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This research focuses on damage to coral reefs from three anthropogenic stresses: the dropping of anchors and their chains, human contact, and emission of copper from antifouling paints. Forecasting models are described that quantify degradation in terms of percentage of coral cover damaged/year or increasing levels of water toxicity/year. The models utilize a Monte Carlo simulation that applies a range of values or a probability distribution to each of the numerous uncertain variables. This model has the flexibility to adapt, and become more accurate, when users input assumptions specific to their diving sites. Given our specific assumptions for a frequently visited site, anchors and their chains forecast a distribution of coral reef cover damage with a mean of 7.11%+/-4.77%, diver contact forecast a distribution of coral reef cover damage with a mean of 0.67%+/-0.38%, and antifouling paint forecast a distribution of copper level increase in the water with a mean of 0.037+/-0.014ppb. The results support recommendations for the implementation and sustained use of several specific marine recreation practices.  相似文献   

This paper compares the ignitability of Troll B crude oil weathered under simulated Arctic conditions (0%, 50% and 90% ice cover). The experiments were performed in different scales at SINTEF’s laboratories in Trondheim, field research station on Svalbard and in broken ice (70-90% ice cover) in the Barents Sea. Samples from the weathering experiments were tested for ignitability using the same laboratory burning cell. The measured ignitability from the experiments in these different scales showed a good agreement for samples with similar weathering. The ice conditions clearly affected the weathering process, and 70% ice or more reduces the weathering and allows a longer time window for in situ burning. The results from the Barents Sea revealed that weathering and ignitability can vary within an oil slick. This field use of the burning cell demonstrated that it can be used as an operational tool to monitor the ignitability of oil spills.  相似文献   


在陆内水体内激发气枪震源, 利用其气泡振荡产生的地震波可以研究地下结构及速度变化.与海洋激发环境不同, 陆内有限水体会影响气泡的振荡过程.本文利用有限元方法, 对球对称情况下气泡在有限水体内的振荡过程进行了数值模拟分析, 发现气枪震源在陆内水体内的气泡振荡存在临界大小, 与气枪激发时产生的激波有关.模拟结果表明, 水体较大时(半径大于100 m), 可以继续使用无限水体模型; 当水体较小时(半径小于50 m), 固液边界反射的激波会改变气泡处的压力, 进而改变气泡振荡过程, 显著地提高气泡振荡的频率, 降低振荡的幅度.相关数值模拟结果与实验观测相符, 为陆内小水体中气枪的高频源场信号特征提供了合理的解释.基于有限水体的气泡振荡过程分析有助于提升对陆内水体气枪激发过程的理解, 为气枪选址、设计、优化提供理论依据.


Copper-based antifoulant paints and the sea lice treatment Slice® are widely used, and often detectable in the sediments beneath farms where they are administered. Ten-day, whole sediment mesocosm experiments were conducted to examine how increasing sediment concentrations of copper or Slice® influenced final water column concentrations of ammonium-nitrogen (NH4-N), nitrate + nitrite-nitrogen (NOX-N) and phosphate-phosphorus (PO4-P) in the presence of the non-target, benthic organisms Corophium volutator and Hediste diversicolor. Nominal sediment concentrations of copper and Slice® had significant effects on the resulting concentrations of almost all nutrients examined. The overall trends in nutrient concentrations at the end of the 10-day incubations were highly similar between the trials with either copper or Slice®, irrespective of the invertebrate species present. This suggests that nutrient exchange from the experimental sediments was primarily influenced by the direct effect of copper/Slice® dose on the sediment microbial community, rather than the indirect effect of reduced bioturbation/irrigation due to increased macrofaunal mortality.  相似文献   

To assess the risk of antifoulant use to the commercially important cod (Gadus morhua L.), fertilised cod eggs were exposed to triazine, copper and TBTO singly or combined in laboratory tests with running seawater. At the highest tested concentrations (11.5 microg Cu l(-1); 5 microg TBTO l(-1)) larval mortality was increased. The highest concentration of triazine (40 microg l(-1)) did not cause any significant mortality. Fertilised eggs that had been exposed to all the three chemicals singly for five days showed a higher buoyancy than the controls. No synergistic or antagonistic effects were indicated. Embryos/larvae exposed to 0.004-0.8 microg TBTO l(-1) did not show any changed respiration compared to the controls after hatching. It is concluded that existing known field concentrations of the three antifoulants are hardly expected to cause detectable effects on fish embryonic/larval development.  相似文献   

We report on thermodynamic non-equilibrium crystallization calculations for a unit volume of a binary melt subject to a constant, prescribed rate of heat loss. Crystallization histories and crystal size distributions for both melt components were calculated by accounting for the nucleation and growth of crystals. The crystal sizes were found to decrease with increasing rates of heat loss. The crystallization time defined as the time to crystallize 99% of the unit volume also decreased strongly with increasing rates of heat loss up to a critical rate. The critical rate was found to be somewhat smaller than the heat loss rate for the beginning of glass formation. At larger than critical rates, crystallization time increased again and for rates larger than the glass formation rate, crystallization time became infinite. The residual melt composition was found to increasingly deviate from the equilibrium composition with increasing rates of heat loss. But as long as the loss rate was less than the critical rate the crystallization path reverted to the eutectic composition during the final crystallization. For supercritical rates, no such reversion was observed. We compared the critical rate with estimates of the rates of heat loss in magmatic intrusions based on the Stefan solution for a freezing half space. It was found that rates of heat loss should be supercritical at distances of up to 0.5 m from the margin of an intrusion. In this region, non-equilibrium effects are expected to dominate and the texture of the crystallized rock should be characterized by small crystals and by glass. The glass and the crystals should be of non-equilibrium composition. Non-equilibrium effects should be negligible only at distances of more than 5 m from the margin where the rates of heat loss are less than 10−2 times critical. At these distances, the crystallized rock should have an equigranular texture and an equilibrium composition.  相似文献   

We describe a new laboratory technique for measuring the compressional wave velocity and attenuation of jacketed samples of unconsolidated marine sediments within the acoustic (sonic) frequency range 1–10 kHz and at elevated differential (confining – pore) pressures up to 2.413 MPa (350 psi). The method is particularly well suited to attenuation studies because the large sample length (up to 0.6 m long, diameter 0.069 m) is equivalent to about one wavelength, thus giving representative bulk values for heterogeneous samples. Placing a sediment sample in a water‐filled, thick‐walled, stainless steel Pulse Tube causes the spectrum of a broadband acoustic pulse to be modified into a decaying series of maxima and minima, from which the Stoneley and compressional wave, velocity and attenuation of the sample can be determined. Experiments show that PVC and copper jackets have a negligible effect on the measured values of sediment velocity and attenuation, which are accurate to better than ± 1.5% for velocity and up to ± 5% for attenuation. Pulse Tube velocity and attenuation values for sand and silty‐clay samples agree well with published data for similar sediments, adjusted for pressure, temperature, salinity and frequency using standard equations. Attenuation in sand decreases with pressure to small values below Q?1 = 0.01 (Q greater than 100) for differential pressures over 1.5 MPa, equivalent to sub‐seafloor depths of about 150 m. By contrast, attenuation in silty clay shows little pressure dependence and intermediate Q?1 values between 0.0206–0.0235 (Q = 49–43). The attenuation results fill a notable gap in the grain size range of published data sets. Overall, we show that the Pulse Tube method gives reliable acoustic velocity and attenuation results for typical marine sediments.  相似文献   

以污水厂尾水为处理对象,研究垂直流人工湿地在4种水力负荷(125、250、375和500 mm/d)条件下的周年净化效果,结果表明:秋季时系统的总氮去除率最高,冬季则显著降低;温度为10℃、溶解氧浓度为1.1 mg/L是反硝化强度显著降低的关键拐点;总磷在冬季较其他季节净化效果高;125 mm/d水力负荷下CODCr去除率显著高于其他水力负荷,冬季CODCr去除率显著降低,而其他水力负荷及季节下的去除效果没有显著差异;当湿地以高去除率为目标时,最佳水力负荷为125 mm/d;当湿地以地表水水环境质量Ⅴ类标准为目标时,最佳水力负荷为375 mm/d;当湿地以污染物去除量为目标时,最佳水力负荷为500 mm/d.综合推荐375 mm/d为最佳水力负荷.  相似文献   

A knowledge of the natural population fluctuations of two polychaetes Scolelepis fuliginosa and Capitella capitata during a yearly cycle, and a study of the mortality of both species submitted in vitro to the combined action of an increase in temperature and detergents showed that the mortality rate in situ and in vitro was identical for the two species when exposed to a similar combination of deleterious factors.  相似文献   


A borehole is developed in a shallow multi-layered aquifer and used to derive the porosity, specific storage and hydraulic conductivity of the aquitard. Local values of hydrodynamical parameters are estimated from petrophysical analysis of core samples, and the empirical relationship between porosity and permeability. Vertical diffusivity is determined from the response of the aquitard to a loading cyclic signal using pressure records at different depths. Hydraulic conductivities deduced from the petrophysical analysis ranged from 10?8 to 10?10 m s?1 and are comparable with those of facies of marine/lacustrine clay observed in samples. The permeability values calculated based on diffusivity are within the range 10?9 to 10?11 m s?1 with a quasi-systematic bias of one order of magnitude. These values are average for a larger part of the aquitard and correspond to an integrated value. The methodology retained for the aquitard characterization is discussed with emphasis on the implications for the management of a complex aquifer system.

Citation Larroque, F., Cabaret, O., Atteia, O., Dupuy, A., and Franceschi, M., 2013. Vertical heterogeneities of hydraulic aquitard parameters: preliminary results from laboratory and in situ monitoring. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (4), 912–929.  相似文献   

This paper outlines methods for determining a bubble size distribution (BSD) and the moments of the BSD function in vesiculated clasts produced by volcanic eruptions. It reports the results of applications of the methods to 11 natural samples and discusses the implications for quantitative estimates of eruption processes. The analysis is based on a quantitative morphological (stereological) method for 2-dimensional imaging of cross-sections of samples. One method determines, with some assumptions, the complete shape of the BSD function from the chord lengths cut by bubbles. The other determines the 1st, 2nd and 3rd moments of distribution functions by measurement of the number of bubbles per unit area, the surface area per unit volume, and the volume fraction of bubbles. Comparison of procedures and results of these two distinct methods shows that the latter yields rather more reliable results than the former, though the results coincide in absolute and relative magnitudes. Results of the analysis for vesiculated rocks from eleven subPlinian to Plinian eruptions show some interesting systematic correlations both between moments of the BSD and between a moment and the eruption column height or the SiO2 content of magma. These correlations are successfully interpreted in terms of the nucleation and growth processes of bubbles in ascending magmas. This suggests that bubble coalescence does not predominate in sub-Plinian to Plinian explosive eruptions. The moment-moment correlations put constraints on the style of the nucleation and growth process of bubbles. The scaling argument suggests that a single nucleation event and subsequent growth with any kind of bubble interaction under continuous depressurization, which leads to an intermediate growth law between the diffusional growth ( ) at a constant depressurization rate and the Ostwald ripening ( ) under a constant pressure, where Rm and t are the mean radius of bubble and the effective time of diffusion respectively, occurred in the eruptions. It is emphasized that the BSD in vesiculated rocks from terrestrial volcanoes can be used to estimate quantitatively eruption processes such as the initial saturation pressure and magma ascent velocity in a volcanic conduit.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2009,58(6-12):616-623
Zinc pyrithione (ZnPT) is widely applied in conjunction with copper (Cu) in antifouling paints as a substitute for tributyltin. The combined effects of ZnPT and Cu on marine organisms, however, have not been fully investigated. This study examined the toxicities of ZnPT alone and in combination with Cu to the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana, polychaete larvae Hydroides elegans and amphipod Elasmopus rapax. Importantly, ZnPT and Cu resulted in a strong synergistic effect with isobologram interaction parameter λ > 1 for all test species. The combined toxicity of ZnPT and Cu was successfully modelled using the non-parametric response surface and its contour. Such synergistic effects may be partly due to the formation of copper pyrithione. It is, therefore, inadequate to assess the ecological risk of ZnPT to marine organisms solely based on the toxicity data generated from the biocide alone. To better protect precious marine resources, it is advocated to develop appropriate water quality criteria for ZnPT with the consideration of its compelling synergistic effects with Cu at environmentally realistic concentrations.  相似文献   

Zinc pyrithione (ZnPT) is widely applied in conjunction with copper (Cu) in antifouling paints as a substitute for tributyltin. The combined effects of ZnPT and Cu on marine organisms, however, have not been fully investigated. This study examined the toxicities of ZnPT alone and in combination with Cu to the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana, polychaete larvae Hydroides elegans and amphipod Elasmopus rapax. Importantly, ZnPT and Cu resulted in a strong synergistic effect with isobologram interaction parameter lambda>1 for all test species. The combined toxicity of ZnPT and Cu was successfully modelled using the non-parametric response surface and its contour. Such synergistic effects may be partly due to the formation of copper pyrithione. It is, therefore, inadequate to assess the ecological risk of ZnPT to marine organisms solely based on the toxicity data generated from the biocide alone. To better protect precious marine resources, it is advocated to develop appropriate water quality criteria for ZnPT with the consideration of its compelling synergistic effects with Cu at environmentally realistic concentrations.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to investigate the formation and planar shape of barchan ripples generated by laboratory unidirectional water currents and to compare the morphology with that of barchans formed by laboratory waves and flows in natural environments. A thin veneer of sand as a sediment source was placed initially at the upstream part of a recirculating flume and the change in bed configurations by the flow was recorded by a video camera. Two types of formative process were observed: one was that barchan ripples grew from barchanoid bedforms and the other was that they developed from a small aggregate of sand particles. The barchan ripples in the present test had the same characteristics in the height–width relation and in the migration speed as previously reported from the desert environment and wave‐flume studies. An examination of the planar shape of the barchans led to the result that the barchan ripples had larger values of body‐length/width, compared with those of barchans formed by water waves in the laboratory and by airflow in natural deserts. The horn‐length/width of the barchan ripples was smaller than that of barchan dunes in deserts but larger than that of barchans in oscillatory laboratory flows. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract Global carbonate accumulation rates on the surface of the earth, including not only platforms but also continental margin slopes and deep-sea from the Cretaceous to Present, are estimated by compiling previous geologic studies. These rates are revised, taking account of the erosional effect of the sediments on the platform and deep-sea. Long-term model carbonate fluxes from the ocean to the crust are calculated on the basis of the carbon cycle model (GEOCARB of Berner 1991 ). The rates based on the actual geologic data indicate much lower values than model fluxes, excluding the Pliocene and Quaternary. The discrepancy could be attributed to the two misunderstandings, namely an overestimate of carbonate accumulation rate for the Quaternary and an incorrect use of the higher Quaternary rate for a boundary condition of the model. The carbonate accumulation rate for the Pliocene to Quaternary is lowered from 29.8 × 1018 mol/Ma (modified from Opdyke & Wilkinson 1988 ) to 14.8 × 1018 mol/Ma in the present study, assuming that the rate from Quaternary to Pliocene is almost the same as the Miocene value. New model fluxes are recalculated with the new boundary condition in the Quaternary (14.8 × 1018 mol/Ma). Revised model fluxes show general trends of high rates in 120 Ma or 130 Ma, and a low rate in 0 Ma, and are in agreement with the accumulation rate pattern.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of tidally‐induced oscillations of the beach water table in regulating beach surface moisture dynamics. A series of laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the influence of hysteresis and transient flow effects on surface moisture variability. The experimental apparatus utilized a column of well‐sorted fine sand partially immersed in a reservoir of water. The water level in the reservoir was raised and lowered via a diaphragm‐metering pump to simulate tidally induced fluctuations of the water table, and the moisture content profile within the column was monitored using an array of Delta‐T probes. Moisture contents at specific elevations within the column were utilized as proxies to represent various ‘surface’ elevations (relative to the high water table). Results indicate that surface moisture content behaves in a distinctly hysteretic manner. Examination of water flow scanning curves illustrated that for all surface elevations considered, higher moisture contents for a given pressure head occurred during the drying cycle than during the wetting cycle. This observation is particularly evident with shallow surface elevations (i.e. water table close to the surface) where the Haines Jump phenomenon was found to have a significant influence on moisture content dynamics. Additionally, an assessment of the accuracy of hysteretic and non‐hysteretic models to predict the measured moisture contents demonstrated that hysteretic simulations consistently provide a better representation of the observed moisture contents than non‐hysteretic simulations. A time lag was found between the respective maxima and minima in water table elevation surface moisture content. At the near surface water table positions the time lag ranged between 30 and 100 minutes, and it increased to 240 minutes (four hours) with the high water table at 60 cm below the surface. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A biotest system for environmentally realistic exposure of fish to produced water (PW) was developed and tested. Authentic PW was collected at an oil production platform in the North Sea and preserved by freezing in multiple aliquots a 25 L. After transport to the test laboratory onshore, daily PW aliquots were thawed, homogenised and administered to the test fish, Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), in two diluted exposure concentrations, 0.1% and 0.5%, during a 15 d period, using a continuous flow-through exposure setup. Positive control groups were exposed to two crude oil treatments for comparison. Chemical analyses showed that alkylphenol (AP) and PAH concentrations in PW exposure waters were very low. Observations of significantly increased AP and PAH metabolite levels in PW exposed fish demonstrated the suitability of the biotest system for its use in biological exposure/effect studies of PW, and it also demonstrated the sensitivity of bile metabolites as PW exposure markers in fish. The relevance of the biotest system for PW effect studies and for validating modelled environmental risk estimates of PW dischargers from offshore oil production is discussed.  相似文献   

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