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张智  田小波 《地球物理学报》2011,54(11):2761-2768
对布设于青藏高原中部INDEPTH-III宽频带数字地震台阵的41个台站记录的远震体波资料所提取出的P波接收函数和SKS波形资料做偏振分析,并采用以误差为权的叠加分析方法求得每一个台站的Pms和SKS快波偏振方向和快慢波的时间延迟,获得了从拉萨块体中部,经喀喇昆仑—嘉黎断裂系和班公湖—怒江缝合带,到羌塘块体中部的地壳和岩石圈地幔的地震波各向异性图像.从各向异性分析结果可以看到:Pms快慢波的时间延迟为0.3~0.5 s,在拉萨块体,快波方向主要为NE-SW向,在羌塘块体,快波方向为近E-W向.SKS快慢波的时间延迟为1~2 s,主要分布在拉萨块体的北端和羌塘块体,并且向靠近班公湖—怒江缝合带和昆仑—嘉黎断裂带的方向时差增大,快波方向基本与Pms快波方向一致.在喀喇昆仑—嘉黎断裂带以南的拉萨块体中部没有测量到明显的SKS分裂,这可能与该区存在双层快轴方向近垂直的各向异性层有关.结合研究区已有的研究成果可以推测:拉萨块体地壳各向异性层的快轴方向与印度—欧亚板块汇聚方向一致,可能与地壳较强刚性有关,其在板块汇聚过程中不易发生流展变形;而羌塘块体地壳和岩石圈中各向异性层的快轴方向与青藏高原物质逃逸方向一致,表明这一块体流变性均较强,在板块汇聚挤压力的作用下发生了侧向流变变形.  相似文献   

 Kuju Volcano lies near Aso Caldera at the center of Kyushu Island, western Japan. After a few hundred years of dormancy, a phreatic explosion accompanied by a small ash eruption occurred on 11 October 1995. This study was undertaken to determine the subsurface seismic velocity structure associated with the active magmatic regime in the Kuju volcanic region. The three-dimensional, upper crustal, P-wave velocity structure beneath Kuju Volcano was determined using methods for the simultaneous inversion of P-wave arrival times from local earthquakes in and around the Kuju volcanic region for velocities and hypocentral parameters. Results reveal two shallower low-velocity anomalies located in the northern and southern parts of Kuju Volcano, consistent with the presence of significant negative Bouguer gravity anomalies. In addition, a high-velocity anomaly is located approximately 5 km northwest of Mt. Kuju, one of the domes in Kuju Volcano. Beneath this high-velocity anomaly, a low-velocity anomaly is present. This velocity structure suggests a magmatic regime that has a lid consisting of cooled solid material overlying a chamber of partially molten material. Received: 23 September 1997 / Accepted: 20 June 1998  相似文献   

The crust and upper mantle structure beneath southeastern China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyzed teleseismic waveforms recorded by 44 stations in the Fujian and Taiwan provinces of China and obtained 5344 high quality receiver functions. The crustal thickness (H) and average crustal VP/VS ratio (k) beneath every station were estimated using the Hk stacking method. Crustal thicknesses near the Fujian Province range from 28.3 to 32.8 km with an average of 31.1 km, and the corresponding VP/VS ratios vary from 1.70 to 1.84 with a mean of 1.76. From inland to offshore of the Fujian Province, the crustal thicknesses decrease and Poisson's ratios increase. These may indicate decreasing SiO2 and increasing calc-alkaline contents in the crust. The discontinuity structures such as the Moho, subducting slab, the 410- and 660-km discontinuities (hereafter we call them the 410 and the 660) are also studied using common converted point (CCP) stacking of receiver functions. Along two NW–SE lines of central and northern Taiwan, the CCP stacking results show a western dipping structure at depths above 50 km, suggesting that the Philippine Sea plate is probably subducting beneath the Eurasian continent plate near the central and northern Taiwan. The CCP stacking results show sharp and flat 410- and 660-km discontinuities, and the transition zone thickness (TZT) is the same as that of ambient mantle beneath Fujian and Taiwan Strait, but thickens in the east of Taiwan. These results suggest that (1) the subducting Eurasian continent plate is confined to the depths above 410 km beneath Fujian and Taiwan Strait; and (2) the South China Sea slab may reach the transition zone beneath the east of Taiwan.  相似文献   

岷山隆起带与西秦岭构造带中段位于青藏高原物质东向流动的必经之处,又是南北地震带的组成部分和GPS速度场非连续性衰减和转换的关键部位,其地壳结构及地壳变形机制受到国内外地质地球物理学家的广泛关注,了解研究区深部细结构及主要边界断裂空间展布特征,对青藏高原隆升机制及中强地震孕震构造的研究有重要意义.本文依托分别横跨岷山隆起带及西秦岭构造带中段的两条大地电磁剖面(SG-WQL-L1与SG-WQL-L2)小点距观测数据,采用大地电磁相位张量分解技术对两条剖面上各个测点的电性走向、二维偏离度进行计算分析,根据分析结果对原始数据进行主轴方位角校正处理,进一步采用NLCG(非线性共轭梯度)二维反演方法开展TE与TM模式的相位和电阻率联合反演,获取沿剖面方向30 km以浅的电阻率结构模型,并完成了地质地球物理综合解释.两条大地电磁剖面勘探成果揭示出,马尔康地块中上地壳发育的壳内低阻层与岷山隆起上地壳低阻体在深部交汇,岷江断裂带与虎牙断裂带受控于马尔康地块与岷山隆起带上地壳底部的滑脱面,滑脱面呈现往东角度逐渐变陡峭的趋势且在岷江附近出现"断坡"构造,历史强震震源深度显示虎牙断裂为岷山隆起带新生代强震的发震断裂;西秦岭构造带中段中上地壳沿剖面方向表现为横向分块、纵向分层的电性结构特征,中地壳12~25 km左右发育厚度不等的壳内低阻层,壳内低阻层多与研究区次级地块的边界断裂在深部交汇,次级地块以及区分次级地块的活动断裂带可能是GPS速度场在研究区呈现非连续性的递减并伴随方向转换的构造成因;青藏高原内部的软流圈物质向NE和SSE流动,驱动巴颜喀拉地块东缘上地壳沿中上地壳低阻层东向运移,受到摩天岭高阻地块的阻挡作用,软弱的岷山隆起带发生地壳褶皱变形并向东逆冲推覆从而形成高耸的岷山山脉,岷江断裂与虎牙断裂的左旋运动加速了岷山的隆起.  相似文献   

The region of the Aegean Sea and the surrounding areas in the Eastern Mediterranean lies on the boundary zone between the Eurasian and the African plates. It is a zone of widespread extensive deformation and, therefore, reveals a high level of seismicity.Three-dimensional velocity structure, beneath the crust and upper mantle of the region between 33.0°N–43.0°N and 18.0°E–30.6°E, is determined.The data used are arrival times ofP-waves from 166 earthquakes, recorded at 62 seismological stations. In total, 3973 residual data are inverted.The resultant structure reveals a remarkable contrast of velocity. In the top crustal layer, low velocities are dominant in Western Turkey and on the Greek mainland, while a high velocity zone is dominant in the Ionian Sea and in the southern Aegean Sea.In the upper mantle, high velocity zones dominate along the Hellenic arc, corresponding to the subducting African plate and in the northern part of the region, corresponding to the subducting African plate and in the northern part of the region, corresponding to the margin of Eurasian plate.A low velocity zone is dominant in the Aegean Sea region, where large-scale extension and volcanic activity are predominant, associated with the subduction of the African plate.  相似文献   

Fundamental and first higher modes of the Rayleigh- and Love-wave group velocities along seven paths in Australia were jointly inverted by a controlled Monte Carlo procedure to obtain regional shear-wave velocity structures of the crust and upper mantle. Our data support the results of Gonez and Cleary which show an S-wave low velocity zone centred near 110 km depth in eastern Australia. However, the thickness-velocity contrast of the low velocity zone is significantly smaller. The crustal models for eastern Australia are characterized by upper crusts which are both thicker and have lower velocities than those in western Australia and have a less sharp crust-upper mantle boundary. The S-wave velocities for the upper mantle appear to be similar (~ 4.55 km s?1) throughout the continent, with no obvious dependence on the age of cratonization or crustal thickness.  相似文献   

2008年5月12日汶川MW7.9地震发生在龙门山断裂带。龙门山断裂带及其邻域的地壳上地幔三维速度结构的研究对于理解汶川大地震的动力学背景具有重要的意义。2006年10月至2009年10月,在国家重大基础研究项目(973)的支持下,中国地震局地质研究所地震动力学国家重点实验室在川西地区(26°~32°N,100°~105°E)布设了由297台宽频带数字地震仪组成的流动观测台阵(简称川西台阵)。根据川西台阵记录的环境噪声和远震波形数据,利用噪声成像技术和接收函数方法,我们研究了川西地区(29°~32°N,100°~105°E)地壳上地幔100km深度范围内的三维S波速度结构。本文得到的结果为研究川西高原和四川盆地的地壳结构提供了新的高分辨率观测证据。我们的结果表明:1)观测台阵覆盖的川滇地块、松潘-甘孜地块和四川盆地的地壳上地幔S波速度结构具有显着差异,龙门山断裂和鲜水河断裂带,作为地块间的边界断裂带,对两侧地壳结构具有明显的控制作用。2)观测台阵覆盖区域的地壳厚度存在明显差异,川滇地块的地壳厚度为60~64km,松潘-甘孜地块的地壳厚度为52~56km,四川盆地前陆的地壳厚度为46~52km,沿龙门山断裂带松潘-甘孜地块和四川盆地形成镶嵌结构,汶川地震震中处南北两侧的壳幔边界存在约6km的断错。3)四川盆地前陆低速特征表明相应区域存在厚度8~10km的沉积盖层,松潘-甘孜地块和川滇地块的中下地壳具有大面积分布的S波低速区,松潘-甘孜地块地壳平均泊松比高达0.29~0.31,汶川地震余震绝大多数分布在低速区上方的高速介质区域内,而四川盆地的中下地壳呈现整体性的高速特征,以汶川地震的震中为界,龙门山断裂带北段和南段的S波速度结构显示了明显的速度分段特征,其北段的S波速度总体上高于南段。4)本文给出的研究区地壳三维S波速度结构表明,川西高原中下地壳较为软弱,而四川盆地中下地壳的强度应明显高于松潘-甘孜地块,意味着四川盆地坚硬中下地壳可以阻挡松潘-甘孜地块向东的逃逸;另一方面,川西高原和川滇地块的中下地壳虽然均存在大面积的S波低速区,但松潘-甘孜地块内的地壳速度结构相对来说较为复杂,并形成了高、低速相间的结构特征,表明在四川盆地的阻挡作用下,该地块形成了折皱变形的结构。5)与S波低速区相应,松潘-甘孜地块和川滇地块中下地壳应处于部分熔融的状态,这对该区域存在中下地壳通道流(Channelflow)的推断是一个支持;但是,松潘-甘孜地块内是否存在中下地壳通道流仍有待进一步的深入研究。6)接收函数方位各向异性的偏振分析表明,以汶川地震震中为界,龙门山断裂西南侧处于挤压状态,而其东北侧的主压应力方向与断层走向大体平行,推断先存应力场可能驱动了汶川地震逆冲破裂之后沿龙门山断裂向北东方向的走滑破裂。  相似文献   

Data are presented from deep seismic sounding along the strike of the Balearic Islands carried out in 1976. The interpretation of the data gives the following results: A sedimentary cover of 4 km around Ibiza to 7 km under Mallorca overlies the crystalline basement. This basement with a P-wave velocity of 6.0 km/s at the top reaches a depth of at least 15 km under Ibiza and 17 km under Mallorca with an increase to 6.1 km/s at these depths. The crust-mantle boundary lies at a depth of 20 km and 25 km, respectively. A well documented upper-mantle velocity of 7.7 km/s is found along the entire profile. The Moho rises to a depth of 20 km about 30 km north of Mallorca and probably continues rising towards the center of the North Balearic Sea. The newly deduced crustal structure together with previously determined velocity-depth sections in the North Balearic Sea as well as heat flow and aeromagnetic data can be interpreted as an extended rift structure caused by large-scale tensional processes in the upper mantle. The available data suggest that the entire zone from the eastern Alboran Sea to the area north of the Balearic Islands represents the southeastern flank of this rift system. In this model the provinces of Spain along the east coast would represent the northwestern rift flank.  相似文献   

华北地区地壳上地幔S波三维速度结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用华北地区大型流动地震台阵的记录资料,采用近震和远震联合成像方法,得到了水平分辨率0.5°×0.5°、深至600km的S波速度结构.研究结果表明,上地壳S波速度结构与地表地质构造基本一致,燕山—太行山山脉均呈现高速异常,延庆—怀来盆地、大同盆地表现为低速异常,华北盆地内部的拗陷和隆起分别呈现低速和高速.唐山地区中地壳、山西裂陷盆地中下地壳存在明显的低速异常,可能分别与流体和热物质作用有关,有利于形成孕育强震的地质构造环境.90km的速度结构图像依然与地表的构造特征有较大的相关性,可能说明深部结构对地表构造有一定的控制作用.燕山隆起区岩石圈的厚度可达120~150km左右,华北盆地的岩石圈厚度可能在80km左右,太行山地区的岩石圈厚度介于两者之间.山西裂陷盆地上地幔低速层较厚,反映了该区不稳定的构造环境造成了地幔热物质的上涌.华北盆地下方220~320km出现的高速异常体,可能揭示了华北盆地上地幔仍然存在拆沉后残留的难熔、高密度的古老岩石圈地幔.研究区东部地幔转换带呈低速异常,推测可能与太平洋板块俯冲至该区下方地幔转换带前缘120°E左右的俯冲板块相变脱水有关.  相似文献   

The fundamental mode Love and Rayleigh waves generated by earthquakes occurring in Kashmir, Nepal Himalaya, northeast India and Burma and recorded at Hyderabad, New Delhi and Kodaikanal seismic stations are analysed. Love and Rayleigh wave attenuation coefficients are obtained at time periods of 15–100 seconds, using the spectral amplitude of these waves for 23 different paths along northern (across Burma to New Delhi) and central (across Kashmir, Nepal Himalaya and northeast India to Hyderabad and Kodaikanal) India. Love wave attenuation coefficients are found to vary from 0.0003 to 0.0022 km–1 for northern India and 0.00003 km–1 to 0.00016 km–1 for central India. Similarly, Rayleigh wave attenuation coefficients vary from 0.0002 km–1 to 0.0016 km–1 for northern India and 0.00001 km–1 to 0.0009 km–1 for central India. Backus and Gilbert inversion theory is applied to these surface wave attenuation data to obtainQ –1 models for the crust and uppermost mantle beneath northern and central India. Inversion of Love and Rayleigh wave attenuation data shows a highly attenuating zone centred at a depth of 20–80 km with lowQ for northern India. Similarly, inversion of Love and Rayleigh wave attenuation data shows a high attenuation zone below a depth of 100 km. The inferred lowQ value at mid-crustal depth (high attenuating zone) in the model for northern India can be by underthrusting of the Indian plate beneath the Eurasian plate which has caused a low velocity zone at this shallow depth. The gradual increase ofQ –1 from shallow to deeper depth shows that the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary is not sharply defined beneath central India, but rather it represents a gradual transformation, which starts beneath the uppermost mantle. The lithospheric thickness is 100 km beneath central India and below that the asthenosphere shows higher attenuation, a factor of about two greater than that in the lithosphere. The very lowQ can be explained by changes in the chemical constitution taking place in the uppermost mantle.  相似文献   

收集河北地震台网记录的唐山震区2012-2016年ML≥1.0地震,选取震源深度5-10km、波形信噪比较高的波形数据,拾取直达P波、S波震相到时,利用和达法计算平均波速比,并分析研究区平均波速比水平分布特征与时变特征,结果表明:唐山震区上地壳平均波速比约为1.71,且水平分布呈区域化特征,反映了研究区复杂的地壳结构。研究区内3次ML≥4.0地震前,波速比曲线均呈较显著的下降-低值-回升形态,表明该区平均波速比变化可能具有一定地球物理异常特征。  相似文献   


龙门山断裂带上发生了2008年汶川8.0级和2013年芦山7.0级地震,为了研究芦山地震前后该区域地壳各向异性的空间分布和变化,以及较大地震对快剪切波偏振方向造成的影响,本文运用剪切波分裂系统分析方法,结合固定地震台网(2010-01—2017-10)和川西流动地震台阵(2006-10—2009-07)的小震波形数据,得到了龙门山断裂带及邻近地区上地壳各向异性参数.结果表明,慢剪切波时间延迟主要分布在0.65~7.39 ms·km-1之间,横向上具有不均匀性,地壳20 km以上的介质对各向异性的贡献较大.快剪切波优势偏振方向主要为NW或NWW和NE向,具有明显的分区特性.位于龙门山断裂带附近台站的快剪切波偏振方向自北向南由NWW转变为NW、NE向,在南段又变为NWW、NE向,指示了龙门山断裂带的分段特性是其构造属性.根据得到的有效事件数据,本文使用的49个台站中有19个台站的各向异性参数与反方位角、深度、震级和路径长度等显示出一定的相关性.研究区内的芦山地震及其他较大地震可能影响了局部快剪切波偏振方向.研究表明,更多的有效事件数据将有益于定量分析局部构造应力场和断裂属性的变化情况,从而有益于断裂带地震学特性及地震预测研究.


In this study, three receiver function stacking methods are used to study the detailed crust and upper mantle structure beneath south-central Alaska. We used teleseismic waveform data recorded by 36 stations in the Broadband Experiment Across the Alaska Range (BEAAR) and 4 permanent stations in Alaska. H − κ stacking method using P-to-S converted wave and its multiply reflected waves between the Earth's surface and the Moho discontinuity is adopted to estimate the crustal thickness (H) and average crustal VP/VS ratio (κ) in this region. The receiver function results for 24 stations show that the crustal thickness under Alaska ranges from 26.0 to 42.6 km with an average value of 33.8 km, and the VP/VS ratio varies from 1.66 to 1.94 with an average value of 1.81 which corresponds to an average Poisson's ratio of 0.277 with a range from 0.216 to 0.320. High Poisson's ratios under some stations are possibly caused by partial melting in the crust and the uppermost mantle. Common converted point (CCP) stacking results of receiver functions along three lines show clear Moho and slab images under this subduction zone. The depths of the slab from our CCP stacking images are consistent with those estimated from the Wadati–Benioff Zone (WBZ). In the area between two stations DH2 (147.8°W, 63.3°N) and DH3 (147.1°W, 63.0°N), a Moho depth offset of about 10 km is found by both the H − κ and CCP stacking techniques. Common depth point (CDP) stacking of receiver functions shows not only the 410-, 520- and 660-km discontinuities, but also significant variations (−30 to 15 km) in the transition zone thickness under the southwest and southeast parts of the study region. The transition zone becomes thinner by 20–30 km, indicating that the temperature there is 150–200 K higher than that of the normal mantle.  相似文献   

中国大陆及邻区海域地壳上地幔各向异性研究   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
利用分别由Love波和Rayleigh波得到的S波速度结构的差值(VSH-VSV)对中国大陆及邻区海域(70°E~145°E,15°N~55°N)地壳上地幔中的偏振各向异性进行研究.初步研究结果表明,各向异性在空间分布上存在不均匀性:(1)在小于150 km的深度范围内,VSH>VSV的各向异性体占主导地位,反映出在地球的浅部岩石圈内的水平应力作用及软流圈顶部物质的水平向流动对各向异性的形成起主导作用.在大陆地区,各向异性的强度随深度有显著变化.上地壳和上地幔盖层中的各向异性普遍较弱,而在流变性较强的下地壳和软流圈存在较大范围的各向异性.这一现象说明下地壳在岩石圈变形中可能有解耦作用.(2)在大于200 km深度的软流圈下部主要表现为VSHVSV的各向异性比较显著,而软流圈中VSHVSV各向异性.  相似文献   

We present the results of a long-period electromagnetic investigation of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Rhenish Shield in Western Germany. The magnetotelluric phase data reveal a frequency-dependent regional strike that varies only smoothly across the array. At short periods (t<100 s) the striking of the maximum phase splitting is N45°E, which can be explained with an electrical anisotropic lower crust. At long periods (t>1000 s) there is a consistent striking in WE direction, which provides strong evidence of an anisotropic structure in the upper mantle, too. Geomagnetic data were also used, whereas we reference the magnetic field components of all sites to an arbitrarily chosen field site. That provides a direct view of the anomalous current flow. We show that in case of a non-one-dimensional electrical substructure of the reference site all magnetic transfer functions of the other sites can be affected by lateral conductivity contrasts beneath the reference site. A simple method to remove such effects is introduced. Applying this method the magnetic data show a distinct anomaly in the northwestern part of the area. Finally, we present a 3D model of the conductivity structure beneath the Rhenish Shield which contains a superposition of two anisotropic structures in the lower crust (2000 S) and the upper mantle (20?000 S), respectively, and a local anomaly in the upper crust (4000 S).  相似文献   

Using the P-and S-wave arrivals from the 150 earthquakes distributed in Tibetan Plateau and its neighboring areas, recorded by Tibetan seismic network, Sichuan seismic network, WWSSN and the mobile network situated in Tibetan Plateau, we have obtained the average P-and S-wave velocity models of the crust and upper mantle for this region:
(1)  The crust of 70 km average thickness can be divided into two main layers: 16 km thick upper crust with P-wave velocity 5.55 km/s and S-wave velocity 3.25 km/s; and 54 km thick lower crust with P-wave velocity 6.52 km/s and S-wave velocity 3.76 km/s.
(2)  The p-wave velocity at the upper most mantle is 7.97 km/s, and the S-wave 4.55 km/s. The low velocity layer in the upper mantle occurs approximately at 140 km deep with a thickness of about 55–62 km. The prominent velocity gradient beneath the LVZ is comparable to the gradient above it.
The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, Supp., 573–579, 1992.  相似文献   

华北地区地壳上地幔三维P波速度结构   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用华北地震科学台阵和首都圈地震台网记录的4511次近震和625次远震的P 波到时数据,采用纬度和经度方向分别为0.5deg;times;0.5deg;的网格划分,反演得到了华北北部地区(111deg;E——120deg;E,37deg;N——42deg;N)深至400km 的地壳上地幔三维P 波速度结构.层析成像结果表明,研究区的速度存在明显的横向不均匀性,随着深度增加横向不均匀性总体呈现减弱趋势.燕山隆起带在60——120km 深度内存在明显的高速异常,这与较大的岩石圈厚度有关;山西裂陷盆地、华北平原下方60km 深度存在明显低速异常,与软流圈的出现有关.燕山隆起带岩石圈厚度在120km 以上,明显比太行山隆起的岩石圈厚度大,与稳定大陆地区的岩石圈厚度一致.太行山山前断裂已切穿莫霍面,贯入岩石圈.研究区上地幔顶部大范围的低速异常反映了软流圈上隆的特点.在华北平原及燕山隆起下方200——300km 存在高速异常可能与太古代大陆板块岩石圈的残留体有关.  相似文献   

This paper describes a travel—time analysis performed for the Italian seismic stations, in particular those operating in southern Italy, in order to study the crust and upper mantle properties in the region. Average P-wave residuals of teleseisms in the distance range 30°–95° with respect to Jeffreys-Bullen tables, at thirteen permanent and temporary stations of southern Italy, are coherent with a high velocity zone beneath Calabria and northern Sicily and low velocity material in the mantle beneath the Eolian Islands. Travel—time residuals from Tyrrhenian intermediate earthquakes show a high velocity structure which extends in a NW direction from a depth of at least 200 km down to 450 km.A damped least-squares inversion applied to DSS data confirms the existence of low velocity zones in the crust beneath the Eolian Islands, at 8–12 km depth, that agrees with previous results and with the lack of S waves from local earthquakes.Publication No. 193, Progetto Finalizzato Geodinamica, CNR-Roma.  相似文献   

中国大陆东南缘地震接收函数与地壳和上地幔结构   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
从2008—2011年,分别在中国大陆东南缘沿海和内陆两条NE向剖面上进行了宽频地震观测,利用记录到的远震波形资料提取得到1446个远震P波接收函数,用H-κ叠加扫描和CCP偏移叠加方法研究了中国大陆东南缘地壳及上地幔过渡带的结构及其变化特征.结合固定台网25个台站的H-κ结果,获得中国大陆东南缘(福建地区)地壳厚度从内陆到沿海逐渐减薄的图像:地壳从闽西北山区的33 km减薄到厦门沿海一带的29 km以下,平均地壳厚度为31.3 km,具有陆地向洋壳过渡的特征;地壳泊松比从内陆到沿海显示出分带特征,闽中西部内陆地区小于0.26,沿海地带高于0.26,且在断裂带的交汇区域表现为相对异常高值.地壳上地幔顶部(0~200 km)的CCP偏移叠加成像结果显示闽江断裂等NW向断裂深切Moho界面,在断裂两侧Moho面急剧抬升或下沉,产状改变,这些特征向内陆地区逐渐变得不明显.闽江等NW向断裂对研究区地壳厚度、地震等有明显控制作用.上地幔尺度(300~700 km)的CCP偏移叠加成像,未见410 km和660 km速度间断面突变和起伏异常,其绝对深度略大于IASP91模型的,上地幔转换带厚度正常(250±5 km),表明中国大陆东南缘上地幔转换带未受欧亚与菲律宾板块碰撞的明显影响,推断中国大陆东南缘及台湾海峡下方不存在俯冲板块,或俯冲前缘未扰动到410 km的深度.  相似文献   

本文通过对羌塘盆地内49个临时宽频带地震观测台阵数据的接收函数分析,采用H-κ叠加和CCP 叠加成像两种方法,获得到了藏北羌塘中部莫霍面深度以及泊松比分布.作为羌塘盆地构造单元的南缘边界,班公湖-怒江缝合带下的Moho存在一个南深北浅、断距约10 km的台阶;把羌塘盆地分为两部分的羌塘中央隆起带下存在一个3 km的Moho台阶;北羌塘盆地下的Moho 平均深度约为60 km,而南羌塘约为63 km.羌塘高原下的近水平Moho结构可能是受到印度大陆北向俯冲作用下的青藏高原隆升过程中Moho再均衡所致或者与其构造演化有关.泊松比值具有明显的构造分区特征,如南羌塘下的泊松比平均为0.31,双湖缝合带下的泊松比接近正常值,为0.265,而北羌塘的泊松比平均为0.285.  相似文献   

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