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The timing of the extinction of the Australian Megafauna and whether it was simultaneous and widespread has been a much researched topic in Quaternary geoscience. The Black Creek Swamp Megafauna site on Kangaroo Island was thought to be a refugium for Megafauna; however, recent and multidiscipline age determinations have established that the fossils are considerably older than the well-quoted extinction age of 45 kyr. Further radiocarbon age determinations, δ13C isotope analysis and 13C-NMR spectroscopy of the fossil containing organic matter demonstrates that it is highly soluble and accumulated as recently as 31–18 cal. kyr BP. These radiocarbon ages are much younger than the 100–50 kyr age bracket ascertained for the fossil material itself, implying separate episodes of death, deposition and burial. The soluble nature of the organic matter and increasing radiocarbon ages with depth suggests lateral accumulation, probably transported by subsurface waters from elevated areas proximal to the low-lying swamp. Such depositional conditions and 14C age range implies that the site may have experienced an unusually wet Last Glacial Maximum, due maybe to its proximity to the continental shelf and thus to maritime conditions. C3 vegetation dominates the Black Creek Swamp and its organic matter (δ13C; −30‰ and −23‰); however, variations in δ13C may indicate climatic shifts. 13C-enrichment and an abundance of salt-tolerant gastropods within the site's final phase of sediment accumulation (<6 cal. kyr BP) suggest that conditions during this most recent period were not as wet as those of the Last Glacial Maximum.  相似文献   

A Barremian to Albian succession on Mount Kanala, part of a Tethyan isolated carbonate platform, was investigated for its δ13C variations. The limestone sequence is composed of a series of peritidal shallowing-upward cycles with clear petrographic evidence for strong early diagenetic overprinting related to repeated subaerial exposure. Despite significant impact of diagenesis, the observed changes in δ13C can be very well correlated with deep-water sections from different ocean basins and shallow water carbonate platforms in the Middle East. This lends further support to the applicability of δ13C variations for stratigraphic purposes in shallow-water limestones. Using the δ13C signal, time resolution in Lower Cretaceous platform carbonates can be significantly increased, independent of bio-zonations often hampered by ecological variability.
Cyclostratigraphic analysis of the Aptian part of the section shows that strong positive excursions of the cumulative departure from mean cycle thickness of the peritidal shallowing-upward cycles coincide with global positive δ13C excursions. This, and the fact that positive shifts in the δ13C record are preserved within shallow water limestones, provide evidence that black-shale accumulation in the ocean basins occurred during sea-level rise and flooding of platform tops. Integration of carbon-isotope-, cyclo- and sequence-stratigraphic results from different carbonate platforms indicate that strong positive global δ13C shifts and concurrent organic-carbon burial during black-shale deposition are ultimately caused by rapid rises of eustatic sea level. Hence, the rate of change of eustatic sea level is considered to play a crucial role in black-shale accumulation in the global ocean basins during the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Stable oxygen and carbon isotope profiles from modern bivalve shells were investigated in order to reconstruct short-term hydrographical changes in the river-shelf system of the Laptev Sea. Oxygen isotopic profiles obtained from the aragonitic species Astarte borealis exhibit amplitude cycles interpreted as annual hydrographical cycles. These records reflect the strong contrast between summer and winter bottom water conditions in the Laptev Sea. The seasonal variations in δ18O are mainly controlled by the riverine freshwater discharge during summer with 0.5‰ per salinity unit. Corrected for a defined species-dependent fractionation offset of -0.37‰, time-dependent salinity records were reconstructed from these δ18O profiles. They indicate a good correspondence to seasonal hydrographic changes and synoptical data. Persistent trends with shell growth towards more negative δ13C values are observed in all specimens and appear to be related to metabolic changes of the bivalves during ontogeny. In contrast, short-term fluctuations are likely linked to seasonal variabilities of the river water outflow patterns and enhanced phytoplankton productivity during summer. This is corroborated by a clear watermass-related distinction of the various δ13C records made on the basis of water depth and distance from the riverine source.  相似文献   

The Fairholme carbonate complex is part of the extensively dolomitized Upper Devonian carbonate reefs in west-central Alberta. The studied formations contain moulds (up to 10 cm in diameter), which are filled partially with (saddle) dolomite, quartz and calcite cements. These cements precipitated from a mixture of brines that acquired high salinity by dissolution of halite and brines derived from evaporated sea water. The fluids were warm (homogenization temperature of primary fluid inclusions of 76 to 200 °C) and saline (20 to 25 wt% NaCl equivalent) and testify to thermochemical sulphate reduction processes. The latter is deduced from S in solid inclusions, CO2 and H2S in volatile-rich aqueous inclusions and depleted δ13C values down to −26‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite. High 87Sr/86Sr values (0·7094 to 0·7110) of the cements also indicate interaction of the fluids with siliciclastic sequences. The thermochemical sulphate reduction-related cements probably formed during early Laramide burial. Another (younger) calcite phase, characterized by depleted δ18O values (−23·9‰ to −13·9‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite), low Na (27 to 37 p.p.m.) and Sr (39 to 150 p.p.m.) concentrations and non-saline (∼0 wt% NaCl equivalent) fluid inclusions, is attributed to post-Laramide meteoric water.  相似文献   

Nine stratigraphic sections, each ≈5 m thick, were sampled from the Alamogordo Member limestones of the Lake Valley Formation, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico, USA. Four stratigraphic sections consist entirely of lime mudstone and wackestone, whereas the other five sections have a prominent layer of crinoidal packstone about 1 m thick at their base. Stable isotopic analyses reveal that the lime muds in the sections with basal packstone layers show a downward decrease in δ18O and constant δ13C values, whereas those in the sections solely composed of lime mudstone and wackestone have, in general, relatively uniform δ18O and δ13C values. The diagenesis of the Alamogordo Member limestones was previously believed to have been governed by the downward percolation of meteoric water from a regional pre-Pennsylvanian exposure surface ≈100 m above this unit. However, the uniform δ13C and downward decrease in δ18O values in the lime muds in the sections with basal packstones indicate that the meteoric water ascended within the Alamogordo Member, rather than descended from the overlying exposure surface. This indicates that the basal packstones were probably a conduit for meteoric water. This is further supported indirectly by the relatively uniform δ18O and δ13C values of the lime mud in the sections without basal packstones. The implications are that the oxygen isotopic gradients may be used to identify palaeoaquifers, flow directions within these aquifers and that meteoric diagenesis below an exposure surface could be governed by flow through a palaeoaquifer.  相似文献   

This contribution describes the field geometry, petrography and geochemistry of a well-exposed dolomitization front in Upper Jurassic carbonates, and attempts to highlight the sedimentological, structural and relative sea-level controls on multiphase dolomitization and related diagenetic events. The data presented reflect the superposition of various diagenetic phases which have resulted in a single dolostone body, whose dimensions are well defined in the field. Local microbial intraclastic dolomites of Late Tithonian age accumulated in a hypersaline lagoon during relative sea-level fall. These pre-date beige hydrothermal dolostones (51 to 55 mol% CaCO3; δ 18O: −9·3 to −4·0‰ V-PDB; δ 13C: −1·5 to +2·1‰ V-PDB; 87Sr/86Sr: 0·70742; matrix porosity: ≈6%; Klinkenberg permeability: ≈0·5 mD), whose dolomitizing fluid circulated along faults and invaded the nearby facies. First, the burrows were dolomitized, then the bulk rocks, resulting in the investigated 'tongue'-shaped dolomite body. Upon Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous uplift, near-surface water percolated through – and altered – the underlying beige dolostones. This event was followed by a ferroan dolomite cement phase, which occurred during further burial. This contribution, featuring a well-defined geometric pattern of a dolomitization front with a large petrographic and geochemical data set, may also serve as a case study illustrating the complexity of superimposed diagenetic processes which have to be taken into account in modelling exercises of multiphase hydrothermal dolomitization.  相似文献   

Expanded sedimentary records from the Tethys reveal unique faunal and isotopic changes across the Palaeocene-Eocene (P-E) transition. Unlike in the open oceans, the Tethys exhibits a gradual decrease of 1.5% in δ13C values prior to the rapid δ13C excursion. Associated with the 613C excursion is a decrease in calcite burial, increase in detrital content and appearance of a unique opportunistic planktic foraminifera1 assemblage (e.g. compressed acarininids). The existence of a prelude decrease in δ13C values in the Tethys suggests that the P-E δ13C excursion may have occurred in two steps and over a few hundred thousand years, rather than as one step over a few thousand years as previously suggested. This slower excursion rate is readily explained by changing organic carbon weathering or burial rates and avoids the need of invoking ad hoc scenarios.  相似文献   

Values of δ13C obtained from conventional bulk sediment radiocarbon dates encompassing the Pleistocene Holocene boundary have been compiled and plotted against 14C age. In all. 286 lake sediment dates from southern Sweden in the range 8.000 to 13.000 BP have been evaluated. A significant decrease in δ13C values, initiated shortly before 10.000 RP and amounting to 5%, is distinguished. This change is accompanied by increased limnic productivity. decreased erosive input and increased organic carbon content of the sediments. A probable explanation for the δ13C decline in organic material is decreased importance of dissolution of silicates at the transition to the Holocene. During the Late Weichselian. extensive weathering of exposed minerogenic material with subsequent input of bicarbonate to the lake water may have caused a relative enrichment of 13C in dissolved inorganic carbon. Furthermore, the early Holocene increase in terrestrial vegetation cover probably led to an increased supply of 13C depleted carbon dioxide to the lake water by root respiration. Altered limnic vegetation, presumably towards increased production of phytoplankton. could also have contributed to the observed decreasing δ13C trend. The importance of these processes compared to other possible influencing factors. mainly endogenic carbonate production and changes in the global carbon cycle. is discussed.  相似文献   

Studies on Cretaceous pelagic limestones have shown a close correspondence between putative sea-level curves and the carbon-isotope profile, suggesting a possible relationship between the two phenomena. Such a relationship could relate to shelf-sea area governing the global burial rate of organic carbon which, in turn, controls the 13C/12C ratio of dissolved inorganic carbon in the oceanic reservoir. In order to see whether or not this relationship might be of more general applicability, the major mid-Oxfordian (Jurassic) transgression is documented to zonal level and appropriate carbon-isotope data are presented. Although the applicability of ammonite zonation to the mid Oxfordian is problematic on a regional scale, a clear δ13C excursion is present in the trunsversariurn Zone, which is coincident with regional overstep and/or evidence of shoreline retreat and/or evidence of bathymetric deepening in Europe and elsewhere. The use of the carbon-isotope curve as a proxy for shelf-sea area or relative sea level is worthy of further exploration.  相似文献   

We report silicon isotopic determinations for USGS rock reference materials BHVO-1 and BHVO-2 using a Nu Plasma multi-collector (MC)-ICP-MS, upgraded with a new adjustable entrance slit, to obtain medium resolution, as well as a stronger primary pump and newly designed sampler and skimmer cones ("B" cones). These settings, combined with the use of collector slits, allowed a resolution to be reached that was sufficient to overcome the 14N16O and 14N2 interferences overlying the 30Si and the 28Si peaks, respectively, in an earlier set-up. This enabled accurate measurement of both δ30Si and δ29Si. The δ value is expressed in per mil variation relative to the NBS 28 quartz reference material. Based on data acquired from numerous sessions spread over a period of six months, we propose a recommended average δ30Si of −0.33 ± 0.05‰ and −0.29 ± 0.11‰ (2se) for BHVO-1 and BHVO-2, respectively. Our BHVO grand mean silicon isotope composition (δ30Si =−0.31 ± 0.06‰) is significantly more negative than the only published value for BHVO-2, but is in very good agreement with the recently established average value of ocean island basalts (OIB), confirming the conclusion that the OIB reservoir has a distinct isotopic composition from the solar reservoir as sampled by chondrites.  相似文献   

R. Graziano 《地学学报》1999,11(6):245-250
Drowning successions which cap carbonate platforms and flanks bear palaeoenvironmental information which is useful for genetic stratigraphy; they constitute predictive key-markers in regional to global correlations. An Early Cretaceous platform-to-basin transition has been investigated in Apulia (southern Italy) and two drowning unconformities, dated as early Valanginian and late early Aptian, have been documented. They occur at the base of thick pelagic tongues wedging toward the platform and mark the base of two depositional sequences showing distinct transgressive–regressive cycles. Timing of drowning processes, based on biostratigraphy and dynamic stratigraphy, allows the correlation of unconformities with global-scale palae- oceanographic events marked, among others, by positive spikes of well-established δ13C curves. Drowning signatures in the Apulia carbonates fit the stratigraphic, palaeoecological and possibly geochemical evidence found in global records at the same stratigraphic levels. Moreover, it is proposed that the observed drowning events were caused by palaeoceanographic crises affecting factory productivity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Tripoli Formation (Lower Messinian) in Sicily includes diatomites irregularly alternating with marl and carbonate beds and lies, stratigraphically, between the Tortonian pelagic marls and the evaporitic Calcare di base. The relationships between mineralogy, textural features and oxygen-carbon isotopic compositions of carbonate components point to a wide variability of depositional conditions and suggest that Tripoli sedimentation occurred in small basins characterized by periodic and marked restriction from the open sea.
The isotopic values of calcite and dolomite in the diatomites suggest an evolution from normal marine towards more restricted environments. Evaporating conditions are also indicated by the occurrence of anhydrite, length-slow chalcedonic quartz and moulds of gypsum. In a more advanced stage, the precipitation of heavy δ180 dolomite in the interstitial pores of fossil-poor diatomites denotes an environment with highly evaporated water. Mixing of meteoric and marine waters, on the other hand, might have favoured the precipitation of a dolomite characterized by relatively low δ180 and δ13C values.
The deposition of marl and carbonate beds alternating with or overlying the diatomites took place in an environment with highly evaporated marine waters on the basis of δl18O values of dolomite (up to + 9.10‰) and aragonite (up to + 5.83‰), occurrence of evaporitic minerals and lack of fossils. The presence at these levels of calcite with extremely negative δ13C values (down to - 38.40‰), filling gypsum moulds, suggests activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria. Some aragonitic marls, however, bear evidence of deposition in relatively normal marine conditions.  相似文献   

Early Palaeoproterozoic rocks from the Onega Basin in Russian Fennoscandia contain evidence for substantial accumulation and preservation of organic matter (up to 75 wt% total organic carbon) with an estimated original petroleum potential comparable to a modern supergiant oilfield. The basin contains a uniquely preserved petrified oilfield including evidence of oil traps and oil migration pathways. Here, we report the discovery of the surface expression of a migration pathway, along which petroleum was flowing from the sub-surface. This surface oil seep, the first occurrence ever reported from the Palaeoproterozoic, appears as original bitumen clasts redeposited in Palaeoproterozoic lacustrine turbidites. The δ13Corg of clastic pyrobitumen ranges between −35.4 and −36.0‰ ( n  = 14), which is within the range of interbed- and vein-trapped fossil oil (−46 and −24‰), suggesting similar source. Biogenic organic matter, whose isotopic composition was modified during thermal maturation, is the likely source for the migrated hydrocarbon.  相似文献   

Nitrogen isotopes in peridotitic diamonds from Fuxian, China, suggest that the upper mantle δ15N-value has been globally homogeneous since at least the Proterozoic (−5 to −8‰/ATM), with similar values for subcontinental and MORB mantle.
  In addition, Fuxian diamonds retain the memory of a primary nitrogen lower in δ15N (down to −25‰). For the first time δ15N- values in diamonds match those of enstatite chondrites, supporting a formation of the Earth from such meteorites and the idea of a heterogeneous accretion of the Earth's volatiles.
  Nitrogen concentrations in diamonds are believed to depend strongly on the rate of the diamond growth and not to be an indicator of C/N ratios of the fluids from which they grew.  相似文献   

Carbon isotope measurements carried out on 201 carbonate samples from the early Proterozoic of the Kola Peninsula, N. Karelia and Norway yield δ13C (PDB) spanning - 20.5% to + 11%. A general δ13C secular trend shows that prior to 2.33 Ga values are typically 'normal' marine, averaging around - 3%0. Between 2.33 and 2.06 Ga, in Jatulian time, there follows a rapid excursion to positive δ13C of around + 6%. Post-Jatulian time is characterized by δ13C of sedimentary carbonates fluctuating between - 5% and +3%; also it is remarkable for the first pronounced development of diagenetic carbonates, which have δ13C between - 14 % and - 6% . The c. 6% positive δ13C shift with a duration of about 270 Myr coincides with a maximum in the diversity and abundance of stromatolites, and with widespread development of 'red beds', but does not coincide with the maximum of buried Corg mass. The Fennoscandian Shield represents the largest isotoically anomalous carbonate province yet reported, and the positive δ13C excursion together with a series of major global palaeoenviromental changes seems to be more intense than the Precambrian/Cambrian transition events. However, it is still not clear what kind of mechanism this phenomenon could be attributed to. An increase of the 'Ronov ratio', and/or 'Broecker ratio' and other possible models are discussed as the target for future investigations.  相似文献   

Sr-isotope measurements of unaltered oyster shell calcite using laser-ablation multi-collector ICPMS techniques represent a powerful tool capable of establishing a chronostratigraphic framework for fossil near-shore deposits. This approach is tested on two shoal-water successions from the Portuguese Algarve and Lusitanian basins covering Late Barremian to Albian strata. 87Sr/86Sr values derived from low-Mg calcite of oyster shells fluctuate between 0.70717 ± 0.00001 and 0.70746 ± 0.00002; absolute values as well as stratigraphic trends match well with the global open-marine seawater signal. The new Sr-isotope results in combination with existing bio- and chemostratigraphic records allow for identification of an Early Aptian biocalcification crisis at both studied localities and show that this event has severely affected coastal environments along the evolving Atlantic. Siliciclastic intervals in the Algarve section are interpreted as near-shore equivalents of enhanced detrital shedding into shelf and deep-sea environments as a consequence of increased chemical weathering rates during humid climate episodes.  相似文献   

Quartz-hosted melt inclusions from latite dykes of the Eocene El Salvador copper porphyry system in northern Chile display wide ranges in both boron concentration (15–155 p.p.m. B) and isotope composition (δ11B −7 to +12‰; n  = 10), likely reflecting slab-derived fluid input from seawater-altered oceanic crust. In contrast, the major Miocene tin-silver and tin porphyry systems in the Bolivian back-arc region (Cerro Rico de Potosi, Chorolque, Llallagua) have distinctly different melt inclusion compositions with δ11B of −11.4 ± 2.7‰ ( n  = 10), and magmatic boron enrichment up to several hundred p.p.m. B. The `seawater' signature in the El Salvador melt inclusions explains the oxidized mineral assemblage of the copper porphyry system, as opposed to the more reduced nature of the Bolivian tin porphyry systems, which reflect intracrustal melting of pelitic rocks.  相似文献   

C.J. Eastoe  & T. Peryt 《地学学报》1999,11(2-3):118-131
Routine trace-element geochemistry suggests that components in putative marine halite evaporites may be partly of nonmarine origin, but such interpretations are commonly ambiguous. Stable chlorine isotopes may provide a less-ambiguous marker of chloride origin where δ37Cl departs from the range predicted for evaporite formation from seawater. Bedded halite with primary sedimentary textures preserves original δ37Cl values. Measurable change in δ37Cl can be generated by incongruent dissolution of halite, but only if less than half the original halite remains. Badenian (middle Miocene) halite from the Forecarpathian and from the East Slovakian and Transcarpathian basins has a δ37Cl range of – 0.2 to 0.8‰. Two phenomena cannot be explained by simple evaporation of 0.0‰ seawater. At Wieliczka, the Shaft Salt has distinctive δ37Cl values (– 0.2 to 0.0‰) relative to neighbouring salt beds (0.2 to  0.6‰), requiring a large, abrupt input of brine with negative δ37Cl. Halite with high (0.6 – 0.8‰) δ37Cl near the base of the East Slovakian and Transcarpathian evaporites requires a large input of chloride with positive δ37Cl into the basins. Expulsion of basin brine with non-0‰δ37Cl into the evaporite basins may account for the nonmarine chloride sources.  相似文献   

Calcite and quartz veins have formed, and are forming, in steeply dipping fissures in the actively rising Alpine Schist metamorphic belt of New Zealand. The fluids that deposited these minerals were mostly under hydrostatic pressure almost down to the brittle-ductile transition, which has been raised to 5-6 km depth by rapid uplift. Some fluids were trapped under lithostatic pressures. Fluids in the fissure veins were immiscible H2O + NaCl-CO2 mixtures at 200-350 C. Bulk fluid composition is 15-20 mol% CO2 and <4.3 total mol CH4+ N2+ Ar/100mol H2O. Water hydrogen isotopic ratio δDH2O in the fissure veins spans -29 to -68‰, δ18OH2O -0.7 to 8.5‰, and bulk carbon isotopic ratio δ13C ranges from -3.7 to -11.7‰. The oxygen and hydrogen isotopic data suggest that the water has a predominantly meteoric source, and has undergone an oxygen isotope shift as a result of interaction with the host metamorphic rock. Similar fluids were present during cooling and uplift. Dissolved carbon is not wholly derived from residual metamorphic fluids; part may be generated by oxidation of graphite.  相似文献   

This paper presents an adapted anion exchange column chemistry protocol which allowed separation of high-purity fractions of Cu and Zn from geological materials. Isobaric and non-spectral interferences were virtually eliminated for consequent multiple-collector ICP-MS analysis of the isotopic composition of these metals. The procedure achieved ∼ 100% recoveries, thus ensuring the absence of column-induced isotopic fractionation. By employing these techniques, we report isotopic analyses for Cu and Zn from five geological reference materials: BCR-027 blende ore (BCR), δ65Cu = 0.52 ± 0.15‰ (n = 10) and δ66Zn = 0.33 ± 0.07‰ (n = 8); BCR-030 calcined calamine ore (BCR), δ66Zn = -0.06 ± 0.09‰ (n = 8); BCR-1 basalt (USGS), δ66Zn = 0.29 ± 0.12‰ (n = 8); NOD-P-1 manganese nodule (USGS), δ65Cu = 0.46 ± 0.08‰ (n = 10) and δ66Zn = 0.78 ± 0.09‰ (n = 9); SU-1 Cu-Co ore (CCRMP), δ65Cu = -0.018 ± 0.08‰ (n = 10) and δ66Zn = 0.13 ± 0.17‰ (n = 6). All uncertainties are ± 2s; copper isotope ratios are reported relative to NIST SRM-976, and zinc isotope ratios relative to the Lyon-group Johnson Matthey metal (batch 3-0749 L) solution, JMC Zn. These values agree well with the limited data previously published, and with results reported for similar natural sample types. Samples were measured using a GVi IsoProbe MC-ICP-MS, based at the Natural History Museum, London. Long-term measurement reproducibility has been assessed by repeat analyses of both single element and complex matrix samples, and was commonly better than ± 0.07‰ for both δ66Zn and δ65Cu.  相似文献   

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