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We have observed two fields – Field I     ,     and Field II     ,     – with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at 330 MHz. In the first field, we have studied the candidate supernova remnant (SNR) G3.1−0.6 and, based on its observed morphology, spectral index and polarization, confirmed it to be an SNR. We find this supernova to have a double ring appearance with a strip of emission on its western side passing through its centre.
We have discovered two extended curved objects in the second field, which appears to be part of a large shell-like structure. It is possibly the remains of an old supernova in the region. Three suspected SNRs, G356.3−0.3, G356.6+0.1 and G357.1−0.2, detected in the MOST 843-MHz survey of the GC region appear to be located on this shell-like structure. While both G356.3−0.3 and G356.6+0.1 seem to be parts of this shell, G357.1−0.2, which has a steeper spectrum above 1 GHz, could be a background SNR seen through the region. Our H  i absorption observation towards the candidate SNR G357.1−0.2 indicates that it is at a distance of more than 6 kpc from us.  相似文献   

We have used the European VLBI Network (EVN) at 18 cm to study five of the more compact radio sources in the starburst galaxy M82. The angular resolution of the observations is 15 mas, corresponding to 0.2 pc at the distance of M82. The observations reveal shells ranging in diameter from 40 to 90 mas (0.6 to 1.4 pc), although the strongest source (41.95+575) is only marginally resolved by these measurements (∼20×10 mas2).
We have found clear evidence for expansion in one of the shell sources (43.31+592) by re-analysing, in wide-field mode, EVN data taken in 1986. Between 1986 and 1997 this source has increased its diameter by 13.6±2 mas, corresponding to an average expansion velocity of 9850±1500 km s−1. If we assume that the remnant is in free expansion, this is consistent with a supernova event in the early 1960s. Hence this remnant is almost certainly younger than the strongest, most compact source (41.95+575) which was known to be present in the 1960s. 41.95+575 shows no clear evidence for expansion (<4000 km s−1), consistent with a greater age; this is further evidence of its anomalous status. Comparison of the EVN images with earlier MERLIN data is also consistent with expansion in at least two more of the sources. We discuss the flux density variability of the compact sources in M82 and conclude that, with the exception of 41.95+575 and two transient sources, there is little evidence for significant changes in flux density of most of the remnants since the early 1980s.  相似文献   

We present radio observations of the source G332.5−5.6, a candidate supernova remnant (SNR). Observations have been performed with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) at two frequencies, 1.4 and 2.4 GHz. Our results confirm that G332.5−5.6 is an SNR, with a spectral index  α=−0.7 ± 0.2  for the whole source and an average fractional polarization of ∼35 per cent at 2.4 GHz. The central component is coincident with extended X-ray emission, and the distance to the SNR is estimated to be ∼3.4 kpc. Based on its radio and X-ray morphology, this SNR should be classified as a composite, and we suggest that it belongs to a trident-shaped subclass like G291.0−0.1.  相似文献   

G353.9−2.0 is a likely Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) identified from a visual inspection of the National Radio Astronomy Observations (NRAO) Very Large Array (VLA) Sky Survey (NVSS) observations in the Galactic plane. It shows a shell structure, about 13 arcmin in diameter, with a central extended source. VLA observations of G353.9−2.0 at 1.4 GHz, with a resolution of ≈40 arcsec, and a significantly better sensitivity than the NVSS observations, are presented here, together with observations at 327 MHz and observations of the central source at 8.4 GHz. These new observations and existing results from the literature are discussed. G353.9−2.0 is confirmed as a SNR, and the central source as a likely extragalactic double source.  相似文献   

A sample of eight small-diameter radio sources has been selected from the Molonglo Galactic Plane Survey (MGPS) as candidates for young Galactic supernova remnants. The sources have been identified in the IRAS and Midcourse Space Experiment infrared data bases and imaged in the H107α radio recombination line (RRL) using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). Seven of the sources display high ratios of infrared-to-radio-continuum flux density and/or detectable RRLs and are almost certainly H ii regions. One source (G282.8−1.2) is identified as a possible new young Galactic supernova remnant, based on its relatively weak infrared emission, steep radio spectrum, and possible X-ray emission. The adopted method for distinguishing thermal and non-thermal Galactic radio sources seems promising and could be fruitfully applied to more than 100 small-diameter sources listed in the MGPS.  相似文献   

Non-thermal emission from old supernova remnants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the non-thermal emission from old shell-type supernova remnants (SNRs) on the frame of a time-dependent model. In this model, the time-dependent non-thermal spectra of both primary electrons and protons as well as secondary electron/positron (e±) pairs can be calculated numerically by taking into account the evolution of the secondary e± pairs produced from proton–proton (p–p) interactions as accelerated protons collide with the ambient matter in an SNR. The multiwavelength photon spectrum for a given SNR can be produced through leptonic processes such as electron/positron synchrotron radiation, bremsstrahlung and inverse Compton scattering as well as hadronic interaction. Our results indicate that the non-thermal emission of the secondary e± pairs is becoming more and more prominent when the SNR ages in the radiative phase because the source of the primary electrons has been cut off and the electron synchrotron energy loss is significant for a radiative SNR, whereas the secondary e± pairs can be produced continuously for a long time in the phase due to the large energy-loss time for the p–p interaction. We apply the model to two old SNRs, G8.7−0.1 and G23.3−0.3, and the predicted results can explain the observed multiwavelength photon spectra for the two sources.  相似文献   

We present a detailed analysis of the high-energy gamma-ray source 2EG J0008+7307. The source has a steady flux and a hard spectrum, softening above 2 GeV. The properties of the gamma-ray source are suggestive of emission from a young pulsar in the spatially coincident CTA 1 supernova remnant, which has recently been found to have a non-thermal X-ray plerion. Our 95 per cent uncertainty contour around the > 1 GeV source position includes the point-like X-ray source at the centre of the plerion. We propose that this object is a young pulsar and is the most likely counterpart of 2EG J0008+7307.  相似文献   

We explore the role of anisotropic thermal conduction on the evolution of supernova remnants (SNRs) through interstellar media with a range of densities via numerical simulations. We find that a remnant expanding in a dense environment can produce centre-bright hard X-ray emission within 20 kyr, and centre-bright soft X-ray emission within 60 kyr of the supernova event. In a more tenuous environment, the appearance of a centre-bright structure in hard X-rays is delayed until about 60 kyr. The soft X-ray emission from such a remnant may not become centre bright during its observable lifetime. This can explain the observations that show that mixed-morphology SNRs preferentially occur close to denser, molecular environments. Remnants expanding into denser environments tend to be smaller, making it easier for thermal conduction to make large changes in the temperatures of their hot gas bubbles. We show that the lower temperatures make it very favourable to use high-stage ions as diagnostics of the hot gas bubbles in SNRs. In particular, the distribution of O  viii transitions from shell bright at early epochs to centre bright at later epochs in the evolution of an SNR expanding in a dense interstellar medium when the physics of thermal conduction is included.  相似文献   

G35.6−0.4 is an extended radio source in the Galactic plane which has previously been identified as either a supernova remnant or an H  ii region. Observations from the Very Large Array Galactic Plane Survey at 1.4 GHz with a resolution of 1 arcmin allow the extent of G35.6−0.4 to be defined for the first time. Comparison with other radio survey observations show that this source has a non-thermal spectral index, with   S ∝ν−0.47±0.07  . G35.6−0.4 does not have obvious associated infrared emission, so it is identified as a Galactic supernova remnant, not an H  ii region. It is  ≈15 × 11 arcmin2  in extent, showing partial limb brightening.  相似文献   

It has been suggested by Dwek that iron needles could explain the submillimetre emission from the Cas A supernova remnant (SNR) with only a very small total mass. We investigate whether a similar model holds for the Kepler SNR, and find that its emission could indeed be explained by a dust mass of less than  10−2 M  , dependent on the axial ratio l / a of the needles – which we constrain to be less than 700. But the implied needle model for Kepler is inconsistent with that suggested for Cas A since either the needles would have to have a resistivity one or two orders of magnitude greater than those in Cas A or the electron density in Kepler's shocked plasma must be 40 times greater than suggested by X-ray observations. An additional problem with the needle model is that the implied thickness of the needles seems to be implausibly small, if the emission properties are calculated under the usual approximations.  相似文献   

We present Australia Telescope Compact Array observations of the supernova remnant (SNR) G309.2–00.6. In a 1.3-GHz continuum image the remnant appears as a near-circular shell, but with two brightened and distorted arcs of emission on opposite sides. H  i absorption against the SNR yields a distance in the range 5.4 to 14.1 kpc, corresponding to an age (1−20) × 103 yr. On the basis of the morphology of the SNR we argue that it is a younger analogue of the W 50/SS 433 system, and that its unusual appearance is a result of opposed jets or outflows from a central source. A jet-like feature and breaks in the shell can both be seen along the axis of proposed outflow, providing further support for this interpretation; the central source itself is not detected. The SNR may be interacting with the adjacent H  ii region RCW 80 through an extension of the proposed outflow beyond its shell. This would put the SNR at the lower limit of its distance range and would imply an age 4000 yr. We consider other SNRs similar to G309.2–00.6, and propose remnants whose shells are affected by jets as one of several classes of SNR from which the presence of a central source can be inferred.  相似文献   

Three supernova remnants (SNR) have been mapped in the galaxy M33 with the Very Large Array* (VLA) at 20 cm. The angular resolution is ∼1.3 arcsec or ∼4 pc at a distance of 600 kpc and the rms noise is ∼0.04 mJy /beam. One of the radio sources shows evidence for a shell structure with a size of ∼15 pc, confirming the SNR nature of this source. The second object is extended and may well be a thick-shell SNR of size ∼12 pc. The third object is a small, presumably young SNR with a size of ∼4 pc.  相似文献   

Certain hydrodynamic models of planetary nebulae (PNe) suggest that their shells possess appreciable radial density gradients. However, the observational evidence for such gradients is far from clear. On the one hand, Taylor et al. claim to find evidence for radio spectral indices  0.6 < α < 1.8  , a trend which is taken to imply a variation   n e∝ r −2  in most of their sample of PNe. On the other hand, Siódmiak & Tylenda find no evidence for any such variations in density; shell inhomogeneities, where they occur, are primarily attributable to 'blobs or condensations'.
It will be suggested that both of these analyses are unreliable, and should be treated with a considerable degree of caution. A new analysis within the  log( F (5 GHz)/ F (1.4 GHz))–log( T B(5 GHz))  plane will be used to show that at least 10–20 per cent of PNe are associated with strong density gradients. We shall also show that the ratio   F (5 GHz)/ F (1.4 GHz)  varies with nebular radius; an evolution that can be interpreted in terms of varying shell masses, and declining electron densities.  相似文献   

During the last couple of decades of work on the  Σ– D   (radio surface brightness to diameter) relation for supernova remnants (SNRs), it has been generally accepted that no single  Σ– D   relation can be constructed for all SNRs. However, it may still be possible to construct the relations for some classes of SNRs. In our previous paper we analysed  Σ– D   relation(s) for remnants in the dense environments of molecular clouds. The aim of this paper is to examine, in the same context, a class of oxygen-rich SNRs, and to extend the analysis to remnants evolving in lower-density interstellar media, namely Balmer-dominated SNRs. We have obtained good relations with certain similarities to our previous findings – similarities that emphasize, again, the role of ambient density in the evolution of SNRs.  相似文献   

We present MERLIN observations of Galactic 21-cm H  i absorption at an angular resolution of  ∼0.1–0.2  arcsec and a velocity resolution of 0.5 km s−1, in the direction of three moderately low latitude  (−8° < b < −12°)  extragalactic radio sources, 3C 111, 3C 123 and 3C 161, all of which are heavily reddened. H  i absorption is observed against resolved background emission sources up to ∼2 arcsec in extent and we distinguish details of the opacity distribution within 1–1.5 arcsec regions towards 3C 123 and 3C 161. This study is the second MERLIN investigation of small-scale structure in interstellar H  i (earlier work probed Galactic H  i in the directions of the compact sources 3C 138 and 3C 147). The 0.1-arcsec scale is intermediate between H  i absorption studies made with other fixed element interferometers with resolution of 1–10 arcsec and very long baseline interferometry studies with resolutions of 10–20 mas. At a scale of 1 arcsec (about 500 au), prominent changes in Galactic H  i opacity in excess of 1–1.5 are determined in the direction of 3C 161 with a signal-to-noise ratio of at least 10σ. Possible fluctuations in the H  i opacity at the level of about 1 are detected at the  2.5–3σ  level in the direction of 3C 123.  相似文献   

We present MERLIN neutral hydrogen absorption measurements against supernova remnants in the central starburst region of M82 with an angular resolution of ∼ 0.4 arcsec. We detect H  I absorption or set significant upper limits against 33 supernova remnants from which we have been able to deduce column densities. Hence, using these measurements, we are able to probe the neutral hydrogen distribution and dynamics of the interstellar medium in M82 along 33 lines of sight on linear scales of order 1 pc.   Our results show column densities ranging from <1.6 to >30 × 1021 atom cm−2 with the highest values seen towards the edge of the 250-pc 'ring'. The absorption velocities show a gradient of 7.3 ± 4 km s−1 arcsec−1, consistent with rotation parameters of this 'ring' inferred from other measurements. The absorption velocities against individual remnants show deviations of typically 30 km s−1 from simple solid body rotation, and a number show multiple velocity absorption features. Although some of these deviations may be the result of the remnants being embedded at different depths within the neutral gas, the velocities cannot be explained by a simple rotating ring.  相似文献   

We present Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) observations of the supernova remnant (SNR) G296.8–00.3. A 1.3-GHz continuum image shows the remnant to have a complex multi-shelled appearance, with an unusual rectangular strip running through its centre. H I absorption yields a kinematic distance to the remnant of 9.6 ± 0.6 kpc, from which we estimate an age in the range (2–10) × 103 yr. The ATCA's continuum mode allows a measurement of the Faraday rotation across the band, from which we derive a mean rotation measure towards the SNR of 430 rad m−2. We consider possible explanations for the morphology of G296.8–00.3, and conclude that either it has a biannular structure, as might be produced through interaction with an asymmetric progenitor wind, or its appearance is caused by the effects of the surrounding interstellar medium.   We argue that the adjacent pulsar J1157–6224 is at a similar distance to the SNR, but that a physical association is highly unlikely. The pulsar is the only detectable source in the field in circular polarization, suggesting a method for finding pulsars during aperture synthesis.  相似文献   

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