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We analyze our monitoring data for the water-vapor maser in the source W31(2), associated with a region of vigorous star formation, a cluster of OB stars. The monitoring was performed with the 22-m radio telescope at Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory during 1981–2004. The variability of the H2O maser in W31(2) was found to be cyclic, with a mean period of 1.9 yr. Two flares were most intense (superflares): in 1985–1986 and 1998–1999. In each activity cycle, we observed up to several short flares, subpeaks. The fluxes of many emission features during the flares were correlated. We also observed successive activation of individual emission features in order of increasing or decreasing radial velocity, suggesting an ordered structure and, hence, a radial-velocity gradient of the medium. There is a clear correlation of the emission peaks of the main components in the spectra at radial velocities of ?1.7, ?1.3, 0.5, and 1.3 km s?1 with activity cycles and of the emission at VLSR < ?8 km s?1 with short flares. During the superflares, the emission in the low-velocity part of the H2O spectrum and a number of other phenomena related to coherent maser-emission properties were suppressed. The maser spots are assumed to form a compact structure, to have a common pumping source, and to be associated with an accretion flow onto the cluster of OB stars.  相似文献   

The collisional pumping of H216O and H218O masers in hot dense gas-dust clouds has been simulated numerically. New data on the rate coefficients for collisional transitions from Faure et al. (2007) were used in the calculations. The possibility of detecting H218O emission in 22.2-GHz H216O maser sources is investigated. The medium is shown to become optically thick in the H218O lines for which an inverted level population is observed at H2O column densities of ∼1019–1020 cm−2. A simultaneous observation of H218O emission and H216O maser emission in the same source will allow the physical conditions in the gas-dust cloud to be refined.  相似文献   

We present the results of our observations of the H2O maser emission toward the complex source ON2 associated with an active star-forming region. The observations were performed in a wide range of radial velocities, from ?75 to 90 km s?1. We have detected an emission with flux densities of 9.2, 4, and 26 Jy at radial velocities of ?33.5, ?24.4, and ?18.8 km s?1, respectively, at which no emission has been observed previously. The detected emission is most likely associated with a hitherto unknown cluster of maser spots located between the northern (N) and southern (S) components of the source ON2 (closer to the northern one). This cluster may be associated with one of the three CO molecular outflows in the ON2 region. We have also detected an emission at ?22 and ?14.5 km s?1 in N and at 12.6 km s?1 in S, which has extended significantly the velocity ranges of the maser emission in these sources and allowed their models to be improved.  相似文献   

We suggest a mechanism for the amplification of high-velocity water-vapor maser emission features from the central regions of active galactic nuclei. The model of an emitting accretion disk is considered. The high-velocity emission features originate in the right and left wings of a Keplerian disk. The hyperfine splitting of the signal levels leads to an asymmetry in the spectral profile of the water-vapor maser line at a frequency of 22.235 GHz. We show that the gain profile asymmetry must lead to an enhanced brightness of the blueshifted high-velocity emission features compared to the redshifted ones. Such a situation is observed in the source UGC 3789.  相似文献   

We analyzed the monitoring data for the maser S255 obtained in the H2O line at λ=1.35 cm with the 22-m radio telescope at the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory in 1981–2002. The maser was most active during 1998–2002. Since 2001, the H2O spectra have been extended and complex; their triplet structure has been disrupted. The extent of the spectra was 24 km s?1 (from ?6 to 18 km s?1). We calculated orbital parameters for some of the components. We estimated the mass of the central star to be (6–7)M and the outer Keplerian-disk radius to be ~160 AU.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional numerical model with a size distribution of aerosol particles in Martian atmosphere is developed. The model incorporates detailed microphysics and turbulent transport. Dust particles suspended in the Martian atmosphere play a role of cloud condensation nuclei. Diurnal cycle of condensational processes is obtained on the basis of GCM temperature profiles. An effective radius of ice particles is 1–2 μm near the lower boundary of cloud layer and 0.2–0.3 μm at the altitude of 50–60 km. These results are consistent with solar infrared occultations by SPICAM experiment on Mars-Express. Near-surface fogs may form under specific conditions. The connections of condensational processes and cloud macroscopic parameters on microphysical properties of aerosol particles are main focus of this paper. In particular, the dependence on variations of cloud condensation nuclei contact parameter is analyzed, taking into account new experimental data of adsorption properties of minerals at low temperatures.  相似文献   

This work reports theoretical infrared and electronic absorption spectra of formaldehyde and its ions in gas phase and H2O ice at different levels of theory. The vibrational frequencies from this work at B3LYP/6-311++G** level are in agreement with the experimental determinations. The gas phase dipole moment of neutral formaldehyde 2.4 D is in excellent agreement with the experimental value of 2.33 D. An influence of ice on vibrational frequencies of neutral formaldehyde molecule was obtained using Self Consistence Isodensity Polarizable Continuum Model (SCI-PCM) with dielectric constant 78.5. Significant shift in vibrational frequencies for neutral formaldehyde molecule when studied in H2O ice and upon ionization is observed. All the vibrational modes in cation and anion of formaldehyde in gas phase are red shifted than the corresponding modes in neutral formaldehyde. Two vibrational modes are blue shifted and all other modes are red shifted for neutral formaldehyde in H2O ice. Time dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) is used to study electronic absorption spectrum of neutral formaldehyde and its charged states. It is found that like neutral formaldehyde, its cation and anion also display strong σσ electronic transitions in vacuum and far UV regions. This study should help in detecting formaldehyde molecule and its ions in gas phase and in H2O ice in different astronomical environment.  相似文献   

We present the results of our observations of the maser radio emission source G188.946+0.886 in hydroxyl (OH) molecular lines with the radio telescope of the Nançay Observatory (France) and in the H2O line at λ = 1.35 cm with the RT-22 radio telescope at the Pushchino Observatory (Russia). An emission feature in the 1720-MHz satellite line of the OH ground state has been detected for the first time. The radial velocity of the feature, V LSR = 3.6 km s?1, has a “blue” shift relative to the range of emission velocities in the main 1665- and 1667-MHz OH lines, which is 8–11 km s?1. This suggests a probable connection of the observed feature in the 1720-MHz line with the “blue” wing of the bipolar outflow observed in this region in the CO line. We have estimated the magnetic field strength for three features (0.90 and 0.8 mG for 1665 MHz and 0.25 mG for 1720 MHz) from the Zeeman splitting in the 1665- and 1720-MHz lines. No emission and (or) absorption has been detected in the other 1612-MHz satellite OH line. Three cycles of H2O maser activity have been revealed. The variability is quasi-periodic in pattern. There is a general tendency for the maser activity to decrease. Some clusters of H2O maser spots can form organized structures, for example, chains and other forms.  相似文献   

Interstellar H2O and OH masers associated with massive star-forming regions can be classified into three morphological types: isolated H2O masers; isolated OH masers; and spatially overlapping OH/H2O maser groups. In a large sample of star-forming regions the total number of maser groups of each type is approximately equal. In order to account for these statistics we propose a pumping scheme based on a broadband radiative pump which produces inverted populations of both OH and H2O masers by a process involving predissociation and dissociation of H2O. This scheme overcomes some drawbacks of earlier radiative pumping models, and may account for the association of OH and H2O masers in massive star forming regions.  相似文献   

During the period 1979–1999, we investigated the hyperfine structure of the H2O supermaser region located in the core of the molecular cloud OMC-1 in Orion KL. The angular resolution is 0.1 mas, which corresponds to 0.045 AU. The detected structure, which consists of a central object, an accretion disk, a bipolar outflow, and an envelope, corresponds to the initial formation stage of a low-mass star. The accretion disk is at the stage of separation into groups of concentric rings. The bipolar outflow is a neutral, highly collimated jet of accreted material that includes H2O molecules and dust grains in the icy envelope. The injector is a bright compact source with a size <0.05 AU and a brightness temperature Tb≈1017 K. The velocity of the bipolar outflow is v≈10 km s?1. The rotation velocity of the jet is vrot≈1.5 km s?1. The jet has the shape of a conical helix due to the precession of the rotation axis. Occasionally, dense blobs (comet-shaped bullets) are ejected. The envelope amplifies the radio emission from the structures in a ~0.5 km s?1 maser window band with velocities v≈7.65 km s?1 by more than two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

The processes of the formation and dynamics of tenuous gaseous envelopes of icy moons in giant-planet systems are considered. Tenuous exospheres with relatively dense surface layers are likely to form around more massive icy satellites, such as, for example, the Galilean satellites Europa and Ganymede in the Jovian system. Escaping exospheres are formed in the case of low-mass icy moons, as happens for the icy satellite Enceladus in the Saturnian system. The main parent component of such gaseous envelopes is water vapor, which enters into the atmosphere as a result of thermal degassing processes, nonthermal radiolysis, and other active processes and phenomena on the icy surface of a satellite. A numerical kinetic model has been developed to study on a molecular level the processes of the formation, chemical evolution, and dynamics of tenuous gaseous envelopes dominated mainly by H2O. The ionization processes in such tenuous gaseous envelopes are caused by solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation and solar-wind and/or magnetospheric plasma. The primary processes when ultraviolet solar photons and plasma electrons affect the tenuous gas of the H2O-dominated atmosphere are responsible for the chemical diversity of the gaseous envelopes of icy moons. Ionization chemistry, including ion-molecular reactions, dissociative recombination of molecular ions, and the reactions of the charge exchange with magnetospheric ions, is important for the formation of chemical diversity in gaseous envelopes of icy satellites. The model considered in the study was used to numerically simulate the formation and development of chemical diversity in the tenuous gaseous envelope of Enceladus. The numerical results were compared to the direct Cassini measurements during its close flyby near Enceladus.  相似文献   

Any calibration of the present value of the Hubble constant (H 0) requires recession velocities and distances of galaxies. While the conversion of observed velocities into true recession velocities has only a small effect on the result, the derivation of unbiased distances which rest on a solid zero point and cover a useful range of about 4–30 Mpc is crucial. A list of 279 such galaxy distances within v < 2,000 km s−1 is given which are derived from the tip of the red-giant branch (TRGB), from Cepheids, and/or from supernovae of type Ia (SNe Ia). Their random errors are not more than 0.15 mag as shown by intercomparison. They trace a linear expansion field within narrow margins, supported also by external evidence, from v = 250 to at least 2,000 km s−1. Additional 62 distant SNe Ia confirm the linearity to at least 20,000 km s−1. The dispersion about the Hubble line is dominated by random peculiar velocities, amounting locally to <100 km s−1 but increasing outwards. Due to the linearity of the expansion field the Hubble constant H 0 can be found at any distance >4.5 Mpc. RR Lyr star-calibrated TRGB distances of 78 galaxies above this limit give H 0 = 63.0 ± 1.6 at an effective distance of 6 Mpc. They compensate the effect of peculiar motions by their large number. Support for this result comes from 28 independently calibrated Cepheids that give H 0 = 63.4 ± 1.7 at 15 Mpc. This agrees also with the large-scale value of H 0 = 61.2 ± 0.5 from the distant, Cepheid-calibrated SNe Ia. A mean value of H 0 = 62.3 ± 1.3 is adopted. Because the value depends on two independent zero points of the distance scale its systematic error is estimated to be 6%. Other determinations of H 0 are discussed. They either conform with the quoted value (e.g. line width data of spirals or the D n σ method of E galaxies) or are judged to be inconclusive. Typical errors of H 0 come from the use of a universal, yet unjustified P–L relation of Cepheids, the neglect of selection bias in magnitude-limited samples, or they are inherent to the adopted models.  相似文献   

We have detected new HD absorption systems at high redshifts, z abs = 2.626 and z abs = 1.777, identified in the spectra of the quasars J0812+3208 and Q1331+170, respectively. Each of these systems consists of two subsystems. The HD column densities have been determined: log N HDA = 15.70 ± 0.07 for z A = 2.626443(2) and log N HDB = 12.98 ± 0.22 for z B = 2.626276(2) in the spectrum of J0812+3208 and log N HDC = 14.83 ± 0.15 for z C = 1.77637(2) and log N HDD = 14.61 ± 0.20 for z D = 1.77670(3) in the spectrum of Q1331+170. The measured HD/H2 ratio for three of these subsystems has been found to be considerably higher than its values typical of clouds in our Galaxy.We discuss the problem of determining the primordial deuterium abundance, which is most sensitive to the baryon density of the Universe Ωb. Using a well-known model for the chemistry of a molecular cloud, we have estimated the isotopic ratio D/H=HD/2H2 = (2.97 ± 0.55) × 10−5 and the corresponding baryon density Ωb h 2 = 0.0205−0.0020+0.0025. This value is in good agreement with Ωb h 2 = 0.0226−0.00060.0006 obtained by analyzing the cosmic microwave background radiation anisotropy. However, in high-redshift clouds, under conditions of low metallicity and low dust content, hydrogen may be incompletely molecularized even in the case of self-shielding. In this situation, the HD/2H2 ratio may not correspond to the actual D/H isotopic ratio. We have estimated the cloud molecularization dynamics and the influence of cosmological evolutionary effects on it.  相似文献   

Gaseous Electron Multiplier detectors, or GEMs, show promise for use on space-based X-ray missions. Operating pressure strongly affects the gain of the detector and must be optimized for best performance. We have measured the gain characteristics of a GEM detector at various pressures below atmosphere using a mixture of Ar:CO2 with the goal of maximizing gain to push GEM capabilities to the lowest energies possible. This paper discusses our tests, results, and their implications for choosing a detector pressure. We found that at any operating pressure the detector voltage can be adjusted to achieve roughly the same maximum gain prior to the onset of electrical discharges. We also find that the gain varies substantially by spatial location across the detector, but this variation is insensitive to changes in pressure allowing it to be calibrated and corrected if necessary. The detector pressure can therefore be optimized in the interest of other performance parameters such as leak rate, window stress, power requirements, or quantum efficiency without concern for negatively affecting the gain. These results can inform the choice of operating pressure and voltage for GEMs used onboard future space missions.  相似文献   

Special Astrophysical Observatory, USSR Academy of Sciences; Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 121–127, January–February, 1989.  相似文献   

We present dark energy models in an anisotropic Bianchi type-VI0 (B-VI0) space-time with a variable equation of state (EoS). The EoS for dark energy ω is found to be time dependent and its existing range for derived models is in good agreement with the recent observations of SNe Ia data (Knop et al. in Astrophys. J. 598:102 2003), SNe Ia data with CMBR anisotropy and galaxy clustering statistics (Tegmark et al. in Astrophys. J. 606:702, 2004b) and latest a combination of cosmological datasets coming from CMB anisotropies, luminosity distances of high redshift type Ia supernovae and galaxy clustering (Hinshaw et al. in Astrophys. J. Suppl. 180:225, 2009; Komatsu et al. in Astrophys. J. Suppl. 180:330, 2009). The cosmological constant Λ is found to be a positive decreasing function of time and it approaches a small positive value at late time (i.e. the present epoch) which is corroborated by results from recent supernovae Ia observations. The physical and geometric aspects of the models are also discussed in detail.  相似文献   

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