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The SIBERIA landscape evolution model was used to simulate the geomorphic development of the Tin Camp Creek natural catchment over geological time. Measured hydrology, erosion and geomorphic data were used to calibrate the SIBERIA model, which was then used to make independent predictions of the landform geomorphology of the study site. The catchment, located in the Northern Territory, Australia is relatively untouched by Europeans so the hydrological and erosion processes that shaped the area can be assumed to be the same today as they have been in the past, subject to the caveats regarding long‐term climate fluctuation. A qualitative, or visual comparison between the natural and simulated catchments indicates that SIBERIA can match hillslope length and hillslope profile of the natural catchments. A comparison of geomorphic and hydrological statistics such as the hypsometric curve, width function, cumulative area distribution and area–slope relationship indicates that SIBERIA can model the geomorphology of the selected Tin Camp Creek catchments. Copyright 2002 © Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist, Commonwealth of Australia.  相似文献   

SIBERIA is a physically based model for the geomorphic evolution of landforms. It is essential that the SIBERIA model be tested or validated against controlled landform development. Previous studies have demonstrated that SIBERIA is able to simulate declining equilibrium landforms and in this paper we examine SIBERIA's ability to simulate landforms as they evolve to their declining equilibrium form. These landscapes are termed transient landforms. Landscapes generated by SIBERIA were compared to those produced by a physical model (experimental model landforms) at stages of evolution. Comparison of the experimental landscapes with the simulated landscapes using total mass, hypsometric curve, width function, cumulative area distribution and area–slope demonstrate that SIBERIA can simulate the experimental model landscape during development (i.e. transient landscapes). Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Modelling landscape evolution   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Geomorphology is currently in a period of resurgence as we seek to explain the diversity, origins and dynamics of terrain on the Earth and other planets in an era of increased environmental awareness. Yet there is a great deal we still do not know about the physics and chemistry of the processes that weaken rock and transport mass across a planet's surface. Discovering and refining the relevant geomorphic transport functions requires a combination of careful field measurements, lab experiments, and use of longer‐term natural experiments to test current theory and develop new understandings. Landscape evolution models have an important role to play in sharpening our thinking, guiding us toward the right observables, and mapping out the logical consequences of transport laws, both alone and in combination with other salient processes. Improved quantitative characterization of terrain and process, and an ever‐improving theory that describes the continual modification of topography by the many and varied processes that shape it, together with improved observation and qualitative and quantitative modelling of geology, vegetation and erosion processes, will provide insights into the mechanisms that control catchment form and function. This paper reviews landscape theory – in the form of numerical models of drainage basin evolution and the current knowledge gaps and future computing challenges that exist. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nature can provide analogues for post‐mining landscapes in terms of landscape stability and also in terms of the rehabilitated structure ‘blending in’ with the surrounding undisturbed landscape. In soil‐mantled landscapes, hillslopes typically have a characteristic pro?le that has a convex upper hillslope pro?le with a concave pro?le lower down the slope. In this paper hillslope characteristic form is derived using the area–slope relationship from pre‐mining topography at two sites in Western Australia. Using this relationship, concave hillslope pro?les are constructed and compared to linear hillslopes in terms of sediment loss using the SIBERIA erosion model. It is found that concave hillslopes can reduce sediment loss by up to ?ve times that of linear slopes. Concave slopes can therefore provide an alternative method for the construction of post‐mining landscapes. An understanding of landscape geomorphological properties and the use of erosion models can greatly assist in the design of post‐mining landscapes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The variability of hillslope form and function is examined experimentally using a simple model catchment in which most landscape development parameters are either known or controlled. It is demonstrated that there is considerable variability in sediment output from similar catchments, subjected to the same hydrological processes, and for which the initial hillslope profiles are the same. The results demonstrate that, in the case of catchments with a linear initial hillslope profile, the sediment output is initially high but reduces through time, whereas for a concave initial profile the sediment output was smaller and relatively constant. Concave hillslope profiles also displayed reduced sediment output when compared with linear slopes with the same overall slope. Using this experimental model catchment data, the SIBERIA landscape evolution model was tested for its ability to predict temporal sediment transport. When calibrated for the rainfall and erodible material, SIBERIA is able to simulate mean temporal sediment output for the experimental catchment over a range of hillslope profiles and rainfall intensities. SIBERIA is also able to match the hillslope profile of the experimental catchments. The results of the study provide confidence in the ability of SIBERIA to predict temporal sediment output. The experimental and modelling data also demonstrate that, even with all geomorphic and hydrological variables being known and/or controlled, there is still a need for long‐term stream gauging to obtain reliable assessments of field catchment hydrology and sediment transport. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Automated digital photogrammetry was used to produce digital elevation models of experimental model landscapes under controlled laboratory conditions as part of a series of rainfall erosion experiments looking at the evolution of landforms in response to erosion. The method allowed the elevations of the experimental landscapes to be studied in great detail on a regular grid digital terrain map with relatively very little effort. Digital photogrammetry produced elevation data at a resolution of 6 mm with a standard deviation of 2·0 mm over an experimental catchment relief of approximately 200 mm; this resolution is considerably better than that achievable by conventional manual photogrammetry. The density of grid points was sufficiently high that small‐scale details such as knickpoints developing in channels were represented. The method can facilitate the study of both experimental and natural landscapes in great detail. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Landscape evolution models provide a way to determine erosion rates and landscape stability over times scales from tens to thousands of years. The SIBERIA and CAESAR landscape evolution models both have the capability to simulate catchment–wide erosion and deposition over these time scales. They are both cellular, operate over a digital elevation model of the landscape, and represent fluvial and slope processes. However, they were initially developed to solve research questions at different time and space scales and subsequently the perspective, detail and process representation vary considerably between the models. Notably, CAESAR simulates individual events with a greater emphasis on fluvial processes whereas SIBERIA averages erosion rates across annual time scales. This paper describes how both models are applied to Tin Camp Creek, Northern Territory, Australia, where soil erosion rates have been closely monitored over the last 10 years. Results simulating 10 000 years of erosion are similar, yet also pick up subtle differences that indicate the relative strengths and weaknesses of the two models. The results from both the SIBERIA and CAESAR models compare well with independent field data determined for the site over different time scales. Representative hillslope cross‐sections are very similar between the models. Geomorphologically there was little difference between the modelled catchments after 1000 years but significant differences were revealed at longer simulation times. Importantly, both models show that they are sensitive to input parameters and that hydrology and erosion parameter derivation has long‐term implications for sediment transport prediction. Therefore selection of input parameters is critical. This study also provides a good example of how different models may be better suited to different applications or research questions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Commonwealth of Australia  相似文献   

The current generation of landscape evolution models use a digital elevation model for landscape representation. These programs also contain a hydrological model that defines overland flow with the drainage network routed to an outlet. One of the issues with landscape evolution modelling is the hydrological correctness of the digital elevation model used for the simulations. Despite the wide use and increased quality of digital elevation models, data pits and depressions in the elevation data are a common feature and their removal will remain a necessary step for many data sets. This study examines whether a digital elevation model can be hydrologically correct (i.e. all depressions removed so that all water can run downslope) before use in a landscape evolution model and what effect depression removal has on long‐term geomorphology and hydrology. The impact on sediment transport rates is also examined. The study was conducted using a field catchment and a proposed landform for a post‐mining landscape. The results show that there is little difference in catchment geomorphology and hydrology for the non‐depression removed and depression removed data sets. The non‐depression removed and depression removed digital elevation models were also evaluated as input to a landscape evolution model for a 50 000 year simulation period. The results show that after 1000 years there is little difference between the data sets, although sediment transport rates did vary considerably early on in the simulation. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

G. R. Hancock  K. G. Evans 《水文研究》2006,20(14):2935-2951
Gullying is a significant process in the long‐term dynamics and evolution of both natural and rehabilitated (i.e. post‐mining) landscapes. From a landscape management perspective it is important that we understand gully initiation and development, as it is well recognized that catchment disturbance can result in the development of gullies that can be very difficult to rehabilitate. This study examines gully position using geomorphic statistics relating to features such as depth, width and length in a catchment undisturbed by European activity in the Northern Territory, Australia. The results demonstrate that gullying occurs throughout the catchment and that a slope–area threshold does not exist and that gully position broadly follows the catchment area–slope relationship. Simple relationships relating catchment area and slope to gully depth, width and length provide poor results, despite these relationships having been found to apply for ephemeral gullies in cropland. The results suggest that gully initiation thresholds are low as a result of an enhanced fire regime. A threshold model for gully position that uses catchment area and slope to switch between gully and hillslope was evaluated and found broadly to capture gully position. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigated a small‐scale laboratory model of a talus slope evolution. Five different size classes of basaltic rock were selected and marked with different colours. Homogenized mixtures of grains of different sizes were dropped from a fixed height onto a tilted experimental board covered with a loose granular layer. This was conducted in a series of regular sequences, and the resulting distribution on the board was studied after each sequence. At the beginning of the experiment, the grains developed a longitudinal gradation similar to natural talus slopes, where small grains settle at the top while the large ones roll down to the distal part. However, after a transient period dominated by single‐particle dynamics on the inert granular medium, the evolution proved to be more variable than expected. Due to the continuous shower of falling grains, the shear stress at the bottom of the upper granular layer increased. This resulted initially in a slow creep down slope that finally collapsed in large avalanches homogenizing the material. The slides occurred at the boundary between a weaker layer created by migration of small grains through the interstices, and marked by a vertical transition between small and large grains. We compare the experimental findings with observations from natural talus slopes, and suggest that similar experiments may be helpful in understanding the evolution of taluses. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An experimental landscape simulator has been developed which uses a rainfall simulator to create overland flow and erosion. The simulator uses rainfall sprinklers that eliminate rainsplash and an artificial soil which has little cohesion. Experimental landscapes developed in the simulator evolved according to Howard's headward growth model. Elements of Glock's model could be identified during evolution (i.e. initiation and maximum extension), but other stages of this model were not observed (i.e. extension and integration). The Horton concept of cross‐grading and micropiracy and stream piracy was not observed despite the dominance of overland flow, nor the groundwater headward growth mechanism proposed by Dunne, the latter due to experimental design, which eliminated any perched groundwater table. The experimental apparatus produced model landscapes that are scaled‐down analogues of real world processes. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

C. Valeo  S. M. A. Moin 《水文研究》2000,14(14):2505-2525
The impact of grid‐cell size on calibrated parameters and on the performance of a variable source area model intended for urbanizing catchments is studied in this research. The model uses TOPMODEL concepts that were modified to consider urban areas in both the topographic index and the mechanism of surface runoff generation. The revised model known as TOPURBAN, was applied to a small catchment of roughly 8 km2 in southern Ontario. Ten different grid‐cell sizes ranging from 10 m to 100 m were selected to study scale effects in this catchment with mild to moderate relief, on three separate time periods. The model performed adequately with calibration efficiencies for all three time periods in the range of 0\65 to 0\85. The verification efficiencies were not as high and ranged from 0\4 to 0\6. Larger cell sizes produced higher averages of topographic index, and this resulted in larger calibrated transmissivities. The most important parameter in determining the quantity of urban runoff was slightly affected by grid resolution. During the calibration process, this parameter was also found to interact with important parameters that dealt primarily with rural runoff generation. As cell size increased, contributions from urban areas increased and overland flow contributions from rural areas decreased. Results showed that in this integrated model of urban and rural areas, predicted processes based on calibrated parameters were dependent on grid resolution. Calibration of internal state variables is recommended to draw conclusions on the influences between urban and rural areas on the overall flow. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Earth's topography is shaped by surface processes that operate on various scales. In particular, river processes control landscape dynamics over large length scales, whereas hillslope processes control the dynamics over smaller length scales. This scale separation challenges numerical treatments of landscape evolution that use space discretization. Large grid spacing cannot account for the dynamics of water divides that control drainage area competition, and erosion rate and slope distribution. Small grid spacing that properly accounts for divide dynamics is computationally inefficient when studying large domains. Here we propose a new approach for landscape evolution modeling that couples irregular grid‐based numerical solutions for the large‐scale fluvial dynamics and continuum‐based analytical solutions for the small‐scale fluvial and hillslope dynamics. The new approach is implemented in the landscape evolution model DAC (divide and capture). The geometrical and topological characteristics of DAC's landscapes show compatibility with those of natural landscapes. A comparative study shows that, even with large grid spacing, DAC predictions fit well an analytical solution for divide migration in the presence of horizontal advection of topography. In addition, DAC is used to study some outstanding problems in landscape evolution. (i) The time to steady‐state is investigated and simulations show that steady‐state requires much more time to achieve than predicted by fixed area calculations, due to divides migration and persistent reorganization of low‐order streams. (ii) Large‐scale stream captures in a strike‐slip environment are studied and show a distinct pattern of erosion rates that can be used to identify recent capture events. (iii) Three tectono‐climatic mechanisms that can lead to asymmetric mountains are studied. Each of the mechanisms produces a distinct morphology and erosion rate distribution. Application to the Southern Alps of New Zealand suggests that tectonic advection, precipitation gradients and non‐uniform tectonic uplift act together to shape the first‐order topography of this mountain range. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ressi is a small (2.4 ha) forested catchment located in the Italian pre-Alps. The site became an experimental catchment to investigate the water fluxes in the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum and the impact of vegetation on runoff generation in 2012. The elevation of the catchment ranges from 598 to 721 m a.s.l. and the climate is humid temperate. The bedrock consists of rhyolites and dacites; the soil is a Cambisol. The catchment is covered by a dense forest, dominated by beech, chestnut, maple, and hazel trees. The field set up includes measurements of the rainfall in an open area, streamflow at the outlet, soil moisture at various depths and locations, and depth to water table in six piezometers at a 5- or 10-min interval. Samples of precipitation, stream water, shallow groundwater and soil water are collected monthly for tracer analysis (stable isotopes (2H and 18O), electrical conductivity and major ions), and during selected rainfall–runoff events to determine the contribution of the various sources to runoff. Since 2017, soil and plant water samples have been collected to determine the sources of tree transpiration. Data collected in the period 2012–2016 are publicly available. Data collection is ongoing, and the data set is expected to be updated on an annual basis to include the most recent measurements.  相似文献   

Numerous field surveys have provided quantitative information on the characteristics of talus deposits. Much less has been done to quantify the basic dynamics processes of blocks involved in talus evolution. In this work, we perform a set of experiments at the reduced scale of some metres using an inclined board covered with a loose granular medium. The complexity of the processes forming a talus is simplified by studying the interaction of only two kinds of grain sizes at a time. Grains of one class size are dropped from a fixed height onto the board covered by a layer of grains of a different class size, and their final distribution is recorded. We find that when small grains fall on large grains, the granular abundance decreases rapidly as a function of the distance from the fall point, which is explained by the effect of multiple bouncing on the irregular surface. In contrast, large grains falling on a bed of smaller grains lose much more energy at impact. They may stop at once, or roll down slope, often reaching the whole board length; as a consequence, their abundance peaks in the fall zone and at the change of slope. Experiments also show that grains travel longer with increasing fall height and sloping angle. The results clarify in a physical manner one mechanism that might explain why large blocks are typically found in the distal part of a talus slope, while smaller blocks remain near the fall zone. Based on these and previous experiments, a schematic view of talus evolution is discussed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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