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中太平洋CP25岩心沉积物中钙十字沸石、蒙脱石/伊利石比值(M/I)、稀土元素含量、铈异常(δCe)、铕异常(δEu)及Sr、Nd同位素特征作为海底火山活动的证据,揭示了中太平洋海盆晚新生代以来火山活动和沉积的历史。其结果是,早中新世约20~17MaB.P.间,火山活动逐渐强烈,在17MaB.P.最强烈,使得沉积物具有高M/I和∈Nd、低δCe和87Sr/86Sr。17~1MaB.P.发生沉积间断。1MaB.P.至现代,火山活动较早中新世减弱  相似文献   

To understand the source and nature of the ore-forming fluids of the Edmond hydrothermal field on the Central Indian Ridge, we studied the He-Ar isotope composition and fluid inclusions of the hydrothermal precipitates.Our results show that the sulfide samples contain noble gases He, Ne, Kr, and Xe with their abundances in between those of air-saturated water(ASW) and mid-ocean ridge basalt(MORB). The ~3He/~4He ratio varies from1.3 to 8.7 R_a(n=10, average: 5.1 R_a), whereas the ~(40)Ar/~(36) Ar ratio is from 285.3 to 314.7(n=10, average: 294.8). These results suggest that the He was derived from a mixture of MORB with variable amounts of seawater, but the Ar in the ore-forming fluids trapped in the sulfides is predominantly derived from seawater. The fluid inclusions of barite have a wide range of homogenization temperatures and salinities varying from 163°C to 260°C and 2.6 wt%to 8.5 wt% Na Cl equiv., respectively. It is suggested that the ore-forming fluids were produced by phase separation, which agreed with the present-day vent fluid study.  相似文献   

对取自西菲律宾海暖池北缘的Ph05—5岩芯进行了钙质超微化石和有孔虫研究。在利用氧同位素曲线对比和AMS^14C数据进行地层划分的基础上,依据超微化石和有孔虫及其同位素组成等指标,分析了近190 ka B.P以来区域生产力和上层海水结构的演变特征,探讨了其控制因素和所指示的古海洋学意义。钙质超微化石下透光带属种Florisphaera profunda百分含量和基于浮游有孔虫转换函数的温跃层深度变化表明,Ph05—5岩芯所在的热带西太平洋暖池北缘约190kaB.P.以来,营养跃层和温跃层冰期(MIS 6期和5d-2期)浅,间冰期(MIS5e)和全新世深,而MIS5e期是最近两个冰期旋回中营养跃层和温跃层深度最深时期。通过Fprofunda百分含量初级生产力转换方程计算结果和与钙质超微化石绝对丰度的变化显示,冰期初级生产力高,间冰期和全新世初级生产力低,MIS5e期初级生产力为末两次冰期旋回之最低。此外,Ph05—5岩芯△δ^13Cc.wullerstorfi-coccolith和△6δ^12Cc.wullerstorfi-N.dutertrei.差值变化显示,190ka B.P以来表层输出生产力冰期高,间冰期低,其中最为突出的特征也是MIS5e期为生产力输出的最低值期。上层海水结构和生产力的上述变化特征与现代La Nina事件暴发时的海洋环境相当类似,该海区MIS5e期可能是LaNina事件频繁爆发的一段时期,可以与现代LaNina现象类比。同时,根据Wyrtki提出的信风张弛理论推测MIS5e期,由于LaNina事件的频繁暴发黑潮主流应该是增强的。  相似文献   

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