerals according to their densities and grain sizes. A general correspondence has been found between variation in grain size, sorting and heavy-mineral content of beach sand and the patterns of shoreline changes.  相似文献   

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