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Comparison of heat and bromide as ground water tracers near streams   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Constantz J  Cox MH  Su GW 《Ground water》2003,41(5):647-656
Heat and bromide were compared as tracers for examining stream/ground water exchanges along the middle reaches of the Santa Clara River, California, during a 10-hour surface water sodium bromide injection test. Three cross sections that comprise six shallow (<1 m) piezometers were installed at the upper, middle, and lower sections of a 17 km long study reach, to monitor temperatures and bromide concentrations in the shallow ground water beneath the stream. A heat and ground water transport simulation model and a closely related solute and ground water transport simulation model were matched up for comparison of simulated and observed temperatures and bromide concentrations in the streambed. Vertical, one-dimensional simulations of sediment temperature were fitted to observed temperature results, to yield apparent streambed hydraulic conductivities in each cross section. The temperature-based hydraulic conductivities were assigned to a solute and ground water transport model to predict sediment bromide concentrations, during the sodium bromide injection test. Vertical, one-dimensional simulations of bromide concentrations in the sediments yielded a good match to the observed bromide concentrations, without adjustment of any model parameters except solute dispersivities. This indicates that, for the spatial and temporal scales examined on the Santa Clara River, the use of heat and bromide as tracers provide comparable information with respect to apparent hydraulic conductivities and fluxes for sediments near streams. In other settings, caution should be used due to differences in the nature of conservative (bromide) versus nonconservative (heat) tracers, particularly when preferential flowpaths are present.  相似文献   

Heat as a ground water tracer   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
Anderson MP 《Ground water》2005,43(6):951-968
Heat carried by ground water serves as a tracer to identify surface water infiltration, flow through fractures, and flow patterns in ground water basins. Temperature measurements can be analyzed for recharge and discharge rates, the effects of surface warming, interchange with surface water, hydraulic conductivity of streambed sediments, and basin-scale permeability. Temperature data are also used in formal solutions of the inverse problem to estimate ground water flow and hydraulic conductivity. The fundamentals of using heat as a ground water tracer were published in the 1960s, but recent work has significantly expanded the application to a variety of hydrogeological settings. In recent work, temperature is used to delineate flows in the hyporheic zone, estimate submarine ground water discharge and depth to the salt-water interface, and in parameter estimation with coupled ground water and heat-flow models. While short reviews of selected work on heat as a ground water tracer can be found in a number of research papers, there is no critical synthesis of the larger body of work found in the hydrogeological literature. The purpose of this review paper is to fill that void and to show that ground water temperature data and associated analytical tools are currently underused and have not yet realized their full potential.  相似文献   

The stream tracer technique and transient storage models (TSMs) have become common tools in stream solute and hyporheic exchange studies. The expense and logistics associated with water sample collection and analysis often results in limited temporal resolution of stream tracer breakthrough curves (BTCs). Samples are often collected without a priori or real‐time knowledge of BTC information, which can result in poor sample coverage of the critical shoulder (initial rise) and tail (post‐steady state fall) of the BTC. We illustrate the use of specific conductance (SC) measurements as a surrogate for conservative dissolved tracer (Br) samples. The advantages of collecting SC data for use in the TSM are (1) cost, (2) ease of data collection, and (3) well‐defined breakthrough curves, which strengthen TSM parameter optimization. This method is based on developing an ion concentration (IC)–SC relationship from limited discrete tracer solute samples. SC data can be collected on a more frequent basis at no additional analysis cost. TSM simulations can then be run for the conservative tracer data derived from SC breakthrough curves and the IC–SC relationship. This technique was tested in a 120 m reach of stream (2–60 m subreaches) in the Maimai M15 catchment, New Zealand during baseflow recession. Dissolved LiBr was injected for 12·92 h, with Br as the conservative ion of interest. Four TSM simulations using the OTIS model are optimized using UCODE to fit (1) Br data derived from the Br–SC relationship (n = 1307 observations at each of two stream sampling sites), (2) all stream Br data collected (n = 58 in upper reach, n = 60 in lower reach), (3) half of the stream Br data collected, and (4) 20 stream Br samples from each site. No two simulations resulted in the same optimal parameter values. Results suggest that the greater the frequency of observations, the greater the confidence in estimated parameter values. Br–SC simulations resulted in the best overall model fits to the data, with the lowest calculated error variance of 6·37, narrowest 95% parameter estimate confidence intervals, and the highest correlation coefficient of 0·99 942, among the four simulations. This is largely due to the improved representation of the shoulder and tail of the BTC with this method. The IC–SC correlation method is robust in situations in which (1) changes in background SC data can be accounted for, and (2) the data used to define the IC–SC relationship are representative of the range of data collected. This method provides more efficient sample analysis, improved data resolution, and improved model results compared to the alternative stream tracer data gathering methods presented. Additionally, we describe a new parameterization of the cross‐sectional area of the stream during flow recession, as a function of discharge, based on a stream hydraulic geometry relationship. This variant of the OTIS model provides a more realistic representation of stream dynamics during unsteady discharge. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that shallow groundwater in arid regions is often not in equilibrium with near‐surface boundary conditions due to human activities and climate change. This is especially the case where the unsaturated zone is thick and recharge rate is limited. Under this nonequilibrium condition, the unsaturated zone solute profile plays an important role in estimating recent diffuse recharge in arid environments. This paper combines evaluation of the thick unsaturated zone with the saturated zone to investigate the groundwater recharge of a grassland in the arid western Ordos Basin, NW China, using the soil chloride profiles and multiple tracers (2H, 18O, 13C, 14C, and water chemistry) of groundwater. Whereas conventional water balance and Darcy flux measurements usually involve large errors in recharge estimations for arid areas, chloride mass balance has been widely and generally successfully used. The results show that the present diffuse recharge beneath the grassland is 0.11–0.32 mm/year, based on the chloride mass balance of seven soil profiles. The chloride accumulation age is approximately 2,500 years at a depth of 13 m in the unsaturated zone. The average Cl content in soil moisture in the upper 13 m of the unsaturated zone ranges from 2,842 to 7,856 mg/L, whereas the shallow groundwater Cl content ranges from 95 to 351 mg/L. The corrected 14C age of shallow groundwater ranges from 4,327 to 29,708 years. Stable isotopes show that the shallow groundwater is unrelated to modern precipitation. The shallow groundwater was recharged during the cold and wet phases of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene humid phase based on palaeoclimate, and consequently, the groundwater resources are nonrenewable. Due to the limited recharge rate and thick unsaturated zone, the present shallow groundwater has not been in hydraulic equilibrium with near‐surface boundary conditions in the past 2,500 years.  相似文献   

The effect of regional and local ground water circulation systems on the Heat Flow Density (HFD) field is demonstrated by two examples from Switzerland, one near St. Gall in an area at the northern border of the Alps, and the other northwest of Zurich along the eastern end of the Jura mountains. Detailed HFD maps of both areas slow pronounced high heat flow zones which are attributed to discharge of subsurface water which has migrated laterally over several 10 km. Seepage velocities on the order of several mm/yr have been calculated. Geothermal information is not available about the infiltration zones where low HFD values are expected. Geochemical and isotopic analysis of water samples from springs and drillholes indicates the recharge zones and demonstrates the effect of extensive regional systems. These results indicate that in regions with significant topographic relief HFD mapping can be seriously biased if drillholes are positioned in valleys which correspond to discharge areas with relatively high HFD, whereas the low heat flow zones remain undetected.  相似文献   

Stream temperature ranged from 3 to 4°C at an experimental site during snowmelt on Hokkaido Island, Japan, which provided direct evidence of major contributions of subsurface water to stream water. In contrast, stream temperatures during rainstorms in summer decreased gradually after stream flow peaked, attaining a nearly constant temperature ranging from 9 to 11°C. During storm flow recession, stream temperatures during summer or snowmelt were similar to the soil temperature at 1·8 m below the land surface, suggesting that subsurface water contributions to stream flow are derived from this depth. The hygrographs during two rainstorms, August 1987 and September 1989, were separated using temperature. The stream temperature was assumed to depend on the mixing of surface flow, having a temperature ranging from that of rainfall to that of shallow (50 cm deep) soil water, and subsurface flow, having the temperature of the soil at 1·8 m below the land surface. Subsurface flow was estimated to contribute 85–90% of the total stream flow during each rainstorm. A two‐component hydrograph separation was also evaluated using specific conductance. Runoff contributions from the two sources for the temperature and specific conductance analysis were similar. Analysis of the temperature and conductance–discharge hysteresis loop, and of individual flow components for storm hygrographs, provide a general picture of the runoff process in the experimental basin. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ground tilt signals observed at three different test sites in Germany confirm earlier observations of surface deformation occurences caused by the withdrawal of ground water from nearby wells. The strength of the signals presented here ranges from a few μrad to 230 μrad, whereby ground tilt was measured in shallow boreholes, at depths between 2 and 4 m. Analysis of the tilt signals suggests that local inhomogeneities in the subsoil can have significant impact on several signal parameters, namely its maximum amplitude, its variation in time, and its strike with respect to the direction of the productive well. The observed data emphasize the likelihood of various causes for deviations from the ‘normal’ tilt response that holds for an isotropic poroelastic half-space. In particular, at one site, a reverse well level change, also known as ‘Noordbergum effect’ in hydrogeology, is seen together with a respective response in the tilt signal. The study concludes that near surface deformation in the vicinity of pumped wells bears a wealth of information that may be useful to constrain the conditions of fluid flow at depth; and that there is a need for model calculations to fully understand the involved phenomena.  相似文献   

地方震及近震地下水同震震后效应研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
付虹  刘丽芳  王世芹  万登堡 《地震》2002,22(4):55-66
同震效应、震后效应是地下水异常变化的显著特征。通过多年预报研究、实践, 依据1982年以来的观测资料, 分析同震效应、震后效应的机理、特征, 提出震后效应的单井、密集、条带、迁移等空间分布, 可对老震区余震、外围区及井位附近牵动性后继地震地点预报有指示意义, 亦可对中期、短期预报及后继地震震型判定提供线索。  相似文献   

International borders, ground water flow, and hydroschizophrenia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A substantial body of research has been conducted on transboundary water, transboundary water law, and the mitigation of transboundary water conflict. However, most of this work has focused primarily on surface water supplies. While it is well understood that aquifers cross international boundaries and that the base flow of international river systems is often derived in part from ground water, transboundary ground water and surface water systems are usually managed under different regimes, resulting in what has been described as "hydroschizophrenia." Adding to the problem, the hydrologic relationships between surface and ground water supplies are only known at a reconnaissance level in even the most studied international basins, and thus even basic questions regarding the territorial sovereignty of ground water resources often remain unaddressed or even unasked. Despite the tensions inherent in the international setting, riparian nations have shown tremendous creativity in approaching regional development, often through preventive diplomacy, and the creation of "baskets of benefits," which allow for positive-sum, integrative allocations of joint gains. In contrast to the notion of imminent water wars, the history of hydropolitical relations worldwide has been overwhelmingly cooperative. Limited ground water management in the international arena, coupled with the fact that few states or countries regulate the use of ground water, begs the question: will international borders serve as boundaries for increased "flows" of hydrologic information and communication to maintain strategic aquifers, or will increased competition for shared ground water resources lead to the potential loss of strategic aquifers and "no flows" for both ground water users?  相似文献   

Regional groundwater flow in deep aquifers adds advective components to the surface heat flow over extensive areas within the Great Plains province. The regional groundwater flow is driven by topographically controlled piezometric surfaces for confined aquifers that recharge either at high elevations on the western edge of the province or from subcrop contacts. The aquifers discharge at lower elevations to the east. The assymetrical geometry for the Denver and Kennedy Basins is such that the surface areas of aquifer recharge are small compared to the areas of discharge. Consequently, positive advective heat flow occurs over most of the province. The advective component of heat flow in the Denver Basin is on the order of 15 mW m−2 along a zone about 50 km wide that parallels the structure contours of the Dakota aquifer on the eastern margin of the Basin. The advective component of heat flow in the Kennedy Basin is on the order of 20 mW m−2 and occurs over an extensive area that coincides with the discharge areas of the Madison (Mississippian) and Dakota (Cretaceous) aquifers. Groundwater flow in Paleozoic and Mesozoic aquifers in the Williston Basin causes thermal anomalies that are seen in geothermal gradient data and in oil well temperature data. The pervasive nature of advective heat flow components in the Great Plains tends to mask the heat flow structure of the crust, and only heat flow data from holes drilled into the crystalline basement can be used for tectonic heat flow studies.  相似文献   

Sub-surface temperature fields may be considerably affected by active ground water systems, thereby seriously hampering the interpretation of heat flow data. Quantitative evaluation of the convective component of heat transfer is thus very important in cases such as large sedimentary basins with vast underground water circulation. We propose in this study a simple model of horizontal aquifer. This model was used to examine the effect of the lateral convection on the surface heat flow near the recharge zone of basinal margins. The perturbation of the heat flow field above the aquifer was calculated for various aquifer geometry and various flow velocities and the regional scale dependence of the perturbation on the hydraulic properties of the aquifer was demonstrated. The model was applied to the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin and it was shown that within a few kilometres from the recharge zones the observed surface heat flow may be underestimated by up to several tens of percent. The procedure was tested in two locations in this area, in an attempt to make hydrogeological corrections to the measured heat flow values in several boreholes.  相似文献   

A drift and pumpback experiment was conducted in a brackish water sandfill. The sandfill was reclaimed from the sea in the eastern part of Singapore and contains sands with low organic and clay/silt contents. The high salinity in the ground water precludes the use of chloride and bromide as tracers in such an environment, and a field experiment was conducted to assess the viability of using fluorescein as a tracer in brackish water aquifers. Nitrate was used as a second tracer to serve as a check. Initial laboratory studies showed that fluorescence was unaffected over the range of electrical conductivity and pH of the ground water. Results from the field experiment show that fluorescein appears to behave conservatively.  相似文献   

Using terrestrial osmium-enriched samples of known ages, we have shown that187Os/186Os varies with time in result of the187Re β? radioactivity. Such a variation in the earth's mantle can be fitted by a straight line corresponding to187Re/186Os = 3.15 for the mantle, comparable to C1 carbonaceous chondrites. Using this result and the Re and Os contents of various rocks, several theoretical considerations and predictions can be deduced for the chemical evolution of the earth, such as a method for distinguishing between different processes of development of the continental crust. The special result of187Os/186Os from Bushveld is discussed with respect to the possible existence of an “enriched” subcontinental mantle.  相似文献   

The west watershed of Mirror Lake in the White Mountains of New Hampshire contains several terraces that are at different altitudes and have different geologic compositions. The lowest terrace (FSE) has 5 m of sand overlying 9 m of till. The two next successively higher terraces (FS2 and FS1) consist entirely of sand and have maximum thicknesses of about 7 m. A fourth, and highest, terrace (FS3) lies in the north‐west watershed directly adjacent to the west watershed. This highest terrace has 2 m of sand overlying 8 m of till. All terraces overlie fractured crystalline bedrock. Numerical models of hypothetical settings simulating ground‐water flow in a mountainside indicated that the presence of a terrace can cause local ground‐water flow cells to develop, and that the flow patterns differ based on the geologic composition of the terrace. For example, more ground water moves from the bedrock to the glacial deposits beneath terraces consisting completely of sand than beneath terraces that have sand underlain by till. Field data from Mirror Lake watersheds corroborate the numerical experiments. The geology of the terraces also affects how the stream draining the west watershed interacts with ground water. The stream turns part way down the mountainside and passes between the two sand terraces, essentially transecting the movement of ground water down the valley side. Transects of water‐table wells were installed across the stream's riparian zone above, between, and below the sand terraces. Head data from these wells indicated that the stream gains ground water on both sides above and below the sand terraces. However, where it flows between the sand terraces the stream gains ground water on its uphill side and loses water on its downhill side. Biogeochemical processes in the riparian zone of the flow‐through reach have resulted in anoxic ground water beneath the lower sand terrace. Results of this study indicate that it is useful to understand patterns of ground‐water flow in order to fully understand the flow and chemical characteristics of both ground water and surface water in mountainous terrain. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is fact that the severe ground motions of shear waves have a strong effect on the dynamic behavior of buildings and civil structures. We simulate near source strong motions of a pure shear wave and synthesize small motions, using the parameters based on the recorded accelerograms at the site that is regarded as a base rock in the Osaka basin, Japan. By making use of a stochastic technique, we can easily introduce higher frequency contents in the motions and apply the technique to the synthesis of small waves regarding as a green function. We also introduce to the analysis the useful relationships among the time duration Td, the seismic moment M0, the corner frequency fc and the high cutoff frequency fmax which were regressed by a simple representation scheme. Considering two active faults that may affect severe damage on buildings and civil structures, we try to predict strong ground motions in Osaka basin and show the characteristics of them.  相似文献   

To assess the contribution of accumulated winter precipitation and glacial meltwater to the recharge of deep ground water flow systems in fracture crystalline rocks, measurements of environmental isotope ratios, hydrochemical composition, and in situ parameters of ground water were performed in a deep tunnel. The measurements demonstrate the significance of these ground water recharge components for deep ground water flow systems in fractured granites of a high alpine catchment in the Central Alps, Switzerland. Hydrochemical and in situ parameters, as well as delta(18)O in ground water samples collected in the tunnel, show only small temporal variations. The precipitation record of delta(18)O shows seasonal variations of approximately 14% and a decrease of 0.23% +/- 0.03% per 100 m elevation gain. delta(2)H and delta(18)O in precipitation are well correlated and plot close to the meteoric water line, as well as delta(2)H and delta(18)O in ground water samples, reflecting the meteoric origin of the latter. The depletion of 18O in ground water compared to 18O content in precipitation during the ground water recharge period indicates significant contributions from accumulated depleted winter precipitation to ground water recharge. The hydrochemical composition of the encountered ground water, Na-Ca-HCO3-SO4(-F), reflects an evolution of the ground water along the flowpath through the granite body. Observed tritium concentrations in ground water range from 2.6 to 16.6 TU, with the lowest values associated with a local negative temperature anomaly and anomalous depleted 18O in ground water. This demonstrates the effect of local ground water recharge from meltwater of submodern glacial ice. Such localized recharge from glaciated areas occurs along preferential flowpaths within the granite body that are mainly controlled by observed hydraulic active shear fractures and cataclastic faults.  相似文献   

Carbon biogeochemistry of ground water, Guiyang, southwest China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Li SL  Liu CQ  Tao FX  Lang YC  Han GL 《Ground water》2005,43(4):494-499
Variations in the concentrations and isotopic compositions (delta13C(DIC)) of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) reflect contamination and biogeochemical cycling of the carbon in ground water. In order to understand contamination and biogeochemical cycling of DIC, we carried out research on the geochemistry of ground water of Guiyang, the capital city of Guizhou Province, China. Results show that ground water is mainly characterized by SO4.HCO3-Ca.Mg and HCO3-Ca.Mg chemical compositions. The hydrochemical characteristics of these types of water are mainly controlled by lithology of the aquifers. HCO3- is the dominant species of DIC in ground water and has lower concentrations and more negative values of delta13C(DIC) in the high-flow (summer monsoon) season, as compared to the low-flow season. This indicates that DIC is relatively enriched in carbon of biological origin in the high-flow season as compared to the low-flow season and that biological activities are the predominant control on shifts of stable carbon isotope values. The evidence that the delta13C(DIC) values of ground water decrease with increasing concentrations of anthropogenic species shows that the carbon isotopic composition of DIC can be a useful tracer of contamination, in addition to biogeochemical cycling of inorganic carbon in ground water. Results from this study show that ground water is impacted by significant levels of contamination from human activities, especially in the urban areas, as well as the northeast and west suburbs, in Guiyang city, southwest China.  相似文献   

Proper management of ground water resources requires knowledge of the rates and spatial distribution of recharge to aquifers. This information is needed at scales ranging from that of individual communities to regional. This paper presents a methodology to calculate recharge from readily available ground surface information without long-term monitoring. The method is viewed as providing a reasonable, but conservative, first approximation of recharge, which can then be fine-tuned with other methods as time permits. Stream baseflow was measured as a surrogate for recharge in small watersheds in southeastern Wisconsin. It is equated to recharge (R) and then normalized to observed annual precipitation (P). Regression analysis was constrained by requiring that the independent and dependent variables be dimensionally consistent. It shows that R/P is controlled by three dimensionless ratios: (1) infiltrating to overland water flux, (2) vertical to lateral distance water must travel, and (3) percentage of land cover in the natural state. The individual watershed properties that comprise these ratios are now commonly available in GIS data bases. The empirical relationship for predicting R/P developed for the study watersheds is shown to be statistically viable and is then tested outside the study area and against other methods of calculating recharge. The method produces values that agree with baseflow separation from streamflow hydrographs (to within 15% to 20%), ground water budget analysis (4%), well hydrograph analysis (12%), and a distributed-parameter watershed model calibrated to total streamflow (18%). It has also reproduced the temporal variation over 5 yr observed at a well site with an average error < 12%.  相似文献   

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