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In this paper a method is described of retrieving precipitable water from sun-photometermeasurements.The quantitative relationship between water vapor transmission and precipitablewater is established by means of LOWTRAN 7 model.Calibration of the water vapor absorptionchannel is made through a modified Langley method.The good agreement between the sun-photometer and radiosonde water vapor retrieval indicates that this method is feasible.The sun-photometer is operated at Hefei to monitor the precipitable water within one yearperiod.Characteristics of both diurnal evolution and within-one-year variation of the precipitablewater and their relation with synoptic system as well as surface dew-point temperature arepresented and analyzed.Errors in the retrieved precipitable water from the sun-photometermeasurements are also calculated and discussed.  相似文献   

An 8-wavelength sun-photometer has been operated at Hefei (31.31°N, 117.17°E) to monitoroptical properties of atmospheric aerosols. Altogether 133 solar spectral extinction data were ob-tained on clear days during the period from September 1993 through September 1994, In this pa-per, the feature of the sun-photometer is briefly described. A relative aureole method is intro-duced. which can be used to monitor temporal evolution of aerosol loading during the sun-pho-tometer calibration period. Temporal variabilities of spectral aerosol optical depths and Angstromturbidity parameters are presented. Relation of these variabilities with synoptic and local meteoro-logical conditions are analyzed and discussed, From measured spectral aerosol optical depths undersome representative atmospheric conditions, columnar aerosol size distributions have been retrievedby a linearly constrained inversion method. These typical columnar aerosol size distributions are al-so presented and discussed.  相似文献   

针对闪电光学观测资料定量分析的需求,采用张正友平面标定法结合便携式平面靶标,实现了闪电外场试验中光学观测设备的现场标定,为消除光学系统成像畸变对闪电通道特征分析的影响提供了一种便捷的途径。使用此方法对广州高建筑物雷电观测站(TOLOG)的6套闪电光学观测设备进行了标定,结果表明:光学观测设备搭载同类型镜头时,焦距越短图像的畸变越明显; 图像中视线与光轴的夹角越大,径向畸变的影响越明显,采用鱼眼镜头获得的闪电通道图像在靠近边缘的位置畸变的影响会超过25%;通过对配备焦距为8 mm鱼眼镜头的单反相机以及配备焦距为8 mm广角镜头的高速摄像机同时获取的闪电光学同步资料进行畸变校正后,发现获取的图像畸变校正前后闪电通道总体长度差异分别为12.9%和4.5%;经过畸变校正后不同设备获取的闪电通道图像比原图拥有更好的一致性。   相似文献   

For the problem of in-flight test site radiometric calibration for the FY-1D Meteorological Satellite onboard sensor's visible and near infrared channels,this paper described the calibration method,satellite-ground synchronous observation data acquired at China Dunhuang Calibration Test Site,parameter derivation and radiative transfer computation during the calibration,and the calibration result analysis.At FY-1D seven channels (with central wavelength at Channels 1:630 nm,2:865 nm;6:1610 nm;7:455 nm,8:505 nm;9:555 nm;10:932 nm),calibration coefficients obtained during the ground site calibration were compared with that respectively of prelaunch calibration.It is demonstrated that results of FY-1D onboard two sensors' (A and B) at channels 1,2,6 and 10 were close to pre-calibration,and the absolute difference of Gobi desert reflectance computed using test site and pre-launch calibration coefficients was no more than 2%. At other channels,large pre-launch calibration errors resulted in a poor consistency between the test site and pre-launch calibration.The errors can be corrected by the test site calibration results. Based on a rough estimation,the overall error of the calibration was about 6%. The paper also presented the in-flight vicarious calibration at the visible and near infrared channels of FY-1C sensor A which was launched in 1999 and has been put into operational mode since 2002.The results exhibit that FY-1C sensor's response has 23% attenuation at Channels 7 and 8,while only minor degradation at the other channels was found. During the mission,calibrations were also conducted at NOAA-17's Channels 1 and 2 (1:430-830 nm,2:500-1072 nm).A very good consistency has been achieved between the test site and pre-launched calibration results.  相似文献   

对比度分析及其应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
给出了对比度的相关显著性检验,使对比度分析能应用于各种容量大小的样本,完善了对比度分析方法,并举出若干例子说明这种方法在天气气候分析和预报方面的可能应用。  相似文献   

COSMIC及其在气象领域的应用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
COSMIC是利用现代遥感技术、通信技术和计算机技术解决当今地球科学重大问题的地球科学卫星探测系统。作为GPS/MET的后续计划,主要是为了进行气象与气候研究、气候监测、太空天气和大地测量等研究。COSMIC计划于2003年之前发射8颗低轨卫星,8颗卫星每天可进行4000次GPS观测。本文介绍COSMIC系统组成及COSMIC数据应用。  相似文献   

相似密度及其使用技术   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
李开乐 《气象学报》1986,44(2):174-183
本文介绍一种新的相似比较的数学衡量标准--相似离度以及对它的使用技术.文中剖析了几种常用相似标准的效果之后,还给出了相似离度在预报中的使用技术和初步应用试验的效果.  相似文献   

Based on the aerosol data obtained at Shangdianzi regional background monitoring station together withthe air trajectory analysis,the chemical constituents of the aerosol from the different sources are discussed andcompared with the aerosol samples collected over the western Pacific.The results show that the relative massconcentrations of the crustal and pollutant elements in the aerosol collected over the ocean are higher than thosebeing observed at Shangdianzi in particle size above 4.7 μm and below 0.65μm in diameter.The variationsof the enrichment factors of these elements in marine aerosol with particle size are different from those in shang-dianzi's samples.The former enrichment factors are evidently higher than the latter above 1.1 μm in diameter.On the basis of the comparative research,the long-range transport processes of aerosol particles are discussed.  相似文献   

戴铁丕  詹煜 《气象科学》1996,16(1):63-74
本文用距离加权方法校准天气雷达估算降水强度和区域降水量。  相似文献   

分别基于微波辐射计温湿度廓线资料的气块法、位温法和比湿法,地面气象资料的罗氏法及气溶胶激光雷达数据的梯度法,计算得出广州地区大气边界层高度,对比分析5种边界层高度结果及其与气象条件、空气质量之间的关系,结合典型大气污染过程分析边界层高度对PM2.5、O3浓度的影响。结果显示:(1)利用位温法、气块法、罗氏法、比湿法和梯度法计算得出广州地区平均边界层高度分别为2 207 m、1 239 m、901 m、717 m和660 m,位温法显著高估了广州地区的边界层高度;(2)利用气块法得出的混合层高度日变化能够较好地表征白天大气边界层演变特征,利用气块法和比湿法得出的白天混合层高度与近地面O3浓度有显著的正相关关系,相关系数在0.5以上,在O3污染防治中,应同时考虑边界层内垂直输送的影响;(3)利用梯度法得出的边界层高度在污染天气时与PM2.5浓度的相关性较好,能较好地表现出大气污染情况,在PM2.5污染天气过程分析中具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

干侵入的研究及其应用进展   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
于玉斌  姚秀萍 《气象学报》2003,61(6):769-778
全面综述了国外近年来干侵入 (dryintrusion)研究的进展和有关结果 ,概括总结了干侵入的基本理论、结构特征、在天气和次天气系统发展中的作用及其数值模拟结果 ;干侵入研究中有待于继续进行和深入的研究方向。明确了干侵入是源于对流层高层下沉至低层的高位涡低湿空气 ,它在气旋的爆发性发展、暴雨的增幅、位势不稳定的增强、中气旋的产生发展等方面起着重要的促进作用 ,同时 ,它能够影响冷锋的演变及其降水特征。因此 ,对干侵入及其机制的进一步研究具有较大的理论价值和实际天气预报意义。  相似文献   

精细PBL模式及其诊断应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在已建立的一种三维非静力细网格E-ε湍能闭合的动力学框架基础上,作了一些改进的技术处理和试验,包括:(1)利用GIS提供的地形资料,较精确地计算太阳辐射,进而诊断地面温度;(2)引进位势流概念,处理稳定层结条件下初始内插风场的风向变化;(3)引入动力学调整项G(αobs-α)。在此基础上,就地理信息系统(GIS)提供的一个 60km×48km区域作了边界层结构和湍流特征的数值模拟试验,并与实测作了比较,讨论了精细PBL模式的模拟效果,结果表明,新建的PBL模式能较好地模拟表征出复杂下垫面地域的陡峭地形和不规则海岸线对局地风场和湍流场的动力和热力学作用。  相似文献   

长江三角洲汛期预报模式的研究及其初步应用   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
在短期自忆气候模式的基础上 ,着重考虑了区域性降水特点 ,组合均生函数时序模型 ,构造了区域降水预报模式。以降水预报为实例 ,计算表明 ,它能滚动制作月、季、年降水预报 ,尤其对汛期 (6~ 8月 )降水预报 ,具有相当好的预报能力。  相似文献   

对刘桂馥(1995)[1]提出的递归相似进行计算机编程,并用此法作了特殊个例分析。与统计概念不同,文中的跃变定义为前R个数据不能完全表达当前时刻值的程度。通过对百余年(1856—1991年)南北半球太平洋、大西洋和印度洋季海温距平的递归相似分析发现:在适当分辨率下,当6≤R≤20时跃变具有准10年周期;当25≤R≤80时跃变主要出现在1890年左右、1910年左右和1930年左右,50—70年代为跃变的群发期  相似文献   

结合气象应用简要介绍人工神经元网络BP模型的原理和方法,对其在气象预测中的应用经验作了评述。  相似文献   

The analysis of temperature variation trends at 160 meteorological stations in China from 1951 to 1992 showed thata relatively large area of China became warm in recent years,but there still existed an obvious cooling center in Sichuanbasin.We also analyzed the variation trends of some meteorological factors which could probably cause this cooling,and the results indicated that the global solar radiation,the insolation duration and the visual range decreased sharply inrecent years,but the cloud amount changed slightly in Sichuan basin.We also found that the decrease of surface solarradiation caused by the increase of the anthropogenic aerosols' backscattering in the lower troposphere was a notablereason for the cooling of Sichuan basin in recent years.We also confirmed this conclusion by using of a one-dimensionalclimate model.  相似文献   

有限区分析预报系统及其业务应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
中国国家气象中心在新开发的有限区多元最优插值分析技术及15层球面网格原始方程模式的基础上建立了一个新的有限区分析预报系统。1991年投入业务使用,主要用于24-48h降水预报。这个系统是依附于全球同化预报系统的一个分支系统。亦即使用全球谱模式6h预报作为初估值进行有限区细网格分析及使用其12—60h预报作为侧边界值进行非同步嵌套预报。作为一个升级模式系统,它的进步表现在:较充分使用了卫星测湿资料及地面资料的细网格多元最优插值分析;同时使用同场及质量场初值,成功地实现了有限区非线性正规模初始化处理;采用位涡拟能守恒差分格式,包含较真实地形的球面坐标原始方程模式;实现了具有不同模式地形的差分模式与谱模式的嵌套及设计了分级降水客观检验系统。  相似文献   

The limited area analysis and forecast system(LAFS)was developed and has been put intooperational use at National Meteorological Center since January 1991.This system can be regardedas a branch system attached to the global assimilation and medium-range forecast system which isbased on a spectral model T42L9.The main advancements as an upgrade operational system are asfollows:the use of a regional fine mesh optimum interpolation(OI)analysis scheme:the realiza-tion of the nonlinear normal mode initialization for the regional model:the development of a 15L-spherical grid primitive equation model(with real topography and enstrophy conservation)and itsnesting forecast with the spectral model T42L9.  相似文献   

一种经验建模的客观分型方法及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍一种应用常规历史天气图资料进行天气学客观分的思路和方法,首先建立某种天气 若干环不充模型,然后确定各模型的判别条件和顺序,由计算机进行自动分型,和到各环流型样本,实现客观分型。此方法于威海市冬季分区降水预报系统 天气分型,卫水模型物理意义明确,识别近前和,系统自动化。指出了天气分型在数值预报产品释用中的重要性及应注意的问题。  相似文献   

中尺度地形背风波的作用及其应用   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
朱民  余志豪  陆汉城 《气象学报》1999,57(6):705-714
文中探讨了中尺度地形背风驻波及对天气系统发生发展的影响问题,通过建立一个含类似大别山地形作用的简化数学模型并进行了数值计算,结果表明,当过山气流u取101m/s量级,层结参数N取10(-3)s(-1)量级,其比值U/N约为3×103~4×103时可出现一种相当正压的地形背风波,其波长近于U/f~102km(f为柯氏参数)。结合上述理论结果和实际暴雨个例,分析指出在江淮梅雨期间,当有移动性的暴雨区移至大别山定常背风波的适当位置时,暴雨会得到增幅。  相似文献   

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