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This paper reports the first example of fault mirrors developed in an unusual protolith, consisting of tourmaline crystals with interstitial goethite. The deformation mechanisms active in the fault zone have been investigated from the outcrop to the nanoscale, aiming to identify possible traces of frictional heating at seismic slip rate, as observed for other fault mirrors in different protoliths. The investigation revealed the superposition of two main deformational stages. The first was dominated by brittle processes and produced a cataclastic/ultracataclastic principal slip zone, a few mm thick; the second was associated with seismic slip and produced a sharp discontinuity (the principal slip surface) within the cataclastic/ultracataclastic zone. The mirror-like coating, a few microns thick, occurs on the principal slip surface, and is characterized by 1) absence of interstitial goethite; 2) occurrence of truncated tourmaline crystals; 3) highly variable grain size, from 200 μm to 200 nm; 4) tourmaline close packing with interlobate grain boundaries, and 5) tourmaline random crystallographic orientation.Micro and nanostructural investigations indicate the occurrence of thermally-activated processes, involving both interstitial goethite and tourmaline. In particular, close to the principal slip surface, goethite is completely decomposed, and produced an amorphous porous material, with local topotactic recrystallization of hematite. Tourmaline clasts are typically characterized by strongly lobate boundaries, indicative of reaction and partial decomposition at grain boundaries. TEM observations revealed the occurrence of tourmaline nanograins, a few tens of nm in size, characterized by rounded shape and fading amorphous boundaries, that cannot be obtained by brittle processes. Lastly, the peculiar interlobate microstructure of the mirror surface is interpreted as the result of grain boundary recrystallization processes taking place by deformation at high-T conditions. Our results show that tourmaline fault mirrors recorded localized high-T processes triggered by frictional heating and can be therefore considered as reliable traces of ancient earthquakes.  相似文献   

The Monte Capanne granodiorite-rhyolite-aplite association exhibitsK-Ar ages which cluster around 7.9 m.y. Rb-Sr mineral ages andU-Pb dating on zircons, however, give 6.2 m.y. which is thepreferred age of emplacement. Evidence of subsequent eventsrelated to either dyke emplacement, or conductive/convectivecooling is provided by ages as young as 5.4 m.y. A significantheterogeneity of the whole-rock 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios, whichfall in the range 0.711–0.715, is interpreted as beingdue in part to exchanges with the low 87Sr86Sr country rocksat the deuteric stage via fluid interaction, and in part topossible different magma sources. In the geological future,these heterogeneities should be progressively smeared out bythe radioactive decay of 87Rb, but even if the system remainsperfectly closed, a residual bias in excess of 100 m.y. shouldpermanently affect the theoretical isochron ages. It is inferredthat Rb-Sr isochron ages determined on samples of Precambrianage must be regarded with caution: a residual bias may somewhatalter the information obtained even from statistically acceptableisochrons. In this respect, when great accuracy is needed forplutonic emplacement ages (to within few m.y.), U-Pb datingappears to be less sensitive to inherited components and providesmore reliable chronometric information.  相似文献   

Rio Marina mining district (Elba Island) is characterised by hematite + pyrite ore association and was exploited for iron till 1981, leaving waste rock dumps of several millions m3. The effect of open pit mining activity in this site is to produce acid mine drainage (AMD) processes leading to environmental pollution, testified by all the sampled waters (Giove stream, drainage channels, superficial pools and settling basin) which have pH values ranging from 2.08 to 3.35 and heavy metal concentrations that reach 903.16 mg/l for Fe, 45.02 mg/l for Mn, 10.08 mg/l for Zn and 1.75 mg/l for Cu. In the present work a space and time related approach to geochemical hazard evaluation was applied. The geochemical hazard is mainly related to high heavy metal concentration, acid mine drainage processes development and topographic setting. As all these parameters are related in space, hazard evaluation was performed by geostatistical methods. Fifty-four earth material samples (residual soils, waste rocks or debris materials) were collected in a central aligned 100 m mesh square grid. These were analysed for major elements by XRF, for Cu, Pb, Zn by ICP-AES and for AMD potential following the AMIRA procedure. The concentration of heavy metals was compared with Italian law limits. The overlap of Cu, Pb and Zn content maps show that at least one of these heavy metals exceed law limits in all the area. The AMD test results show that more than 50% of samples have a positive NAPP (Net Acid Producing Potential) that could reach 258.9 kg H2SO4/t. According to the obtained data, three main geochemical hazard classes were established and their distribution in the mining area was assessed. About 51% of the mining area surface belongs to the major hazard class, where AMD process occurs, about 49% belongs to an intermediate hazard class, where AMD process could occur only if certain conditions are met. Finally, the persistence of the AMD process in the Rio Marina area was evaluated on the basis of yearly rainfall, mining waters pH and NAPP values. A complete leaching of the first 0.25 m of the earth materials can retain the current environmental conditions for several centuries.  相似文献   

The recently discovered Salgadinho copper deposit, 7 km NNE of S. Luis, Portugal is located in the southernmost linear belt of outcropping low metamorphic grade deformed Palaeozoic rocks (Famennian) in the SW part of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. The stratabound replacement pyrite-chalcopyrite mineralisation is present in variably altered felsic pyroclastic rocks which are overlain by pyritic graphitic shales and tuffs which have undergone alteration in the lowermost 5m. The altered pyroclastic rocks are characterised by pale green celadonitic fluoro-muscovite and, in the most intense zone of alteration, quartz, ankerite, and ore minerals are present (pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, tetrahedrite, galena, bournonite). No exhalative Cu-Zn or Zn-Pb ore has been discovered associated with the submarine volcanic stratabound Cu-rich alteration zone. Alteration of feldspars and groundmass has involved a net loss from the system and gains in Fe2+, F, H2O, Mg, Fe3+, Ca, Mn, P, Ti, S, Cu, Zn, Pb, As, Sb, Ag and Au at the expense of Si, K, Al and Na. The great enrichment of F in the altered rocks, the association of zonal alteration facies with coarse grained pyroclastic masses and the intimate association of pale green celadonitic fluoro-muscovite with mineralisation at Salgadinho and most other deposits of the Iberian Pyrite Belt represents a powerful exploration guide for submarine exhalative ores.Text of paper presented at the 26th I.G.C., Paris, July 1980  相似文献   

Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) analysis has been carried out in the thermometamorphic aureole surrounding the Late Miocene Monte Capanne pluton (Elba Island, Central Italy). The identification and separation of the main carriers of the magnetic susceptibility by low-temperature and high-field AMS measurements demonstrate that a correct knowledge of the magnetic fabric is needed in order to use AMS for tectonic interpretations. Magnetic fabric data, combined with structural data from the aureole, and their comparison with data from the pluton itself, were used to constraint the mode of pluton emplacement. Results document an intimate linkage between the magmatic flow pattern and the syn-metamorphic fabrics acquired during pluton emplacement in the host rocks. The magnetic/structural fabric in the aureole rocks is dominated by flattening deformation and no systematic relationship with any regional tectonic feature is observed. These results suggest that local processes induced by magma ascent in the upper crust might have played a primary role in space generation for pluton emplacement in the Tuscan Magmatic Province, suggesting a revaluation of the modes of pluton emplacement during the post-orogenic evolution of the northern Apennine system as a whole.  相似文献   

A rhyolitic hyaloclastite from Ponza Island, Italy, was hydrothermally altered, producing four distinct alteration zones based on X-ray diffraction mineralogy and field textures: (1) nonpervasive argillic zone; (2) propylitic zone; (3) silicic zone; and (4) sericitic zone. The unaltered hyaloclastite is volcanic breccia with clasts of vesiculated obsidian in a matrix of predominantly pumice lapilli. Incomplete alteration of the hyaloclastite resulted in the nonpervasive argillic zone, characterized by smectite and disordered opal-CT. The other three zones exhibit more complete alteration of the hyaloclastite. The propylitic zone is characterized by mixed-layer illite-smectite (I-S) with 10 to 85% I, mordenite, opal-C, and authigenic K-feldspar (akspar). The silicic zone is characterized by I-S with ≥90% I, pure illite, quartz, akspar, and occasional albite. The sericitic zone consists primarily of I-S with ≥66% I, pure illite, quartz, and minor akspar and pyrite. K/Ar dates of I-S indicate hydrothermal alteration occurred at 3.38 ± 0.08 Ma.Oxygen isotope compositions of I-S systematically decrease from zones 1 to 4. In the argillic zone, smectite has δ18O values of 21.7 to 22.0‰ and I-S from the propylitic, silicic, and sericitic zones ranges from 14.5 to 16.3‰, 12.5 to 14.0‰, and 8.6 to 11.9‰, respectively. δ18O values for quartz from the silicic and sericitic zones range from 12.6 to 15.9‰. By use of isotope fractionation equations and data from authigenic quartz-hosted primary fluid inclusions, alteration temperatures ranged from 50 to 65°C for the argillic zone, 85 to 125°C for the propylitic zone, 110 to 210°C for the silicic zone, and 145 to 225°C for the sericitic zone. Fluid inclusion data and calculated δ18Owater values indicate that hydrothermal fluids were seawater dominated.Mass-transfer calculations indicate that hydrothermal alteration proceeded in a relatively open chemical system and alteration in the sericitic zone involved the most extensive loss of chemical species, especially Si. Systematic gains in Mg occur in all alteration zones as a result of I-S clay mineral formation, and systematic losses of Na, Ca, and K occur in most zones. With the exception of Ca, calculations of mass transfer associated with hydrothermal alteration on Ponza agree with chemical fluxes observed in laboratory experiments involving hydrothermal reactions of rhyolite and seawater. The anomalous Ca loss at Ponza may be due to hydrothermal formation of anhydrite and later low-temperature dissolution. On the basis of Mg enrichments derived from circulating seawater, we estimate the following minimum water/rock ratios: 9, 3, 6, and 9 for the argillic, propylitic, silicic, and sericitic zones, respectively. Hydrothermal fluid pH for the propylitic and silicic zones was neutral to slightly basic and relatively acidic for the sericitic zone as a result of condensation of carbonic and perhaps other acids.  相似文献   

Fluid–rock interaction related to the circulation of hydrothermal fluids can strongly modify the physicochemical properties of wall rocks in porphyry Cu deposits. These processes can also produce compositional and textural changes in ferromagnetic minerals, which can be quantified using magnetic methods. In the Escondida porphyry Cu deposit of northern Chile, each hydrothermally altered lithology is characterized by a discrete assemblage of Fe–Ti oxide minerals. These minerals have distinctive bulk magnetic susceptibility (K bulk), temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility, and magnetic hysteresis parameters. Selectively altered rocks (i.e., potassic and chloritic alteration types) exhibit the highest K bulk values (>3.93?×?10?3 SI units), and their hysteresis parameters indicate multidomain magnetic mineral behavior. This suggests that these rocks are composed of the coarsest magnetic grain sizes within the deposit. Optical analyses and susceptibility–temperature curves confirm that the magnetic signals in selectively altered rocks are mainly carried by secondary magnetite. In contrast, pervasively altered rocks (i.e., quartz-sericite and argillic alteration types) exhibit low K bulk values (<1.93?×?10?4 SI units) and contain smaller pseudo-single domain magnetic grain assemblages. This is consistent with the destruction and/or reduction in size of magnetite under acidic conditions. The results therefore demonstrate a genetic relationship between the hydrothermal alteration processes, Fe–Ti oxide minerals, and magnetic properties of the wall rock in the Escondida deposit. These magnetic methods can be considered a sensitive and efficient petrophysical tool for the identification and semi-quantification of alteration assemblages, and facilitating the recognition and mapping of discrete hydrothermal zones during exploration and operation of porphyry Cu deposits.  相似文献   

The 1.1 Ga volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit at Deri in the Sirohi district of south Rajasthan occurs within a bimodal volcanic suite of tholeiites and rhyolites, with minor amounts of andesites and tourmaline-bearing chert, interlayered with arkosic sediments. The ores and the enclosing rocks have undergone superposed deformation and polymetamorphism initially under amphibolite facies conditions and later under hornblende hornfels facies conditions. Metamorphism, however, has not affected the bulk composition of the rocks to any significant degree.Three distinct semiconformable alteration facies, characterized by their conspicuous magnesian mineralogy, are recognized in the host rocks: (1) hornblende-biotite-plagioclase-quartz schist (AMV); (2) cordierite-anthophyllite-chlorite hornfels (AFV); and (3) biotite-chlorite(-sericite) schist/hornfels (BCS). The first is derived from the mafic volcanics, whereas the other two represent progressive alteration of felsic volcanic protoliths. Fe, Mg and water were added and Na was removed from all the alteration facies in varying amounts. The maximum enrichment is noted in BCS for Mg and Fe, whereas the maximum depletion is seen in this facies for Si, an element which is also depleted significantly in AFV. AMV on the other hand, shows enrichment of Si, Ca and to some extent, in Al. Alumina is also enriched considerably in BCS, probably due to clayey alteration and extreme leaching of silica. Amongst the trace elements, Rb, Ba, Nb and Y are gained in most of the facies, except in BCS, where Ba and Y show distinct depletion. The LREE, from La to Sm, were enriched about 1.5- to 3.0-fold in all the facies with a maximum in AFV where the flux took place at constant inter-REE proportions: 1.0 La, 0.79 Ce, 0.48 Nd and 0.35 Sm. Eu was depleted from both felsic facies, 7-fold in BCS to 4-fold in AFV, during alteration. The HREE (Er to Lu) remained immobile in all the altered facies.The chemical and mineralogical zonation in the alteration facies are interpreted to be due to the progressive reaction of an evolving sea-water hydrothermal fluid with the bimodal volcanic protoliths during convective circulation. Fluid-rock interaction, guided by vertical and lateral thermal gradients, produced a sericite-quartz assemblage in the felsic volcanics at the expense of feldspar during the initial stages (175 °C) which formed a sericite-chlorite zone upon rising temperature (200–250 °C) by base-fixing reactions. A further temperature increase (to ~ 300 °C) and deeper circulation in the mafic pile introduced more Fe and Mg, thereby transforming the previously formed assemblage to a nearly pure chloritic zone and the most intensely altered biotite-chlorite(-sericite) facies.  相似文献   


South China is famous for its poly-metal deposits, with more than 50% of global W and Sb reserves, 20% of global Sn reserves, as well as abundant Cu-Mo-Pb-Zn-Au-Ag, Ta, Nb, REE and U deposits. This special issue consists of 21 papers, reporting recent progress on Yanshannian tectonic evolution, magmatism and ore deposits in South China, aiming at better understandings on the Mesozoic large-scale magmatism and mineralization events.  相似文献   

Short-wave infrared (SWIR) reflectance spectroscopy was used to characterize hydrothermal minerals and map alteration zones in the Tuwu Cu–Au deposit, Xinjiang, China. The Palaeozoic hydrothermal system at Tuwu is structurally controlled, developed in andesitic volcanic rocks and minor porphyries. Hydrothermal alteration is characterized by horizontally zoned development of quartz, sericite, chlorite, epidote, montmorillonite and kaolin about individual porphyry dykes and breccia zones, as is shown by changes outward from a core of quartz veining and silicification, through an inner zone of sericite + chlorite to a marginal zone of chlorite + epidote. The alteration system comprises several such zoning patterns. Silicification and sericitization are spatially associated with Cu–Au mineralization. Zoning is also shown by compositional variations such that Fe-rich chlorite and Al-rich sericite occur preferentially toward the core and the most intensely altered parts, whereas Mg-rich chlorite and relatively Al-poor sericite are present on the margin and the relatively weakly altered parts of the hydrothermal alteration system. The compositions of chlorite and sericite, therefore, can be potentially used as vectors to Cu–Au mineralization. Montmorillonite and kaolinite, of probable weathering origin, are located near the surface, forming an argillic blanket overlying Cu–Au mineralization. Sporadic montmorillonite is also present at depth in the hydrothermal alteration system, formed by descending groundwater. Presence of a well-developed kaolinite-bearing zone on the surface is an indication of possible underlying Cu–Au mineralization in this region. Epidote occurs widely in regional volcanic rocks, as well as in variably altered rocks on the margin of the hydrothermal mineralization system at Tuwu. The widespread occurrence of epidote in volcanic country rocks probably reflects a regional hydrothermal alteration event prior to the localized, porphyry intrusion-related hydrothermal process that led to the Cu–Au mineralization at Tuwu.  相似文献   

Fluid–rock interaction was investigated in the inner aureole of the Late Miocene Monte Capanne pluton on Elba Island (Tuscany, central Italy) by integrating structural, petrological, fluid inclusion, and stable isotope analyses. In the north-western sector of the aureole (Procchio–Spartaia area), calc–silicates alternate with nearly pure carbonate layers at the metre scale. Close to the pluton, the prograde metamorphic sequence includes calc–silicates that transition within a few metres to overlying nearly pure calcite marbles. The calc–silicates are extensively metasomatised to form massive wollastonite-grossular-bearing exoskarn. The mineralogical assemblage found in the marbles and the unshifted carbon and oxygen isotopic ratios in calcite attest that the fluid phase was internally buffered. On the other hand, the calc–silicates constituted channels for infiltration of disequilibrium fluids of magmatic origin. Fluid infiltration was enhanced by hydrofracturing and structurally-controlled by existing planar anisotropies in calc–silicates (layering and lithological boundaries). At the metamorphic peak (∼600°C and 1.5–2 kbar), the marble–calc–silicate interface acted as a barrier to fluids exsolved from the crystallising intrusions, separating two different flow patterns in the inner aureole: a high fluid–flux region on its higher grade side (Wol-zone) and a low fluid–flux region on the lower-grade side (Cpx zone). Results of this study: (1) documented that fluid pathways in the aureole rocks at the top of the pluton were largely horizontal, controlled by the lithological layering and the pluton–host rock contact; and (2) elucidated the primary control exerted by the structural and rheological properties of the host rocks on the geometry of fluid flow during pluton emplacement.  相似文献   

The Jupiter gold deposit in the northeastern Eastern Goldfields Province of the Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia is hosted in greenschist facies metamorphosed tholeiitic basalt, quartz–alkali-feldspar syenite, and quartz–feldspar porphyry. Syenite intrudes basalt as irregularly shaped dykes which radiate from a larger stock, whereas at least three E–W and NE–SW striking quartz–feldspar porphyries intrude both syenite and basalt. Brittle–ductile shear zones are shallow-dipping, NW to NE striking, or are steep-dipping to the south and west. Quartz ± carbonate veins that host gold at Jupiter occur in all lithologies and are divided into: (1) veins that are restricted to the shear zones, (2) discrete veins that are subparallel to shear zone-hosted veins, and (3) stockwork veins that form a network of randomly oriented microfractures in syenite wallrock proximal to shallow-dipping shear zones. The gold-bearing veins comprise mainly quartz, calcite, ankerite, and albite, with minor sericite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, molybdenite, telluride minerals, and gold. Proximal hydrothermal alteration zones to the mineralised veins comprise quartz, calcite, ankerite, albite, and sericite. High gold grades (>2 g/t Au) occur mainly in syenite and in the hanging walls to shallow-dipping shear zones in syenite where there is a greater density of mineralised stockwork veins. The Jupiter deposit has structural and hydrothermal alteration styles that are similar to both granitoid-hosted, but post-magmatic Archaean lode-gold deposits in the Yilgarn Craton and intrusion-related, syn-magmatic, syenite-hosted gold deposits in the Superior Province of Canada. Based on field observations and petrologic data, the Jupiter deposit is considered to be a post-magmatic Archaean lode-gold deposit rather than a syn-intrusion deposit. Received: 5 January 1999 / Accepted: 24 December 1999  相似文献   

For many economically important deposits, precise duration and age of hydrothermal ore-formation are poorly known. We tackle these questions for the large Trimouns talc-chlorite deposit by U–Pb analyses of xenotime and monazite, which crystallized within cm-size geodes in the hanging wall dolostones. Formation of geodes and REE-minerals occurred in relation to 300–350°C/0.2–0.3 GPa metasomatism along a host shear zone. Sixteen xenotime fragments, broken off from four single euhedral grains, define an age-range from 112 to 97 Myr, and a monazite age of 99 Myr. Some ages of individual fragments are grain-specific, whereas others show the same range of dates. Given the analytical uncertainties on individual fragments (about ± 1 Myr), the absence of inherited components, and the fact that no thermal event has affected these crystals after their formation, these ages are interpreted to record continuous crystallization between 112 and 97 Ma. This means that the Trimouns deposit was produced by hydrothermal activity lasting for at least 16 million years, occurring along a shear zone through which fluids continuously (or episodically) circulated to allow ion transport from the country gneisses to the deposit locality. Persistent deformation and high heat flow, related to the transtensional regime that opened the Bay of Biscay, seems to be the most likely tectonic scenario to explain this activity.  相似文献   

The morphology of tourmaline nodules occurring in the Capo Bianco aplite (Elba Island, Italy) is studied. Outcrop features indicate that tourmaline nodules are the product of magmatic crystallization, as they are aligned along flow fields developed within the magmatic hosting mass. Mesoscopic observations indicate that nodule morphologies are very variable, from rounded to dendritic. Morphometric analyses show that tourmaline nodules are fractals and that fractal dimension quantifies their degree of irregularity. Numerical simulations of nodule growth are performed by using a Diffusion-Limited Aggregation process. The presence in natural samples of nodules with different morphologies is explained by considering a chaotic magmatic system characterized by a complex interplay between growth rate in different dynamical regions, latent heat of crystallization, and local convection dynamics. It is suggested that higher growth rates correspond to growth of tourmaline nodules in dynamical regions where the transfer of nutrients is very efficient. In such conditions, the latent heat released by the growing nodule is high, inducing strong local convection dynamics, destabilizing the nodule interface, and promoting the formation of dendritic morphologies. On the contrary, the growth of nodules in dynamical regions characterized by weak transfer of nutrients is inhibited leading to weak local convection dynamics and, consequently, to the formation of rounded morphologies.  相似文献   

In the Raposos orogenic gold deposit, hosted by banded iron-formation (BIF) of the Archean Rio das Velhas greenstone belt, the hanging wall rocks to BIF are hydrothermally-altered ultramafic schists, whereas metamafic rocks and their hydrothermal schistose products represent the footwall. Planar and linear structures at the Raposos deposit define three ductile to brittle deformational events (D1, D2 and D3). A fourth group of structures involve spaced cleavages that are considered to be a brittle phase of D3. The orebodies constitute sulfide-bearing D1-related shear zones of BIF in association with quartz veins, and result from the sulfidation of magnetite and/or siderite. Pyrrhotite is the main sulfide mineral, followed by lesser arsenopyrite and pyrite. At level 28, the hydrothermal alteration of the mafic and ultramafic wall rocks enveloping BIF define a gross zonal pattern surrounding the ore zones. Metabasalt comprises albite, epidote, actinolite and lesser Mg/Fe–chlorite, calcite and quartz. The incipient stage includes the chlorite and chlorite-muscovite alteration zone. The least-altered ultramafic schist contains Cr-bearing Mg-chlorite, actinolite and talc, with subordinate calcite. The incipient alteration stage is subdivided into the talc–chlorite and chlorite–carbonate zone. For both mafic and ultramafic wall rocks, the carbonate–albite and carbonate–muscovite zones represent the advanced alteration stage.Rare earth and trace element analyses of metabasalt and its alteration products suggest a tholeiitic protolith for this wall rock. In the case of the ultramafic schists, the precursor may have been peridotitic komatiite. The Eu anomaly of the Raposos BIF suggests that it was formed proximal to an exhalative hydrothermal source on the ocean floor. The ore fluid composition is inferred by hydrothermal alteration reactions, indicating it to having been H2O-rich containing CO2 + Na+ and S. Since the distal alteration halos are dominated by hydrated silicate phases (mainly chlorite), with minor carbonates, fixation of H2O is indicated. The CO2 is consumed to form carbonates in the intermediate alteration stage, in halos around the chlorite-dominated zones. These characteristics suggest variations in the H2O to CO2-ratio of the sulfur-bearing, aqueous-carbonic ore fluid, which interacted at varying fluid to rock ratios with progression of the hydrothermal alteration.  相似文献   

铜峪沟矿床已知的热水沉积物包括有:层状硫化矿全和岩石地球化学,“异常”(原生晕)层矽卡岩和“矽卡岩化”、富硅质沉积物和“硅化”等,它们清楚地反央出热水沉积矿石和岩石,集中形式(相)和分散形式(相)的密切伴生以及热水沉积与正常沉积相互影响、相互参与等鲜为人知的热水沉积特征,热水沉积相与滑塌堆积,浊流沉积和火山沉积相共存不仅反映出热水作用发生的拉张裂陷构造环境和变化,而且的映了它们与火山活动的“史弟”关系。  相似文献   

Four nappes have been recognized in the Ligurian Apennines. In the Lavagna Nappe very low-grade metamorphism is combined with very large, originally W-facing isoclinal folds. In the other nappes, no evidence for metamorphism is found and all eutectonic folding was originally E- to NE-facing. Tectonic transport along the major nappe contacts was in an E- to NE-direction. A tectonic model is presented, which explains the generation of the large, originally W-facing folds as a result of originally E-inclined subduction within a young oceanic basin. Young oceanic lithosphere (maximum age approximately 25 Ma) subducted beneath oceanic lithosphere with a maximum age of approximately 40 Ma, under the influence of horizontally oriented compressional forces. Within the tectonic wedge, associated with the subduction, originally W-facing isoclinal folding and metamorphism occurred. Decrease and/or termination of compression resulted in the cessation of the subduction movements, followed by uplift of the region above the subducted plate by means of buoyancy. This uplift formed a slope from which sequences slid in an E- to NE-direction, causing E- to NE-facing folds. Ultimately, detachment and thrusting of gravitational nappes took place, by which process rock sequences of oceanic origin have been externally transported to attain ensialic (continental) domains. The Triassic-Early Oligocene tectonic events recognized in the Ligurian Apennines correlate quite well with the events that preceded the collision phase of the Alps.  相似文献   

The Berezitovoe gold-polymetallic deposit is localized in the west of the Selenga–Stanovoi superterrane composed of a wide spectrum of Early and Late Precambrian igneous rocks and abundant Paleozoic and Mesozoic intrusive and volcanoplutonic associations. The 40Ar/39Ar ages determined for metasomatites bearing gold-polymetallic mineralization are as follows: garnet-quartz-muscovite-sericite-K-feldspathic metasomatites (129.7±3.2–127.3±4.4 Ma); muscovite-quartz-sericite metasomatites (132.0±2.9–131.3±2.3 Ma). According to the age and general scheme of evolution of the Early Cretaceous magmatism in the Selenga–Stanovoi superterrane, the metasomatites of the Berezitovoe deposit are nearly coeval to the intrusive rocks of the Amudzhikan complex (132–128 Ma). The revealed platinum potential of gold-polymetallic ores and metasomatites permits ranking the Berezitovoe deposit as a specific complex gold-polymetallic-platinum deposit, which considerably increases its commercial value.  相似文献   

The volcanic-hosted graphite deposit at Borrowdale in Cumbria, UK, was formed through precipitation from C-O-H fluids. The δ13C data indicate that carbon was incorporated into the mineralizing fluids by assimilation of carbonaceous metapelites of the Skiddaw Group by andesite magmas of the Borrowdale Volcanic Group. The graphite mineralization occurred as the fluids migrated upwards through normal conjugate fractures forming the main subvertical pipe-like bodies. The mineralizing fluids evolved from CO2-CH4-H2O mixtures (XCO2 = 0.6-0.8) to CH4-H2O mixtures. Coevally with graphite deposition, the andesite and dioritic wall rocks adjacent to the veins were intensely hydrothermally altered to a propylitic assemblage. The initial graphite precipitation was probably triggered by the earliest hydration reactions in the volcanic host rocks. During the main mineralization stage, graphite precipitated along the pipe-like bodies due to CO2 → C + O2. This agrees with the isotopic data which indicate that the first graphite morphologies crystallizing from the fluid (cryptocrystalline aggregates) are isotopically lighter than those crystallizing later (flakes). Late chlorite-graphite veins were formed from CH4-enriched fluids following the reaction CH4 + O2 → C + 2H2O, producing the successive precipitation of isotopically lighter graphite morphologies. Thus, as mineralization proceeded, water-generating reactions were involved in graphite precipitation, further favouring the propylitic alteration. The structural features of the pipe-like mineralized bodies as well as the isotopic homogeneity of graphite suggest that the mineralization occurred in a very short period of time.  相似文献   

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