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1998—2004年间在西藏聂拉木、林周、墨竹工卡和洛扎等地进行的三叠系/侏罗系界线地层研究表明,西藏隆子县和洛扎县尚未发现具有连续菊石层序的三叠系/侏罗系界线地层剖面。拉萨以北地区广泛分布的火山岩时代确定为晚三叠世—早侏罗世早期,这有助于解释晚三叠世末期生物绝灭与晚三叠世岩浆侵入和大规模的火山活动有关,但T/J界线尚待精确限定。聂拉木县格米格剖面是特提斯地区唯一未曾“压缩”的三叠系/侏罗系界线地层剖面,具有瑞替阶MARSHI菊石带、赫塘阶Tibeticum、Callyphyllum和Pleuro-notum菊石带。格米格剖面三叠系/侏罗系界线碳稳定同位素曲线记录了晚三叠世瑞替阶末期(Marshi菊石带)突然的负偏移,它很有可能和晚三叠世末期的由超级温室效应所产生的生物绝灭事件相对应。  相似文献   

三叠纪末期生物大灭绝是全球地质历史时期5大生物灭绝事件之一,它致使海洋生态系统中约53%的属和80%的种灭绝。显著灭绝的生物包括菊石亚纲、牙形类、放射虫目和陆地四足动物,发生部分灭绝的生物包括腕足动物门、介形亚纲、双壳纲和珊瑚纲等。中大西洋火成岩省(CAMP)的爆发与三叠纪末期生物大灭绝在时间上具有较高的一致性,其火山的高强度和大面积喷发被认为是导致此次灭绝事件发生的主要原因。CAMP爆发释放出大量的CO2、SO2和CH4等气体,一方面温室效应促使海平面升高,物种栖息地面积减少、海洋酸化和海洋缺氧等事件直接威胁着海洋和陆地生物的生存环境;另一方面温室效应亦会引发全球性森林火灾,造成陆地植物减少,大量植物碳屑注入海洋使其发生富营养化,又因伴随海洋酸化作用(碳酸化和硫酸化),海洋古生产率发生崩溃。不同地质时期生物大灭绝的发生往往伴随着剧烈的环境变化,在三叠纪末生物大灭绝期,这些变化多表现为古大气成分和古气温动荡、古火灾频繁、海洋酸化、海平面升高和海水缺氧等,它们之间的综合作用最终导致三叠纪末期全球生态系统失稳。在全球多个三叠...  相似文献   

侯海海  张华杰  邵龙义  高莲凤  刘书君 《地质论评》2023,69(1):2023010017-2023010017
三叠纪末期生物大灭绝是全球地质历史时期五大生物灭绝事件之一,它致使海洋生态系统中约53%的属和80%的种灭绝。显著灭绝的生物包括菊石类、牙形类、放射虫类和陆地四足动物,发生部分灭绝的生物包括腕足类、介形类、双壳类和珊瑚类等。中大西洋火成岩省(CAMP)的爆发与三叠纪末期生物大灭绝在时间上具有较高的一致性,其火山的高强度和大面积喷发被认为是导致此次灭绝事件发生的主要原因。CAMP爆发释放出大量的CO2、SO2和CH4等气体,一方面温室效应促使海平面升高,物种栖息地面积减少、海洋酸化和海洋缺氧等事件直接威胁着海洋和陆地生物的生存环境;另一方面温室效应亦会引发全球性森林火灾,造成陆地植物减少,大量植物碳屑注入海洋使其发生富营养化,又因伴随海洋酸化作用(碳酸化和硫酸化),海洋古生产率发生崩溃。不同地质时期生物大灭绝的发生往往伴随着剧烈的环境变化,在三叠纪末生物大灭绝期,这些变化多表现为古大气成分和古气温动荡、古火灾频繁、海洋酸化、海平面升高和海水缺氧等,它们之间的综合作用最终导致三叠纪末期全球生态系统失稳。在全球多个三叠纪—侏罗纪之交(TJB)剖面均可以识别出3次明显的碳同位素负偏移,最显著的1次发生于瑞替期末,早于TJB。上述情况说明,三叠纪末期生物大灭绝虽然是全球性事件,但并不是1次发生的,具有分阶段性、非同步性、区域性和有选择性等特点。  相似文献   

The huge, up to 40-50 cm long bivalves, Lithiotis, Cochlearites and Lithioperna, which dominated within “Lithiotis” facies (sensu – Fraser et al., 2004 with lit-erature cited therein), are most significant representa-tives of buildup-maker of shallow marine/lagoonal bivalve mounds (reefs) in numerous places of Tethyan- Panthalassa margins during Pliensbachian-Early Toar-cian times. The distribution of Lithiotis-facies bivalves from Western (Spain, Italy) and Middle Europe (Slo-venia, Croatia, Albania) trough north Africa (Morocco) and Arabian Peninsula (Oman, Arabian Emirates) up to Timor Island, Himalaya Mts (Nepal, China) and west-ern margin of both Americas (USA, Peru) indicates world-wide, rapid expansion of such Lithiotis-type bivalves (Leinfelder et al., 2002; Fraser et al., 2004; Krobicki et al., 2008). The Early Jurassic migration routes were connected both with break-up of Pangea and oceanic circulation, which facilitated high speed of distribution of larva’s of such oyster-like bivalves.  相似文献   

首次报道了产于内蒙古锡林浩特盆地侏罗系红旗组的植物群,共计21属37种。该植物群由木贼目、真蕨纲、苏铁纲、银杏纲、松柏纲和少量分散保存的种子等组成,以真蕨类丰富、蚌壳蕨科Coniopteris和Eboracia出现以及南方型分子较多等为特征。该植物群的时代为早侏罗世晚期,反映研究区红旗组主体的沉积时代为早侏罗世晚期,上部沉积可能形成于中侏罗世早期。气候敏感植物,特别是南方型分子的出现,指示锡林浩特盆地早侏罗世晚期属于暖温带—亚热带气候区,气候较热或短期有一定程度的偏干旱;其气温较早侏罗世早期和中侏罗世早期更高,说明早侏罗世晚期发生过1次升温气候事件。对早、中侏罗世植物群和沉积特征的综合分析表明,中国在早侏罗世晚期可划分出黑龙江东部温凉气候区、北方暖温带温暖潮湿气候区、中部热带—亚热带半干旱—半潮湿气候区、中南热带—亚热带干旱气候区和西藏—滇西热带干旱气候区共5个气候区,其中北方暖温带温暖潮湿气候区与中部热带—亚热带半干旱—半潮湿气候区的界线较早侏罗世早期和中侏罗世早期偏北4°~8°(纬度),亦说明早侏罗世晚期发生了升温事件。此升温事件与中亚和西伯利亚的图阿尔期升温事件相当,其很可能是早侏罗世晚期图阿尔期大洋缺氧事件(T-OAE)在陆地生态系统中的响应。  相似文献   

托阿尔期早期早侏罗世大洋缺氧事件(T-OAE,~183.8 Ma)是一次全球性的地质事件,鄂尔多斯盆地下侏罗统富县组记录了此次地质事件的陆地响应过程。主要基于盆地东缘野外地质调查、扫描电镜及薄片分析,本次研究描述了盆地东北部富县组岩性、颜色和沉积序列,利用前人研究成果总结了富县期岩相古地理变化规律及沉积模式,认为富县期经历了由干旱到湿润的古气候变化: 富县组下部含植物化石较为丰富的白色砂砾岩及黑色、灰色泥页岩沉积于湿润气候时期,对应着盆地下切河谷发育期和填平补齐期; 而上覆的罕见植物化石的杂色、红色泥页岩为(富县期晚期)相对平坦地形条件下的沉积,对应着早、中侏罗世湿润气候背景下的一次干旱气候脉动,为托阿尔期大洋缺氧事件在陆相环境的气候响应,可由此进行富县组区域等时性对比。研究认为“粗富县”为下切谷内河流充填沉积, “细富县”形成于湖泊环境或河漫环境, “黑富县”和“白富县”是湿润气候条件下沉积产物,而“红富县”和“杂富县”为T-OAE期后干旱条件下形成。  相似文献   

In order to constrain spatial variability in watermass conditions within the European Epicontinental Seaway prior to, during and after the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event, carbon (δ13Cbel, δ13Ccarb) and oxygen (δ18Obel, δ18Ocarb) isotope records were obtained from three sections in the Grands Causses Basin (southern France). These data were then compared with similar records along a north–south transect across the European Epicontinental Seaway. As the conclusions reached here strongly depend on the reliability of belemnite calcites as archives of palaeoceanographic changes, an attempt was made to improve the understanding of isotope signals recorded in belemnite calcite. Intra‐rostral carbon and oxygen‐isotope data from six belemnite specimens belonging to the genus Passaloteuthis were collected. Intra‐rostral carbon‐isotopes are influenced by vital effects, whereas oxygen‐isotopes reflect relative changes in temperature and salinity. Palaeotemperatures calculated from δ18Obel‐isotope records from the Grands Causses Basin confirm relatively low temperatures throughout the Late Pliensbachian. Similar cool water conditions have previously been shown in Germany, England, Spain and Portugal. A temperature increase of up to 6 °C is observed across the Pliensbachian–Toarcian boundary. A pronounced negative shift of at least ?3‰ (Vienna‐Pee Dee Belemnite) is recorded in bulk carbonate carbon during the lower Harpoceras serpentinum zone, typical of the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event. Before and after the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event, a good correlation between δ13Ccarb and δ13Cbel exists, indicating well‐ventilated bottom‐waters and normal marine conditions. Instead, data for the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event indicate the development of a strong north–south gradient in salinity stratification and surface‐water productivity for the Western Tethyan realm. This study thus lends further support to a pronounced regional overprint on carbon and oxygen‐isotope records in epicontinental seaways.  相似文献   

早侏罗世托阿尔期早期大洋缺氧事件(Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event,~183.8 Ma)是一次全球性的多幕式生物—环境事件,其在四川盆地下侏罗统自流井组大安寨段亦有显示。对采集自川东北地区大安寨段的鱼粪化石进行形态学描述和内含物分析,发现鱼粪化石中含有大量的磷质成分,多为未经消化的鱼骨化石,另有大量介壳类化石与有机质混杂在一起。据露头岩性和显微薄片特征认为: (1)粪化石呈螺旋状,生产该粪化石的鱼类为大型肉食性鱼类,其喜食小型鱼类和软体动物等,推测可能是肺鱼类(角齿鱼);(2)鱼粪化石形成于开放型淡水湖泊中的半深湖—深湖区,其中湖泊表层含氧量丰富,主要由生产者、消费者构成了研究区早侏罗世托阿尔期大型湖泊生态系统,食物链较为复杂,而湖底为水动力条件较弱的还原环境。该研究成果可为早侏罗世托阿尔期大洋缺氧事件在湖泊中的沉积响应及生态影响研究提供依据。  相似文献   

论大灭绝后的幸存类型、复活效应与避难所   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
戎嘉余  詹仁斌 《地学前缘》2006,13(6):187-198
大灭绝后生物的幸免实质上是对灾变恶化环境的忍耐和适应生存。幸存分子能提供大灭绝规模和残存机制的部分信息。历次大灭绝后的残存与复苏有不同的形式,不同生物类群和同一类群中的不同生物对大灭绝事件更有不同的应对策略。在识别奥陶纪末大灭绝后3种幸存类型(“扩增幸存型”、“减缩幸存型”和“复活型”)的基础上,文中进一步指出,“减缩幸存型”的研究有助于理解“复活型”的含义。复活效应的识别应建筑在较高质量的化石记录基础上,但实践中寻找真正的复活生物却非易事。复活分类单元并不一定反映大灭绝的强度,其数量是受许多条件限制的;不同的大灭绝事件对不同门类(或类群)的冲击程度不一样,其复活表现形式也各不相同;并非每次大灭绝、每种生物类别都发育复活分子的。因此,复活效应和复活生物在大灭绝过程中的意义比过去想象的小得多。分析复活现象须掌握全球、而非局部地区的资料。在灾变时期,典型、常见分子是识别一个动物群的标志,而稀有分子更有助于复活效应的研究。史前避难所包含古地理、古生态、古环境和宏演化四方面因素,其识别和确定需寻找尽可能多的证据。史前“减缩幸存型”研究可能会给当今生物界研究一个有益的启示,即“濒危种”不一定完全陷入“穷途末路”之境地,而是仍有续生(或复活)的可能。  相似文献   

The impact of mass extinctions on insect evolution is debated, so investigating taxa that span a crisis is important for understanding such large-scale environmental perturbations. The beetle genus Holcoptera has been found in deposits from the Late Triassic: Norian to the Early Jurassic: Sinemurian of England and the United States, and possibly Italy. Historical collections of Rev. P.B. Brodie and J.F. Jackson were re-examined and the ages of British localities reviewed, US collections were re-interpreted, and new material from the Dorset Coast was considered. Holcoptera schlotheimi and Holcoptera confluens are synonymised based on morphological similarities; Holcoptera giebeli remains distinct and a new complete specimen confirms the placement of this genus in the family Coptoclavidae. Three new species are described: Holcoptera pigmentatus sp. nov. from the Penarth Group of Warwickshire, Holcoptera alisonae sp. nov. (based on the rejected neotype of H. schlotheimi) from the Lower Lias of Dorset and Holcoptera solitensis sp. nov. from the Newark Supergroup of Virginia. H. schlotheimi and H. giebeli are known from the Late Triassic Penarth Group and Early Jurassic Lias Group and so survived the end-Triassic extinction, whereas H. alisonae and H. pigmentatus are only known from the Lias Group. H. solentensis is the oldest described species in this genus and is not known from any other locality.  相似文献   

The mass extinction at the Permian–Triassic Boundary (PTB) is said to have been abrupt and probably caused by an extraterrestrial impact. However, evidence from the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the base of the Induan at Meishan, China, shows that the biotic crisis began prior to the level, in beds 25 and 26 at which the postulated impact event occurred. Evidence of such an earlier biotic crisis occurs in other sections in South China, and in central and western Tethyan regions. This event is characterized by the extinction of a range of faunas, including corals, deep-water radiolarians, most fusulinids and pseudotirolitid ammonoids, and many Permian brachiopods. In all sections, this extinction level is usually a few decimeters to meters below that of the main mass extinction in the event beds (25 and 26) at Meishan, and their correlatives elsewhere. This earlier extinction event happened before the postulated bolide impact at the level of beds 25 and 26, and constrains interpretation of the mechanisms that brought about this greatest mass extinction. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

尹凤娟  张子福 《地质通报》2001,20(4):377-383
哈密拗陷北部下侏罗统按其岩性、化石组合和地震波组等特征自下而上分为八道湾组和三工河组.根据两组所产的孢粉化石,建立了两个孢粉组合Osmundacidites Apiculatisporis Cycadopites组合和Cyathidites Pinuspollenites Cycadopites组合.根据孢粉组合特征及其对比,探讨了八道湾组和三工河组的地质时代.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1450-1465
The Bilong Co oil shale, located in the South Qiangtang depression, northern Tibet Plateau, may record the Early Jurassic anoxic event in the eastern Tethys. New geochemical data from the Bilong Co oil shale section are presented in order to determine the mechanism of organic accumulation and to evaluate Early Jurassic anoxia in the eastern Tethys. In organic-rich oil shales, many redox proxies including the relationship of Mo to total organic carbon (TOC), Re/Mo ratios, and pyrite framboid size distribution suggest deposition under euxinic conditions. However, the correlation between TOC and P and Mo contents indicates that organic matter accumulation was controlled mainly by primary productivity. The Sr/Al ratios and clastic influx proxies such as Si, Ti, Th, Zr, and Al concentrations suggest a continuous supply of fresh water from a nearby continent during oil shale deposition. This supply could have initiated stratification of the water so that the upper zone became favourable for marine life. Increased primary productivity could have led to formation of anoxic/sulphidic bottom waters, which enhanced the preservation of organic matter. Deposition of organic-rich oil shales terminated when primary productivity decreased, leading to more oxic bottom water conditions.  相似文献   

Ammonoid diversity patterns show that the spreading of oceanic anoxia is not the initial and major kill mechanism for the Cenomanian/Turonian mass extinction as usually suggested. In the Anglo-Paris Basin and the Vocontian Basin, the drop of ammonoid species richness starts around the middle/late Cenomanian boundary, i.e. 0.75 myr before the occurrence of anoxic deepwater sediments. The stepwise extinction of first heteromorphs and then acanthoceratids is incompatible with the rise of the oxygen minimum zone. Moreover, shelf environments of these basins remained well oxygenated during the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval. Thus, we stress that other causative mechanisms initiated the ammonoid extinction even if anoxia subsequently participated in the demise of marine ecosystems. Editorial handling: M.J. Benton & J.-P. Billon-Bruyat  相似文献   

Sulfur isotope composition of carbonate-associated sulfate (δ34SCAS) and carbon isotope composition of carbonate (δ13Ccarb) were jointly investigated on the Late Permian rocks at Shangsi Section, Guanyuan, Northeast Sichuan, South China. Both δ34SCAS and δ13Ccarb show gradual decline trends in Late Permian strata, inferring the occurrence of the long-term variation of marine environmental conditions. Associated with the long-term variation are the two coincident negative shifts in δ34SCAS and δ13Ccarb, with one occurring at the boundary between Middle Permian Maokou Formation and Late Permian Wujiaping Formation and another at Middle Dalong Formation. Of significance is the second shift which clearly predates the regression and the biotic crisis at the end of Permian at Shangsi Section, providing evidence that a catastrophic event occurred prior to the biotic crisis. The frequent volcanisms indicated by the volcanic rocks or fragments, and the upwelling are proposed to cause the second negative excursion. An abrupt extreme negative δ34SCAS (ca. −20‰) associated with a low relative concentration of CAS and total organic carbon without large change in δ13Ccarb is found at the end of the second shift, which might arise from the short-term oxygenation of bottom waters and sediments that resulted from the abrupt sea level drop.  相似文献   

This paper presents new geological and geochemical data from the Shuanghu area in northern Tibet, which recorded the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event. The stratigraphic succession in the Shuanghu area consists mostly of grey to dark-colored alternating oil shales, marls and mudstones. Ammonite beds are found at the top of the Shuanghu oil shale section, which are principally of early Toarcian age, roughly within the Harplocearasfalciferrum Zone. Therefore,the oil shale strata at Shuanghu can be correlated with early Toarcian black shales distributing extensively in the European epicontinental seas that contain the records of an Oceanic Anoxic Event. Sedimentary organic matter of laminated shale anomalously rich in organic carbon across the Shuanghu area is characterized by high organic carbon contents, ranging from 1.8% to 26.1%. The carbon isotope curve displays the δ^13C values of the kerogen (δ^13Ckerogen) fluctuating from -26.22 to -23.53‰ PDB with a positive excursion close to 2.17‰, which, albeit significantly smaller, may also have been associated with other Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs) in Europe. The organic atomic C/N ratios range between 6 and 43, and the curve of C/N ratios is consistent with that of the δ^13Ckerogen values. The biological assemblage,characterized by scarcity of benthic organisms and bloom of calcareous nannofossils (coccoliths), reveals high biological productivity in the surface water and an unfavorable environment for the benthic fauna in the bottom water during the Oceanic Anoxic Event. On the basis of organic geochemistry and characteristics of the biological assemblage, this study suggests that the carbon-isotope excursion is caused by the changes of sea level and productivity, and that the black shale deposition, especially oil shales, is related to the bloom and high productivity of coccoliths.  相似文献   

郭健强 《地层学杂志》1995,19(3):171-179,190
西藏类乌齐地区早、中侏罗世地层可划分为下部仁青卡群和上部雁石坪群两部分。仁青卡群系新创,代表早侏罗世海退沉积序列的杂色陆源碎屑岩建造,由隆再这组、去买组和埃买组组成,并首次发现Hiatellaarenicola,Lilingellacuneata等湘赣区的分子。该群下与三叠系,上与中侏罗统均为整合过渡。雁石坪群代表中侏罗世海进沉积序列的碳酸盐岩建造,由货乃组、结弄组、北腾组和日阿沙组组成。叙述和讨论了这些地层单位的岩石和生物特征及地质时代。  相似文献   

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