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机载微波辐射计测云中液态含水量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文中介绍了 2 0 0 1~ 2 0 0 2年 4~ 7月吉林省人工增雨期间 ,在中国首次进行的机载对空微波辐射计外场飞行观测试验。观测结果表明 ,仪器可以灵敏地探测出层状云中垂直路径积分云液态水和过冷水含量及其变化 ,揭示了在层状云中嵌入的对流区中有丰富的垂直积分过冷水含量 ,量级可达 10 3 g/m2 。与地面雷达PPI回波强度呈正相关。本文还根据飞机上升 (或下降 )过程的探测数据 ,给出了水平均匀的层状云液态含水量的垂直廓线的实例 ,并进一步讨论了这种方法的应用前景。  相似文献   

为了发展云雷达与微波辐射计联合反演液态水含量的方法, 利用2019年4—9月中国气象科学研究院在广东龙门开展的综合观测试验中的双波段云雷达和微波辐射计数据, 首先检验了在降水条件下微波辐射计天顶观测和斜路径观测两种探测模式反演温度(T)、相对湿度(RH)、液态水含量(LWC)和液态水路径(LWP)的合理性, 然后分析了两种探测设备反演LWC和LWP的差别。得到以下结论: (1)微波辐射计在斜路径观测模式下反演的产品受降水影响较小, 其反演结果明显优于天顶观测模式; (2)两种探测设备反演的LWP相关性较好且随时间变化较为一致, 但云雷达反演LWP与平均回波强度有明显相关, 随着雷达回波强度的增大, 云雷达与微波辐射计反演的LWP之比越大; (3)两种探测设备反演的LWC相关性较差且存在明显偏差, 在不考虑融化层的情况下单波段云雷达反演LWC与微波辐射计随高度变化趋势相近, 双波段云雷达反演LWC与微波辐射计反演结果在1 km及其以上区间存在明显差异。   相似文献   

利用地基双通道微波辐射计遥感青藏高原大气云水特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
利用1997年春季西宁市地基双通道(22.235和35.3GHz)微波辐射计观测的资料,分析了不同月份、不同天气条件下的大气总含水量(V)和云中液态水积分含量(L)的分布规律。结果表明,在相同天气条件下,L值3-5月均呈逐渐递增的趋势,增加幅度一般为20%-40%,V值变化幅度很小;春季高原L值大约只有V的1%。与河北省的资料进行对比后发现,L值基本相当,而V值高原只有平原地区的30%-50%。  相似文献   

微波辐射计探测降雨前水汽和云液水   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
1997年8~11月在陕西西安使用双通道地基微波辐射计对降水云系进行探测,除得到云中水汽含量(Q)和垂直路径积分云液水含量(L)的一般统计特征量外,还发现在降雨开始前,Q和L的数值均有跃增现象。提出在降水云系前方(周围)存在丰水区的假设,这里可能是云滴向雨滴转化的孕育区、人工增雨最佳作业区。  相似文献   

Deviation exists between measured and simulated microwave radiometer sounding data. The bias results in low-accuracy atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles simulated by Back Propagation artificial neural network models. This paper evaluated a retrieving atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles method by adopting an input data adjustment-based Back Propagation artificial neural networks model. First, the sounding data acquired at a Nanjing meteorological site in June 2014 are inputted into the MonoRTM Radiative transfer model to simulate atmospheric downwelling radiance at the 22 spectral channels from 22.234GHz to 58.8GHz, and we performed a comparison and analysis of the real observed data; an adjustment model for the measured microwave radiometer sounding data was built. Second, we simulated the sounding data of the 22 channels using the sounding data acquired at the site from 2011 to 2013. Based on the simulated rightness temperature data and the sounding data, BP neural network-based models were trained for the retrieval of atmospheric temperature, water vapor density and relative humidity profiles. Finally, we applied the adjustment model to the microwave radiometer sounding data collected in July 2014, generating the corrected data. After that, we inputted the corrected data into the BP neural network regression model to predict the atmospheric temperature, vapor density and relative humidity profile at 58 high levels from 0 to 10 km. We evaluated our model’s effect by comparing its output with the real measured data and the microwave radiometer’s own second-level product. The experiments showed that the inversion model improves atmospheric temperature and humidity profile retrieval accuracy; the atmospheric temperature RMS error is between 1K and 2.0K; the water vapor density’s RMS error is between 0.2 g/m3 and 1.93g/m3; and the relative humidity’s RMS error is between 2.5% and 18.6%.  相似文献   

为了深入研究雷电产生的微波热辐射特征,从2016年初夏开始利用地基微波辐射计在中国气象局雷电野外科学实验基地开展了连续4年的观测实验,根据雷电热效应的特征,制定了观测方案,并为地基微波辐射计设置了“引雷观测模式”。结果表明,地基微波辐射计具有对雷电热效应产生响应的能力。2017—2019年,辐射计一共成功捕获了30次人工触发闪电,观测效率逐年增长,平均为71.4 %;微波亮温脉冲幅度的最大值约125 K。结合其中28次触发事件的雷电流数据,分析了亮温脉冲幅度和雷电流积分量之间的相关性,并发现了最大亮温脉冲幅度与总电流作用积分之间可能存在指数关系。根据亮温观测数据估算了雷电热效应的持续时间,平均约0.5 s,其中25次触发事件的雷电流热效应持续时间与雷电流持续时间变化较为一致,相关系数约0.73。  相似文献   

大气遥感是1960年代以来发展最为迅速的学科分支之一,也是大气科学发展的关键技术支柱之一;其中,被动式微波遥感具有体积及功耗小,能进行全天候连续观测等优点,为获取大气、海洋、陆面等多领域观测信号提供了直接和有利手段。由于水汽、液态水是影响天气气候变化的重要要素,对其的探测技术在当前气象业务中显得尤为重要。简单回顾了被动式微波遥感的主要进展,重点介绍微波辐射计对水汽、云液态水、降水等物理量进行反演时所采用的统计方法、物理方法、物理统计方法等方法研究方面的国内外进展,并对微波辐射计的未来发展前景作了简单介绍。  相似文献   

分别基于微波辐射计温湿度廓线资料的气块法、位温法和比湿法,地面气象资料的罗氏法及气溶胶激光雷达数据的梯度法,计算得出广州地区大气边界层高度,对比分析5种边界层高度结果及其与气象条件、空气质量之间的关系,结合典型大气污染过程分析边界层高度对PM2.5、O3浓度的影响。结果显示:(1)利用位温法、气块法、罗氏法、比湿法和梯度法计算得出广州地区平均边界层高度分别为2 207 m、1 239 m、901 m、717 m和660 m,位温法显著高估了广州地区的边界层高度;(2)利用气块法得出的混合层高度日变化能够较好地表征白天大气边界层演变特征,利用气块法和比湿法得出的白天混合层高度与近地面O3浓度有显著的正相关关系,相关系数在0.5以上,在O3污染防治中,应同时考虑边界层内垂直输送的影响;(3)利用梯度法得出的边界层高度在污染天气时与PM2.5浓度的相关性较好,能较好地表现出大气污染情况,在PM2.5污染天气过程分析中具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

对准实时地基GPS可降水量的解算方案与可靠性的探讨,围绕三个方面展开:准实时GPS对流层延迟解算的最佳方案的确定;GPS可降水量与无线电探空资料的比较;GPS可降水量与水汽辐射计数据的比较。为了实时应用于气象领域,准实时对流层延迟的最佳方案为快速预报星历松弛解。在快速预报星历松弛解GPS可降水量与无线电探空数据的比较中,两者的相关性为0.88,绝对值均值为5.4 mm。GPS可降水量与水汽辐射计资料比较得到两者差值的均方根为1.68 mm。最后得到了最佳的准实时地基GPS可降水量的解算方案和在气象领域可降水量的反演的可行性的结论。  相似文献   

遥感反演水汽总量和云不总量的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
贺宏兵  杜晓勇 《气象科学》2000,20(2):194-199
本文从地基微波遥感方程出发,建立了双频地基微波辐射计遥感反演水汽总量和云水总量的方程,并用探空资料对反演方程的精度进行了检验.  相似文献   

A retrieval method of microwave(MW)space-borne remote sensing of cloud liquid watercontent by the combined radar-radiometer is suggested.A three-layer cloud model is chosen torepresent the typical stratified precipitating cloud.The retrieval method mainly follows ourpreviously suggested scheme with some modifications.Numerical comparative study shows that inspace-borne remote sensing of cloud liquid water content by the combined method is much betterthan by radar only;Also the retrieval accuracy of cloud liquid water content may be improvedwhen using the three-layer cloud model in the combined method.  相似文献   

利用常规观测、加密自动气象站、三维闪电定位仪、天气雷达和地基微波辐射计资料等,对湖北冷季(2014年11月)发生的3次高架雷暴过程进行了分析。(1)3次过程发生在地面冷锋后部地面冷气团中,主要以短时强降水和频繁的雷电活动为主,是典型的冷季"高架雷暴",对流区位于地面冷锋后部500 km左右。(2)地面到925 hPa的冷垫,迫使暖湿气流爬升,在925 hPa逆温层附近触发对流,冷垫之上西南暖湿气流越强,对流越旺盛,雷达径向速度剖面可以明显看到1 km之下的冷垫。(3)冷季高架雷暴雷电活动剧烈,CG(地闪)占总闪比例60%以上,而+CG则占CG的40%左右,闪电频次和降水有很好的时空对应关系,CG出现在较强降水中心附近及周围,IC和CG突增对降水均有一定的时间提前量。CG更靠近强回波中心,且和≥30 dBZ的回波位置对应较好,IC则分布在雷暴单体外侧回波强度≥15 dBZ的区域。0Ⅱ等温线以上的(最大)回波强度达到43 dBZ以上或者18 dBZ回波顶高超过7.5 km是湖北冷季高架雷暴是否发生雷电的重要预警因子。(4)地基微波辐射计温度、湿度廓线和探空曲线基本吻合,可以看到明显的冷垫、...  相似文献   

微波遥感大气湿度层结的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据大气噪音谱,用接收1.35cm微波噪音,遥感大气湿度层结。研制了1.35cm微波辐射计(v=22.235 Gc)。用迭代法反演大气湿度层结,在野外实验中与无线电探空仪对比,比湿相差的百分比,均方根偏差在700 mb以下<20%,650 mb以下<29%;大气中水汽总含量的测量,两者相差为3%。为了遥感雨中含水量,研制3cm微波辐射计(v=9.37 Gc)。并测试了大气噪音。  相似文献   

A retrieval method of microwave(MW) space-borne remote sensing of cloud liquid water content by the combined radar-radiometer is suggested.A three-layer cloud model is chosen to represent the typical stratified precipitating cloud.The retrieval method mainly follows our previously suggested scheme with some modifications.Numerical comparative study shows that in space-borne remote sensing of cloud liquid water content by the combined method is much better than by radar only;Also the retrieval accuracy of cloud liquid water content may be improved when using the three-layer cloud model in the combined method.  相似文献   

The ability of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Microwave Imager(TRMM/TMI)forcloud liquid water(CLW)retrieval has been demonstrated in this study.Due to the greatsensitivity of the TMI 85.5 GHz channels to CLW,the liquid water path(LWP)ofnonprecipitating clouds over land can be successfully estimated using the VDISORT model basedon the iteration steps.Both the vertical-polarized 85. 5 GHz single-channel method and thepolarization-difference of 85.5 GHz method were applied to the LWP estimates over land regionsduring the Huaihe River Basin Energy and Water Cycle Experiment(HUBEX)in China.Theretrieval results show reasonable agreement with the ground-based microwave radiometermeasurements.When the surface emissivity or skin temperature is difficult to be made sure,thepolarization-difference method shows advantages of providing estimates of LWP especially for lowclouds because of its extremely insensitiveness to the surface skin temperature.  相似文献   

On March 16–17, 2008, a sea fog occurred in Dianbai in the west of Guangdong Province and was accompanied by a high-pressure synoptic system. Using comprehensive observation datasets, this study analyzes the evolution of liquid water content during this sea fog and investigates the relationships between liquid water content and the average diameters and count densities of fog droplets, air temperature, wind speed and turbulence exchanges. The main results are presented as follows. (1) The sea fog showed a quasi-periodic oscillation characteristic, i.e., it developed, disappeared and then developed again. (2) During the sea fog, the number of fog droplets changed significantly while the changes in average diameter of the fog droplets were relatively small. The development and disappearance of the sea fog correlated significantly with the fog droplet numbers. (3) The air-cooling mechanism played a significant role in sea fog formation and development. However, the influences of this mechanism were not evident during fog persistence. (4) During sea fog formation, weak turbulence exchanges were helpful for fog formation. During sea fog development and persistence, liquid water content increased when turbulence exchanges weakened, and vice versa. The changes in turbulence exchanges were closely related to the quasi-periodic oscillations observed in sea fog presence.  相似文献   

In this paper,the effect of precipitation particles on microwave radiation transfer characteristics in stratified clouds over the ocean is studied by combining stratified cloud model with microwave radiation transfer model.By comparing the calculated results with the true data,it is found that precipitation particle distribution and water shell around ice phase particle strongly affect the upwelling radiation.Therefore,the precipitation particle distribution and water shellaround ice phase particle must be considered when a calculating scheme is designed for retrieving precipitation in stratified clouds by the use of microwave radiation transfer model.  相似文献   

In this paper,the data of continuous atmospheric vertical integral vapour and liquid watercontent during April-June of 1992-1994 obtained by a ground-based dual-channel microwaveradiometer are used to analyse the statistical characteristics of atmospheric vapour and liquid watercontent,and the relative distribution characteristics of vapour and liquid water content in cloudyatmosphere,the correlative relation of integral liquid water content L and ground precipitationintensity I.and precipitation transform rate of precipitation system.Finally,the weathermodification condition of precipitus stratiform clouds and seeding potential is analyzed anddiscussed.  相似文献   

一次高压型海雾中的液态含水量演变特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
2008年3月16—17日在粤西电白出现了一次在高压天气系统控制下的海雾过程。利用这次海雾的综合观测数据,分析了这一高压型海雾的液态含水量演变特征,讨论了液态含水量与雾滴平均直径和数密度以及气温、风速、湍流交换等的关系。结果显示:(1)海雾有发展-消散-再发展的准周期性变化特征;(2)海雾过程中的雾滴数有显著的变化,而雾滴平均直径的变化较小;雾滴数变化对海雾的发展、消散起主要作用;(3)在海雾生成和发展阶段,空气的冷却机制起主要作用;而在海雾的维持阶段冷却机制的作用并不明显;(4)在雾的生成阶段,弱湍流交换有利于雾的生成;而在雾的发展和维持阶段,湍流交换减弱,液态水增长,反之液态水减少。湍流交换的强、弱与海雾发展-消散-再发展的周期性变化有密切关系。  相似文献   

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