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尕林格矽卡岩型铁多金属矿床位于青海东昆仑祁漫塔格造山带与柴达木盆地结合带中部。电气石作为矿区内普遍出现的矿物,部分呈半自形-自形粒状出现在正接触带矽卡岩化蚀变火山岩中(Tour-Ⅰ),也有呈他形粒状形式出现在外接触带变质砂岩中(Tour-Ⅱ)。因其生长化学行为与寄主岩石和流体的化学属性强烈相关,所以电气石的主、微量元素成分为研究热液体系背景下的流体演化及成矿物质来源提供了渠道。尕林格电气石的化学成分包括富Na-Mg的镁电气石和富Ca-Mg的钙镁电气石。Tour-Ⅰ中的环带电气石存在早期核部(Gen-1)被晚期边部(Gen-2)交代的不连续反应边特征。Gen-1为钙镁电气石,而Gen-2为镁电气石。由于镁铁质火山岩的缓冲作用,Gen-1更多地显示出原地寄主岩石的化学成分。随着流体的持续补充,Gen-2则更多地与流体成分保持平衡,显示出较窄的变化范围,与成矿密切相关。Gen-1比Gen-2更加富Fe,意味着流体中Fe浓度降低;而Na含量逐渐上升则暗示流体p H值的升高。尕林格绝大部分矽卡岩电气石都是在早期成核阶段结晶生长的,因为电气石在酸性和中酸性溶液中更加稳定。除此之外,部分Tour-I中还存在沿早期电气石颗粒边缘生长的增生边结构(Gen-3)。Gen-3比Gen-1更加富Ca,推测Gen-3是在相对封闭环境下颗粒间隙溶液作用下的产物。Tour-Ⅱ则既包括钙镁电气石,又含有镁电气石。在Tour-Ⅰ中,Fe和Mg的含量变化范围较大,这与实际观测的Tour-Ⅰ围岩为镁铁质中-基性火山岩密不可分。Tour-Ⅱ比Tour-Ⅰ更加富集B、Ti、Sc、V、Cr、Ga、LREE等元素,这与B的溶解度随流体p H值的升高而升高有关。随着岩浆演化流体p H值的升高,B在相对碱性溶液中大量富集,而大部分微量元素和LREE易与挥发分结合成络合物的形式迁移,因此,B含量高的溶液中部分微量元素和稀土元素含量也会升高。  相似文献   

Authigenic carbonates in the caldera of an Arctic (72°N) submarine mud volcano with active CH4bearing fluid discharge are formed at the bottom surface during anaerobic microbial methane oxidation. The microbial community consists of specific methane-producing bacteria, which act as methanetrophic ones in conditions of excess methane, and sulfate reducers developing on hydrogen, which is an intermediate product of microbial CH4 oxidation. Isotopically light carbon (δ13Cav =−28.9%0) of carbon dioxide produced during CH4 oxidation is the main carbonate carbon source. Heavy oxygen isotope ratio (δ18Oav = 5%0) in carbonates is inherited from seawater sulfate. A rapid sulfate reduction (up to 12 mg S dm−3 day−1) results in total exhausting of sulfate ion in the upper sediment layer (10 cm). Because of this, carbonates can only be formed in surface sediments near the water-bottom interface. Authigenic carbonates occurring within sediments occur do notin situ. Salinity, as well as CO 3 2− /Ca and Mg/Ca ratios, correspond to the field of nonmagnesian calcium carbonate precipitation. Calcite is the dominant carbonate mineral in the methane seep caldera, where it occurs in the paragenetic association with barite. The radiocarbon age of carbonates is about 10000 yr.  相似文献   

The manganese deposit of Nsuta, in the Ashanti Belt of Southern Ghana, is sandwiched between Birimian metasedimentary rocks. The metasedimentary rocks contain interbedded carbonate-rich layers, which exhibit a characteristic banded appearance near the contact with the orebody. The orebody is a carbonate-type manganese-formation and in terms of origin is considered here as a Mn-analogue of the volcanogenic-exhalative Algoma type iron-formation. The protolith of the orebody (chemical sediment including Fe-bearing rhodochrosite and alabandite) is envisioned to have been formed in a marine basin with relatively high CO2 activity and Eh-pH conditions were extremely low (Eh 1 to −0.6 Volt and pH 8 to 11) during Birimian times (2170–2180 Ma). These conditions occurred immediately below the shelf break in a shallow-marine environment. Subsequent submarine weathering (halmyrolysis) followed later by metamorphism of Eburnian age (2100 Ma) led to the formation of Mg-Ca-Fe-bearing rhodochrosite, the dominant mineral in the orebody. Other minerals of the orebody are: sulfides (e.g. two generations of alabandite sphalerite, pyrite, millerite, niccolite, gersdorffite, and molybdenite), oxides and hydroxides (vanadium-bearing jacobsite, galaxite; brucite, Mn2+-todorokite), Mn-silicates and an unknown boron mineral. Pyrochroite, possibly preceded by manganosite, occurs as a retrograde mineral. This mineral assemblage forms the protore of the Nsuta deposit. Opaque Mn4+-todorokite replacing Mn2+-todorokite, manganite, manganomelane, pyrolusite and nsutite which formed at the expense of rhodochrosite, are of supergene origin and represent the economic part of the deposit. The orebody is interleaved between the associated pelitic-psammitic metasedimentary rocks suggesting that its protoliths was deposited over a time interval during the sedimentation of the latter. Both units underwent subsequent processes (submarine weathering and metamorphism) together. The compositional differences between the orebody with high Mn and CO2 and low Si and Al contents relative to the metasedimentary rocks are explained by a model involving the continuous sedimentation of continent-derived materials (protolith of the metasedimentary rocks). During this time a pulsatory phase of submarine volcanism and consequent precipitation of materials of essentially volcanogenic-exhalative origin occurred (protolith of the orebody). From the exhalations, the carbonate minerals in both the manganese-rich sediments and the metasedimentary host-rocks (in the latter in the form of layers and disseminations leading to relatively high concentrations of Mn, Ca and CO2) were precipitated. Received: 18 April 1997 / Accepted: 16 July 1998  相似文献   

祁连山拉水峡铜镍硫化物矿床矿物学、地球化学及成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢燮 《地质与勘探》2014,50(4):617-629
拉水峡中型铜镍矿床几乎全岩矿化。矿石矿物学、矿床地球化学的研究表明,矿石中金属硫化物以紫硫镍铁矿、黄铁矿、黄铜矿为主,热液作用使原生硫化物组合发生了改变,低温热液特征的元素As、Se、Ag、Te富集; 矿石中Ni含量远高于Cu含量,不同类型矿石均属轻稀土富集型,反映了相同的岩浆成因,部分熔融来源特点。热液改造致使块状矿石中Cu/Ni、Ni/Co比值较高,REE分馏程度明显高于原生浸染状矿石;矿石中铂族元素含量平均为2460.5×10-9,具有较高的Ir含量和低的Pd/Ir比值特点,铂族元素与岩浆深部融离作用密切相关,块状矿石Pd/Ir比值和(Pt+Pd)/(Os+Ir+Ru)比值均高于原生浸染状矿石,表明热液作用对Cu、Pt、Pd金属元素富集具有一定作用;岩浆期后流体属中低温度(180~244℃)、中等盐度(8.81~14.67%NaCl)、中等密度(0.86~0.95g/cm3)范围, CH4+N2+CO2成分组合,具有岩浆流体成分特征。综合分析认为,拉水峡矿床主体成因可能仍以岩浆深部曾有过较彻底的硫化物不混熔作用为主,后期经历了热液作用改造。  相似文献   

For optimum bauxitisation conditions a relatively stable geomorphological history is essential. On the Gove and Mitchell Plateaux therefore, the adverse effects of land emergence and ensuing planation are counteracted by associated mild synclinal warping, so that the deposits constituted coastal hinge zones of at least two successive land (erosion) cycles. Nevertheless, following the main Cretaceous and Tertiary period of bauxitisation by leaching, the deposits were partially submerged by the sea and, particularly at Mitchell Plateau, extensively reworked. Assisted by quantitative heavy mineral studies distinct unconformities within several bauxite profiles can be established. Finally, the quantitative mineralogy of both deposits is discussed in some detail and an origin (supported by experimental studies) proposed.
Zusammenfassung Die beste Voraussetzung für eine optimale Bauxitisation ist geomorphologische Stabilität. Auf den Gove- und Mitchell-Plateaus wirken den gegensätzlichen Auswirkungen von Landhebung (epirogenetischer Bewegung) und darauf folgender Abflachung (durch Erosion) damit verbundene schwache synklinale Verzerrungen entgegen, so daß die Bauxit-Lager Übergangszonen zweier Küstengebiete von mindestens zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Erosions(gelände)zyklen bildeten. Nach der Kreide- und Tertiär-Periode der Bauxitisation durch Eigenauslaugung lagen diese Gebiete teilweise unter dem Meeresspiegel und wurden vor allem am Mitchell Plateau weitgehend aufgearbeitet. Mit Hilfe von quantitativen Analysen von Schwermineralen können deutliche Diskordanzen zwischen mehreren Bauxitprofilen festgestellt werden. Abschließend wird die quantitative Mineralogie beider Lager detailliert diskutiert und deren Ursprung (gestützt auf experimentelle Untersuchungen) vorgeschlagen.

A nickel laterite deposit occurs in the Vatera area of Lesvos Island,Greece ,and is transgressively developed on serpentinized basic rock (norite).The overlying sedimentary rocks include marls and marly limestones with sandstone intercalations and belong to the Pliocene sed-iments.The following alteritic zones are defined from the bottom to top layers:a)bedrock (norite);b)serpentinized zone;c)goethitic zone.The bedrock consists of the following pri-mary minerals:basic plagioclase,orthopyroxenes and clinopyroxenes.The serpentinized zone includes clinochrysotile,lizardite,antigorite clinoenstatite,calcite and dolomite while in the goethic zone there are goethite,quartz,pyrite,chromite,dolomite.Al2O3 ,Fe2O3,CaO,Na2O,K2O,Ba,Sr,Ni,C and S are enriched in the goethitic zone .Nickel enrichment is re-lated to the formation of nickeliferons minerals substituting for Mg or/and Fe in the goethite and pyrite.Enrichment of Ni in the matrix may be due to the presence of amorphous Ni-sili-cates(pimelite).There is a significant change(decrease)in the concentration of Ni from the top to bottom parts of the laterite formation,indicating that there was no tendency to migrate downwards(immature laterite).A second support of the immaturity of the Vatera laterite is the incomplete oxidation of ferrous iron to form ferric iron hydroxides.Under tropical/subtropical conditions,which dominated from the end of Miocene to the Pliocene the norite rocks of the Vatera area altered in response to reaction with acid solutions enriched in CO2.Due to hydrolysis and oxidation of pyroxenes,Mg^2 ,H4SiO4 and Ni^2 were removed in the continental acid solutions.  相似文献   

The Chitradurga base metal sulfide deposit is associated with eugeosynclinal metabasalts (~ 2.5 b.y.) and banded pyritiferous cherts. The pre-tectonic character of the deposit and meta-volcanics is indicated by their deformational textures, structures and radioactive age data. The mineral assemblages of these ores are similar to the Zn-Cu type of massive sulfide deposits associated with Archean—Early Precambrian eugeosynclinal metavolcanics in other shield areas. The deposit has a rather high concentration of Co; microprobe data indicate that most of it is found as cobaltite and linnaeite and that it is inhomogenously distributed in these minerals. Very strong sympathetic correlation between Co and Cu, and the simultaneous increase of both of these elements with depth has been found. The geochemistry of the Chitradurga ores and metabasalts, especially their Zn:Cu:Pb and Pb:Zn ratios, suggests that the base metal sulfide content is probably genetically related to the basaltic flows. It appears that the Chitradurga deposit belongs to the ‘massive volcanogenic’ Cu-rich class of sulfide deposits. The metal content of the ores appears to have been supplied by rapidly degassing highly undifferentiated protomantle along with the basaltic magma.  相似文献   

The geological complexities of banded iron formation (BIF) and associated iron ores of Jilling-Langalata iron ore deposits, Singhbhum-North Orissa Craton, belonging to Iron Ore Group (IOG) eastern India have been studied in detail along with the geochemical evaluation of different iron ores. The geochemical and mineralogical characterization suggests that the massive, hard laminated, soft laminated ore and blue dust had a genetic lineage from BIFs aided with certain input from hydrothermal activity. The PAAS normalized REE pattern of Jilling BIF striking positive Eu anomaly, resembling those of modern hydrothermal solutions from mid-oceanic ridge (MOR). Major part of the iron could have been added to the bottom sea water by hydrothermal solutions derived from hydrothermally active anoxic marine environments. The ubiquitous presence of intercalated tuffaceous shales indicates the volcanic signature in BIF. Mineralogical studies reveal that magnetite was the principal iron oxide mineral, whose depositional history is preserved in BHJ, where it remains in the form of martite and the platy hematite is mainly the product of martite. The different types of iron ores are intricately related with the BHJ. Removal of silica from BIF and successive precipitation of iron by hydrothermal fluids of possible meteoric origin resulted in the formation of martite-goethite ore. The hard laminated ore has been formed in the second phase of supergene processes, where the deep burial upgrades the hydrous iron oxides to hematite. The massive ore is syngenetic in origin with BHJ. Soft laminated ores and biscuity ores were formed where further precipitation of iron was partial or absent.  相似文献   

The Godar Sabz Mn deposit is located in the Nain-Baft ophiolitic belt in the northeast margin of the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, Iran. The Nain-Baft back-arc extensional basin resulted from the subduction of the oceanic crust of Neo-Tethys under the southern margin of the Iranian Plate in the Early Cretaceous and hosts several mineral deposits, including volcanogenic massive sulfide, chromite, and Mn deposits. The mineralization in the Godar Sabz Mn deposit occurred predominantly as stratabound, massive, banded, layered, and lenticular orebodies in radiolarian cherts within Baft ophiolitic complex. The main ore minerals are pyrolusite, braunite, with minor amounts of todorokite. The significant geochemical features of the Godar Sabz ores, such as the high MnO content (21.82–80.65 wt%, average = 64.91 wt%), high Mn/Fe (average = 278), Si/Al ratios (average = 92.6), high Ba contents (average = 4495.6 ppm), the low average contents of Cu (81.8 ppm), Ni (106.2 ppm), Co (29.4 ppm), LREE > HREE, and trace element discrimination diagrams indicate a hydrothermal-exhalative source for mineralization. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of studied ores have negative Ce and slightly positive Eu anomalies, which are similar to hydrothermal Mn deposits. The REE patterns of Mn ores coincide with basaltic lavas, suggesting that the Mn-mineralization in the Godar Sabz deposit was genetically related to the leaching of basaltic lavas. The Godar Sabz Mn deposit has many similarities with the main characteristics of the hydrothermal exhalative Mn deposits, including tectonic setting, host rock type, the morphology of orebodies, ore textures, mineralogy, and chemical features of ores.  相似文献   

The particularity of the formation of the skarn lodes of the Cretaceous-Paleogene Belogorsk deposit is the intense replacement of the early mineral assemblages (the decomposition of garnet, pyroxene, and pyroxenoids) with decreasing temperature, the increase in the amount of magnetite at the expense of Fe released from the decomposed minerals, and the formation of quartz and volatile-rich compounds (calcite, fluorite, amphibole, and sulfides). The geochemical and mineralogical similarity suggests a genetic relation between the manganese skarn lodes of the Belogorsk deposit (the Ol’ginsk ore district) and the stratabound bodies of the manganese silicate rocks (the Triassic contact metamorphosed metalliferous sediments) of the adjacent Shirokaya Pad area (as a source of matter).  相似文献   

钦州-防城锰矿带是中国次生氧化锰矿的重要产地之一,其含锰岩系为上泥盆统榴江组含锰硅质岩。锰矿床主要赋存在以腐岩带为主的风化壳中,矿石的主要矿物为软锰矿、锰钡矿、隐钾锰矿、锂硬锰矿、钙锰矿等,与之伴生的其他表生矿物有赤铁矿、针铁矿、石英、高岭石和其他粘土矿物。矿石多呈葡萄状、块状、网脉状构造。与原生含锰硅质岩相比,次生氧化锰矿矿石的品位明显提高,Mn含量平均达到42.6%。矿石化学分析和单矿物电子探针成分分析表明,氧化锰矿石中还普遍出现Co、Ni、Cu、Zn等元素的富集,其平均含量分别为0.05%(最高0.40%)、0.09%(最高0.53%)、0.08%(最高0.53%)和1%(最高2.2%);它们主要以类质同象和吸附的形式赋存在锂硬锰矿及隐钾锰矿中。氧化锰矿石和锰氧化物的Mn/Fe比值均较高,一般大于6~10,说明该区化学风化强烈,铁、锰分离显著,有利于形成高品位的优质锰矿。有害杂质元素P主要存在于针铁矿等铁的氧化物中。氧化锰矿的形成和空间分布受气候、构造、含锰岩系及地形地貌等多种因素的影响和控制。  相似文献   

Comparison of bulk chemistry confirms the comagmatic nature of the New South Wales leucitite belt and the olivine leucitite at Cosgrove, Victoria. This relationship was previously implied by general mineralogical, petrographical, and age similarities, as well as the meridional trend of the occurrences. Differences of a minor nature occur between the N.S.W. and Victorian rock types, the latter being less potassic and magnesian (poorer in leucite and olivine) and more calcic (richer in clinopyroxene). Trace‐element compositions for the Cosgrove leucitite are within the ranges recorded for the N.S.W. belt.

Essentially one‐rock type—a melanocratic leucitite—characterizes the belt, with the essential minerals olivine, diopside/salite, leucite, titanomagnetite, ilmenite, nepheline, and Ti‐Ba biotite. However, a pegmatoid phase, relatively enriched in Ti, Fe, and P, is well developed at Cosgrove, with its mineralogy (salite‐titanian aegirine, sodic amphibole, K‐feldspar, nepheline, titanomagnetite, apatite, ilmenite, aenigma‐tite, sodalite, and analcite) demonstrating extreme peralkaline differentiation. Some evidence suggests that the analcite resulted from alteration of leucite. The role of volatiles such as F was significant in facilitating development of coarse textures as well as crystallization of the amphibole, apatite, and sodalite.

Magmas for the southeastern Australian leucitite belt were probably generated by equilibrium fusion of phlogopite peridotites, of slightly variable mineralogy. Deep‐seated crustal fractures controlled the relatively limited appearance of the magmas at the surface. There is no regular age variation along the belt, despite the age range of from 7 to 13 m.y.  相似文献   

Reduction spheroids are small-scale, biogenic, redox-controlled, metal enrichments that occur within red beds globally. This study provides the first analysis of the compositionally unique reduction spheroids of the Tumblagooda Sandstone. The work aims to account for their composition and consequently improve existing models for reduction spheroids generally, which presently fail to account for the mineralogy of the Tumblagooda Sandstone reduction spheroids. Interstitial areas between detrital grains contained in the cores of these reduction spheroids are dominated by microplaty haematite, in addition to minor amounts of svanbergite, gorceixite, anatase, uraninite, monazite and illite. The haematite-rich composition, along with an absence of base metal phases and the vanadiferous mica roscoelite, makes these reduction spheroids notable in comparison to other global reduction spheroid occurrences. Analyses of illite crystallinity provide values for samples of the Tumblagooda Sandstone host rock corresponding to heating temperatures of ca 200°C. Consequently, while Tumblagooda Sandstone reduction spheroids formed via the typical metabolic processes of dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria, the combination of a unique mineralogy and illite crystallinity analysis provides evidence of more complex late-stage heating and reoxidation. This has not previously been recognised in other reduction spheroids and therefore expands the existing model for reduction spheroid genesis by also considering the potential for late-stage alteration. As such, future reduction spheroid studies should consider the potential impact of post-formation modification, particularly where they are to be used as evidence of ancient microbial processes; such as in the search for early evidence of life in the geological record on Earth or other planets. Additionally, because of their potential for modification, reduction spheroids serve as a record of the redox history of red beds and their study could provide insights into the evolution of redox conditions within a given red bed during its diagenesis. Finally, this paper also provides insights into the relatively understudied diagenetic history of the Tumblagooda Sandstone; supplying the first reliable and narrow constraints on its thermal history. This has important implications for the thermal history of the Carnarvon Basin and its petroleum prospectivity more broadly.  相似文献   

Co-genetic pegmatites associated with the granite of the Kawadgaon area in the Bastar craton, Central India, contain a wide range of ore minerals of Nb, Ta, Be, Sn, Zr, Ti, and REE, including columbite-tantalite, ixiolite, pseudo-ixiolite, wodginite, tapiolite, microlite, fersmite, euxenite, aeschynite, beryl, cassiterite, monazite, xenotime, zircon, ilmenite, triplite, and magnetite. There is a distinct vertical zonation between the rare metal and tin pegmatites in apical parts of the host granite. Geochemically, these are LCT-S type, beryl-columbite-phosphate pegmatites that have notably high contents of SiO2 (av. 73.80%), Rb (av. 381 ppm), and Nb (av. 132 ppm). The investigated granites probably were derived from the melting of older crustal rocks, as indicated by a high initial 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio, and the major-element geochemistry of the granites and pegmatites. Plots of mol. CaO/(MgO+FeOt) vs. mol. Al2O3/(MgO+FeOt) suggest that the source rock was pelitic metasediments. Based on the available data, it is postulated that the derivation of pegmatites from the parent granite occurred shortly after granite emplacement in the late Archaean-early Proterozoic (~2500 Ma). The K/Rb, Ba/Rb, and Rb/Sr ratios of the felsic bodies reveal that a substantial part of the granite formed from evolved melts, and further fractionation produced the co-genetic pegmatites and associated rare metal and rare earth deposits.  相似文献   

Mineralogy,geochemistry and petrogenesis of Kurile island-arc basalts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Whole-rock (major- and trace-element) and mineral chemical data are presented for basaltic rocks from the main evolutionary stages of the Kurile island arc, NW Pacific. An outer, inactive arc contains a Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary sequence of tholeiitic, calcalkaline and shoshonitic basalts. The main arc (Miocene-Quaternary) is dominated by weakly tholeiitic, with lesser, alkalic basalts. The mineralogy of Kuriles basalts is characterised by An-rich plagioclases, a continuous transition from chromites to titanomagnetites, pyroxenes with low Fe3+ contents and without strong Fe-enrichment, abundance of groundmass pigeonites and the absence of amphiboles. There is an increase in K2O contents both along-arc (northwards) and towards the reararc side. The basalts show an exceptionally wide but continuous range of K2O contents (0.1–4.7%) which correlate with other LIL element contents. Tholeiitic basalts with low LIL element contents, La/Yb and Th/U, but high K/ Rb, P2O5/La and Zr/Nb were derived from depleted, lherzolitic mantle which had suffered fluid metasomatism by K, Rb, Cs, Sr, Ba, Pb and H2O only. Alkali basalts are also thought to be derived from depleted mantle but melt metasomatism involved addition of all LIL elements to a garnet lherzolite mantle. The Kuriles basalts and their mantle sources range continuously between these two end-member compositions. The metasomatic fluids/melts were probably released by early dehydration and later melting within subducted oceanic lithosphere though the process is not adequately constrained.  相似文献   

The Tangganshan manganese ore deposit is a typical sedimentary-magmatic hydatopneumatogenic superimposed ore deposit. In this paper this deposit is discussed in more detail from the following aspects: geology, ore mineralogy, and geochemistry. On the basis of its occurrence, mineral assemblage, element geochemistry, isotopic geochemistry, and characteristics of organic matter and fluid inclusions, the Tangganshan manganese ore deposit has proved to be a new-type manganese ore deposit that has been enriched by magmatic-pneumatolic solutions. Most of the ore-forming elements were derived from the ore deposit itself, and the rest from the magmatic-pneumatolitic solutions.  相似文献   

The mineralogy, geochemistry, and radiocarbon ages of two sediment cores (GMX1 and GMX2) collected from the deep sea area of the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico (∼876–1752 m water depth) were studied to infer the sedimentation rate, provenance, heavy metal contamination, and depositional environment. The sediments are dominated by silt and clay fractions. The mineralogy determined by X-Ray diffractometry for the sediment cores reveals that montmorillonite and muscovite are the dominant clay minerals. The sections between 100 and 210 cm of the sediment cores GMX1 and GMX2, respectively, are characterized by the G. menardii group and G. Inflata planktonic foraminiferal species, which represent the Holocene and Pleistocene, respectively. The radiocarbon-age measurements of mixed planktonic foraminifera varied from ∼268 to 45,738 cal. years B.P and ∼104 to 25,705 cal. years B.P, for the sediment cores GMX1 and GMX2, respectively. The variation in age between the two sediment cores is due to a change in sediment accumulation rate, which was lowest at the location GMX1 (0.006 cm/yr) and highest at the location GMX2 (0.017 cm/yr).The chemical index of alteration (CIA), chemical index of weathering (CIW), and index of chemical maturity (ICV) values indicated a moderate intensity of weathering in the source area. The total rare earth element concentrations (∑REE) in the cores GMX1 and GMX2 vary from ∼94 to 171 and ∼78 to 151, respectively. The North American Shale Composite (NASC) normalized REE patterns showed flat low REE (LREE), heavy REE (HREE) depletion with low negative to positive Eu anomalies, which suggested that the sediments were likely derived from intermediate source rocks.The enrichment factor of heavy metals indicated that the Cd and Zn concentrations in the sediment cores were impacted by an anthropogenic source. The redox-proxy trace element ratios such as V/Cr, Ni/Co, Cu/Zn, (Cu + Mo)/Zn, and Ce/Ce* indicated that the sediments were deposited under an oxic depositional environment. The similarity in major element concentrations, REE content, and the NASC normalised REE patterns between the cores GMX1 and GMX2 revealed that the provenance of sediments remained relatively uniform or constant during deposition for ∼4.5 Ma. The major and trace element based multidimensional discrimination diagrams showed a rift setting for the core sediments, which is consistent with the geology of the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

Felsic magmatism in the southern part of Himachal Higher Himalaya is constituted by Neoproterozoic granite gneiss (GGn), Early Palaeozoic granitoids (EPG) and Tertiary tourmaline-bearing leucogranite (TLg). Magnetic susceptibility values (<3 ×10?3 SI), molar Al2 O 3/(CaO + Na2 O + K 2O) (≥1.1), mineral assemblage (bt–ms–pl–kf–qtz ± tur ± ap), and the presence of normative corundum relate these granitoids to peraluminous S-type, ilmenite series (reduced type) granites formed in a syncollisional tectonic setting. Plagioclase from GGn (An10–An31) and EPG (An15–An33) represents oligoclase to andesine and TLg (An2–An15) represents albite to oligoclase, whereas compositional ranges of K-feldspar are more-or-less similar (Or88 to Or95 in GGn, Or86 to Or97 in EPG and Or87 to Or94 in TLg). Biotites in GGn (Mg/Mg + Fet= 0.34–0.45), EPG (Mg/Mg + Fet= 0.27–0.47), and TLg (Mg/Mg + Fet= 0.25–0.30) are ferribiotites enriched in siderophyllite, which stabilised between FMQ and HM buffers and are characterised by dominant 3Fe\(\rightleftharpoons \)2Al, 3Mg\(\rightleftharpoons \)2Al substitutions typical of peraluminous (S-type), reducing felsic melts. Muscovite in GGn (Mg/Mg + Fet=0.58–0.66), EPG (Mg/Mg + Fet=0.31?0.59), and TLg (Mg/Mg + Fet=0.29–0.42) represent celadonite and paragonite solid solutions, and the tourmaline from EPG and TLg belongs to the schorl-elbaite series, which are characteristics of peraluminous, Li-poor, biotite-tourmaline granites. Geochemical features reveal that the GGn and EPG precursor melts were most likely derived from melting of biotite-rich metapelite and metagraywacke sources, whereas TLg melt appears to have formed from biotite-muscovite rich metapelite and metagraywacke sources. Major and trace elements modelling suggest that the GGn, EPG and TLg parental melts have experienced low degrees (~13, ~17 and ~13%, respectively) of kf–pl–bt fractionation, respectively, subsequent to partial melting. The GGn and EPG melts are the results of a pre-Himalayan, syn-collisional Pan-African felsic magmatic event, whereas the TLg is a magmatic product of Himalayan collision tectonics.  相似文献   

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