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The paper demonstrates the application of a hypoplastic model in class A predictions of a NATM tunnel in an urban environment. The tunnel, excavated in a stiff clay, is 14 m wide with 6 m to 21 m of overburden thickness. The constitutive model was calibrated using laboratory data (oedometric and triaxial tests) and the parameters were optimised using monitoring data from an exploratory drift. Based on the optimised data set, the future tunnel was simulated. After the tunnel excavation, it could be concluded that the model predicted correctly surface settlements, surface horizontal displacements, and the distribution of vertical displacements with depth. It overpredicted horizontal displacements in the vicinity of the tunnel. 相似文献
上海市陆域东部滨海平原区埋深三、五十米以上及西部湖沼平原区埋深二十多米以上分布有数层“硬土”,现在可以确定,均属于晚更新世晚期的陆相沉积。 相似文献
SummaryGround Disturbance Associated with Shield Tunnelling, in Overconsolidated Stiff Clay The present paper attempts to describe the ground disturbance which occurs during a shield tunnelling, in an overconsolidated stiff clay. In particular, an effort has been made to find the possible main factors, which might affect the form and the magnitude of the detected ground movements.However, a correlation between the former factors and the actual performance of the clay was attempted, when it seemed possible and realizable. This was due to the fact that the overall process of tunnelling where the ground disturbance propagates in space, evolving in time is of some complexity like any multiparameter problem.Finally, by using the elasto-plastic approach, a simple analysis has been carriedout, on which the stress regime has been evaluated and properly connected with the tunnel advance.Ground deformations, predicted on that basis, were compared to the in-situ measurements making it easy to check the adopted concept.With 20 Figures 相似文献
A case study of a landslide in heavily overconsolidated clay shale is analyzed to determine shear strength by back analysis. The landslide apparently started during deglaciation about 11,000 years B.P. and is still active. The infilling North Saskatchewan River alluvium has altered the configuration of the shear zone of the landslide. The implications of errors in field data on the results were examined. The analysis was most sensitive to modelling the toe configuration and piezometric conditions. The effective angle of shearing resistance was estimated at 8.7 degrees assuming zero cohesion. 相似文献
Attewell, P.B. and Farmer, I.W., 1974. Ground disturbance caused by shield tunnelling in a stiff, overconsolidated clay. Eng. Geol., 8: 361–381. Some of the factors affecting ground deformation around shield tunnelling excavations in stiff clays are considered. There is particular reference throughout the paper to an analysis and interpretation of measured ground deformation around a 4.146-m diameter, hand-excavated, shield-driven tunnel at a nominal axis depth of 29.3 m in the overconsolidated London Clay. The maximum surface settlement was found, by precise levelling, to be 6.1 mm but the shape of the transverse surface settlement profile conformed to a normal probability curve only up to the time of shield passage. Of the contributory ground losses at the tunnel, yield of the clay at the tunnel face appears to dominate to the extent of generating up to 50% of the eventual surface settlement. Measurement evidence suggests a rate of yield at the face that is 2 to 3 times the radial yield over the shield and implies that up to about one-fifth of the surface settlement could be attributed to radial yield into the grouted sections of the erected tunnel lining. 相似文献
The study proposes a weathering model of Pliocene–Pleistocene stiff and jointed blue-grey clay transforming into yellow clay. Physical, mineralogical, chemical and textural changes, as well as the weathering profile were investigated in a quarry of central Italy. Based on geological records and inferences, these changes are likely to have occurred within a time-span of about 50,000 years BP, upon overburden stress unloading and in a stress regime that is locally controlled by suction. Weathering propagated into the clay at a rate of about 0.3 mm/year and was enhanced by the enlargement of the pre-existing tectonic discontinuities and by the formation of new joints. A mass loss of about 22–25 wt.% was calculated. Considering Fe and P as immobile elements, the individual oxides contribute to mass loss in the following order: SiO 2 > CaO = CO 2 > Al 2O 3 > MgO > K 2O > S > Na 2O > TiO 2 > MnO. The Fe 2O 3 / (Fe 2O 3 + FeO) ratio varies from 9–29% in the blue-grey clay to 75–82% in the yellow one. Oxidation and/or dissolution of 7 Å-Fe 2+-bearing clay minerals, mica-like minerals and calcite and parallel increase of smectite and Fe-hydroxides play a critical role in the chemical changes and explain the higher plasticity of the yellow clay with respect to the blue-grey one. The role of water during the weathering process was inferred to occur in cyclical steps: 1) seepage of meteoric water; 2) dissemination of highly oxidizing meteoric water; 3) triggering of oxidation and dissolution of minerals; 4) water evaporation; 5) partial migration of the elements contained in the aqueous solution and consequent deposition of minerals in the joints. 相似文献
韶关地区某土坡土质吸水性强,暴雨后土的强度参数明显降低,导致大面积滑坡,滑动土体受到严重扰动。采用一般的卸载抗滑支护方法无法达到理想的治理效果。在滑坡抗滑段采用两排或多排钢花管钻孔桩进行压力注浆,桩周围的土体被加固,形成一个坚固的连续整体,起抗滑挡墙作用。同时结合特殊的坡面卸载和排水措施,恢复了滑坡的稳定状态。 相似文献
Three-dimensional (3D) finite element analyses have been performed to study the behaviour of a single pile and 3 × 3 and 5 × 5 pile groups during open face tunnelling in stiff clay. Several governing factors, such as tunnelling-induced ground and pile settlement, axial pile force changes and shear transfer mechanism at the pile–soil interface, have been studied in detail. Tunnelling resulted in the development of pile head settlement larger than the free-field soil surface settlement. In addition, axial force distributions along the pile change substantially due to changes in the shear transfer between the pile and the soil next to the pile, which triggers tunnelling-induced tensile forces in the piles with tunnel advancement. It was found that the relative displacements and the normal stresses at the pile–soil interface drastically affected shear transfer. The extent of slip length along a pile increased as the tunnelling proceeded. The apparent allowable pile capacity was reduced by up to approximately 42% due to the development of tunnelling-induced pile head settlement. Shear stress on the pile was increased for most of the pile depth with tunnel advancement, which was associated with changes in soil stresses and ground deformation, and hence, the axial pile force was gradually reduced with tunnel advancement, indicating the development of tunnelling-induced tensile pile force. The maximum tunnelling-induced tensile force on the pile was approximately 0.33 Pa, where Pa is the allowable pile capacity applied to the pile head prior to tunnel excavation. The range affected by tunnelling in the longitudinal direction may be identified as approximately −2 D ∼ +(1.5–2.0 D), where D is the tunnel diameter, from the pile centre (behind and ahead of the pile axis), in terms of pile settlement and axial pile force changes based on the analysis conditions assumed in the current study. Larger pile head settlements and smaller changes in axial pile forces were computed for piles that were part of groups. It has been found that the serviceability of piles experiencing adjacent tunnelling is more affected by pile settlement than by axial pile force changes, in particular for piles inside groups. The magnitude of the tunnelling-induced excess pore pressure was small and may not substantially affect pile behaviour. 相似文献
简述了某软土基坑复合土钉支护结构失稳过程,分析失稳原因,介绍工程治理措施.文中还对软土基坑与残积土基坑破坏机理进行探讨,提出了软土基坑按地层可分为双层软土基坑、三层软土基坑.三层软土基坑比双层软土基坑采用复合土钉支护结构能较优控制变形和提高稳定性.可供工程技术人员参考. 相似文献
采用空心圆柱扭剪仪对主应力轴方向固定不变定向不排水剪切应力路径下杭州原状软黏土破坏标准进行试验研究,重点探讨了中主应力参数b、大主应力方向角?及孔压积累对剪切过程中黏土抗剪强度的影响,并提出原状软黏土剪切破坏的标准。试验结果表明,中主应力参数的变化没有对应力应变变化模式和试验应力路径产生影响,随着中主应力参数的增大,黏土抗剪强度的变化并没有呈现出一定的规律性;大主应力方向角对原状软黏土强度的影响反映出原生各向异性对黏土抗剪强度的控制作用;黏土样在剪切后期会产生显著的孔压积累,影响了黏土强度的发挥。考虑中主应力参数等影响因素,通过分析广义剪应力-应变曲线的变化情况,取广义剪应力qJ的峰值作为原状软黏土的剪切破坏标准。 相似文献
The Hungtsaiping landslide was triggered by the Chi-Chi earthquake (Mw?=?7.6), which occurred on September 20, 1999 near the town of Chi-Chi in Nantou County in central Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between geochemical characteristics and the landslide in the Hungtsaiping area. Water samples were collected from springs, creeks, ponds, groundwater and the Yonglu stream once every month from May 2008 to May 2009. Oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes, ionic concentrations, electrical conductivities, and pH values were analyzed. The results show that the ionic concentrations display a significant spatial variation. For instance, calcium and magnesium bicarbonate-rich water was found on the top and the middle part of the slope. In addition, sodium bicarbonate-rich water with exceptionally high sulfate concentration was found on the foot of the slope. The sulfate content decreased with increasing elevation along the slope. Finally, a conceptual model was established by summarizing the hydrogeochemical analyses. After a scientific understanding of the mechanism of the Hungtsaiping landslide, all of the analytical information can be integrated for hazard prevention in the future. 相似文献
Summary The modified borehole jacking method, as introduced by De La Cruz in 1978, has important theoretical advantages over the common method which is associated with the name Goodman. So far, however, the modified method has not succeeded, mainly due to a lack of suitable instrumentation. To overcome this problem, a new type of modified borehole jack has been designed, built and tested. The new jack incorporates two highly innovative components: a recoverable sensor for measuring tangential strain at borehole surfaces and stacked hydraulic cylinders for extra-high load outputs.The new jack has been developed to the point at which its technical feasibility under field conditions, including its capability of yielding meaningful results, is demonstrated. Calibration in a hollow steel cylinder revealed that the new modified jack yields the correct Young's modulus within an error margin of less than ±5%. In-situ jacking tests were carried out at a major dam construction site. Results were obtained from both common and modified borehole jacking and from conventional laboratory testing of drill cores. The results of these tests are presented and discussed against the background of the particular rock conditions at the site. 相似文献
青藏高原复杂的地质构造背景,导致该区地震频发,加之该区异常的气候变化,大型乃至巨型地质灾害发育多,危害大。在遥感解译、野外地质调查、物探、槽探和地质测年资料分析的基础上,论述了乱石包滑坡的发育特征,并对其形成机理进行分析探讨。认为乱石包高速远程滑坡具有如下特征:1乱石包滑坡的滑动方向垂直于理塘-德巫断裂的北西段,乱石包滑坡顶部接近于现代雪线;2乱石包滑坡最大滑行距离达3.83km,滑坡后壁与前缘堆积区的高差约820m,滑体方量0.64×108~0.94×108m3,平均滑动速度约53.25m/s;3测年资料表明,乱石包滑坡形成1980±30a BP左右;4组成滑坡体的岩性主要为花岗岩,在长期构造活动和冷冻风化作用下,节理裂隙发育,呈碎裂岩体。分析表明,乱石包滑坡受断裂构造、地形地貌和古气候变化影响较大,形成机理复杂:1理塘-德巫断裂全新世以来活动强烈,具有强震地质背景,由该断裂活动形成的强震可能是乱石包滑坡形成的主要因素之一,在地震作用下,坡顶部地震波放大,垂直加速度大于水平加速度,岩体发生震胀和抛掷,从而形成高速远程滑动;2距今1800~2000a BP左右时,青藏高原地区的温度变化较大,该时期发生的大规模冰川活动可能是乱石包滑坡发生的主要因素之一;3地震、气候变化的组合也是引起乱石包滑坡发生的成因之一,并形成一个完整的地质灾害链:地震→雪崩→岩崩→高速碎屑流。 相似文献
On 15 May 1991, a landslide occurred at Gacharage Village in the Murang'a District of Kenya; it buried a house near the toe of a cliff, killing all eight residents in their sleep. The principal determining factors of the slide were a high, mechanically unstable slope of deeply weathered volcanic soil and a high sorption capacity of the surface soil layer. The slide was triggered by rapid saturation of the soil following a heavy downpour. Based on field investigations and laboratory studies, this paper discusses the physical properties and environmental factors that affected slope stability at Murang'a. It also points out the economic and social impact of landslides in the region and suggests remedial measures. 相似文献
To manage the hazard associated with shallow landslides, decision makers need an understanding of where and when landslides may occur. A variety of approaches have been used to estimate the hazard from shallow, rainfall-triggered landslides, such as empirical rainfall threshold methods or probabilistic methods based on historical records. The wide availability of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and digital topographic data has led to the development of analytic methods for landslide hazard estimation that couple steady-state hydrological models with slope stability calculations. Because these methods typically neglect the transient effects of infiltration on slope stability, results cannot be linked with historical or forecasted rainfall sequences. Estimates of the frequency of conditions likely to cause landslides are critical for quantitative risk and hazard assessments. We present results to demonstrate how a transient infiltration model coupled with an infinite slope stability calculation may be used to assess shallow landslide frequency in the City of Seattle, Washington, USA. A module called CRF (Critical RainFall) for estimating deterministic rainfall thresholds has been integrated in the TRIGRS (Transient Rainfall Infiltration and Grid-based Slope-Stability) model that combines a transient, one-dimensional analytic solution for pore-pressure response to rainfall infiltration with an infinite slope stability calculation. Input data for the extended model include topographic slope, colluvial thickness, initial water-table depth, material properties, and rainfall durations. This approach is combined with a statistical treatment of rainfall using a GEV (General Extreme Value) probabilistic distribution to produce maps showing the shallow landslide recurrence induced, on a spatially distributed basis, as a function of rainfall duration and hillslope characteristics. 相似文献
由于结构的复杂性,含碎石粉质粘土的工程性质很难由常规土力学试验准确确定。论文以川东淀粉厂滑坡为例,通过现场试验、室内试验和工程类比,研究了含碎石粉质粘土的抗剪强度等指标的确定方法,探讨了含碎石粉质粘土滑坡的形成机制、控制因素和地质模型,应用极限平衡理论方法分析了在现状、暴雨和三峡水库蓄水后水位动态变化等环境条件下的滑坡稳定性。 相似文献