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Identification by Bhattacharya et al. (1994) of seafloor spreading type magnetic anomalies in the basin lying between Laxmi Ridge in the Arabian Sea and the Indian continent necessitates a change in plate tectonic reconstruction. Naini and Talwani (1982) named this basin the Eastern Basin and we will continue to use this term in this paper. Others, in the literature, have called this the Laxmi Basin. Previous reconstructions had assumed that the Eastern Basin is underlain by continental crust. The new reconstruction moves Seychelles' original location closer to India and ameliorates a space problem in the Mascarene Basin. A new rotation pole between anomaly 28 and 34 times avoids skipping of fracture zones resulting from rotation poles described earlier. The negative gravity anomaly over the Eastern Basin is a necessary consequence of a continental sliver lying between oceanic crust on either side. Seismic velocities that are slightly greater than 7 km s–1 under the Eastern need not be necessarily interpreted as material that underplates continental crust.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2001,172(3-4):331-358
Analyses of over 6600 km of reflection seismic profiles on the northern continental margin of the South China Sea permit the recognition of four Quaternary high-frequency type 1 sequences of the 4th order, deposited during the past ca. 690 kyr. At the present-day shelf edge, only lowstand systems tracts characterised by a prograding clinoformal internal reflection pattern are preserved. The prograding complexes can be considered as regressive units accumulated during relative sea-level falls. They exhibit internal discontinuities which might point to minor sea-level fluctuations of the 5th order. A preliminary regional relative sea-level curve for the past 630 kyr is established using the present positions of the delta fronts mapped. The neotectonics curve derived by subtracting eustatic sea-level changes from the relative sea-level curve shows that the depths of the delta fronts today are controlled primarily by regional tectonic movements and the global sea-level.Our seismo-stratigraphic interpretation documents that the area off Hong Kong and around the Dongsha Islands experienced two uplift episodes during the past 5 ma, namely at the Miocene/Pliocene boundary and at the end of the lower Middle Pleistocene, respectively. These uplift events which are centred on the Dongsha Rise led to its subaerial exposure and to the erosion of the Pliocene and most of the Pleistocene strata. The change from thermal subsidence of the continental margin initiated at the end of the drift phase to the phase of magmato-tectonic uplift was caused by a reorientation of the tectonic regime.The Recent depositional environment on the northern continental margin of the South China Sea is dominated by sediment accumulation within the inner shelf and the Zhujiang (Pearl River) estuary. The outer shelf and upper slope, especially around the Dongsha Islands, are characterised by bypass of terrigenous material.The sedimentary column in the deepsea basin has a thickness of more than 2 km and comprises 14 depositional units starting with terrestrial rift deposits. It overlies oceanic as well as transitional crust.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Forthe lastm ore than 20 a,ow ing to the develop-m ent of observation and experim ent technologies form arine m icroorganism s,m arine biologistshave discov-ered m any m icroorganism s w hich are difficult to beobserved by com m on m icroscope before. T hus, thecognition to the m arine phytoplankton com m unitiesand the structure of food chains has achieved im por-tantprogress.E specially,w ith the developm entand ap-plication of epifluorescence m icroscopy and flow cy-tom etry…  相似文献   

Zooplankton communities, studied in the surface mixed layer on a 1600 m transect across the Arabian Sea, were found to differ in their temporal and spatial response to seasonal forcing. The transect studied, spanned seasonally eutrophic upwelling, mesotrophic downwelling and aseasonal oligotrophic waters. The nano- and microzooplankton communities constituted a relatively constant compartment in the tropical monsoon ecosystem, whilst the mesozooplankton showed a clear response to both upwelling and season. The heterotrophic nanoflagellates were concentrated in the surface mixed layer, except in the eutrophic upwelling waters of the SW monsoon. They reached maximum cell concentrations of 855 ml-1 during the SW monsoon and a maximum biomass of 8.4 mg C m-3 during the intermonsoon. Nanozooplankton standing stocks, in the surface mixed layer, ranged between 7 and 333 mg C m-2, with highest stocks found during the intermonsoon. The microzooplankton community was dominated by Protozoa, particularly aloricate ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates, which accounted for up to 99% in terms of numbers and up to 71% of the biomass. Sarcodines and metazoan nauplii were recorded in lower numbers (<400 l-1). The microzooplankton were also concentrated in the surface mixed layer during both periods, except in the eutrophic coastal waters during the SW monsoon, when relatively high biomass values were found below the mixed layer depth. Their standing stocks, in the surface mixed layer, ranged between 50 and 182 mg C m-2, with the highest concentration found in the mesotrophic offshore waters during the late monsoon period. Total mesozooplankton standing stocks, in the surface 100 m, decreased with distance from the coastal to offshore waters and between seasons, decreasing from 1248 to 238 mg C m-2 during the late SW monsoon and 656–89 mg C m-2 during the following intermonsoon. The largest size class, of 1000–2000 μm sized organisms, dominated throughout except at the oligotrophic station during the intermonsoon period, when the smallest class, of 200–500 μm, were more important. The shift in size structure from large to small zooplankton occurred in response to a shift in dominance from large to small phytoplankton cells both spatially, along a eutrophic–oligotrophic gradient, and seasonally. These responses are a result of the physical forcing associated with the monsoon seasons in the Arabian Sea.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of interannual sea level variations in the South China Sea (SCS) are investigated by analyzing an EOF-based 2-dimensional past sea level reconstruction from 1950 to 2009 and satellite altimetry data from 1993 to 2009. Long-term tide gauge records from 14 selected stations in this region are also used to assess the quality of reconstructed sea levels and determine the rate of sea level along the coastal area. We found that the rising rate of sea levels derived from merged satellite altimetry data during 1993–2009 and past sea level reconstruction over 1950–2009 is about 3.9 ± 0.6 mm/yr and 1.7 ± 0.1 mm/yr, respectively. For the longer period, this rate is not significantly different from the global mean rate (of 1.8 ± 0.3 mm/yr). The interannual mean sea level of the SCS region appears highly correlated with Niño 4 indices (a proxy of El Niño-Southern Oscillation/ENSO), suggesting that the interannual sea level variations over the SCS region is driven by ENSO events. Interpolation of the reconstructed sea level data for 1950–2009 at sites where tide gauge records are of poor quality (either short or gapped) show that sea level along the Chinese coastal area is rising faster than the global mean rate of 1.8 mm/yr. At some sites, the rate is up to 2.5 mm/yr.  相似文献   

Scanning fluorescence spectroscopy was used to investigate the spatial and temporal variability in the fluorescence signature of phycoerythrin-containing organisms in the Arabian Sea during the early Northeast and early Southwest Monsoon (1994–1995). Phycoerythrin (PE) emission spectra were relatively invariant among all the samples collected on either cruise; the relatively symmetrical PE emission peaks showed maxima at wavelengths ranging from 563–572 nm. PE excitation spectra always showed either a strong shoulder or a peak at wavelengths absorbed maximally by phycourobilin (PUB) chromophores as well as a peak at wavelengths absorbed maximally by phycoerythrobilin (PEB) chromophores. Thus, the Arabian Sea appears to be different from the Black Sea or Gulf of Maine in that PUB-lacking forms of PE rarely, if ever, dominate the PE signal. Fluorescence excitation signatures differed in the relative excitation of PE emission by wavelengths absorbed by PUB (∼495 nm, ExPUB) and by wavelengths absorbed by PEB (∼550 nm, ExPEB); these were distinguished by having either very low (∼0.6), very high (∼1.8), or intermediate ExPUB:ExPEB ratios. The distribution of samples with different PE fluorescence signatures was investigated extensively during the early Southwest Monsoon, and communities characterized by the low ExPUB:ExPEB ratios were closely associated with cooler (24–27°C), fresher (35.7–36.25 psu) water influenced by coastal upwelling. In general, “ambient” surface water of the Arabian Sea during the early Southwest Monsoon was of intermediate temperature (27–29°C) and salinity (36.15–36.4 psu) and showed intermediate or high values for ExPUB:ExPEB. This suggests that the PE fluorescence signature can be used to follow the fate of upwelling-influenced water masses and the populations they transport.  相似文献   

Peng  Xi  Shen  Chuanbo  Mei  Lianfu  Zhao  Zhigang  Xie  Xiaojun 《Marine Geophysical Researches》2019,40(2):163-183
Marine Geophysical Research - The South China Sea (SCS) has a long record of rifting before and after subsequent seafloor spreading, affecting the wide continent of the Dangerous Grounds, and its...  相似文献   

Distributional characteristics of planktonic Amphipoda(Hyperiidea) in the South Huanghai Sea and East China SeaLinJinghongand...  相似文献   

The present study documents the atmosphere–ocean interaction in interannual variations over the South China Sea (SCS). The atmosphere–ocean relationship displays remarkable seasonality and regionality, with an atmospheric forcing dominant in the northern and central SCS during the local warm season, and an oceanic forcing in the northern SCS during the local cold season. During April–June, the atmospheric impact on the sea surface temperature (SST) change is characterized by a prominent cloud-radiation effect in the central SCS, a wind-evaporation effect in the central and southern SCS, and a wind-driven oceanic effect along the west coast. During November–January, regional convection responds to the SST forcing in the northern SCS through modulation of the low-level convergence and atmospheric stability. Evaluation of the precipitation–SST and precipitation–SST tendency correlation in 24 selected models from CMIP5 indicates that the simulated atmosphere–ocean relationship varies widely among the models. Most models have the worst performance in spring. On average, the models simulate better the atmospheric forcing than the oceanic forcing. Improvements are needed for many models before they can be used to understand the regional atmosphere–ocean interactions in the SCS region.  相似文献   

Past hydroclimatic conditions in southern China are poorly constrained owing to the lack of high-resolution marine-sediment records. In this study, we present high-resolution geochemical and grain-size records of marine sediments from the coastal shelf of the northern South China Sea to investigate regional hydrological variations.Results suggest a warm and humid climate during the interval 9 200–7 600 cal a BP, followed by a cold and dry climate from 7 600 cal a BP to 6 500 cal a BP, and progre...  相似文献   

《Journal of Sea Research》2000,43(2):105-111
The seasonal dynamics of the nanophytoplankton community (pelagic algae 2–20 μm) was studied at a location in the Southern Bight (North Sea) from October 1993 through May 1994. During the study period the cell number and biomass of the nanoalgae varied between 105–106 cells dm−3 and 16–300 μg wet weight dm−3. Several ecological events seem common to the boreal coastal nanophytoplankton communities in the winter–spring period. These are: (1) abrupt fall in abundance at the beginning of winter (late October–early November); (2) winter minimum (December–March); (3) steady increase in cell number and biomass (April–May); followed by (4) the spring maximum occurring usually in May.  相似文献   

Calanus sinicus is a calanoid copepod widely distributed in coastal waters of China and Japan, and oversummering strategies may have major impacts on their population dynamics which in turn affect local marine food web structure. The abundance, stage composition, and sex composition of the planktonic copepod C. sinicus were studied from August to October 2002 in the southern Yellow Sea to understand how its population recovers from the over-summering state. Results showed that C. sinicus had low reproduction in August due to high temperature, except in waters near the Cheju Island with rich food and moderate bottom temperature, but the reproduction rates here decreased in September–October as food availability declined. When temperature dropped in September–October, C. sinicus actively propagated in coastal shallow waters. However, reproduction rates of C. sinicus individuals inhabiting the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass(YSCWM) remained low during the three months of the study. The percentage of C. sinicus females was high during the reproductive period, which suggests that the sex composition of adult C. sinicus may reflect whether or not the population is in the reproductive mode.Numerous fifth copepodite stage(CV) C. sinicus aggregated in the YSCWM in a suspended developmental stage during the three months of this study, and they potentially served as the parental individuals for population development when conditions became optimal for reproduction later in the year.  相似文献   

Acoustic seabed classification is a useful tool for monitoring marine benthic habitats over broad-scales (>1 km2) and meso-scales (10 m2–1 km2). Its utility in this context was evaluated using two approaches: by describing natural changes in the temporal distribution of marine biotopes across the broad-scale (4 km2), and by attempting to detect specific experimentally-induced changes to kelp-dominated biotopes across the meso-scale (100 m2). For the first approach, acoustic backscatter mosaics were constructed using sidescan sonar and multibeam echosounder data collected from Church Bay (Rathlin Island, Northern Ireland) in 1999, 2008 and 2009. The mosaics were manually segmented into acoustic facies, which were ground-truthed using a drop-video camera. Biotopes were classified from the video by multivariate exploratory analysis and cross-tabulated with the acoustic facies, showing a positive correlation. These results were integrated with bathymetric data to map the distribution of seven unique biotopes in Church Bay. Kappa analysis showed the biotope distribution was highly similar between the biotope maps, possibly due to the stability of bedforms shaped by the tidal regime around Rathlin Island. The greatest biotope change in this approach was represented by seasonal and annual changes in the growth of the seagrass, Zostera marina. In the second approach, sidescan sonar data were collected before and after the removal of 100 m2 of kelp from three sites. Comparison of the data revealed no differences between the high-resolution backscatter imagery. It is concluded that acoustic seabed classification can be used to monitor change over broad- and meso-scales but not necessarily for all biotopes; its success depends on the type of acoustic system employed and the biological characteristics of the target biotope.  相似文献   

Distribution of larger protozoans (armoured dinoflagellates, tintinnids, heliozoans, radiolarians and foraminiferans >64 μm) is presented for three major water masses of the Southern Ocean: the Polar Front region (PFr), the southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current (southern ACC) and the northern Weddell Gyre. Sampling took place during the SO-JGOFS cruise ANT X/6 of R/V Polarstern (October–November 1992) along a meridional transect at 6°W between 48°00′S and 59°30′S. Multinet samples (64 μm mesh size) were taken at six stations from the surface down to 500 m depth at five different depth intervals. In the upper 100 m of the water column abundances of larger protozoans varied between 94 and 10,930 ind. m–3, with highest abundances in the PFr, where phytoplankton blooms occurred, and lowest values in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current–Weddell Gyre Boundary (AWB). Foraminiferans and polycystine and smaller (<300 μm) phaeodarian radiolarians dominated larger protozoan assemblages in the PFr. In open water of the southern ACC, tintinnids, armoured dinoflagellates, foraminiferans and smaller (<300 μm) phaeodarian radiolarians were equally important. The heliozoans Sticholonche spp. and nassellarian radiolarians dominated assemblages in the Weddell Gyre and AWB. Larger protozoan biomasses ranged between 2 and 674 μg C m−3 and were always dominated by larger (>300 μm) phaeodarians. Highest biomasses were found in the AWB between 200 and 500 m depth. Standing stocks of larger protozoans constituted a negligible fraction of zooplankton biomass in the upper 200 m of the water column. In deeper layers of the ice-covered Weddell Gyre and AWB their biomasses, dominated by larger (>300 μm) phaeodarians, was significant contributing up to 45% to total larger protozoan and metazoan biomass. Analysis of correlation between distribution patterns and environmental conditions at the stations sampled indicate that spring distribution patterns of heterotrophic armoured dinoflagellates, polycystine radiolarians and foraminiferans follow productivity in the water column. Of the protozoan groups studied the smaller (<300 μm) phaeodarian radiolarians also showed a significant correlation with productivity during spring, however, results from previous studies do not suggest a consistent pattern. Spring distribution patterns of other larger protozoans were not related to differences in productivity in the water column, and effects such as ice-cover, grazing or silica limitation might be determining. Dead radiolarian skeletons constituted on average 27, 8 and 11% of the population of nassellarians, spumellarians and smaller (<300 μm) phaeodarians, respectively. The contribution of dead radiolarian skeletons to total radiolarian stocks varied with depth and water mass. Differences between live and skeleton assemblages composition were observed. These differences should be taken into consideration when interpreting the geological record.  相似文献   

Cui  Yuchi  Shao  Lei  Qiao  Peijun  Pei  Jianxiang  Zhang  Daojun  Tran  Huyen 《Marine Geophysical Researches》2019,40(2):223-235

Provenance studies of the Central Canyon, Qiongdongnan Basin has provided significant insights into paleographic and sedimentology research of the South China Sea (SCS). A suite of geochemical approaches mainly including rare earth elemental (REE) analysis and detrital zircon U–Pb dating has been systematically applied to the “source-to-sink” system involving our upper Miocene–Pliocene Central Canyon sediments and surrounding potential source areas. Based on samples tracing the entire course of the Central Canyon, REE distribution patterns indicate that the western channel was generally characterized by positive Eu anomalies in larger proportion, in contrast to the dominance of negative values of its eastern side during late Miocene–Pliocene. Additionally, for the whole canyon and farther regions of Qiongdongnan Basin, the number of samples bearing negative Eu anomalies tended to increase within younger geological strata. On the other hand, U–Pb geochronology results suggest a wide Proterozoic to Mesozoic age range with peak complexity in Yanshanian, Indosinian, Caledonian and Jinningian periods. However in detail, age combination of most western samples displayed older-age signatures than the eastern. To make it more evidently, western boreholes of the Central Canyon are mainly characterized with confined Indosinian and Caledonian clusters which show great comparability with mafic-to-ultramafic source of Kontum Massif of Central Vietnam, while eastern samples largely bear with distinguishable Yanshanian and Indosinian peaks which more resemble with Hainan Island. Based on geochemistry and geochronology analyses, two significant suppliers and sedimentary infilling processes are generated: (1) the Indosinian collision orogenic belt in central-northern Vietnam, Indochina has ever played significant role in Central Canyon sedimentary evolution, (2) Hainan Island once as a typical provenance restricted within eastern Central Canyon, has been enlarging its influence into the whole channel, even into the farther western regions of Qiongdongnan Basin.


The South China Sea(SCS) is the largest semi-enclosed marginal sea in the North Pacific. Salinity changes in the SCS play an important role in regional and global ocean circulation and the hydrological cycle. However, there are few studies on salinity changes over the SCS due to lack of high-quality and long-term observations. In the past decade, the deployment of floats from the Argo program in the SCS and their accumulated temperature and salinity profiles have made it possible for us to examine salinity changes over the entire basin. In this study,salinity changes were investigated with Argo and underwater glider temperature and salinity observations and gridded temperature–salinity objective analyses(UK Met Office Hadley Centre EN4.2.1 objective analysis and China Argo Real-time Data Center BOA_Argo). The results indicated that the subsurface water in the entire SCS became significantly saltier during 2016–2017. The most significant salinity increase was found during 2016 in the northeastern SCS. The subsurface water in the northeastern SCS exhibited a salinity maximum above 35, which was recorded by three Argo floats during 2015–2016. Such high salinity water was rarely observed and reported prior to the Argo era. Average salinity of 2016–2017 along the 25.5σ_θ–23.5σ_θ isopycnal surfaces in the whole SCS is 0.014-0.130 higher than the climatology. Increases in subsurface salinity started from the northeastern SCS and extended southwestward gradually. Moreover, the subsurface salinity changes, especially in the northern SCS,exhibited a semiannual lead behind the subsurface Luzon Strait transport. Further analysis indicated that the predominance of advection, driven by subsurface Luzon Strait transport, led to salinification along the western boundary of the SCS. In other parts of the SCS, negative wind stress curl trends tended to preserve the high salinity characteristics of the subsurface water.  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2009,26(3-4):120-131
Observations of the western Arabian Sea over the last decade have revealed a rich filamentary eddy structure, with large horizontal SST gradients in the ocean, developing in response to the southwest monsoon winds. This summertime oceanic condition triggers an intense mesoscale coupled interaction, whose overall influence on the longer-term properties of this ocean remains uncertain. In this study, a high-resolution regional coupled model is employed to explore this feedback effect on the long-term dynamical and thermodynamical structure of the ocean.The observed relationship between the near-surface winds and mesoscale SSTs generate Ekman pumping velocities at the scale of the cold filaments, whose magnitude is the order of 1 m/day in both the model and observations. This additional Ekman-driven velocity, induced by the wind-eddy interaction, accounts for approximately 10–20% of oceanic vertical velocity of the cold filaments. This implies that Ekman pumping arising from the mesoscale coupled feedback makes a non-trivial contribution to the vertical structure of the upper ocean and the evolution of mesoscale eddies, with obvious implications for marine ecosystem and biogeochemical variability.Furthermore, SST features associated with cold filaments substantially reduce the latent heat loss. The long-term latent heat flux change due to eddies in the model is approximately 10–15 W/m2 over the cold filaments, which is consistent with previous estimates based on short-term in situ measurements. Given the shallow mixed layer, this additional surface heat flux warms the cold filament at the rate of 0.3–0.4 °C/month over a season with strong eddy activity, and 0.1–0.2 °C/month over the 12-year mean, rendering overall low-frequency modulation of SST feasible. This long-term mixed layer heating by the surface flux is approximately ±10% of the lateral heat flux by the eddies, yet it can be comparable to the vertical heat flux. Potential dynamic and thermodynamic impacts of this observed air–sea interaction on the monsoons and regional climate are yet to be quantified given the strong correlation between the Somalia upwelling SST and the Indian summer monsoons.  相似文献   

There are many large-scale Cenozoic sedimentary basins with plentiful river deltas, deep-water fans and carbonate platforms in the southern South China Sea. The Crocker Fan was deposited as a typical submarine fan during the late Eocene–early Miocene, and stretches extensively across the entire Sarawak–Sabah of the northern Borneo area. However, systematic analyses are still lacking regarding its sediment composition and potential source suppliers. No consensus has been reached yet on the provenance evolution and sedimentary infilling processes, which seriously impeded the oil-and-gas exploration undertakings. By combining with sedimentary-facies identification, heavy mineral assemblages, elemental geochemistry and detrital zircon U-Pb dating, this paper aims to generalize an integrated analysis on the potential provenance terranes and restore source-to-sink pathways of the Crocker Fan. In general, the Crocker Fan was initially formed over the Cretaceous–lower/middle Eocene Rajang Group by an angular Rajang unconformity. The continual southward subduction of the proto-South China Sea resulted in magmatic activities and subsequent regional deformation and thrusting along the Lupar Line in the northern Borneo. The lowermost Crocker sequence is featured by a thick conglomerate layer sourced from in-situ or adjacent paleo-uplifts. From the late Eocene to the early Miocene, the Crocker Fan was constantly delivered with voluminous detritus from the Malay Peninsula of the western Sundaland. The Zengmu Basin was widely deposited with delta plain and neritic facies sediments, while the Brunei-Sabah Basin, to the farther east, was ubiquitously characterized by turbiditic sequences. The Crocker Fan successions are overall thick layers of modest-grained sandstones, which formed high-quality reservoirs in the southern South China Sea region.  相似文献   

Abstract-In order to understand the type and extent of marine fouling in offshore areas southeast ofthe Zhujiang (Pearl) River delta, within the period form May 1986 to June 1987, two biologicalbuoys were deployed at water depths of 95 m and 113 m located in 114 km and 160 km off the coast ofHong Kong, respectively. Moreover, the fouling community of a Marex hydrological buoy located in115 m depth water 172 km off Hong Kong was also surveyed. The results show that a total of 78species were collected and identified. The panels exposed for 3 months were mainly dominated bystalked barnacles Conchoderma hunteri and Lepas anatifera and hydroids Orthopyxis sp. As for thebuoys, including the subsurface buoy, and their mooring systems exposed for 6 and 12 months, respec-tively, some hard foulers such as common oysters, pearl oysters, acorn barnacles and bryozoans werealso found. The compositions of fouling communities also varied greatly with depth.  相似文献   

Through the investigation on radioactive activities of water, sediment and some marine organismsin the Zhujiang Estuary, adjacent sea area and the distributary mouths of the Zhujiang River, activities of total α. radioactivity, total β radioactivity, artificial radioactive 90Srand 157Cs, and factors inflencing the distribution and the content of U in seawater are studied.The mainly radioactive pollution substances and their sources in the sea area are studied by γ spectra obtained from sediment in the sea area. The results show that the main radioactivity substances are natural radioactivity U,Th series and 40K. which were produced by the modern industry and transported into the sea through the main current of the Zhujiang River.  相似文献   

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