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气候变化背景下海平面上升、强台风和风暴潮对我国东南沿海地区的洪涝灾害影响日益严重,为应对气候变化的影响,本文以位于我国东南沿海的厦门地区为例,应用多种海洋大气观测资料和数理统计及模拟方法,分析了历史上9914号和1614号两次台风对厦门海域极端海面高度(极值水位)的影响,预估了未来海平面上升情景下厦门海域极值水位的变化及其危险性。结果表明:(1) 9914号台风期间,天文大潮、风暴增水和强降水的同时出现造成了厦门沿海地区超警戒极值水位(732 cm)的出现;(2) 风(向岸强风)、雨(强降水)、浪(巨浪)、潮(高潮位)、流(急流)等多致灾因子的共同作用是厦门沿海地区发生严重灾情的重要原因;(3) 在温室气体中等和高排放(RCP4.5和RCP8.5)情景下,到2050年(2100年),当前百年一遇的极值水位将分别变为30年(2年)一遇(RCP4.5)和25年(低于1年)一遇(RCP8.5)的频繁极端事件。这表明未来厦门沿海极值水位的危险性将显著上升,应采取充分的适应措施降低洪涝灾害风险。  相似文献   

渤海风暴潮概况及温带风暴潮数值模拟   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
分析研究表明,天津沿海是世界上风暴潮最频发区和最严重的区域之一,风暴潮灾一年四季均有发生,除夏季有台风风暴潮灾害发生外,春、秋、冬季均有灾害性温带风暴潮发生.采用球坐标系下的二维风暴潮模式,对1969年4月23日引起渤海最大温带风暴增水过程进行了数值模拟.对风场和增水过程的计算结果验证表明,该模式可用于温带风暴潮的工程计算,并且只要依据文中方法计算出预报气压场和风场,该模式也具有预报能力.  相似文献   

中国海和泰国湾海域海平面的经向涛动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李立 《海洋学报》2014,36(9):7-17
卫星高度计遥感海面高度距平资料(1992-2012年)的分析结果证实中国海(渤、黄、东海及南海)和泰国湾作为一个半封闭的狭长水域,其海平面存在显著的南北经向涛动。涛动呈现明显的季节性,冬季南高北低,夏季北高南低,以渤海和泰国湾的海平面高差作为涛动的测度,其多年平均波动幅度达63 cm,较差超过80 cm。时间序列分析显示,在季节尺度上这一涛动几乎完全受东亚季风的支配,表明东亚季风的局地强迫是造成季节涛动的主要原因。进一步的分析发现,除季节波动之外研究海域海平面的经向涛动还存在明显的年际变化。不过,与季节尺度的波动有所不同,经向涛动的年际变化不仅是东亚季风区局地作用的结果,而且与太平洋海盆尺度的大气强迫有关,其作用与季风在同一数量级。涛动的年际变化大致滞后各气候因子两个月。采用多输入线性模型做偏相关分析筛选的结果显示,除东亚季风指数之外,研究海域的海平面涛动指数主要与太平洋的南方涛动指数(SOI)和西太平洋遥相关指数(WP)相关。这表明外部强迫既来自热带,也来自中纬度。南方涛动所导致的赤道海域海平面的东西向年际涛动,以及中纬度西风急流年际波动对西北太平洋海平面的作用,都有可能导致研究海域海平面经向涛动的年际变化,其机制有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

Ocean surface waves are strongly forced by high wind conditions associated with winter storms in the Sea of Japan. They are also modulated by tides and storm surges. The effects of the variability in surface wind forcing, tides and storm surges on the waves are investigated using a wave model, a high-resolution atmospheric mesoscale model and a hydrodynamic ocean circulation model. Five month-long wave model simulations are inducted to examine the sensitivity of ocean waves to various wind forcing fields, tides and storm surges during January 1997. Compared with observed mean wave parameters, results indicate that the high frequency variability in the surface wind filed has very great effect on wave simulation. Tides and storm surges have a significant impact on the waves in nearshores of the Tsushima-kaihyō, but not for other regions in the Sea of Japan. High spatial and temporal resolution and good quality surface wind products will be crucial for the prediction of surface waves in the JES and other marginal seas, especially near the coastal regions.  相似文献   

热带气旋历史样本数不足一直困扰着风暴潮风险评估研究,本文基于西北太平洋62 a(1949-2010年)历史观测热带气旋事件集资料和用随机模拟方法构造的1000 a模拟热带气旋随机事件集,以福建省连江县为例,开展了资料长度对风暴潮灾害危险性评估结果的影响分析。文中用ADCIRC模型模拟了两种数据集强迫下的风暴潮增水,采用极值Ⅰ型分布法得到了典型重现期的风暴潮增水,经过对计算结果分析发现典型重现期的风暴潮增水计算结果与所用数据资料长度有着密切相关性,数据资料越长,结果越稳定。对于1000 a一遇的风暴潮增水值,使用500 a长度的资料已经趋于稳定,并接近用1000 a资料计算得到的结果。在进行风暴潮危险性评估时,相比用几十年尺度的热带气旋历史数据集,1000 a的热带气旋模拟数据集的计算结果更具实际意义。  相似文献   

风暴潮可能给沿海城市造成巨大破坏, 而深圳位于易受台风影响的南海北部沿岸, 经济和人口总量巨大, 但有关深圳近海风暴潮的研究工作却十分匮乏。本文基于区域海洋模式系统(regional ocean model system, ROMS)建立了一个以深圳近海为中心的三层嵌套模型, 用于研究深圳近海台风所致风暴潮的影响因素。首先对2018年台风“山竹”过境深圳导致的风暴潮进行模拟, 模拟结果与观测结果较为一致。在此基础上, 进行一系列参数调整试验, 研究台风登陆地点、登陆角度、台风尺度、台风强度以及移动速度的改变对风暴潮及其分布的影响。结果表明, 在深圳西边登陆的台风, 比在深圳东边登陆的台风产生的最大增水高1.5m左右。由东往西移动并登陆深圳的台风, 比由南向北移动的台风产生的最大增水高1.0m左右。台风最大风速半径增加15%, 最大增水上升0.2m左右。台风强度增强15%, 最大增水上升0.4m左右。台风移动速度总体上对风暴潮影响不大, 但不同登陆地点存在明显差异。当台风在深圳西边或者东边登陆时, 台风移动速度增加30%, 深圳沿海各海湾的最大增水反而上升0.2~0.6m。当台风从深圳中部登陆时, 台风移动速度增加30%, 珠江口的最大增水降低0.1m左右, 大鹏湾和大亚湾的最大增水却相反地上升0.2m左右, 不同海湾对台风移动速度呈现不同的变化特征, 与各海湾水体重新分布到稳定状态时间和台风作用时间有关。  相似文献   

Intensive hydrographic observations were carried out in the western part of the Gulf of Thailand and the east coastal sea of Peninsular Malaysia in September 1995 and April–May 1996. The characteristics of seasonal variation of oceanic condition in that area are discussed basis of an analysis of observed water temperature, salinity and density distributions in these cruises and NAGA cruises (Yanagi and Takao, 1998a). Stratification is most developed in March–May mainly due to large sea surface heating and weak sea surface wind, which weakened until September–October, vanishing in December–January. The horizontal distribution of bottom cold, saline and heavy water masses, which are found during the stratified season, is governed by the tidal mixing and the water depth. Water exchange between the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea becomes large in March–May due to a coupled effect of the intensified estuarine circulation and the Ekman transport by the southwest monsoon. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

选取了3个穿过台湾海峡的台风引起的台风风暴潮为算例,分别用SODA月平均流速资料做垂向平均后构建了台湾周边海域的大尺度背景环流场,利用国家海洋环境预报中心业务化的台风风暴潮模式对经过该海域的台风个例进行风暴潮数值模拟。将结果与验潮站潮位实测资料进行对比发现,在加入了背景流场后,能更好地模拟整个风暴潮过程,模拟结果更接近真实值,特别是对于原模式风暴增水峰值容易偏大的问题得到了改善,而且整体相对误差更小,提高了风暴潮模式的业务稳定性。  相似文献   

全球变暖引发的海平面上升将加剧风暴潮增水,进而危及沿海经济发展与社会安全保障。本文基于模型耦合与模型嵌套技术构建北部湾台风风暴潮数值模拟系统,以2012年台风"山神"为天气背景,通过设计7组情景模拟研究未来不同海平面上升背景下北部湾风暴潮增水变化。结果表明:风暴潮期间水位从南向北沿北部湾逐渐涌高,最高水位发生在广西沿岸,达2.4 m以上。天文潮和台风风场拖曳力是形成高水位的主要驱动力,其中天文大潮和最大风场拖曳力对最高水位的贡献率分别约占70%和30%。海平面上升对风暴潮增水的影响具有时空非线性和非均一性特征。其中,潮位波动和波-流耦合效应会改变实际最大增水发生时间,导致钦州湾附近高潮位大致提前1天半,海平面上升1.1 m使得最大风暴潮增水大致提前30 min;未来海平面上升0.66~1.1 m将导致北部湾大部分海域风暴潮增水幅度放大6%~10%,广西沿岸钦州湾和大风江河口出现负增加效应,可能与溺谷海湾地形特征有关。研究结果可为未来北部湾沿岸防御风暴潮灾害提供理论依据。  相似文献   

以秦皇岛、京唐港、曹妃甸、黄骅4个验潮站的实测潮位和逐时风的数据为基础,以2013年河北省政府发布的风暴潮四色警戒潮位值为标准,统计了2008—2017年10 a河北省沿海的风暴潮过程,从警报级别、区域分布、时间分布、天气系统、经济损失5个方面分析河北省沿海风暴潮特征,并从地形、天文潮与天气系统配合、海平面上升、全球变暖引发的气候异常4个方面分析了影响河北省沿海风暴潮的成因,分析得出:受天气系统的影响,7—10月是河北省风暴潮高发时段,且由于河北省岸线分布特点,沧州市沿海受到风暴潮影响的次数最多,唐山和秦皇岛次之,沧州和唐山地区的风暴潮过程多由东北向大风引起,而秦皇岛地区的风暴潮过程多由东南向风引起。  相似文献   

Clockwise phase propagation of semi-diurnal tides in the Gulf of Thailand   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The phase of semi-diurnal tides (M2 and S2) propagates clockwise in the central part of the Gulf of Thailand, although that of the diurnal tides (K1, O1 and P1) is counterclock-wise. The mechanism of clockwise phase propagation of semi-diurnal tides at the Gulf of Thailand in the northern hemisphere is examined using a simple numerical model. The natural oscillation period of the whole Gulf of Thailand is near the semi-diurnal period and the direction of its phase propagation is clockwise, mainly due to the propagation direction of the large amplitude part of the incoming semi-diurnal tidal wave from the South China Sea. A simplified basin model with bottom slope and Coriolis force well reproduces the co-tidal and co-range charts of M2 tide in the Gulf of Thailand.  相似文献   

Thai people have always been agricultural-based, although rainwater is not enough to sustain year-round agricultural practice. The first earth-filled dam was built across a valley near Sukhothai over 700 years ago. Now, there are six major multipurposed dam reservoirs, among which the largest is the Sri Nakarind (SN) built across the Kwae Yai River, the main branch of the Mae Klong River in the western part of Thailand. The first multipurposed dam reservoir built on the Chao Phraya (largest) River System is the Bhumibhol Dam on the Ping River. In this paper, the two Mae Klong River Dam Reservoirs and their biology and chemistry are discussed. Also investigated are the historical records of material fluxes to the Gulf of Thailand in down-core sediment profiles and in 40-year bands of coral, Porites lutea, taken from the Upper Gulf of Thailand near Si Chang Island. Sediment cores studied did not show clear decreases in the biogenic silica concentration in the Upper Gulf area after the building of dams. Part of the reasons might be the higher rate of dissolution of silica in tropical waters bioturbation of surface layers or the constant disturbance of the bottom sediment by fishermen using bottom trawls. The record in the coral bands seems to be more promising in reflecting the material flux change due to dam construction. An attempt to detect changes in diatom population with time due to the expected decrease in siliceous material discharge was not possible because there was a change from the use of 70 μm mesh size to 20 μm mesh size resulting in the increase of species and biomass, although the diatom percentage remained above 80% in all estuarine samples.  相似文献   

The effects of hurricane forward speed(V) and approach angle(θ) on storm surge are important and a systematic investigation covering possible and continuous ranges of these parameters has not been done before. Here we present such a study with a numerical experiment using the Finite Volume Community Ocean Model(FVCOM).The hurricane track is simplified as a straight line, such that V and θ fully define the motion of the hurricane. The maximum surge is contributed by both free waves and a forced storm surge wave moving with the hurricane.Among the free waves, Kelvin-type waves can only propagate in the down-coast direction. Simulations show that those waves can only have a significant positive storm surge when the hurricane velocity has a down-coast component. The optimal values of V and θ that maximize the storm surge in an idealized semi-circular ocean basin are functions of the bathymetry. For a constant bathymetry, the maximum surge occurs when the hurricane approaches the coast from the normal direction when the free wave generation is minimal; for a stepped bathymetry, the maximum surge occurs at a certain acute approach angle which maximizes the duration of persistent wind forcing; a step-like bathymetry with a sloped shelf is similar to the stepped bathymetry, with the added possibility of landfall resonance when the free and forced waves are moving at about the same velocity. For other cases, the storm surge is smaller, given other parameters(hurricane size, maximum wind speed, etc.)unchanged.  相似文献   

用三维水动力模型Ecomsed,在第四次IPCC评估报告SRES A1B气候情景下,分析21世纪海平面变化对东中国海风暴潮及沿岸脆弱性的影响。在A1B气候情景海平面变化影响下,对17个台风个例进行模拟。结果表明:受海平面变化影响风暴潮增减水出现大概10 cm的变化,风暴潮增水提前,风暴潮增水时段延长;台风强度越大,海平面变化对风暴潮增水强度的影响越明显。海平面变化对海岸带脆弱性具有很大影响,苏北浅滩及环渤海海岸带脆弱性将增强,校核水位在东中国海将会增大。  相似文献   

2006年夏季福建近海台风风暴潮特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许金电  郭小钢  黄奖 《台湾海峡》2011,30(4):473-482
根据2006年夏季福建沿岸4个海洋观测站和福建近海5个潜标水位观测站的水位观测资料,分析了在4个热带气旋影响下的福建近海风暴潮特征.结果表明:福建沿岸海域的台风风暴潮大小不完全取决于台风强弱,与大风半径关系密切.若台风大风区覆盖整个台湾海峡,福建沿岸海域增水都较大,比如0604号强热带风暴“碧利斯”的大风区较大,由其引起厦门海洋观测站的最大增水高度达114em.0608号超强台风“桑美”和0609号强热带风暴“宝霞”双台风的大风区都比较小,由其引起的各测站增水相对也较小,增水高度最大的厦门海洋观测站只有52em.比较福建近海潜标水位观测站及其附近的海洋观测站采用11点(11h)滑动平均后的最大增水可知,福建近海潜标观测站台风增水高度(22~46cm)比沿岸海洋观测站的台风增水高度(62—73em)小40%左右.这表明台风增水有个向岸堆积的过程,即测站离岸越远,台风增水高度就越小.位于热带气旋(0605号台风“格关”)行进路径右侧的测站增水较大(平潭海洋观测站极值增水高度为49em,崇武海洋观测站极值增水高度为55em),位于热带风暴行进路径左侧的测站增水较小(东山海洋观测站极值增水高度为45cm).通过对0604号强热带风暴“碧利斯”引起的各测站增水滤除高频振荡后,福建沿岸海洋观测站最大增水高度从大到小依次为崇武站(74orfl)、平潭站(73em)、厦门站(68om)、东山站(62cm),可见距离热带风暴中心越近(距离热带风暴中心从近到远依次为平潭、崇武、厦门、东山海洋观测站),增水高度越大,反之,增水高度越小.台湾海峡地形和福建沿岸海域地形容易出现双(多)增水峰现象.通过对各测站台风增水时间序列进行最大熵谱分析可知,热带气旋容易引起福建沿岸和近海各测站台风增水出现周期为12.0h的振荡.  相似文献   

渤海一年四季都易受到由温带风暴和热带气旋所致风暴潮的影响。为了缓解风暴潮灾害对海岸地区人员生命财产的影响,十分有必要了解大型风暴潮的发生过程和机制。目前大部分研究主要局限于单一的温带风暴潮或台风风暴潮。本文利用所构建的海气耦合数值模型研究了发生于渤海的两种类型的风暴潮,对发生在渤海的2次典型强风暴潮过程进行了模拟。由WRF模型模拟得到的风场强度和最低海平面气压与实测数据吻合较好,由ROMS模型模拟得到的风暴潮期间水位变化过程与潮位站观测结果也吻合较好。对两种类型风暴潮期间的风场结钩、海面风应力、海洋表面平均流场以及水位分布进行了分析对比,并将耦合模型结果与非耦合模型结果进行了对比。研究表明,渤海两种类型风暴潮期间的风场结钩、海面风应力、海洋表面平均流场以及水位分布等均存在巨大差异。渤海风暴潮的强度主要由海洋表面的驱动力所决定,但同时也受海岸地形地貌的影响。  相似文献   

本文基于ADCIRC构建适用于长江口的台风暴潮模型,对1979–2019年间长江口台风增水过程进行数值重构;结合非平稳广义极值分布和状态空间模型,构建适用于刻画长江口极端增水非平稳变化的频率统计模型,研判非平稳变化引起的极端增水量值调整情况。结果表明,长江口各验潮站处极端增水的非平稳广义极值分布时变位置参数在2008年前表现为波动特征,2008年后呈现逐渐增大趋势。2008–2019年间各验潮站处极端增水时变位置参数的线性上升率介于0.8~1.2 cm/a之间。基于上述变化趋势,考虑极端增水非平稳变化时长江口各验潮站处百年一遇增水均大于基于平稳假定的推算结果,二者差值介于8~15 cm之间。经分析,2008年后北上到长江口附近海域再转向外海的热带气旋强度有明显增强趋势,致使长江口各验潮站处年第二和第三大值增水增大,这是导致各验潮站处风暴增水极值分布位置参数出现趋势性增大的主要原因。  相似文献   

基于Delft3D模型建立了中国渤、黄海风暴潮数值模型,选取1979—2020年影响该海域的93场风暴过程(包括台风、寒潮和温带气旋),模拟了所产生的风暴增水和风暴潮总水位。采用泊松—皮尔逊复合极值分布理论,推算了渤、黄海对应不同重现期的极值水位;通过数值试验,对天文潮—风暴潮非线性相互作用对极值水位的贡献进行了量化分析。研究结果表明,渤海的莱州湾、渤海湾,以及黄海的江华湾、西朝鲜湾风暴增水最大,其中江华湾北侧和渤海湾西南侧的百年一遇风暴增水可达4 m;天文潮—风暴潮非线性相互作用在潮差较大、水深较浅的河口、湾顶区域更为显著,与耦合模型结果相比,非线性作用使极值水位值偏小,天文潮、风暴潮增水的线性叠加可显著高估极值水位,高估的幅值可达0.5~0.8 m。考虑重现期极值水位是海岸灾害防护工程的关键设计参数之一,对海岸构筑物的安全和建造成本影响极大,应重视天文潮—风暴潮非线性相互作用对重现期水位的影响。  相似文献   

Although plankton bloom incidents in the upper Gulf of Thailand (UGoT) have been reported, no dynamic investigation of the phenomenon has been conducted. To address this need, a simple pelagic ecosystem model coupled with the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) was employed to investigate seasonal variations in surface chlorophyll-a (chl-a) distributions to clarify phytoplankton dynamics in this area. The results revealed patterns of seasonal chl-a distribution that correspond to local wind, water movement and river discharge. High chl-a patchiness was found to be concentrated near the western coast following westward circulation near the northern coast developed during the northeast monsoon. During the southwest monsoon high concentrations were observed around the northeastern coast due to eastward flow. The simulated results could explain the seasonal shifting of phytoplankton blooms, which typically arise along the western and eastern coasts during the northeast and the southwest monsoons, respectively. Sensitivity analyses of simulated chl-a distributions demonstrate that water stability, including wind-induced vertical currents and mixing, plays significant roles in controlling phytoplankton growth. Nutrients in the water column will not stimulate strong plankton blooms unless upwelling develops or vertical diffusivity is low. This finding suggests an alternative aspect of the mechanism of phytoplankton bloom in this region.  相似文献   

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