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Shifts in resource availability and resulting land use changes are important research themes for coupled human and natural systems and human dimensions of global environmental change. This study examines the relationship between groundwater depletion and agricultural land use change within a single county in the High Plains, where agro-economic systems and populations are dependent on access to reliable groundwater supplies. Results indicate a significant relationship between high proportionate decreases in groundwater and land being removed from irrigation. This case study strengthens the links among local, regional, and global environmental change, and contributes to a greater understanding of the High Plains in the context of regional sustainability and vulnerability concerns. 相似文献
土地利用可持续性的度量-一种显示过程的综合方法 总被引:41,自引:3,他引:41
土地利用可持续性的度量指标应该具有时间序列性、空间敏感性、客观性和综合性,能显示趋势性和可预测性,有参照值或阈值,能表达逆转性和可控性,能正确地进行数据转化,能方便地采集和使用数据。迄今所见的指标体系,在方法上皆可归纳为枚举法和综合法。枚举法的困难是:指标体系很难穷尽所有的影响因素,又不能准确判断每一因素的影响程度,也难以有完备的数据序列。综合法避免了枚举法的困难,但目前还没有完整的时间序列,因而只能评价现状而不是过程。本文提出一种针对变化过程进行评价的指标体系,采用系统综合指标,即生产力、稳定性、恢复力、公平性、自立性、协调性,来定量地评价土地利用的可持续性,并应用于山东省莱西市案例研究。 相似文献
基于主成分分析法的湖南省农用地集约利用评价 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用主成分分析方法,从市(州)层面对湖南省农用地集约利用进行定量综合评价,并依据评价结果进行聚类分析。结果表明:2008年,湖南省农用地可划分为集约利用、中度集约利用、低度集约利用三等,归并为6类;环洞庭湖地区及湘江流域的岳阳、常德、益阳、长沙、湘潭、衡阳、永州7市农用地处于集约利用状态,其中,长沙、湘潭归并为一类,岳阳、益阳、衡阳归并为一类,常德、永州归并为一类;湘中娄邵盆地的娄底、邵阳和湘东的株洲3市农用地处于中度集约利用状态,归并为一类;湘西的怀化、湘西州、张家界和湘南的郴州4市(州)农用地处于低度集约利用状态,其中,郴州、怀化归并为一类,张家界、湘西州归并为一类。研究结果符合区域农用地利用实际,对湖南省农用地集约高效利用具有一定的指导意义。 相似文献
Ikuho Yamada Barbara B. Brown Ken R. Smith Cathleen D. Zick Lori Kowaleski-Jones Jessie X. Fan 《The Professional geographer》2013,65(2):157-177
Obesity is a growing epidemic in the United States. Walkable neighborhoods, characterized as having the three Ds of walkability (population Density, land use Diversity, and pedestrian-friendly Design), have been identified as a potentially promising factor to prevent obesity for residents. Past studies examining the relationship between obesity and walkability vary in geographic scales of neighborhood definitions and methods of measuring the three Ds. To better understand potential influences of these sometimes arbitrary choices, we test how four types of alternative measures of land use diversity measured at three geographic scales relate to body mass index for 4,960 Salt Lake County adults. Generalized estimation equation models demonstrate that optimal diversity measures differed by gender and geographic scale and that integrating walkability measures at different scales improved the overall performance of models. 相似文献
Nuclear power plant siting provided the first significant public opportunity to examine nuclear safety and to affect nuclear policy. These discussions were prompted and fueled by perceptions of nuclear risk. Now, as we begin the process of nuclear decommissioning, we are finding that power plant removal—unsiting–is also likely to attract public interest. This paper presents a preliminary survey of how we are likely to react to this emerging theme, applying these findings within a land use context to see if it is likely to produce issues salient to the public. In so doing it also examines how these issues could affect decommissioning timing and type. It suggests that the most likely prospect is that power plants will remain on the landscape long after they are closed. 相似文献
《The Professional geographer》2013,65(1):74-83
Conventional agricultural land-use theory overlooks labor location and its effects on land use. This paper argues that in labor-intensive commercial agriculture where labor concentrates in large labor centers (villages), the distance from the labor center is more important than the distance from market in determining land use and land rent and is important at both the microscale and larger scales. Both qualitative observations and quantitative field level land-use research in Jilin, China, support this approach. A new model is developed to incorporate labor location into the conventional land-use model. It regards agriculture as an industry using localized gross inputs. 相似文献
Lee Liu 《The Professional geographer》2000,52(1):74-83
Conventional agricultural land‐use theory overlooks labor location and its effects on land use. This paper argues that in labor‐intensive commercial agriculture where labor concentrates in large labor centers (villages), the distance from the labor center is more important than the distance from market in determining land use and land rent and is important at both the microscale and larger scales. Both qualitative observations and quantitative field level land‐use research in Jilin, China, support this approach. A new model is developed to incorporate labor location into the conventional land‐use model. It regards agriculture as an industry using localized gross inputs. 相似文献
Land use information over large areas is increasingly important for many studies related to environment in general and global change in particular. Yet there is a dearth of methodological knowledge in this area, especially regarding the practical task of producing land use maps. In this article, a systematic land use mapping approach is developed, based on land cover maps that in turn are produced through remote sensing. The concept is based on the recognition of varying strengths of land cover (LC) – land use (LU) relationships, from the thematic and spatial points of view. Several categories of relationships are identified, ranging from direct (case 1) to multiple/complex (case 4), and appropriate mapping strategies are discussed for these cases. Using a mapping study in Lebanon, it is shown that the principles embodied in this approach correspond to issues and conditions in real mapping situations. Finally, the concepts are translated into a series of steps through which the method can be applied to large areas, taking into consideration the specific requirements and constraints of each case. The final land use map represents an acceptable compromise between accuracy, level of detail, and cost. 相似文献
在剖析地域性认同双重内涵及其与土地利用关系的基础上,结合SoftGIS技术,研究构建土地利用地域性认同测度方法,并以荷兰为例进行实证分析。数据分析显示,传统GIS数据可与土地利用认知数据相融合,基于核密度修正法构建的土地利用地域性认同指数可测度地域性认同的空间差异,应用于土地利用评价或规划决策。结论表明,测度平台在问卷设计和调查空间尺度上具有灵活性,数据收集快捷,通过平台的高清卫星地图定位,调查对象可反馈空间准确、情景真实的土地利用地域性认同信息。 相似文献
基于农用地分等成果的耕地需求量预测研究 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
耕地是保障粮食供给的关键,因此合理确定耕地数量是耕地资源管理的客观需求。引入耕地质量指标,提出基于农用地分等成果的耕地需求量预测方法,通过标准地块,从数量、质量两方面确定耕地需求量,从而提高预测成果的科学性和准确性,并应用于山东淄川区,取得了较好的效果。 相似文献
以北京市昌平区为例,将农村土地经营权流转分为流转发生及流转后土地非农化发生等两个变化过程。分别采用传统Logistic和Autologistic回归模型分析了流转发生前、后区域土地利用方式对土地流转景观过程的影响。结果显示,城镇用地是推动土地流转发生最为重要的利用方式,但同时城镇用地也加速了流转后的土地由农业利用向非农利用的转变;在尺度上,区域土地利用方式对土地流转发生的影响主要体现在1-5 km的中尺度上,对流转土地非农化发生的影响则体现在0-1 km的小尺度上;相比较传统的Logistic模型,考虑了空间自相关效应的Autologistic模型具有更高的解释精度,因此在对土地流转进行驱动力分析时不能忽视空间自相关的影响。 相似文献
Heejun Chang 《The Professional geographer》2004,56(2):240-257
This study investigates potential changes in nitrogen and phosphorus loads under a warmer and wetter climate, urban growth, and combined changes in the Conestoga River Basin and its five subbasins in southeastern Pennsylvania. A GIS‐based hydrochemical model was employed for assessing the sensitivity of the basins to the projected changes in 2030. Under the HadCM2 climate change scenario, mean annual nitrogen and phosphorus loads are expected to increase, with great increases in spring but slight decreases in fall primarily because of changes in monthly precipitation. When climate change and urbanization occur concurrently, mean annual nitrogen loads further increase by 50% in the most urbanizing subbasin. Point source nitrogen control could mitigate negative effects of climate and land use changes, reducing mean annual nitrogen loads to the contemporary baseline level. 相似文献
1980年以来中国耕地利用集约度的结构特征 总被引:32,自引:4,他引:32
基于中国农产品成本收益资料与中国农业统计年鉴等基础数据,在对耕地利用集约度进行内部结构划分的基础上,系统分析了1980-2006年间中国粮食作物劳动集约度和资本集约度及其构成的时空变化规律.结果表明:国家尺度上的劳动集约度由1980年的398.5日/hm2快速降低到2006年的130.25日/hm2,下降幅度达67.37%,下降的阶段性明显.资本集约度总量不断上升,其中种子、化肥和农药等增产性资本投入比重逐渐减小,在四大资本投入类型中所占比重由90.36%(1980年)下降到73.44%(2006年),相反,作为省工性投入的机械,所占比重由9.64%(1980年)迅速增加到26.56%(2006年),资本投入的内部结构变化逐渐成为影响中国粮食单产的重要因素.区域尺度上,经济发达地区劳动投人相对较少,资本投入,尤其是省工性资本投入比重较大,农户在耕地利用中更加注重追求劳动生产率:而经济相对落后地区劳动集约度较高,资本集约度较低,资本投入中仍以增产性投入为主,体现了当地农民在耕地利用中追求土地生产率最大化的经营目标. 相似文献
城市土地利用综合效益评价与案例研究 总被引:54,自引:5,他引:54
土地利用效益是衡量土地利用水平的一项重要指标,从社会效益、经济效益和生态效益三个方面着手,建立城市土地利用效益评价指标体系,利用改进熵值法来确定各指标权重,构建土地利用效益的协调度评价模型,以量化方式评价全国14个大城市的土地利用综合效益的变化趋势,评价的结果与现实情况吻合,表明协调度函数模型可操作性强,可信度高,不失为一种评价城市土地利用效益较好的方法。 相似文献
The number of GIAHS sites is increasing these days and will continue to do so gradually in East Asian countries including Korea, China and Japan. As a result, conservation of heritage sites is more and more important, especially in Korea. Dealing with issues surrounding land use conflicts are important for conservation of heritages in order to harmonize between conservation and development to prevent reckless development. This study aims to identify measures for land use management and control to allow for sustainable development around agricultural heritage system sites. The results point to the importance of public-private partnerships and local ordinance systems or comprehensive planning of land use controls for agricultural heritage system sites. 相似文献